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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La qualité de la relation parent-enfant suite à un traumatisme crânio-cérébral léger à l’âge préscolaire

Lalonde, Gabrielle 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The acquisition of Swedish prepositions : A longitudinal study of child comprehension and production of spatial prepositions / Barns tillägnande av svenska prepositioner : En longitudinell studie om barns förståelse och produktion av spatiala prepositioner

Tahbaz, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Prepositions are acquired at earliest during the second year of life. This thesis investigates 16 children acquiring Swedish spatial prepositions, i.e. på ‘on/at’, i ‘in/at’, under ‘under’, bredvid ‘beside/next to’, bakom ‘behind/back’ and framför ‘in front’. This thesis aimed toinvestigate how preposition acquisition relates to language acquisition. The thesis used three different methods: eight sessions of free parent-child interaction, one structured experiment at 2;9 years and parental reports on child passive/active vocabulary from when the children were 0;9 years until they were 3;0 years old. The data gathered was correlated to scores in the parental reports at 4;0 years, which was used as a measure of communicative level, and used as a base when dividing the children into three groups: lower, average and higher score. The results showed that both parental and child preposition production, comprehension at 2;9 years, and comprehension and production predicted communicative level at 4;0 years. The results of the thesis varied depending on the method used. This highlights the importance if using several methods when investigating child language acquisition. / Prepositioner tillägnas som tidigast under barnets andra levnadsår. I denna masteruppsats undersöks utvecklingen av spatiala prepositioner hos 16 barn under deras 4 första levnadsår. På, i, under, bredvid, bakom och framför var prepositionerna som undersöktes. Ett av uppsatsens mål var att undersöka om och/eller hur prepositionsutveckling är kopplat till språkutveckling. För att nå målet användes tre olika metoder: åtta sessioner av förälder-barn interaktion, ett semi-strukturerat test då barnen var 2;9 år gamla och aktivt/passivt ordförråd från när barnen var 0;9 år till att de var 3;0 år gamla. Detta korrelerades sedan till barnens poäng från en föräldraenkät om barnets språkförmåga vid 4;0 års ålder. Poängen vid 4-års ålder låg till grund för uppdelning av barnen i tre grupper: lägre, medel och högre språklig nivå. Resultaten från uppsatsen var bland annat att såväl föräldrars som barns produktion av prepositioner, barnens förståelse av prepositionerna vid 2;9 år, och förståelse såväl som produktion av prepositioner förutsäger barnens kommunikationsnivå vid 4;0-års ålder.  Resultaten skiljer sig beroende på vilken metod som använts, vilket understryker vikten av att använda flera metoder när barns språkutveckling undersöks. / MINT - moduling infant language acquisition from parent-child interaction

Emblem use in parent-child interaction : A longitudinal study

Tahbaz, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates emblem use exploratory in parent-child interaction. Emblems are conventional gestures with a verbal equivalent. The aim of this study was to answer if emblem use facilitates language acquisition. Formulaic gestures – fixed gestures accompanying songs – were examined as a subgesture of emblems. 20 children and their parents’ emblem use were recorded when interacting freely at seven age points: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months. Emblem use was correlated to the children’s productive vocabulary at 30 months. The results showed that parental emblem use at 24 months and child emblem use at 15 months predicted child productive vocabulary at 30 months. T-tests showed how emblem production of children in a lower productive vocabulary group differed from children in a higher productive vocabulary group. A difference between the children of the lower productive vocabulary group and the children of the higher productive vocabulary group emblem use was also found at 15 months, indicating emblem use being important in language acquisition. Formulaic gestures did not correlate to child productive vocabulary. Emblem use developed along with child age and probably inherently with word production. Parents adjust their emblem use to the child’s age and/or possibly language skills, suggesting that child-directed gesturing occurs in parent-child interaction. / Den här studien undersöker emblemanvändning explorativt i förälder-barninteraktion. Emblem definieras som konventionella gester med en verbal motsvarighet. Målet i denna studie var att undersöka om emblemanvändning underlättar språktillägnande. Fasta gester – gester tillhörande sånger – undersöktes som en underkategori till emblem. 20 barn och deras föräldrar spelades in när de interagerade fritt vid sju ålderspunkter: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 och 24 månader vilket också korrelerades med barnets produktiva ordförråd vid 30 månader. Resultaten visade att föräldrars emblemanvändning vid 24 månader och barns emblemanvändning vid 15 månader korrelerade med barnens ordförråd vid 30 månader, vilket indikerar att emblemanvändning vid dessa ålderspunkter förutsäger ordförrådets storlek några månader senare. T-tester visade att emblemproducering hos barn skiljde sig åt mellan gruppen med barn med lägre produktivt ordförråd och gruppen med barn med högre produktivt ordförråd. Vid 15 månader fanns också en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna vilket indikerar att emblem spelar en viktig roll vid språktillägnandet. Fasta gester visade ingen korrelation med barnets språkutveckling. Barnens emblemproduktion utvecklades med åldern och troligtvis tillsammans med ordproduktion. Föräldrar verkar justera sitt emblemanvändande till barnets ålder och/eller språkkunskaper, vilket indikerar att ett barnriktat gestikulerande finns vid förälder-barn interaktion. / Modelling child language acquisition from parent-child interaction (MINT: MAW 2011:007)

An exploration study of the relationship between effectiveness of filial therapy training groups and group cohesion.

Reed, Kelly Layne 05 1900 (has links)
This study examined the relationship of group cohesion among heterogeneous and homogeneous groups on individual treatment outcome of child-parent relationship therapy (CPRT). CPRT is a filial therapy model that targets the parent-child relationship as a means for preventing or improving child and/or family problems. This study included 30 parents or caregivers from 9 groups which met for 10 sessions. Participants qualified for this study if their groups ended with at least 3 group members and 2 leaders, all pretest and posttest data on their child between the ages of 2-11 was completed, and if they attended at least 6 of the 10 sessions. Correlation coefficients, t-tests, and effect sizes were calculated. Results demonstrated no statistically significant differences between pretests and posttests on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for all 30 participants; however, differences in measured effect (η2) between children identified with borderline and clinical behavior problems and children with normal behavior problems suggest that CPRT is more effective among children who demonstrate significant behavior problems. Perceived and observed group cohesion measurements demonstrated no significant difference at the individual outcome level. This finding suggests that group cohesion may not be related to individual outcome. Although there was no significant relationship between group cohesion and individual outcome for this study, results of the group measurements regarding engagement and group cohesiveness, coupled with previous studies on CPRT effectiveness, suggest that CPRT should be utilized in homogeneous groups.

Från vilsenhet och frustration till kontakt och ökat hopp : en modell för stöd till föräldrar till barn med samspels- och kommunikationssvårigheter / From disorientation and frustration to contact and increased hope : A model for support to parents of children with interaction and communication difficulties

Hjortgren, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka erfarenheterna, hos föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrum, av att delta i föräldrastödsmodellen Samspel i fokus, personalens erfarenheter av arbetet samt om och i vilken utsträckning det finns en överensstämmelse mellan föräldrarnas och personalens erfarenheter. En kvalitativ retrospektiv ansats har använts där åtta föräldrar till fem barn intervjuats tre till fyra år efter att de deltog. Intervjuer genomfördes även med samtliga tre personer som arbetar i verksamheten. Uppföljande filmade samspelssituationer mellan föräldrar och barn samt en träff för återföring genomfördes av personalen efter att föräldrarna intervjuats. Personalens erfarenheter av de uppföljande filminterventionerna undersöktes via gruppsamtal och föräldrarnas via telefonsamtal. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna upplevt att deltagande i Samspel i fokus bidragit till att de fått ökad förståelse för hur de kan bidra till barnets samspelsutveckling och några av dem menar att det inneburit ett genombrott i möjligheten till kontakt med barnet. Föräldrarnas erfarenheter av deltagande visar att de upplevt att personalen bidragit till att synliggöra barnets utvecklingspotential där möjligheten till ögonkontakt framstår som särskilt betydelsefullt. I föräldrarnas berättelser framkommer vidare att de upplevt att personalen förmedlat en tilltro till deras förmåga som samspelstödjare, vilket de även fått bekräftelse på via bilden som verktyg. Resultatet av intervjuerna med personalen visar en tydlig teoretisk medvetenhet och samsyn gällande föräldrastödsmodellens innehåll, vilken överensstämmer med hur föräldrarna beskriver sina erfarenheter av deltagande. De uppföljande filminterventionerna visar enligt personalen, förutom betydande framsteg hos barnen avseende deras samspelförmåga, att föräldrarna tydligt tagit till sig bärande idéer som de arbetat med under tiden i Samspel i fokus. Slutligen framkommer att föräldrarna upplevt den uppföljande filminterventionen som värdefull, genom att den på ett konkret sätt visat hur de kan hjälpa barnet vidare i sin utveckling samt att de fått bekräftelse på sin föräldraförmåga. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents of children with autism spectrum disorder experience of participating in the parent support model Interaction in focus and the staff´s experience working with children and parents. The purpose was also to investigate whether and to what extent there is a consensus between parent´s and staff's perception of the content. Through a qualitative retrospective design, eight parents of five children were interviewed, three to four years after they participated in the intervention. Interviews were also conducted with all three working in the team. A follow-up film intervention, of interaction situations between parents and children, was carried out by staff after the parents were interviewed. Staff's experiences of the follow-up film interventions were investigated through group interviews and parents through telephone interviews. The result shows that the parents felt that participation in the support model, Interaction in focus, contributed to greater understanding of how they can support the child's interaction development and some of them experienced that it was a breakthrough in the possibility of contact with the child. Parents' experiences of participation, shows that they felt that the staff helped to make visible the child's development where the possibility of eye contact, are particularly important. In parents' stories reveals further that they felt that the staff conveyed a belief in their ability to support the child´s interaction development, which they also received confirmation via the visual image as a tool. The result of the interviews with the staff shows a clear theoretical consciousness and consensus regarding the intervention content which is consistent with how parents describe their experiences of participation. The follow-up films shows, according to the staff, in addition to significant progress in the children regarding their interaction skills, the parents clearly embraced the fundamental ideas as they worked on during Interaction in focus. Finally, it appears that parents experienced the follow-up film intervention as valuable, though it in a concrete way gave keys how to help the child progress in their development, and that they received confirmation of their parenting skills.

Psycho-educational intervention to improve the behaviour of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Clark, Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Much has been said and written over recent years about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. There is a certain amount of confusion as to what exactly the condition constitutes and controversy continues to rage regarding treatment. A significant number of children appear to be affected. Previously, parents and teachers ·were blamed for failing to discipline effectively. Often, the difficulties remained undiagnosed and untreated. Thanks to the wisdom of so many experts who have generously shared their knowledge and considerable expertise, there is an increased awareness of ADHD. Although there is no cure, there are ways to manage the difficulties. However, early diagnosis and intervention is critical. Since many different symptoms are associated with the disorder, a multi-modal treatment plan has been found to lead to a better outcome. For the purpose of this study, a multi-modal programme was planned to address the needs of a small group of children with ADHD and their parents. The intention was to empower the parents, within a supportive group environment, by providing them with knowledge about the disorder and guidelines for managing the difficult behaviour. In addition, an attempt was made to change the negative behaviour patterns of the children through the medium of story-telling. It was hoped that by reducing the levels of parental stress, parents would be more competent to cope with their educational demands, so that their children could be guided more positively towards adulthood. The results of the programme were positive. Teachers and parents reported better behaviour by the children. The parents' stress levels were reduced. The parents expressed greater understanding about the disorder and a hopefulness that they could better manage their children. They felt they had benefitted from the advice given by other parents who were facing similar challenges. However, they felt that a short-term programme was insufficient to address all their needs and they expressed a need for ongoing support. In view of the chronicity of the disorder and the constantly changing needs of the child on his journey towards adulthood, cognisance was taken of the fact that longterm intervention is essential. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Psycho-educational intervention to improve the behaviour of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Clark, Mavis 11 1900 (has links)
Much has been said and written over recent years about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. There is a certain amount of confusion as to what exactly the condition constitutes and controversy continues to rage regarding treatment. A significant number of children appear to be affected. Previously, parents and teachers ·were blamed for failing to discipline effectively. Often, the difficulties remained undiagnosed and untreated. Thanks to the wisdom of so many experts who have generously shared their knowledge and considerable expertise, there is an increased awareness of ADHD. Although there is no cure, there are ways to manage the difficulties. However, early diagnosis and intervention is critical. Since many different symptoms are associated with the disorder, a multi-modal treatment plan has been found to lead to a better outcome. For the purpose of this study, a multi-modal programme was planned to address the needs of a small group of children with ADHD and their parents. The intention was to empower the parents, within a supportive group environment, by providing them with knowledge about the disorder and guidelines for managing the difficult behaviour. In addition, an attempt was made to change the negative behaviour patterns of the children through the medium of story-telling. It was hoped that by reducing the levels of parental stress, parents would be more competent to cope with their educational demands, so that their children could be guided more positively towards adulthood. The results of the programme were positive. Teachers and parents reported better behaviour by the children. The parents' stress levels were reduced. The parents expressed greater understanding about the disorder and a hopefulness that they could better manage their children. They felt they had benefitted from the advice given by other parents who were facing similar challenges. However, they felt that a short-term programme was insufficient to address all their needs and they expressed a need for ongoing support. In view of the chronicity of the disorder and the constantly changing needs of the child on his journey towards adulthood, cognisance was taken of the fact that longterm intervention is essential. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The Development of a Three Minute Realtime Sampling Method to Measure Social Harmony during Interactions between Parents and their Toddlers with Autism

Cunningham, Isabel L. 08 1900 (has links)
Training parents of a child with autism to increase the frequency of their child's social behavior may improve the quality of parent-child interactions. The purpose of this methodological study was to develop a direct observation method for rapidly sampling social harmony between parents and their toddlers with autism during parent training interactions. The current study used a pre and post probe design, with benchmark comparisons to test the discriminability of the measurement protocol across two sets of data. The first set of data came from pre and post training videos from a parent training program for children with a diagnosis of autism or at risk for a diagnosis. The second set of data came from videos of typically developing toddlers and their parents. The results of the study show that the measurement system differentiated in the level of harmonious engagement between the benchmark sample and the sample including children diagnosed with autism. The results are discussed in the context of future directions and the utility of the measurement system for behavior analytic practices in parent training and other settings where rapport and complex interactional behaviors are an intervention priority.

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