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Performance evaluation of urban rail traffic management techniques / Évaluation de performances pour les techniques de régulation du trafic ferroviaire urbainKecir, Abd-El-Karim 05 July 2019 (has links)
Le trafic ferroviaire urbain est quotidiennement sujet à des perturbations qui le dévient de son comportement nominal. Afin de minimiser l'impact de ces perturbations, les opérateurs ferroviaires usent de diverses techniques. Nonobstant leur efficacité, les performances de ces techniques ne sont généralement pas bien étudiées ni sont-elles optimales, car élaborées empiriquement. C'est dans ce cadre-ci que vient cet ouvrage fournir des solutions qui permettent d'évaluer ces techniques de régulation et d'en comparer les performances dans des contextes variés. L’approche proposée se base sur des variantes de réseaux de Petri comme modèles et sur la méthode de Monte-Carlo pour en simuler l’exécution. Cette combinaison a donné naissance à SIMSTORS, un outil de simulation pour les systèmes ferroviaires urbains, et plus généralement, pour les systèmes stochastiques régulés. Additionnellement, nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse à la problématique de la réalisabilité des tables horaires qui pilotent le trafic ferroviaire. Ces tables décrivent le comportement temporel désiré des systèmes pour lesquels elles sont conçues. Or, la construction de ces tables ne garantit pas toujours sa réalisabilité, notamment dans un contexte stochastique. Ainsi, nous proposons ici une méthode permettant de vérifier si une table horaire est bien réalisable avec une probabilité strictement positive. / Urban rail traffic is subject to numerous disrupting events that drift it from its nominal behavior. In order to minimize the impact of these disturbances, rail operators rely on a set of techniques. Despite their efficiency, performances of theses techniques are rarely well studied, nor are they of proven optimality; a direct consequence of them being empirically built. It is in this particular context that comes our work to provide solutions that allow for the evaluation of such techniques and for the comparison of their relative performances in various scenarios. The proposed approach is based on variants of Petri nets as models, and on the Monte-Carlo method for the simulation of their execution. This combination has led to the development of SIMSTORS, a tool for the simulation of urban rail systems, and more generally, stochastic systems under dynamic rescheduling. Additionally, this thesis addresses the question of timetable realizability; that is whether or not a given timetable is indeed realizable by a system for which it was built. Indeed, a timetable is meant to drive the behavior of a system but there is no guarantee as to its realizability. We therefore propose a method for the verification of the realizability of timetables with a strictly positive probability.
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Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Continuous Integration Based Automated Toolchain for Safety Related Embedded Applications SoftwareUllah, Zain 25 October 2016 (has links)
Continues Integration has been a vital part of software development process in order to make the development process fast and reliable. There are number of actors which play an important role with support of third party tools that helps the development process to be effective and productive in nature. The CI- toolchain is capable of doing much more than the compilation of the software project which covers the daily life tasks of the developers like testing, documentation etc. The important part of automated toolchain is the conversion of source code artifacts into executables with the help of the build system. The selection of proper build system is a matter of subjective in nature and it depends upon the number of factors that should be analyzed before proceeding forward towards the selection mechanism. This thesis focuses on software rebuilding and proves practically with experiments that could help developers and managers to decide between two important software build systems SCons and CMake. It has been experimentally proved that what are the conditions and situations where SCons performs better and what are the moments where it is wise to select CMake as a build tool.
At first, individual build tools are evaluated in terms of scalability, conveniency, consistency, correctness, performance (in terms of speed and targets) and later, the build systems are experimented by automating the workflow by increasing the source code artifacts to evaluate the performance when there is limited user interaction. The behavior of the build systems are also tried with other third party tools like Tessy for testing purposes, Jenkins as CI server, and Polarion as requirement engineering tool to show how much effort is required to integrate third party tools with the build system in order to increase the functionality. The evaluation of the build systems is important because that will highlights the areas where potential candidates are better and where there is lack of functional specifications. Generally speaking, SCons has an advantage of being Pythonic in nature and provides the developer ease of use to specify the build configurations using programmatic skills. CMake on other hand are on top of shelves where there is no need to understanding and caring about the underlying platform and where developers want to generate the native build tool solutions which are readily available for exporting them into IDEs. Though both of the build systems has different goals, for example SCons is ready to sacrifices the performance while providing user correctness of the build while CMake focuses on generating native build tools by understanding the underlying platform. All of these types of situations are discussed with experiments in this thesis and serves as the practical guides for high level managers to decide the build tools among others. After evaluation, this thesis firstly suggests the general techniques where the bottlenecks could be covered and then build tool specific optimizations and recommendations are discussed to speed-up the development process.
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Mitigating Drone Attacks For Large High-Density EventsTravis L Cline (9739406) 15 December 2020 (has links)
Advances in technology have given rise to the widespread use of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS), more commonly known as ‘drones.’ The sUAS market is expected to continue to increase at a rapid pace, with the FAA forecasting around 8,000 registrations monthly (FAA, 2019). High profile drone incidents include use in an attack on the Venezuelan president, an undetected landing on the property of the White House, and use in dropping crude explosives on troops in the Middle East (Gramer, 2017; Grossman, 2018; Wallace & Loffi, 2015). The rate of proliferation and high-performance characteristics of these drones has raised serious concerns for safety in high-density outdoor events. Counter-unmanned aerial systems are currently illegal for all but a few Federal entities within the U.S., leaving private and public entities at risk. This exploratory research investigates several legal facility and patron behavioral interventions to reduce possible casualties during a drone attack by using AnyLogic simulation modeling in an amusement park scenario. Data from this experiment suggest that behavioral interventions implemented 30 seconds before a drone attack can reduce casualties by more than 55%, and up to 62% casualty reductions can be realized with a 60-second implementation time. Testing suggests that venue design considerations, such as a reduction in hard corners, covered high-density areas, and smoother area transitions can synergistically reduce casualties when used in conjunction with a warning system. While casualty mitigation did occur throughout the study, active threat interdiction methods would be necessary to design a system that may prevent casualties overall.
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SDP And VPN For Remote Access : A Comparative Study And Performance EvaluationSintaro, Abel Tariku, Komolafe, Yemi Emmanuel January 2021 (has links)
Remote access is a way of providing access to networks from outside the premises of the network. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one solution used to provide remote access. Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) is another solution that is capable of providing access to resources from a remote location. These two technologies use different security models yet provide comparable remote access functionalities. This thesis project investigates the basic components, architecture, and security services of SDP and IPSec VPN. Additionally, a performance evaluation is conducted on SDPand VPN on their connection setup time and network throughput. Our result shows that both SDP and VPN provide secure access, however, SDP has additional features that make it a more secure solution. This thesis project is written in the hopes that it can help enterprises with or without a VPN solution already in place to consider SDP as an alternative solution and learn SDP in comparison with VPN.
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Propuesta de mejora del proceso de gestión de rendimiento aplicando la metodología Lean Office en la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán / Proposal to improve the performance management process applying the Lean Office methodology at the Hermilio Valdizán National UniversityCarbajal Jiménez, Gianmarco 30 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito reducir el lead time y mejorar la efectividad de revisión de los entregables respecto al cumplimiento de objetivos estratégicos con la finalidad de mejorar el desempeño de los servidores públicos debido al limitado presupuesto existente.
En el primer capítulo, se indica el marco teórico utilizado para el desarrollo de herramienta y metodología Lean Office que consta de 3 herramientas para que la metodología sea viable; siendo la herramienta eje “5S” para su desarrollo. Asimismo, se construyó el Estado del Arte tomando en consideración el “lugar”, “metodología” y “tema”.
De la misma forma, en el capítulo 2 se describe el estado situacional del lugar de estudio sobre aspectos generales enfocándose en el proceso donde se justifica la importancia del problema relacionado a la evaluación de desempeño, la misma que se considera a través de una matriz de priorización, la cual se deriva de los objetivos estratégicos y su nivel de cumplimiento complementándose y consolidando las razones para identificar las causa raíz. Luego, de priorizar las causas que tengan mayor impacto en el proceso y la entidad con el objetivo de plantear contramedidas bajo la metodología Lean Office.
En el capítulo 3, se desarrolla la metodología Lean Office, la primera parte se genera un mapa de valor donde se detalla las fuentes donde se genera sobretiempos como la repetición de actividades innecesarias y elementos que quitan valor al producto final o en proceso, para luego establecer indicadores Lean que muestren el tiempo del proceso, lead time y takt time. Según los desperdicios se elegirá las herramientas priorizando los procesos administrativos. Para ello, se utilizó 5’S y estandarización; al finalizar el proyecto se vuelve a medir las métricas a fin de evaluar los resultados encontrados a partir de la mejora planteada.
Finalmente, se validará lo propuesto a través de juicio de expertos (validación técnica) y la validación económica a partir de la validación, los resultados son cumplir el takt time de s/informe, reducción de los tiempos en la unidad de planeamiento estratégico de 29.58%, obteniendo un TIR de 29.97% y VAN positivo de S/31,171.41 para una inversión de 5 años. / The purpose of this research work is to reduce the lead time and improve the effectiveness of the review of deliverables regarding the fulfillment of strategic objectives in order to improve the performance of public servants due to the limited existing budget.
In the first chapter, the theoretical framework used for the development of the Lean Office tool and methodology is indicated, which consists of 3 tools so that the methodology is viable; being the “5S” axis tool for its development. Likewise, the State of the Art was built taking into consideration the “place”, “methodology” and “theme”.
In the same way, in Chapter 2 the situational state of the study site on general aspects is described, focusing on the process where the importance of the problem related to performance evaluation is justified, which is considered through a matrix of prioritization, which is derived from the strategic objectives and their level of compliance complementing and consolidating the reasons to identify the root causes. Then, to prioritize the causes that have the greatest impact on the process and the entity in order to propose countermeasures under the Lean Office methodology.
In chapter 3, the Lean Office methodology is developed, the first part generates a value map detailing the sources where overtime is generated such as the repetition of unnecessary activities and elements that detract from the final product or in process, and later set Lean indicators that show process time, lead time, and takt time. According to the waste, the tools will be chosen prioritizing the administrative processes. For this, 5's and standardization were used; at the end of the project, the metrics are measured again in order to evaluate the results found from the proposed improvement.
Finally, the proposal will be validated through expert judgment (technical validation) and economic validation from the validation, the results are to comply with the takt time of s / report, reduction of time in the strategic planning unit of 29.58 %, obtaining an IRR of 29.97% and a positive NPV of S / 31,171.41 for a 5-year investment. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Las evaluaciones de desempeño laboral y su confiabilidadCardenas Depaz, Christian Luis, Salazar LLanos, Giannina Pilar 06 July 2020 (has links)
El principal objetivo de este artículo de investigación es mostrar la postura de los autores acerca de la Evaluación de desempeño en las organizaciones. Para ello, el presente trabajo ha seguido una metodología de investigación exploratoria, a partir de una problemática en torno a la efectividad de la Evaluación de desempeño, para luego ser estructurado en base a cuatro criterios seleccionados: 1) la problemática de la Evaluación de desempeño, que muestra qué es lo que dicen los autores que están en contra de mantener las evaluaciones de desempeño y los que están a favor de mantenerlas; 2) los propósitos de la Evaluación de desempeño, que presenta la discrepancia entre los autores si existe un solo propósito o varios y cuál de ellos es el propósito más relevante para la Evaluación de desempeño; 3) las condiciones de la Evaluación de desempeño, que muestra la postura de los autores acerca del contexto en que se dan las Evaluaciones de desempeño y las características del evaluador; 4) los desafíos de la Evaluación de desempeño, que muestra lo que dicen los autores acerca de lo que deben enfrentar las organizaciones para innovar el proceso. A partir de estos criterios se seleccionaron tanto las ideas centrales, como las citas y análisis de las investigaciones de los diversos autores escogidos de revistas internacionales para comprender y ordenar las distintas posturas sobre la Evaluación de desempeño. Por último, se presenta los resultados encontrados de la investigación literaria, encontrándose opiniones diversas entre los autores en cuanto a la problemática, propósitos y condiciones de la Evaluación de desempeño. / The main objective of this research article is to show the authors' position on performance evaluation (DE) in organizations. For this, the present work has followed an exploratory research methodology, starting from a problem surrounding the effectiveness of performance evaluation, and then being structured based on four selected criteria: 1) the problem of performance evaluation, which shows what the authors who are against maintaining performance evaluations and those who are in favor of maintaining them say; 2) the purposes of the performance evaluation, which presents the discrepancy between the authors if there is a single or several purposes and which of them is the most relevant purpose for the DE; 3) the conditions of the performance evaluation, which shows the authors' position regarding the context in which the DE are given and the characteristics of the evaluator; 4) the challenges of performance evaluation, which shows what the authors say about what organizations must face to innovate the process. Based on these criteria, both the central ideas and the citations and analysis of the investigations of the various authors chosen from international journals were selected to understand and order the different positions on performance evaluation. Finally, the results of the literary research are presented, finding different opinions among the authors regarding the problems, purposes and conditions of the Performance Evaluation. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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The difficult task of finding digitized music manuscripts in online library collectionPeetz-Ullman, Juliane January 2020 (has links)
Music researchers are seldom at the center of attention as a user group within LIS. Thus, investigations of search possibilities for digitized music manuscript collections with a user perspective are lacking. Here, three digitized music manuscript collections (the Schrank II collection in Dresden, the Utile Dulci collection in Stockholm, and the Düben collection in Uppsala) are examined with regard to the accessibility of their contents to the target user group in two steps: First, music researchers are asked about their information seeking process and queries. They are observed in surveys, interviews, and think-aloud protocols. Second, the three retrieval systems are subjected to a performance evaluation by means of precision, recall, and F1 measures. The results show that music researchers are seeking information either with known-item searching, browsing, or subject search, yet the latter with considerably different subjects than, for example, in the domain of literature. In addition, while music researchers are expressing their satisfaction with the discovery systems, the observations from protocol analysis and the performance evaluation show that all three have issues in retrieving relevant documents for music-specific queries.
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Energy saving solutions for integrated optical-wireless access networks / Solutions pour économiser de l'énergie dans les réseaux d'accès intégrés : optiques-mobilesGonzalez Diaz, Glenda Zafir 09 July 2015 (has links)
L'explosion de demande de bande passante est une conséquence de l'augmentation du volume de trafic. Il est important de proposer des mécanismes pour transférer le trafic entre les réseaux interconnectés de manière efficace. D'autre part, il est prévu que les réseaux d'accès (optiques et mobiles) constituent les plus grands consommateurs d'énergie dans les réseaux optiques pour les dix prochaines années. Cette situation et l'impact croissant des réseaux sur l'environnement ont fait devenir l'efficacité énergétique dans les réseaux de télécommunications un thème important de recherche. Cette thèse se concentre donc sur la proposition de nouvelles solutions aux problèmes liées à l'augmentation du volume de trafic dans différentes segments des réseaux. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié différents schèmes de transfert du trafic entre les réseaux interconnectes en utilisant la synchronisation. Puis, nous avons exploré la possibilité d'offrir différents services dans les réseaux intégrés optiques-mobiles. Nous avons présenté une nouvelle architecture pour la conception de l'unité de réseau optique (ONU). Ensuite, nous nous sommes focalisés sur l'économie de l'énergie et des solutions efficaces pour l'allocation de bande passante ont été proposées. Nous avons également proposé un algorithme qui fournit l'efficacité énergétique pour les récepteurs sans fil dans les ONUs hybride. Une analyse des performances en utilisant modèles de files d'attente a été présentée. Finalement, nous avons analysé le trafic hétérogène dans l'ONU hybride, et nous avons proposé un cadre pour un algorithme d'ordonnancement qui puisse mettre à jour les règles de service de façon dynamique / A big growth in the number of subscribers is increasing the traffic volume passing through each sector in a telecommunication network. Mechanisms are required to solve the traffic shift problem between two sectors of the network in an efficient way. Additionally, it is expected that the access networks (optical and wireless) will constitute the largest energy consumers among the networks for the next ten years. This situation and the increasing impact of networks on the environment have made become the energy efficiency in telecommunication networks an important theme for researches. This dissertation hence focuses on the proposition of novel solutions for deal with the problems due to the growing of traffic in different segments of the network. Firstly, we have studied the traffic shift between interconnected networks by using the synchronization as technique to solve this problem. Secondly, we have explored the possibility of provisioning different services over the integration of optical-wireless technologies, which has been considered as a promising candidate for the deployment of high-speed access networks. Architecture of design for the Optical Network Unit (ONU) is presented. Then, energy efficiency has been focused and effective bandwidth management solutions have been proposed. We have also proposed an energy efficiency algorithm for wireless receiver at hybrid ONUS. A performance analysis by queuing models was presented for the implementation of proposed solutions. Finally, we have analyzed the heterogeneous traffic at hybrid ONU, and we have proposed a framework for a scheduling algorithm considering the characteristics of different traffic sources
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Mécanismes de cache, traitement et diffusion de l'information dans les réseaux centrés sur l'information (ICN) / Cache, process and forward in Information-centric networkingMekinda Mengue, Leonce 01 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’est tout d’abord attaché à comprendre comment la prise en compte du temps de téléchargement, autrement dit, de la latence, lors de la mise en cache ou de la transmission de données pouvait contribuer aux performances du téléchargement dans les réseaux de caches dont ICN. Nous y introduisons un mécanisme distribué novateur qui décide de l’opportunité de conserver un objet en considérant que plus il a été long à télécharger plus intéressant il semble de le soumettre au cache sous-jacent. Nous montrons que ce nouveau mécanisme surpasse en de nombreux points l’état de l’art, que ce soit du point de vue de la réduction du temps moyen de téléchargement à partir de caches LRU, et de son écart-type (jusqu’à −60% ), que de celui de la vitesse de convergence vers ceux-ci. Dans une seconde phase, nous avons optimisé conjointement les fonctions de mises en cache et de distribution multi-chemin de requêtes de contenus. Troisièmement, nous avons étudié l’équité vis-à-vis des contenus au sein des réseaux de caches et plus particulièrement, d’ICN. Il en ressort que seule suffit une allocation équitable de la bande passante entre les contenus pour que l’équité d’ICN soit complète. Notre dernière contribution vise à aider au passage à l’échelle d’ICN dans contexte où deviennent réalités l’Internet des Objets et son espace de nommage illimité. Nous avons proposé une approche nouvelle au routage dans les réseaux centrés sur l’information, nommée AFFORD, qui combine apprentissage automatique et diffusion aléatoire. / This thesis investigates how making content caching and forwarding latency-aware can improve data delivery performance in Information-Centric Networks (ICN). We introduce a new mechanism that leverages retrieval time observations to decide whether to store an object in a network cache, based on the expected delivery time improvement. We demonstrate that our distributed latency-aware caching mechanism, LAC+, outperforms state of the art proposals and results in a reduction of the content mean delivery time and standard deviation of LRU caches by up to 60%, along with a fast convergence to these figures. In a second phase, we conjointly optimize the caching function and the multipath request forwarding strategies. To this purpose, we introduce the mixed forwarding strategy LB-Perf, directing the most popular content towards the same next hops to foster egress caches convergence, while load-balancing the others. Third, we address ICN fairness to contents. We show that traditional ICN caching, which favors the most popular objects, does not prevent the network from being globally fair, content-wise. The incidence of our findings comforts the ICN community momentum to improve LFU cache management policy and its approximations. We demonstrate that in-network caching leads to content-wise fair network capacity sharing as long as bandwidth sharing is content-wise fair. Finally, we contribute to the research effort aiming to help ICN Forwarding Information Base scale when confronted to the huge IoT era’s namespace.We propose AFFORD, a novel view on routing in named-data networking that combines machine learning and stochastic forwarding.
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Optimisation des opérations dans les services d’urgence / Operations optimization in emergency departmentsGhanes, Karim 29 April 2016 (has links)
Un Service d’urgence (SU) est le service hospitalier ayant comme responsabilité de fournir des soins non programmés à une grande variété de patients, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Les SU sont actuellement confrontés à un problème international et récurrent, à savoir la saturation des urgences qui résulte de l’actuelle inadéquation entre les capacités médicales et la demande des patients. L'objectif est de développer des solutions internes et économiques permettant d’atténuer le phénomène de saturation des urgences et d’améliorer leur performance, à l'aide de méthodes issues de la Recherche Opérationnelle/Gestion des Opérations (RO/GO). Ces solutions sont d'un grand intérêt pour les gestionnaires. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous abordons trois ensembles de questions de recherche.La première catégorie comprend des questions prospectives portant sur les indicateurs clés de performance (ICP) ainsi que sur les différents facteurs contribuant à l’encombrement des urgences. La deuxième catégorie est constituée de questions liées au dimensionnement de la capacité des ressources humaines dans un SU. Un modèle réaliste de simulation à événements discrets des urgences est élaboré. En utilisant l'optimisation basée sur la simulation, la durée moyenne de séjour des patients (LOS) est minimisée, en intégrant une contrainte budgétaire ainsi qu’une contrainte assurant que les patients les plus critiques accèderont à un médecin dans un délai déterminé. Les résultats obtenus permettent de fournir aux gestionnaires des urgences des indications utiles sur l'impact du budget sur la performance et sur la manière dont les investissements devraient être priorisés et répartis entre les ressources, ainsi que sur l'effet de la prise en compte de deux principaux ICP différents. Nous proposons également une heuristique pour l'optimisation de la structure des shifts (roulements) du personnel dans la journée. La méthode combine l'optimisation basée sur la simulation avec de la programmation linéaire. La troisième catégorie de questions porte sur le processus de soins des patients. Nous analysons des modifications et des alternatives innovantes dans le parcours du patient (à budget fixe). Typiquement, dans les pratiques actuelles, chaque patient dans un SU est affecté à un seul médecin qui en sera exclusivement responsable pendant toutes les étapes du processus (règle du "Même Patient Même Médecin", MPMM). Dans un premier temps, nous menons une enquête auprès des praticiens qui confirme que MPMM représente la pratique standard dans la plupart des SU à travers le monde. L’enquête révèle également que la suppression de cette règle est très controversée parmi les urgentistes. Nous utilisons ensuite une modélisation en réseau de files d’attente Erlang-R contenant une complexité additionnelle. Nous montrons et quantifions les avantages potentiels de la suppression de la restriction MPMM en fonction des paramètres du système. Une seconde étude portant sur le processus est menée, à savoir la prescription des examens par l’infirmière chargée du tri (PIT) avant la consultation initiale. Nous comparons le fait d’autoriser l’infirmière à prescrire certains examens complémentaires, avec la procédure standard consistant à attendre que le médecin examine le patient et lui prescrive des examens. Nous démontrons l'efficacité de PIT sur la performance du SU en fonction de paramètres clés, tels que le niveau de compétence de l’infirmière, la charge du système et l'extension de la durée du tri.De manière générale, cette thèse aborde d’innovantes questions de recherche dans la gestion des opérations des SU. Elle fournit aux décideurs des recommandations et des outils permettant d’améliorer la performance des urgences. Cette thèse ouvre également la voie pour de futurs axes de recherche liés à l'optimisation des opérations dans les SU. / Emergency Department (ED) is the service within hospitals responsible for providing unscheduled care to a wide variety of patients over 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result to the existing mismatch between available caring capacity and patients demand, EDs are currently facing a recurrent worldwide problem, namely overcrowding. The objective of this thesis is to develop internal and cost-effective solutions to alleviate overcrowding in EDs and improve their performance, using Operations Research/Operations Management (OR/OM) methods. Such solutions are of great interest for managers. In order to achieve this objective, we address a series of research questions.The first category of research questions include prospective questions about ED Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and about the diverse factors contributing to overcrowding. We first conduct a detailed literature review on the commonly used KPIs from an OR/OM perspective. The review summarizes the advantages and drawbacks of each KPI and provides several useful insights. In addition, a series of statistical analysis are performed in the purpose of identifying the main influencing factors of performance.The second category consists in resource-related questions that are associated to the dimensioning of ED resource capacity. A realistic ED discrete-event simulation model is thus proposed. The model accounts for the most essential structural and functional characteristics of EDs thanks to a close collaboration with practitioners. Using simulation optimization, we minimize the patient average length of stay (LOS), by integrating a staffing budget constraint and a constraint securing that the most severe incidents will see a doctor within a specified time limit. The obtained results allow us to provide useful insights to managers about the impact of the budget on performance and how investments priorities should be allocated among resources, as well as the effect of combining two different major KPIs. Furthermore, we propose a heuristic for the optimization of the shifts of human resources. The method combines simulation optimization and linear programming.The third category of questions deals with process-related issues. We investigate potential alternative and innovative ED patient flow designs (with fixed budget). Typically in current ED practices, each patient is assigned to a single physician who will be exclusively responsible of him/her during all stages of the process (“Same Patient Same Physician”, SPSP rule). We conduct a survey which confirms that SPSP stands as the standard practice in most EDs worldwide, and that removing SPSP rule is very controversial among practitioners. We next use a complexity-augmented Erlang-R queueing network modeling. We show and quantify the potential benefits of removing the SPSP restriction as a function of the system parameters. For a second process-related issue, we compare the Triage Nurse ordering (TNO) diagnostic tests against the standard procedure, i.e., waiting for the physician to examine the patient and order tests. We demonstrate the efficiency of TNO on ED performance as a function of key parameters, such as triage nurse ability, system load and triage time extension.In summary, this thesis addresses innovative OM research questions for EDs. It provides decision makers with recommendations and tools in order to improve ED performance. It also highlights various avenues for future research related to the optimization of ED operations.
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