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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Humanoid manipulation and locomotion with real-time footstep optimization / Manipulation et locomotion en robotique humanoïde avec optimisation temps réel des pas

Dang, Duong Ngoc 30 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la réalisation des tâches avec la locomotion sur des robots humanoïdes. Grâce à leurs nombreux degrés de liberté, ces robots possèdent un très haut niveau de redondance. D’autre part, les humanoïdes sont sous-actionnés dans le sens où la position et l’orientation ne sont pas directement contrôlées par un moteur. Ces deux aspects, le plus souvent étudiés séparément dans la littérature, sont envisagés ici dans un même cadre. En outre, la génération d’un mouvement complexe impliquant à la fois des tâches de manipulation et de locomotion, étudiée habituellement sous l’angle de la planification de mouvement, est abordée ici dans sa composante réactivité temps réel. En divisant le processus d’optimisation en deux étapes, un contrôleur basé sur la notion de pile de tâches permet l’adaptation temps réel des empreintes de pas planifiées dans la première étape. Un module de perception est également conçu pour créer une boucle fermée de perception-décision-action. Cette architecture combinant planification et réactivité est validée sur le robot HRP-2. Deux classes d’expériences sont menées. Dans un cas, le robot doit saisir un objet éloigné, posé sur une table ou sur le sol. Dans l’autre, le robot doit franchir un obstacle. Dans les deux cas, les condition d’exécution sont mises à jour en temps réel pour faire face à la dynamique de l’environnement : changement de position de l’objet à saisir ou de l’obstacle à franchir. / This thesis focuses on realization of tasks with locomotion on humanoid robots. Thanks to their numerous degrees of freedom, humanoid robots possess a very high level of redundancy. On the other hand, humanoids are underactuated in the sense that the position and orientation of the base are not directly controlled by any motor. These two aspects, usually studied separately in manipulation and locomotion research, are unified in a same framework in this thesis and are resolved as one unique problem. Moreover, the generation of a complex movement involving both tasks and footsteps is also improved becomes reactive. By dividing the optimization process into appropriate stages and by feeding directly the intermediate result to a task-based controller, footsteps can be calculated and adapted in real-time to deal with changes in the environment. A perception module is also developed to build a closed perception-decision-action loop. This architecture combining motion planning and reactivity validated on the HRP-2 robot. Two classes of experiments are carried out. In one case the robot has to grasp an object far away at different height level. In the other, the robot has to step over an object on the floor. In both cases, the execution conditions are updated in real-time to deal with the dynamics of the environment: changes in position of the target to be caught or of the obstacle to be stepped over.

Marketingové oživení Cool tour linky / Marketing Revival of 'Cool tour linka'

Majerová, Jolana January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this master's thesis is "Marketing Revival of 'Cool tour linka'". 'Cool tour linka' is a joint project of Prague's leading exhibition institutions and transport company. Introductory part presents the project with the aim to preserve it "for next generations" too. 'Cool tour linka' was terminated due to economical reasons. Therefore the thesis leads to formation of a new project, that would work under even less favourable conditions. Conclusions from the chapters that analyse the previous 'Cool tour linka' (analysis of the visitors' attendance, application of marketing tools, SWOT analysis) are used in the new project. Both the original and the newly proposed 'Cool tour linka' emphasize the element of cooperation of the organisations operating in the field of culture and the importance of unusual presentation of arts collections to the public.

Podpora čtenářství a rozvoj čtenářských kompetencí u žáků s poruchou autistického spektra / Support for reading and development of reading competencies of pupils with autistic spectrum disorder

Drastilová, Melanie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the support of reading and development of reading competences of pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The theoretical part first discusses individuals with autism spectrum disorder, characteristics of diagnosis and their education. The next section generally summarizies the concepts related to reading. It also looks at the role of the school, teacher and literary eduacation in the development and support of reading. It further discusses teaching methods, which develop reading comprehension. The last part focuces specifically on the reading skills of children with ASD. The part concludes with deficits in reading for meaning and reading comprehension interventions. The aim of this thesis was to find out how teachers develop reading skills for pupils with ASD in primary school. The data was obtained from structured interviews with teachers working with pupils with ASD. The research questions were focused on the level of support for reading by teachers, the specifics of working with pupils with ASD and the use of texts related to student's interests and experiences. Research suggests that teachers don't have much information about the reading comprehension of children with ASD. They are based on their own experience. The experiences of teachers show that children...

L'auto-incrimination / Self-incrimination

Giorgi, Marine 22 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste à expliquer les lacunes que connait le droit français en matière d'auto-incrimination. Cette notion est inexistante en france et ne permet pas d'assurer aux justiciables un respect des droits de la défense affirmé. En effet, l'absence de ce droit au sein du code de procédure pénale ou de tout autre texte français, pose difficultés car les droits de la défense ne sont pas pleinement garantis. Certains mécanismes sont donc validés alors qu'ils sont attentatoires. Il est impératif que cette notion, avec tous les aspects qu'elle englobe soit prise en compte en droit français. Si le système américain et canadien le privilégie tant c'est bien que ce droit de ne pas s'auto-incriminer requiert un développement approfondi. Il sera également important d'observer comment le doit pénal français tente de le contourner, notamment au regard de certaines alternatives au jugement tel que le plea-bargaining. La question sera donc de se demander s'il est préférable de privilégier une atteinte aux droits de la défense ou la peine qui peut en découler. / This thesis consists of explaining the shortcomings of French law in self-incrimination. This notion is non-existent in France and does not ensure that litigants respect the rights of the defense asserted. Indeed, the absence of this right in the Code of Criminal Procedure or any other French text poses difficulties because the rights of the defense are not fully guaranteed. Some mechanisms are validated while they are detrimental. It is imperative that this notion, with all the aspects it encompasses, be taken into account in French law. If the American and Canadian system privileges it so much it is good that this right not to incriminate itself requires a deep development. It will also be important to observe how the French criminal law attempts to circumvent it, especially with regard to some alternatives to judgment such as plea-bargaining. The question will therefore be whether it is preferable to favor an infringement of the rights of the defense or the sentence that may result from it

The development of children's perception of hierarchical patterns : an investigation across tasks and populations / Le développement chez l'enfant de la perception de pattern hierarchique : une investigation au travers de différentes tâches et populations

Puspitawati, Ira 07 October 2011 (has links)
Pas de résumé / The thesis investigated the development of children’s global/local processing hierarchical patterns introduced by Navon (1977). The objectives were to understand more comprehensively the developmental characteristics of children’s perception through their global and local processing of hierarchical patterns, by considering the effects of age, stimuli properties, duration of exposure to the stimuli and gender in a perceptual task and a drawing task. These effects were tested in 3 different populations: typically developing children, children with mental retardation and early blind children. The results revealed that typically developing children attended to both the local and global level of processing but these modes of spatial information processing operated independently. In a first step, children before 4 years of age showed dominance of local processing and then a more global processing developed at 4 years of age, and at 5 years of age integrated responses began to emerge. Early blind children showed similar developmental characteristics, although there was a protracted period of local processing dominance. Indeed, these children mainly produced local responses at ages of between 6 and 10 years, and then developed more global responses at 11-12 years and continued to integrate the two levels of analysis at later ages. On the other hand, global dominance was shown in children with mental retardation and their development was affected more by mental age than by chronological age. Moreover, their responses were shown to be sensitive to the fact that meaningful object could be located at the local level, enhancing local processing in this case. These results need further confirmations as the studies of global/local processing in atypical children are not numerous. In particular, the effect of duration of exposure to the stimuli should be further analyzed, because this factor did not seem to have a great effect in our experiments while it seemed more powerful in other studies carried out with adults. Replication of the study with children with mental retardation appears also important to plan for future work, because we can have some doubt relatively the absence of modification through ages of the way these children perceive hierarchical patterns. Finally, defining more precisely what may underlie the gender differences seems also worth to explore since gender did not show a major effect in our results.

Utilisation de prédicteurs sinusoïdaux pour la simulation temporelle de systèmes électriques en courant alternatif / Use of sinusoidal predictors for time domain simulation of AC power systems

Gibert, Pierre-Marie 30 November 2018 (has links)
Simuler temporellement les réseaux électriques modernes requiert d'importants moyens de calcul de par la dimension et la raideur des systèmes différentiels algébriques résultants. De plus, la fréquence d'oscillation de certains signaux simulés contraint fortement le pas d'intégration des schémas classiques, y compris en régime établi où ils sont proches de sinusoïdes oscillant à la fréquence nominale du système. L'objectif de la méthode des prédicteurs sinusoïdaux proposée dans cette thèse est donc de tirer parti de cette propriété afin d'améliorer les performances du solveur tout en contrôlant l'erreur de calcul. Elle consiste à décomposer la solution en deux parties : une sinusoïde, dont les coefficients de Fourier sont fixés pour chaque intervalle d'intégration puis mis à jour par estimation paramétrique, et un terme de correction sur lequel le système d'EDA est reformulé et résolu à l'aide d'un schéma d'intégration à pas adaptatif. Une attention particulière a été portée au choix de l'estimateur paramétrique, ce dernier ayant un impact direct sur le pas d'intégration de par sa précision et indirect de par son effet sur la stabilité globale de la méthode. L'estimateur finalement développé consiste à calculer les coefficients de Fourier qui minimisent une mesure de la stationnarité du système. Ce dernier étant convergent en régime permanent, le terme de correction est progressivement amorti, permettant ainsi d'accroître considérablement le pas d'intégration. Cette méthode, intégrée au sein du solveur SUNDIALS IDA puis interfacée avec un moteur de calcul industriel, permet d'accélérer très nettement les simulations en comparaison avec une implémentation classique / Modern power systems time-domain simulations require important computational resources due to the resulting differential algebraic systems dimension and stiffness. In addition, some simulated signals oscillation frequency dramatically limits the classical schemes step size, even in steady-state during which they are close to sinusoids oscillating at system nominal frequency. That's why the sinusoidal predictors method proposed in this thesis aims at taking this property into account in order to enhance solver performances while controlling the integration error. It consists in decomposing the solution into two parts: a sinusoid, whose Fourier coefficients are fixed for each time integration interval and then updated by parametric estimation, and a correction term on which the DAE system is rewritten and solved using an adaptive step size integration scheme. A particular focus has been given on the estimator choice, given its precision direct impact on the step size and its indirect effect on the global method stability. The finally developed estimator consists in computing Fourier coefficients minimizing a system stationarity measurement. As it converges in steady-state, the correction term is progressively damped, which enables to considerably increase the step size. This method, integrated into the reference solver SUNDIALS IDA and interfaced with an industrial simulation engine, enables to very significantly accelerate simulations in comparison with a classical implementation

Avaliação da implantação das boas práticas agropecuárias para a qualidade e segurança do leite de uma cooperativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Martello, Leonir January 2017 (has links)
A cadeia do leite tem um importante papel na ordem econômica e social do agronegócio brasileiro. A qualidade do leite produzido no Brasil ainda está abaixo do tecnicamente recomendável, fazendo com que fique comprometida a inocuidade dos alimentos lácteos ofertados à população e também às possibilidades do Brasil de se estabelecer como um forte competidor no mercado internacional. A melhoria da qualidade sanitária do leite está relacionada a adoção de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias (BPA), visando prevenir possíveis falhas no processo de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as características das propriedades produtoras de leite associadas a uma Cooperativa do estado do RS, bem como avaliar a eficácia da implantação do Programa Alimentos Seguros (PAS Leite Campo), no âmbito dos critérios legais de conformidade na qualidade higiênico-sanitária do leite produzido. Para isto foi utilizada a metodologia de Implantação Orientada desenvolvida pelo PAS Campo – Leite, em 59 produtores. No início e no final da implantação foram identificados dados para caracterização das propriedades e avaliados os indicadores de percentagem de conformidade dos itens da lista de verificação das BPA, que foram divididos em localização e instalações; segurança da água; capacitação e saúde do trabalhador; manejo da ordenha; higiene de equipamentos e utensílios; refrigeração e estocagem; controle de pragas; manejo sanitário e armazenamento dos alimentos, bem como da qualidade higiênico-sanitária da matéria-prima (leite), através de análises de contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e contagem de bactérias totais (CBT), antes e no decorrer da implantação do programa Para analisar os dados foi utilizado o software “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” (SPSS), através do teste de ANOVA, a fim de identificar a diferença estatística entre resultados com significância de 5% para análise das médias. Todas as propriedades estudadas possuíam ordenha mecânica e equipamento de refrigeração, uma produção média de 22,91 L/vaca /dia, em um plantel de 3.127 vacas, sendo 1.577 em lactação, totalizando a produção de 36.130 litros por dia. Os resultados de conformidade geral apresentaram uma evolução positiva de 64,41% inicialmente e alcançaram no final da implantação 96,20% do total. As contagens de CCS e CBT apresentaram quedas significativas no desenvolver do projeto. Com base no exposto, pode-se concluir que a adoção da BPA através do PAS foi eficaz para adequação das propriedades produtoras de leite aos critérios legais, bem como para a melhoria-higiênico sanitária do leite. / Milk food chain has an important role in the economic and social order of Brazilian agrobusiness. Sanitary quality of milk produced in Brazil still remains well below the technically recommended, compromising both the harmlessness of dairy products offered to population and Brazil’s possibilities to be established as a strong competitor in international market. Improvements in milk sanitary quality are linked with the adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), aiming to correct possible flaws in the production process. The objective of the present study was to identify the characteristics of milk producing proprieties associated with a state’s Cooperative from Rio Grande do Sul (RS), as well as evaluate the efficacy of the implantation of the Safe Food Program (SFP Milk - Field) in the scope of conformity legal criteria in the hygienic-sanitary quality of milk produced. For that, methodology of Oriented Implantation developed by the SFP Milk - Field was used, in 59 milk producers. At the start and ending of the implantation, data for the characterization of proprieties was identified, whereas indicators of the conformity percentage of items from the verification list of GAP were evaluated, the last being divided in localization and installations; water safety; health and capacity of workers; milking handling; hygiene of equipment and utensils; refrigeration and storage; plague control; sanitary handling and food storage, as well as hygienic-sanitary quality of raw material (milk), through the analyses of somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC), before and during the program’s implantation For data tabulation, software “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” (SPSS) was used together with ANOVA test, aiming to identify the statistical difference between results with significance of 5% for average analysis. All proprieties studied had mechanical milking and refrigeration equipment; average milk production was of 21.81 L/cow/day, in a herd of 3,127 cows, being 1,577 in lactation, totalizing a production of 36,130 Liters per day. General conformity results showed a positive evolution of 64.41%, reaching up to 96.20% at the end of implantation. SCC and TBC counting showed significant decreases with the development of the project. Based on the exposed, it is possible to conclude that the adoption of GAP through SFP is effective for the adequacy of milk producing proprieties to legal criteria, as well as to the improvement of milk hygienic and sanitary quality.

Modeling conjugate heat transfer phenomena for multi-physics simulations of combustion applications / Modélisation des transferts de chaleur couplés pour la simulation multi-physique des chambres de combustion

Koren, Chai 04 April 2016 (has links)
Dans un souci d’optimisation des fours industriels et de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre,l’oxy-combustion est considérée comme l’une des solutions d’avenir. Les conditions existantes dans les chambres d’oxycombustion créent une interaction forte entre les différents phénomènes : Combustion,turbulence et transferts de chaleur. Pour mieux dimensionner les configurations futures il est nécessaire de pouvoir étudier la physique qui y règne, et ce pour un coût et un temps de retour raisonnables. De tels études nécessitent l’emploi d’outils de simulation de haute fidélité,et afin de modéliser les interactions inter-phénomènes à un coût acceptable le couplage de codes est utilisé. C’est avec cet objectif que les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit se concentrent sur la mise au point d’une méthodologie de couplage entre codes d’écoulements réactifs et de transfert de chaleur dans les parois pour la réalisation de simulations de haute-fidélité massivement parallèles prédictives des chambres futures. / Oxycombustion is seen as one mean to attain the wished goals in terms of efficiency optimisation and Greenhouse Effect Gases emissions reduction for industrial furnaces. The extreme operating conditions, high pressure and temperature, lead to a strong interaction between the different phenomena which take place inside the combustion chambe r: Combustion, turbulence and heat transfer. To better design these futur oxyfuel processes, a mean to study the related physics with a reasonable computational cost and return time. Such studies require the use of high-fidelity numerical resolution tools, and in order to model the multi-physics interaction in a cost efficient way, code coupling. The operating conditions being extreme : High pressure and temperature, a strong interaction exists between the different phenomena occuring inside the chamber. To better understand the physics inside oxycombustion chambers,a multiphysics high-fidelity simulation methodology is developped.

Ajustements posturaux consécutifs lors d’un pas simple : effets de la vitesse et du frottement / The consecutive postural adjustments during simple step : effects of velocity and friction

Memari, Sahel 15 December 2011 (has links)
Cette étude avait pour objectif premier une caractérisation biomécanique du simple pas chez le sujet « normal ». À cet effet, on a considéré l’effet de la vitesse, ce qui a notamment permis de tester l’invariance de l’égalité entre la perturbation appliquée au corps lors de son accélération et la contre-perturbation lors de son freinage (CPA) permettant le retour au repos. Ainsi , le rôle des CPA se trouve explicité. Dans une seconde série expérimentale, on a considéré l’effet du frottement à l’arrêt du mouvement. L’objet de cette série était de caractériser la modification des caractéristiques biomécaniques chez le sujet « normal ». La caractérisation n’a pas soulevé de problèmes majeurs, l’effet de la vitesse se confirmant pour les deux coefficients de frottement (COF) considérés ( Téflon et Carrelage ). En revanche, les différences entre caractéristiques biomécaniques paraissent ne pas être significatives quand le COF diffère. Néanmoins, si l’on considère les résultats individuels, on constate que la durée des CPA tend à être systématiquement supérieure pour le COF le plus faible (Téflon), alors que le pic d’amplitude est systématiquement inférieur . Ces résultats incitent à approfondir l’étude de l’effet du frottement sur le simple pas. En conclusion , le simple pas semble être un paradigme permettant d’obtenir des résultats robustes et facilement utilisables pour étudier des personnes vieillissantes ou handicapées . / This study aimed to biomechanical characterization of a simple step among normal subjects. To this end, we considered the effect of speed, which has enabled to test the invariance of equality between the disturbance applied to the body during its acceleration and counter- perturbation during its breaking phase (CPA) to return to initial position. Also, the role of CPA is explained.In a second experimental series, we considered the effect of friction at the stop point of movement .The purpose of this series was to characterization of biomechanical characteristics modifications among normal subjects. So, the characterization did not raise any major problems, the effects of velocity is confirmed for both COF considered (Teflon and Tiles). How ever, the differences between biomechanical characteristics are not significant when the COF is different, but by considering the individual results, we have found that the duration of the CPA tends to be systematically higher for Teflon, contrary to the peak amplitude results.These results encourage further study of the effect of friction on the single step.In conclusion, the simple step seems to be a paradigm for obtaining robust results and easily usable to study old or handicapped peoples.

Contrôle de l'état hydraulique dans un réseau d'eau potable pour limiter les pertes

Jaumouillé, Elodie 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les fuites non détectées dans les réseaux d'eau potable sont responsables en moyenne de la perte de 30% de l'eau transportée. Il s'avère donc primordial de pouvoir contrôler ces fuites. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la modélisation de l'écoulement de l'eau dans les conduites en tenant compte des fuites a été formulée de différente manière. La première formulation est un système d'équations différentielles ordinaires représentant des fuites constantes, réparties uniformément le long des conduites. Le système peut s'avérer être numériquement raide lorsque des organes hydrauliques sont rajoutés. Deux méthodes implicites ont été proposées pour sa résolution : la méthode de Rosenbrock et la méthode de Gear. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le débit varie linéairement le long des conduites et que les pertes en eau par unité de longueur sont identiques sur chaque conduite. La seconde formulation prend en compte la relation entre les fuites et la pression. Un système de deux équations aux dérivées partielles a été proposé. L'EDP de transport-diffusion-réaction, contenant l'opérateur du p-Laplacien, est résolue par une méthode à pas fractionnaires. Deux méthodes ont été testées. Dans la première, la réaction est couplée avec la diffusion et dans la seconde, elle est couplée avec le transport. Les résultats indiquent que les pertes en eau ne sont pas réparties de façon homogène sur le réseau. Cette formulation décrit de manière plus réaliste les réseaux d'eau potable. Enfin, le problème du contrôle du volume des fuites par action sur la pression a été étudié. Pour cela, un problème d'optimisation est résolu sous la contrainte que la pression doit être minimale pour réduire les fuites et être suffisante pour garantir un bon service aux consommateurs. Les résultats trouvés confirment que la réduction de la pression permet de réduire le volume des fuites de façon significative et que le choix de l'emplacement du ou des points de contrôle est primordial pour optimiser cette réduction.

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