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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Physical and Chemical Investigation of Eagle Mountain Lake with Reference to Biological Productivity

Smith, Burns Ashby 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to attempt by correlation of chemical-physical factors to ascertain if any one of the necessary features might act as a factor limiting growth and reproduction of either plants or animals. The body of water used in this investigation is Eagle Mountain Lake, a reservoirs approximately five years of age.

N ligoninės medicinos personalo darbo aplinkos įvertinimas / The Evaluation of Medical Personnel Work Environment in N Hospital

Banevičienė, Rita 17 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti Alytaus miesto ligoninės medicinos personalo fizinę ir psichosocialinę darbo aplinką bei įtakos turinčius veiksnius. Darbo uždaviniai: Nustatyti pagrindinius žalingus fizinės aplinkos veiksnius ligoninės padaliniuose. Įvertinti ligoninės personalo psichosocialinę aplinką medicinos personalo požiūriu. Nustatyti medicinos personalo negalavimus, sąlygojamus fizinės ir psichosocialinės aplinkos Metodika. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Alytaus apskrities ligoninėje. Buvo atliekamas vienmomentinis tyrimas. Kokybinių požymių statistiniam ryšiui įvertinti buvo naudojamas Chi-kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus. Lyginant du santykinius dydžius ir norint nustatyti, ar jų skirtumas esminis buvo apskaičiuojamas z-kriterijus. Ryšiai buvo laikomi statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p < 0,05. Naudojant binarinę logistinę regresiją gauta matematinė išraiška, nusakanti įvairių nepriklausomų veiksnių įtaką Rezultatai. Apie trečdalis respondentų labai gerai arba gerai vertino bendrą patalpų įspūdį (30,5 proc.), apšvietimą (37,6 proc.) ir dydį (30,1 proc.). Patalpas personalui pailsėti gerai įvertino tik 14 proc. apklaustųjų ir daugiau nei pusė (56,0 proc.) jas vertino blogai. Statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau infekcinio skyriaus darbuotojai nei terapinio, chirurginio bei kitų teigė, kad jų darbo patalpų bendras įspūdis labai blogas ar blogas. Darbo patalpų apšvietimą geriau įvertino tik 6-8 val. per parą dirbantys respondentai lyginant su dirbančiais 9-12 ar daugiau. Statistiškai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the correlation between physical and psychosocial environmental factors and its impact on medical personnel in Alytus City Hospital. Study objectives: The study objective is to identify major negative physical environmental factors affecting personnel and evaluate the psychosocial environment from a personnel perspective at the hospital. In addition, the objective is to diagnose medical personnel troubles partially correlated with the physical and psychosocial environment. Methods: The study was conducted in Alytus City Hospital by conducting a onetime study. Chiroquadrate criteria were used to evaluate quality features of the statistical data. Z-criteria of the two comparative parameters were used to determine their value significance. The results were statistically significant, when p<0.05. Binary logistic regression was used to solve the mathematical conversion, which was a factor for various independent effects. Findings: 1/3 of the respondents evaluated the following environment as “very good” or “good”: overall room conditions (30.5 %), lighting (37.6 %), and space (30.1%). Only 14% of the respondents evaluated room condition as “good” compared with other departments, while 56.0 % of the respondents evaluated it as ��poor”. According to the statistics, the personnel from the Infectious Diseases Departments more than the staff from the Therapeutics or Operating Room rated their work... [to full text]

A Comparative Investigation of the Water of Lake Bridgeport with Reference to Plant and Animal Life

Woods, Alethea Marie 08 1900 (has links)
The investigation of the waters of Lake Bridgeport is to obtain data essential for a satisfactory understanding of the physical and chemical factors on the aquatic life. These factors detremine the kinds of food available for life there.

Hälsa på lika villkor? : Vuxna med funktionshinder och deras upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet

Emma, Wellbäck January 2013 (has links)
Ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv har människors levnadsvanor en central betydelse för hälsa och sjukdomsbörda. Personer med funktionshinder riskerar i större utsträckning att drabbas av försämrad hälsa och sjukdom än övrig befolkningen. Forskning visar dock att fysisk aktivitet förbättrar personer med funktionshinders möjlighet till en bättre hälsa.  Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer vuxna personer med funktionshinder upplever vid organiserad fysisk aktivitet. Datainsamling har skett med en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Personer med olika funktionshinder och erfarenheter intervjuades. Studien avgränsades till vuxna personer med funktionshinder vilka är fysisk aktiva. Resultatet visar att flera av de intervjuade tyckte det fanns brist på tillgänglighet till både fysiska faktorer, som exempel lokaler och psykosociala faktorer, som exempelvis bemötande. Personer med funktionshinder upplever att tillgång till information kan förbättras och även utrymmen i lokaler. Dock beskrev intervjupersonerna positiva upplevelser kring delaktighet.  Slutsatserna visar att det behövs flera olika insatser. Det gäller exempelvis den fysiska miljön i omklädningsrum samt större förståelse från anställda i kommuner. Detta för att möta de olika behoven kring fysisk aktivitet för personer med funktionshinder. Tillgänglighet till både information och anläggningar är avgörande för att målgruppen ska vara fysisk aktiva. / From a public health perspective the life style has a central part in determining the health and sickness of a population. People with disabilities risks to a greater extend to suffer ill health and disease rather than other people. Research shows that physical activity improves people with disabilities’ opportunity to a better health. The purpose of this essay is to find out the enabling and discouragement adults with disabilities experience in organized physical activity.  Data was collected with a qualitative method in the form of interviews. People with different disabilities and experiences were interviewed. The study was limited to adults with disabilities who are physical active. The result shows that the majority of the interviewees felt there was a lack of accessibility to both physical and psychosocial factors. They feel that access to information, along with the access to athletic facilities can be improved. However, the interviewees described positive experiences of participation. The result indicates that efforts are needed to meet the disability community needs around physical activity. Access to both information and facilities is crucial for the target group’s engagement in physical activities.

Sergančio pastato sindromas, jo paplitimas ir sąsajos su sveikata / The incidence of sick building syndrome and its relation to health

Loiba, Romuald 02 September 2008 (has links)
Pasaulinės Sveikatos Organizacijos ekspertų duomenimis, besivystančiose šalyse apie 30 proc. pastatų - naujai pastatytų ir rekonstruotų - turi vadinamąjį sergančio pastato sindromą (SPS). Tokiuose pastatuose ilgai būnantys žmonės pradeda skųstis įvairiais sveikatos negalavimais. Spėjama, kad šie simptomai pasireiškia 10-30 proc. tokiuose pastatuose dirbančių žmonių. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti darbuotojų nusiskundimų sveikatos simptomais ir darbo sąlygom pobūdį bei dažnį ir surinktus duomenis analizuoti atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių, pareigas. Nustatyti sergančio pastato sindromo atsiradimą sąlygojančias priežastis. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas taikant internetinę apklausą. Anketoje buvo pateiktas 51 klausimas. Iš viso klausimyną užpildė 302 respondentai. Tai buvo suaugę, dirbantys asmenys. Rezultatai. Turinčių nusiskundimų darbo sąlygomis moterų skaičius buvo didesnis negu vyrų. Moterys dažniau jausdavo įvairius simptomus būdamos darbo vietoje. Administracines pareigas užimančių asmenų tarpe buvo mažiau besiskundžiančių darbo sąlygomis. Jie rečiau jausdavo įvairius simptomus lyginant su kitas pareigas užimančiais asmenimis. Taip pat turėjo didesnes tinkamų darbo aplinkos parametrų užtikrinimo galimybes. Reikšmingų skirtumų tarp skirtingų amžiaus grupių nebuvo nustatyta. Duomenys buvo analizuojami naudojant statistinės duomenų analizės programą „SPSS“. Išvados. Moterys turėjo daugiau nusiskundimų darbo sąlygomis bei darbo vietoje dažniau jausdavo įvairius simptomus lyginant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the data of Word Health Organization, about 30 percent of the buildings in the developing countries, both newly-built and reconstructed, have the so-called sick building syndrome (SBS). The people who spend an extended period of time in such a building tend to begin having various health complaints. It is assumed that from 10 to 30 percent of the people who work in such buildings start having such complaints. Aim of the study: to examine the nature and the frequency of the workers’ complaints regarding the health and working conditions, and to analyze the collected data accounting for such variables as sex, age and occupation; to determine the reasons which condition the occurrence of the sick building syndrome. Methods. The research was conducted using the method of online questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 51 questions and was completed by 302 respondents. All of the respondents were working adults. Results. The number of complaints about working conditions received from women exceeded that received from men. Women reported feeling various symptoms while at work more frequently. The number of complaints about working conditions from those who held administrative positions was lower. The people from this group reported feeling various symptoms less frequently, in comparison with the people who held other positions. They also had more possibilities to assure suitable parameters of the working environment. There were no significant differences among... [to full text]

The development of a dolomite risk management strategy for the Tlokwe City Council / Abraham Stephanus Potgieter

Potgieter, Abraham Stephanus January 2012 (has links)
Development on dolomite poses a risk due to the possible formation of instability features such as sinkholes. Most of these features are however man-induced, and the risk associated with development on dolomitic areas can be mitigated through correct management. Therefore, since the Tlokwe City Council is accountable for safe development within its jurisdiction, a Dolomite Risk Management Strategy (DRMS) should be put in place. There are several factors that contribute to the risk for development on dolomite. These factors can be catagorised into two groups that should be considered during the hazard identification process, namely physical factors that consists of geology, geohydrology and geotechnical, and anthropogenic factors that consists of existing infrastructure and development, land use planning, as well as social structure and awareness. These factors are assessed by means of a risk assessment in order to obtain a disaster risk score for different areas within the study area. Based on this score, priority focus areas can be identified, mainly for critically important further research before any development can be allowed or mitigation measures implemented. Once these research activities are completed, a DRMS can be compiled based on the guidelines set by SANS 1936, which will promote the safety of people and property when further development on dolomite takes place. Urgent and interim mitigation measures are proposed to manage the risk during further research activities. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

The development of a dolomite risk management strategy for the Tlokwe City Council / Abraham Stephanus Potgieter

Potgieter, Abraham Stephanus January 2012 (has links)
Development on dolomite poses a risk due to the possible formation of instability features such as sinkholes. Most of these features are however man-induced, and the risk associated with development on dolomitic areas can be mitigated through correct management. Therefore, since the Tlokwe City Council is accountable for safe development within its jurisdiction, a Dolomite Risk Management Strategy (DRMS) should be put in place. There are several factors that contribute to the risk for development on dolomite. These factors can be catagorised into two groups that should be considered during the hazard identification process, namely physical factors that consists of geology, geohydrology and geotechnical, and anthropogenic factors that consists of existing infrastructure and development, land use planning, as well as social structure and awareness. These factors are assessed by means of a risk assessment in order to obtain a disaster risk score for different areas within the study area. Based on this score, priority focus areas can be identified, mainly for critically important further research before any development can be allowed or mitigation measures implemented. Once these research activities are completed, a DRMS can be compiled based on the guidelines set by SANS 1936, which will promote the safety of people and property when further development on dolomite takes place. Urgent and interim mitigation measures are proposed to manage the risk during further research activities. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Variation i matematikundervisningen : en studie baserad på enkäter där lärare och elever beskriver deras användning av arbetsformer och arbetssätt i matematikundervisningen / Variation in Mathematics Teaching : a Study Based on Questionnaires where Teachers and Students Describe Their Use of Working Methods in the Teaching of Mathematics

Engdahl, Amanda, Björk, Kim January 2021 (has links)
Denna empiriska studie redogör för hur variationen ser ut inom matematikundervisningen på en högstadieskola i Sverige genom att deltagande lärare och elever (13 – 15 år gamla) genom två enkätundersökningar fått beskriva hur vanligt förekommande olika arbetsformer och arbetssätt är i matematikundervisningen. Studien baseras på 198 elevsvar på elevenkäten och 6 lärarsvar på lärarenkäten. Enkätsvaren analyserades och sammanställdes med hjälp av stapeldiagram och genom tematisk analys på fritextsvaren på lärarenkäten. I studien framkommer det att den mest förekommande arbetsformen och arbetssättet är självständigt arbete med uppgifter. Det framkommer även att flertalet elever föredrar självständigt arbete (cirka 92 % av eleverna i årskurs nio). Elevernas och lärarnas beskrivningar av variationen i matematikundervisningen stämmer ganska bra överens med varandra dock beskriver lärarna att det i matematikundervisningen förekommer en större variation och mindre enskilt arbete, vilket skiljer sig från elevernas beskrivningar. Av resultatet framkom det även att när lärarna ska välja arbetsformer och arbetssätt så var elevgruppen och området de viktigaste faktorerna. / This empirical study describes the variation of mathematics teaching in a Swedish school, using the participating teachers´ and students´ (13 – 15 years old) descriptions of the occurrence of different working methods during the mathematics lessons. The study is based on 198 student responses to a student survey and 6 teacher responses to a teacher survey. The survey responses were analyzed and compiled using bar graphs and through thematic analysis of the free text responses to the teacher survey. The study shows that the most common form of working methods is independent work with math tasks. It also appears that the majority of students prefer independent work (approximately 92% of the students in year nine). The students´ and teachers´ descriptions of the variation in mathematics teaching agree quite well, however, the teachers describe that in mathematics teaching there is a greater variation and less individual work, which differs from the students' descriptions. The results also shows that when teachers choose working methods, the group of students and the mathematics area are the most important factors.

The Influence of Economic, Social, and Physical Factors upon Normal Development of Pupils in Two Wichita Falls Elementary Schools

Cowan, Charlie Weldon 08 1900 (has links)
Children who learn best are physically, mentally, and emotionally adequate. In conjunction with this fact, this study attempts to show the relation that exists between the children from uncomfortable, unsatisfactory environments and those with comfortable, satisfactory environments.

Proposta metodológica para ocupação urbana em áreas de mananciais hídricos : o caso de uma área da bacia hidrográfica do Guarapiranga /

Nagata, Lyuko. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Roberto Cottas / Banca: Antonio Celso de Oliveira Braga / Banca: Gilberto José Garcia / Banca: Cássia Silveira de Assis / Banca: José Geraldo Querido / Resumo: Sob o título: "Proposta Metodológica para Ocupação Urbana em Áreas de Mananciais Hídricos - O Caso de uma Área da Bacia Hidrográfica do Guarapiranga", este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para, através de estudos e análises do meio físico, obter a melhor forma de ocupação urbana de uma área de preservação aos mananciais. A área de estudo se localiza no Município de Embu-Guaçu e foi selecionada porque ainda possui um território preservado ambientalmente, está inserido 100 % em área de proteção aos mananciais e seu território se insere integralmente na Bacia Hidrográfica do Guarapiranga. Os trabalhos foram desenvolvidos abrangendo revisões bibliográficas que objetivou fundamentalmente os aspectos do meio físico e suas relações com a utilização do espaço para fins urbanos, a caracterização física de uma Bacia Hidrográfica utilizada como manancial hídrico, os fatores físicos do planejamento para implantação de área urbana, a delimitação de uma área de estudo e a sua contextualização nas realidades metropolitana e da bacia hidrográfica, materiais e métodos, aplicação dos conceitos de preservação dos mananciais e de planejamento urbano na área de estudo / Abstract: Under the heading "Methodological Proposal for Urban Growth in Areas of Water Source - The Case of the River basin area of the Reservoir, this paper presents a methodology through research and analysis of physical, get the best of urban occupation in a conservation area on the springs. The study area is located in the municipality of Embu-reservoir and was selected because it still has an environmentally preserved area is housed in 100% field of protection of springs and its territory falls wholly within the basin of the reservoir. The project was developed covering literature review that aimed mainly aspects of the physical environment and its relationship to the use of space for urban, physical characterization of a basin used as water sources, the physical factors of planning for the implementation of the urban area, the delimitation of a study area and their metropolitan context on the realities and the river basin materials and methods, applying the concepts of conservation of water sources and urban planning in the study area / Doutor

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