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El fracàs d'una utopia. Comunicació política dels feixismes a Espanya durant la Segona República, 1931-1936Jiménez Cortacans, Alfons 30 September 2013 (has links)
The thesis "The fail of an utopia. Political communication of fascists groups in Spain, 1931-1936" studies communicative strategies of the following political groups: Las Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica, La Conquista del Estado, JONS, Sindicato Español Universitario and Falange Española de las JONS. This text is not only a history of fascist groups in Spain during the Second Republic, although it shows some relevant innovations in order to understand the evolution of this ideology before the Civil War, but also it is focused on the semantic analysis of discourses and political communication. This study has worked on these magazines: Libertad, La Conquista del Estado, JONS, FE, Igualdad, Arriba, No Importa, La Patria Libre, Azor and Haz. Furthermore, image of leaders, symbols, songs, hymns and slogans have been object of deep research / La tesi “El fracàs d’una utopia. La comunicació política dels grups feixistes a Espanya, 1931-1936” estudia la comunicació dels següents grups polítics: Las Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica, La Conquista del Estado, JONS, Sindicato Español Universitario i Falange Española de las JONS. Aquesta tesi no és només una història dels grups feixistes a Espanya durant la Segona República, tot i que també aporta novetats a l’hora d’entendre l’evolució d’aquesta ideologia i dels partits feixistes abans de la Guerra Civil, sinó que a més és un anàlisi discursiu, semàntic i polític de la comunicació que varen portar a terme els partits feixistes per tal d’aconseguir el suport de les masses. L’estudi ha investigat el relat de les següents revistes: Libertad, La Conquista del Estado, JONS, FE, Igualdad, Arriba, No Importa, La Patria Libre, Azor i Haz. També han estat investigats la retòrica dels mítings, la imatge en bona mesura construïda dels líders, els símbols, les cançons, els himnes i les consignes
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Individers uppfattningar av motivation till en viktnedgång samt det sociala stödets inverkan : en fenomenografisk studieBornedal, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är hälften av alla män överviktiga, drygt en tredjedel av alla kvinnor och vart femte barn är överviktiga eller feta (Svenska livsmedelsverket, 2010). Med detta i åtanke väcktes tanken angående hur överviktiga individer motiveras i en process av viktnedgång. Syftet med studien var att undersöka uppfattningar av motivation hos överviktiga individer som genomgår en viktminskningsprocess. Vidare var även syftet att undersöka hur dessa individer påverkas av att genomgå en viktminskningsprocess i grupp. Detta är en fenomenografisk studie där intervjuer har genomförts med tre individer som är i en pågående viktminskningsprocess hos ett viktminskningsföretag. Efter en bearbetning av det empiriska materialet kunde tre beskrivningskategorier utläsas, att komma igång, att nå framsteg samt att blicka framåt. Resultatet visade på många skillnader, men också likheter i individernas uppfattningar av motivation. Slutsatsen blev att respondenterna fann motivation i form av ett stort stöd hos gruppen på viktminskningsföretag, vilket var viktigt för dem i deras viktminskningsprocess, samt att en snabb start i början av processen ökar motivationen för den resterande resan
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Effekter av korruption på ekonomisk tillväxt : En empirisk studie av OECD-länder 1996-2014Hamrén, Linnéa, Lundin, Mirjam January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker effekterna av korruption på BNP-tillväxt per capita. Förutomkorruptionens direkta effekt analyseras korruptionens indirekta effekter via överföringskanaler. Deöverföringskanaler som testas är utbildningsnivå, privata investeringar, offentlig konsumtion ochhandel. Direkt och indirekt effekt summeras sedermera och utgör korruptionens totala effekt påBNP-tillväxt per capita. Dessa effekter undersöks med ekonometriska metoder där en multipel linjärregression genomförs med minstakvadratmetoden. Analysen baseras på data för de 35 OECDländernaöver tidsperioden 1996-2014. Resultatet av regressionsanalysen visar en negativ direkteffekt av korruption på tillväxt, vilket stödjer tidigare forskning. Endast överföringskanalernaoffentlig konsumtion och handel uppvisar signifikanta resultat. Korruption genom offentligkonsumtion visar på ett positivt samband med BNP-tillväxt per capita medan korruption genomhandel visar på det motsatta. Den totala effekten är negativ.
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Limit comparison-shopping? : The effect of new establishments of independent upper-secondary schools on public school costsKallberg, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
In the 1990s, an educational reform changed the Swedish school market. The reform allows anyone with permission from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate to establish an independent school. The main objective of this paper is to examine how new establishments of independent upper-secondary schools affect the public school’s costs per student during the time period 2005 to 2014. Using application data, we can separate municipalities in which independent schools have been established and where they have not. This data allows us to estimate a Difference in Difference model where the treatment is a new establishment. The results reveal three key findings: first, on average, municipalities experience a cost decrease if new independent schools are established. Second, a common trend exists in the pre-period between the two types of municipalities. Third, decomposing the total public school cost per student, the establishment of new upper-secondary schools reduces teaching, equipment and healthcare costs. Further research should examine the political objectives on the municipality level for new establishments. In the future it may be important, from a policy perspective, that if municipalities are given a veto right in the establishment process, market competition will be determined based on political preferences.
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Volatile Memory Message Carving: A "per process basis" ApproachAli-Gombe, Aisha Ibrahim 01 December 2012 (has links)
The pace at which data and information transfer and storage has shifted from PCs to mobile devices is of great concern to the digital forensics community. Android is fast becoming the operating system of choice for these hand-held devices, hence the need to develop better forensic techniques for data recovery cannot be over-emphasized. This thesis analyzes the volatile memory for Motorola Android devices with a shift from traditional physical memory extraction to carving residues of data on a “per process basis”. Each Android application runs in a separate process within its own Dalvik Virtual Machine (JVM) instance, thus, the proposed “per process basis” approach. To extract messages, we first extract the runtime memory of the MotoBlur application, then carve and reconstruct both deleted and undeleted messages (emails and chat messages). An experimental study covering two Android phones is also presented.
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Analýza hospodaření zemědělského podniku / Analysis of farm managementTUŠIL, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on analysis of the financial and operating indicators of the agricultural cooperative "Kalich Kamenice nad Lipou" in years 2002-2017. Thesis uses methods of financial analysis and intercompany comparison. For this purpose, is used analysis of ratio indicators, creditworthy and bankruptcy models, determination of criteria weights with Saaty's method and intercompany comparison with sample of companies using the point method. Cost analysis is in the separate part. Analysis of operating indicators include crop and animal production, where was shown the yield of selected commodities. In the next part is an overview of subsidies. All indicators were compared with the sample of companies. Results were summarized in final part and the company was classified positively.
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Dysmenorea a možnosti fyzioterapie / Dysmenorrhea and its possible treatment by physiotherapyKeresztenyová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
Title: Dysmenorrhea and its possible treatment by physiotherapy Objectives: The aim of this thesis has been to assess the effect of simple feet exercises along with the practice of pelvic floor activation and relaxation on women struggling with dysmenorrhea. Subsequently, it also deals with the issue of whether the pelvic floor treat- ment per rectum together with the exercises is more effective than just plain exercising. Methods: This research has been based on an experiment. This thesis includes both a the- oretical part and a practical part. The methods used for the practical part are as follows: questionnaire (specifically Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire), simple feet exercises, ex- ercises used for the activation and relaxation of the pelvic floor as well as the pelvic floor treatment per rectum and final processing of the gathered data into statistics. Results: The menstrual cycle of every woman is completely individual and every woman perceives it quite differently. The result of the research was that simple feet exercises along with the practice of pelvic floor activation, relaxation and the pelvic floor treatment per rectum help women struggling with dysmenorrhea. We didn't discover any data that confirms whether the pelvic floor treatment per rectum, together with the exercises, is more...
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Improvement of mining efficiencies at Thamazimbi iron ore mineRodger, Sean James 14 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 9506626A -
MSc (Eng) research report -
School of Mining -
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Significant research has been carried out over the years into what effect blast designs and techniques have on the final product in the mining process. There are numerous parameters that can be altered to deliver downstream benefits – the key is to determine which changes are appropriate for the rock body in question.
A project is currently underway at Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Northern Province, South Africa) to improve the operational efficiency through attention to the blasting operation. Previous research suggests changing fragmentation will have an effect on mining efficiency, but no definitive model has been developed directly linking the two. Using data collected during the project, the author developed a sensitivity analysis tool, which defines the effect of changing fragmentation on overall mine efficiency. This prediction model was based partly on theory and partly on empirical information gathered from mine databases and personnel. Over the course of this project, this model was validated through the practical implementation of the theory behind its development. This involved decreasing powder factors through increasing the drilling pattern, thus changing the resulting fragmentation of the muckpile. Subsequently, downstream effects on mining efficiency were monitored and these results were recorded in the model.
The proven model was then used to identify areas of opportunity for improvement. In this report two areas are discussed, firstly, the implementation of a doped emulsion replacing ANFO across the mine, and secondly the introduction of electronic detonators. The second option would require further test work to develop confidence in the assumptions made in the model, concerning the effect of timing accuracy on fragmentation.
This research report covers the background to the project, an explanation of the model and the final results obtained.
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The effect of income-increasing earnings management on analysts' responsesUnknown Date (has links)
As a consequence of financial analysts' joint role as information intermediaries and firm monitors, I investigate analysts' responses to opportunistic corporate earnings management as firm mispricing increases. While firms' management have capital markets and executive equity incentives to manage earnings, financial analysts have trading volume, investment banking, and management information incentives which result in analysts' optimism bias. However, prior research also finds that analysts have reputational incentives, which motivate them to provide accurate and profitable outlooks. Using a generalized linear model (GLM), I estimate analysts' stock recommendation (price targets) responses for earnings management firms. I use the residual income model to compute fundamental value and I add proxies for earnings management to my analyst-responses models.... The main implications of my findings are that analysts use corporate earnings management and firm fundamental value in their stock recommendations (price targets) responses. In addition, my results provide evidence that, after controlling for earnings quality, analysts' stock recommendations (price targets) are consistent with strategies based on residual income models. These findings will be of interest to shareholders, regulators, and researchers as well as to finance and accounting practitioners. / by Jomo Sankara. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Análise econômica e socioambiental da produção extrativista de frutos do cerrado: o caso da Cooperfruto, TocantinsSilva, Luécia Pereira 26 September 2011 (has links)
Visto como adequado à exploração e expansão das atividades agropecuária, o bioma cerrado vem sofrendo uma ininterrupta diminuição de sua cobertura vegetal a um ritmo de 2,2 milhões de hectares por ano. Ocorrendo a substituição de sua vegetação nativa por atividades de exploração intensiva, evidenciando o descompasso das interações do atual sistema econômico e o meio ambiente. A Economia Ecológica como uma ciência multidisciplinar busca favorecer soluções estruturais para os problemas ambientais. Tendo seu domínio como a totalidade da rede de interações entre os setores econômico e ecológico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar, sob a ótica da Economia Ecológica, a sustentabilidade economia da Cooperativa Agroflorestal Nordeste do Tocantins – Cooperfruto, unidade exploração de frutos nativos do cerrado e exóticos, bem como analisar a influência socioambiental da referida atividade sobre os seus fornecedores. Para tanto utilizou-se a Análise Custo Beneficio – ACB no estudo da viabilidade do empreendimento, empregando diferentes taxas de descontos. A análise social foi realizada por meio da aplicação do Índice de Qualidade de Vida – IQV. Assim como, empregou-se o método Pressão-Estado-Resposta (PER) na pesquisa da influência da atividade sobe o aspecto ambiental das propriedades dos fornecedores. Os resultados demonstrados pela ACB, segundo a racionalidade econômica retratam a inviabilidade do empreendimento. Adotando a ACB sob a visão dos subsistemas estável foi possível verificar viabilidade do empreendimento mediante alteração no sistema de produção e na gestão da unidade. Aplicando o Índice de Qualidade de Vida no estudo da sustentabilidade social da atividade exercida pelos fornecedores conclui-se que os mesmos possuem IQV classificado como médio. Os indicadores saúde, comunicação e lazer e renda influenciaram negativamente a composição do Índice de Qualidade de Vida. A renda mensal dos dois grupos é baixa, com 22% dos cooperados extrativistas, 33% dos cooperados não extrativistas e 63% dos não cooperados extrativistas, 21% dos não cooperados não extrativistas tendo rendimentos mensais dentro da faixa salarial de 1,01 a 1,99 salários mínimos. Ao passo que as maiores contribuições para a composição do IQV dos fornecedores vieram dos indicadores transporte, bens duráveis, habitação, infraestrutura. Empregando o Método PER foi possível verificar que as formas de coleta empregadas na atividade extrativista desenvolvida pelos fornecedores da Cooperfruto não têm exercido pressão sobre o ambiente explorado. As atividades agropecuárias, a prática de queimadas e a ausência de obras que visem à conservação das estradas rurais configuraram-se como objeto de pressão sobre o meio ambiente, no qual estão inseridas as propriedades rurais dos fornecedores. Já o cultivo das plantas nativas do cerrado foi relatado por 35% dos cooperados extrativistas, 50% dos cooperados não extrativistas e 75% dos não cooperados extrativistas, sendo apontado pelos mesmos como uma resposta às ações da cooperativa. De forma geral as propriedades dos fornecedores apresentam as áreas de proteção ambiental consolidadas, porém apenas 22% das áreas dos cooperados extrativistas, 13% dos não cooperados extrativistas e 7% das áreas dos não cooperados não extrativistas cumprem a exigência legal, estando averbadas. / Seen as appropriate to the exploitation and expansion of agricultural activities, the Cerrado has been suffering a continuous decrease of its forest cover at a rate of 2.2 million hectares per year. Happening the replacement of its native vegetation for intensive exploration activities, evidencing the disparity of interactions between the current economic system and the environment. The Ecological Economics as a multidisciplinary science seeks to support structural solutions to environmental problems. Having its domain as the entire network of interactions between economic and ecological sectors. In this sense, the objective of this study is to evaluate from the perspective of ecological economics, the economic sustainability of the Cooperativa Agroflorestal Nordeste do Tocantins - Cooperfruto, exploration unit of native Cerrado fruits and exotics, as well analizing the influence of such social and environmental activities on its suppliers. To this end we used the Cost Benefit Analysis - CBA study of the venture’s feasibility, using different discount rates. The social analysis was performed by applying the Quality of Life Index – QLI. As well, Pressure-State-Response (PSR) method was used in the study of the activity's influence on the environmental aspects of the suppliers' properties. The results shown by CBA, according to economic rationality, portray the inviability of the enterprise. Adopting the CBA under the vision of stable subsystems it was possible to verify viability of the project by changing the production system and management of the unit. Applying the Quality of Life Index in the study of social sustainability of activities performed by suppliers it was conclude that they are classified as medium QLI. Health, communication, leisure and income indicators negatively influenced the Quality of Life Index composition. The monthly income of both groups is low, with 22% of cooperative extraction, 33% of non-extractive cooperative and 63% of non-cooperative extraction, 21% of non-extractive non-cooperative having monthly income within the salary range of 1.01 to 1.99 minimum wages. While the major contributions to the composition of the QLI suppliers indicators came from transportation, durable goods, housing, and infrastructure. By employing the PER method was verified that the collection forms used in the extraction activity developed by the suppliers of Cooperfruto have not put pressure on the explored environment. Agricultural activities, the practice of burning and the lack of works aimed at the conservation of rural roads is configured as an object of pressure on the environment, in which are inserted the suppliers’ farms. The cultivation of native plants of the Cerrado was reported by 35% of cooperative extraction, 50% of non-extractive cooperative and 75% of extractive non-cooperative, as a response to the cooperative. In general the suppliers’ properties have consolidated areas of environmental protection, but only 22% of the areas of cooperative extraction, 13% of non-extractive cooperative and 7% of the areas of non-extractive non-cooperative comply with the legal requirement and are annotated.
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