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The Effect of Dual Enrollment on Community College Persistence and AchievementRidgeway, Tiffany Nicole 07 May 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative research study was to explore dual enrollment as a college readiness strategy and the effects of dual enrollment programs on persistence and achievement within a post-secondary institution. This study examined documented institutional data of former dual enrollment students and their direct entry peers who were 1st-time college students at a community college in South Mississippi. Community colleges in Mississippi have maintained dual enrollment programs for over a decade, but few empirical-based research studies have been conducted to determine whether or not student achievement and persistence rates differed for students with prior dual enrollment experience. Therefore, more empirically-based research is needed to determine whether research findings are generalizable. Further research will contribute to the body of literature regarding the impact and effectiveness of dual enrollment and how it relates to college persistence. The sample included all students who graduated from local service area high schools in the spring of 2012 and matriculated to the community college in the fall of 2012. The study analyzed measures of achievement and indicators of persistence for all students over 2 academic years. The study used an independent sample t-test to compare whether prior dual enrollment students had different rates of persistence and achievement than direct entry students. A factorial analysis of variance was used to test for significance among independent variables of enrollment type with the dependent variables of persistence and achievement among categorical variables of race to determine if there was a difference in proportion of students in dual enrollment versus direct entry. Persistence is defined as the continuous full-time enrollment from the first year to the second year. Achievement was measured using ACT scores and grade point average (GPA). Findings revealed that no significant difference existed in measures of persistence between students with prior dual credit and direct entry students. Significant differences existed in measures of achievement by students with prior dual credit and by direct entry students in two areas: Act scores and cumulative GPA. Other findings indicated differences did not exist for persistence by enrollment type and race or for achievement by enrollment type and race.
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Acquisition development and demonstration of grit among latina teachers from the central San Joaquin ValleyMitchell, Jane Virginia 01 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative collective case study explored how four female Latina teachers in the Central San Joaquin Valley acquired and developed the noncognitive trait of grit. Additionally, this study explored how the manifestation of this noncognitive trait of grit is demonstrated by these teachers with students in their classrooms. Through a series of interviews, and classroom observations with annotated field notes, I examined the life experiences and professional educational background of participants in order to highlight factors that are contributory and fundamental in the underpinnings of how grit developed in each of their lives. I examined and analyzed distinctive traits, specific influences, and behaviors.
The theoretical framework developed by Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews and Kelly (2007) provided the background structure to help in understanding the noncognitive trait of grit. This exploration extended current scholarship on grit by exploring one specific cultural and gendered-subset of teachers to aid in the understanding of how grit emerges in teachers deemed exceptional.
This qualitative case study addresses the following questions:
1. From the perspective of four female Latina teachers, what is grit?
2. From the perspectives of four female Latina teachers, in what ways has grit been acquired, developed and demonstrated?
3. From the perspective of four female Latina teachers, how has gender and race shaped their experiences in grit?
4. From the perspectives of four female Latina teachers, and as evidenced by student outcomes, how does the trait of grit impact teacher effectiveness?
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<p dir="ltr">This qualitative narrative inquiry studied the career journeys of five Black school principals from Indiana with five or more years of experience in their role. The purpose of this study was to understand the following: (a) the experiences of each participant including who influenced them to pursue the principal role, (b) their successful endeavors as principals, (c) the obstacles they have faced along the path to the principalship, and (d) their beliefs as to why they have persisted in the role for at least five years.</p><p dir="ltr">The data were collected through two rounds of individual semi-structured interviews with the participants. Each round was at least three weeks apart. This protocol sparked rich discussion from which five themes emerged: (1) relationships vs. results, (2) scholarship, (3) perseverance, (4) ongoing issues, and (5) mentorship. Each of these themes was revisited with each participant in the second round of interviews.</p><p dir="ltr">The analysis of the data from this study led to three specific assertions that are discussed in the final chapter. Assertion #1: Effective professional mentorship has a positive impact on Black principals’ ability to persevere. Assertion #2: Black principal perseverance is fueled by reflection and intrinsic sources of inspiration. Assertion #3: A disposition toward life-long learning has a positive impact on a Black principals’ ability to persevere. These assertions and the corresponding implications were developed after a careful examination of the current literature on school leadership and the Black principal experience. This study can be utilized as a purposeful tool to recruit, develop, and retain Black educators generally and Black school leaders specifically.</p>
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Anticipating Combustion: Suffering's Potential For Finding Meaning, Perseverance, And TranscendenceAlvarez, Alexander 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Arising from the complications of an underprivileged and impoverished background this thesis focuses on exposing the grotesque consequences of conflicting ideologies through personal and societal suffering while in search of universal connections to showcase the need for compassion and understanding. My artistic practice is utilized as an entry point to have difficult discussions, a tool for teaching themes of injustice, inequality, and mistreatment. The traumatizing experience of poverty or corruption has the potential to be transmuted into something beneficial. I utilize discarded, low valued, unwanted, and damaged materials in my artmaking to symbolize transfiguration, an advanced state of former self. What seems hideous has its own beauty. What seems rotten and ugly has the potential to be adapted into something beneficial, any suffering we have experienced should not and has not gone to waste. The wisdom and resilience that arose from the experience will serve you in the future. This attempt at an honest, unflinching exploration of self and society is to shift perspectives away from apathy, towards thoughtfulness for other's struggles.
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Facteurs de persévérance scolaire et d’insertion professionnelle d’adultes ayant présenté des troubles de comportements extériorisés durant leurs études secondairesProteau-Dupont, Émilie 04 1900 (has links)
La démocratisation scolaire va de pair avec l’enjeu contemporain de l’adaptation scolaire. Une catégorie d’élèves handicapés en difficulté d’apprentissage ou d’adaptation (EHDAA) classifiés par le MELS demeure plus problématique que les autres. Il s’agit des élèves présentant des troubles de comportements extériorisés. Ces élèves sont plus susceptibles que les autres de ne pas suivre le cheminement régulier, de décrocher et de connaître des difficultés d’intégration professionnelle. Comment expliquer alors qu’une minorité d’entre eux, contre toute probabilité statistique, parvient à graduer et à s’insérer dans une carrière stimulante ? Comment peuvent s’atténuer les troubles de comportement à l’âge adulte? Ce mémoire a pour ambition d’apporter un éclairage sur ces questionnements et propose une analyse sociologique des facteurs de persévérance scolaire et d’insertion professionnelle d’adultes ayant présenté des troubles de comportements extériorisés durant leurs études secondaires. Il repose sur l’analyse d’entretiens biographiques de deux individus répondant à ces critères. L’analyse de leur trajectoire démontre que leur insertion sociale s’est formée grâce à l’ « interconnaissance » et l’ « interreconnaissance » de différents types de capital tel qu’entendu par Pierre Bourdieu. En se basant également sur la méthode d’analyse des récits d’insertion proposée par Demazière et Dubar, quatre tendances furent dégagées quant à la manière dont les ressources des enquêtés furent mobilisées. Bien que le matériau soit modeste, ce mémoire jette un regard inédit sur plusieurs facettes du phénomène qui espérons-le, retiendra l’attention d’autres chercheurs qui approfondiront les pistes mises au jour dans ce mémoire. / School democratization has brought the contemporary issue of adaptation in education. A category among students with disabilities or learning and adaptation difficulties (EHDAA) classified by the MELS remains more problematic than others. Students with externalizing behavior disorders are more likely to not follow the regular path, or to drop out and to have difficulties in professional integration. How to explain a minority of them, against any statistical predicate, manages to graduate and be part of an exciting career? How behavioral problems can be reduced in adulthood? This memory brings clarification on these questions and offers a sociological analysis of the factors of perseverance in school and employability of adults who experienced externalizing behavior problems during high school. Two interviews have been made on meaningful lives of two individuals who meet these criterias. Analysis of their trajectory demonstrates that social inclusion is formed by the "interconnaissance" and "interreconnaissance" of different types of capital as agreed by Pierre Bourdieu. Also, based on the analysis method of insertion stories proposed by Demazière and Dubar, four trends were identified regarding how the resources were mobilized by the respondents. Although the material is small, this study has a unique look at several aspects of the phenomenon, which hopefully will attract the attention of other researchers who will consider the finding tracks in this thesis.
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The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Retention in Technical CollegesReed, Percy W. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Vocational and career training institutes focus their energy and resources on student support services, increasing student retention as it relates to minority populations. Despite these efforts, a specific vocational and career institute in the southeast United States reports a 50% retention rate of students who are enrolled. This case study explored students' descriptions of how self-efficacy supported their perseverance while attending the vocational and career training institute. The conceptual framework included Bandura's notions of self-efficacy and Tinto's integration model. Purposeful sampling strategies were used to interview 10 successfully-retained students enrolled in their 4th term or beyond at the vocational and career institute under study. Data analysis included initial and axial coding, leading to category creation and the identification of key themes. The following themes emerged regarding self-efficacy in the form of support and perseverance: clear personal educational expectations, strong social relations, and various external supports. Further, perceived challenges to self-efficacy and perseverance included family problems, sickness, finances, incarceration, homelessness, and deployment, age, and instructor or student issues at the college site. Recommendations included the development and implementation of tailored and focused student support structures to improve student self-efficacy and perseverance at the local site. Implications for positive social change include providing research findings to the local administration, which may increase their understanding of retention issues and ultimately improve student retention.
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Luftburen försörjning i utveckling för insats / Aerial Delivery in development for operations abroadBörbrink, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Luftburen försörjning har internationellt varit ett nyckelverktyg för större stater i snart 70 år. Att som militärenhet kunna agera och påverka motståndaren via de platser denne är som svagast och inte har förmåga att se våra lösningar, gör att vi kan skapa överlägsenhet och skapa taktiska fördelar. All militär verksamhet är i behov av förnödenheter och ett logistiskt stöd. För att detta stöd skall kunna nå enheter långt borta under svåra förhållanden, måste organisationen skapa förutsättningar till handlingsfrihet. I omvärlden har metoden luftburen försörjning varit en självklar del i det flexibla och föränderliga stridsrummets logistiska stöd. Under beredskapstiden för Nordic battlegroup 2008 genomfördes en studie på luftburen försörjning, och det kunde konstateras att metoden är mycket användbar, och förslag till utveckling vidarebefordrades tillhögkvarteret. Studien som genomfördes 2007-2009 gjorde gällande att vi har förmågan att använda luftburen försörjning internationellt. Dock drogs slutsatsen att fler studier var ett krav. Syftet med denna studie är att den genomförs som ett led i fortsatt forskning. Den fokuserar på användningsområden, definitioner och hur funktionen kan kopplas till Försvarsmaktens doktriner. I doktrinen koncentrerar författaren sig på de grundläggande förmågorna, och kopplar den luftburna försörjningen till Försvarsmaktens befintliga logistikkedja internationellt genom Grundsyn Logistik. Arbetets huvudfrågeställning fokuserar på uthållighet och rörlighet, inriktning mot enheter med självständigt uppträdande på djupet av operationsområdet. Studieresultat och empiri presenteras med beskrivande metod och informationsinhämtningen sker med litteratursökning och litteraturstudie som teknik. I empirin presenteras en fallstudie av logistikfunktionen från Sverige till insats, där metoden intervju kommer användas. Studien sammansluts med en fallstudieanalys, resultatredovisning och en diskussion kring frågeställningen. Studien avslutas genom att slutsatser dras och reflektioner om framtiden för luftburen försörjning och dess vara eller icke vara i ett svenskt operationsområde. Slutsatser dragna efter studien är att luftburen försörjning kan bidra till svensk logistikkedja och bidra till ökad rörlighet och uthållighet för de förband som verkar i ett insatsområde. Den princip som lämpar sig bäst för försörjning av förband i ett område som Afghanistan är helikopter med hängande last. Detta som en slutsats efter att i studien analyserat empiri och prestanda i förhållande till rådande förhållande i ett område som Afghanistan.</p> / <p>Aerial delivery internationally has been a key tool for the superior states for nearly 70 years. To which military unit act and influence the opponent through the places he is particularly weak. Allowing us to establish superiority and create tactical advantages. All military operations are in need of supplies and logistical support. For this support to be able reaching long ranged units under difficult conditions, the organization must create conditions for freedom of movement. The dominant countries in the world have an airborne method of supply has been an integral part of the flexible and changing battle space. At Nordic battlegroup in 2008, there was study on aerial delivery, and it was found that the method is very useful, and proposals for development were forwarded to headquarter of Swedish Armed forces. Studies carried out in 2007-2009, claiming that we have the ability to use airborne supplyinternationally. However, it was concluded that more studies were required. The purpose of this work is that it is implemented as a part of continuing studies. It focuses on the uses, and how function definitions can be linked to the Armed Forces doctrine. The author focuses on the doctrine of fundamental capabilities, and connects the aerial delivery for the Armed Forces of existing logistics chain by Ethos International Logistics. Work main issue focuses on endurance and mobility, focusing on units within depth of an operational area. Study results and empirical data presented with descriptive method and information gathering is done with literature search and literature review technology. The empirical data presents a case study of the logistics function from Sweden to the operational area, which will be developed out of the method of interview. The study concluded that the case study analysis, performance reports and an analysis of results. The study ends by drawing conclusions and a prediction of the future of the aerial delivery and it is to be or not to be in a Swedish operational area. Conclusions made out of this study, reveals that aerial delivery principals would very well support the Swedish chain of supply, and could support units abroad with both mobility and perseverance. Within aerial delivery the slingload are the most efficient principal for units operating in an environment as in Afghanistan. This conclusion was made out of the analysis of empiric data.</p>
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Luftburen försörjning i utveckling för insats / Aerial Delivery in development for operations abroadBörbrink, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Luftburen försörjning har internationellt varit ett nyckelverktyg för större stater i snart 70 år. Att som militärenhet kunna agera och påverka motståndaren via de platser denne är som svagast och inte har förmåga att se våra lösningar, gör att vi kan skapa överlägsenhet och skapa taktiska fördelar. All militär verksamhet är i behov av förnödenheter och ett logistiskt stöd. För att detta stöd skall kunna nå enheter långt borta under svåra förhållanden, måste organisationen skapa förutsättningar till handlingsfrihet. I omvärlden har metoden luftburen försörjning varit en självklar del i det flexibla och föränderliga stridsrummets logistiska stöd. Under beredskapstiden för Nordic battlegroup 2008 genomfördes en studie på luftburen försörjning, och det kunde konstateras att metoden är mycket användbar, och förslag till utveckling vidarebefordrades tillhögkvarteret. Studien som genomfördes 2007-2009 gjorde gällande att vi har förmågan att använda luftburen försörjning internationellt. Dock drogs slutsatsen att fler studier var ett krav. Syftet med denna studie är att den genomförs som ett led i fortsatt forskning. Den fokuserar på användningsområden, definitioner och hur funktionen kan kopplas till Försvarsmaktens doktriner. I doktrinen koncentrerar författaren sig på de grundläggande förmågorna, och kopplar den luftburna försörjningen till Försvarsmaktens befintliga logistikkedja internationellt genom Grundsyn Logistik. Arbetets huvudfrågeställning fokuserar på uthållighet och rörlighet, inriktning mot enheter med självständigt uppträdande på djupet av operationsområdet. Studieresultat och empiri presenteras med beskrivande metod och informationsinhämtningen sker med litteratursökning och litteraturstudie som teknik. I empirin presenteras en fallstudie av logistikfunktionen från Sverige till insats, där metoden intervju kommer användas. Studien sammansluts med en fallstudieanalys, resultatredovisning och en diskussion kring frågeställningen. Studien avslutas genom att slutsatser dras och reflektioner om framtiden för luftburen försörjning och dess vara eller icke vara i ett svenskt operationsområde. Slutsatser dragna efter studien är att luftburen försörjning kan bidra till svensk logistikkedja och bidra till ökad rörlighet och uthållighet för de förband som verkar i ett insatsområde. Den princip som lämpar sig bäst för försörjning av förband i ett område som Afghanistan är helikopter med hängande last. Detta som en slutsats efter att i studien analyserat empiri och prestanda i förhållande till rådande förhållande i ett område som Afghanistan. / Aerial delivery internationally has been a key tool for the superior states for nearly 70 years. To which military unit act and influence the opponent through the places he is particularly weak. Allowing us to establish superiority and create tactical advantages. All military operations are in need of supplies and logistical support. For this support to be able reaching long ranged units under difficult conditions, the organization must create conditions for freedom of movement. The dominant countries in the world have an airborne method of supply has been an integral part of the flexible and changing battle space. At Nordic battlegroup in 2008, there was study on aerial delivery, and it was found that the method is very useful, and proposals for development were forwarded to headquarter of Swedish Armed forces. Studies carried out in 2007-2009, claiming that we have the ability to use airborne supplyinternationally. However, it was concluded that more studies were required. The purpose of this work is that it is implemented as a part of continuing studies. It focuses on the uses, and how function definitions can be linked to the Armed Forces doctrine. The author focuses on the doctrine of fundamental capabilities, and connects the aerial delivery for the Armed Forces of existing logistics chain by Ethos International Logistics. Work main issue focuses on endurance and mobility, focusing on units within depth of an operational area. Study results and empirical data presented with descriptive method and information gathering is done with literature search and literature review technology. The empirical data presents a case study of the logistics function from Sweden to the operational area, which will be developed out of the method of interview. The study concluded that the case study analysis, performance reports and an analysis of results. The study ends by drawing conclusions and a prediction of the future of the aerial delivery and it is to be or not to be in a Swedish operational area. Conclusions made out of this study, reveals that aerial delivery principals would very well support the Swedish chain of supply, and could support units abroad with both mobility and perseverance. Within aerial delivery the slingload are the most efficient principal for units operating in an environment as in Afghanistan. This conclusion was made out of the analysis of empiric data.
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Geologically-constrained UBC–GIF gravity and magnetic inversions with examples from the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, Western AustraliaWilliams, Nicholas Cory 05 1900 (has links)
Geologically-constrained inversion of geophysical data is a powerful method for predicting geology beneath cover. The process seeks 3D physical property models that are consistent with the geology and explain measured geophysical responses. The recovered models can guide mineral explorers to prospective host rocks, structures, alteration and mineralisation. This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of how the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility (UBC–GIF) gravity and magnetic inversions can be applied to subsurface mapping and exploration by demonstrating the necessary approach, data types, and typical results.
The non-uniqueness of inversion demands that geological information be included. Commonly available geological data, including structural and physical property measurements, mapping, drilling, and 3D interpretations, can be translated into appropriate inversion constraints using tools developed herein. Surface information provides the greatest improvement in the reliability of recovered models; drilling information enhances resolution at depth. The process used to prepare inversions is as important as the geological constraints themselves. Use of a systematic workflow, as developed in this study, minimises any introduced ambiguity. Key steps include defining the problem, preparing the data, setting inversion parameters and developing geological constraints.
Once reliable physical property models are recovered they must be interpreted in a geological context. Where alteration and mineralisation occupy significant volumes, the mineralogy associated with the physical properties can be identified; otherwise a lithological classification of the properties can be applied. This approach is used to develop predictive 3D lithological maps from geologically-constrained gravity and magnetic inversions at several scales in the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt in Australia’s Yilgarn Craton. These maps indicate a spatial correlation between thick mafic-ultramafic rock packages and gold deposit locations, suggesting a shared structural control. The maps also identify structural geometries and relationships consistent with the published regional tectonic framework.
Geophysical inversion provides a framework into which geological and geophysical data sets can be integrated to produce a holistic prediction of the subsurface. The best possible result is one that cannot be dismissed as inconsistent with some piece of geological knowledge. Such a model can only be recovered by including all available geological knowledge using a consistent workflow process.
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Geologically-constrained UBC–GIF gravity and magnetic inversions with examples from the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, Western AustraliaWilliams, Nicholas Cory 05 1900 (has links)
Geologically-constrained inversion of geophysical data is a powerful method for predicting geology beneath cover. The process seeks 3D physical property models that are consistent with the geology and explain measured geophysical responses. The recovered models can guide mineral explorers to prospective host rocks, structures, alteration and mineralisation. This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of how the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility (UBC–GIF) gravity and magnetic inversions can be applied to subsurface mapping and exploration by demonstrating the necessary approach, data types, and typical results.
The non-uniqueness of inversion demands that geological information be included. Commonly available geological data, including structural and physical property measurements, mapping, drilling, and 3D interpretations, can be translated into appropriate inversion constraints using tools developed herein. Surface information provides the greatest improvement in the reliability of recovered models; drilling information enhances resolution at depth. The process used to prepare inversions is as important as the geological constraints themselves. Use of a systematic workflow, as developed in this study, minimises any introduced ambiguity. Key steps include defining the problem, preparing the data, setting inversion parameters and developing geological constraints.
Once reliable physical property models are recovered they must be interpreted in a geological context. Where alteration and mineralisation occupy significant volumes, the mineralogy associated with the physical properties can be identified; otherwise a lithological classification of the properties can be applied. This approach is used to develop predictive 3D lithological maps from geologically-constrained gravity and magnetic inversions at several scales in the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt in Australia’s Yilgarn Craton. These maps indicate a spatial correlation between thick mafic-ultramafic rock packages and gold deposit locations, suggesting a shared structural control. The maps also identify structural geometries and relationships consistent with the published regional tectonic framework.
Geophysical inversion provides a framework into which geological and geophysical data sets can be integrated to produce a holistic prediction of the subsurface. The best possible result is one that cannot be dismissed as inconsistent with some piece of geological knowledge. Such a model can only be recovered by including all available geological knowledge using a consistent workflow process.
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