Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paraguay"" "subject:"paraguai""
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Being German and being Paraguayan in Nueva Germania : arguing for 'contextual epistemic permissibility' and 'methodological complementarity'Kurzwelly, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis involves a collaborative study of emic articulations and quotidian ways of ‘being German' and ‘being Paraguayan' in Nueva Germania, a rural municipality in Paraguay. An argument is made that the social categories focused upon during this thesis, were evoked according to different contexts. While many claimed that Germanness or Paraguayanness were key categories, essentialistic characteristics that defined them and others as people of a certain kind, in other situations these social divisions were disregarded or even contradicted. This leads me to the theoretical conclusion that social categories, and epistemic frameworks more broadly, should not be understood as universally relevant or as universally applicable, and should not be treated as such. The thesis therefore proposes to assume ‘contextual epistemic permissibility' as a key axiom for use within anthropology and in the wider social sciences. The possible theoretical and methodological consequences of such an assumption are elaborated upon. Different theories of self, social action, and agency are debated in the course of this thesis: it is asked which might best analytically accommodate the assumption of contextual epistemic permissibility. Furthermore, in order to reflect the multiplicity of emic epistemic frameworks, the thesis proposes that a notion of ‘analytical and representative complementarity' be introduced, rather than monistic theoretical models. Such complementarity is practised in the thesis through the use of different multiscalar analyses (for example, the use of different theories of nationalism), and through the simultaneous use of different forms of representation. The above theoretical divagations are intertwined and related to the individual stories of twelve people from Nueva Germania, and are presented with both textual and photographic means. The stories were created through a collaborative process. Each project participant was free to decide upon the subject of their account, and therefore the resulting stories are able to cover a variety of different themes, at the same time introducing the reader to individual histories, struggles, opinions, plans, and critiques. Some elements of these accounts directly relate to the theoretical debates focused upon within the thesis while other elements of the individual stories are left to speak for themselves, and for the reader to make sense of independently. The photographs and texts, in their intertextual presentation, allow for an embodiment of the argument concerning representational complementarity.
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Cultural Transmission and the Disease Ecology of Tuberculosis in Indigenous Communities of the Paraguayan ChacoJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The health situation of indigenous peoples is comparable to that of the world's poorest populations, but with the additional burdens of social and cultural marginalization, geographic and cultural barriers to accessing health services, and, in some areas, appropriation of land and natural resources. Cultural transmission (the transfer of beliefs, ideas, and behaviors from one culture to another) from outsider health institutions should presumably aid in closing this health gap by transferring knowledge, practices, and infrastructure to prevent and treat disease. This study examines the biosocial construction of the disease ecology of tuberculosis (TB) in indigenous communities of the Paraguayan Chaco with varying degrees of cultural transmission from outside institutions (government, religious, and NGOs), to determine the influence of cultural transmission on local disease ecologies. Using a biocultural epidemiological framework for the analysis of human infectious disease ecology, this study employed an interdisciplinary, mixed methods approach to examine the interactions of host, pathogen, and the environment in the Paraguayan Chaco. Three case studies examining aspects of TB disease ecology in indigenous communities are presented: (1) The effective cultural transmission of biomedical knowledge to isolated communities, (2) Public health infrastructure, hygiene, and the prevalence of intestinal parasites: co-morbidities that promote the progression to active TB disease, and (3) Community-level risk factors for TB and indigenous TB burden. Findings from the case studies suggest that greater influence from outside institutions was not associated with greater adoption of biomedical knowledge of TB. The prevalence of helminthiasis was unexpectedly low, but infection with giardia was common, even in a community with cleaner water sources. Communities with a health post were more likely to report active adult TB, while communities with more education were less likely to report active pediatric TB, suggesting that healthcare access is the major determinant of TB detection. More research is needed on the role of non-indigenous community residents and other measures of acculturation or integration in TB outcomes, especially at the household level. Indigenous TB burden in the Chaco is disproportionately high, and better understanding of the mechanisms that produce higher incidence and prevalence of the disease is needed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Social Science and Health 2014
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As relações entre entoação frasal e melodia de músicas populares paraguaias / Relaions between phrasal intonation and melody of popular songs paraguayanDami Glades Maidana Baz 08 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tese busca averiguar as relações entre entoação frasal no guarani e melodia de músicas populares paraguaias. Foram analisados falas e cantos de sujeitos do gênero masculino e feminino. Segue-se por base o modelo de análise proposto por Ferreira Netto (2006), que analisou a prosódia da língua portuguesa observando a frequência fundamental como uma série temporal. Os dados, colhidos por meio de pesquisa de campo, foram analisados com o uso do aplicativo ExProsodia. A análise centrou-se nas finalizações de canto e de fala guarani do Paraguai da sociedade paraguaia popular. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para finalizações predominantemente plagais tanto na fala quanto no canto. / This research aims at describing the relationship between the sentence intonation of the Paraguayan Guarani and the melody of Paraguayan popular songs. Ferreira Netto (2006) model of analysis was used. He analyzed the Portuguese prosody considering the fundamental Frequency as a temporal series. The data were collected through field research. Analysis and tabulation of data were conducted using the software ExProsodia. The analysis focused specifically the end of sentences of spoken Guarani and the melody of songs. The results pointed out that the end of the spoken sentences as well as songs were similar and mainly plagal.
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O tempo na sombra da linguagem: Vigilia del Almirante, de Augusto Roa Bastos / Time in the shadow of language: Vigilia del Almirante, by Augusto Roa BastosRicardo da Silva Espindola 16 September 2013 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objeto de análise o romance Vigilia del Almirante (1992), de Augusto Roa Bastos. O eixo temático e o instrumental teórico da dissertação foram definidos visando à investigação das relações entre realidade e linguagem no âmbito da ficção histórica, mais especificamente, no romance histórico metaficcional, gênero que problematiza sua própria natureza discursiva, assumindo-se como construção linguística e opondo-se diametralmente ao modelo clássico, que prima pela plasmação realista de feitos e processos históricos em uma fábula elaborada de modo verossimilhante e linear. Tal projeto romanesco pode ser sintetizado em uma frase do próprio Roa Bastos extraída de Yo el Supremo (1974): Escribir no significa convertir lo real en palabras sino hacer que la palabra sea real. Enfatiza-se nesta pesquisa o emprego do discurso mítico e da condição de desterro transcendental (cisão entre vida e linguagem) como elementos fundamentais da estrutura de Vigilia del Almirante. Roa Bastos explora a incongruência entre realidade e palavra experimentada pelo Colombo histórico, correlacionando-a com dois outros desterros transcendentais: o de D. Quixote e o da civilização guarani. Além disso, o autor retoma nesta obra algumas construções de Yo el Supremo, romance também estruturado em torno do mito e cujo protagonista, um desterrado transcendental, também é associado ao cavaleiro andante cervantino. Tais escolhas são organizadas de modo a gerar um romance inverossímil, não linear e sem o predomínio da invocação dramática, marcado pela presença de diferentes vozes que se contradizem. Isto faz de Vigilia del Almirante uma obra complexa, ambígua, polifônica e autocrítica, que não se apresenta como única visão possível sobre o tema. Essa estratégia ficcional tem como objetivo questionar as representações e historiografias tradicionais, conservadoras e mitificadoras de Cristóvão Colombo, revelando-as em sua natureza puramente linguística e destituindo-as de seu caráter de verdade absoluta. / This study discusses Augusto Roa Bastoss novel Vigilia del Almirante (1992). The thematic axis and theoretical grounds of this dissertation were established with the purpose of investigating the relations between reality and language in the scope of historical fiction more specifically, in metafictional historical novel, a genre that problematizes its own discursive nature, establishing itself as a linguistic construction and directly opposing the classical model that values a realistic account of historical deeds and processes in a fable that is verisimilarly and linearly developed. This Romanesque project is summarized by Roa Bastos himself, in a sentence extracted from Yo el Supremo (1974): Writing does not mean to turn what is real into words, but to make words real. This research emphasizes the use of mythical discourse and transcendental exile (a rupture between life and language) as fundamental elements of structure in Vigilia del Almirante. Roa Bastos explores the inconsistency between reality and words experienced by the historical Columbus, correlating it to two other transcendental exiles: D. Quixotes and that of the guarani civilization. In addition, in this work the author reuses some constructions from Yo el Supremo, a novel that is also structured around myth and whose protagonist, who is in transcendental exile, is also associated to Cervantes roving rider. These choices are combined to originate an unlikely, non-linear novel, without the predominance of dramatic evocation, marked by the presence of different conflicting voices. This characterizes Vigilia del Almirante as a complete, ambiguous, polyphonic and self-critical work that does not present itself as the only possible standpoint on the theme. This fictional strategy aims to question traditional, conservative and mythicizing portrayals and historiographies on Christopher Columbus, unveiling their purely linguistic nature and not accepting them as a universal truth.
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The Paraguayan War and the Platine Balance of PowerSchaefer, Robert H. 01 January 1975 (has links)
Utilizing both primary and secondary literature, this study attempts to illustrate that the origins of one of Latin America’s most significant wars, the Paraguayan War (1864-70), are understandable only when viewed within the context of the historical development of the Rio de la Plata as a region. Adopting the framework provided by Robert N. Burr in his pioneering work on the South American continental balance of power system. “By Reason or Force: Chile and the Balancing of Power in South America, 1830-1905” (Berkely, 1965), this thesis examines one particular outgrowth of the historical process in the Rio de Plata: The development of a regional balance of power in the area. It also illustrates that such systems of international power politics are not necessarily promotive of stability and equanimity in the relations between nations: that balance of power systems are not static but constantly changing, and that such changes are conducive to friction, intrigue, and war.
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[pt] Historicamente os estudos e pesquisas dos movimentos migratórios são
orientados por valores patriarcais, sendo a migração tratada quase sempre como
uma questão masculina, invisibilizando a presença feminina nesse processo. Essa
omissão das mulheres migrantes nos estudos migratórios reforça insistentemente a
trajetória de mobilidade masculina como sendo a norma. Assim, em virtude de tal
omissão histórica da migração feminina, a proposta é estudar, a partir da intersecção
entre o gênero, processo migratório e fronteira, a migração feminina para o setor de
cuidados, que consiste no trabalho realizado no âmbito doméstico de cuidados com
a limpeza do ambiente doméstico e principalmente o cuidado de pessoas (crianças,
idosos, pessoas com deficiência, etc.), e que tem estado ocultada nas análises
tradicionais dos estudos migratórios. Dentro dessa problemática, o presente
trabalho tem como proposta fazer uma análise crítica das implicações da
invisibilidade de gênero para a (des)proteção internacional dos direitos humanos de
trabalhadoras paraguaias, que migram e/ou transitam irregularmente para atuar na
área de cuidados na fronteira de Foz do Iguaçu. Este lugar de vulnerabilidade
reforça a invisibilidade na ótica estatal da proteção, em que se consideram os
sujeitos incluídos na norma e merecedores da proteção estatal e dos direitos
humanos: nacionais, cidadão, migrante regular/documentado, etc. Para responder a
esse questionamento: onde estão essas mulheres migrantes na fronteira?, utilizouse
da metodologia feminista que permite analisar a partir de questionamento desse
silenciamento das mulheres migrantes, as assimetrias constituídas pelas relações de
gênero no processo de mobilidade das trabalhadoras paraguaias na fronteira, tendo
em vista as particularidades intrínsecas no projeto migratório feminino e no trabalho
do setor de cuidados. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida mediante abordagem
qualitativa e técnicas metodológicas, como a análise indutiva de normas e de
política social, com base em fontes secundárias: a partir levantamento de dados
estatísticos existentes em informativos institucionais, originários do Observatório
de Migrações (Obmigra), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)
e do Instituto de Pesquisa Aplicada (IPEA), com o intuito de fazer o levantamento
do perfil da mulher migrante na fronteira. / [en] Historically, studies and research on migratory movements are guided by
patriarchal values, with migration being treated almost always as a male issue,
making the female presence invisible in this process. This omission of migrant
women in migration studies insistently reinforces the trajectory of male mobility as
the norm. Thus, due to this historical omission of female migration, the proposal is
to study, from the intersection between gender, migratory process and border,
female migration to the care sector, which consists of the work carried out in the
domestic sphere of care with cleaning the domestic environment and especially the
care of people (children, the elderly, people with disabilities, etc.), and which has
been hidden in traditional analyzes of migration studies. Within this problem, the
present work proposes to make a critical analysis of the implications of gender
invisibility for the international (un)protection of the human rights of Paraguayan
workers, who migrate and/or transit irregularly to work in the area of care at the
border of Foz do Iguaçu. This place of vulnerability reinforces invisibility from the
state perspective of protection, which considers the subjects included in the norm
and deserving of state protection and human rights: nationals, citizens,
regular/documented migrants, etc. To answer this question, where are these migrant
women on the border, we used the feminist methodology that allows analyzing,
from the questioning of this silencing of migrant women, the asymmetries
constituted by gender relations in the process of mobility of Paraguayan workers on
the border, in view of the intrinsic particularities in the female migratory project
and in the work of the care sector. This research was developed using a qualitative
approach and methodological techniques, such as the inductive analysis of norms
and social policy, based on secondary sources: from the survey of existing statistical
data in institutional newsletters, originating from the Migration Observatory
(Obmigra), Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) and the Institute of Applied Research (IPEA) in order to survey the profile of migrant women at the
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Fragmentos de guerra: imagens e visualidades da guerra contra o Paraguai (1865-1881) / Fragments of war: images and visualities of the war against Paraguay (1865-1881)Stumpf, Lúcia Klück 04 April 2019 (has links)
A tese apresenta uma análise sobre registros visuais produzidos no âmbito da Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870), evento que envolveu Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai em luta contra o Paraguai, em uma conjuntura de consolidação de projetos nacionais na América do Sul. A natureza histórica do conflito é por si propícia à criação de imagens e imaginários. Além disso, a eclosão da guerra ocorreu em um momento em que o estatuto do olhar estava em debate, aliado a uma intensa transformação das tecnologias de reprodução e circulação de imagens. Nesse sentido, buscou-se compreender as imagens analisadas a partir do regime de visualidade em que estavam inseridas. Ou seja, não apenas quanto ao seu conteúdo aparente, mas em suas relações de produção, circulação, consumo e agenciamento. Fundamentado em indícios sobretudo gráficos, este trabalho intenta desvelar práticas visuais em voga a partir do exame do percurso social das imagens, em seus cruzamentos entre tecnologia e estética. Para isso, são analisados quatro conjuntos imagéticos que suscitam questões distintas, sem induzir uma relação de causalidade entre eles. Dos aspectos principais ressalta-se: um deslocamento de usos e sentidos dos desenhos militares a partir da cobertura feita pela imprensa ilustrada do Rio de Janeiro; a sobreposição do conteúdo científico e militar da expedição ao Mato Grosso, analisada a partir do álbum de desenhos de Alfredo Taunay; a natureza iminentemente múltipla das imagens produzidas para o mercado editorial pelo artista suíço Adolf Methfessel; a emergência dos debates raciais na crítica de arte que acompanhou a Exposição Geral de Belas Artes de 1879, associada à falta de prática de ver e representar o negro nas pinturas de história de grande monta. Do exame de fragmentos visuais da guerra, buscou-se historicizar os modos de ver e de fazer ver de um evento que, dessa forma, se demonstra também produtivo e criador, para além dos efeitos nefastos cujas consequências são sentidas até os dias atuais. / This thesis presents an analysis of visual records produced on the scope of the Paraguayan war (1864-1870), an event in which Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay engaged on a fight against Paraguay, while nationalist projects were being stablished in South America. The historical nature of the conflict is for itself worth of the creation of images and imaginaries. Furthermore, the war outbreak occurred on a time that the constitution of the gaze was under debate, alongside to an intense technology transformation on image reproduction and circulation. In this regard, we aimed to ponder the images trough out the visual system in which they were inserted. In other words, not only concerning its apparent content but also its production, circulation, consume and agency relationships. Primarily based on graphic media, this works aims to unveil visual practices in vogue through the analysis of the social path of the images, and its crossings between technology and aesthetics. This required the analysis of four image sets that raise different questions, with no induction of a causality relation between them. Among their main aspects, we emphasize: a displacement of use and sense of the military drawings by Rio de Janeiro\'s illustrated press coverage; the scientific and military conflict overlap of the Mato Grosso expedition, by the analysis of Alfredo Taunya\'s drawing albums; the imminently multiple nature of images by Swiss artist Adolf Methfessel produced to the publishing market; the racial debate rising on art criticism that followed the General Exhibition of Fine Arts of 1879, associated to the lack of practices of seeing and representing the Negro on great mount historical paintings. We have aimed to historicize the ways of seeing and make to see through the examination of visual fragments of the war, thus, showing its productive and creative side, in addition to the nefarious effects and consequences felt to the present day.
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[pt] Esta dissertação se propõe ao estudo da revista do Instituto
Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro publicada desde o fim da
guerra no Paraguai até a proclamação da República,
resultando, entre outros pontos, em uma reflexão sobre o
tempo histórico, esboço de uma extensão e de uma intensidade
particulares aos textos e autores publicados nessa revista.
Na medida em que tais textos e autores comentavam uma nova
era do IHGB e do Império, delimitavam um período cujo início
foi a participação do Imperador em uma sessão do Instituto
(uma das confirmações dos sucessos da maioridade). O
compromisso com o Imperador e com a ordem que ele
simbolizava aparece na medida em que os sócios do Instituto
Histórico defendiam o alargamento desse período. Em
conseqüência, mantinham-se fiéis a um conjunto de debates
anteriores que tratava especialmente de fronteiras e nações,
enquanto, do lado de fora do Instituto, a República era
consentida. Sendo assim, nos detivemos especialmente nestes
textos e autores (como Visconde de Taunay e Couto de
Magalhães) que tratavam de fronteiras e nações, em um debate
onde a atenção ao território se imbricava com uma
discussão sobre seus habitantes (os selvagens). No momento
em que a perda do Imperador era inevitável e parte desses
debates parecia perder força, os sócios do IHGB reafirmavam
o compromisso com a razão e a distância do mundo das paixões
que, segundo os próprios, marcavam as regências e esse novo
presente. Afirmavam-se, por fim, enquanto herdeiros ainda
dispostos a dar continuidade ao IHGB, Instituto de sábios
comprometidos com o progresso da Nação. / [en] This dissertation proposed to study the journal of the
Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro published after
the end of the war in the Paraguay until the proclamation of
the Republic, resulting, among other points, in a reflection
on the historical time, outline of an extension and of an
intensity, particular to the texts and
authors published in this journal. Since such texts and
authors used to comment a new era of the IHGB and of the
Empire, they delimited a period that had began with the
participation of the Emperor in a session of the Institute
(one of the confirmations of the successes of the majority).
The commitment with the Emperor, and with the order that he
symbolized, appears when the members of the Instituto
Histórico defended the widening of this period.
Consequently, they were faithful to an assembly of previous
debates that treated specially of borders and nations,
whereas, on the outside of the Institute, the Republic was
being consented. Threfore, we discussed specially these
texts and authors (as the Viscount of Taunay and Couto of
Magalhães) that shaped borders and nations, in a debate
where the attention to the territory overlapped with an
argument about his habitants (the wild). In the moment that
they lost the Emperor and a part of these debates lost
force, the members of the IHGB reaffirmed the commitment
with the reason and the distance of the world of the
passions that, second then own, marked the regency and
marked this new present. They were, finally, heirs still
committed to give continuity to the Instituto Histórico,
Institute of wise man committed with the progress of the Nation.
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Juan Natalicio González (1897-1966): um intelectual plural / Juan Natalicio González (1897-1966): an plural intellectualQuinteros, Marcela Cristina 04 November 2016 (has links)
Esta tese procura identificar quais eram os principais objetivos intelectuais e políticos de Juan Natalicio González (1897-1966), um escritor paraguaio que desempenhou um amplo leque de atividades jornalista, ensaísta, editor, político, militante do Partido Colorado e diplomata. A partir da análise de suas biografias, de seus próprios textos (autobiografia, ensaios e a revista Guarania) e do resgate feito pela historiografia, consideramos que González atingiu parcialmente suas ambições políticas, na medida em que chegou a ser presidente de seu país, foi derrubado e já não pôde voltar a ocupar um papel protagonista na cena política nacional. Por outro lado, teve grande sucesso na difusão e na consolidação da interpretação revisionista da história paraguaia, ao articular-se em diversos grupos de intelectuais latino-americanos que reproduziram amplamente sua versão da história. / This thesis seeks to identify the main intellectual and political objectives of Juan Natalicio González (1897-1966), a Paraguayan writer who played an extensive variety of activities (journalist, essayist, editor, politician, Colorado Partys member and diplomatic). From the analysis of their biographies, their own texts (autobiography, essays and magazine Guarania) and the study done by historians we consider that Gonzalez partially achieved his political ambitions, because he became president of his country but he was deposed and did not return to play a leading role in the national political scene. He succeeded in spreading and consolidation of the revisionist interpretation of Paraguayan history, after participating in various groups of Latin American intellectuals who widely reproduced his version of the history.
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El pensamiento político y económico de José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia: 1814-1840 / José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia\'s political and economic thought: 1814-1840Nuñez, Ronald Leon 24 July 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar e interpretar o pensamento político e econômico do Dr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia [1766-1840], reconhecido intelectual, dirigente da independência paraguaia e Ditador Supremo daquele país entre 1814 e 1840. A partir da correspondência pessoal, ordens e decretos escritos pelo ditador paraguaio, propõe-se compreender distintas facetas de seu pensamento e, em certa medida, compará-las com determinadas ações de seu governo. Este estudo está contextualizado por uma descrição geral das características econômicas, políticas e sociais do Paraguai, desde a Colônia até o começo do processo da independência sul-americana e a posterior ascensão política do doutor Francia, determinada, por sua vez, pelas vicissitudes da crise regional que levou à conformação de Estados nacionais na Bacia do Prata. / The purpose of this research is to analyze and interpret the political and economical thought of Dr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia [1766-1840], a recognized intellectual, leader of the Paraguayan independence and countrys Supreme Dictator between 1814 and 1840. From personal correspondence, orders and decrees written by the Paraguayan dictator, the research aims at understanding different aspects of his thought and, to some extent, compare them with certain actions of his government. This objective is contextualized by an overview of the economic, political and social features of Paraguay, from the colonial period to the beginning of the process of South American independence and the subsequent political rise of Dr. Francia, determined, in turn, by the vicissitudes of the regional crisis that led to the forming of national states on the Río de la Plata Basin.
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