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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An experimental study and analysis of Saudi-Arabian - American proxemic behavior as observed in homogeneous and heterogeneous dyadic interactions

Robinson, Gary D. 01 May 1973 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to refine the analysis of an empirical study in intercultural proxemic behavior research conducted by Watson and Graves and is, as well, a partial and modified replication of that study. The hypothesis of this, study is that Arabs will exhibit significant differences in proxemic behavior from Americans, with Arab's being closer and more direct in their proxemic, behavior than Americans. To test this hypothesis eighteen Saudi-Arabian and eighteen American male students were observed as two groups of nine homogeneous dyads and as one group of eighteen heterogeneous dyads. Seven minute dyadic interactions in a controlled, laboratory setting were filmed and recorded on video tape. Five proxemic variables were analyzed: sociofugal-sociopetal axis, kinesthetic factors, touch code, visual code, and voice loudness scale. The video-taped data were analyzed and scored. Individual scores were averaged to arrive at dyadic scores. Twenty-five t-tests, were calculated to test for possible statistically significant differences between the cultural groups and between both groups of homogeneous dyads and the heterogeneous dyads. No significant differences were found. Thirty Pearson correlations were computed for any possible significant positive correlation among the five variables in Saudi-Arabian - American dyads and in both Saudi-Arabian and America dyads separately. Three significant positive correlations as well as three significant negative correlations were discovered. The hypothesis of the study was not supported and the findings of the Watson and Graves' study did not appear in the present examination.

Invasions of personal space : a field experiment

Demian, Lisa 01 January 1978 (has links)
The present study examined the relationship between invasions of personal space and measures of glancing, blocking, leaning, head-shoulder orientation, movement away from the invader, and flight latency. These behaviors have been described in previous studies as occurring in response to spatial invasions, and the equilibrium model proposed to account for their occurrence. Hypotheses consistent with this model were tested in a 2 x 2 x 3 design which varied sex of invader, sex of subject and distance of subject from invader (1 foot, 2 feet, or 5 feet). None of the predicted relationships obtained, although females blocked more frequently than males, and also exhibited a greater variety of the target behaviors than did males. A significant difference was found for variety of behaviors emitted and distance, with Ss in the 1 foot condition exhibiting more of the target behaviors than those in the 5 foot condition. No other significant results were found. An alternate model to account for these discrepancies as well as previous discrepancies was discussed and suggestions for future research were made.

A preliminary investigation of the predictive and evaluative capacity of the PARS scale in a community mental health clinic

Ritter, Judith M. 01 January 1974 (has links)
This was a two-part study, employing the self and informant, pre and post treatment, forms of the Personal Adjustment and Role Skills Scale, the PARS Scale. In this study seven of the PARS Scale factors were employed: Interpersonal Involvement, Agitation-Depression, Attention-Confusion, Alcohol-Drug, Outside Social, Household Management (females), and Anxiety (males). This study was conducted at Delaunay Institute for Mental Health, an outpatient community mental health clinic in a low socioeconomic catchment area. Part One of the study employed a random sample of seventy applicants, male and female, ages sixteen to sixty-four, who applied to Delaunay for treatment services between November of 1972 and July of 1973 and who completed, at least, the self-pretreatment PARS Scale. This sample was administered the self and informant pre PARS Scale at initial interview. In October of 1973, the number of treatment sessions in the three months following initial interview was secured from billing cards. At this same time, therapists at Delaunay were requested to assess the sample on their progress in therapy at that time or at termination. Four categories were possible: great, moderate, slight, and no progress. They were also requested to identify the certainty with which they made the assessment according to: great, moderate, or slight certainty. Following this, the self-pretreatment PARS Scale scores were correlated with number of treatment sessions. No relationship appeared for females between number of treatment sessions and self pre PARS Scale scores. For males, a non-significant trend was noted on most factors, indicating that a high self pre PARS score was indicative of fewer treatment sessions. A significant and inverse relationship between the self pre PARS Scale score on Alcohol-Drug and number of treatment sessions occurred for males, indicating that a high score on this factor was suggestive of fewer treatment sessions. The self-pretreatment PARS Scale scores were correlated with therapist assessment of progress in therapy. No relationship appeared for females. For males, no significant relationship appeared but a non-significant trend was indicated, suggesting that a high self pre PARS Scale score was indicative of a favorable therapist assessment on progress in therapy. Part Two of the study employed a non-random sample of fifteen females who had provided self and informant, pre and post treatment, PARS Scale scores. Post treatment, informant data was notably deficient in this part of the study and prevented the employment of males in the sample. Descriptive data on income, education, marital status, and presenting problem were provided for this sample. The sample was administered the self and informant, pretreatment, PARS Scale at initial interview. Three months after initial interview they were administered the self and informant, post treatment, PARS Scale if they remained in treatment for at least three months. As in Part One of this study, number of treatment sessions for the three months following initial interview were secured from the billing cards. In October of 1973, therapists were requested to provide a therapist behavioral assessment with four possible categories: improved, maintained, regressed (therapeutic), regressed (non-therapeutic). This assessment was to be made from recall and/or records at the time the self and informant, post treatment, PARS Scale was administered. Again, therapists were requested to indicate the degree of certainty involved in their assessment. The relationship between number of treatment sessions and the available self and informant, pre and post treatment, PARS Scale scores was explored. It was found that the self pre PARS score on Interpersonal Involvement, the self-post PARS score on Alcohol-Drug, and the informant post PARS score on Alcohol-Drug were significantly and inversely related to the number of treatment sessions. High scores on these factors indicated fewer treatment sessions. The relationship between therapist behavioral assessment and available self and informant, pre and post treatment, PARS Scale scores was explored. Results showed a significant and direct relationship between the self-post PARS score on Outside Social, the informant post PARS score on Alcohol-Drug and therapist behavioral assessment. High scores on these factors indicated a favorable therapist behavioral assessment. Evaluation of treatment services with the PARS Scale in Part Two of this study found the self, pre and post treatment, PARS Scale scores on Attention-Confusion to be the only PARS scores showing significant differences after three months of treatment. None of the remaining self-PARS scores and none of three informant PARS scores indicated any significant differences. It was recommended that the predictive capacity of the PARS Scale not be explored further. Further exploration of the use of the PARS Scale for evaluative purposes was suggested due to the limitations of the research design with regard to specificity and sampling. Finally, exploration of specific and individualized treatment evaluation, suggested by recent psychotherapy research, was encouraged.

Kompetenzanforderungen an das IT-Personal in deutschen Bibliotheken: eine Auswertung offener, unstrukturierter, qualitativer Experteninterviews ; Was muss man im Bereich der Bibliotheks-IT heute und in Zukunft kennen und können?

Kohlmann, Kenny Oliver 28 April 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ermittelt auf der Basis von qualitativen Experteninterviews aktuelle Anforderungsprofile bezüglich der Kompetenzen von IT-Mitarbeitern in deutschen Bibliotheken. Zunächst wird der aktuelle Forschungsstand in Fachpublikationen und Studienangeboten für IT-Personal in deutschen Bibliotheken analysiert. Sieben offene, unstrukturierte Experteninterviews bilden die Grundlage für die anschließende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring. Auf der Basis einer Paraphrasierung, Generalisierung und Reduktion der Interviewtexte ergeben sich induktiv inhaltliche Kategorien, in denen die Kernaussagen der Interviews als zusammenfassendes Protokoll dargestellt werden.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 Abbildungsverzeichnis 8 Tabellenverzeichnis 8 1 Einleitung 9 2 Fragestellung 12 2.1 Forschungsgegenstand 12 2.2 Forschungsstand 13 2.2.1 Fachpublikationen 13 2.2.2 Deutsche bibliotheks- und informationswissenschaftliche Studiengänge mit IT-Schwerpunkt und Studiengänge der Bibliotheksinformatik 20 2.3 Forschungsziel und -frage 22 3 Methodik 23 3.1 Offenes, unstrukturiertes qualitatives Experteninterview 23 3.2.1 Auswahlkriterien 24 3.2.2 Ausgewählte Experten 25 3.3 Pretestauswertung 29 3.4 Interviewdurchführung und Transkription 29 3.5 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring 30 4 Ergebnisse 33 4.1 Berufsbild 33 4.2 Ressource Personal 38 4.3 Kompetenzen von IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 42 4.4 IT-bibliothekarischer und bibliotheksinformatischer Bedarf in den verschiedenen Bibliotheken 49 4.5 Ausbildung und Studium zum IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 52 4.6 Weiterbildungen für IT-Personal in Bibliotheken 63 4.7 Beruflicher Austausch und Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT-Personal in Bibliotheken und Externen 65 4 Ergebnisse 5 Fazit und Ausblick 69 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 73 Selbstständigkeitserklärung Anhänge Anhang A: Transkription Experteninterview A Anhang B: Transkription Experteninterview B Anhang C: Transkription Experteninterview C Anhang D: Transkription Experteninterview D Anhang E: Transkription Experteninterview E Anhang F: Transkription Experteninterview F Anhang G: Transkription Experteninterview G Anhang H: Anhang H: Paraphrasierung und Generalisierung des Grundmaterials

P2HR, a personalized condition-driven person health record

King, Zachary January 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Health IT has recently seen a significant progress with the nationwide migration of several hospitals from legacy patient records to standardized Electronic Health Record (EHR) and the establishment of various Health Information Exchanges that facilitate access to patient health data across multiple networks. While this progress is a major enabler of improved health care services, it is unable to deliver the continuum of the patient's current and historical health data needed by emerging trends in medicine. Fields such as precision and preventive medicine require longitudinal health data in addition to complementary data such as social, demographic and family history. This thesis introduces a person health record (PHR) which overcomes the above gap through a personalized framework that organizes health data according to the patient’s disease condition. The proposed personalized person health record (P2HR) represents a departure from the standardized one-size-fits-all model of currently available PHRs. It also relies on a hybrid peer-to-peer model to facilitate patient provider communication. One of the core challenges of the proposed framework is the mapping between the event-based data model used by current EHRs and PHRs and the proposed condition-based data model. Effectively mapping symptoms and measurements to disease conditions is challenging given that each symptom or measurement may be associated with multiple disease conditions. To alleviate these problems the proposed framework allows users and their health care providers to establish the relationships between events and disease conditions on a case-by-case basis. This organization provides both the patient and the provider with a better view of each disease condition and its progression.

What to Expect

Smith, Eliza Montague 27 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between personal knowledge management and individual work performance: the moderating effect of self-perceived employability

Rakotoarison, Lova Miarantsoa January 2018 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Masters of Commerce in Management, 2018 / This study sought to contribute to a further convergence between three topical research areas: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Individual Work Performance (IWP) and SelfPerceived Employability (SPE). Specifically, this study investigated the moderating effect of SPE on the relationship between PKM and IWP. PKM is an interdisciplinary concept, connected with management science, information science; information technology and other disciplines. The shift from the industrial economy to the knowledge economy has contributed to the surfacing of the knowledge-based view of the organisations and the emergence of the concept of knowledge workers or “people who think for a living” (Davenport, 2005). Knowledge workers are individuals who possess or seek to develop unique cognitive competencies and skills built upon effective PKM. While it has been acknowledged in the literature that PKM encompasses a competency aspect on the one hand and a technological perspective on the other hand, the overall reflection conducted in this study claimed to be skills/competencies centric. In that regard, a competency model developed by Kirby (2005, 2008) comprising of four-fold dimensions was used in this study to measure PKM. These four dimensions include analytical competencies (ANL), social competencies (SOC), information competencies (INF) and learning competencies (LRN). The construct of IWP relates to the individual behaviours or actions displayed by knowledge workers which are relevant to the goals of the organisation. This implies that IWP focuses on behaviours or actions of workers rather than the results of these actions. In addition, these behaviours should be under the control of the individual, thus excluding behaviours that are constrained by the environment. IWP was measured using the three components relevant to the IWP namely task performance (TSK), contextual performance (CON) and counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Employability concerns the extent to which people possess the skills and other attributes to find and stay in the kind of work they want. Such individuals are assumed to display a greater propensity to IWP. SPE is relating to a self-assessment of the employees as to how the organisation they are working for value them as individuals. Most importantly, SPE is associated with v individuals’ self-perception of their merit based more on their personal competencies than features of their occupation. Through a review of relevant literature this study discussed how PKM impacts IWP, and how SPE can potentially impact that relationship. This study used a sample of working professional students studying at Wits Plus (the University of the Witwatersrand’s centre for part-time studies), Wits Business School and Wits School of Governance and will perform Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and hierarchical regression for data analysis. / XL2019

En skola för alla? : Lärares uppfattningar av inkludering i fritidshemmets verksamhet / A school for everyone? : Teachers perception of inclusion in after school activites

Löv, Julia, Svensson, Elvira January 2023 (has links)
Denna undersökning har till syfte att belysa vilka uppfattningar lärare i fritidshem harpå inkludering i sin fritidsverksamhet. Genom undersökningen visas vilka möjligheteroch hinder som finns i verksamheten på fritidshemmet.Genom att undersöka hur personalen ser på vad som behövs för att ge elever stöd, vilkaresurser som finns i fritidshemmet och som alla elever är inkluderade ifritidsverksamheten ger arbetet en liten inblick i hur det kan vara i fritidshemmet.Metoden som har använts är en kvalitativ metod i form av en enkätintervju med olikaformer av struktur på frågor för att kunna få ut så mycket information som möjligt.Resultaten har sedan analyserats och bearbetats med hjälp av den sociokulturella teorin,genom användningen av begreppen som används i teorin.Arbetet ger en kort översikt av hur utvecklingen av fritidshemmets verksamheter hargått till. Likaså hur det skulle kunna se ut i fritidshemmets verksamheter i dagensfritidshem.Resultatet visar på att det finns situationer som till exempel bristfälliga lokaler eller attpersonalen som saknar kompetens, vilket kan göra att verksamheten inte alltid fungerarsom man önskar att den skulle göra. Undersökningen visar även att det alltid finns sakersom man som personal kan arbeta med inom verksamheten. Undersökningen kan bidratill att skapa en större förståelse för hur verksamheten i fritidshem kan utvecklas på ettgivande sätt, med fokus på vikten av personalkompetens, anpassade lokaler och resurserför ändamålet samt möjligheten till resurser för att skapa en inkluderade miljö föreleverna.

Reforming personal property security law in Mexico

Garza Montemayor, Salvador. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

A Phenomenological Exploration of Counselors' Experiences in Personal Therapy

Bevly, Cynthia M. 05 1900 (has links)
Professional counselors may choose to increase self-awareness and/or engage in self-care through the use of personal therapy. In particular, counselors may feel reluctant to pursue personal therapy due to stigma related to their professional identity. To date, researchers have paid limited attention to the unique concerns of counselors in personal therapy. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore counselors' experiences and decision-making in seeking personal therapy. I addressed the following questions: What contributes to counselors' decision to seek personal therapy? How do counselors make meaning of their experiences in utilizing personal therapy? Participants included 13 licensed professional counselors who had attended personal therapy with a licensed mental health professional in the past three years. I identified six emergent themes through adapted classic phenomenological analysis: presenting concerns, therapist attributes, intrapersonal growth, interpersonal growth, therapeutic factors, and challenges. Participants reported positive changes in personality and relationships, as well as several barriers specifically related to their counselor identity. Findings inform mental health professionals and the field of counselor education and supervision about the personal and professional needs of counselors. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.

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