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Energiprisstrukturens inverkan på val av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder : En analys av trender inom el- och fjärrvärmeprissättning och dess inverkan på effektiviseringsåtgärder i bostadsbeståndetWallenbert, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this examination is to see how energy efficiency measures affect peak loads in multifamily buildings. In addition, how much of an energy share warm water has in peak loads. The Swedish building sector represents 40 % of all energy used. The thesis was restricted to multifamily buildings, which is dominated by district heating. The most common energy measures to save peak cost and reduce peak loads that are focus in this thesis work, e.g. changing windows, isolate walls and attics but also lowering indoor temperature. It was assumed in the thesis that the cost of peak loads will increase in the future and therefore the choice of energy efficiency measures is important. The calculations to determine the effectiveness of the energy measures where done by using hourly temperature data from the year 2014 in combination with, known investment costs for each energy measure. The only measures that went with profit over a 40-year period was the attics isolation and lower indoor temperature. The highest peak load savings in heating was the change of windows and wall isolation, but the investment cost was too high to gain a profit. The conclusion is that the best energy efficiency measures are attic isolation and lower indoor temperature because of its low investment cost and quick payback time, but also effective at lowering peak load by reducing the temperature difference between outdoor and indoor temperature in multifamily buildings. The analysis of warm water energy's share of the peak loads varied much between the 15 given multifamily buildings, where a base load and a peak load where compared. The result was between 10-50 % were the difference between the buildings warm water energy share off the peak loads. It where concluded that a standard value of 20 % would give much inaccuracy in determining the warm water share. It is therefore, suggested to use this method to determine the warm water share of the hourly peak load. / I detta arbete har syftet varit att hitta de vanligaste energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna som görs idag i det svenska bostadsbeståndet. Energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna påverkar effekttoppar i flerbostadshus och har undersökts. Om det antas att energiprisstrukturen går mot en mer effektbaserad taxa kan åtgärderna få större påverkan på energipriset i framtiden. I arbetet har varmvattnets andel av timeffekttoppar undersökts, med stöd av energianvändningsdata från 15 anonymiserade flerbostadshus med fjärrvärme. Energianvändningen i bostadsbeståndet står för ca 40 % av Sveriges energianvändning. Det ställs då krav på de lågenergihus som byggs idag och vid renovering av hus att möta Sveriges som såväl EU 2020 målet att minska energianvändningen i bostäder genom att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. De vanligaste energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna i flerbostadshus har varit isolering av väggar och vind, installation av energiglas och frånluftssystem med värmeåtervinning. En sänkt inomhus temperatur har även medtagits. För fastighetsägare av flerbostadshus, där energianvändning för uppvärmning och varmvatten domineras av fjärrvärme är prisutvecklingen viktig. Om i framtiden ett antagande görs att el och fjärrvärmepriset övergår från en energibaserad taxa kr/kWh till en mer effektbaserad taxa kr/kW där kunden betalar för de högsta effekttopparna under ett år. I denna studie redovisas det när effekttoppar uppstår och vilka energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som påverkar effekttopparna i flerbostadshus. De högsta effekttopparna uppstår oftast under vinterårstiden då uppvärmningsbehovet är störst. I ett framtaget typbostadshus där de valda energiåtgärderna beräknades, det visade sig att energiglas minskar effektbehovet och effektpriset mest, därefter väggisolering med mineralull. Emellertid ger energiglas och väggisolerings åtgärderna ger förluster i lönsamhetsberäkningen. Det skiljer sig från tilläggsisolering med mineralull av vinden och sänkt inomhus temperatur som har en investerings vinst över en 40 års period. I beräkningarna användes temperaturdata från år 2012 både på typhuset innan och efter implementerad åtgärd.En viktig parameter vid minskning av uppvärmningsbehovet är U-värdet. Tilläggsisolering av vind samt sänkt temperatur är de åtgärder som rekommenderas då båda påverkar effektbehovet och ger en lönsam investering. Åtgärd vid fönster och väggar minskar dock uppvärmningsbehovet mest men ger en olönsam ekonomisk investering. Varmvattenandelen av den högsta timeffekttoppen över året togs fram genom att jämföra baslasten och effekttoppen under dagen då effektbehovet är som högst. Resultatet visade att varmvattenandelen av effekttoppen tycks variera mellan ca 10- 50 %. Varmvattenandelen av effekttoppen varierar stort och därför föreslås användningen av metoden i detta examensarbete istället för ett schablonvärde på 20 % vid undersökning av varmvattenandelen av timeffekttoppen.
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In-Shoe Plantar Pressure System To Investigate Ground Reaction Force Using Android PlatformMostfa, Ahmed A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Human footwear is not yet designed to optimally relieve pressure on the heel of the foot. Proper foot pressure assessment requires personal training and measurements by specialized machinery. This research aims to investigate and hypothesize about Preferred Transition Speed (PTS) and to classify the gait phase of explicit variances in walking patterns between different subjects. An in-shoe wearable pressure system using Android application was developed to investigate walking patterns and collect data on Activities of Daily Living (ADL). In-shoe circuitry used Flexi-Force A201 sensors placed at three major areas: heel contact, 1st metatarsal, and 5th metatarsal with a PIC16F688 microcontroller and Bluetooth module. This method provides a low-cost instantaneous solution to both wear and records plantar foot simultaneously. Data acquisition used internal local memory to store pressure logs for offline data analysis. Data processing used the perpendicular slope to determine peak pressure and time of index. Statistical analysis can utilize to discover foot deformity. The empirical results in one subject showed weak linearity between normal and fast walk and a significant difference in body weight acceptance between normal and slow walk. In addition, T-test hypothesis testing between two healthy subjects, with , illustrated a significant difference in their Initial Contact pressure and no difference between their peak-to-peak time interval. Preferred Transition Speed versus VGRF was measured in 19 subjects. The experiments demonstrated that vertical GRF averagely increased 18.46% when the speed changed from 50% to 75% of PTS with STD 4.78. While VGRF increased 21.24% when the speed changed from 75% to 100% of PTS with STD 7.81. Finally, logistic regression between 12 healthy subjects demonstrated a good classification with 82.6% accuracy between partial foot bearing and their normal walk.
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Mimořádné náboženské prožitky a otázka psychopatologie / Peak religious experiences and question of psychopatologyVaněčková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The diploma work reflects the different attitudes to evaluation of extraordinary religions experiences. The objective is to compare different ways of comprehension and evaluation of extraordinary religious experiences and thereby provide suggestions for further consideration of these experiences with a view to pathology and normality. In the theoretical part firstly the general term of the religious experience is determined further the definition of the extraordinary religious experiences follows. Using the example of three types of different religious experiences the psychological, psychiatric and religious attitudes are compared. Further two general attitudes to the extraordinary religious experiences are compared form the point of view of pathology and normality. The conclusion of the theoretical part offers suggestions for consideration of extraordinary religious experiences. The practical part, based on the qualitative research, surveys the experiences of five persons that went through an extraordinary religious experience which is considered by them as religious or spiritual. The research was carried out by means of the semistructured interview and loosely adjusted graphical projective technique called the "Axis of Life". By analyzing the performed interviews answers to questions how the...
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Adenoidní vegetace a adenotomie z pohledu respirační fyzioterapie / Adenoid hypertrophy and adenodectomy from the viewpoint of the respirotory physiotherapySvětlíková, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the examination of respiratory and postural changes on examined group of children after adenoidectomy and evaluation, whether it is recommended in post- operative phase to indicate respiratory physiotherapy for the examined children. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the anatomy, etiology and symptomatology, which accompanies adenoid hypertrophy. Furthermore, there is a description of the kinesiology examination and complete methodology of respiratory physiotherapy and more. In the practical part of the thesis there is a statistic analysis of the examination of 20 children after adenoidectomy and control group investigation. Examination content is the thoracic respiratory excursion (breathing amplitude) and orientational examination of lungs function (PEF, FEV 0,5, FEV 0,75 and FEV1) using digital Peak Flow Meter. The part of the thesis i also kinesiology analysis and questionnaire filled up before adenoidectomy and 3 weeks after operation.
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Systémové píky v elektromigračních systémech s komplexujícími činidly / System peaks in elektromigration systems with complexing agentsDvořák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is a widely used analytical method. CZE is described theoretically very well and there are many simulation programs, which enable one to predict results of electrophoretic separations, and alternatively to study phenomena taking place during the electrophoretic separation in detail. The CZE method is not only an analytical method, but is often used for determination of many physical parameters of compounds, such as stability constants or complex mobilities. Among methods most often used for determination of complexation parameters belongs the affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE). Its alternative is the vacancy affinity capillary electrophoresis (VACE). Whereas by the ACE method the stability constant is determined from the dependence of the analyte effiective electrophoretic mobility on the background electrolyte (BGE) composition, in the case of the VACE system peaks are used for this purpose. In this work the legitimacy of using system peaks in the VACE method for determination of stability constants was investigated. Several approaches dealing with the concentrating of complexing agent in the peak area were compared, both for the ACE and the VACE method. Two different kinds of electrophoretic systems were studied. In the first one, neutral cyclodextrin was used as...
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L’analyse économique face à l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, de William Stanley Jevons à Harold Hotelling (1865-1931) : Le cas des énergies fossiles / Economic Analysis and Natural Resources Depletion, from William Stanley Jevons to Harold Hotelling (1865-1931) : The case of fossil fuelsMissemer, Antoine 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’épuisement des énergies fossiles est un thème d’actualité dont les prémices datent, selon l’opinion courante, des années 1970 et du premier choc pétrolier. En réalité, c’est une préoccupation plus ancienne, intimement liée à l’ère industrielle. Dans la deuxième partie du XIXème siècle, les économistes se sont penchés sur la question de l'épuisement des minerais, ‘objet non identifié’ jusqu'alors et nécessitant la mise sur pied de nouveaux outils d'analyse (effet-rebond chez Jevons, rente minière chez Marshall-Einaudi notamment). Avec le progrès des techniques et l'apparition de nouvelles énergies (pétrole, hydro-électricité), leurs craintes de déclin industriel se sont progressivement dissipées dans les années 1910 et 1920. Mais ces évolutions tenant à l’histoire des faits ne sont pas les seules à considérer. Des facteurs internes à la discipline économique, comme l'émergence du marginalisme dans les années 1870 et de la théorie de l'épargne et du capital dans les années 1890, ont aussi changé le regard des économistes sur la question de l'épuisement des ressources. Pourquoi ? Comment ? Quels enseignements peut-on en tirer pour les défis environnementaux d'aujourd'hui ? Voilà les questions qui sont traitées dans ce travail de thèse. / Fossil fuels exhaustion is a current topic. It is often said that its first presages appeared in the 1970s with the first oil shock. Actually, this exhaustion fear is much older than that, it started with the Industrial Revolution and kept going since then. In the second part of the 19th century, some economists focused their attention on the mineral resources depletion, which was at the time an ‘unknown item’ that necessitated the creation of new concepts and new analytical tools to deal with (for example Jevons’ rebound-effect, Marshall-Einaudi’s mining rent). In the 1910s and 1920s, thanks to technical progress and the development of new energies (oil, hydro-electricity), their fears about industrial decline progressively dissipated. Yet, these factual evolutions are not the only ones to consider. Internal factors, inside economic science (marginalism in the 1870s, capital theory in the 1890s), also shaped economists’ viewpoint on resources exhaustion. Why? How? What lessons can we get from this period for our current environmental challenges? These are the questions that are studied in this thesis.
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Ballstering : un algorithme de clustering dédié à de grands échantillons / Ballstering : a clustering algorithm for large datasetsCourjault-Rade, Vincent 17 April 2018 (has links)
Ballstering appartient à la famille des méthodes de machine learning qui ont pour but de regrouper en classes les éléments formant la base de données étudiée et ce sans connaissance au préalable des classes qu'elle contient. Ce type de méthodes, dont le représentant le plus connu est k-means, se rassemblent sous le terme de "partitionnement de données" ou "clustering". Récemment un algorithme de partitionnement "Fast Density Peak Clustering" (FDPC) paru dans le journal Science a suscité un intérêt certain au sein de la communauté scientifique pour son aspect innovant et son efficacité sur des données distribuées en groupes non-concentriques. Seulement cet algorithme présente une complexité telle qu'il ne peut être aisément appliqué à des données volumineuses. De plus nous avons pu identifier plusieurs faiblesses pouvant nuire très fortement à la qualité de ses résultats, dont en particulier la présence d'un paramètre général dc difficile à choisir et ayant malheureusement un impact non-négligeable. Compte tenu de ces limites, nous avons repris l'idée principale de FDPC sous un nouvel angle puis apporté successivement des modifications en vue d'améliorer ses points faibles. Modifications sur modifications ont finalement donné naissance à un algorithme bien distinct que nous avons nommé Ballstering. Le fruit de ces 3 années de thèse se résume principalement en la conception de ce dernier, un algorithme de partitionnement dérivé de FDPC spécialement conçu pour être efficient sur de grands volumes de données. Tout comme son précurseur, Ballstering fonctionne en deux phases: une phase d'estimation de densité suivie d'une phase de partitionnement. Son élaboration est principalement fondée sur la construction d'une sous-procédure permettant d'effectuer la première phase de FDPC avec une complexité nettement amoindrie tout évitant le choix de dc qui devient dynamique, déterminé suivant la densité locale. Nous appelons ICMDW cette sous-procédure qui représente une partie conséquente de nos contributions. Nous avons également remanié certaines des définitions au cœur de FDPC et revu entièrement la phase 2 en s'appuyant sur la structure arborescente des résultats fournis par ICDMW pour finalement produire un algorithme outrepassant toutes les limitations que nous avons identifié chez FDPC. / Ballstering belongs to the machine learning methods that aim to group in classes a set of objects that form the studied dataset, without any knowledge of true classes within it. This type of methods, of which k-means is one of the most famous representative, are named clustering methods. Recently, a new clustering algorithm "Fast Density Peak Clustering" (FDPC) has aroused great interest from the scientific community for its innovating aspect and its efficiency on non-concentric distributions. However this algorithm showed a such complexity that it can't be applied with ease on large datasets. Moreover, we have identified several weaknesses that impact the quality results and the presence of a general parameter dc difficult to choose while having a significant impact on the results. In view of those limitations, we reworked the principal idea of FDPC in a new light and modified it successively to finally create a distinct algorithm that we called Ballstering. The work carried out during those three years can be summarised by the conception of this clustering algorithm especially designed to be effective on large datasets. As its Precursor, Ballstering works in two phases: An estimation density phase followed by a clustering step. Its conception is mainly based on a procedure that handle the first step with a lower complexity while avoiding at the same time the difficult choice of dc, which becomes automatically defined according to local density. We name ICMDW this procedure which represent a consistent part of our contributions. We also overhauled cores definitions of FDPC and entirely reworked the second phase (relying on the graph structure of ICMDW's intermediate results), to finally produce an algorithm that overcome all the limitations that we have identified.
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Estratégia de planejamento de produção e os sistemas ERP em ambientes sujeitos ao fenômeno hockey-stick. / Production planning strategy and ERP systems in environments subject to the hockey-stick phenomenon.Basso, Renato Gioielli 18 August 2015 (has links)
O ambiente competitivo atual tem colocado pressão no processo de tomada de decisão no mundo corporativo. Os trade-offs das prioridades competitivas discutidos na elaboração da estratégia como custo, qualidade, serviço e flexibilidade já não são suficientes. Estes trade-offs, embora importantes no curto prazo, devem ser compatibilizados de modo que as empresas que tenham o melhor balanço entre eles devam ter resultado superior. Um dos trade-offs bastante discutido é o equilíbrio entre serviço e estoque. A percepção é que seja improvável alcançar excelência no serviço sem ter um considerável nível de estoque. Deste cenário nasce então o paradoxo do uso de sistemas MRP (Material Requirement Planning) versus sistemas JIT (Just in Time), ou melhor, sistemas empurrados versus puxados, já que a escolha por um ou outro sistema tem ligação íntima com a gestão de estoque. Se por um lado os sistemas MRP são largamente utilizados, via softwares ERP, por outro sistemas JIT têm trazido importantes melhorias nos resultados. Embora muitas empresas considerem a adoção exclusiva de um ou outro sistema, algumas delas têm adotado um processo híbrido com o objetivo de tirar o melhor de cada sistema e gerar assim desempenho superior. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as empresas inseridas em mercados caracterizados pela concentração de demanda no final do mês (fenômeno conhecido como hockey-stick), e baixo acerto nas previsões de demanda, estão aplicando suas estratégias de planejamento de produção e seus ERP. Se por um lado a baixa acurácia nas previsões causa um problema na aplicação de estratégias empurradas de planejamento, pois requer um alto estoque de segurança associado, por outro a concentração de embarque dificulta a adoção de uma estratégia puramente puxada, já que o sistema não tem a estabilidade necessária. Para cumprir com este objetivo seis estudos de caso foram conduzidos e os resultados encontrados, suportados pela teoria, sugerem o aparecimento de um modelo híbrido eficaz para planejamento no ambiente estudado assim como o aparecimento de um sistema DSS (Decision Support System). Outra contribuição desta pesquisa foi identificar, em um dos casos, uma empresa que conseguiu atacar de maneira eficaz o fenômeno em sua causa raiz neutralizando assim seus efeitos. / The highly competitive environment of modern times has put pressure on the decision-making process in the corporate world. The trade-offs of competitive priorities such as cost, quality, service and flexibility are no longer enough. These trade-offs, albeit important in the short term, must be matched so that companies that have the best balance between them should have superior results. One of the tradeoffs widely discussed is the balance between service level and inventory. The perception is that excellence is not likely to be achieved in service without having a significant level of inventory. From this scenario comes the paradox of using MRP systems (Material Requirement Planning) versus JIT systems (Just in Time), or rather \"pushed\" systems versus \"pulled\" systems since the option for one or the other system has a close connection with inventory management. On the one hand, MRP systems are widely used in industry through ERP software; on the other hand, JIT systems have obtained better results. While many companies consider adopting one or another system, some of them adopt a hybrid process with the goal of taking the best of each system and generate superior performance. The purpose of this research is to investigate how companies inserted in markets characterized by sales peak at the end of the month (hockey-stick phenomenon), and low accuracy in demand forecasts, are applying their production planning strategies and their ERP. Low forecast accuracy causes a problem in applying pushed strategies as it requires a high safety stock associated. Conversely, the sales peak hinders the adoption of a purely pull strategy since the system does not have the necessary stability. To meet this goal, six case studies were conducted and the results found and supported by the theory suggest the emergence of an effective hybrid model for planning in the environment studied as well as the appearance of a DSS (Decision Support System). Another contribution of this research was to identify in one of the cases a company that managed to effectively tackle the phenomenon in the root cause, neutralizing its effects.
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A package deal for the future: Vehicle-to-Grid combined with Mobility as a ServiceBränström, Amanda, Söderberg, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this report is to evaluate how a future commercially owned fleet of self-driving electric vehicles (EV:s) would be able to provide power in order to avoid power exceedances in the power grid. Exceedances occur when network agreements between grid operating companies are exceeded. Exceedances are problematic, since they infer penalty fees for the paying company and make dimensioning the grid capacity more difficult for the supplying company. Capacity deficiency regarding the infrastructure of the grid is expected to increase, likely resulting in higher penalty fees. Integrating transport and power systems by using self-driving EV:s as Mobility as a Service combined with Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology is a potential solution for this problem. By modeling the EV-fleet as the New York City taxi fleet, a usage pattern deemed to resemble Mobility as a Service is created. An economic value for the V2G service is estimated by comparing the availability of the EV-fleet with local exceedances from Uppsala as well as regional occurring exceedances. The highest income during the first quarter of 2019 is 96 000 SEK for the whole fleet, or 1100 SEK per EV and hour-long exceedance. The time of exceedance and the power magnitude have to interplay with the availability of the EV-fleet in order to enable the system. The EV battery capacity highly impacts the system, but is concluded to not be a limiting factor due to market logic. Lastly, key features such as market formation as well as geographical and technical aspects are presented and discussed.
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Optimering av last och produktion i Gävles fjärrvärmenät : Reducering av effekttoppar via värmelagring i byggnaderElofsson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
District heating is today the most common way of providing a building with heat and hot water in Sweden. It is an environmentally friendly product mostly used with renewable fuel. However, at power peaks most companies use production units that are more expensive and worse for the environment and should therefore be avoided as much as possible. This can be done with a method called load management. When a power peak occurs, the heat supply to buildings connected to the district heating system can be temporarily reduced. The heat energy can later be returned when the heat demand is lower. Thanks to the heat inertia of the buildings, the indoor temperature will not fall within the time frame for the load management. Historical data has been analysed to identify when and why power peaks occur in the district heating network. Power peaks throughout the district heating network have proved difficult to identify. However, for individual consumers clear patterns of power peaks have emerged. These power peaks mainly occur because of large use of hot water but also because of the shifting outdoor temperature. In order to see how the production cost would differ from the actual outcome load management was applied for Gävle's district heating 2018. The load management was calculated manually by identifying the most expensive production unit on an hourly basis. If a cheaper production unit had the potential to deliver higher power the next hour, the production was moved to the cheaper production unit. The process was repeated for each hour during 2018. After carrying out load management for Gävle's district heating network, 1 457 MWh had been shifted to a cheaper production unit. This resulted in a financial saving of 1,0 % of the total production cost. The environmental savings showed a reduction from 6.1 to 5.9 g CO2eq /kWh a total of 197 tonne CO2eq. In the exact same way, a load management was performed for a scenario where Gävle and Sandviken's district heating network were connected. The gain for a load management with Sandviken will be considerably larger, a reduced production cost of 3.6 % is possible. The environmental savings showed a reduction from 8.4 to 7.8 CO2eq /kWh a total of 575 tonne CO2eq. For future efficient load management, buildings should be divided into different classes depending on the building's time constant. User patterns for the entire district heating network have proved difficult to detect. Artificial intelligence can be an option for short-term forecasting of the power output / Fjärrvärme är idag det vanligaste sättet att förse en bostad med värme och tappvarmvatten i Sverige. Fjärrvärmen är ofta en miljövänlig produkt som kan produceras av till exempel biobränsle- och avfallseldade kraftvärmeverk eller spillvärme från industrier. Vid tillfälligt högt effektbehov, effekttoppar, använder sig merparten av bolagen av dyrare produktionsenheter med större miljöpåverkan. Dyrare produktionsenheter bör undvikas i största möjliga mån och i detta syfte används metoden laststyrning. Vid en effekttopp kan värmetillförseln till byggnader sänkas temporärt för att återföras några timmar senare när effektbehovet är lägre. Tack vare värmetrögheten i byggnaderna bör inomhustemperaturen inte sjunka inom tidsramen för laststyrning. Statistik från Gävles fjärrvärmanvändning på timbasis under 2018 har analyserats för att identifiera när och varför effekttoppar sker. Effekttoppar i hela fjärrvärmenätet har visat sig svåra att identifiera. På lokal nivå har däremot tydliga mönster för effekttoppar framkommit. Dessa effekttoppar beror till största del av tappvarmvattenanvändning men även förändringar i utomhustemperaturen. För att se hur produktion och last kunde skiljt sig från det verkliga utfallet tillämpades laststyrning för Gävles fjärrvärmeproduktion 2018. Laststyrningen beräknades manuellt genom att den dyraste produktionsenheten identifierades på timbasis. Om en billigare produktionsenhet hade potential att leverera högre effekt nästkommande timmar försköts produktionen. Därefter upprepades processen för varje timme under 2018. Efter utförd laststyrning för Gävles fjärrvärmenät hade ca 1 457 MWh förskjutits till en billigare produktionsenhet. Det gav en ekonomisk besparing på 1,0 % av Gävles totala produktionskostnad. Den miljömässiga besparingen visade på en sänkning från 6,1 till 5,9 [g CO2ekv /kWh] sammanlagt 197 ton CO2ekv. På samma sätt utfördes en laststyrning för ett scenario där Gävle och Sandvikens fjärrvärmenät sammankopplats. Vinsten för en laststyrning med Sandviken blev betydligt större med en minskad produktionskostnaden på 3,6 %. Den miljömässiga påverkan sjönk från 8,4 till 7,8 g CO2ekv /kWh sammanlagt 575 ton CO2ekv. För en framtida effektiv laststyrning bör byggnader delas in i olika klasser beroende på byggnadens tidskonstant. Användarmönster för hela fjärrvärmenätet har visat sig svårt att identifiera. Artificiell intelligens kan vara ett alternativ i framtiden för att prognostisera effektuttaget
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