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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electrical and Optical Charactristics of InP Nanowire Photodetectors

MALEKRAH, MEHDI January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this project Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is used to investigate a new kind of photodiode that is based on nanowires. The photo current and I-V curves for different temperatures, different applied biases, in darkness and illumination condition have been studied. The experiment was conducted in the temperature range from 78 K (-195ºC) to 300 K (27ºC). These photo diodes are designed to work on NIR wavelengths. The results show some excellent properties, such as high break down voltage, and that is an important advantage for photo detectors, low and constant reverse saturation current (Is). The results show some defects, most of them come from fabrication. The design of the sample is also discussed.</p>

Electrical and Optical Charactristics of InP Nanowire Photodetectors

MALEKRAH, MEHDI January 2010 (has links)
In this project Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is used to investigate a new kind of photodiode that is based on nanowires. The photo current and I-V curves for different temperatures, different applied biases, in darkness and illumination condition have been studied. The experiment was conducted in the temperature range from 78 K (-195ºC) to 300 K (27ºC). These photo diodes are designed to work on NIR wavelengths. The results show some excellent properties, such as high break down voltage, and that is an important advantage for photo detectors, low and constant reverse saturation current (Is). The results show some defects, most of them come from fabrication. The design of the sample is also discussed.

Ge/SiGe quantum well devices for light modulation, detection, and emission

Chaisakul, Papichaya 23 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This PhD thesis is devoted to study electro-optic properties of Gemanium/Silicon-Germanium (Ge/SiGe) multiple quantum wells (MQWs) for light modulation, detection, and emission on Si platform. It reports the first development of high speed, low energy Ge/SiGe electro-absorption modulator in a waveguide configuration based on the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE), demonstrates the first Ge/SiGe photodiode with high speed performance compatible with 40 Gb/s data transmission, and realizes the first Ge/SiGe light emitting diode based on Ge direct gap transition at room temperature. Extensive DC and RF measurements were performed on each tested prototype, which was realized using the same epitaxial growth and fabrication process. Simple theoretical models were employed to describe experimental properties of the Ge/SiGe MQWs. The studies show that Ge/SiGe MQWs could potentially be employed as a new photonics platform for the development of a high speed optical link fully compatible with silicon technology.

Réalisation et caractérisation de mesures quantiques non-destructives en optique .

Poizat, Jean-Philippe 10 June 1993 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif d'un dispositif de mesure qnd est de contrôler l'action en retour, imposée par la mécanique quantique, qui se produit sur un système soumis a une mesure. Il est, en effet, possible de rejeter cette perturbation entièrement sur l'observable complémentaire de celle mesurée, laissant cette dernière inchangées. Nous présentons ici, de manière détaillée, un ensemble de critères quantitatifs permettant d'évaluer les performances d'un dispositif mesurant l'intensité d'un faisceau lumineux. Ces critères permettent en particulier de séparer clairement des domaines classique et quantique de fonctionnement d'un tel dispositif. La première expérience realisee utilise le couplage par effet kerr croise de deux faisceaux laser dans un milieu non linéaire. Ce milieu est compose d'un jet atomique de sodium place dans une cavite optique doublement résonnante. Nous avons effectue une analyse théorique complète des proprietes de bruit quantique d'un tel système. Nous avons identifie un régime de paramètres, base sur des effets de déplacement lumineux, pour lequel il existe un transfert efficace d'information du faisceau incident vers la voie de mesure, sans dégradation appréciable du signal. Ces prévisions théoriques ont ensuite été vérifiées dans notre expérience. Nous présentons également une deuxième expérience utilisant la détection puis la réémission de la lumière par des composants optoélectroniques a semi-conducteur. Nous montrons que lorsque les taux de conversion photon-électron pour les photodiodes et électron-photon our les diodes electro-luminescentes sont proches de l'unité, ce dispositif permet de mesurer puis de recréer les fluctuations quantiques du faisceau incident. La démonstration de principe que nous avons realisee laisse présager des applications possibles dans le domaine des réseaux de télécommunication optique.

Modelling, Fabrication and Characterization of HgCdTe Infrared Detectors for High Operating Temperatures

Srivastav, Vanya January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we have designed, simulated, fabricated and characterized homojunction Hg1-xCdxTe detector for high operating temperature in the MWIR region. The IR photon detectors need cryogenic cooling to suppress thermal generation. The temperature of operation in narrow gap semiconductor devices is limited by the noise due to statistical nature of thermal generation-recombination in narrow gap semiconductors. To make IR systems affordable they have to be operated without cooling or with minimal cooling compatible with low cost, low power and long life. Several fundamental and technological limitations to uncooled operation of photon detectors have been discussed in Chapter-1 of this thesis. Way and means adopted to increase the operating temperature, such as non-equilibrium operation, use of multilayer stacked hetero¬structures, optical immersion etc. have also been discussed. Key to improving the detector performance at any temperature is reduction of dark currents to level below the photocurrent and ultimately to the level where detector noise is determined by the fluctuations in photon flux from the scene (BLIP limit). In addition, design of present generation uncooled Hg1-xCdxTe infrared photon detectors relies on complex hetero-structures with a basic unit cell of type n+/π/p+. Theoretical modeling and numerical simulations on TLHJ device consisting of backside illuminated n+/π/p+ photodiodes have been performed. A numerical model for solving carrier transport equations for Hg1-xCdxTe infrared photodiodes was developed in MATLAB. Finite difference discretization of carrier transport equations and successive over relaxation method have been adopted. Numerical models are more appropriate than analytical models when analyzing multi-layer hetero-structures because we can account for realistic doping profiles, compositional grading and hetero-structures using this model. The model can be suitably modified to accommodate different device architectures, designs, material properties and operating temperature. Such a generalized model is useful to a device designer to customize the detector performance as per the availability of the material to suit the application specific requirements. The present work therefore proposes a more flexible, accurate and generalized methodology to accommodate the user needs by simulating the position dependence of carrier concentration, electrostatic potential and g-r rates and their effect on detector performance vis-à¬vis contact doping, absorber doping and absorber width on device performance. We detail aspects of our simulation model by developing a library of Hg1-xCdxTe properties using analytical and empirical expressions for material parameters (energy band gap, electron affinity, intrinsic carrier concentration, carrier effective mass, carrier mobility, dielectric constant and absorption coefficient). The PDEs were solved using the FDM coupled with SOR method. Behavior of Hg1-xCdxTe diodes (homo/hetero-junction) under different biasing, illumination and non equilibrium situations were modeled. Model has been validated for experimental measured data on n on p Hg1-xCdxTe photodiodes. The numerical computations are next applied to simulation/modeling of MWIR (λc=4.5 μm) n+/π/p+ TLHJ device for operation at T=250K. Several recombination processes occur in Hg1¬-xCdxTe depending on material quality, operating temperature, device design and processing conditions. Detailed mathematical models of radiative, Auger, Shockley Read Hall (SRH), surface recombination and optical g-r are analyzed and their effect on carrier lifetime have been evaluated. Analytical models for dark currents affecting the performance of Hg1-xCdxTe diodes at different temperatures are discussed. The mechanisms contributing to dark current are: (i) the thermal diffusion of minority carriers from the neutral regions (IDiff); (ii) generation-recombination from the space charge region of diode (IG-R) (iii) trap assisted tunneling currents, wherein the traps in the depletion region or the traps in the quasi neutral p region close to the depletion edge participate in the tunneling process(ITAT); (iii) band-to-band tunneling currents (IBTB) and (iv) surface leakage currents due to shunt resistance. Total current of a photodiode is ITOT=IDiff+IG-R+ITAT+IBTB+ISH-IP, where IP is the photocurrent. We evaluate the variation of electrostatic potential, carrier concentration, and electric field and g-r profiles as a function of position. The effect of variation in absorber width, doping and contact doping on D* is also analyzed. The mathematical models of different g-r processes (Auger, SRH, radiative, surface recombination and optical generation) affecting the device performance analyzed and their affect on carrier lifetimes are investigated. Responsivity ~3.25Amp-Watt-1, noise current~2pA/Hz1/2 and D* ~8x109 cmHz1/2watt-1 at 0.1V reverse bias have been calculated using optimized values of doping concentration, absorber width and carrier lifetime. The suitability of the method has been illustrated by demonstrating the feasibility of achieving the optimum device performance by carefully selecting the device design and other parameters. The numerical models provided insight about the operation and performance of Hg1-xCdxTe Auger-suppressed infrared photodiodes. Hetero-junction configuration increases the dynamic resistance, while the heavily doped contacts reduce the contact resistance. Wide gap/heavily doped contacts present a barrier to injection of minority carries into the absorber layer. At the same time they allow collection of minority carriers generated in the absorber region at the contacts. Hg1-xCdxTe hetero-diodes are grown by MOCVD and MBE with precise doping and compositional gradient control to reduce g-r contributions from defects and dislocations to the dark current in order to reap advantages of Auger suppression. Measured dark currents in hetero-junction photodiodes continue to be larger than expected in spite of the advancements in MBE technique. Delineation of an array on hetero-structures involves mesa separation of the diodes thus creating additional surface requiring passivation. Overall, the whole effort of fabricating a hetero Hg1-xCdxTe detector array is disproportionate to the overall gain in the performance. Therefore, we employ a much simpler fabrication process of homo-junction Hg1-xCdxTe detectors. It involves a planar device fabrication approach thus minimizing the surface passivation problem. We have deliberated upon the specific growth, characterization techniques and processing steps employed in our study. We discuss some of the experimental issues. We also presented results on the novel processing techniques developed that are potentially applicable to HOT technology and Hg1-xCdxTe technology in general. Hg1-xCdxTe (x=0.27-0.31) layer of ~ 15×15mm2 area and 15-20µm thickness is grown on CdZnTe substrate by Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) in-house. As grown wafer is vacancy doped p-type with a carrier concentration of ~5×1015-1x1016 cm-3 and hole mobility of ~400cm2V-1s-1@80K. Planar n+/ν/p junction ~2-3µm deep is formed by B+ ion implantation and subsequent annealing; details are outlined in Chapter-4. Hall measurements and differential Hall measurements were used to find the carrier concentration, carrier mobility, resistivity of the wafer. The diodes are formed in the form of a 2D array along with various PEV’s for process characterization. Composition of Hg1-xCdxTe wafers used for the work is in the range of 0.27¬ 0.31 as determined by FTIR, corresponding to cutoff wavelength of 4.5-6.5µm. Junction depth and doping profile of the diodes after ion implantation was characterized by differential Hall technique. Transient minority carrier lifetime in fabricated MWIR n+/ν/p Hg1-xCdxTe (x=0.27) diodes were characterized using diode reverse-recovery technique. We prefer this method because it is a direct indicator of device as well as material quality post processing. By this time the device has undergone all the chemical/mechanical treatments and the measured lifetime is the cumulative of g-r mechanisms operative in bulk, space charge region and surface of diode. The value of lifetime extracted from the measured data lies in the range of 80-160ns. Variable temperature lifetime data was also extracted to determine the prevalent g-r process operative in the device. Diode dark I-V and junction C-V measurements were also made to correlate the observed behavior of the measured lifetime with g-r processes. Evidence of Auger suppression at room temperature is seen in the dark I-V characteristics via observation of negative differential resistance in the homo-junction Hg1-xCdxTe diodes. The experimental data is fitted using the numerical and analytical models developed. Based on this fitting, the current mechanisms limiting the dark current in these photodiodes are extracted. An improved analytical I-V model is reported by incorporating TAT and electric field enhanced Shockley-Read-Hall generation recombination process due to dislocations. Tunneling currents are fitted before and after the Auger suppression of carriers with energy level of trap (Et), trap density (Nt) and the doping concentrations of n+ and νregions as fitting parameters. Values of Et and Nt were determined as 0.78-0.80Eg and ~7-9×1014 cm-3 respectively in all cases. Doping concentration of νregion was found to exhibit non-equilibrium depletion from a value of 2×1016 to 4×1015 cm-3. Quantum efficiency of the diodes was found to ~25-30%. Note, that these are wafer level measurements on unpackaged device without backside AR coating. In addition to junction diodes, we present results on several PEV's such as VADA, MIS/MIM capacitors and TLM structures both at room and low temperature. Variable temperature measurements for a VADA tile and subsequent analysis provide evidence of g-r processes originating from defects, dislocations and dislocation loops, which are non-uniformly distributed across the Hg1-xCdxTe wafer and contributes to TAT current at high temperatures. MIS analysis yielded surface charge density lying between 3×1010-1×1011 cm-2 for ZnS/CdTe surface corresponding to a near flat band condition. Results of low and variable temperature measurements on the devices have also been shown to correlate it with the possibility of operating the device at mid temperatures such as 180-250K.

Měření rozložení optické intenzity ve vzdálené zóně / Measurement of the optical intensity distribution at the far field

Vitásek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this master’s thesis is energy measurement of the optical intensity distribu-tion at the far field. Properties of the optical intensity and the optical power are described. In this thesis solution of wave equation is done. The plane wave, spherical wave and Gaussian beam are described. In this thesis, optical trace of laser beam from transmitter laser diode to receiver PIN photodiode is described. One of the solved problems is diffraction on the lens socket. The basic configuration for diffraction investigation on lens socket was created. There were transmitting laser diode, stop with circular apertures and PIN photodiode used in the experiment. In the other part, thesis deals with measuring and detection of the optical beam. Sorts of photodiodes and their characteristics were analysed.

Návrh optického převodníku pro EMC / Design of EMC optical converter

Štěpánek, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Master's thesis is focused on designing optical converter for EMC measurement transfering signal through noisy enviroment. First part contains analysis of electromagnetic interference and its coupling and measurement, especially types of probes for interference maesurement. Next part passing through designing of optoelectric and electrooptic converter with digital intensity modulation. Last part is about realization of optical converter.

Achieving Optimal Alignments of IR Source and Detector in Waveguide Based Gas Sensor / Att uppnå optimal placering av IR-källa och detektor i vågledarbaserade gassensorer

Güler, Sefik, Agwu, Agbai Randolph January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att tekniken för mikroelektromekaniska system utvecklas uppkommer det nya områden för tillämpning. Ett område är inom gassensorer där icke-dispersiv infraröd strålning används genom att mäta absorptionen hos olika gaser för att bestämma mängden av en specifik gas i luften. I detta projekt var målet att använda en vågledare med en infraröd lysdiod på ena sidan och en fotodetektor på andra sidan där vågledaren har som uppgift att utsätta ljuset för maximal mängd koldioxid innandet träffar fotodetektorn. Motiveringen för valet av koldioxid var att det är en gas som har stor påverkan på både klimat och arbetsmiljö. Metoden som ansågs vara bäst för placeringen av tidigare nämnda komponenter var att använda programmerbara rörelseenheter som kallas hexapod som består av sex ben som möjliggör tredimensionella rörelser och rotationer kring varje axel i det kartesiska koordinatsystemet. Experiment där elektromagnetiska störningar från lysdioden undersöktes vilket visade att det förekom elektromagnetisk störning samt att lysdioden påverkade fotodetektorn genom spridning trots att lysdiod och fotodetektor inte var vända mot varandra. / As the technology for microelectromechanical systems develops, new areas of application are emerging. One area is within gas sensors where non-dispersive infrared radiation is used by measuring the absorption of various gases to determine the concentration of a specific gas in the air. In this project, the goal was to use a waveguide with an infrared LED on one side and a photodetector on the other side where the waveguide has the task of exposing the light to the maximum amount of carbon dioxide before it hits the photodetector. The reason for the choice of carbon dioxide was that it is a gas that has a great impact on both the climate and the working environment. The method that was considered to be best for the placement of the aforementioned components was to use programmable motion units called hexapods which consist of six struts that enable three-dimensional movements and rotations around each axis of the Cartesian coordinate system. Experiments in which the electromagnetic interference from the LED were investigated showed that there was electromagnetic interference and that the LED affected the photodetector by scattering, even though the LED and photodetector were not facing each other.

Electro-Optic Range Signatures of Canonical Targets Using Direct Detection LIDAR

Ruff, Edward Clark, III 29 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ge/SiGe quantum well devices for light modulation, detection, and emission / Composants à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe pour la modulation, la détection et l’émission de lumière

Chaisakul, Papichaya 23 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des propriétés optiques et optoélectroniques autour de la bande interdite directe des structures à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe pour la modulation, la photodétection et l’émission de lumière sur la plateforme silicium. Les principaux composants réalisés sont : un modulateur optique en guide d’onde, rapide et à faible puissance électrique, basé sur l’Effet Stark Confiné Quantiquement, les premières photodiodes Ge/SiGe dont le comportement fréquentiel est compatible avec les transmissions de données à 40 Gbit/s, et la première diode à électroluminescence à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe, base sur la transition directe de ces structures et fonctionnant à température ambiante. Les caractérisations statiques et fréquentielles ont été réalisées sur l’ensemble des composants, qui ont tous été fabriqués avec la même structure épitaxiée et les mêmes procédés de fabrication. Des modèles théoriques simples ont ensuite été utilisés pour décrire analyser les comportements observés. Finalement les études menées permettent de conclure que les structures à puits quantiques Ge/SiGe sont un candidat de choix pour la réalisation d’une nouvelle plateforme photonique à haut débit, totalement compatible avec les technologies silicium. / This PhD thesis is devoted to study electro-optic properties of Gemanium/Silicon-Germanium (Ge/SiGe) multiple quantum wells (MQWs) for light modulation, detection, and emission on Si platform. It reports the first development of high speed, low energy Ge/SiGe electro-absorption modulator in a waveguide configuration based on the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE), demonstrates the first Ge/SiGe photodiode with high speed performance compatible with 40 Gb/s data transmission, and realizes the first Ge/SiGe light emitting diode based on Ge direct gap transition at room temperature. Extensive DC and RF measurements were performed on each tested prototype, which was realized using the same epitaxial growth and fabrication process. Simple theoretical models were employed to describe experimental properties of the Ge/SiGe MQWs. The studies show that Ge/SiGe MQWs could potentially be employed as a new photonics platform for the development of a high speed optical link fully compatible with silicon technology.

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