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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scattering of guided waves in thick gratings at extreme angles

Kurth, Martin Lyndon January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this project was to develop a passive optical compensating arrangement that would allow the formation and continued stability of interference patterns over a long timescale and also to investigate optical wave scattering in thick gratings at extreme angles of scattering. A novel passive arrangement based on a Sagnac interferometer is described that produces interference patterns more stable than those produced by a conventional arrangement. An analysis of the arrangement is presented that shows it to be an order of magnitude more stable than an equivalent conventional approach. The excellent fringe stability allowed holographic gratings with small periods (~ 0.5 μm) to be written in photorefractive lithium niobate with low intensity writing fields (~mW/cm2) produced by a He:Ne laser, despite long grating fabrication times (~ 1000 s). This was possible because the optical arrangement compensated for phase shifts introduced by translational and rotational mirror motion caused by environmental perturbations. It was shown that the rapid introduction of a phase shift in one of the writing fields can change the direction of energy flow in the two-wave mixing process. It was found that the improvement in stability of the modified Sagnac arrangement over a conventional interferometer decreased when the crossing angle was increased and that the point about which the mirrors are rotated greatly affects the stability of the arrangement. For a crossing angle of 12 degrees, the modified Sagnac arrangement is more than twice as stable when the mirrors are rotated about their midpoints, rather than their endpoints. Investigations into scattering in the extremely asymmetrical scattering (EAS) geometry were undertaken by scattering light from a 532nm Nd:YAG laser off gratings written in photorefractive barium titanate and lithium niobate. Despite the difficulties posed by background noise, there was very good agreement between the observed scattered field and that predicted by a previously established theoretical model. Thus, this work represents the first experimental observation of EAS in the optical part of the spectrum.

Nonlinear optical studies of dye-doped nematic liquid crystals

Klysubun, Prapong 03 April 2002 (has links)
Nematic liquid crystals possess large optical nonlinearities owing to their large refractive index anisotropy coupled with the collective molecular reorientation. Doping absorbing dyes into liquid crystals increases their optical responses significantly due to increased absorption in the visible region, absorption-induced intermolecular torque, cis-trans photoisomerization, and other guest-host effects. The guest-host mixtures can be employed in display applications, optical storage devices, and others. In this dissertation, nonlinear optical studies were carried out on dye-doped nematic liquid crystal cells. The main objectives of the studies were to distinguish and characterize the several processes that can lead to the formation of dynamic gratings of different types in the samples, and to study the photorefractive and the orientational responses of these samples. Furthermore, we tried to explain and model the dynamical behaviors of the observed grating formations. The experimental techniques employed in this study include asymmetric two-beam coupling, forced light scattering, and polarization holographic method. The asymmetric two-beam coupling experiments revealed that the induced grating was a photorefractive phase grating created by the nematic director reorientation within the plane of incidence. The dynamics of the beam coupling showed that two different mechanisms with different temporal responses were involved. The grating translation technique identified both gratings as pure photorefractive index gratings with phase shifts of ~ p/2 between the grating and the interference pattern. In addition, the dynamical behavior of the grating formation, obtained from forced light scattering experiments, also exhibited a two-time constant response. The dynamical behaviors of the build-up and decay of the photocurrent were investigated. The two dynamics exhibited both a two-time constant behavior, suggesting that the origin of the two-time constant dynamics observed in the two-beam coupling and the forced light scattering experiments resides in the process of photo-charge generation. The photorefractive gain coefficients were found to be in the range of 100 – 400 cm-1. The values of the nonlinear optical Kerr index (~ 0.08 cm2/W) measured in samples with certain dye/liquid crystal combinations are higher than what has been observed in other dye-doped nematics and other liquid crystal/polymer systems. All the samples showed a threshold behavior with respect to the magnitude of the applied electric field. This threshold behavior was observed both in forced light scattering experiments and polarization holographic experiments. We believe that the origin of this threshold lies in the process of photogeneration, which was found to exhibit the same threshold behavior at the same value of the applied voltage. An asymmetry of the photorefractive gain with respect to the direction of the applied electric field was observed in samples with high dye concentration. This was attributed to the beam fanning effect, which has also been observed in other high-gain photorefractive materials. Polarization holographic measurements showed that the dye enhancement effect is primarily due to the intermolecular interaction between the dye molecules and the liquid crystal host, and that the trans-cis photoisomerization plays a lesser role. The photoinduced orientational response was also studied using polarization holographic experiments. A number of observations confirmed that the birefringent grating is due to the nematic director reorientation within the plane of incidence, under the combined effect of the applied electric field and the optical field. The diffraction efficiency was found to depend linearly on the writing beam power, while the dependence of the self-diffraction efficiency on the writing beam power roughly assumes a cubic relationship. The dynamical behavior of the birefringent grating formation was investigated. The build-up dynamics was found to be best modeled as a double-time constant response, while the decay is best fitted by a single exponential. The response of the samples to an oscillating electric field was studied as a function of the modulation frequency. Very interesting and reproducible dynamics was observed, revealing the complex dynamical response of the liquid crystal director to the magnitude and rate of change of an applied electric field. The small signal response was also measured, but did not reveal any sign of a resonance behavior. The conductivity and the photoconductivity of the samples were measured. The relationship between the measured current and the applied voltage was found to be cubic at low applied voltage, and to become linear at higher applied voltage. We could explain this behavior using a double-charge-injection-in-a-weak-electrolyte model, but this is only one of the possible mechanisms that could explain this behavior. The photocurrent was found to increase linearly with the illumination power, which indicates that the charge carrier recombination rate is proportional to the carrier density. The measured electrical conductivity was found to be proportional to the square root of the dye concentration, confirming the validity of the proposed charge-injection model. / Ph. D.


TRIPATHY, SUVRANTA K. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Phase coherent photorefractive effect in II-VI semiconductor quantum wells and its application for optical coherence imaging

Kabir, Amin 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Composants d'optique guidée induits par faisceaux autofocalisés dans LiNbO3 / guided optical components induced by self focused beams in LiNbO3

Al-Fares, Luai 30 June 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous présentons la réalisation de composants originaux d’optique guidéeutilisant une technique de fabrication basée sur l'autofocalisation d’un faisceau lumineux.Cette technique permet la photo-induction de guides d’onde optiques au coeur de cristauxde LiNbO3 par effet photoréfractif.En premier lieu, des guides adiabatiques ont été générés dans des cristaux de LiNbO3 enappliquant un gradient de température selon l’axe de propagation lors de l’étaped’induction. Ces résultats expérimentaux ont été appuyés par un modèle numérique 3-Dprenant en compte la dynamique de l'effet photoréfractif.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que la présence d’un micro-canal présentsur le trajet d’un faisceau ne perturbe pas son autofocalisation. Cette configuration a permisde fabriquer un capteur optofluidique qui permet de mesurer l'indice de réfraction d’unliquide présent dans le canal sur une plage de mesure de 1.2 à 1.8 avec une précision de4x10-3. Enfin, cette étude a été étendue à des faisceaux sous forts angles d’incidence avec lecanal ce qui a été exploité pour induire un séparateur de polarisation en optique guidée. Ceséparateur, fabriqué en une seule étape d’induction, est constitué d’un guide d’entrée seséparant en deux guides de sortie supportant des composantes croisées de polarisation. / In this work, we present the fabrication of innovative guided optics components using asimple and efficient method based on self-trapping of light beams. This technique leads tothe formation of optical waveguides inside LiNbO3 crystals by photorefractive effect.The generation of adiabatic waveguides is first achieved by applying a temperature gradientalong the propagation axis. These experimental results have been confirmed by a 3-Dnumerical model taking into account the photorefractive dynamic.Subsequently, we have shown that the presence of a micro-channel forming a gap on thebeam trajectory does not affect the self-trapping effect. This configuration has been used tofabricate an optofluidic sensor able to measure the refractive index of liquids present in thechannel with a measuring range between 1.2 and 1.8 and a resolution of 4x10-3. Finally, thisstudy has been extended to self-trapped beams at large angle of incidence with the channelwhich has been exploited to fabricate a guided polarization separator. This polarizationseparator is formed of one input waveguide that separates into two output waveguidessupporting crossed polarizations components.

Carrier Dynamics and Application of the Phase Coherent Photorefractive Effect in ZnSe Quantum Wells

Dongol, Amit 23 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Signalstrahlverstärkung und Phasenkonjugation durch photorefraktive parametrische Wellenmischung in Bariumtitanat- und Kalium-Tantalat-Niobat-Kristallen / Signal beam amplification and phase conjugation by photorefractive parametric wave mixing in barium titanate and potassium-tantalate-niobate crystals

Neumann, Jens 26 September 2000 (has links)
Der photorefraktive Effekt in Bariumtitanat-Kristallen ist Gegenstand zahlreicher Forschungsarbeiten. Der Grund sind die großen elektrooptischen Koeffizienten dieses Materials, die nur von wenigen, kommerziell noch nicht erhältlichen Kristallen übertroffen werden, z.B. von tetragonalem Kalium-Tantalat-Niobat. Beleuchtet man diese Materialien mit Laserstrahlen, treten einzigartige Effekte auf. So erzeugen z.B. photorefraktive parametrische Verstärkungsprozesse charakteristische kreis- oder linienförmige Streulichtfiguren. Faszinierende Möglichkeiten bieten diese parametrischen Prozesse bei der Verstärkung und Phasenkonjugation von Lichtwellen. In dieser Arbeit werden alle 57 photorefraktiven parametrischen Prozesse, die in den untersuchten Materialien auftreten können, zunächst phänomenologisch analysiert. Das Lösen der gekoppelten Wellengleichungen filtert aus der Vielzahl der Prozesse diejenigen heraus, die eine besonders effiziente Wechselwirkung einfallender Lichtwellen versprechen. Für diese Prozesse werden anschließend explizit Verstärkungsfaktoren berechnet. Durch die Berücksichtigung elastooptischer, piezoelektrischer und raumladungsbegrenzender Effekte können die Einfallswinkel der Lichtstrahlen und die Orientierungen der Kristalle für die Signalstrahlverstärkung und die Phasenkonjugation optimiert werden. Auf der Basis dieser theoretischen Vorarbeiten gelingt im experimentellen Teil dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal die Verstärkung eines Laserstrahls durch einen photorefraktiven parametrischen Prozeß. Die Verstärkung beträgt in einem 3,2 Millimeter dicken Bariumtitanat-Kristall 9000. Eine Besonderheit der angewandten Verstärkungsprozesse ist die sehr geringe räumliche Bandbreite. Die daraus folgende große Winkelselektivität verspricht viele Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der optischen Meßtechnik, schränkt den Einsatz zur Bildverstärkung jedoch erheblich ein. Ebenfalls zum ersten Mal wird die Phasenkonjugation durch einen phototrefraktiven parametrischen Prozeß demonstriert. Die Intensitäten der erzeugten phasenkonjugierten Wellen entsprechen denen der verstärkten Signalstrahlen. Es lassen sich also Reflektivitäten bis zu 9000 realisieren. Zudem kann durch eine spezielle Konfiguration mit frequenzverstimmten Signalstrahlen ein prinzipielles Problem der photorefraktiven Wellenmischung gelöst werden: Die Verstärkung sehr schwacher Signalstrahlen. Durch die neu entwickelte Methode der Rauschunterdrückung gelingt es, Lichtwellen mit Leistungen unter einem Nanowatt um mehrere Größenordnungen zu verstärken. Zum Abschluß werden die parametrischen Prozesse noch in Kalium-Tantalat-Niobat untersucht. Bei diesen ersten Untersuchungen gelingt der Nachweis von fünf Prozessen. Die beobachteten ausgeprägten Effekte und die gemessenen riesigen elektrooptischen Koeffizienten zeigen, daß tetragonale Kalium-Tantalat-Niobat-Kristalle ebenfalls sehr interessant für die photorefraktive Wellenmischung sind.

Relaxation Dynamics and Decoherence of Excitons in II-VI Semiconductor Nanostructures

Bajracharya, Pradeep 05 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Étude du transport de charges dans le niobate de lithium massif et réalisation de fonctions électro-optiques dans le niobate de lithium périodiquement polarisé / Study of charge transport in bulk lithium niobate and realization of electro-optical functions in periodically poled lithium niobate

Mhaouech, Imed 24 March 2017 (has links)
Le premier volet de cette thèse est consacré à la modélisation des phénomènes de transport dans le LN. Partant d'une analyse critique des modèles de bande usuels, nous montrons leur inadéquation dans le cas du LN et nous proposons un modèle de saut basé sur la théorie des petits polarons. Nous étudions d'abord par simulation Monte-Carlo la décroissance d'une population de polarons liés NbLi4+ relaxant vers des pièges profonds FeLi3+. Nous montrons que les pièges FeLi3+ ont des rayons effectifs particulièrement grands, rayons qui augmentent encore à température décroissante, et limitent considérablement les longueurs de diffusion des polarons. Les résultats de simulations sont ensuite confrontés aux résultats expérimentaux obtenus par différentes techniques ; Absorption photo-induite, Raman, Enregistrement holographique et Pompe-sonde. Le deuxième volet de cette thèse est consacré aux applications électro-optiques dans le LN périodiquement polarisé (PPLN). Sous l’effet d’une tension électrique, l’indice de réfraction du PPLN est périodiquement diminué et augmenté, formant ainsi un réseau d’indice activable électriquement. Un premier composant utilisant l’effet électro-optique dans du PPLN a été développé et démontré expérimentalement. Dans ce composant, la lumière est défléchie sous l’effet de la tension électrique par le réseau d’indice. Ce déflecteur de Bragg atteint une efficacité de diffraction proche de 100% avec une faible tension de commande de l’ordre de 5 V. Un deuxième composant a également été proposé, où la lumière se propage perpendiculairement aux parois de domaines du PPLN. Dans cette configuration un réflecteur de Bragg électro-optique peut être réalisé / The first part of this thesis is devoted to the modeling of transport phenomena in the LN. From a critical analysis of the usual band models, we show their inadequacy in the case of LN and we propose a hopping model based on the theory of small polarons. We first study by Monte-Carlo simulation the population decay of bound polarons NbLi4+ in deep traps FeLi3+. We show that the traps (FeLi3+) have particularly large effective radii, which increase further at decreasing temperature, and considerably limit the diffusion lengths of the polarons. The results of simulations are then compared with experimental results obtained by different techniques; Light-induced absorption, Raman, Holographic storage and Pump-Probe. The second part of this thesis is devoted to electro-optical applications in the periodically poled LN (PPLN). Under the effect of an electrical voltage, the refractive index of the PPLN is periodically decreased and increased, thus forming an electrically activatable index grating. A first component using the electro-optical effect in PPLN has been developed and demonstrated experimentally. In this component, the light is deflected under the effect of the electrical voltage by the index grating. This Bragg deflector achieves a diffraction efficiency of close to 100% with a low drive voltage of the order of 5 V. A second component has also been proposed, where light propagates perpendicularly to the domain walls of the PPLN. In this configuration an electro-optic Bragg reflector can be realized

Untersuchung photorefraktiver Materialien mittels optischer Ptychographie / Investigation of photorefractive materials using optical ptychography

Bernert, Constantin 05 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die neuartige Mikroskopiemethode der Ptychographie für die Untersuchung photorefraktiver Materialien genutzt. Photorefraktive Materialien zeichnen sich durch die Generation lichtinduzierter Brechungsindexänderungen aus. Die Ptychographie bietet die Möglichkeit, neben der generierten Brechungsindexänderung im photorefraktiven Material auch die für die Generation genutzte Intensitätsverteilung des Laserstrahls zu bestimmen. Es wird sowohl die Abhängigkeit der Brechungsindexänderung von der Zeit der Generation als auch die Abhängigkeit von der Polarisation des Lasers gemessen. Durch den Vergleich der gewonnenen Werte mit einer numerischen Simulation des photorefraktiven Effekts werden mikroskopische Parameter der lichtinduzierten Ladungswanderung ermittelt. Zudem wird aus der polarisationsabhängigen ptychographischen Messung das Raumladungsfeld und die korrespondierende Ladungsdichte im Material berechnet. Die Ptychographie liefert damit einen neuen Zugang zum quantitativen Verständnis der Photorefraktivität. / In the present thesis the novel microscopy technique of ptychography is applied to the investigation of photorefractive materials. Photorefractive materials exhibit a change of the refractive index due to the exposure to light. The method of ptychography determines the refractive index change of the material together with the intensity distribution of the laser beam that was used for its generation. In one part of the experiment the time dependence of the refractive index change versus the generation time is investigated, in the other part of the experiment the dependence of the refractive index change to the polarisation of the laser beam is examined. Microscopic parameters of the photorefractive charge migration are determined with the utilisation of a numerical simulation of the photorefractive effect and its comparison with the measurement. Finally, the whole space charge field with the corresponding space charge density is calculated from a set of ptychographic measurements of one refractive index change with different polarisation directions of the laser. The presented experiments and their evaluation show, that the method of ptychography opens a new possibility for a quantitative understanding of the photorefractive effect.

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