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O congresso do Panamá e o direito internacional na América Latina / The Congress of Panama and the international law in Latin AmericaElen de Paula Bueno 02 May 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende investigar as origens do Direito Internacional na América Latina, tendo como berço as construções jurídicas inauguradas no Congresso do Panamá, em 1826. Embora parte da literatura considere a Primeira Conferência Pan-americana, realizada em Washington, no ano de 1889, como o marco inicial do sistema jurídico internacional na América, mostraremos que o Congresso do Panamá lançou bases para a construção e fortalecimento do Direito Internacional Regional e consagrou princípios relevantes hodiernamente considerados como pilares da Ordem Jurídica Internacional. Nesse sentido, o objeto de estudo concentrar-se-á na construção jurídica e na codificação de um Direito Internacional na América Latina que tem como foco o Congresso do Panamá, expressão máxima da atuação internacional dos Estados recém-formados da América Latina. / This research aims to investigate the origins of International Law in Latin America, cradled legal arrangements inaugurated by the Congress of Panama in 1826. Although part of the literature considers the First Pan-American Conference in Washington, in 1889, as the beginning of the international legal system in America, we will show that the Congress of Panama launched bases for building and strengthening of international law and established relevant principles, nowadays considered as pillars of the International Legal Order. Accordingly, the object of study will focus on the legal construction and codification of a International Law in Latin America that focuses the Congress of Panama, maximum expression of the international performance of the newly formed States of Latin American region.
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O congresso do Panamá e o direito internacional na América Latina / The Congress of Panama and the international law in Latin AmericaBueno, Elen de Paula 02 May 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende investigar as origens do Direito Internacional na América Latina, tendo como berço as construções jurídicas inauguradas no Congresso do Panamá, em 1826. Embora parte da literatura considere a Primeira Conferência Pan-americana, realizada em Washington, no ano de 1889, como o marco inicial do sistema jurídico internacional na América, mostraremos que o Congresso do Panamá lançou bases para a construção e fortalecimento do Direito Internacional Regional e consagrou princípios relevantes hodiernamente considerados como pilares da Ordem Jurídica Internacional. Nesse sentido, o objeto de estudo concentrar-se-á na construção jurídica e na codificação de um Direito Internacional na América Latina que tem como foco o Congresso do Panamá, expressão máxima da atuação internacional dos Estados recém-formados da América Latina. / This research aims to investigate the origins of International Law in Latin America, cradled legal arrangements inaugurated by the Congress of Panama in 1826. Although part of the literature considers the First Pan-American Conference in Washington, in 1889, as the beginning of the international legal system in America, we will show that the Congress of Panama launched bases for building and strengthening of international law and established relevant principles, nowadays considered as pillars of the International Legal Order. Accordingly, the object of study will focus on the legal construction and codification of a International Law in Latin America that focuses the Congress of Panama, maximum expression of the international performance of the newly formed States of Latin American region.
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O labirinto da colonização: México, território e \'destino manifesto\' / The labyrinth of colonization: Mexico, territory and Manifest destinyBarros, Mateus de Sá Barreto 14 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho constitui uma análise focada nas ações do Estado frente aos povos originários/camponeses e à sociedade mexicana como um todo, devido à redefinição do processo de colonização no sul-sudeste do México, região com maior concentração dos povos originários/camponeses. O ano de 2014 foi, para os mexicanos, de grandes mudanças, pelo advento das reformas na constituição empreendidas pelo governo de Enrique Peña Nieto, as Reformas Estruturais. Em 2016, o presidente mexicano já havia efetivado onze reformas. O que chamou mais atenção foi o fato de a população mexicana, de modo geral, pesquisadores e estudantes, mais especificamente, espantarem-se com a insistência na Integração Física, haja vista acreditarem que tal projeto havia sido interrompido pelo grande número de protestos e a crise de 2008/2010. A mídia, antes interessada, não mencionava nada a respeito, mas o processo de integração continuava a todo vapor. A análise documental do projeto de Integração Física Regional e seus desdobramentos atuais configura-se como o objetivo maior do presente trabalho. Os estudiosos utilizados estão sob a égide do materialismo histórico marxiano que, afinal, é, reconhecidamente entendido pelo próprio Marx, o mais importante a ser considerado em suas produções o que diferencia o decolonialismo do realizado pelos pensadores europeus é pôr a América Latina no centro do mapa, elucidando como o continente foi forjado, geográfica e filosoficamente e como os conceitos aqui elaborados serviram para a expansão das relações imperialistas do capitalismo, especialmente, o conceito de raça. Assim, buscou-se evidenciar como os conceitos (espaço e tempo) foram apropriados pela Europa para a constituição do continente latino-americano, para a partir disto pensar o continente na conformação do sistemamundo- capitalista, ou melhor, a reprodução das relações imperialistas. Explicou-se as relações interamericanas atuais a partir da história, pois ao contrário do que se imagina é de longa data, remete-se ao século XIX. Além disso, evidenciou-se o posicionamento do México a partir da mudança de eixo da Europa para os Estados Unidos no pós-guerra até a adesão ao Tratado de Livre Comércio do Norte. Por fim, dedicou-se à análise do projeto de Integração Física Regional, prioritariamente, a participação do México, a sua liderança frente ao Plan Puebla Panamá, as consequências para a sociedade. O intuito é situar o Plano, por isso, fez-se um levantamento histórico, além de analisar o Capítulo México, Documento Base e abordar a organização indígena e campesina, as lutas empreendidas contra o Plano e a íntima conexão existente entre as relações internacionais e as dinâmicas internas da sociedade mexicana. / This work constitutes an analysis focused on the actions of the State towards native / peasant peoples and Mexican society as a whole, due to the redefinition of the colonization process in the south-southeast of Mexico, a region with a greater concentration of native / peasant peoples. The year of 2014 was, for the Mexicans, of great changes, by the advent of the reforms in the constitution undertaken by the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, the \"Structural Reforms\". By 2016, the Mexican president had already effected eleven reforms. What attracted the most attention was the fact that the Mexican population, in general, researchers and students, more specifically, are surprised by the insistence on Physical Integration, since they believe that this project had been interrupted by the great number of protests and the Crisis of 2008/2010. The media, once interested, did not mention anything about it, but the process of integration continued in full swing. The documentary analysis of the Regional Physical Integration project and its current developments is the main goal of this study. The scholars used are under the aegis of Marxian historical materialism - which, after all, is, admittedly understood by Marx himself, the most important to be considered in his productions - what differentiates decolonialism from that realized by the European thinkers is to put Latin America in the Center of the map, elucidating how the continent was forged, geographically and philosophically and how the concepts elaborated here served to expand the imperialist relations of capitalism, especially the concept of race. Thus, it was tried to show how the concepts (space and time) were appropriated by Europe for the constitution of the Latin American continent, from this to think the continent in the conformation of the world-capitalist system, or rather, the reproduction of relations Imperialists. The current inter-American relations have been explained from history, since contrary to what one imagines is a long time, it refers to the nineteenth century. In addition, Mexico\'s positioning was evident from the shift from Europe to the United States in the postwar period until accession to the North Free Trade Agreement. Finally, he focused on the analysis of the Regional Physical Integration project, primarily the participation of Mexico, its leadership in relation to the Plan Puebla Panama, the consequences for society. The intention is to situate the Plan, so a historical survey was made, besides analyzing the Mexico Chapter, Base Document and addressing the indigenous and peasant organization, the struggles against the Plan and the close connection between international relations and the internal dynamics of Mexican society.
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Ekonomická diplomacie jako nástroj v bilaterálních vztazích - případová studie Tchaj-wan / Economic Diplomacy as a Tool in Bilateral Relations - a Case Study of TaiwanStehlíková, Libuše January 2009 (has links)
Due to the special international status of Taiwan the area of economic cooperation represents one of the most important components of the country's foreign policy. Economic diplomacy is one of the major tools to promote the economic interests of a state in international relations. First, the paper discusses the theoretical definition of economic diplomacy and the changes in approach to foreign relations in Taiwan. Further, it characterizes the institutional system of Taiwan's economic diplomacy. Based on the comparison of Taiwan's bilateral relations with a diplomatic ally and with a country without diplomatic relations, it is examined whether the form or the content of mutual relations is more important in order to achieve the economic diplomacy's objectives.
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Project Manager Strategies to Improve the Delivery of Construction ProjectsCrespo, Luis Gaspar 01 January 2018 (has links)
The return on investment of construction organizations is at risk because construction managers fail to execute projects efficiently. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that construction managers used to deliver projects efficiently. The selected population was 10 construction managers from a single construction organization operating in Panama. The conceptual framework for this study was the McKinsey 7S. Data were collected using semistructured interviews, observations, and a review of public documents. Collected data were compiled, disassembled, reassembled, interpreted, and then conclusions were reached, as noted in Yin's 5-step analysis. Themes that emerged from the study included project experience, communication, collaboration, and resource management. Construction managers noted that the review of needed project experience in alignment with the complexity of the project is a strategy to deliver projects efficiently. Leaders of construction organizations can increase strategic performance by implementing collaboration and leadership programs in accordance with the business objectives. By improving labor productivity, construction companies can complete construction projects faster and with lower construction costs. The findings of this study could contribute to positive social change by providing communication and collaboration strategies between construction organizations and local communities to source local staff and resources. Construction managers might benefit from the findings of this study by increasing their project management skills, an effect that could result in long-term employability.
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Lanzamiento Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diet HA (Hypoallergenic)Cordón, Morelia, Rosas, Andrea 12 1900 (has links)
Andrea Rosas [Parte II] / PURINA® es una compañía que cuenta con una trayectoria de 51 años. A lo largo de los años ha continuado completando su portfolio de alimentos balanceados desarrollando nuevos productos de alta calidad.
La misión de Nestlé Purina es “ser la empresa fabricante de alimento para mascotas más popular y confiable del mundo”, y su visión es “Enriquecer la vida de las mascotas y la de las personas que las aman”
En Panamá existen varios competidores dentro de la industria de mascotas, aproximadamente son más de 50 fabricantes de alimento balanceado, para los cuales se encuentran más de 100 marcas de productos tanto para perro como para gato. La cobertura calórica para la categoría de alimento balanceado en Panamá, se encuentra en un 49.5% para perros y 52% para gatos.
Nuevas Tendencias indican que los consumidores acuden cada vez más a Veterinarias como su principal opción para la elección de sus alimentos.
Dentro de la categoría de mascotas se puede observar una amplia competencia entre un rival y otro, en Panamá el principal competidor es Royal Canin, quien cuenta con un gran porcentaje de médicos veterinarios que lo tienen dentro de su top of mind, y es su principal opción en recomendación. Los usuarios lo seleccionan no solo por las dietas terapéuticas con las que cuenta la marca, sino también por su portafolio de dietas regulares.
El posicionamiento que se muestra dentro de este trabajo, habla sobre las marcas principales del mercado, Royal Canin, Eukanuba y Science Diet, y muestra dos diferentes puntos de vista realizados con 2 tipos de análisis:
a. Análisis de posicionamiento de correspondencia
b. Análisis de posicionamiento factorial
El Posicionamiento de correspondencia respecto a la opinión de los veterinarios, muestra que Royal Canin se diferencia en su mayoría por la variedad, e innovación que presenta en sus productos y la recomendación que el veterinario realiza hacia esta marca.
El posicionamiento respecto a la visión del consumidor, muestra que los consumidores prefieren marcas como Royal Canin por la eficacia que muestra el producto ante la recomendación por parte de los veterinarios.Para este trabajo se ha utilizado la segmentación que realizó Purina dentro de sus investigaciones, la misma que presenta tres (3) principales Segmentos de Consumidores, Los desinteresados, Los Cuidadores y Los Exigentes, siendo Los Exigentes los consumidores en los que nos enfocaremos en el trabajo. Así mismo existen diferentes tipos de veterinarios, Los Estratégicos, Los Potenciales y Los Tácticos, siendo los médicos Estratégicos, a quienes se les destinarán mayores recursos.
El trabajo se centra en maximizar las oportunidades y fortalezas, y atacar las amenazas y debilidades que presenta el canal y la marca, con una propuesta de valor sólida y un producto ganador, siendo la propuesta de valor un producto que elimina las reacciones alérgicas en los perros debido a que cuenta con una fuente proteína hidrolizada. Es un producto creado por veterinarios y expertos, con fórmulas basadas en la ciencia y eficacia probada que ayuda a los perros con padecimientos de alergias alimentarias.
La estrategia de Marketing se centra en:
Lograr al final del primer semestre de su lanzamiento, que el 100% de médicos veterinarios conozcan que Pro Plan® ya cuenta con dietas veterinarias que ayudan a eliminar reacciones alérgicas en los perros: Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA
Lograr que al final del primer año de su lanzamiento, el 80% de los médicos veterinarios ESTRATÉGICOS, mencionen a Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA dentro del top 3 de marcas que recomiendan para eliminar reacciones alérgicas en perros
Incrementar, después del final del primer semestre, un 15% de aumento trimestralmente en las ventas de Pro Plan Veterinary Diet HA. Utilizando una estrategia de marketing relacional con la visita médica y campaña de marketing y trade para el producto
Lograr al final del primer trimestre del lanzamiento una mejora en el desempeño de nuestras redes sociales: 10% incremento de seguidores en el fanpage (@ProPlanPty), 10% incremento del tránsito en el webside (www.proplan.com.pa) y por arriba del 2% en tasa de engagement
Incrementar, después del final del primer semestre, un 15% de aumento trimestralmente en las ventas de Pro Plan Veterinary Diet HA
En cuanto al marketing mix
El producto: Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA (Hypoallergenic) ®, brinda a las mascotas una solución con beneficios diferenciados vrs otras marcas, ya que es una dieta clínica para el
diagnóstico y el soporte nutricional de las alergias e intolerancias alimentarias en perros de todas las edades, con beneficios claros de proteína hidrolizada, fuente única de carbohidratos, un buen nivel de ácidos grasos omega 3 y un alto nivel de palatabilidad.
El precio se basa en ingresar el producto de dietas veterinarias con el mismo precio al que se encuentre su principal competidor con la misma dieta, tomando en cuenta siempre estar un 30% por encima de las dietas regulares o de mantenimiento más especializadas de Purina Pro Plan.
La plaza se basa en tener disponibilidad exclusivamente en Clínicas veterinarias, tomando como bs las 85 clínicas veterinarias en donde ya se distribuye Purina Pro Plan dietas de mantenimiento.
La promoción se basa en que Purina Pro Plan Veterinay Diets HA, estará dirigida a dos tipos de target, consumidores y veterinarios, en donde se transmitirán diferentes mensajes de comunicación para ofrecer el producto, así como promociones para cada target.
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GamersplaceVargas, Daysi, Castro, Alfredo 04 1900 (has links)
Alfredo Castro [Parte II / GamersPlace es una oportunidad de negocios que consiste en establecer un LAN Gaming
Café en la ciudad de Panamá, país con una población que ha demostrado tener una alta
afinidad por la tecnología, un 77.4% de la población panameña tiene un interés tanto por la
ciencia como por la tecnología (SENACYT, 2010).
El estudio de mercado realizado para esta oportunidad de negocios mostró que el 62.1% de
las personas encuestadas juegan videojuegos todos los días, un 70.1% dijo querer ir a un
LAN Gaming Café y un 83% demostró interés por la realidad virtual. Estos datos aunados al
hecho de que en Panamá no existen lugares que ofrezcan entrenamiento digital con realidad
virtual demuestra que existe un espacio en el mercado para el establecimiento de un LAN
Gaming Café.
GamersPlace será una alternativa de entrenamiento diferente cuya ventaja competitiva se
basan en crear valor para el cliente a través la innovación, calidad, confort y el concepto de
“Todo en un Solo Lugar”. GamersPlace estará equipado con una sección para comer snacks,
contará con realidad virtual, simuladores de carreras, PCs (diferentes géneros de juegos,
incluyendo juegos en línea), consolas con pantallas de proyección, mesas de billar, mesas
fulbito, y mesas de pingpong, en un ambiente cómodo.
El mercado objetivo de este modelo de negocios son personas entre los 15 a 34 años de
edad, de clase media a media-alta, con interés por la tecnología y los videojuegos. El tamaño
de mercado estimado para esta industria es de $20,418,861.19 millones de dólares anuales.
La apertura del negocio requiere de una inversión inicial de $245,431.10, el modelo de
negocio tiene un VAN de $336,110.72 y un TIR de 90.41%.
El equipo gestor de esta oportunidad lo conforman dos profesionales con experiencia en el
ámbito de los negocios y con gran pasión por los videojuegos.
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Rättfärdigade argument? USA:s militära intervention i Panama 1989Löving, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>In 1989 the United States choose, after years of conflict, to carry out a military intervention in Panama, to remove Manuel Noriega, convicted for drug dealing and for threatening the lives of the Americans living in Panama. The aim of this study is to examine whether George H. W Bush’s arguments for the military intervention comply with the principles of the just war.</p><p>The method chosen for this study is a qualitative literature study, based primarily on secondary data. It is a case study with two complementing theories, the theory of the just war and the world system theory.</p><p>The result showed that the American intervention both can be justified and unjustified following the principles of the Just War Theory. The World system Theory shows typical signs for a relationship between USA and Panama, built on economic, political and military control.</p>
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Social construction of cervical cancer screening among women in Panama City, PanamaCalvo, Arlene 01 June 2005 (has links)
To learn how to address health issues specific to Hispanic cultures in an effort to address health disparities, learning from cultural aspects that affect health from the countries of origin would be most useful. Community programs built on rigorous and systematic research prove to be more powerful than ad-hoc programs. Qualitative research techniques offer powerful alternatives for public health professionals to develop adequate and directed programs at the community level, especially among underserved communities and those represented by oral/spoken traditions. The study was conducted among 132 working class single and married Mestizo women between the ages of 20-40 living in Panama City, Panama. This group of women has the highest incidence of HPV in Panama so are at the highest risk of cervical cancer. Using social construction as the theoretical framework, this study uses four different qualitative research techniques: free listing, pile sorting, individual semi-structured, and group interviews. Key findings include the importance of religion and family, women's understandings of the relationship between sexuality and health, influence of media, other women, and husbands help construct screening knowledge among women in the study. Culturally relevant health education interventions and programs delivered in a group format at the community level in a participatory mode would be most effective in reaching women in Panama and other Hispanic populations. Future quantitative studies and influences of social networks are suggested.
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Referral Tracking Pilot and Referral Outcome Rates for the School Health Program in PanamaCandanedo, Jesica Eileen 01 January 2013 (has links)
Background: The School Health Program (SHP) in the Republic of Panama includes preventive healthcare services delivery and referral issuing at elementary schools nationwide. Despite these early prevention efforts, a majority of referrals are apparently not achieving their desired outcome. This idea is supported by the SHP data showing preventable diseases on the rise. Thus, learning the outcome rates of particular referral outcomes may provide a basis for appropriately targeted action.
Methods: Three focus groups were conducted with health workers, medical records staff, and teachers, respectively. Following systems thinking and framework analysis, a pilot plan for referral tracking and referral outcome rates obtainment was developed. Finally, the SHP team was surveyed for their perception on the effectiveness and feasibility of the plan, for future implementation.
Results: Themes related to referral tracking led directly to the development of a referral tracking pilot plan (RTPP). Survey data analysis revealed that the SHP team perceived the RTPP as an effective way to obtain complete referral tracking and referral outcome rates, and they also found it feasible to implement.
Conclusion: Keeping referral records and tracking the SHP referrals is perceived, by those that will be involved in its delivery, as achievable by implementing a RTPP developed from their own recommendations. Once implemented, the resulting obtainment of referral outcome rates may allow them to know if the SHP preventive objective for issuing these referrals is being properly achieved, and to prioritize for targeted action where needed.
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