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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil clínico e nutricional de pacientes submetidos à ressecção pancreática em terapia de reposição de enzimas pancreáticas / Clinical and nutritional profile of patients undergoing pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy after pancreatic resection

Anna Victoria Borges Fragoso Rodrigues da Silva 11 July 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Após a cirurgia pancreática, a função exócrina é determinada pela extensão da ressecção e a quantidade de tecido pancreático remanescente, sendo recomendável a avaliação da insuficiência pancreática exócrina (IPE) em todos os pacientes. A reposição de enzimas pancreáticas é o pilar do tratamento da IPE, pois melhora a absorção de gordura, diminui os sintomas relacionados com a má absorção e melhora a qualidade de vida (QV). OBJETIVO: Sabendo que o ajuste da dose de enzimas pancreáticas é realizado com base nos sinais clínicos relatados pelo paciente, o presente estudo visa aprofundar a avaliação clínica destes e avaliar o atual protocolo de tratamento, mantendo ou melhorando a QV dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram avaliados adultos com histórico de ressecção pancreática há 6 meses ou mais. No tempo 1 foi realizada avaliação nutricional antropométrica e recordatório alimentar, avaliação clínica de qualidade de vida (questionário SF-36), investigação hábitos intestinais e exames laboratoriais. No tempo 2 foi realizada nova consulta para discussão dos resultados e orientação nutricional individualizada. Para análise de correlações foi usado o teste de Pearson, para associações o teste de Fisher e para comparação de médias o teste Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 39 pacientes, 22 (56,4%) do sexo feminino; 33 (84,6%) >=60 anos; tempo pós operatório 14,1± 6,8 anos; exames bioquímicos: em todas as dosagens a maioria dos pacientes apresenta resultados dentro dos valores de referência, mas há alta prevalência de deficiência de vitaminas lipossolúveis; os pacientes têm bom estado nutricional já que grande parte apresenta eutrofia segundo o IMC (46,1%) e segundo a porcentagem de gordura (35,9%); no geral não relatam sintomas gastrointestinais adversos: 61,5% com fezes formadas, 53,8% sem dor abdominal, 84,6% sem esteatorreia; adequação no consumo de macronutrientes: 51,3% consumo adequado de carboidratos e lipídios, e 64,1% de consumo excessivo de proteínas; correlações positivas: a dose de enzimas se correlaciona com a dor (p= 0,004) e o IMC (p= 0,009), ou seja, pacientes que relatam mais dor e que pesam mais são os que recebem as maiores doses de enzimas pancreáticas; correlações negativas: capacidade funcional e parâmetros de avaliação nutricional como IMC (p=0,004), e porcentagem de gordura (p=0,028), e também parâmetros clínicos como a dose de enzimas (p=0,022) e o número de evacuações por dia (p=0,024); associações: a inadequação do consumo de lipídios na dieta está associada com importantes sintomas gastrointestinais como a consistência amolecida das fezes (p=0,005) e flatulência (p=0,012) e ressalta a importância da orientação nutricional aos pacientes em reposição de enzimas pancreáticas. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos pacientes apresentou bons resultados de exames bioquímicos, qualidade de vida, consumo de macronutrientes, estado nutricional e sintomas gastrointestinais. Observaram-se importantes correlações e associações que demonstram que o estado nutricional, o consumo alimentar e a dose de enzimas interferem nos sintomas gastrointestinais e na auto-percepção de qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Sendo assim, o atual protocolo é válido, mas deve ser associado a orientação nutricional individualizada / BACKGROUND: After pancreatic surgery, exocrine function is determined by the extent of resection and the amount of remaining pancreatic tissue, and all patients should be evaluated for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Pancreatic enzyme replacement is the mainstay of EPI treatment, since it improves fat absorption, reduces symptoms related to malabsorption and improves quality of life (QoL). OBJECTIVE: Knowing that the adjustment of pancreatic enzymes dose is based on the clinical signs reported by the patient, the present study aims to deepen the clinical evaluation and to evaluate the current protocol of treatment, maintaining or improving patients quality of life. METHODS: A cross-sectional study in which adults were evaluated 6 months or more after pancreatic resection. At time 1, anthropometric evaluation and food recall, clinical evaluation of quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), intestinal habits and laboratory tests were performed. At time 2 a new consultation was conducted to discuss the results and to provide individualized nutritional guidance. For the correlations analysis the Pearson test was used, for associations the Fisher test and for comparison of means the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: 39 patients were evaluated, 22 (56.4%) female; 33 (84.6%) >= 60 years; Time after surgery 14.1 ± 6.8 years; Biochemical tests: at all dosages most patients present results within the reference values, but there is a high prevalence of fat-soluble vitamins deficiency; The patients have good nutritional status since a great part presents eutrophy according to the BMI (46.1%) and according to the percentage of body fat (35.9%); In general they do not report adverse gastrointestinal symptoms: 61.5% with feces formed, 53.8% without abdominal pain, 84.6% without steatorrhea; Adequacy in macronutrient consumption: 51.3% adequate consumption of carbohydrates and lipids, and 64.1% excessive consumption of proteins; Positive correlations: enzyme dose correlates with pain (p = 0.004) and BMI (p = 0.009); that is, patients who report more pain and who weigh more are those who receive the highest doses of pancreatic enzymes; Negative correlations: functional capacity and nutritional assessment parameters such as BMI (p = 0.004), and body fat percentage (p = 0.028), as well as clinical parameters such as enzyme dose (p = 0.022) and number of bowel movements per day p=0.024); Associations: the dietary lipid consumption inadequacy is associated with important gastrointestinal symptoms such as soft stool consistency (p=0.005) and flatulence (p=0.012), and emphasizes the importance of nutritional guidance to patients on pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. CONCLUSION: Most patients presented good results of biochemical tests, quality of life, macronutrient consumption, nutritional status and gastrointestinal symptoms. Significant correlations and associations have been observed that evidence that nutritional status, food intake and enzyme dose interferes with gastrointestinal symptoms and self-perceived quality of life of patients. Therefore, the current protocol is valid, but should be associated with individualized nutritional guidance

Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz bei Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz unter einer Hämodialysetherapie / Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in patients with end- stage renal insufficiency under hemodialysis

Griesche-Philippi, Jochen 20 February 2010 (has links)
Einleitung: Vor mehr als 3 Jahrzehnten zeigten mehrere Untersuchungen, dass bei Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz in bis zu 60% der Fälle eine mit dem Sekretin-Pancreozymin-Test (SPT) oder eine seiner Modifikationen nachweisbare Pankreasinsuffizienz (EPI) vorliegt. Da der SPT weltweit kaum noch zur Verfügung steht, wurde untersucht, ob und wie häufig mit der fäkalen Elastase-1- Messungeine EPI bei Hämodialyse-(HD)-Patienten nachweisbar ist. Methodik: Die Studie umfasste 50 HD-Patienten, bei denen die fäkale Elastase-1 mit zwei verschiedenen Methoden (Bioserv Diagnostics und Schebo-Biotech) bestimmt und außerdem das Stuhlgewicht und der Stuhlfettgehalt ermittelt wurden. Bei keinem der Patienten bestand in der Vorgeschichte eine akute oder chronische Pankreatitis bzw., eine chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankung. Ebenso lag kein Zustand nach Teil- Gastrektomie bzw., Teil-Dünndarmresektion vor. Ergebnis: Eine EPI leichten Grades (100 - 200 µg/g Stuhl) wurde bei 5 (10%) Patienten festgestellt. Sie korrelierte nicht mit Alter, Geschlecht, nephrologischer Grunderkrankung und HD-Dauer. In keinem Fall war eine Pankreasenzymsubstitution (< 100 µg/g Stuhl) erforderlich. Bei 9 (18%) Patienten lag eine leichte Diarrhoe (200 - 300 g/Tag) vor, bei 10 (20%) eine Steatorrhoe leichten Grades (7 - 15 g Fett/ Tag). Die Steatorrhoe war bei 6 (67%) bzw. 5 (50%) dieser Patienten durch die gleichzeitige Gabe eines Phosphatbinders (Gallensäurebindung) erklärbar. Schlussfolgerung: Anders als früher scheint jetzt eine EPI ein seltenes und klinisch nicht bedeutsames Problem bei HD-Patienten zu sein. Dies ist möglicherweise dadurch zu erklären, dass jetzt ausreichend Dialyseplätze zur Verfügung stehen und Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz in noch gutem Allgemein- und Ernährungszustand in ein Dialyseprogramm aufgenommen werden können. Ob die ebenfalls seltene, aber zunächst klinisch nicht erklärbare Diarrhoe/Steatorrhoe klinisch von Bedutung (Osteoporose?) ist, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zeigen.

Etude des interactions lipase-lipides au niveau d'interfaces modèles / Study of lipase-lipids interactions using model interfaces

Benarouche, Anais 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les enzymes lipolytiques sont solubles en phase aqueuse mais hydrolysent des substrats insolubles. Leurs activités lipolytiques dépendent donc fortement de l’organisation des substrats lipidiques présents sous forme de structures interfaciales telles que des émulsions, des micelles, des liposomes, ou des bicouches lipidiques. Les propriétés cinétiques et la spécificité de substrat de ces enzymes résultent de l’étape initiale d’adsorption à l’interface lipide-eau et des interactions entre le substrat et le site actif. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, la technique des films monomoléculaires a été utilisée pour étudier en détail les étapes séquentielles d’adsorption, de catalyse et d’inhibition de l’enzyme à l’interface lipide-eau. Dans une première partie, nous avons réalisé la caractérisation physico-chimique de la lipase gastrique de chien (DGL), avec l’étude :  de son adsorption sur un film non substrat de dilauroylphosphatidylcholine ; ‚ de l’hydrolyse interfaciale de la 1,2-dicaprine dans des films mixtes en présence d’Orlistat. Concernant l’étape de catalyse, nous avons étudié l’effet du propeptide sur la spécificité de substrat et l’activité interfaciale de la phospholipase A2 sécrétée de groupe X de souris. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous avons comparé les propriétés interfaciales de la lipase YLLIP2 de la levure Yarrowia lipolytica qui serait un bon candidat pour l’enzymothérapie de substitution chez les patients atteints d’insuffisance pancréatique exocrine (IPE), la lipase pancréatique humaine et la DGL. Nos résultats ont confirmé le rôle d’YLLIP2 en tant qu’excellent « substitut » non seulement de la HPL en cas d’IPE, mais aussi de la DGL. / Lipolytic enzymes are water-soluble whereas their substrates are insoluble in water. Their lipolytic activities depend strongly on the organization of the lipid substrates present in interfacial structures such as oil-in-water emulsions, micelles, liposomes, and membrane bilayers. The kinetic properties and substrate specificity of these enzymes result from both their adsorption at the lipid-water interface, and the interactions occurring between the substrate and the active site. In this thesis work, the monomolecular film technique was used to study in details the sequential steps of adsorption, catalysis and inhibition of model enzymes at the lipid-water interface. In a first part, we performed the physico-chemical characterization of the dog gastric lipase (DGL), by studying:  its adsorption onto a dilauroylphosphatidylcholine non-substrate film; ‚ its interfacial hydrolysis of 1,2-dicaprin in mixed films with various amounts of Orlistat. Regarding the catalysis step, we studied the effect of the propeptide on the substrate specificity and interfacial activity of the murine group X secreted phospholipase A2. A model of this enzyme with its propeptide was built from the available 3D structure of the corresponding mature human enzyme. Finally, in the third part, we compared the interfacial kinetic properties of YLLIP2 lipase of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica which has been identified as a good candidate for enzyme replacement therapy for patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), human pancreatic lipase and DGL. Our results confirmed the role of YLLIP2 as an excellent "substitute" not only for HPL in case of PEI, but also for the DGL at acidic pH values.

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