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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clientelismo e brokerage na reforma agrária : a ascensão das novas elites

Mello, Paulo Freire January 2011 (has links)
O assentamento Viamão, localizado no município de mesmo nome, foi o local escolhido para compreender as estratégias de ascensão social de determinados grupos de assentados. Partimos da hipótese de que o espaço de mediação entre o INCRA e os assentamentos está permeado de relações do tipo patrão-cliente, o que possibilita o controle dos recursos públicos por parte do segmento dos assentados que dirigem ou estão vinculados ao MST e, com isso, promovem a ascensão de uma elite política nos assentamentos, com os correlatos prejuízos por parte daqueles que não se enquadram às novas hierarquias. Para dar conta desta tarefa, acompanhamos o desenrolar das ações dos mediadores e as disputas internas pelo controle dos recursos públicos (terra, água para irrigação do arroz, recursos financeiros e até a possibilidade de definição daqueles que devem ser ou não punidos pelo INCRA, órgãos de controle e justiça) entre as duas principais facções internas. Para além das vicissitudes típicas de assentamentos brasileiros, este contou com algumas peculiaridades – grande presença de várzeas, ausência de demarcação por logo período e limitações relacionadas à presença de reservas ambientais – que conformaram uma fraca institucionalização interna e contribuíram para engendrar modos de vida adaptativos. O principal deles foi representado por uma combinação de pluriatividade com arrendamento das várzeas para plantio do arroz por outros assentados. Este processo foi viabilizado por coalizões informais, na forma de conjuntos-ação com elementos de relação patrão-cliente. Constatamos que o grupo ligado ao MST, com ideário socializante e, fundamentalmente, ecologizante, obteve êxito no domínio do espaço de mediação, inclusive pela expulsão daqueles que o opunham. Isto foi possível graças a uma cadeia clientelística que começava nos conjuntos-ação, passava por brokers internos ao assentamento e alcançava as “panelinhas” existentes no INCRA, momento em que o processo se apresenta como uma espécie de clientelismo concentrado, na medida em que somente os líderes do MST conseguem construir pontes entre o buraco estrutural que separa o INCRA dos assentados e consolidar uma doxa legitimadora do discurso militante, causa e conseqüência deste processo. / Viamão The settlement, located in the municipality of the same name, was the venue for understanding the strategies for social mobility of certain groups of settlers. Our hypothesis is that the area of mediation between INCRA and the settlements is permeated by relations of patron-client, which enables control of public resources by the segment of the settlers who run or linked to the MST and thus, promote the rise of a political elite in the settlements, with the related losses by those who do not fit the new hierarchies. To cope with this task, we follow the progress of the actions of mediators and the infighting for control of public resources (land, water for irrigation of rice, funds and even the possibility of defining those who should be punished or not by INCRA, organs control and justice) between the two main internal factions. In addition to the vicissitudes of typical Brazilian settlements, it had some peculiarities - the large presence of wetlands, lack of demarcation for long period and limitations related to the presence of environmental reserves - which have made a weak internal institutionalization and helped engender adaptive lifestyles. The main one was represented by a combination of pluriativity with tenancy of the paddy fields for planting rice by other settlers. This process was made possible by informal coalitions in the form of jointaction with elements of patron-client relationship. We find that a group linked to the MST, with socialist and, essentially, ecological ideals succeeded in the area of mediation, including the expulsion of those who opposed. This was possible thanks to a chain that began in clientelistic joint-action, passed by the internal settlement brokers and reached the "panelinhas" of INCRA bureaucracy, when the process is presented as a sort of clientelism concentrated, in that only MST leaders can build bridges between the structural hole that separates the INCRA of the settlements and consolidate a discourse militant legitimating doxa, cause and consequence of this process.

Des hiérarchies internationales fondées sur des dettes de gratitude : les cas de Cuba-États-Unis (1898-1902) et Cuba-URSS (1959-1963)

Ricardo, Rainer 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse postule qu’il est plus heuristique pour les Relations internationales (RI) de conceptualiser les relations patron-client interétatiques comme des hiérarchies internationales fondées sur des dettes de gratitude. Elle soutient plus précisément que les théoriciens des RI peuvent attester de la présence d’une hiérarchie patron-client lorsque trois conditions sont remplies. D’abord, une dette de gratitude, contractée par l’État subalterne, doit exister au sein de la relation bilatérale. Ensuite, la puissance patronale doit faire appel à ladite dette de gratitude pour exercer de l’autorité politique sur l’État subalterne. Finalement, ce dernier doit se subordonner à l’autorité politique de la puissance patronale en guise de gratitude pour un quelconque bénéfice reçu au cours de la relation bilatérale. Plus précisément, cette thèse soutient que l’émotion de gratitude est la force impérative qui, derrière l’échange de bénéfices internationaux, légitime, d’une part, l’autorité politique exercée par la puissance patronale et, d’autre part, oblige l’État subalterne à offrir sa subordination en guise de contredon international. Les cas de Cuba-États-Unis (1898-1902) et de Cuba-URSS (1959-1963) sont utilisés pour illustrer la validité heuristique de cette proposition théorique. Ce faisant, nous invitons les théoriciens des RI à dépasser le modèle patron-client (MPC) au profit d’une conceptualisation des relations patron-client qui insère la recherche sur le patronage interétatique au sein de deux tournants théoriques de la discipline des RI : les tournants hiérarchique et émotionnel. Cette thèse fait donc une contribution à chacun des tournants précités et établit un dialogue direct entre deux programmes de recherche qui travaillent jusqu’alors en silo. / This thesis argues that it is more heuristic for International Relations (IR) to conceptualize interstate patron-client relationships as international hierarchies built on debts of gratitude. It postulates that IR theorists can attest to the presence of a patron-client hierarchy when three conditions are met. First, a debt of gratitude, incurred by the subordinate state, must exist within the bilateral relationship. Then, the patronal power must appeal to said debt of gratitude to exercise political authority. Finally, the client state must subordinate itself to the political authority of the patronal power in gratitude for any benefit received during the bilateral relationship. The emotion of gratitude is therefore the imperative force which, behind the exchange of international benefits, legitimizes, on the one hand, the political authority exercised by the patronal power and, on the other hand, obliges the client state to offer its subordination as an international gift. The cases of Cuba-USA (1898-1902) and Cuba-USSR (1959-1963) are used to show the value of this theoretical proposition. In doing so, this thesis invites IR theorists to go beyond the patron-client model (PCM) and to favor a conceptualization that inserts research on interstate patronage within two theoretical turns in IR: the hierarchical and emotional turns. It not only contributes to each of the above-mentioned theoretical turns, but also establishes a direct dialogue between two research programs that have hitherto worked in silos.


高素真, Kao, Su-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
新國家主義為政治學研究途徑之新途徑 係針對國家自主性高低與國家能 力強弱 進行動態之研究 舉凡國家內部歷史演變過程 不同政策產出 以及 國際間政治 經濟 文化等各方面之互動影響 均為新國家主義之研究範疇 本論文經由觀察國家偏好轉移趨勢 探究我國實行民主化前後階段之國家 自主性程度與國家能力展現 檢視我國文官考選制度之演進 逐一闡釋並輾 轉剖析新國家主義與我國文官考選制度兩者之間的因果關係 期以宏觀超 然的角度 結合理論與實務 嘗試評估現代國家文官體系發展 進而提出個 人意見 藉以促進我國文官考選制度得以更公正公平 公開 為本論文之研 究重點

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