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Amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.): composição centesimal, ácidos graxos, fatores antinutricionais e minerais em cultivares produzidas no Estado de São Paulo / Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.): proximate composition, fatty acids, antinutritional factors, minerals in cultivars produced in State of São PauloMariana Gonçalves Lozano 21 July 2016 (has links)
O amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) é uma das oleaginosas mais consumidas no mundo, e o Brasil apresenta potencial para despontar como grande produtor e exportador. Diferentes cultivares de amendoim foram desenvolvidas visando melhorar a produtividade, a qualidade nutricional e a vida de prateleira dos grãos e seus derivados. A bibliografia indica diferença na composição química e nutricional de cultivares obtidas por melhoramento genético. Este projeto teve como objetivo identificar cultivares de amendoim em produção e sua composição nutricional com vistas à alimentação humana, perfil nutricional e programas governamentais para incentivo ao consumo. As cultivares selecionados foram Granoleico (origem Argentina), IAC OL3, IAC 886, IAC 505 e IAC Tatu Vermelho (desenvolvidas no Brasil). Amostras dos cinco cultivares foram coletadas em cooperativas das principais regiões produtoras do estado de São Paulo, localizadas nos municípios de Tupã e Marília, representantes da região da Alta Paulista com solos mais claros e Jaboticabal e Sertãozinho, correspondentes à região da Alta Mogiana, com solos mais avermelhados. Estas cinco cultivares, produzidas no Estado de São Paulo, atingem 83% de área de cultivo nacional, que é responsável por 92% da produção do Brasil. As amostras foram analisadas quanto à composição centesimal, a presença de fatores antinutricionais (ácido fítico, taninos condensados, saponinas e atividade da urease), minerais (ferro, zinco, fósforo, cálcio, manganês e magnésio), perfil de ácidos graxos, tocoferóis totais e β-caroteno. A análise estatística foi realizada por Análise de Variância - ANOVA e aplicação do Teste de Tukey para comparação das médias. Os resultados observados revelaram variações de 18% de carboidratos, 9,7% de proteína, 28% de fibras e 8,2% de lipídios, com a cultivar IAC 505 apresentando as maiores porcentagens de lipídios e proteínas. Os minerais variaram 45% para Fe, 40% para Ca, 12% para Mg, 39% para Mn, 41% para P e 30% para Zn. Foram observadas diferenças nos teores de antinutricionais, constatando-se cultivares com teores de saponinas (Tatu Vermelho), ácido fítico (IAC OL3), taninos condensados (IAC 886) e atividade da urease (IAC 886), superiores às demais. Os níveis de tocoferóis totais e β-caroteno foram superiores nas cultivares Tatu Vermelho e Granoleico, respectivamente. Do ponto de vista de qualidade do perfil de ácidos graxos, a cultivar IAC 505 se destacou com 42% da composição de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados, 1,4 % de poli-insaturados, 6% de saturados e razão oleico/linoléico de 26. Foram elaboradas tabelas de comparação entre os resultados obtidos e as recomendações de ingestão dietética para verificação do suprimento de nutrientes. Com os resultados obtidos, pode se concluir que a composição química e nutricional de cultivares desenvolvidas pode ser afetada pelo processo de melhoramento genético, mas estudos complementares devem ser realizados. Há cultivares com qualidade nutricional superior às demais que suprem necessidades orgânicas e são mais interessantes para consumo de acordo com o objetivo nutricional. Estas deveriam ser inseridas em programas de incentivo à produção agrícola e o consumo incentivado devido a impacto benéfico no perfil nutricional de populações. / Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most consumed oil in the world and Brazil has the potential to emerge as a major producer and exporter. Peanut different cultivars have been developed to improve the productivity, nutritional quality and shelf life of grain and its derivatives. The literature indicates difference in the chemical and nutritional composition of cultivars obtained by genetic improvement. This project aimed to identify peanut cultivars in production and its nutritional composition with a view to food, nutritional profile and government programs to boost consumption. The selected cultivars were Granoleico (Argentine origin), OL3 IAC, IAC 886, IAC 505 and IAC Red Tatu (developed in Brazil). Samples of five cultivars were collected in cooperatives of the main producing regions of São Paulo, in the cities of Tupa and Marilia, representatives of Alta Paulista region with light soils and Jaboticabal and Sertaozinho, corresponding to the region of Upper Mogiana with red soil. These five cultivars produced in the State of São Paulo, reaching 83% of cultivation area, which is responsible for 92% of production in Brazil. The samples were analyzed for chemical composition, the presence of anti-nutritional factors (phytic acid, tannins, saponins and activity of urease), minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and magnesium), fatty acid profile, total tocopherols and β-carotene. Statistical analysis was performed by analysis of variance - ANOVA and application of the Tukey test for comparison of means. The observed results showed variations of 18% carbohydrate, 9.7% protein, 28% fiber and 8.2% lipids, with IAC 505 having the highest percentage of lipids and proteins. Mineral varied to 45% Fe, 40% Ca, 12% Mg, 39% for Mn, 41% to 30% for P and Zn. Differences were observed in anti-nutritional content, confirming if cultivars with saponins content (Red Tatu), phytic acid (IAC OL3), condensed tannins (IAC 886) and urease activity (IAC 886), higher than the others. The levels of total tocopherols and β-carotene were higher in cultivars Tatu Vermelho and Granoleico respectively. The quality viewpoint of the fatty acid profile, the IAC 505 is highlighted with the composition 42% monounsaturated fatty acids, 1.4% from polyunsaturated, saturated and 6% oleic reason / linoleic 26. Were elaborated comparison tables between the results obtained and the dietary intake recommendations to check the supply of nutrients. With the results, it can be concluded that the chemical and nutritional composition of developed cultivars may be affected by genetic improvement, but further studies should be conducted. There are varieties with higher nutritional quality to other supplying organic needs and are more interesting for consumption according to the nutritional purpose. These should be included in the incentive programs for agricultural production and encouraged consumption due to beneficial impact on the nutritional profile of populations.
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Caracterização química e estabilidade oxidativa de produto reestruturado de frango sob ação de embalagem ativa adicionada de extratos de resíduos agroindustriais / Chemical and oxidative stability of restructured chicken product stored under active packaging with addition of agro-industrial residues extractsJuan Sebastian Serrano Leon 13 July 2015 (has links)
A qualidade, aceitabilidade e a vida útil da carne de frango e principalmente seus produtos industrializados, dependem de vários fatores, sendo a oxidação lipídica um dos principais problemas de estabilidade do produto. O crescimento da tendência de consumo de compostos naturais por parte da população mundial e a demanda das indústrias de alimentos para controle da oxidação lipídica, surge como alternativa muito promissora a utilização de antioxidantes naturais. O Brasil, com uma grande produção de produtos vegetais e a economia fortemente baseada na agroindústria gera grandes quantidades de resíduos vegetais, sendo os resíduos de película de amendoim e pimenta-rosa potenciais fontes de antioxidantes. Estes resultados confirmados conforme ensaios preliminares in vitro, uma vez que são ricos em compostos bioativos, como compostos fenólicos. Além disto, a quitosana apresenta-se como uma boa matriz para incorporação de extratos contendo compostos bioativos, além de ter capacidade de formar filmes. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver filmes de quitosana com incorporação de antioxidantes naturais a partir dos extratos de resíduos de película de amendoim e pimenta rosa, e avaliar seu efeito sobre a oxidação lipídica em produto reestruturado de frango. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: a primeira foi utilização da metodologia de superfície de resposta para determinação de uma concentração ótima de extrato de resíduo agroindustrial que incorporado ao filme de quitosana promova inibição da oxidação lipídica (valor de sustâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, TBARS). Na segunda etapa, foi avaliada a incorporação da concentração ótima dos extratos diretamente na carne e nos filmes ativos de quitosana, sobre as características físico-químicas (pH, cor instrumental, índice de peróxidos, e valor de TBARS) e microbiológicas dos tratamentos. Na terceira etapa foram avaliadas as características sensoriais e de aceitabilidade dos tratamentos que apresentaram menor oxidação lipídica. Os resultados revelaram que, na primeira etapa foram otimizadas as concentrações dos extratos de resíduos nos filmes ativos de quitosana. Os teores otimizados foram 80 mg de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT) / kg de carne para os resíduos de película de amendoim e de 90 mg CFT / kg de carne para pimenta rosa. Na segunda etapa, ao final do tempo de armazenamento, pode-se observar que não houve diferença significativa (p > 0,05) para os parâmetros de cor, pH e contagem de mesófilos totais. Para oxidação lipídica, todos os tratamentos apresentaram diferença significativa (p < 0,05), quando comparados com o controle. Para contagem de micro-organismos psicrotróficos totais houve diferença significativa para os tratamentos com filme ativo + extratos, quando comparados com os demais tratamentos. Na terceira etapa, os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa na aceitabilidade entre os tratamentos. Adicionalmente também foi realizada uma caracterização sensorial com consumidores usando a metodologia Check-all-that-apply (CATA). Assim pode-se concluir que foram desenvolvidos filmes ativos de quitosana com adição de extratos de resíduos agroindustriais, com exelente potencial na atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana em produtos carneos, sem influenciar na aceitabilidade sensorial. / Quality, accessibility, shelf life of chicken meat and mainly of its processed products depends on several factors, wherein lipid oxidation is a major stability product problem. The growth of the consumption trend of natural compounds by the world\'s population, and the demand from the food industry to control lipid oxidation appear as a very promising alternative to the use of natural antioxidants. Brazil, with a large production plant products and a strong economy based on agro-industry generates large amounts of crop residues where peanut shells and pink pepper residues are potential sources of antioxidants. According to preliminary in-vitro tests of these residues, these are rich in bioactive substances such as phenolic compounds. Moreover, chitosan presents itself as a good matrix for incorporation of extracts containing bioactive compounds, in addition to having the ability to form films. The aim of this study was to develop chitosan films incorporating natural antioxidants from peanut shells and pink pepper residues extracts, as well as to evaluate their effect on the lipid oxidation of a chicken restructured product. The study was divided into three stages: first was the use of response surface methodology to determine an optimal concentration of agro-industrial waste extract, which was incorporated into the chitosan film to promote inhibition of lipid oxidation (as an amount of reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid, TBARS). The second stage evaluated the incorporation of this optimal concentration of extracts applied directly in both the meat and the chitosan active films, in relation to the physicalchemical (pH parameters, instrumental color, peroxide value, and TBARS value) and microbiological characteristics of the treatments. The third stage evaluated the sensory characteristics and acceptability of treatments that had a lower lipid oxidation. The results revealed that the first stage optimized the concentrations of extracts from residues into the active chitosan films. The optimized concentration was 80 mg of total phenolic content (TPC) / kg of meat for peanut shells residue extract, and 90 TPC mg / kg of meat for the pink pepper extract. On the second stage, at the end of the storage time, it can be seen that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in parameters like color, pH and total mesophylls counts. For the lipid oxidation parameters, all treatments showed significant differences (p < 0.05) when compared with the control treatment. The microbial count of total psychrotrophic microorganisms showed significant differences for treatments with active films + residues extracts when compared with the other treatments. In the third stage, the results showed no significant difference in acceptability between treatments. Additionally, a sensory characterization with consumers using the Check-all-thatapply (CATA) methodology was also performed. Thus, it was concluded that the development of active chitosan films incorporated with extracts of agro-industrial waste was possible, which possess an antioxidant and antimicrobial potential activity without altering the sensory acceptability of the final product.
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Food Contamination Narratives in United States News MediaPlummer, Stephanie C. 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Treatment of Dye Wastewater using Dehydrated Peanut HullShamirpet, Nikitha 27 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Cracking Open Peanuts: Exploring Jewish Identity and the Theatre of the Holocaust in Donald Margulies's Found a PeanutHorowitz, Joshua R. 10 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Determination of aflatoxins in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) collected from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo and Pretoria, South Africa : a comparative studyKamika, Ilunga 16 April 2013 (has links)
This study assessed the mycological and aflatoxin contamination of peanuts collected from Kinshasa, DRC and Pretoria, South Africa. Forty peanut samples were collected randomly at informal markets in the two cities and analysed for mycoflora and aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) using standard methods. The results indicated that 95% and 100% of peanut samples collected from Kinshasa and Pretoria, respectively were contaminated with aflatoxigenic fungi with Kinshasa’s samples being the most contaminated (up to 49, 000 CFU/g). Seventy percent (70 %) of Kinshasa-samples and 35% of Pretoria-samples exceeded the maximum allowable limit of aflatoxin B1 set by JECFA (5 ppb). Statistical evidence showed a significant positive correlation between mycoflora and aflatoxin level for Kinshasa-samples (r = 0.4743, p < 0.005) while Pretoria-samples showed no correlation. The study reveals that high level of contamination in Kinshasa-samples could be due to the tropical nature of the climate and poor storage conditions as compared to Pretoria which is sub-tropical and sanitary regulations are enforced. / Life & Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)
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A comparative study of natural contamination with aflatoxins and fumonisins in selected food commodities from Botswana and ZimbabweMupunga, Innocent 06 1900 (has links)
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. Aflatoxins and fumonisins are among the most toxic mycotoxins. They are a significant risk factor for a cocktail of chronic health conditions including cancer of the liver, oesophagus and kidney, teratogenicity, neural tube defects, interference with lipid metabolism, a weakened immune system and a negative impact on micronutrient absorption in both man and animals. This study compared natural contamination of peanuts, peanut butter and sorghum from Gaborone, Botswana and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe with aflatoxins and fumonisins. In total 34 peanut samples, 34 sorghum samples and 11 peanut butter samples were collected randomly from retail shops and informal markets in the two cities. Fungal contamination was determined using standard mycology methods. Aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination was determined using HPLC-FLD. A. flavus/parasiticus species were detected in 66% and 100% of randomly analysed peanut samples from Bulawayo and Gaborone respectively and 27% (3/11) of peanut butter samples from Bulawayo. 67% of randomly analysed sorghum samples from Bulawayo showed A. flavus/parasiticus and Fusarium species contamination while none of the randomly analysed sorghum samples from Gaborone showed any fungal contamination. Furthermore aflatoxins were not detected in any of the sorghum samples; however 61% (11/18) of the Bulawayo sorghum samples showed fumonisin contamination (Range: 8 – 187 ng/g). Three of the peanut samples from Bulawayo were contaminated with aflatoxins (range: 6.6 – 622 ng/g) and no aflatoxins were detected in Gaborone peanuts. All 11 peanut butter samples from Bulawayo were contaminated with aflatoxins (Mean: 73.5 ng/g, Range: 6.8-250 ng/g) and AFB1 was the most prevalent. These preliminary results indicate that peanut butter and peanuts from Bulawayo are contaminated with high levels of aflatoxins. Stricter policing of regulations should be implemented to ensure compliance by manufacturers and public health interventions implemented in vulnerable communities. / Life & Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)
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An assessment of the quality and acceptance of a ready-to-use supplement, Sibusiso, by human immunodeficiency virus and human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis treated patients in KwaZulu-Natal.Mabaso, Prudence Bongekile. 29 November 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Malnutrition is a health issue directly and indirectly contributing towards high rates of morbidity and mortality globally, particularly in developing countries. South Africa (SA) is faced with a double burden of diseases with a high prevalence of both under and over nutrition. The high prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in SA worsens undernutrition. HIV/AIDS increases nutrient requirements and inadequate food intake results in malnutrition. Nutrition support through food supplementation is important to combat the high prevalence of malnutrition in sub-Saharan African countries including South Africa. Thus, a groundnut-soya based supplementary paste, Sibusiso, has been produced. However, its nutritional composition and acceptability have not been studied.
Objectives: (i) To determine the nutritional composition and physical properties of a ready-to-use supplement, Sibusiso, (ii) To determine the sensory acceptability of Sibusiso among healthy subjects; and sensory acceptability and perceptions of Sibusiso by subjects treated for HIV and HIV/TB.
Materials and methods: The nutritional composition, colour and texture of Sibusiso and a commercial peanut butter (control) were analysed following standard procedures. A cross-sectional consumer acceptability test was done using a 5-point facial hedonic scale (healthy control group, n = 68; HIV, n = 88 and HIV-TB co-infection treated, n = 51). A total of six focus group discussion sessions (HIV subjects = 4 sessions and HIV/TB co-infected subjects = 2 sessions) were also conducted.
Results and discussions: The protein content of Sibusiso (16 g/100 g) was almost half that of the commercial peanut butter (control), (25 g/100 g). However, Sibusiso contained 1.4 times more ash (4 g/100 g) and almost twice as much carbohydrate (40 g/100 g) compared to the commercial peanut butter (22 g/100 g). The fat (40 g/100 g) and energy (2 624 kJ/ 100 g) content of Sibusiso was not substantially different from that of the commercial peanut butter which was 43 g/100 g and 2 852 kJ/100 g, respectively. The lysine content of Sibusiso (58 mg/g) was about 1.7 times higher than that of the commercial peanut butter. The methionine (11 mg/g) and histidine (35 mg/g) content of Sibusiso was almost twice that of the commercial peanut butter, respectively. The nutrient content of Sibusiso was either similar or slightly more than that of other ready-to-use
supplements such as Plumpy’nut®. Sibusiso met the FAO/WHO/UNU recommendations for essential amino acids. The consumption of 50 g of Sibusiso per day may provide approximately 35% of the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) and 30% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for adults. Sibusiso was brown in colour, similar to the commercial peanut butter. Its textural attributes were found similar to that of the commercial peanut butter but harder and stickier.
The acceptability of Sibusiso was significantly associated (p ≤ 0.05) with the health status of consumers. Overall, Sibusiso was liked by 94% of HIV and HIV/TB individuals (mean score: 4) compared to 85% for the healthy group (control). More than 90% of the HIV/TB and HIV treated individuals liked the taste compared to the control group (86%, mean score: 4). The colour and mouthful were rated 'good' by more than 80% of the HIV and HIV/TB group, mean score: 3, with only 68% among the healthy group, mean score: 4.1.
Conclusion: Sibusiso is a good source of nutrients and was found to be acceptable to HIV and HIV/TB treated consumers. It may be effective in alleviating disease-related malnutrition among vulnerable individuals such as those infected by HIV and HIV/TB. / Thesis (M.Sc.Hum.Nut.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Supplementary feeding of South African underweight children between 1 and 10 years of age with ready-to-use food to promote weight gain.Maharaj, Kirasha. 29 November 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate whether Sibusiso, a Ready Food Supplement (SRFS), developed by the Gift of the Givers Foundation was able to promote weight gain among underweight children between 1 and 10 years of age. The study also aimed to train CAST community workers on how to assess and identify underweight children and to determine the number of underweight children aged 1-10 years who were currently on the CAST food aid program in Cato Manor and Chesterville in Durban, Kwa Zulu-Natal. This non-randomised intervention study was carried out on a total of 19 out of 20 subjects that initially qualified for inclusion into the study. A monitoring tool was used to collect data on anthropometrical measurements, symptoms experienced, disease conditions identified, level of appetite, meal consumption and energy for each subject for a period of three months. Study subjects were from families living in Cato Manor and Chesterville in Durban, Kwa Zulu-Natal, who were part of a food aid programme run by non-governmental organisation Church Alliance of Social Transformation (CAST). SRFS was compared to Recommended Energy Allowances (REA) and Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) to determine the amount of energy and macronutrients that SRFS provided to subjects in their different age groups. The predominant health conditions and symptoms experienced by the subjects were assessed. General improvement in appetite, meal consumption and energy levels among subjects were monitored during the supplementation period
Out of 19 subjects who were supplemented with SRFS over the three month period, it was established that more children from Chesterville than Cato Manor were part of the CAST food parcel programme. SRFS was not able to meet 100% of the RDA and REA for subjects in their different age groups. However, SRFS was able to promote weight among subjects as
50% of subjects were able to achieve normal weight-for-age growth by the third month of supplementation. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection was the predominant disease condition experienced among subjects. A steady decline in the frequency of infection symptoms experienced among subjects was observed. Appetite, meal consumption and energy levels among subjects increased during the three moth supplementation period.
In conclusion, SRFS was successful in promoting weight gain among underweight children and was able to improve the overall wellbeing of subjects by alleviating the burden of disease conditions and infection symptoms while improving appetite, meal consumption and energy levels. SRFS therefore was beneficially utilised in the CAST food aid programme. SRFS had beneficial effects on the health and nutritional status of the study subjects during the observed period of its use in the CAST food aid programme and its continued use is recommended. / Thesis (M.Sc.Diet.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Cloning, Expression, and Characterization of Ara h 3, a Major Peanut AllergenGarvey, Cathryn E. 15 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract There are eight foods that contribute to food allergies in the western world and peanut is the most common. Currently, there are no medical treatments that can cure an individual of food allergy, so avoidance of the allergic food is the only option. In the United States, there are three immunodominant allergic proteins accountable for patient sensitization to peanut, Arachis hypogea 1, 2, and 3 (Ara h 1, Ara h 2, Ara h 3). Therefore, research into why peanuts are more allergic than other foods that have homologous proteins is critical and may be obtained by studying the structural and allergenic properties of individual allergens and the changes that occur due to food processing. In this study, the basic and acidic subunits of Ara h 3 were cloned, expressed, and purified, and compared with each other and with the native Ara h 3 purified from peanut for differences in binding to IgE from peanut allergic individuals. Also, an in vitro Maillard reaction was performed on purified native raw Ara h 3 and patient serum IgE western blots were performed. This study concluded that an in vitro Maillard reaction enhanced IgE binding to Ara h 3, IgE binding to native Ara h 3 was in most cases higher than to the recombinant Ara h 3 subunits, and recognition of the acidic subunit was much higher than the and basic subunits in both the recombinant and native forms of the protein were investigated. Keywords:
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