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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photonic Integration with III-V Semiconductor Technologies

Paul, Tuhin 13 April 2022 (has links)
This dissertation documents works on two projects, which are broadly related to photonic integration using III-V semiconductor platform for fiber-based optical communication. Our principal project aims to demonstrate continuous variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) with InP-based photonic integrated cir cuit at the 1550 nanometer of optical wavelength. CV QKD protocols, in which the key is encoded in the quadrature variables of light, has generated immense interest over the years because of its compatibility with the existing telecom infrastructure. In this thesis, we have proposed a design of a photonic inte grated circuit potentially capable of realizing this protocol with coherent states of light. From the practical perspective, we have basically designed an optical transmitter and an optical receiver capable of carrying out coherent communi cation via the optical fiber. Initially, we established a mathematical model of the transceiver system based on the optical transfer matrix of the foundry spe cific (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute-Germany) building blocks. We have shown that our chip design is versatile in the sense that it can support multiple modulation schemes. Based on the mathematical model, we estimated the link budget to assess the feasibility of on-chip implementation of our protocol. Then we ran a circuit level simulation using the process design kit provided by our foundry to put our analysis on a better footing. The encouraging result from this step prompted us to generate the mask layout for our transceiver chips, which we eventually submitted to the foundry. The other project in the thesis grew out of a collaboration with one of our industry partners. The goal of the project is to enhance the performance of a distributed feedback laser emitting at the 1310 nanometer of optical wavelength by optimizing its design. To that end, we first derived the expression for transmission and reflection spectrum for the laser cavity. Those expressions contained parameters which needed to be obtained from the transverse and the longitudinal mode analysis of the laser. We performed the transverse mode analysis and the longitudinal mode analysis with commercially available numerical solvers. Those mode profiles critically depend on the grating physical parameters. Therefore by tweaking grating dimensions one can control the transmission characteristics of the laser.

Spectral Multiplexing and Information Processing for Quantum Networks

Navin Bhartoor Lingaraju (10723737) 29 April 2021 (has links)
Modern fiber-optic networks leverage massive parallelization of communications channels in the spectral domain, as well as low-noise recovery of optical signals, to achieve high rates of information transfer. However, quantum information imposes additional constraints on optical transport networks – the no-cloning theorem forbids use of signal regeneration and many network protocols are premised on operations like Bell state measurements that prize spectral indistinguishability. Consequently, a key challenge for quantum networks is identifying a path to high-rate and high-fidelity quantum state transport.<div><br></div><div>To bridge this gap between the capabilities of classical and quantum networks, we developed techniques that harness spectral multiplexing of quantum channels, as well as that support frequency encoding. In relation to the former, we demonstrated reconfigurable connectivity over arbitrary subgraphs in a multi-user quantum network. In particular, through flexible provisioning of the pair source bandwidth, we adjusted the rate at which entanglement was distributed over any user-to-user link. To facilitate networking protocols compatible with both spectral multiplexing and frequency encoding, we synthesized a Bell state analyzer based on mixing outcomes that populate different spectral modes, in contrast to conventional approaches that are based on mixing outcomes that populate different spatial paths. This advance breaks the tradeoff between the fidelity of remote entanglement and the spectral distinguishability of photons participating in a joint measurement.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Finally, we take steps toward field deployment by developing photonic integrated circuits to migrate the aforementioned functionality to a chip-scale platform while also achieving the low loss transmission and high-fidelity operation needed for practical quantum networks.<br></div>

Design and Numerical Modelling of Nanoplasmonic Structures at Near-Infrared for Telecom Applications

Ebadi, Seyed Morteza January 2022 (has links)
Industrial innovation is mostly driven by miniaturization. As a result of remarkable technological advancements in the fields of equipment, materials and production processes, transistor, the fundamental active component in conventional electronics, has shrunk in size. Semiconductor technology is unique in that all performance metrics are enhanced, while at the same time unit prices are reduced. Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of components per chip will double every two years, was established in 1965, and the industry has been able to keep up with this prophetic prognosis since. Thermal management, on the other hand, has become a key limiting factor for current electronic circuits and is set to put a stop to Moore’s Law. Given the fact that complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) scaling is reaching fundamental limits, there are several new alternative processing devices and architectures that have been investigated for both traditional integrated circuit (IC) technologies and novel technologies, including new technologies aimed at contributing to advances in scaling progress and cost reductions in manufacturing operations in the coming decades. These factors will encourage the development of new information processing and memory systems, new technologies for integrating numerous features heterogeneously and new system architectural design layouts, among other things. Energy efficiency is advantageous from a sustainability perspective and for consumer electronics, for which fewer power-hungry components mean longer times between charges and smaller batteries. The creation of novel chip-scale tools that can aid in the transfer of information across optical frequencies and microscale photonics between nanoscale electronic devices is now a possibility. Bridging this technological gap may be achieved by plasmonics. The incorporation of plasmonic, photonic and electrical components on a single chip may lead to a number of innovative breakthroughs. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) enable the realization of ultra-small, high-efficiency, ultra-responsive and CMOS-compatible devices that can be used in applications ranging from optical wireless communication systems (6G and beyond) and supercomputers to health and energy.   This thesis provides a platform from which to design nanoplasmonic devices while facilitating high-transmission and/or absorption efficiency, miniaturized size and the use of near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths for telecom applications. With a significant amount of Internet traffic transmitted optically, communication systems are further tightening the requirements for the development of new optical devices. Several new device structures based on the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) plasmonic waveguide are proposed and investigated using performance metrics. The transmission line theory (TLM) from microwave circuit theory and coupled mode theory (CMT) is studied and employed in the design process of the nanostructures, in particular to address the losses in plasmonic-based devices, which has been the major factor hampering their widespread usage in communication systems. By taking advantage of well-established microwave circuit theory (through new design that paves the way for mitigating these losses and enabling efficient transmission of power flow in the optical devices), we have suggested a number of high-transmission efficiency nanodevices that offer highly competitive performance compared with other platforms. As a result, a promising future for plasmonic technology, which would enable design and fabrication of multipurpose and multifunctional optical devices that are efficient in terms of losses, footprint and capability of integrating active devices, is anticipated. / Branschinnovation drivs främst av miniatyrisering. Som ett resultat av anmärkningsvärda tekniska framsteg inom områdena utrustning, material och produktionsprocesser kunde transistoren, den grundläggande aktiva komponenten i samtida elektronik, krympa i storlek. Halvledarteknik är unik genom att alla prestandamått förbättras, samtidigt som enhetspriserna sänks. Moores Lag, som förutspår att antalet komponenter per chip skulle fördubblas vartannat år, inrättades 1965, och branschen har kunnat hålla jämna steg med den profetiska prognosen sedan dess. Termisk hantering, å andra sidan, har blivit en viktig begränsande faktor för nuvarande elektroniska kretsar, och är inställd på att sätta stopp för Moores Lag. Med tanke på att CMOS-skalningen (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) når grundläggande gränser finns det flera nya alternativa bearbetningsanordningar och arkitekturer som har undersökts för både traditionell integrerad kretsteknik och ny teknik. Ny teknik som syftar till att bidra till framsteg i skalningen av framsteg och kostnadsminskningar i tillverkningsverksamheten under de kommande årtiondena. Dessa faktorer uppmuntrar utvecklingen av nya informationsbehandlings- och minnessystem, ny teknik för att integrera många funktioner heterogent och nya systemarkitekturdesignlayouter, bland annat. Energieffektivitet är fördelaktigt ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv och för hemelektronik, där färre krafthungriga elektroniker innebär längre tid mellan laddningar och stimulerar för ett mindre energilagringssystem ombord. Skapandet av nya chip-scale verktyg som kan bidra till överföring av information över optiska frekvenser och mikroskala fotonik mellan elektroniska enheter i nanoskala är nu en möjlighet. Överbrygga denna tekniska klyfta kan uppnås av plasmonics. Införlivandet av plasmoniska, fotoniska och elektriska komponenter på ett enda chip kan leda till ett antal innovativa genombrott. Fotoniska integrerade kretsar (PIC-enheter) möjliggör förverkligande av ultrasmå, högeffektiva, ultraresponsiva och CMOS-kompatibla enheter som kan användas i applikationer som sträcker sig från optiska trådlösa kommunikationssystem (6G och därefter), superdatorer till hälso- och energiändamål. Denna avhandling ger en plattform för att designa nanoplasmoniska enheter samtidigt som den innehåller hög överförings- och eller absorptionseffektivitet, miniatyriserad storlek och vid önskade våglängder av nära infraröd (NIR) för telekomapplikationer. Med den betydande mängden Internettrafik som överförs optiskt skärper kommunikationssystemen ytterligare kraven för utveckling av nya optiska enheter. Flera nya enhetsstrukturer baserade på metall-isolator-metall (MIM) plasmonisk vågledare föreslås och numeriskt undersöks. Överföringslinjeteorin (TLM) från mikrovågskretsteori och kombinationslägesteori (CMT) studeras och används i nanostrukturerna. För att ta itu med de förluster i plasmonbaserade enheter som har varit den viktigaste parametern som hindrade deras utbredda användning i kommunikationssystem, genom att dra nytta av den väletablerade mikrovågskretsteorin (genom ny design som banar väg för att mildra förlusterna och möjliggöra effektiv överföring av kraftflödet i den optiska enheten).  Vi har framgångsrikt föreslagit ett antal nanodevices med hög överföringseffektivitet som erbjuder en mycket konkurrenskraftig prestanda jämfört med andra plattformar. Som ett resultat förväntar vi oss en lovande framtid för plasmonisk teknik som skulle möjliggöra design och tillverkning av mångsidiga och multifunktionella optiska enheter som är effektiva när det gäller förluster, fotavtryck och förmåga att integrera aktiva enheter. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för framläggandet av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete II inskickat, III, IV, V manuskript.</p><p>At the time of the licentiate defence the following papers were unpublished: paper II submitted, III, IV, V manuscript.</p>

Periodic Poling of Lithium Niobate Thin Films for Integrated Nonlinear Optics

Nagy, Jonathan Tyler 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Compact and Energy-Efficient Forward-Biased PN Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulator

Dev, Sourav, Singh, Karanveer, Hosseini, Reza, Misra, Arijit, Catuneanu, Mircea, Preußler, Stefan, Schneider, Thomas, Jamshidi, Kambiz 11 June 2024 (has links)
A compact device model along with simulations and an experimental analysis of a forward-biasedPNjunction-based silicon Mach-Zehndermodulator (MZM) with a phase-shifter length of 0.5 mm is presented. By placing the PN junction to a certain off-center such that72%of thewaveguide is p-doped, the refractive index swing at a given drive voltage swing is increased by 2% compared to the symmetric layout. The effects of the phase shifters’ length mismatch and asymmetric splitting on the modulation efficiency and extinction ratio of the modulator are simulated and compared with experimental results.Without any pre-emphasis or post-processing, a high-speed operation up to 15 Gb/s using a nonreturn-to-zero modulation format is demonstrated. A modulation efficiency (V πL) as low as 0.07 V × cm is verified and power consumption of 0.88 mW/Gb/s is recorded while a high extinction ratio of 33 dB is experimentally demonstrated. Compared to previously reported forward-biased silicon integrated modulators, without active tuning of the power splitting ratio between the arms, the extinction ratio is 10 dB higher. This MZM along with its compact structure is also sufficiently energy-efficient due to its low power consumption. Thus, it can be suitable for applications like analog signal processing and high-order amplitude modulation transmissions.

Optical Frequency Domain Interferometry for the Characterization and Development of Complex and Tunable Photonic Integrated Circuits

Bru Orgiles, Luis Alberto 28 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis aborda la caracterización de circuitos fotónicos integrados (PIC) usando interferometría óptica en el domino de las frecuencias (OFDI). OFDI tiene una implementación razonablemente simple e interroga al dispositivo bajo test (DUT) proporcionando su respuesta en el dominio del tiempo, en la que los distintos caminos ópticos seguidos por la luz se manifiestan en contribuciones que contienen información de posición, amplitud y fase. Junto con un "setup" OFDI construido en nuestros laboratorios y estructuras de test integradas que involucran anillos resonantes, interferómetros, etc., proponemos e implementamos técnicas para obtener parámetros ópticos cruciales tales como el índice de grupo, dispersión cromática, rotación de polarización y pérdidas de propagación en guías de onda. También para caracterizar acopladores ópticos. Se realizan evaluaciones directas de fase óptica en diferentes experimentos para, entre otras aplicaciones, caracterizar efectos de calor en chips. En la culminación de la tesis, se aborda la integración conjunta de los interferómetros de OFDI junto con el DUT, concibiéndolo como una estructura de caracterización integrada. El uso de guías de onda integradas proporciona una alta estabilidad y adaptación al DUT, además de un mecanismo inherente de compensación de la dispersión. Se realiza un análisis y prueba de concepto experimental caracterizando un "arrayed waveguide grating" en tecnología de nitruro de silicio. Seguidamente, se da un paso adelante proponiendo una arquitectura interferométrica de tres brazos novedosa que permite reducir la complejidad de la medida. Se lleva a cabo una validación experimental amplia usando distintos equipos de laboratorio, acoplamiento horizontal y vertical al chip, y diferentes DUTs en tecnologías de nitruro de silicio y "silicon-on-insulator". / [CAT] Aquesta tesi aborda la caracterització de circuits fotònics integrats (PIC) usant interferometria òptica al domini de les freqüències (OFDI). OFDI té una implementació raonablement simple i interroga el dispositiu sota test (DUT) proporcionant la seva resposta en el domini del temps, en què els diferents camins òptics seguits per la llum es manifesten en contribucions que contenen informació de posició, amplitud i fase. Juntament amb un "setup" OFDI construït als nostres laboratoris i estructures de test integrades que involucren anells ressonants, interferòmetres, etc., proposem i implementem tècniques per obtenir paràmetres òptics crucials com ara l'índex de grup, dispersió cromàtica, rotació de polarització i pèrdues de propagació en guies d'ona. També per caracteritzar acobladors òptics. Es fan avaluacions directes de fase òptica en diferents experiments per, entre altres aplicacions, caracteritzar efectes de calor en xips. A la culminació de la tesi, s'aborda la integració conjunta dels interferòmetres d'OFDI juntament amb el DUT, concebent-ho com una estructura de caracterització integrada. L'ús de guies d'ona integrades proporciona una alta estabilitat i adaptació al DUT, a més d'un mecanisme inherent de compensació de la dispersió. Es realitza una anàlisi i prova de concepte experimental caracteritzant un "arrayed waveguide grating" en tecnologia de nitrur de silici. Seguidament, es fa un pas avant proposant una arquitectura interferomètrica de tres braços nova que permet reduir la complexitat de la mesura. Es du a terme una validació experimental àmplia usant diferents equips de laboratori, acoblament horitzontal i vertical al xip, i diferents DUTs en tecnologies de nitrur de silici i "silicon-on-insulator". / [EN] This PhD thesis covers the characterization of complex photonic integrated circuits (PIC) by using Optical Frequency Domain Interferometry (OFDI). OFDI has a fairly simple implementation and interrogates the device under test (DUT) providing its time domain response, in which the different optical paths followed by light manifest in contributions with position, amplitude and phase information. Together with a working OFDI setup built in our laboratory and integrated test structures involving devices such as ring resonators, interferometers, etc., we propose and implement techniques to get crucial optical parameters such as waveguide group refractive index, chromatic dispersion, polarization rotation, and propagation loss. Also, to characterize optical couplers. Direct optical phase assessment is made in different experiments permitting, amongst others, the characterization of on-chip heat effects. In the culmination of the thesis, the co-integration of the OFDI interferometers with the DUT is addressed, conceiving it as an integrated characterization structure. The use of integrated waveguides provide high stability and adaptation to the DUT, as well as an inherent dispersion de-embedding mechanism. It is provided analysis and experimental proof of concept with an arrayed waveguide grating as DUT in a silicon nitride platform. A considerable leap forward is then taken by proposing a novel three-way interferometer architecture, reducing the measurement complexity. Wide experimental validation is carried out using different laboratory equipment, horizontal and vertical chip coupling, and different DUTs in silicon nitride and silicon-on-insulator. / Bru Orgiles, LA. (2022). Optical Frequency Domain Interferometry for the Characterization and Development of Complex and Tunable Photonic Integrated Circuits [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181635

Photonic Integrated Circuits Utilizing Nano-Electromechanical Systems on Silicon-on-Insulator Platform for Software Defined Networking in Elastic Optical Networks: New Insights Into Phased Array Systems, Tunable WDM, and Cascaded FIR and IIR Architectures

Hussein, Ali Abdulsattar 09 September 2019 (has links)
Optical communications systems operate at the limits of their margins to respond to increasing capacity demands. Some of the signal processing functions required must soon operate at speeds beyond electronic implementation. Optical signal processors are fundamentally analog which requires precise control of the operating state. Programmable optical components are consequently essential. The thesis explores and elucidates the properties of meshes of generalized Mach-Zehnder interferometers (GMZIs) amenable to silicon (Si) photonics integration that are based on multimode interference couplers with programmability achieved via voltage controlled phase-shift elements within the interferometer arms to perform a variety of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) signal processing functions. The thesis presents a novel class of integrated photonic phased array systems with a single-stage, multistage, and feedback architectures. The designed photonic integrated systems utilize nano-electromechanical-system (NEMS) operated phase shifters of cascaded free suspended slot waveguides that are compact and require a small amount of power to operate. The structure of the integrated photonic phased array switch (IPPAS) elements is organized such that it brings the NEMS-operated phase shifters to the exterior sides of the construction; facilitating electrical connection. The transition slot couplers used to interconnect the phase shifters to the rest of the silicon structure are designed to enable biasing one of the silicon beams of each phase shifter from an electrode located at the side of the phase shifter. The other silicon beam of each phase shifter is biased through the rest of the silicon structure of the fabric, which is taken as a ground. Phased array processors of 2×2 and 4×4 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) ports are conveniently designed within reasonable footprints native to the current fabrication technologies. The response of the single-stage 4×4 broadband IPPAS element is determined, and its phase synthesis states required for single-throw, double-throw and broadcast routing operations are predicted. The transmission responses of the single-stage wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) processors of 2×2 and 4×4 MIMO ports are simulated. The wavelength steering capability of the transmission interferograms by applying progressive phase shifts through the array of NEMS-operated phase shift elements of the single-stage 4×4 WDM (de)multiplexer is demonstrated. The advantages of cascading broadband and WDM phased array sections are articulated through several study cases. Five different cascaded phased array architectures are trialed for the construction of non-blocking 4×4 IPPAS broadband switches that are essential elements in the construction of universal photonic processors. A cascaded 2×2 WDM (de)multiplexer that can set the bandwidth of the (de)multiplexed cyclic channels into a binary number of programmable values is demonstrated. The envelope and wavelength modulations of the transmission responses utilizing a cascaded forward structure of three 2×2 sections that can be utilized for the (de)multiplexing of different bandwidth channels are demonstrated providing individual wavelength steering capability of the narrowband and wideband channels and the individual wavelength steering capability of the slow envelope and wavelength modulating functions. Innovative universal 2×2 and 4×4 cascaded phased array processors of advanced high-order architectures that can function as both non-blocking broadband routers and tunable WDM (de)multiplexers with spectrum steering and bandwidth control of the (de)multiplexed demands are introduced. The multimode interference (MMI) coupler is utilized for the construction of several IIR feedback photonic processors. Tunable photonic feedback processors have the advantage of using less number of MMI couplers compared to their counterparts of FIR forward-path processors saving on the footprint and loss merits. A passive feedback 2×2 (de)multiplexer made of a 4×4 MMI coupler and two loopback paths is proposed. The inclusion of an imbalance in the lengths of the loopback paths of the same symmetrical feedback (de)multiplexer is demonstrated to achieve wavelength modulation of the (de)multiplexed transmission responses that are useful for the (de)multiplexing of different bandwidth channels. Several newly introduced IIR feedback architectures are demonstrated to function similarly as their counterparts of FIR forward-path processors as binary bandwidth variable (de)multiplexers, envelope and wavelength modulation (de)multiplexers, and universal feedback processors. The investigation provided in this thesis is also supported with dynamic zero-pole evolution analysis in the complex plane of analysis of the studied FIR and IIR photonic processors to enhance understanding the principle of operation. This research expands the prospective for constructing innovative silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based optical processors for applications in modern optical communication systems and programmable elastic optical networks (EONs).

Quantum dash based photonic integrated circuits for optical telecommunications / Circuits intégrés photoniques à base de boîtes quantiques pour télécommunications optiques

Joshi, Siddharth 05 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente une étude sur les propriétés de nanostructures de type bâtonnets quantiques et de leur application pour les télécommunications optiques. Durant la dernière décennie, ces nanostructures, ont démontré des propriétés optiques et électroniques intéressantes en raison notamment d’un fort confinement quantique dans les trois dimensions d'espace. Cette thèse porte sur la conception et la fabrication d'émetteurs optiques intégrés à base de ce matériau et de leur implémentation dans des systèmes de communication. La première partie de ce travail analyse les propriétés de ces nanostructures, théorique et expérimentale. Elles sont utilisées comme matériau actif de lasers modulés directement en amplitude. Les propriétés dynamiques de ces lasers sont ensuite évaluées et des transmissions sur fibre optique entre 0 et 100 km sont ensuite démontrées en utilisant un filtre étalon permettant d’augmenter en particulier le taux d’extinction dynamique. En s’appuyant sur cette démonstration basée sur des éléments discrets, une version monolithique intégrant un laser et un résonateur en anneaux a été réalisée. La dernière partie de ce travail porte sur des lasers à blocage de mode à base de ce matériau et en particulier sur les méthodes d’intégration sur substrat InP. En particulier, un design de miroir de Bragg innovant a été développé à cet effet et une démonstration d'un laser a blocage de mode intégré avec un amplificateur optique à semi-conducteur a finalement été réalisée / This PhD dissertation presents a study on the properties of the novel quantum dash nanostructures and their properties for application in optical telecommunications. Over the last decade, scientific community has gained considerable interest over these nanostructures and several demonstrations have been made on their interesting optical and electronic properties, notably owing to their strong quantum confinement. This dissertation focuses on conception, fabrication and system demonstration of integrated optical transmitters based on quantum dash material. A first part of this work analyses the properties of qdashes theoretically and experimentally for their use as an active material in directly modulated lasers. The dynamic properties of this material are then evaluated leading to an optical transmission distances in range of 0-100km under direct modulation. The transmission is particularly studied with a passive optical filter to enhance the dynamic extinction ratio, the use of such passive filters is studied in detail. An innovative and fully integrated optical transmitter is finally demonstrated by integrating a ring-resonator filter to a distributed feedback laser. The second part of this work focuses on mode locked lasers based on this material and in particular the methods of integration of such devices on InP are explored. Thus an innovative Bragg mirror design is developed leading to a mode locked laser integrated with a semiconductor optical amplifier

Quantum Algorithmic Engineering with Photonic Integrated Circuits

Kallol, Roy January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Integrated quantum photonics show monolithic waveguide chips to be a promising platform for realizing the next generation of quantum optical circuits. This work proposes the implementation of quantum page Rank algorithm on a photonic waveguide lattice. Our contributions are as follows: Continuous-time quantum stochastic walk(QSW)-an alternate paradigm of quantum computing, is a hybrid quantum walk that incorporates both unitary and non-unitary effects. We propose the use of QSW which necessitates the hopping of the quantum crawler on a directed graph, for the quantum page Rank problem. We propose the implementation of quantum page Rank on a photonic waveguide lattice, where we allow the density matrix to evolve according to the Lindblad-Kossakowski master equation, the diagonal of which gives the quantum page Rank. We have also shown the use of the metric of positional Kolmogorov Complexity as an efficient tool for determining whether or not the quantum channel has been compromised. We appositionally encode multi-photon decoy pulses within the stream of single photon pulses. This positional encoding is chosen in such a way as to have low Kolmogorov complexity. The PNS attack on the multi-photon decoy pulses causes a dip in the ratio of the transmittance of the decoy pulses to the signal pulses in the conventional analysis.

Ultrafast Laser Inscribed Waveguides on Chalcogenide Glasses for Photonic Applications

Sabapathy, Tamilarasan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Chalcogenide glasses are highly nonlinear optical materials which can be used for fabricating active and passive photonic devices. This thesis work deals with the fabrication of buried, three dimensional, channel waveguides in chalcogenide glasses, using ultrafast laser inscription technique. The femtosecond laser pulses are focused into rare earth ions doped and undoped chalcogenide glasses, few hundred microns below from the surface to modify the physical properties such as refractive index, density, etc. These changes are made use in the fabrication of active and passive photonic waveguides which have applications in integrated optics. The first chapter provides an introduction to the fundamental aspects of femtosecond laser inscription, laser interaction with matter and chalcogenide glasses for photonic applications. The advantages and applications of chalcogenide glasses are also described. Motivation and overview of the present thesis work have been discussed at the end. The methods of chalcogenide glass preparation, waveguide fabrication and characterization of the glasses investigated are described in the second chapter. Also, the details of the experiments undertaken, namely, loss (passive insertion loss) and gain measurements (active) and nanoindentation studies are outlined. Chapter three presents a study on the effect of net fluence on waveguide formation. A heat diffusion model has been used to solve the waveguide cross-section. The waveguide formation in GeGaS chalcogenide glasses using the ultrafast laser, has been analyzed in the light of a finite element thermal diffusion model. The relation between the net fluence and waveguide cross section diameter has been verified using the experimentally measured properties and theoretically predicted values. Chapter four presents a study on waveguide fabrication on Er doped Chalcogenide glass. The active and passive characterization is done and the optimal waveguide fabrication parameters are given, along with gain properties for Er doped GeGaS glass. A C-band waveguide amplifier has been demonstrated on Chalcogenide glasses using ultrafast laser inscription technique. A study on the mechanical properties of the waveguide, undertaken using the nanoindentation technique, is presented in the fifth chapter. This work brings out the close relation between the change in mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and hardness of the material under the irradiation of ultrafast laser after the waveguide formation. Also, a threshold value of the modulus and hardness for characterizing the modes of the waveguide is suggested. Finally, the chapter six provides a summary of work undertaken and also discusses the future work to be carried out.

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