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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito do hipertiroidismo experimental, induzido em ratas durante a gestação, sobre componentes do sistema renina-angiotensina cardíaco da prole. / Effect of experimental hyperthyroidism induced in female rats during pregnancy in the components of cardiac Renin-Angiotensin System of the offspring.

Shibata, Caroline Emy Rodrigues 25 February 2011 (has links)
Durante a gestação normal, o Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) exerce um papel de importância vital no balanço de sais, pressão sanguínea e homeostase da água e, consequentemente, no bem estar da mãe e do feto. Neste sentido, merece destaque não apenas o SRA clássico (descrito inicialmente como um sistema puramente endócrino), mas também, o SRA local, no caso, útero-placentário, onde nos tecidos materno e fetal os vários componentes do sistema se comportam diferentemente, sob regulação e estímulos locais. As perturbações do SRA útero¬placentário podem ocasionar hemorragias e redução no fluxo sanguíneo entre mãe e feto, podendo levar, como conseqüência, à pré-eclampsia e crescimento intrauterino retardado. Já é bem estabelecido que disfunções da tireóide, como ocorre no hipertiroidismo, promovem amplas alterações no sistema cardiovascular, agindo sobre contratilidade cardíaca, débito cardíaco, pressão sanguínea e resistência vascular sistêmica. Sabe-se ainda que o hipertiroidismo é responsável por importantes alterações sobre o padrão de comportamento dos vários componentes do SRA no indivíduo adulto, e estas, por sua vez, também estão envolvidas com o aparecimento de alterações cardiovasculares. Assim, o SRA está sob influência direta dos níveis plasmáticos dos hormônios tiroideanos e parece apresentar um importante papel na modulação do trofismo cardíaco induzido pelos mesmos. Embora a associação entre estes dois sistemas endócrinos tenha sido já observada em indivíduos adultos, o conhecimento a respeito dessas interações durante um período crítico de desenvolvimento do sistema cardiovascular, onde o coração representa importante alvo de ação desses dois sistemas hormonais, ainda é escasso. Diante do exposto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar na prole o efeito do hipertiroidismo nos componentes do SRA ao longo do período gestacional, destacando que a prevalência desta doença em mulheres que se encontram durante o período gestacional é bastante elevada e suas consequências, no que diz respeito ao sistema cardiovascular da prole, amplamente desconhecidas. / During normal gestation, the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) exerts an important role in salt balance, blood pressure and water homeostasis and, consequently, in the welfare of mother and fetus. In this sense, it is important to highlight both the classic RAS (initially described as a purely endocrine system), and the local RAS, in this case, the uteroplacental RAS, where the different components of this system in maternal and fetal tissues behave differently, under local regulation and stimuli. The disruption of uteroplacental RAS can cause bleeding and reduced blood flow between mother and fetus and may lead to pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. Its well known that thyroid dysfunction, as occurs in hyperthyroidism, promotes deep changes in cardiovascular system, by acting on cardiac contractility, cardiac output, blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance. Moreover, hyperthyroidism is responsible for important alterations in the expression of distinct components of RAS, which are, in turn, involved with the onset of cardiovascular changes. Thus, the RAS is under direct influence of plasma levels of thyroid hormones and seems to play an important role in the modulation of cardiac tropism induced by these hormones. Although the association between these two endocrine systems have already been observed in adult individuals, the knowledge about this interaction during the critical period of cardiovascular development where the heart is an important target of the action of these two hormonal systems is still poor. Considering the information given above, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of hyperthyroidism in the RAS components on the offspring during the gestational period, considering that this disease is highly prevalent in pregnant women and its consequences upon the cardiovascular system of the offspring are largely unknown.

Impact of an educational intervention on nurses’ knowledge and caring behavior for late preterm infants

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational intervention using Swanson’s (1991) caring theory on (a) nurses’ knowledge and caring behavior to late preterm infants (LPIs) and their families, and (b) the incidence of LPIs’ hospital visits and readmission rates for hyperbilirubinemia and dehydration in the first 30 days of life. The study began with the initial testing of the two instruments used and there were no inconsistencies identified in the content being measured. A convenient sample of nursery and postpartum nurses was recruited from two hospitals within a healthcare system. The nurses completed the consents and the surveys online via Survey Monkey®. Instruments used in the survey included a demographic, knowledge, and caring questionnaires. The participants’ inclusion criteria were nurses who have: a) completed at least one year experience working with well newborns, b) attended the educational intervention, and c) completed tests at the three intervals. SPSS for Windows (version 21) was used to analyze data using statistical techniques and ANOVA repeated measures. Study findings support improved knowledge for all participants; however, there was decreased retention of knowledge noted one month later. There was a 37% increase in knowledge from the baseline mean scores to the posttest mean scores (52% to 89%), although there was a 20% knowledge decrease from the posttest to one month later (89%- 69%). There remained a true knowledge gain since knowledge increased between the baseline measurements to the 1-month follow-up assessment (52% to 69%). Infant outcomes related to hyperbilirubinemia and dehydration also demonstrated patterns of improvement in the direction of statistical significance. The study added to the body of nursing science regarding educational intervention as a tool in increasing nurses’ knowledge. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Mal-estar na maternidade: do infanticídio à função materna / Discontents in motherhood: from infanticide to maternal role

Iaconelli, Vera 01 March 2013 (has links)
A partir do atendimento de um caso de tentativa de infanticídio, buscou-se discutir algumas das condições para a construção da função materna. Entre as possíveis formas de se abordar um caso em pesquisa, optou-se pela construção de caso, privilegiando um olhar que parte da clínica, na qual entendemos fundar-se a descoberta psicanalítica em sua vocação de retroalimentar a teoria. Foram privilegiados três eixos: a experiência corporal, o lugar do sujeito e o laço social. Para tal, trabalharam-se estes aspectos: o percurso histórico antecedente ao que se entende hoje por maternidade, incluindo-se a psicanálise no seu início, os diferentes discursos sobre o corpo que desembocam no discurso médico, conforme proposto por Clavreul, e as questões do laço social na constituição da função materna, a partir do conceito de contrato narcisista de Piera Aulagnier. Dessa forma, pôde-se apontar como a função materna é atravessada pela lógica dessubjetivante da contemporaneidade e, ao mesmo tempo, reafirma-se a escuta do sujeito como condição para a superação dos impasses da atualidade / From the discussion of a case of attempted infanticide, we tried to discuss some of the conditions for the construction of the maternal role. Among the possible ways to approach a case in research, we chose to build a case, favoring a look that starts from the clinic, in which we understand is the base of the psychoanalytic discovery in its vocation to provide feedback for theory. Three main aspects were privileged: a bodily experience, the place of the subject and the social bond. To this end, these aspects have been worked up: the historical background antecedent to what is meant by motherhood today, including psychoanalysis in its early stages, the different discourses on the body leading into the medical discourse as proposed by Clavreul, and issues of the social bond in the constitution of the maternal role, from the concept of narcissistic contract of Piera Aulagnier. Thus, one could point out how the maternal role is crossed by the deconstructive logic of the subjective of contemporaneity and at the same time reaffirming the listening to the subject as a condition for overcoming the impasses of the present

Marcadores prognósticos de evolução neonatal de recém-nascidos de termo portadores de asfixia perinatal / Prognostic markers of neonatal outcome newborn term patients with perinatal asphyxia

Nadia Sandra Orozco Vargas 11 June 2012 (has links)
A asfixia perinatal e sua mais grave complicação, a encefalopatia hipóxicoisquêmica (EHI) são causas de elevada mortalidade e de sequelas neurológicas no recém-nascido (RN). Evidencias de comprometimento cerebral podem ser detectadas logo na primeira semana de vida e o diagnóstico precoce é de grande importância para o tratamento e seguimento. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a prevalência de asfixia perinatal e de EHI; analisar a utilidade de quatro marcadores sanguíneos: transaminase glutâmica oxalacética (TGO), transaminase glutâmica pirúvica (TGP), desidrogenasse láctica (DHL) e Creatina Quinase MB (CK-MB) coletados ao nascimento, com 24 e 72 horas de vida, como sinalizadores de lesões cerebrais nos RN asfixiados; identificar a presença de alterações neurológicas clínicas pelo Escore de Sarnat e Sarnat (1976) com 24 e 72 horas e com 28 dias de vida e identificar e descrever a presença de lesões cerebrais detectadas pela ultrassonografia de crânio com 24 e 72 horas e com 28 dias de vida. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte prospectivo no qual foram incluídos RN de termo que apresentaram asfixia perinatal pelo critério de Buonocore (presença ao nascimento de pelo menos dois das seguintes condições clínico-laboratoriais: acidose metabólica com níveis de pH 7,20, Boletim de Apgar no quinto minuto de vida < 6, necessidade de fração inspirada de oxigênio 0,40 para manter uma saturação de oxigênio de 86%). Para realização do pH e dos marcadores bioquímicos foi coletado sangue logo ao nascimento, com 24 e 72 horas de vida. O exame clínico segundo critérios de Sarnat e Sarnat foi realizado com 24 e 72 horas e com 28 dias de vida e a ultrassonografia de crânio nos mesmos momentos. RESULTADOS: De 2.989 nascidos vivos durante o período do estudo, 28 recém-nascidos apresentaram asfixia perinatal (1% do total de nascimentos) e a EHI foi evidenciada em 21,42%. A enzima CK-MB se mostrou um bom marcador de asfixia, pois todos os valores foram superiores a 5,10 ng/ml, e se correlacionaram positivamente com as alterações apresentadas no exame clínico de Sarnat e com a ultrassonografia transfontanela. Os valores das outras enzimas como TGO (24h), TGO e TGP (72h) também se correlacionaram positivamente com as alterações ultrassonográficas as quais mostraram alteração em 3,5% dos pacientes com 24 horas de vida, 25% com 72 horas e 28,6% com 28 dias. A ultrassonografia de crânio com 28 dias mostrou aumento estatisticamente significante, no percentual de resultados anormais quando comparado com o observado com 24h (p=0,039), apesar dos estágios de Sarnat terem melhorado, com maior número de pacientes com estágio I no decorrer dos 28 dias. CONCLUSOES: A prevalência de asfixia perinatal e da EHI estão dentro da faixa citada na literatura. O melhor marcador bioquímico nesta casuística foi a isoenzima CK-MB e se correlacionou com as alterações apresentadas no exame clínico de Sarnat e na USG de crânio. A curva ROC mostrou: os valores de CK-MB de 24 horas em relação à USG de crânio de 72 horas Sensibilidade de 85,7%, Especificidade de 85,7% e Acurácia de 85,7%. O escore clínico de Sarnat não se alterou depois de 72 horas e apresentou correlação com as alterações na USG de crânio e este método de imagem foi adequado para detecção de lesões crebrais precoces e com 28 dias de vida / Perinatal asphyxia and its most serious complication, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) are causes of high mortality and neurological sequelae in the newborn (NB). Evidence of cerebral impairment can be detected in the first week of life and early diagnosis is very important for the treatment and follow-up. OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of perinatal asphyxia and HIE; consider the usefulness of four blood markers: glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) collected the birth, with 24 and 72 hours of life, as markers of brain damage in asphyxiated infants, to identify the presence of neurological clinical score by Sarnat and Sarnat (1976) with 24 and 72 hours and 28 days of life and describe the presence of brain lesions detected by cranial ultrasound with 24 and 72 hours and 28 days. METHOD: A prospective cohort study which included fullterm infants who had perinatal asphyxia by Buonocore criteria (presence at birth of at least two of the following clinical and laboratory conditions: metabolic acidosis with pH levels of the umbilical vein 7.20, Apgar score in the fifth minute of life <6, need for inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) 0.40 to maintain an oxygen saturation of 86%). To perform the pH and biochemical markers of blood was collected at birth, 24 and 72 hours of life. Clinical examination according to criteria of Sarnat and Sarnat was performed with 24 and 72 hours and 28 days of life and cranial ultrasound was performed in the same time. RESULTS: Of 2989 live births during the study period, 28 had asphyxia (1% of total births) and HIE was found in 21.42%. The CK-MB showed that all above normal values (<5.10ng/ml) and correlated with the changes presented in the clinical examination of Sarnat and the USG transfontanelle. The values of other enzymes such as GOT (24h), GOT and GPT (72h) also correlated positively with the brain lesins detected by cranial ultrasound in 3.5% of patients with 24 hours of life, 25% at 72 hours and 28 6% after 28 days. Ultrasonography of brain at 28 days showed a statistically significant increase in the percentage of abnormal results when compared with that observed at 24h (p = 0.039), despite the Sarnat stages have improved, with larger numbers of patients with stage I during the 28 days. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of perinatal asphyxia and HIE is within the range cited in literature. The best biochemical marker in this series was the CK-MB and correlated with the changes presented in the clinical examination of Sarnat and ultrasound transfontanelle. The ROC curve showed: values of CK-MB of 24 hours and USG 72 hours sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 85.7% and accuracy of 85.7%. The clinical Sarnat score did not change after 72 hours and correlated with changes in ultrasound transfontanelle and this imaging method proved to be an appropiate study to detect brain lesions early and with 28 days of life

Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e morte perinatal em equinos diagnosticadas no setor de patologia veterinária da UFRGS de 2000 a 2015

Juffo, Gregory Duarte January 2016 (has links)
Aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal são importantes causas de perdas econômicas na criação de equinos. Dessa forma, estudos sobre as causas dessas ocorrências e os principais agentes envolvidos são necessários para que medidas profiláticas eficientes sejam implantadas e que as perdas sejam reduzidas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as causas das perdas reprodutivas em equinos e resultou em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo descreve as principais causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período 2000-2015. Neste período um total de 107 casos foram analisados e desses, 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 eram natimortos e 14 correspondiam à morte perinatal. A causa dessas perdas foi estabelecida em 50,46%, com a seguinte distribuição: causas infecciosas corresponderam a 29,9%, enquanto as causas não infecciosas a 12,1% e miscelâneas a 8,41%. A maior prevalência das causas infecciosas foi a de origem bacteriana, em especial relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. As causas não infecciosas mais encontradas foram torção do cordão umbilical e insuficiências placentárias. Dentre as miscelâneas, as malformações congênitas foram as mais diagnosticadas. No segundo artigo descreve-se a ocorrência de dois casos de aborto equino associados a placentites por Pasteurella pneumotropica, caracterizando os achados macroscópicos, histopatológicos e bacteriológicos. Esta é a primeira descrição de placentite devido à infecção por Pasteurella pneumotropica em equinos. / Abortion, stillbirth and perinatal mortality are major causes of economic losses in the creation of horses. Thus, studies on the causes of these events and the main actors involved are necessary for effective prophylactic measures are implemented and that the losses are reduced. This study aimed to investigate the causes reproductive losses in horses and resulted in two papers. The first paper describes the main causes of abortion, stillbirth and perinatal mortality in horses diagnosed in the Setor de Patologia Veterinaria of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in the period 2000-2015. During this period 107 cases analyzed by macroscopic examination, microscopic and additional test of these, 77 corresponded aborted fetuses, 16 were stillborn and 14 corresponded to perinatal death. The cause of these losses was set at 50.46%, with the following distribution: infectious causes accounted for 29.9%, while non-infectious causes 12.1% and miscellany to 8.41%. The higher prevalence of infectious causes was of bacterial origin, in particular related to Streptococcus spp. Non-infectious causes more were found torsion of the umbilical cord and placental insufficiencies. Among the miscellany, congenital malformation were diagnosed. In the second paper describes the occurrence of two equine abortion associated with placentitis by Pasteurella pneumotropica, featuring macroscopic, histopathological and bacteriological findings. This is the first description of placentitis due to Pasteurella pneumotropica infection in horses.

Efeito da esquila durante a gestação no metabolismo de ovelhas e cordeiros na fase pós-nascimento / Effect of shearing prepartum in ewes and lambs metabolism during perinatal period

Guyoti, Viviane Marques January 2013 (has links)
A perda anual de ovelhas em criações de sistema extensivo apresenta altos níveis na região Sul do Brasil. Na Serra Gaúcha essa porcentagem chega a 30% e torna-se um fator alarmante para propriedades com sistemas de produção de carne, leite e lã. As perdas reprodutivas em ovinos desta região estão relacionadas com a baixa taxa de concepção do rebanho e alta mortalidade perinatal de cordeiros (MPC) e frequentemente esses fatores são decorrentes de enfermidades, deficiências nutricionais durante o período gestacional e pós-parto ou por manejo inadequado de ovelhas e cordeiros. A MPC, definida como a morte de recém-nascidos imediatamente antes ou durante o parto e até os primeiros vinte e oito dias de vida é uma das principais causas de baixa taxa de desmame no Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Sua etiologia envolve ações complexas que circundam a ação individual e a interação de muitos fatores relacionados entre si. Estudos sobre as causas de MPC no RS têm apontado o complexo exposição/inanição e hipotermia, além da distocia como as duas principais patologias envolvidas nesses óbitos. Condições ambientais adversas, como o frio severo, também causam a morte em consequência da falta de adaptação do recém-nascido às novas condições de vida. A busca de informações que venham a elucidar as causas dessas perdas motivou a realização do presente estudo e o uso da esquila durante a gestação foi utilizado como uma possível ferramenta para minimizar a MPC. O efeito da esquila préparto (74 dias de gestação) sobre sobre o perfil metabólico e produtivo de ovelhas e no peso e desenvolvimento de seus cordeiros durante o primeiro mês de vida foram avaliados neste estudo. Um rebanho de 40 ovelhas gestantes da raça Corriedale foi dividido aleatoriamente em dois grupos: ovelhas com esquila completa (EC) e ovelhas mantidas com velo ou ovelhas controle (OC). As ovelhas e seus respectivos cordeiros foram avaliados em três momentos distintos durante o experimento: no parto, entre 15 e 21 dias de lactação e entre 22 e 45 dias de lactação. Os parâmetros de escore de condição corporal, dosagem de beta-hidroxibutirato, hematócrito, hemoglobina, lactato, glicose, peso corporal, peso da placenta e produção do leite foram mensurados e correlacionados. Os valores médios de hematócrito, hemoglobina e peso dos cordeiros apresentaram diferenças significativas (p< 0,05) entre os grupos EC e OC. O peso médio da placenta e a produção de leite apontaram diferença significativa enquanto que os achados para escore de condição corporal (ECC) e beta-hidroxibutirato não evidenciaram diferenças entre os grupos EC e OC, considerando todos os períodos em conjunto (p> 0,05). A produção leiteira de ovelhas do grupo EC (1.261,25 mL/dia) foi maior (p <0,05) do que no grupo OC (937,79 mL/dia). A esquila de ovelhas aos 74 dias de gestação mostrou-se como importante ferramenta para o melhor desenvolvimento de cordeiros na fase pós-nascimento de forma a contribuir para a diminuição da taxa de mortalidade perinatal. / The annual loss of sheep in extensive system has expressive levels in southern Brazil. It can reach 30% in some areas and becomes an alarming factor for properties with systems producing meat, milk and wool. Reproductive losses in sheep in this region are related to low conception rate of the herd and a high lamb perinatal mortality (LPM). Often these factors are due to diseases, nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy and postpartum period or inadequate management of ewes and lambs. Perinatal mortality is defined as lambs in the death of the neonate until the first twenty-eight days. The LPM is responsible for the low rate of weaning in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil. Its etiology involves complex actions and interaction of many factors related to each other. Studies about causes of the LPM in RS have showed the complex exposure, hypothermia and starvation, in addition to dystocia as the two main pathologies involved in these deaths. Adverse environmental conditions, such as severe cold, cause death due to the lack of adaptation of the newborn to the new living conditions also. The search for more information that might elucidate the causes of these losses motivated the present study and the use of shearing during pregnancy has been used as a possible tool to minimize LPM. The effect of pre-partum shearing (74 days gestation) on the metabolic and productive profile and weight of ewes and their lambs develop during the first month of life were studied. A flock of 40 pregnant Corriedale ewes were randomly divided into 2 groups: ewes completely sheared (EC) and ewes maintained with fleece or sheep control (OC). The ewes and their lambs were evaluated at three different times during the experiment: at birth, between 15 and 21 days of lactation and between 22 and 45 days of lactation. The parameters such as body condition score, betahydroxybutyrate, PVC, hemoglobin, lactate, glucose, body weight, placental weight and milk production were measured and correlated. The mean values of PVC, hemoglobin and lambs weight showed significant differences (p <0.05) between the EC and OC groups. The average weight of placenta and milk production showed a significant difference while the findings for body condition score (ECC) and beta-hydroxybutyrate showed no differences between groups EC and OC, considering all periods together (p> 0.05). Milk production of ewes of group EC (1261.25 mL / day) was higher (p < 0.05) than in the OC group (937.79 mL / day). Shearing of sheep at 74 days of pregnancy was a important tool for the better development of lambs in the post-birth in order to contribute to reducing the rate of perinatal mortality.

Rituals surrounding the care of the dying previable baby in labour ward : a critical interpretive synthesis of the literature

Cameron, Joan Elaine January 2011 (has links)
The thesis begins with an exploration of my experiences of caring for dying babies which considers the way in which the care given to dying babies differs according to the care environment. This sets the scene for an exploration of rituals surrounding their care. Critical Interpretive Synthesis was selected as a research design for the study because it offered the opportunity to take an interpretive approach to a range of data and allowed the creation of new arguments. Documentary data including professional literature, professional textbooks and professional guidelines were analysed and interpreted using methods which guideline analysis, critical appraisal and rhetorical analysis. The diverse range of analyses facilitated both the rigour and meaning of the data to interrogated. Performance Theory was used as the theoretical framework in the thesis to allow the rituals to be revealed and explored as dramatic performances. The thesis demonstrated that the origin of the rituals was rooted in the need for the baby to be treated with compassion and dignity and to provide parents with the opportunity to form meaningful attachments in the brief period between the previable baby’s birth and death. The rituals were devised by parents who had been bereaved and were incorporated into guidelines. The guidelines practised the rhetoric of choice but the data demonstrated that the rituals appear to have been adopted as routines which were then used indiscriminately, robbing them of their meaning.The findings reveal how care to meet the physical needs of the dying previable baby requires to be made more explicit to enable the ideology and of ‘comfort care’ to be realised in practice. The thesis also demonstrated a need for inclusiveness to represent the spectrum of parents affected by the death of a previable baby when researching perinatal loss and formulating policy.

Morbilidad materno-perinatal de la rotura prematura de membranas en el embarazo pretérmino en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. 2011-2012

Silva Fernández, Marco Antonio January 2013 (has links)
El documento digital no refiere asesor / Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / Determina la morbilidad materno-perinatal de la rotura prematura de membranas pretérmino en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo en el periodo 2011-2012. Se hizo una revisión documentaria de las historias clínicas de las madres y neonatos prematuros que cumplieron criterios de selección, encontrando 170 casos en el periodo de estudio. Se muestran los resultados mediante estadística descriptiva. La edad de las madres de neonatos prematuros con RPM fue 25,52 años. La forma de terminación del parto en 34,12% fue la vía vaginal, y en 65,88% por cesárea. El tiempo de latencia desde la RPM al parto en 9,41% fue dentro de las 6 primeras horas, en 21,18% dentro de las primeras 12 horas, y en 69,41% luego de las 24 horas. Se emplearon corticoides para maduración pulmonar en 46,47% de casos, todos ellos con dexametasona, y en 27,65% se completó cuatro cursos. El 47,65% de neonatos fueron varones y 52,35% mujeres. En 82,35% de casos el líquido amniótico fue claro, 15,88% fue verde claro y en 1,76% fue purulento. No se usó antibióticos en 10% de casos, se usó sólo un antibiótico en 48,24%, dos antibióticos en 24,71% y tres antibióticos en 17,06%; el antibiótico más empleado fue la cefazolina. En 45,29% de madres se presentó endometritis; la duración de la hospitalización en las madres fue 5,73 días. El 14,71% de neonatos pretérmino fue llevado a alojamiento conjunto con la madre, 29,41% llegó a cuidados intermedios y 55,88% pasó a UCI; la indicación de hospitalización en UCI fue la sepsis en 55,79%, insuficiencia respiratoria en 20%, prematuridad extrema en 12,63%. Un 22,35% de neonatos no requirieron de apoyo ventilatorio, 39,41% requirieron de ventilación mecánica y 38,24% emplearon CPAP. En sólo 5,29% de niños no se presentó ninguna complicación; en 91,18% de casos hubo transtornos metabólicos, 90% desarrollaron síndrome de distrés respiratorio, 85,29% presentaron infección y sepsis y el 14,71% de neonatos falleció. La morbimortalidad de los neonatos pretérmino con RPM fue elevada, con transtornos metabólicos, transtornos respiratorios y sepsis. / Trabajo académico

Abordaje de la pérdida perinatal. Un enfoque desde la Investigación Acción Participativa

Pastor Montero, Sonia 22 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation Among Perinatal Women At Risk for Depression: Effects on Smoking Abstinence and Depressive Symptoms

Zvorsky, Ivori 01 January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Financial incentives increase smoking abstinence among pregnant and postpartum women. They have also been reported to reduce psychological symptoms using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in women at risk for perinatal depression. This prospective study aims to replicate and extend these findings using the BDI and Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). Methods: Participants were 169 pregnant cigarette smokers who were assigned to one of two treatment conditions: Best Practices only (n=88), which entails brief counseling and a referral to a pregnancy-specific quit-line, or Best Practices + Incentives (n=81). Participants were categorized as at increased risk (Dep+; n= 91) or lower risk (Dep-; n= 76) for depression based on history of depressive symptoms and baseline symptom scores. Treatment effects on smoking status and BDI/EPDS scores were examined across nine perinatal assessments using repeated measures analyses of covariance. Results: Financial incentives increased rates of biochemically-verified abstinence through 12-weeks postpartum independent of depression risk (ps ≤ .01) but did not differentially decrease BDI or EPDS scores (ps > .05). Scores decreased with both interventions for the Dep+ women (p = .001). Conclusions: These results replicate earlier evidence that financial incentives increase perinatal smoking abstinence in Dep+ women but not their efficacy in differentially reducing depressive symptoms at levels greater than Best Practices. The failure to replicate effects on depressive symptoms may be due to use of different control conditions in the current and prior study or increased screening and intervention for perinatal mental health during routine obstetrical care.

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