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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stepwise differentiation of pancreatic acinar cells from mES cells by manipulating signalling pathway

Delaspre, Fabien 04 February 2011 (has links)
Tot i que es coneix l’involucrament de les cèl·lules pancreàtiques acinars en patologies exocrines (pancreatitis i càncer de pàncrees), la manca de models normals basats en cèl·lules ha limitat l’estudi de les alteracions que succeeixen en el programa de diferenciació pancreàtica. Hem demostrat prèviament que les cèl·lules mare embrionàries murines, que són pluripotents, poden adquirir un fenotip acinar in vitro. Això es va aconseguir, en part, amb una combinació de senyals que provenien del cultiu de pàncrees fetals que no era, però, específic del llinatge pancreàtic. L’objectiu d’aquest treball ha estat el de desenvolupar un protocol selectiu pel llinatge acinar basat en l’activació seqüencial de vies de senyalització que recapitulin el desenvolupament pancreàtic in vivo, a través de la formació definitiva de l’endoderm, l’especificació pancreàtica i acinar i l’expansió/diferenciació de progenitors acinars. El tractament de cossos embrionaris amb Activina A va promoure l’expressió de gens d’endoderm com està prèviament descrit. El tractament subsegüent amb àcid Retinoic, FGF10 i Ciclopamina, un inhibidor de la via de Hedgehog, va resutar en la inducció dels marcadors de progenitors pancreàtics Pdx1, Ptf1a i Cpa1 però també d’aquells expressats en el llinatge pancreàtic, que van ser reduïts amb la inhibició de BMPs. Les cèl·lules van ser a continuació cultivades en Matrigel utilitzant un sistema de cultiu en 3D en presència de fol·listatina, dexametasona i KGF comportant una inducció significativa dels nivells de mRNA i proteïna de marcadors acinars i una disminució de l’expressió dels de marcadors acinars. A més, es va veure que Amyl es secretava en el medi. Aquestes dades indiquen que l’activació selectiva del programa de diferenciació acinar en cèl·lules mare embrionàries es pot dur a terme mitjançant una inducció esgraonada de vies de senyalització involucrades en el desenvolupament pancreàtic exocrí proporcionant una eina potencial per estudiar la diferenciació pancreàtica i malalties relacionades amb el pàncrees. / Despite known involvement of pancreatic acinar cells in exocrine pathologies (pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer), the lack of normal cell-based models has limited the study of the alterations that occur in the acinar differentiation program. We have previously shown that mESC (murine embryonic stem cells), which are pluripotent, can acquire an acinar phenotype in vitro. This was achieved, in part, by a combination of signals provided by the culture of foetal pancreases which was, however, no specific for the acinar lineage. The aim of this work was to develop a protocol selective for the acinar lineage based on the sequential activation of signaling pathways that recapitulate pancreatic development in vivo, through the definitive endoderm formation, the pancreatic and acinar specification and the expansion/differentiation of acinar progenitors. Treatment of embryoid bodies with Activin A enhanced the expression of endodermal genes as previously described. Subsequent treatment with Retinoic acid, FGF10 and Cyclopamine, an inhibitor of the Hedgehog pathway, resulted in the enhancement of pancreatic progenitor markers Pdx1, Ptf1a and Cpa1 but also of those expressed in the hepatic lineage, which were reduced by BMPs inhibition. Cells were further cultured in Matrigel using a 3D culture system in the presence of follistatin, dexamethasone, and KGF leading to a significant enhancement of the mRNA and protein levels of acinar markers while decreasing the expression of endocrine ones. Moreover, active Amyl was released into the medium. These data indicate that the selective activation of the acinar differentiation program in ES cells can be achieved by stepwise induction of signaling pathways involved in pancreatic exocrine development providing a potential tool for studying pancreatic differentiation and pancreas-related diseases.

A histological and morphometric assessment of endocrine and ductular proliferation in the adult rat pancreas using an occlusive pancreatic duct ligation model

Page, Benedict J. (Benedict John) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is synonymous with "B-cell failure". Ligation of the pancreatic duct distally to its confluence into the bile duct has been shown to induce endocrine tissue regeneration from a number of probable sources. The cells responsible for regeneration are supposed to possess either dormant pluripotent stem cell ability and/or the plasticity to undergo metaplasia to form new and surplus endocrine tissue able to replace pathologically and/or experimentally compromised pancreas. The sequence of events (cell lineage) during this process of neogenesis, has been the source of controversy for quite some time as various studies suggest that the cell lineage differs from in vivo and in vitro studies, according to experimental model and species of laboratory animal. The object of this study was to utilise an established experimental laboratory animal model to study islet morphological changes, neogenesis and or both in vivo. Further aims of the study were to determine the extent, sequence and magnitude of pancreatic duct ligation (PDL) induced endocrine neogenesis/morphogenesis in a laboratory rat model using occlusive pancreatic duct ligation. PDL's were performed on six groups of 25 normal adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (300g+) according to the method of Hultquist and Jonsson (1965). Experimental animals were sacrificed at 12 hr intervals from day one post-PDL to day 10 and every 24 hrs thereafter to day 14 as described by Wang, Klëppel, Bouwens (1995). Animals received BrdU (a thymidine marker and cell proliferation indicator) 50mglkg intraperitoneally as described by Wang et al. (1995), one hour prior to removal of the pancreas after which it was fixed in Bouin's solution and histologically processed. Seven consecutive 3-6 urn thick serial sections were sequentially stained with H & E, insulin (I), glucagon (G), somatostatin (ST), pancreatic polypeptide (PP), neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) and peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY). Immunolabeling was done according to the method of Guesdon, Temynck , Avrameas (1979). Double immunolabeling for BrdU and each pancreatic peptide was performed on the sections on days 3,5, 7, 9 and 11 as described by Wang et al (1994). Cellular transformation between one and 3Yz days was characterised by simultaneous total deletion and/or transdifferentiation of the acinar compartment and the appearance of immunoreactive cells for I (11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), pp (1.50 ±0.09%), and ST (1.96 ±0.24%). Changes in the endocrine composition in existing islets, occurred along a pathway that saw PP- and ST-cells invading the islet core, islet mantle glucagon deletion and random appearance of all endocrine cell types within the inter-islet interstitium on day 3Yz. Days 4 to 6Yz saw further endocrine expansion while days 7 to 14 were distinguished by islet reconstitution and consolidation. NPY immunoreactivity appeared on day 4Y2 and persisted intermittently throughout while PVV first appeared on day 4 and disappeared after day 7Yz. The results suggest that PDL firstly induced the development of endocrine tissue distributed haphazardly throughout the space previously occupied by acinar parenchyma. Secondly, the appearance of insulin is preceded by the appearance of PP, glucagon and somatostatin by 24-hours. A still to be determined proportion of the ligation induced endocrine formation appeared to be associated with existing islets, resulting in a number of very large islets, some of which might have secretory access through the glomerularlike capillary network known to occupy the islet core. The remainder appeared to form separate "new" islets, which have a dubious access to the blood stream. In conclusion, if it is true that the pancreas can regenerate some of its endocrine tissue then it has potential clinical implication for the stabilising of diabetes mellitus. Ligated exocrine pancreatic tissue, devoid of its acinar component, has been shown to contain notable quantities of insulin positive cells. This presents intriguing possibilities as an alternative for donor tissue, usually obtained from rat foetuses, during foetal rat pancreas transplantation studies. Pancreas tissue harvested from duct ligated rats could replace the foetal tissue currently used in the treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus in laboratory animals in this laboratory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Diabetes Mellitus is sinoniem met B-sel disfunksie. Endokriene regenerasie kan segmenteel bewerkstellig word deur eksperimentele afbinding van die pankreasbuis distaal tot sy samesmelting met die gemene galbuis. 'n Verskeidenheid van selle word vermoedelik by hierdie proses betrek. Dormante stamselle besit die vermoë en/of plastisiteit om 'n aantal vorms van metaplasie te ondergaan om nuwe en/of oortollige endokriene weefsel te vorm wat patologiese en/of eksperimenteel gekompromiseerde weefsel vervang. Die selontwikkelings volgorde wat tydens hierdie proses plaasvind is al vir 'n geruime tyd die middelpunt van 'n meningsverskil. Sommige studies dui daarop dat die in vivo selontwikkelingsvolgorde verskil van in vitro, volgens eksperimentele model en tipe proefdier gebruik. Die doel van die studie was die gebruik van 'n bestaande eksperimentele laboratorium proefdier model om pankreas eiland morfologiese verandering en/ofneogenese of beide in vivo te evalueer. Die oogmerk van die studie was om die omvang en volgorde van veranderings in die endokriene kompartement (neogenese/morfogenese) te bepaal deur gebruik te maak van 'n pankreas buis afbindings (PBA) model wat totale afsnyding van die buis tot gevolg het. PBA's is uitgevoer op ses groepe van 25 volwasse normale Sprague-Dawley (SD) laboratorium rotte (±300g) soos beskryf deur Hultquist en Jonsson (1965). Proefdiere is elke 12 uur geoffer vanaf dag een post-PBA tot dag tien en elke 24 uur daarna tot dag 14 soos beskryf deur Wang, Bouwens, Kloppel (1995) na die toediening van 50 mg/kg 5-Bromo-2-deoksi-uridien intraperitoneaal ('n selprolifererings aanduider) soos beskryf deur Wang et al. (1995). Die pankreas is werwyder, in Bouin se oplossing gefikseer en histologies geprosesseer. Sewe openvolgende seriesnitte (3-6 urn) is alternatiewelik gekleur met H & E, en immunositochemies, soos beskryf deur Guesdon, Terugnek, Avrameas (1979), vir insulien (I), glukagon (G), somatostatien (ST), pankreatiesepolipeptied (PP), neuropeptied tirosien (NPY) en peptied tirosien-tirosien (PYY). BrdU dubbel-immuunkleuring is ingesluit op dae 3,5, 7, 9 en 11 soos beskryf deur Wang et al. (1994). Sellulêre transformasie tussen dae een en 3~ dae is gekenmerk deur gelyktydige en totale uitwissing en/ofmetaplasie van die asinêre kompartement en die verskyning van selle immunorektiefvir I(11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), PP (1.50 ±0.09%), ST (1.96 ±0.24%). Metaplasie was verantwoordelik vir merkbare veranderings in bestaande endokriene weefsel langs In transformasie weg waar eiland insulien kemselle vervang is deur PP- en ST-selle, glukagon buitelaag uitwissing en die toevallige verskyning van alle endokriene seltipes in the inter-eiland interstitium teen dag 3Y2. Dae 4Y2deur 6~ is gekenmerk deur verdere endokrinetoename terwyl dag 7 deur 14 gekenmerk is deur eiland hersamestelling en konsolidering. NPY immunoreaktiwiteit was vanaf dag 4~, met afwisseling, te bespeur terwyl PVV slegs tussen dae 4 en 7 In verskyning gemaak het. . Die resultate suggereer eerstens, PBA induseer die ontwikkeling van oortollige endokriene weefsel op In lukrake wyse versprei deur die ruimte voorheen deur asinêre parenchiem beset. Tweedens, dat die verskyning van insulien deur dié van PP, glukagon en somatostatien met minstens 24-uur voorafgegaan is. Die verhouding, van nuutgevormde endokriene weefsel wat met bestaande eilande assosieer om In aantal baie groot eilande te vorm, moet nog vasgestel word. Sulke strukture mag moontlik afskeidings toegang hê tot die bloedstroom, deur die glomerulusagtige kapillêre netwerk, in die eilandkern teenwoordig terwyl die oorblywende nuutgevormde endokrine weefsel "nuwe" apparte eilande vorm wat wel of gladnie toegang tot die bloedstroom mag hê nie. As gevolgtrekking, indien dit waar is dat volwasse pankreas eilandweefsel wel regenerasie kan ondergaan, dan het dit kliniese implikasie vir die stabilisering van diabetes mellitus. Weefsel verkry uit PBA bevat geen asinêre weefsel nie maar wel merkbare hoeveelhede endokriene weefsel, veral insulin positief. Dit bied dan interessante alternatiewe as skenker weefsel by fetal rot pankreas oorplantings. PBA en/of die oorplanting van pankreasbuis afgebinde weefsel, na in vitro weefsel kultuur, bied moontlikhede vir die behandeling van diabetes mellitus.

Análise da densidade da microvasculatura e da expressão do gene p53 no adenocarcinoma pancreático / Evaluation of microvessel density and p53 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Jureidini, Ricardo 01 October 2009 (has links)
O adenocarcinoma pancreático é a neoplasia maligna mais comum do pâncreas. A alta taxa de mortalidade deve-se ao diagnóstico tardio e a alta agressividade do tumor. Freqüentemente observam-se indivíduos com neoplasias de mesmo estadio apresentarem sobrevivência diferente. Isso demonstra a necessidade de incluir mais variáveis na caracterização da doença. O processo de angiogênese é essencial para o crescimento tanto do tumor primário, quanto para o metastático. A medida da densidade intratumoral da microvasculatura (DMV) por imunoistoquímica é o método mais confiável para medir a atividade angiogênica tumoral. A perda da função do gene p53 influencia a resposta à quimio e à radioterapia além de regular a angiogênese. A sobrevivência está inversamente relacionada à positividade do p53 e à DMV em neoplasias de mama, pulmão, ovários, estômago, cólon, laringe e bexiga. No adenocarcinoma pancreático os resultados são controversos. Idealizou-se essa pesquisa retrospectiva analisando-se dados clínicos e os resultados de estudos imunoistoquímicos obtidos de adenocarcinomas de pâncreas ressecados com intenção curativa. Analisou-se dados clínicos, patológicos, re-estadiamento e resultados da DMV e da expressão do gene p53 em 49 pacientes. A densidade média de microvasos foi de 46,2 vasos/mm2 sendo que esse valor foi utilizado para dividir os pacientes em grupos de baixa ou alta densidade de vasos. A coloração para p53 nuclear foi considerada positiva em 20 de 49 pacientes (40,8%). A DMV foi significativamente maior nos pacientes com tumores maiores que 3,0 cm e nos pacientes com ressecções incompletas. A expressão do gene p53 e a DMV, não foram fatores preditivos da sobrevivência pós-operatória. Não foi possível verificar relação entre a expressão do gene p53 e a densidade da microvasculatura tumoral / The prognostic significance of microvessel density and the p53 expression was evaluated. Between 1993 and 2006, 49 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma were ressected with curative intention. Specimens were stained immunohistochemically with antibodies anti- p53 anti-CD34. Microvessel density (MVD) was assessed scanning ten areas of the tumoral section and counted at a high power in an adequate area. The MVD ranged from 21,2 to 54,2 vessels/mm2 (mean 46,2 vessels/mm2). Specific nuclear staining for p53 was determined positive in 20 patients (40,8%). The overall median survival was 24,1 months after resection and there was no difference in survival rates according to the MVD and p53 positivity. There was also no relation between the MVD and p53 expression. MVD and p53 expression could not predict survival in these patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. There was no correlation with p53 expression and intratumoral microvessel density. High MVD was associated with tumor size grater than 3,0 cm and positive margins

The role of hypoxia, innate immunity receptors and stromal response in pancreatic cancer

Leppänen, J. (Joni) 19 February 2019 (has links)
Abstract Pancreatic cancer remains one of the deadliest malignancies, with dismal prognosis. Pancreatic cancer arises from precursor lesions called pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Toll-like receptors (TLR) are receptors of the innate immunity responsible for initiating immune responses against invading pathogens. Their involvement in cancer progression is becoming evident. Hypoxia is a typical characteristic of pancreatic cancer and linked to poor prognosis. Typically, pancreatic cancer has an abundant desmoplastic stroma that contributes to the hypoxia and poor delivery of anti-tumor drugs to the cancer cells. Tenascin-C and fibronectin are proteins of the extracellular matrix. They are involved in normal organ development, but in recent years, their involvement in various cancers has become evident. This thesis examined the involvement of Toll-like receptors, hypoxia markers HIF-1alpha and Carbonic anhydrase 9 (CAIX) as well as stromal markers tenascin-C and fibronectin in pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, the prognostic effect of each protein was evaluated. The material consisted of whole section tissue samples of surgically treated patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The expression of the proteins was evaluated using immunohistochemical stainings. TLR, HIF-1alpha, CAIX, tenascin-C and fibronectin were all abundantly expressed in pancreatic cancer. High TLR9 associated with improved prognosis while weak HIF-1alpha indicated poor prognosis. In a subgroup analysis consisting of only T1 and T2 tumors, high tenascin-C associated with poor prognosis. There was no significant correlation between TLR and hypoxia marker expression. Based on these results, TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9 are expressed in pancreatic cancer, and high TLR9 associates with improved survival of the patients. Weak HIF-1alpha associated with poor prognosis, suggesting that other factors than hypoxia might be involved in the regulation of HIF-1alpha expression. Tenascin-C and fibronectin are not associated with patient prognosis in pancreatic cancer. / Tiivistelmä Haimasyövällä on kaikista syövistä yksi huonoimmista ennusteista. Haimasyöpä kehittyy tiehyidensisäisistä muutoksista, joita kutsutaan englanninkielisellä nimellä pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). Tollin kaltaiset reseptorit (TLR) ovat luontaisen immuniteetin reseptoreja, ja niiden tehtävä on aloittaa elimistön puolustusvaste tunkeutuvia taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. Tollin kaltaisten reseptorien osuus on osoitettu eri syövissä. Hypoksia on tyypillistä haimasyövälle, ja se on yleensä yhteydessä huonontuneeseen ennusteen. Tyypillisesti haimasyövällä on voimakas sidekudosreaktio, joka osaltaan lisää kasvaimen hapenpuutetta ja vaikeuttaa sytostaattien kulkeutumista syöpäsoluihin. Tenaskiini ja fibronektiini ovat solunulkoisen tilan proteiineja, jotka osallistuvat normaaliin elimistön kehitykseen. Viime aikoina niillä on huomattu olevan osuutta myös erilaisten syöpien kehittymiseen. Tässä väitöskirjassa on tutkittu Tollin kaltaisten reseptorien, hypoksiamerkkiaineiden HIF-1alpha ja hiilihappoanhydraasi 9 (CAIX) sekä sidekudosmerkkiaineiden tenaskiini ja fibronektiini ilmentymistä haimasyövässä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin näiden proteiinien osuutta haimasyövän ennusteeseen. Tutkimuksen materiaali koostuu haimasyöpäpotilaiden syöpäkudosnäytteistä. Näytteinä käytettiin kokoleikenäytteitä. Näytteille tehtiin immunohistokemialliset värjäykset, joista eri proteiinien ilmentymistä arvioitiin. Tollin kaltaiset reseptorit, HIF-1alpha, CAIX, tenaskiini ja fibronektiini ilmenivät kaikki haimasyövässä. Korkea TLR9 oli yhteydessä parantuneeseen ennusteeseen, kun taas heikko HIF-1alpha oli yhteydessä huonontuneeseen ennusteeseen. Huomioitaessa vain T1- ja T2-kasvaimet korkea tenaskiini oli yhteydessä huonontuneeseen ennusteeseen. Tollin kaltaisten reseptorien ja hypoksiamerkkiaineiden välillä ei ollut merkittävää yhteyttä. Tulosten perusteella haimasyövässä on runsaasti Tollin kaltaisia reseptoreita, ja korkea TLR9 on yhteydessä parantuneeseen ennusteeseen. Matala HIF-1alpha on yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen. Tenaskiinilla ja fibronektiinilla ei ole vaikutusta potilaiden ennusteeseen.

Studies on the anti-pancreatic cancer effect of Eriocalyxin B (a diterpenoid isolated from Isodon eriocalyx) and the underlying molecular mechanism in vitro and in vivo.

January 2013 (has links)
胰腺癌是一種致死率極高的惡性疾病,在全世界所有的癌症中死亡率排列第八, 在美國排列第四。 很多因素造成了胰腺癌較差的預後,其中包括: 早期檢出率極低; 較少胰腺癌患者的腫瘤適宜手術切除;高轉移率;以及對傳統放療和化療具有較高抗性等。 因此,發展新的治療藥物迫在眉睫。 / 近年來, 植物藥以及從這些植物藥裡分離出的天然化合物, 單獨使用或者與傳統化療藥物合併使用時, 都顯示出對不同類型的癌症具有較好療效。植物藥毛萼香茶菜(唇形科)含有豐富的具有抗癌活性的二萜類化合物。其中毛萼乙素(EriB) 是一個擁有最好抗癌活性的對映-貝殼杉烷型二萜化合物。 基於此背景, 本研究的目標為:利用胰腺癌體外體內模型, 研究EriB的抗胰腺癌活性以及誘導胰腺癌細胞凋亡的機理。 / 體外實驗中, EriB對四種胰腺癌細胞株都顯示了顯著的細胞毒活性,其活性與化療藥物喜樹堿類似。其中, EriB對胰腺癌細胞株CAPAN-2活性最強, 半數致死濃度IC₅₀為0.73 μM。細胞凋亡特徵:細胞核凝聚, 磷脂醯絲氨酸外翻, DNA梯狀條帶以及片斷化,在EriB誘導的胰腺癌細胞株CAPAN-2中出現。此外, EriB還造成癌細胞在細胞週期G2/M期的阻滯。機理研究發現, EriB是通過啟動絲裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK), caspase及 p53信號通路來誘導細胞凋亡和細胞週期阻滯的。抗凋亡蛋白與促凋亡蛋白比率(bcl-2/bak)的減少也可能對啟動細胞凋亡內途徑發揮一定作用。除此以外, EriB對癌細胞的細胞毒活性及致凋亡作用依賴于活性氧分子(ROS)的產生。在對細胞進行抗氧化劑預處理的實驗中發現, 只有含巰基基團的抗氧化劑能夠有效的阻斷EriB對癌細胞的活性。進一步實驗證明, EriB對細胞內兩個抗氧化系統: 谷胱甘肽系統及硫氧還蛋白系統的抑制作用導致了ROS在癌細胞中的積聚。同時,ROS的產生啟動了MAPK,熱休克蛋白70以及caspase信號通路,卻抑制了NFκB通路。 / 動物體內實驗證實, 每天對胰腺癌細胞移植瘤裸鼠進行腹腔注射EriB(2.5 毫克/千克),能有效的抑制腫瘤生長, 並且對心臟,肝臟和腎臟沒有引起顯著毒性。 對腫瘤組織的分析表明, 給藥組(EriB)比溶劑對照組出現更多的細胞凋亡, 並產生較多的ROS積聚。 / 綜上所述, 本項研究首次闡述了EriB具有顯著的體內外抗胰腺癌活性。機理研究證明, EriB抑制胰腺癌細胞內兩個含巰基基團的抗氧化系統, 從而導致ROS在細胞中積聚, 並啟動(或抑制)了包括MAPK, p53, caspase和NFB在內的信號通路, 最終導致癌細胞死亡。 此外, 動物體內研究證明EriB的抗腫瘤生長活性和低毒性, 令該化合物具有潛力進一步研究發展成為抗胰腺癌的新藥物。 / Pancreatic cancer is the fourth and eighth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. and worldwide, respectively. Its poor prognosis is attributed to its late diagnosis, limitation to surgical resection, aggressive local invasion, and early metastases, as well as high resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Therefore, a search for an alternative to therapeutic agents is in desperate need. / In recent years, herbal medicines or natural compounds isolated from herbs either used alone or in combination with conventional anti-cancer agents have been shown to have beneficial effects on various cancers. In this context, the Chinese herb Isodon eriocalyx (Dunn.) Hara (family Lamiaceae) is a well-known source of anti-cancer diterpenoids, the most potent one being Eriocalyxin B (EriB, an ent-kauranoid). Therefore, the aims of the present study are to investigate the anti-tumor activities of EriB in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells and tumor-bearing mouse model, as well as the underlying mechanisms. / Our results showed that EriB exhibited significant cytotoxic effects on four pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines, with potencies being comparable to that of chemotherapeutic agent camptothecin. EriB had the most potent cytotoxicity in CAPAN-2 cells with IC₅₀ = 0.73 μM. The hallmark features of apoptosis, such as nuclear condensation, translocation of phosphatidylserine, DNA laddering, and DNA fragmentation were observed in EriB-treated CAPAN-2 cells. On the other hand, EriB also induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest. Mechanistic studies revealed that EriB induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest through the activation of MAPKs (p38, ERK1/2), caspase cascade, and p53/p21/cdk1-cyclinB1 signaling pathways. A decrease in the ratio of anti-apoptotic to pro-apoptotic proteins (bcl-2/bak) also contributed to the activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Further investigation showed that EriB-induced cytotoxic and apoptotic effects were dependent on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Such demonstrated effects could be inhibited by pre-treatment with thiol-containing antioxidants. Furthermore, EriB induced ROS was mediated via the inhibition of two main antioxidant systems, namely glutathione and thioredoxin systems. EriB-mediated ROS activated multiple targets or signal pathways, including MAPK, heat shock protein (Hsp) 70, and caspase cascade, while inhibiting the NFκB pathway. / On the other hand, in vivo study demonstrated that daily intraperitoneal administration of EriB (2.5mg/kg/day) in human pancreatic tumor xenografts BALB/c nude mice significantly inhibited tumor growth, but without having toxicity in the heart, liver and kidney. In addition, EriB treatments induced in vivo cell apoptosis and superoxide production as observed in tumor tissues. / In conclusion, the present study reports for the first time that EriB has possessed anti-proliferative activities in pancreatic cancer cells. The anti-proliferative effects of EriB on CAPAN-2 cells could be attributable to the regulation of cellular apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. The inhibitory effects of EriB on two antioxidant systems result in the accumulation of ROS, which in turn activate MAPK, p53, Hsp70 and caspase cascade, while inhibiting NFB pathway and finally leading to pancreatic cancer cell death. Meanwhile, in vivo study further confirms the anti-tumor properties of EriB, suggesting that EriB could be considered as a potential chemotherapeutic agent for patients with pancreatic cancer. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Li, Lin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 207-230). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Abstract (English) --- p.i / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.iv / Publications --- p.vi / Acknowledgements --- p.vii / Table of contents --- p.ix / List of figures --- p.xv / List of tables --- p.xix / List of abbreviations --- p.xx / Chapter Chapter1 --- General Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- The pancreas --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Anatomy of the pancreas --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Histology of the pancreas --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- Exocrine pancreas --- p.5 / Chapter --- Structure of secretory acini, ducts and stroma in pancreas --- p.5 / Chapter --- Functions of exocrine pancreas --- p.6 / Chapter 1.1.4 --- Endocrine pancreas --- p.9 / Chapter --- Structure of islets cells --- p.10 / Chapter --- Functions of endocrine pancreas --- p.10 / Chapter 1.1.5 --- Disorders of the pancreas --- p.11 / Chapter 1.2 --- Pancreatic cancer --- p.14 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Epidemiology --- p.14 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- The risks and causes of pancreatic cancer --- p.15 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer --- p.18 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Types of pancreatic cancer --- p.19 / Chapter 1.2.5 --- Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer --- p.21 / Chapter 1.2.6 --- Staging of pancreatic cancer --- p.27 / Chapter 1.3 --- Treatments for pancreatic cancer --- p.29 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Surgery --- p.29 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Chemotherapy --- p.30 / Chapter --- 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) --- p.32 / Chapter --- Gemcitabine (Gem) --- p.33 / Chapter --- Other cytotoxic agents --- p.34 / Chapter 1.3.3 --- Radiotherapy --- p.35 / Chapter 1.3.4 --- Target therapies --- p.37 / Chapter --- Antiangiogenic therapy --- p.37 / Chapter --- Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling inhibitors --- p.39 / Chapter --- Hedgehog and Notch signaling pathways inhibitors --- p.41 / Chapter 1.3.5 --- Gene therapy --- p.42 / Chapter 1.3.6 --- Immunotherapy --- p.45 / Chapter 1.3.7 --- Combination therapies --- p.46 / Chapter 1.4 --- Molecular targets for pancreatic cancer chemotherapy --- p.49 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Therapies-induced apoptosis --- p.49 / Chapter --- Caspase cascade and bcl-2 Family --- p.49 / Chapter --- Role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in apoptosis --- p.50 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Nuclear factor-κB activation in pancreatic cancer --- p.50 / Chapter 1.4.3 --- The PI3K and AKT pathway --- p.51 / Chapter 1.4.4 --- JAK/STAT pathway --- p.51 / Chapter 1.4.5 --- Other molecular targets --- p.52 / Chapter 1.5 --- Herbal medicine as an alternative treatment for cancer treatment --- p.53 / Chapter 1.5.1 --- Herbal medicines for different types of cancer treatment --- p.53 / Chapter 1.5.2 --- Herbal medicines for pancreatic cancer treatment --- p.59 / Chapter 1.6 --- Introduction of Isodon eriocalyx (Dunn.) Hara --- p.61 / Chapter 1.6.1 --- Background of Isodon genus and Isodon eriocalyx (Dunn.) Hara --- p.61 / Chapter 1.6.2 --- Diterpenoids from Isodon species and their activities --- p.62 / Chapter 1.6.3 --- The potential anti-cancer activity of Eriocalyxin B, a diterpenoid isolated from Isodon eriocalyx (Dunn.) Hara --- p.62 / Chapter 1.7 --- Aims and objectives of this study --- p.66 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Eriocalyxin B induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells through caspase- and p53-dependent pathways --- p.67 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.68 / Chapter 2.2 --- Materials and methods --- p.71 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Preparation and quality control of Eriocalyxin B --- p.71 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Materials --- p.72 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Cell culture --- p.72 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Preparation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) --- p.73 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Cytotoxicity assay --- p.75 / Chapter 2.2.6 --- Hoechst 33258 staining for morphological evaluation --- p.76 / Chapter 2.2.7 --- DNA fragmentation detection by DNA ladder --- p.76 / Chapter 2.2.8 --- Cell death detection ELISA --- p.77 / Chapter 2.2.9 --- Apoptosis detection by flow cytometry --- p.78 / Chapter 2.2.10 --- Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry --- p.78 / Chapter 2.2.11 --- Western blot analysis --- p.79 / Chapter 2.2.12 --- Statistical analysis --- p.80 / Chapter 2.3 --- Results --- p.81 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- EriB induces cytotoxic effect in human pancreatic cancer cells --- p.81 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- EriB induces apoptosis in CAPAN-2 cells --- p.85 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Activation of pro-apoptotic caspases in EriB-treated CAPAN-2 cells --- p.89 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Modulation of bcl-2/bak ratio in EriB-treated CAPAN-2 cells --- p.92 / Chapter 2.3.5 --- EriB causes G2/M cell cycle arrest --- p.94 / Chapter 2.3.6 --- EriB modulates expression of G2/M cell cycle regulatory proteins through activation of the p53 pathway --- p.96 / Chapter 2.4 --- Discussion --- p.99 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Eriocalyxin B induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer CAPAN-2 cells via mediation of reactive oxygen species --- p.107 / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.108 / Chapter 3.2 --- Materials and methods --- p.113 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Materials --- p.113 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Cell culture and MTT assay --- p.113 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Apoptosis detection by flow cytometry --- p.114 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection by flow cytometry --- p.114 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Glutathione assessment --- p.115 / Chapter 3.2.6 --- Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity detection --- p.116 / Chapter 3.2.7 --- Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) activity detection --- p.116 / Chapter 3.2.8 --- Nuclear and cytosolic fractionation --- p.117 / Chapter 3.2.9 --- Western blot analysis --- p.117 / Chapter 3.2.10 --- Electrophoretic mobility shift assay --- p.119 / Chapter 3.2.11 --- Statistical analysis --- p.119 / Chapter 3.3 --- Results --- p.120 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Thiol-containing antioxidants inhibits EriB-induced cytotoxic effects --- p.120 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Thiol-containing antioxidants inhibits EriB-induced apoptotic effects --- p.122 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Effects of EriB on hydrogen peroxide production --- p.125 / Chapter 3.3.4 --- EriB depletes glutathione level and suppresses GPx activity --- p.128 / Chapter 3.3.5 --- EriB inhibits thioredoxin system and activates ASK1 --- p.130 / Chapter 3.3.6 --- EriB increases Hsp70 and cleaved-PARP expression through ROS --- p.134 / Chapter 3.3.7 --- EriB inhibits NFkB pathway in CAPAN-2 cells --- p.137 / Chapter 3.4 --- Discussion --- p.142 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- In vivo study of the anti-tumor efficacy of Eriocalyxin B in human pancreatic tumor xenograft model --- p.149 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.150 / Chapter 4.2 --- Materials and methods --- p.154 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Establishment of a subcutaneous pancreatic cancer xenograft model --- p.154 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Evaluation of the effects of EriB on tumor growth --- p.155 / Chapter --- Pilot study for EriB and camptothecin treatment --- p.155 / Chapter --- Confirmation study of effective dose of EriB --- p.156 / Chapter --- Dose-comparison study of CPT-11 --- p.156 / Chapter --- Comparison study of EriB and CPT-11 treatments --- p..157 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Measurement of plasma-specific enzyme levels --- p.157 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Assays of terminal deoxytransferase-catalyzed DNA nick-end labeling (TUNEL) --- p..158 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Histological evaluation --- p.159 / Chapter 4.2.6 --- Detection of superoxide by DHE staining --- p.159 / Chapter 4.2.7 --- Establishment of an orthotopic model (SW1990) of pancreatic cancer and detection of the plasma biomarker CA19-9 --- p.160 / Chapter --- Detection of CA19-9 expression by immunofluorescent staining and western blot --- p.161 / Chapter --- Establishment of an orthotopic pancreatic cancer xenograft model by SW1990 cells --- p.162 / Chapter 4.2.8 --- Statistical analysis --- p.164 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results --- p.165 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- EriB inhibits the growth of CAPAN-2 human pancreatic tumor xenografts --- p.165 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- EriB treatments induce cell apoptosis in tumor tissues --- p.173 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Toxicity tests for EriB --- p.175 / Chapter --- Plasma enzyme levels after EriB treatments --- p.175 / Chapter --- No apparent alterations in histology of the heart, liver and kidney tissues --- p..176 / Chapter 4.3.4tEriB induces superoxide production in the tumor tissues --- p.178 / Chapter 4.3.5 --- Successful establishment of an orthotopic xenograft model --- p.180 / Chapter 4.4 --- Discussion --- p.184 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- General Discussion --- p.188 / Chapter 5.1 --- Discussion --- p.189 / Chapter 5.2 --- Conclusion --- p.204 / Chapter 5.3 --- Limitations of the study --- p.205 / Chapter 5.4 --- Future work --- p.206 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- References --- p.207

Role of lethal giant larvae homolog 1 gene in drug resistance of pancreatic cancer cells.

January 2014 (has links)
背景和目的:胰腺導管腺癌(簡稱胰腺癌)是世界範圍內惡性程度最高的癌癥之一,目前它的5 年生存率不到5%。大部分的病人在診斷初期就已經發展到了局部浸潤或遠處轉移的階段,因此失去了根治性手術切除的机会。輔助性化療對於胰腺癌病人來說是一個首選的治療方案,但是目前只有一小部分病人對化療藥物有良好的反應,而臨床化療失敗常與腫瘤細胞對化療藥物產生耐藥有關。吉西他濱是目前臨床上常用的一線抗癌藥物,但是它的耐藥現象在胰腺癌病人中廣泛存在,也是阻礙其臨床應用的主要原因之一。盡管已經有很多研究致力於揭示吉西他濱在胰腺癌細胞中的耐藥機理,目前臨床上仍然沒有有效的方法應對吉西他濱耐藥。我們的研究主要是為了探討一些以前沒有报道過的參與吉西他濱耐藥機理的基因,借此揭示胰腺癌細胞的吉西他濱耐藥的深層機制,為臨床上的治療提供理論依據。 / 實驗方法:我們實驗室之前在胰腺癌細胞株Capan2 中用全基因組RNAi篩選的方法確定LLGL1 作為抑癌基因能增強吉西他濱在胰腺癌細胞中的細胞毒性。我們隨後用體外細胞毒性分析實驗和皮下腫瘤動物模型來驗證LLGL1 是否能增強吉西他濱的細胞毒性,用蘇木素-伊紅染色和原味末端轉移酶標記技術分析抑制LLGL1 的表達是否會影響吉西他濱誘導的細胞雕亡反應。我們還應用微陣列分析技術進一步探尋LLGL1 的下遊靶蛋白,用實時定量PCR(qRT-PCR) 、蛋白印跡法(western blotting)、熒光素酶檢測等技術來進一步證實LLGL1 與下遊靶蛋白的關系,用免疫組織化學方法探究LLGL1 下遊靶蛋白在胰腺癌組織中的表達情況,以及該蛋白與LLGL1 的表達相關性,還應用染色體免疫共沈澱的方法探討轉錄因子Sp1(pThr453) 和RNA 聚合酶 II 在LLGL1 下遊靶蛋白的啟動子上的富集情況。 / 實驗結果:LLGL1 能增強吉西他濱在胰腺癌中的細胞毒性,抑制該基因的表達能誘導胰腺癌細胞對吉西他濱的耐藥,而上調該基因的表達則會增強胰腺癌細胞對吉西他濱的細胞毒性反應。OSMR 是LLGL1 的下遊靶蛋白, 其在胰腺癌組織中的表達與LLGL1 呈負性相關,抑制OSMR 的表達可以逆轉由LLGL1表達下調引起的吉西他濱耐藥現象。OSMR 表達上調可以增強腫瘤幹細胞標記物CD44 和CD24 的表達。另外,在胰腺癌細胞中,抑制LLGL1 的表達能激活ERK2/Sp1 信號通路,導致磷酸化Sp1(pThr453)的表達升高。OSMR 啟動子既沒有TATA 元件也沒有INR 元件,但是有Sp1 结合元件可供Sp1 結合。磷酸化Sp1(pThr453)可以結合到OSMR 啟動子的Sp1 结合元件上,從而促使RNA 轉錄酶II 結合到該啟動子上,啟動OSMR 基因的轉錄。 / 結論:我們的研究發現:1,LLGL1 能增強吉西他濱在胰腺癌中的細胞毒性,抑制該基因在胰腺癌細胞中的表達能上調OSMR 的表達,並誘導吉西他濱耐藥;2,OSMR 的表達在胰腺癌組織中與LLGL1 呈負性相關;3,下調LLGL1的表達能激活ERK2/Sp1 信號通路,進一步導致磷酸化Sp1(pThr453)和RNA 轉錄酶II 在OSMR 啟動子上的聚集,最終促使OSMR 的高表達,而下調LLGL1的表達能抑制該調節通路,從而抑制OSMR 的轉錄。 / Background & Aims: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most malignant cancers worldwide. Its 5-year survival rate is less than 5%, because most patients have already developed to the advanced stage of local invasion or distant metastasis once diagnosed, and missed the chances of curable surgical resection. Adjuvant chemotherapy is an alternative therapeutic strategy against PDAC. Yet, only very small proportion of patients could benefit from chemotherapy due to the innate and easily-acquired chemo-resistance in PDAC cells, especially to the first-line chemotherapeutic drug, gemcitabine. Many studies have been conducted to exploring the mechanisms underlying gemcitabine resistance in PDAC cells, but gemcitabine resistance is still the major obstacle impeding PDAC patients benefits from chemotherapy. Our studies aimed to investigate novel genes involved in gemcitabine response and to explore the undefined mechanisms generating gemcitabine resistance in PDAC cells. / Methods: Our colleagues previously performed genome-wide RNAi screening in gemcitabine-sensitive Capan2 cells. Lethal giant larvae homolog 1 (LLGL1) was identified as a potential gemcitabine-sensitizing gene which was then validated by our subsequent in-vitro drug cytotoxicity assay in LLGL1-inhibited Capan2 and SW1990 cells and in vivo subcutaneous xenograft mouse model. Hematoxylin & Eosin staining and terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling were applied for the assessment of apoptotic effects induced by gemcitabine in subcutaneous xenografts. We did gene expression microarray analysis to explore the potential downstream targets of LLGL1. Western blotting, qRT-PCR, and luciferase assay were applied to validate the downstream target of LLGL1 that were figured out by microarray analysis. We also did immunohistochemical staining to investigate the expression levels and correlationship of LLGL1 and its downstream target in PDAC specimens. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was performed to explore the enrichment of the transcriptional factor Sp1(pThr453) and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) at the promoter of the downstream targets of LLGL1. / Results: LLGL1 was identified as a gemcitabine-sensitizing gene, whose inhibition remarkably reduced gemcitabine response in gemcitabine-sensitive Capan2 and SW1990 cells, and ectopic expression induced gemcitabine response in gemcitabine-resistant PANC1 cells. Oncostatin M receptor (OSMR) was identified as a downstream target of LLGL1, whose expression was negatively correlated with LLGL1, and knockdown of OSMR significantly reversed gemcitabine resistance induced by LLGL1 inhibition in Capan2 and SW1990 cells. Additionally, activation of OSMR signaling was associated with the elevated expression of cancer stem cell markers, CD44 and CD24, both of which had already been identified to contribute to gemcitabine resistance in PDAC cells. Moreover, OSMR up-regulation induced by LLGL1 inhibition in SW1990 cells depended on the activation of ERK2/Sp1 signaling and subsequent accumulation of Sp1(pThr453) and Pol II at the TATA-less, INR-less but Sp1-binding-site-rich promoter of OSMR, while ectopic expression of LLGL1 in PANC1 cells inactivated ERK2/Sp1 signaling and subsequently reduced the enrichment of Sp1(pThr453) and Pol II at OSMR promoter. / CONCLUSIONS: Our studies revealed the novel tumor suppressive role of LLGL1 as a gemcitabine-sensitizing gene in PDAC cells. Loss of LLGL1 resulted in the activation of ERK2/Sp1 signaling and up-regulation of OSMR expression, and ultimately desensitized gemcitabine response in PDAC cells. More importantly, ectopic expression of LLGL1 disrupted such regulatory axis and improved gemcitabine response. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Zhu, Yinxin. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-183). / Abstracts also in Chinese.

Transabdominal Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography of Pancreatic Cancer

Kersting, Stephan, Roth, Johanna, Bunk, Alfred 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Since its introduction, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) has significantly extended the value of ultrasonography (US). CEUS can be used to more accurately determine pancreatic lesions compared to conventional US or to characterize lesions already detectable by US. Thus, CEUS can aid in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic tumors. Using US contrast media, it is possible to visually detect microvessels in the majority of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. Thus, the use of quantitatively evaluated transabdominal CEUS can help in the differentiation of patients with mass-forming pancreatitis from patients with pancreatic adenocarcinomas. In neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors, different enhancement patterns can be observed in relation to the tumor mass: larger ones show a rapid early enhancement sometimes combined with necrotic central structures, and smaller ones disclose a capillary-blush enhancement. Pseudocysts, the most widespread cystic lesions of the pancreas, are not vascularized. They do not show any signal in CEUS and remain entirely anechoic in all phases, while true cystic pancreatic tumors usually have vascularized septa and parietal nodules. In summary, CEUS is effective for differentiating solid pancreatic tumors in most cases. CEUS is safe and cost effective and can better discriminate solid from cystic pancreatic lesions, thereby directing further imaging modalities. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Análise da densidade da microvasculatura e da expressão do gene p53 no adenocarcinoma pancreático / Evaluation of microvessel density and p53 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Ricardo Jureidini 01 October 2009 (has links)
O adenocarcinoma pancreático é a neoplasia maligna mais comum do pâncreas. A alta taxa de mortalidade deve-se ao diagnóstico tardio e a alta agressividade do tumor. Freqüentemente observam-se indivíduos com neoplasias de mesmo estadio apresentarem sobrevivência diferente. Isso demonstra a necessidade de incluir mais variáveis na caracterização da doença. O processo de angiogênese é essencial para o crescimento tanto do tumor primário, quanto para o metastático. A medida da densidade intratumoral da microvasculatura (DMV) por imunoistoquímica é o método mais confiável para medir a atividade angiogênica tumoral. A perda da função do gene p53 influencia a resposta à quimio e à radioterapia além de regular a angiogênese. A sobrevivência está inversamente relacionada à positividade do p53 e à DMV em neoplasias de mama, pulmão, ovários, estômago, cólon, laringe e bexiga. No adenocarcinoma pancreático os resultados são controversos. Idealizou-se essa pesquisa retrospectiva analisando-se dados clínicos e os resultados de estudos imunoistoquímicos obtidos de adenocarcinomas de pâncreas ressecados com intenção curativa. Analisou-se dados clínicos, patológicos, re-estadiamento e resultados da DMV e da expressão do gene p53 em 49 pacientes. A densidade média de microvasos foi de 46,2 vasos/mm2 sendo que esse valor foi utilizado para dividir os pacientes em grupos de baixa ou alta densidade de vasos. A coloração para p53 nuclear foi considerada positiva em 20 de 49 pacientes (40,8%). A DMV foi significativamente maior nos pacientes com tumores maiores que 3,0 cm e nos pacientes com ressecções incompletas. A expressão do gene p53 e a DMV, não foram fatores preditivos da sobrevivência pós-operatória. Não foi possível verificar relação entre a expressão do gene p53 e a densidade da microvasculatura tumoral / The prognostic significance of microvessel density and the p53 expression was evaluated. Between 1993 and 2006, 49 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma were ressected with curative intention. Specimens were stained immunohistochemically with antibodies anti- p53 anti-CD34. Microvessel density (MVD) was assessed scanning ten areas of the tumoral section and counted at a high power in an adequate area. The MVD ranged from 21,2 to 54,2 vessels/mm2 (mean 46,2 vessels/mm2). Specific nuclear staining for p53 was determined positive in 20 patients (40,8%). The overall median survival was 24,1 months after resection and there was no difference in survival rates according to the MVD and p53 positivity. There was also no relation between the MVD and p53 expression. MVD and p53 expression could not predict survival in these patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. There was no correlation with p53 expression and intratumoral microvessel density. High MVD was associated with tumor size grater than 3,0 cm and positive margins

Etude de la fonction de la cellule bêta pancréatique dans un modèle de souris présentant une mutation nulle partielle de l'échangeur sodium/calcium

Nguidjoe, Evrard 31 October 2011 (has links)
Précédemment, nous avons montré que la surexpression de l'échangeur Na/Ca NCX1), une protéine responsable de la sortie de calcium (Ca2+) des cellules, augmentait la mort cellulaire programmée ou « apoptose » et réduisait la prolifération des cellules β. Afin d’étudier plus en profondeur le rôle de l’échangeur dans les cellules β in vivo, nous avons développé et caractérisé des souris présentant une inactivation de NCX1.<p>Des méthodes biologiques et morphologiques (imagerie du Ca2+, capture de Ca2+, métabolisme du glucose, sécrétion d'insuline et morphométrie par comptage de points) ont été utilisées pour évaluer la fonction de la cellule β in vitro. Les taux de glucose et d'insuline dans le sang ont été mesurés afin de déterminer le métabolisme du glucose et la sensibilité à l’insuline in vivo. Des îlots ont été transplantés sous la capsule rénale pour évaluer leur capacité à corriger le diabète chez les souris rendues diabétiques par l’alloxane.<p>L'inactivation hétérozygote de Ncx1 chez les souris provoque une augmentation de la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose avec un renforcement important à la fois de la première et de la deuxième phase. Ces résultats s’accompagnent d’une augmentation de la masse et de la prolifération des cellules β. La mutation augmente également le contenu en insuline, l’immunomarquage de la proinsuline, la capture de Ca2+ induite par le glucose et la résistance à l'hypoxie des cellules β. En outre, les îlots de souris Ncx1+/- montrent une capacité à compenser le diabète 2 à 4 fois plus élevé que les îlots de souris Ncx1+/+ lorsque transplantés chez des souris diabétiques.<p>En conclusion, l’inactivation de l'échangeur Na/Ca conduit à une augmentation de la fonction de la cellule β, de sa prolifération, de sa masse et de sa résistance au stress physiologique, à savoir à divers changements de fonction des cellules β opposés aux principales anomalies rencontrées dans le diabète de type 2 (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,T2DM). Ceci nous procure un modèle unique pour la prévention et le traitement du dysfonctionnement des cellules β dans le T2DM et pour la transplantation d'îlots.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Structural Studies On Bovine Pancreatic Phospholipase A2 And Proteins Involved In Molybdenum Cofactor Biosynthesis

Kanaujia, Shankar Prasad 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
We have carried out structural studies on bovine pancreatic phospholipase A2 (BPLA2) and two proteins involved in molybdenum cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis pathway. In addition, molecular-dynamics simulations and other analyses have been performed to corroborate the findings obtained from the crystal structures. Crystal structures of the three active-site mutants (H48N, D49N and D49K) of BPLA2 were determined to understand the mechanism by which the mutant H48N is able to catalyze the reaction of phospholipid hydrolysis and to see the effect of the loss of Ca 2+ ion in the active site of D49N and D49K mutants. We found that Asp49 could possibly play the role of a general base instead of His48 in the case of the H48N mutant. In the case of D49N and D49K mutants, the active site of the enzyme is perturbed, whereas the overall tertiary structure of these mutants is intact. In addition, a total of 24 invariant water molecules were identified in all of the crystal structures of BPLA2 available in its archive, PDB. Out of these, four water molecules are essential for the catalytic activity, whereas, the remaining water molecules play a role in the stability of the enzyme. In addition, structural studies on two proteins MoaC and MogA involved in Moco biosynthesis pathway have been carried out. For the first time, crystal structure of MoaC bound with GTP molecule has been reported. The gene id TTHA0341, which is mentioned as MoaB in the CMR database, was annotated as MogA based the comparative analysis of sequences and structures (with the present work and the structures available in the literature). The role of N-and C-termini of MoaB and MogA proteins were proposed that these residues might stabilize the substrate and/or product molecule in the active site. In addition, the residues involved in the oligomerization are compared with MD simulations. The molecular docking studies show that MoaB proteins show more preference to GTP than ATP. The comparison of the two active (MPT and AMP-binding) sites revealed that MPT-binding site is preferred over AMP-binding site for nucleotide binding.

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