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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Race and International Politics: How Racial Prejudice Can Shape Discord and Cooperation among Great Powers

Buzas, Zoltan I. 13 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Ontologie du rapport du maire avec l'immeuble privé abandonné. / Ontology of the mayor's report with the abandoned private building.

Lannoy, Eugénie 28 November 2015 (has links)
En droit, l’abandon de l’immeuble présente deux facettes toutes les deux attachées à l’exercice de la propriété. Un premier niveau consiste, pour le propriétaire d’un bien, à pouvoir en disposer et, dans ce cadre, décider valablement de renoncer unilatéralement à sa propriété. Le sort du bien abandonné est alors fixé par le législateur qui prévoit, à défaut de dispositions spéciales, leur attribution à la Commune sur le fondement de l’article 713 du Code civil. L’exercice du droit de propriété peut aussi consister pour son titulaire, libre d’user ou non de son bien, à s’en désintéresser, à ne pas l’entretenir et le réparer. Ce deuxième aspect de l’abandon de l’immeuble est alors entendu dans le sens usuel du terme.Comme la renonciation au droit de propriété, la renonciation à son usage n’a de bornes que le respect des droits d’autrui et de la collectivité. Le maintien de l’ordre public constitue une limite traditionnelle à l’exercice des attributs du droit de propriété immobilière. Or, un immeuble qui n’est pas entretenu finit, au fil du temps, par se délabrer, tomber en décrépitude et menacer de s’effondrer, risquant alors de porter atteinte à la sécurité des passants et de ses occupants. Ce constat fait et en érigeant la notion d’ordre public comme axiome de la recherche, il est alors possible de définir l’immeuble privé abandonné en droit administratif.Cet essai de définition entraîne inévitablement une deuxième question : celle du rapport existant entre l’immeuble délaissé et le maire, autorité de police municipale obligée d’intervenir en cas de trouble public suffisamment grave dans sa commune. C’est le manque de temps, l’imminence du péril, alliée à la proximité du maire avec le désordre, qui fonde un rapport naturel d’autorité entre eux ainsi que le caractère irréductible de la compétence du maire face à l’immeuble privé abandonné. / In law, the abandonment of the building has two facets both attached to the exercise of the property. A first level is for the owner of a good to be able to dispose of it and, in this context, decides validly to renounce unilaterally his property. The fate of the abandoned property is then fixed by the legislator, which, in the absence of special provisions, provides for their allocation to the Commune on the basis of Article 713 of the Civil Code. The exercise of the right of ownership may also consist of the owner, free to use or not to his property, to lose interest, not to maintain and repair it. This second aspect of the abandonment of the building is then understood in the usual sense of the term.Like the renunciation of the right of property, the renunciation of its use is limited only by the respect of the rights of others and of the community. The maintenance of public order constitutes a traditional limit to the exercise of the attributes of the right to real property. In the course of time, a building that is not being maintained eventually decays, falls into disrepair and threatens to collapse, threatening to undermine the safety of passers-by and its occupants. This finding, and by establishing the notion of public order as an axiom of research, makes it possible to define the abandoned private building in administrative law.This definitional test inevitably involves a second question: the relationship between the abandoned building and the mayor, a municipal police authority obliged to intervene in the event of a sufficiently serious public disturbance in its commune. It is the lack of time, the imminence of the danger, combined with the mayor's proximity to the disorder, which establishes a natural relationship of authority between them and the irreducible character of the mayor's competence in front of the private building abandoned.

Pojistně-matematické a expoziční modely pro riziko krupobití / Actuarial and Exposure-based Models for Hail Peril

Drobuliak, Matúš January 2019 (has links)
Title: Actuarial and Exposure-based Models for Hail Peril Author: Bc. Matúš Drobuliak Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: RNDr. Michal Pešta, Ph.D., Department of Probability and Mathe- matical Statistics Abstract: This thesis covers an introduction to catastrophe modelling and focuses on statistical methods for extreme events. This includes methods of estimating parameters of claim distribution with a focus on probability weighted moments estimation technique. Furthermore, times series modelling, skew t-distribution, and two model clustering techniques are examined as well. This is later utilised in the practical application part of this thesis, which uses real data provided by an insurance company operating in the Czech Republic. Probability distribution fitting of large claims caused by hailstorms and Monte Carlo simulation of future losses are demonstrated later. Keywords: Catastrophe modelling, Hail peril, Probability weighted moments, Extreme events, ARMA-GARCH, Monte Carlo simulation iii

俄屬遠東黃禍論研究-身份、利益的解構與建構 / On Yellow Peril in the Russian Far East - the deconstruction and construction of identities and interests

劉蕭翔, Liou, Shiau Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
橫亙百餘年之久的俄屬遠東黃禍論已成為某種或然性規律,不但是俄羅斯與中國兩國的兩難困境,更是彼此關係的潛在負面變數。 為此,本研究以理性主義初探當代黃禍何以復萌,繼而再以建構主義反向解構促使其復萌之俄中關係以及俄國內部中央與地方的互動,此雙重觀念結構之身份與利益的聯繫,以揭示黃禍恐懼的本質和深層原因,從而對其發展趨勢進行中長期預測,並由此對應推導命題:跨層次習得轉化,希冀藉此發展出超越時空範疇的一般性通則,而為觀念甚於物質再增添新的研究實例。 研究發現:黃禍論必須在國際面-俄中兩國間的身份認知得到協調,在國內面-俄國內部以及遠東區當地俄人和中國人之間也必須要趨近,黃禍疑懼才有可能消弭。然而,從黃禍的建構過程可知,俄中兩國的「世代友好,永不為敵」尚未真正到位,俄國內部促成黃禍的離心傾向也仍舊存在。各造屬性若未能調和,黃禍仍將持續地與其所依附存在的雙重結構交錯建構,而其成因亦可能經社會化代代相傳。但遠東區俄人在與中國人互動多年後,其若干特質及行為方面意外地逐漸與中國人趨同,此有可能補足俄國內部欠缺的自下而上建構作用。此外,世代交替亦為俄羅斯再起的希望,俄中兩國的差距若能弭平,黃禍自亦消弭於無形。

蘇聯解體後俄羅斯對其遠東地區中國移民政策之研究(1992-2010) / A study on post-soviet Russia’s policy on the Chinese migration in Russia’s Far East (1992-2010)

林平平, Lin, Ping Ping Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯開發其遠東地區,旨在挹注其總體經濟發展,而開發其遠東地區,則需要引進大量中國勞力;至於引進中國勞力,則是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環;然而,一旦中國勞力大量湧進俄羅斯屬遠東地區,勢必對俄羅斯的國家安全造成一定程度的威脅,此一地緣政治考量,無可避免對俄羅斯引進中國勞力的政策產生制約;在此矛盾因素考量之下,對於在遠東地區引進中國勞力的政策,產生正反兩面針鋒相對的爭論;因此,俄羅斯對遠東地區中國移民政策是上述經濟發展、勞動力問題、國際戰略與地緣政治等因素,透過克里姆林政治的互動形塑而成。 上述假設命題又可以引申出下列邏輯相關子命題: (一)俄羅斯為了挹注其總體的經濟發展,需要大量外來勞力來開發其遠東地區。 (二)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,乃是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環。 (三)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,勢必對俄羅斯安全構成威脅。 (四)俄羅斯遠東地區的中國移民政策,乃是克里姆林政治互動的結果。 / The purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the driving forces behind Russia’s policies on Chinese immigration in its Far East in terms of geopolitics, international strategy and the Kremlin politics. It is hypothesized in this study that with the development of Russia’s Far East region, it will help the overall economic development, and, in order to development its Far East, it is necessary for Russian government to recruit a large number of Chinese labors; as for the introduction of Chinese labors, it constitutes a link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. However, once Chinese labor forces enter into the Russian Far East, it would create a threat to Russian national security. Under this geo-political consideration, it inevitably constitutes constraints for Russia on the introduction of Chinese labor forces. With these kinds of contradictory considerations, therefore, the formulation of Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East should be analyzed in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors through the Kremlin political interaction. The above assumption can also derive the following logically related propositions: (1) In order to inject the overall economic development, Russian government needs a large number of foreign labors to develop the Far East. (2) Importing large quantities of Chinese labors is an integrated link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. (3) Introducing a large number of Chinese labor forces constitutes a threat to Russian security. (4) Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East is formulated as a result of Kremlin political interaction in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors.


楊清榮, Yang, Cliff Unknown Date (has links)
近年來許多的產險公司因為買不到比例性的天災再保險合約,不得不使用超額賠款再保險方式以規避和轉嫁天災風險,但也因此承擔相當大的天災累積風險。 本文將企業風險管理的概念引進,把保險公司的再保部門模擬成企業的風險管理部門,期能更精確地定位保險公司再保險部門的功能、應該扮演的角色及未來經營策略。 超額賠款再保險之使用與產物保險的經營關聯密切,其最重要關鍵在於風險自行承擔,因此其間的保費收入、再保費成本支出等有關費率釐定計算方式,可說是超額賠款再保險之精華所在,亦為保險相關從業人員必備之專業知識。由於超額賠款再保險運用到許多統計相關的計算說明,本文之論述期能幫助保險相關從業人員找到各方的均衡點,有助於保險事業將資源做最有效率、效能的經營。 本文針對財產保險運用超額賠款再保險經營實務之考量加以介紹,同時強調經營者必須提升專業,包括損防服務、專業化核保、作業流程電腦化、財務風險管理等,尤其在計算天災的累積和購買適當再保險的承保容量方面,這亦有助於保險公司對天災風險的評估與認識。 最後,本文籲請保險公司主管必須重視目前以超額賠款再保險風險自留方式所承保之業務其費率是否適當,尤其是天災風險,所謂多算勝,少算不勝,而況於無算乎?否則會和賭場的賭客一樣, 大部分人是輸光退場的。 / Excess of Loss Reinsurance has become the viable solution in Taiwan’s insurance community, since the constraints were imposed by reinsrers a few years ago that natural catastrophe exposures could not be fully transferred to proportional treaties. But, the insurers also take very large natural risks at the same time. The aforementioned is the key issue to be discussed at the first part of this text, which introduces the concept of “corporate risk management” that Risk Management Department in enterprise is playing a role very similar to Reinsurance Department in an insurance company. We can, from this perspective, easier and clearer identify the functions and business objectives of Reinsurance Department in an insurance company. One distinctive advantage over proportional reinsurance is that, by adopting XOL reinsurance, ceding companies can expect to retain more premiums. Virtually, the performance of XOL operations is directly linked to the level of reinsurance cost, so it is very vital for insurance people to be fully aware of the connections between their insured exposures and reinsurance prices. A number of charts, tables, and cases are illustrated in the text for the calculation of XOL prices, and readers, particularly those who are doing insurance business, of this text are able to fairly locate the equilibrium of reinsurance cost that can be mutually accepted by the insured、brokers、reinsurers and insurers. Actual practices of applying property XOL reinsurance are analyzed in the text, which has also highlighted the importance of upgrading insurers’ professionalism, including loss prevention, underwriting, work-flow computerization, financial risk management, in particular, aggregate control on natural perils and adequate reinsurance protection. My conclusions and recommendations are pinpointing the issues required to be dealt with by the authorities for the adequacy of direct premium rates, particularly for the business with natural perils that are retained under XOL programs. Insurers are destined to be out of the market, sooner or later, if they are unable to charge sufficient premiums to finance their losses in the long run.

Isolationism, Internationalism and the “Other:” The Yellow Peril, Mad Brute and Red Menace in Early to Mid Twentieth Century Pulp Magazines and Comic Books

Madison, Nathan Vernon 02 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis’ purpose is to demonstrate, via the examination of popular youth literature (primarily pulp magazines and comic books) from the 1920s through to the 1950s, that the stories found therein drew their definitions of heroism and villainy from an overarching, nativist fear of outsiders that had existed before the Great War, but intensified afterwards. These depictions were transferred to America’s “new” enemies following both the United States’ entry into the Second World War, as well as the early stages of the Cold War. This transference of nativist imagery left behind the ethnically-based origins of such depictions, showing that racism was not the sole and simple reason for such exaggerated visages. A process of change, in regards to America’s nativist sentiment, so virulent after the First World War, will be explained by way of the popular, inexpensive escapism of the time, the pulp magazines and comic books of the early to mid-twentieth century.

Striving for National Fitness: Eugenics in Australia 1910s to 1930s

Wyndham, Diana Hardwick January 1996 (has links)
Eugenics movements developed early this century in more than 20 countries, including Australia. However, for many years the vast literature on eugenics focused almost exclusively on the history of eugenics in Britain and America. While some aspects of eugenics in Australia are now being documented, the history of this movement largely remained to be written. Australians experienced both fears and hopes at the time of Federation in 1901. Some feared that the white population was declining and degenerating but they also hoped to create a new utopian society which would outstrip the achievements, and avoid the poverty and industrial unrest, of Britain and America. Some responded to these mixed emotions by combining notions of efficiency and progress with eugenic ideas about maximising the growth of a white population and filling the "empty spaces". It was hoped that by taking these actions Australia would avoid "racial suicide" or Asian invasion and would improve national fitness, thus avoiding "racial decay" and starting to create a "paradise of physical perfection". This thesis considers the impact of eugenics in Australia by examining three related propositions: 1. that from the 1910s to the 1930s, eugenic ideas in Australia were readily accepted because of concerns about declining birth rate; 2. that, while mainly derivative, Australian eugenics had several distinctive Australian qualities; 3. that eugenics has a legacy in many disciplines, particularly family planning and public health. This examination of Australian eugenics is primarily from the perspective of the people, publications and organisations which contributed to this movement in the first half of this century. In addition to a consideration of their achievements, reference is also made to the influence which eugenic ideas had in such diverse fields as education, immigration, law, literature, politics, psychology and science.

Striving for National Fitness: Eugenics in Australia 1910s to 1930s

Wyndham, Diana Hardwick January 1996 (has links)
Eugenics movements developed early this century in more than 20 countries, including Australia. However, for many years the vast literature on eugenics focused almost exclusively on the history of eugenics in Britain and America. While some aspects of eugenics in Australia are now being documented, the history of this movement largely remained to be written. Australians experienced both fears and hopes at the time of Federation in 1901. Some feared that the white population was declining and degenerating but they also hoped to create a new utopian society which would outstrip the achievements, and avoid the poverty and industrial unrest, of Britain and America. Some responded to these mixed emotions by combining notions of efficiency and progress with eugenic ideas about maximising the growth of a white population and filling the "empty spaces". It was hoped that by taking these actions Australia would avoid "racial suicide" or Asian invasion and would improve national fitness, thus avoiding "racial decay" and starting to create a "paradise of physical perfection". This thesis considers the impact of eugenics in Australia by examining three related propositions: 1. that from the 1910s to the 1930s, eugenic ideas in Australia were readily accepted because of concerns about declining birth rate; 2. that, while mainly derivative, Australian eugenics had several distinctive Australian qualities; 3. that eugenics has a legacy in many disciplines, particularly family planning and public health. This examination of Australian eugenics is primarily from the perspective of the people, publications and organisations which contributed to this movement in the first half of this century. In addition to a consideration of their achievements, reference is also made to the influence which eugenic ideas had in such diverse fields as education, immigration, law, literature, politics, psychology and science.

Činnost orgánů krizového řízení při zajištění připravenosti na řešení mimořádných událostí a finanční zabezpečení přípravy / The activity of emergency management authorities in provision of preparedness for resolution of extraordinary ebeny and funding of preparation.

PEŠEK, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with analysis of current security system in the Czech Republic and, in particular, with the legal framework for the training of state authorities and local governments to manage non-military events. The study and analysis of legislation and the subsequent synthesis of the findings enabled to arrange the chapters into a clearly structured whole. The rights and obligations of the emergency management authorities at the emergency response training and management, the system of security councils and crisis headquarters, activities and the scope of competencies of individual entities providing the emergency response training and management, focusing on the scope and powers of the regional and local administrative bodies, are described. The level of financial security spent by individual institutions on preparation for emergencies management is clearly surveyed. For municipal authorities, a model of a call for the provision of material support and resources at the time of an emergency situation has been suggested, since the large majority of mayors perform this activity voluntarily and without a refund of their salaries (besides their jobs) and they are not fully familiar with the issue. The current security system in the Czech Republic is functioning, and its settings and functionality have been verified in recent years in various emergency situations, without finding significant deficiencies. Yet it is still necessary to optimize the scope, methodology and actions of its components at different levels and in different areas and to consolidate the relevant legislation

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