Spelling suggestions: "subject:"past""
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Linguistic Issues in Culturally Sensitive Assessment: A Rorschach Case StudyWeisberg, Lauren Margaret 17 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Correlation Between the TCAP Test and ThinkLink Learnings Predictive Assessment Series Test in Reading Math and Science in a Tennessee School System.Day, Jared Edwin 17 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to determine if a correlation existed between the Predictive Assessment Series (PAS) Test, marketed by Discovery Education, and the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Achievement Test in reading, math, and science for grade 4, grade 6, and grade 8. The study included 4th-grade, 6th-grade, and 8th-grade students during the 2008-2009 school year who had taken the ThinkLink Predictive Assessment Series for reading, math, and science in February 2009 and had taken the TCAP reading, math, and science test in April 2009.
The approach of the study was quantitative in nature. Data were collected from one school system in East Tennessee. The school system had 5 elementary schools and 1 middle school. Data collection tools used in the study included results from the TCAP test using the paper and pencil format and a computer test, the ThinkLink PAS. Student scaled scores were used for determining the degree of correlation between the TCAP and PAS tests. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Program for the Social Sciences.
Based on the analysis and findings of this study, using the ThinkLink PAS test appears to have been successful in predicting how well students will perform on the state assessment. Overall, the correlations between the PAS and TCAP were consistent across grades, across gender within grade levels, and with Title I and Non-Title I students. The findings also show that it was possible to calculate a predicted TCAP score in reading, mathematics, and science. This was an important finding because the ability of the PAS assessment to predict TCAP scores could be another tool to provide educators the opportunity to target students who are potentially at risk of not meeting state benchmark proficiency levels. Based on the findings, there appears to be a strong relationship between the ThinkLink PAS benchmark assessment and the TCAP assessment in reading, math, and science for grade 4, grade 6, and grade 8. The relationships between PAS and TCAP tests in reading, math, and science were consistent across gender within grade levels. According to the results of the test of homogeneity of slopes, the relationships between PAS and TCAP tests in reading, math, and science were also consistent across Title I and Non-Title I schools. The test of homogeneity of slopes showed the slopes regression lines for the scores of Title I and Non-Title I students were the same (parallel) for grade 4, grade 6, and grade 8. Overall, the correlations between PAS and TCAP scores for Title I and Non-Title I students were moderately strong to very strong. The predictive validity of the PAS provides educators valuable time to reteach grade level skills to students who are at risk of scoring nonproficient on the TCAP.
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Comparative histology of human skin.Asaad, Kamil January 2010 (has links)
There are 5 distinct aspects to this study. (i) Two histological stains for
collagen were compared against each other for the first time, namely Herovici's technique and picrosirius-polarization. (ii) Skin samples from
embalmed cadaveric tissue from human cadavers were compared against
samples taken from surgical patients. (iii) Skin samples were studied from
different regions of the body to assess if dermal structure correlates with
scarring potential. (iv) Skin samples were sectioned in a plane parallel to the
epidermis to gain further insight into dermal structure. (v) A novel basement
membrane stain was produced.
Type I and type III collagen are important structural constituents of dermis
and play a crucial role in wound healing. Only two traditional histological
methods are thought to differentiate between them, so avoiding the need for
antibodies. These were compared against each other for the first time in
order to establish differences in image quality and discrimination between
Type I and type III collagen. Neither technique requires antibodies, however
picrosirius requires polarisation microscopy.
to result in a clearer, consistently reproducible collagen staining pattern than
the picrosirius method and more importantly did not require elaborate
apparatus to analyze. Additionally other cellular elements were visible.
Skin samples for research are often obtained from surgical excision. This
clearly limits which tissues are available for comparative study to those areas operated on. Studying samples from embalmed medical school cadavers
has the great advantage of studying areas of the body not routinely available
from common surgical procedures. It was therefore desirable to assess
whether embalmed cadaveric tissues exhibited different properties by virtue
of their age and the embalming process compared to fresh surgical
specimens, in order to give confidence that studies utilising the former would
be equally valid. To test this, 58 skin samples from embalmed medical
school cadavers were compared to skin samples from 38 fresh operative
specimens. The levels of tissue preservation and processing artefacts were
similar in both groups. Embalmed medical school cadavers clearly offer an
opportunity to study tissue areas not routinely available during surgery. This
is the first time such a comparison has been made.
Many things will affect the final appearance of the scar, but the single most
important determinant is the body region affected. The most common areas
for unfavourable scarring, specifically keloid or hypertrophic scarring have
been shown to be the ear, deltoid and sternal areas. To test the hypothesis
that there is no difference in histological structure of skin that correlates to
body region, comparative histology was undertaken exploring the regional
variations of skin characteristics in 58 cadaveric samples. Closely
comparable samples were taken from the deltoid (9), abdomen (13), sternum
(10), post-auricular (5), earlobe (12) and eyelid (9). Epidermal thickness,
epidermal appendage density and collagen fibre orientation were examined
and qualitative structural differences were assessed for each region Skin samples were then grouped by both topographical location of the body
and scarring potential. Skin samples exhibited qualitative and quantifiable
regional variations in the characteristics studied. Epidermal thickness and
appendage counts did not correlate with scarring potential. Both however
were statistically significantly higher in skin sampled from the head compared
to the trunk. Bundles of collagen fibres in the reticular dermis were grouped
according to their orientation in relation to the coronal plane; either parallel,
oblique or perpendicular. The ratio of oblique to parallel fibres was
statistically significantly higher in body areas with poorer scarring prognosis.
This corresponds to a more disorganised arrangement of collagen fibres in
these areas.
Further qualitative understanding of dermal collagen fibres came from
perpendicular to conventional histological samples. This new method stained basement membranes purple, cytoplasm was stained greenish-brown and nuclei dark brown. Collagen fibres were either thin and blue or thick and green. This
method was compared to PAS staining and although required more
preparative steps allows greater identification of other cellular structures.
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Performance-Based Assessment of Oral Dependency within a Forensic Inpatient Mental Health PopulationWalsh, Sean January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse des aktuellen Managements bei abnormal invasiver Plazentation (AIP) des Perinatalzentrums Level 1 des Universitätsklinikums LeipzigSchöne, Amanda Louise 06 June 2024 (has links)
Eine abnormal invasive Plazenta (AIP) wird definiert durch eine invasiv in das Myometrium des Uterus einwachsende Plazenta und kennzeichnet eine geburtsmedizinische Problematik, die mit einer hohen maternalen Morbidität und Mortalität assoziiert ist. Das Krankheitsbild ist einer der schwerwiegendsten Schwangerschaftskomplikationen und gewinnt durch steigende Sectioraten zunehmend an klinischer Relevanz (Eshkoli et al., 2013; Kamara et al., 2013; Robert M. Silver et al., 2006). Die AIP ist eine außerdem der Hauptgrund für eine peripartale Hysterektomie (Daskalakis et al., 2007). Leider gibt es derzeit noch keine konsensuale optimale Behandlungsstrategie. Goldstandard ist immer noch die einzeitige Sectio-Hysterektomie, die jedoch mit einer hohen blutungsverbundenen Morbidität assoziiert ist (Amsalem et al., 2011; Grace Tan et al., 2013; Jauniaux et al., 2018).
Diese retrospektive Studie ist eine qualitätssichernde Analyse des Managements und des Outcomes der Patientinnen, die an der Universitätsklinik Leipzig mit der Diagnose AIP mit zwei verschiedenen therapeutischen Ansätzen behandelt wurden. Sie soll dazu beitragen, die klinikinterne Beratung von Schwangeren mit Risikofaktoren für eine Plazentationsstörung oder bereits gestellter Diagnose sowie die Therapie des Krankheitsbildes basierend auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen, zu optimieren. Außerdem soll die Studie einen Beitrag zu einem genauer festgelegten Management der abnorm invasiven Plazenta leisten.
Hierfür wurden Patientendaten des Zeitraumes 2003-2018 recherchiert und mit dem Statistikprogramm BM© SPSS Statistic ausgewertet.
Bis April 2013 wurden betroffene Patientinnen (n=16) nach dem bisherigen einzeitigen Vorgehen behandelt, das in jedem Fall einzeitig geplant war und meist eine Sectio-Hysterektomie, seltener eine Exzision des increten bzw. percreten Plazentaareals mit anschließender Uterusrekonstruktion umfasste. Seit April 2013 wird ein neues Vorgehen mit zweizeitiger Plazentaresektion oder zweizeitige Hysterektomie (Leipziger Hybrid-Modell) angestrebt (n = 24).
Der Schwerpunkt der Auswertung lag auf dem Vergleich der beiden Vorgehensweisen, bezogen auf das maternale Outcome und die auftretenden Komplikationen, Umsetzbarkeit des Leipziger Hybrid-Modells, sowie dem Vergleich der einzeitigen Hysterektomie mit den restlichen Therapien. Außerdem wurde das Outcome bezogen auf den Ausprägungsgrad der AIP, das neonatale Outcome und die Übereinstimmung des präoperativen Befundes der Sonografie mit dem der MRT verglichen.
Diese Studie gibt Hinweis darauf, dass das Leipziger-Hybrid- Modell, eine legitime Behandlungsstrategie ist, die tendenziell mit einer verringerten blutungsassoziierten maternalen Morbidität verbunden ist. Bei Patientinnen, die nach neuem Vorgehen behandelt wurden, traten seltener atone Blutungen und insgesamt seltener ein hoher Blutverlust auf als bei Patientinnen, die nach dem alten Vorgehen behandelt wurden.
Zudem ist ein Unteruserhalt und eine damit verbundene weitere Fertilität in 41,7% der Fäll möglich gewesen. In Bezug auf die Hysterektomie gibt unsere Studie einen Hinweis darauf, dass die einzeitige Hysterektomie mit einer höheren maternalen Morbidität verbunden ist, als die einzeitige oder zweizeitige Plazentaresektion bzw. eine zweizeitige Hysterektomie. Insbesondere bezieht sich dies auf den Blutverlust (Gruppe 1: Median 3850 ml, Gruppe 2: Median 2000 ml, p=0,01), den Transfusionsbedarf von Blutkonserven (Gruppe 1: Median= 9,5 vs. Gruppe 2: Median=6, p=0,061), sowie auf den Bedarf an FFP-Transfusionen (Gruppe 1: 13/17 (76,5%), Gruppe 2: 9/23 (39,1%), p=0,04). Auch der Bedarf an Gerinnungsfaktoren wie Tranexamsäure, Fibrinogen oder Trombozytenkonzentraten war bei Patientinnen mit einzeitiger Sectio-Hysterektomie höher (Gruppe 10: 7/17 (41,2%) vs. Gruppe 2: 6/23 (26,1%), p=0,27). Außerdem scheint die einzeitige Hysterektomie tendenziell mit einem höheren Blutverlust assoziiert zu sein, als die zweizeitige Hysterektomie (p=0,029).
Bei abgeschlossener Kinderplanung ist dies eine gute therapeutische Alternative.
Die einzeitige Sectio-Hysterektomie bleibt jedoch eine weitere relevante Behandlungsmethode bis prospektiv-randomisiert kontrollierte Studien einen klaren Vorteil des konservativen, zweizeitigen Managements aufzeigen.
Es gibt weiterhin Hinweise darauf, dass das Leipziger Hybrid-Model mit einer niedrigeren neonatalen Morbidität aufgrund eines höheren Gestationsalters zur Geburt verbunden ist. Während des alten Vorgehens lag das mediane GA bei Geburt bei 33. SSW, während innerhalb des neuen Vorgehens ein medianes GA von 35. SSW erreicht werden konnte (p=0,19).
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Analyse spatiale en écologie : développements méthodologiquesBlanchet, Guillaume January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Mécanismes du rattrapage de l’équilibre et évaluation du risque de chute chez une population âgée autonome / Balance recovery mechanisms and risk of fall evaluation in a community-dwelling elderly populationTisserand, Romain 27 November 2015 (has links)
La chute est un problème de santé publique qui touche principalement les personnes âgées. Nos travaux portent sur la caractérisation des stratégies biomécaniques et cognitives impliquées dans le maintien et le rattrapage de l'équilibre et qui permettent à une personne âgée d'éviter de chuter. En particulier, nous nous sommes intéressé à une population âgée, encore autonome et en bonne santé, dans le but d'identifier les personnes à risque et de permettre une intervention le plus tôt possible. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que, dans cette population, les tests cliniques classiques ne permettent pas de bien discriminer les « chuteurs » des « non-chuteurs » et que le problème de la chute ne réside pas que dans une déficience musculaire mais aussi cognitive et/ou sensorielle qui affecte les réponses biomécaniques de rattrapage. Les tests les plus discriminants sont identifiés et un outil d'évaluation du risque de chute, permettant d'identifier rapidement les déficiences, est proposé. Enfin, nous fournissons des informations sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les pas protectifs, une stratégie d'équilibration prévalente mais peu évaluée dans les tests cliniques / Falling is a common and concerning health problem for the elderly population. This research work focuses on the characterization of the biomechanical and cognitive strategies involved in the balance maintain and balance recovery that help elderly to avoid a fall. Particularly, we interested in a community-dwelling elderly population, in order to identify the persons who are at risk of fall and suggest a forward preventive intervention. We show, for this population, that usual clinical tests do not well discriminate between “fallers” and “non-fallers” and that the fall problem is more concerned by cognitive and/or sensorial troubles than by muscular troubles that affect biomechanical responses. The most discriminant tests are identified and a risk of fall assessment tool is suggested to give informations about the deficient mechanisms. Finally, we provide informations about the mechanisms involved in protective steps, a prevalent balance strategy which not used in balance clinical assessments
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Étude des différentes structures d'actionneurs de positionnement pour l'aéronautique / Study of various structures of actuators for positioning in aeronauticsKenmoe Fankem, Éric Duckler 26 November 2012 (has links)
Pour certaines applications de positionnement dans les systèmes embarqués la puissance ou les couples mis jeu en peuvent être faibles. Les actionneurs utilisés pour ces applications sont équipés de machines pas à pas telles que les machines réluctance variable excitées ou non, ou encore des machines synchrones à aimants permanents. En aéronautique, ces actionneurs doivent être les plus compacts possibles et la continuité de service est exigée. La redondance partielle ou totale de l'actionneur est solution permettant d'assurer la continuité de service. Nous avons étudiés plusieurs structures de machines notamment les machines à deux voies d'enroulement pour leurs compacité telles les machines à reluctance variable à excitation homopolaire (MRVH-2C) et les machines synchrones à aimants permanent (MSAP-DE). Dans le but faciliter ou motiver le choix de l'une ou l'autre des structures, nous avons développé des modèles de machines capables de fournir des informations sur les grandeurs mesurables ou non, et sur le comportement des actionneurs. Ainsi à partir d'un calcul éléments finis 2D nous avons mis au point plusieurs modèles couplés EF 2D réseau de perméances de la MRVH-2C qui tiennent compte de l'état de saturation magnétique et du caractère tridimensionnel de cette machine. Ceux-ci ont été utilisés pour simuler le comportement de l'actionneur dans différents situations. Toujours pour une application de positionnement à faibles puissance et basse vitesse, nous avons dimensionné, modélisé et simulé une MSAP-DE commandée en boucle fermée et qui, de façon intrinsèque tolère le défaut de court-circuit triphasé grâce à sa résistance de phase qui est élevée / For certain applications of positioning in embedded systems power or torque needed can be low. Actuators used for these applications can be equipped with stepper machinery such as variable reluctance machines excited (or not) or permanent magnets synchronous machine. In aeronautic these actuators should be as compact as possible and continuity of service is required. Partial or total redundancy of the actuator can ensure the continuity of service. We have studied various structures of machines particularly double channel machines for their compactness such as two channels hybrid variable reluctance machines (2C-HVRM) and double channel permanent magnets synchronous machines (DC-PMSM). In the aim of facilitating or of justifying the choice of one or the other of these structures, we have developed models of able to provide information on measurable (or non measurable) features, and the behavior of the actuators. So from a 2D finite element calculation we have developed several coupled 2D FE permeances network models of a 2C-HVRM tacking account of the magnetic saturation state of this machine and its three-dimensional character. These models were used to simulate the behavior of the actuator in different situations. Always for positioning application with low power and low speed, we sized, modeled and simulated a DC-PMSM close loop controlled. That machine is intrinsically tolerant to phase short-circuit fault, thanks to its high phase resistance
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Chevaliers et hommes d'armes dans l'espace bourguignon au XVe siècle / Knights and men-at-arms in the Burgundian territories in the 15th centuryForster, Lois 07 December 2018 (has links)
Chacun de leur côté, les phénomènes de la guerre et des tournois au Moyen Âge ont déjà bénéficié d’études nombreuses et approfondies. En revanche, on a négligé d’analyser en profondeur le lien entre ces deux mondes, accusé pourtant de s’étioler au XVe siècle au profit de spectacles grandioses n’ayant plus rien à voir avec la réalité d’un champ de bataille. Par ailleurs, dans le domaine militaire, les gentilshommes imprégnés d’un idéal chevaleresque obsolète se débattraient pour essayer de faire encore croire au maintien de leur suprématie guerrière.La réalité est bien plus complexe et les interactions entre le domaine de la guerre et celui des lices sont multiples. Ce sont d’abord les mêmes personnes qu’on peut retrouver à combattre dans tous les contextes, des hommes censés être nobles, adoubés ou non, qui possèdent un équipement caractéristique, armes et armures, ainsi qu’un cheval entraîné au combat. Les adaptations de leur matériel aux rencontres normées, prévues pour augmenter leur sécurité, ne changent fondamentalement rien à leur façon de combattre. Leurs techniques martiales se révèlent riches et variées, tout comme leurs tactiques collectives, qui savent s’adapter aux différentes configurations rencontrées à la guerre grâce à une surprenante polyvalence. Enfin, la mentalité avec laquelle les hommes d’armes abordent les rencontres armées montrent d’importantes similitudes dans tous les contextes : on attend d’eux qu’ils donnent le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, en démontrant leur prouesse, sans renoncer face à l’adversité. Ainsi, à tous les niveaux, la frontière entre les lices et le champ de bataille s’avère finalement assez floue. / The phenomena of war and tournaments in the Middle Ages have already benefitted from several individual in-depth studies. However, a detailed analysis of the link between the two themes has always been lacking, even though we often accusingly claim that this link declined during the 15th century to be replaced by spectacular shows which had nothing to do with the reality of battlefields anymore. Moreover, some people would argue that, in the military field, noblemen – immersed in an obsolete chivalrous model – would have desperately tried to maintain a semblance of belligerent dominion.But the truth is far more complex and the interactions between the world of war and the world of lists are numerous. First, the same persons could be found in each context: men supposed to be noble – knighted or not – with characteristic pieces of equipment – arms and armours – and horses trained for combat. Adjusting their equipment for formal combats to improve their safety did not fundamentally change the way they fought. Their martial techniques were, in fact, rich and diverse – and so was their group tactic, which could adapt to different configurations encountered at war thanks to their surprising versatility. Lastly, the ways of men-at-arms in martial encounters reveals important similarities in every context: we expected them to give their best and achieve feats with no sign of renouncement while facing the enemy. Thus, the boundary between lists and battlefields actually turns out to be quite vague at every level.
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Análise de substituição de ativos com base em variáveis de confiabilidade e sustentabilidade: uma aplicação DEA / Asset replacement analysis based on reliability and sustainability variables: an DEA applicationRoiz, Guilherme Augusto 14 March 2016 (has links)
As companhias estão inseridas em um contexto global de preocupação sustentável, onde questões ambientais e sociais acompanham as preocupações econômicas. Faz-se necessário englobar, de alguma forma, nas análises de viabilidade econômica ou ainda em modelagens de Vida Econômica e Reposição de Ativos, variáveis que possam representar aspectos sociais e ambientais. Nesse panorama entra a norma PAS-55 - Publicly Avaiable Specification - 55, publicada pela British Standards Institution, que visa aperfeiçoar o sistema de gestão de ativos físicos de maneira a permitir maiores resultados econômicos, sociais e ambientais, provenientes da utilização dos equipamentos, nas empresas. Os procedimentos previstos na norma PAS-55 sugerem o alinhamento de conhecimentos oriundos da gestão de manutenção, que compõem o arcabouço da Engenharia de Confiabilidade, a conhecimentos de Engenharia Econômica, de maneira a compor ferramentas e métodos para tomar decisões em relação aos ativos físicos de empresas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é propor um modelo de substituição de ativos que considere variáveis de Confiabilidade e Sustentabilidade, juntamente com variáveis financeiras, por meio da Análise Envoltória de Dados. Os resultados apresentam um modelo conceitual de substituição de ativos, com inclusão de variáveis socioambientais e aplicação DEA e, também, um estudo de caso com dados reais que avalia a substituição de um equipamento pertencente a uma empresa produtora de ácido fosfórico. / Companies are placed in a global context of sustainable concern where environmental and social issues accompanying economic concerns. It is necessary to include, in some way, the economic feasibility analysis or in modeling of Economic Life and Asset Replacement, variables that may pose social and environmental aspects. In this scenario enters the PAS-55 standard - Publicly Avaiable Specification - 55, published by the British Standards Institution, which aims to improve the management system of physical assets in order to allow greater economic results, social and environmental issues arising from the use of equipment, in companies. The procedures laid down in PAS-55 standard suggests the alignment of knowledge from maintenance management, which make up the framework of Reliability Engineering, the knowledge of economic engineering in order to make tools and methods to make decisions in relation to physical assets companies. The objective of this study is to propose a model of asset replacement that considers variables Reliability and Sustainability, along with financial variables, using data envelopment analysis. The results present a conceptual model of asset replacement, with the inclusion of social and environmental variables and DEA application and also a case study with real data that assesses the replacement of equipment belonging to a producer of phosphoric acid.
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