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High-order finite element methods for seismic wave propagationDe Basabe Delgado, Jonás de Dios, 1975- 03 February 2010 (has links)
Purely numerical methods based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) are becoming
increasingly popular in seismic modeling for the propagation of acoustic and
elastic waves in geophysical models. These methods o er a better control on the accuracy
and more geometrical
exibility than the Finite Di erence methods that have
been traditionally used for the generation of synthetic seismograms. However, the
success of these methods has outpaced their analytic validation. The accuracy of the
FEMs used for seismic wave propagation is unknown in most cases and therefore
the simulation parameters in numerical experiments are determined by empirical
rules. I focus on two methods that are particularly suited for seismic modeling: the
Spectral Element Method (SEM) and the Interior-Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin
Method (IP-DGM).
The goals of this research are to investigate the grid dispersion and stability
of SEM and IP-DGM, to implement these methods and to apply them to subsurface
models to obtain synthetic seismograms. In order to analyze the grid dispersion
and stability, I use the von Neumann method (plane wave analysis) to obtain a
generalized eigenvalue problem. I show that the eigenvalues are related to the grid
dispersion and that, with certain assumptions, the size of the eigenvalue problem can be reduced from the total number of degrees of freedom to one proportional to
the number of degrees of freedom inside one element.
The grid dispersion results indicate that SEM of degree greater than 4 is
isotropic and has a very low dispersion. Similar dispersion properties are observed
for the symmetric formulation of IP-DGM of degree greater than 4 using nodal basis
functions. The low dispersion of these methods allows for a sampling ratio of 4 nodes
per wavelength to be used. On the other hand, the stability analysis shows that,
in the elastic case, the size of the time step required in IP-DGM is approximately
6 times smaller than that of SEM. The results from the analysis are con rmed by
numerical experiments performed using an implementation of these methods. The
methods are tested using two benchmarks: Lamb's problems and the SEG/EAGE
salt dome model. / text
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Crime et littératures / Crime and literaturesDulieu, Héloïse 17 December 2010 (has links)
Le crime se retrouve dans toutes les formes de littératures, que ce soit le théâtre, le roman classique, le roman, l'essai philosophique, ou encore la littérature jeunesse, c'est un fait. Un dialogue s'opère entre ces deux entités. Il s'exprime au départ au travers du spectacle du châtiment public. La fin de la publicité de la sanction et le plébiscite des spectateurs précipitent l'avènement d'une première littérature du crime, didactiques, les littératures dites judiciaires, initiées par le pouvoir judiciaire lui-même. Au gré du temps, d'autres littératures, profanes, sensationnelles, relatent aussi l'actualité judiciaire. Les deux rhétoriques se mélangent et s'influencent. Comme le spectacle passé, les lectures criminelles sont un succès. L'avènement de la Presse de grande distribution assure l'omniprésence du crime dans le quotidien. L'émergence de la fiction littéraire offre une autre forme de dialogue, un échange, une identité de faits entre le roman et les sciences criminelles, criminologie et criminalistique par notamment. Ce dialogue est donc utile ; didactique lorsqu'il concerne les littératures judiciaires, plus social lorsqu'il s'intéresse à la personnalité du criminelle, précurseur quand il influence les techniques d'investigation. Ce dialogue produit des effets. Des effets positifs en ce qu'il est, encore une fois, utile ; il influence la loi, la renseigne sur l'état des mœurs. A l'inverse, les effets peuvent être plus critiquables. L'omniprésence incontestée du crime dans ces formes diverses de littératures est susceptible d'engendrer une banalisation de la violence, particulièrement à l'égard des mineurs, mais aussi engendrer un effet criminogène à l'égard des plus faibles. Ce sont tous ces aspects qui sont étudiés dans la présente étude. / Crime meets in all the forms of literatures, whether it is the theater, the classic novel, the novel, the philosophical essay, or still the literature youth, it is a fact. A dialogue takes place between these two entities. It expresses hitself at first through the entertainment of the public capital punishment. The end of the publicity of the penalty and the plebiscite of the spectators precipitate the advent of a first literature of the crime, the didactics, the judicial said literatures, introduced by the very judiciary. According to time, the other literatures, profane, sensational, also tell the judicial current events. Both rhetorics mix and influence. As the past entertainment, the criminal readings are a success. The advent of the Press of mass-market retailing insures the omnipresence of the crime in the everyday life. The emergence of the literary fiction offers another shape of dialogue, an exchange, an identity of facts between the n ovel and the criminal sciences, and forensic by in particular. This dialogue is thus useful; didactics when it concerns the judicial literatures, more social when it is interested in the personality of criminal, precursor when it influences the scientific investigation. This dialogue produces effects. Positive effects in the fact that he it is useful, once again; it influences the law, informs it about the state of the customs. On the contrary, the effects can be more open to criticism. The incontested omnipresence of the crime in these diverse forms of literatures may engender an everyday acceptance of the violence, particularly towards the minors, but also engender a bad influence towards the weakest. It is all these aspects which are studied in the present study.
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Dödsstraff och stympning i det antika Egypten / Capital punishment and mutilation in Ancient EgyptLindman, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
This essay is about capital punishment and mutilation in Ancient Egypt’s pharaonic era. The earlier research has mostly focused on the New Kingdom and later periods, in large part because the textual sources are much clearer from then on. There are however some earlier texts that seem to mention death penalty or mutilation, but correct analysis of these is debatable. Some scholars argue that death penalty certainly was used before New Kingdom, while others claim that this is not the case. These things combined contribute to the lack of knowledge of how these penalties were used. The goal of the present study is to elaborate on how and why the penalties were applied and if they were used before the New Kingdom. This is done by means of analyzing and comparing textual sources from different time periods. The material consists of inscriptions from tombs, stelae and juridical documents such as documentation from tomb robberies and the so-called Harem Conspiracy. The most important findings are that there are indicators, but no tangible evidence, for mutilation or capital punishment being used before New Kingdom. The New Kingdom material is indeed clearer and it is apparent that death penalty, in the form of impaling, was used as punishment for tomb robbery, conspiracy and rebellion against the king and theft from temple. Mutilation of the ears and the nose was used against those who abused their power or their confidence.
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Das Verlangen nach Überwachen und Strafen in der Leipziger BevölkerungKlimt, Oliver, Müller, Matthias, Rauhut, Heiko 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf der Sekundäranalyse eines Datensatzes, welcher im Stadtgebiet Leipzig im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums erhoben wurde. Die Autoren folgen modernen sozialwissenschaftlichen Standards, indem sie theoretisch abgeleitete Hypothesen empirisch prüfen. Besonders hervorhebenswert ist dabei, dass sie ein komplexes Mehrebenenmodell zur Erklärung von Einstellungen zum Überwachen und Strafen theoretisch versiert entwickeln. Beides, Überwachen und Strafen, sind hochbrisante aktuelle Themen in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Gerade in diesen sensiblen Sicherheitsbereichen erweist sich die Bevölkerungsmeinung als ausgesprochen instabil. Immer wieder gelingt es über Mediendramaturgien beachtliche Teile der öffentlichen Meinung für die populistische Konstruktion der Erhöhung der Strafhärte zu mobilisieren. Beeinflussungen der Kriminalitätsfurcht erweisen sich dabei als besonders effektiv. Über die affektive Komponente gelingt es nicht selten auch die kognitive, die Urteilsbildung zu beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich der Einstellungen zum Überwachen ist die Situation ebenfalls nicht besser. Zumindest kurzfristig haben demoskopische Untersuchungen gezeigt, dass ein gewisser Teil der Bevölkerung bereit ist, demokratische Rechte zur Erhöhung der öffentlichen Sicherheit wenn nicht aufzugeben so doch zumindest merklich einschränken zu lassen.
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Sparse distance metric learningChoy, Tze Leung January 2014 (has links)
A good distance metric can improve the accuracy of a nearest neighbour classifier. Xing et al. (2002) proposed distance metric learning to find a linear transformation of the data so that observations of different classes are better separated. For high-dimensional problems where many un-informative variables are present, it is attractive to select a sparse distance metric, both to increase predictive accuracy but also to aid interpretation of the result. In this thesis, we investigate three different types of sparsity assumption for distance metric learning and show that sparse recovery is possible under each type of sparsity assumption with an appropriate choice of L1-type penalty. We show that a lasso penalty promotes learning a transformation matrix having lots of zero entries, a group lasso penalty recovers a transformation matrix having zero rows/columns and a trace norm penalty allows us to learn a low rank transformation matrix. The regularization allows us to consider a large number of covariates and we apply the technique to an expanded set of basis called rule ensemble to allow for a more flexible fit. Finally, we illustrate an application of the metric learning problem via a document retrieval example and discuss how similarity-based information can be applied to learn a classifier.
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Tankarna kring kriminalvårdens utredningar om fångarnas arbete under år 1892 : En undersökning av motiv, tankar och uttryck angående föreskrifter inom fångvårdenMengütay, Sibel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to show how the thoughts have been motivated for the cell penalties extension. The new law which came through 1892 meant more isolation for the prisoners. Before this law the government priority meant much more work penalty but after the law which came through 1892 meant work penalty after three years of isolation. My main conclusion of this study is that the government priority was that the work should be equally as the extension of the isolation. The law texts showed that the isolation penalty was a way to rehabilitate the prisoners so that they would be ”good” corporate citizens and for them to achieve this result the government meant that they needed isolation so that the prisoners could rehabilitate, be raised and then could get a work after the release.
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L'abolition de la peine de mort en France (1972-1981) : le débat introuvable ?Hugon, Christophe January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Smluvní pokuta jako nástroj utvrzení dluhu v obchodních vztazích / Contractual penalty as a means of corroboration of a debt in business relationsNovotný, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with contractual penalty as a means of corroboration of a debt in business relations. The topic was chosen by the author primarily because of the fact that contractual penalty is a traditional institute of private law. It is frequently used in the law of obligations as an instrument of corroboration of a debt. Therefore its application improves the position of creditor. The aim of this thesis is to scientifically describe and analyze institute of contractual penalty as frequently used tool of corroboration of a debt in the context of the current, relatively new legislation. The work is based on rules of the Civil Code effective since 1. 1. 2014. At the same time, there is a great emphasis on jurisprudence. The work also abounds comparison with the previous legislation, which aims to capture the development of the concept of contractual penalty. The thesis focuses on the most important issues related to the penalty clause. At the same time it offers a comparison with the English legislation in the last chapter. This comparison is particularly interesting due to the diversity of the legal system in the Czech Republic and the legal system in England. The work is divided into eight main chapters, which are divided into subsections according to the content of the topic. The first...
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Problematika trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí / The issue of life imprisonmentSvatoňová, Olga January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive view of a rather complicated issue of life imprisonment, mainly from legal perspective. It also deals with some psychological and sociological aspects which accompany long-term imprisonment. Life imprisonment is the highest sanction which is regulated in the legal system of the Czech Republic. It is imposed only in case of enumerate crimes and on the conditions stated in the penal code. Life imprisonment has been the highest sanction in our legal system since the year 1990 when it replaced death penalty which is not in accordance with principles of a democratic legal state. Similarly to death penalty, life imprisonment also has many opponents and is connected with many problems and questions. The thesis tries to define some of these problems and to bring as many findings as possible, so that everybody can make their own opinion on this issue. The thesis consists of seven chapters which are then divided into subchapters. After the brief introduction, there is the first chapter which covers the penalty as such. It delimits the term and purpose of the penalty, explains how the penalty is understood, what the terms individual and general prevention mean. The chapter also includes an interpretation of the penalty system. The second chapter covers a...
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Alternativní řešení trestních věcí se zaměřením na trest obecně prospěšných prací a domácí vězení / Alternative solutions of criminal cases with a focus on community service and home detentionTuháčková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Every day, I come across improper conduct, disobedience, breaking the law and subsequently also the criminal activity. In my final thesis, I wanted to summarize everything that is connected to the issue of alternative penalties and to aim especially at such punishment that is sometimes underestimated as re-education. Nevertheless, the new Criminal Code covers them to a large extent. Thanks to this elaboration and usage of alternative punishment in practice their usage is becoming more and more known among the public. Let's hope that it will help to deal with overcrowded prisons and to lower the costs on the prisons' operation. The aim of this thesis is to stress the importance of alternative punishment in practice, especially to show such way of punishment as important and significant mechanism for enforcing punitive sanctions thank to all workers of probationary and mediation services. I believe that processed statistics and questionnaires shall enlighten the whole processing of the topic and shall show how the public views the issue of alternative punishment.
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