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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the variety of human genome loci associated with fast and long–lasting adaptation to the load of physical activity / Žmogaus genomo sričių, susijusių su greita ir ilgalaike adaptacija fiziniam krūviui, įvairovės analizė

Ginevičienė, Valentina 22 October 2010 (has links)
The genetic diversity of physical capacity in the Lithuanian population has a pattern similar to that of other populations. The knowledge of the individual genomes of the athletes is especially important for sports theory, practice and medicine. This research is devoted to the issue of the effect of genetic factors on the components of sporting physical capacity. We have accumulated a sample of the Lithuanian elite athletes which was studied genetically according to a phenotype. We have created a DNA biobase of the Lithuanian elite athletes of various sporting disciplines and collected information about the genotypes and phenotypes of physical development and functional capacity of the athletes. This is the first time in Lithuania that the elite athletes were investigated according to allelic distribution of 6 candidate gene variants most associated with physical capacity. The genetic diversity of the physical capacity in the Lithuanian population has a pattern manifested by variation in the allele/genotype frequencies of the selected candidate gene markers in the Lithuanian athlete groups and general population. The indexes of physical development and functional capacity of the Lithuanian athletes correspond to the elite levels. Inherited qualities and adaptation to physical loads of the athletes can be assessed by statistical analysis of phenotypic indexes. Each group of athletes investigated had a typical genotype/allele combination. The genotypes of the gene variants... [to full text] / Žmonių populiacijų tyrimai atskleidžia jų fizinio pajėgumo genetinę įvairovę. Tokių ypatumų turi ir Lietuvos populiacija. Sportininkų individualaus genomo žinojimas ypač svarbus sporto teorijai, praktikai ir medicinai. Darbas skirtas svarbiausiems klausimams, susijusiems su genetinių veiksnių įtaka sportinio fizinio pajėgumo komponentams. Darbo metu buvo sukaupta Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų imtis, kuri ištirta genetiškai ir pagal fenotipą. Sukurtoje Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo įvairių sporto šakų sportininkų DNR mėginių biobazėje sukaupta informacija apie sportininkų genotipus ir sportininkų fizinio išsivystymo bei funkcinio pajėgumo fenotipiniai duomenys. Parinkti stipriausi genai kandidatai, siejami su žmogaus fiziniu pajėgumu. Didelio meistriškumo sportininkai pirmą kartą Lietuvoje buvo tirti pagal 6 genų kandidatų DNR žymenų alelių, dažniausiai asocijuojamų su fiziniu pajėgumu, paplitimą. Tirtų genų kandidatų žymenų genotipų/alelių dažnių įvairovė išskirtose sportininkų grupėse ir bendroje Lietuvos populiacijoje turi savitumų. Visų tirtų Lietuvos sportininkų fizinio išsivystymo ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodikliai atitinka didelio meistriškumo sportininkų lygį. Fenotipinių rodiklių statistinė analizė parodė sportininkų organizmo įgimtus gebėjimus ir prisitaikymą prie fizinių krūvių. Kiekvienos išskirtos sporto šakų grupės sportininkams būdinga genotipų/alelių kombinacija. Tirtų genetinių variantų genotipai turi skirtingos įtakos vyrų bei moterų fiziniam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipo ir fizinio pajėgumo įvertinimas / Young man and woomen Functional Movement Screen and Physical Performance evaluation

Borisas, Marius 22 January 2014 (has links)
Borisas M., Jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipo ir fizinio pajėgumo įvertinimas., magistro baigiamasis darbas/mokslinis vadovas doc. dr. L. Šiupšinskas; Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto, Medicinos akademijos, Slaugos fakulteto, Sporto institutas. – Kaunas, 2013, - 70 p. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipą ir fizinį pajėgumą bei jų sąsajas. Darbo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti ir palyginti jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipą. 2. Įvertinti ir palyginti jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų fizinį pajėgumą. 3. Įvertinti ir palyginti jauno amžiaus vyrų ir moterų judėjimo sistemos funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipo ir fizinio pajėgumo rodiklių sąsajas. Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Slaugos fakulteto Sporto institute. Tyrime dalyvavo 102 tiriamieji (52 vyrai ir 50 moterų). Vyrų grupė 52 asmenys, moterų grupė 50 asmenų. Amžiaus vidurkis 21,9 ± 2,8 metai (± SEM, standartinė vidurkio įverčio paklaida). Kūno masės indekso vidurkis 22,7 ± 1,9 kg/m². Tiriamieji atliko funkcinių judesių atlikimo stereotipo įvertinimo testus tokia tvarka: gilaus pritūpimo, žengimo per barjerą, įtūpsto, pečių mobilumo, aktyvaus tiesios kojos kėlimo, atsispaudimo stabiliu liemeniu, rotacinio stabilumo testus. Pailsėjus 10 minučių tą pačią tyrimo dieną tiriamieji atliko Eurofito testus: flamingo, plaštakos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / M. Borisas. Young man and woomen Functional Movement Screen and Physical Performance evaluation, master thesis/ supervisor doc. dr. L. Šiupšinskas; Lithuanian University of health sciences; Academy of medicine, Faculty of nursing, Institute of Sport. – Kaunas, 2013. p. 70. The aim of the study: evaluate young man and women group’s indicators of Functional Movement Screen and Physical Performance and the correlations. Goals of this research: 1. Evaluate and compare young men and women Functional Movements Screen. 2. Evaluate and compare Physical Performance in young age men and women groups. 3. To evaluate and compare the young men's and the women's Functional Movement Screenand physical performance indicators interfaces. The study was conducted Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy of Nursing, Faculty of Sports Institute. The study included 102 subjects (52 men and 50 women). A group of men 52, women 50 persons in the group. Mean age 21.9 ± 2.8 years (± SEM, standard error of the mean estimate). Average body mass index 22.7 ± 1.9 kg/m². Participants performed Functional Movement Screen, Eurofit test batteries. Research carried out by performing functional movement screen assessment tests in the following order: a deep squat, hurdle step, in line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight leg rise, trunk stability push-up, rotary stability tests. Resting for 10 minutes on the same day of the study subjects performed Eurofit tests: flamingo, plate teping... [to full text]

Self-efficacys påverkan på bänkpressprestationer.

Larsson Dahlberg, Desirée, Andersson Bjerke, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att med en experimentell design undersöka ifall individens tro på sin förmåga, d.v.s. self-efficacy påverkar utfallet av idrotts prestationer. Detta undersöktes genom att manipulera self-efficacy i en bänkpressövning och därefter mäta eventuella prestationsförändringar under tre sessioner. 21 deltagare (10 kvinnor, 11 män, M = 23, SD = 2.95) med lite eller ingen tidigare erfarenhet av styrketräning deltog. Deltagare delades slumpmässigt in i tre grupper: (LG) lättare vikt än deltagarna trodde, (TG) tyngre vikt än deltagarna trodde och (KG) kontrollgrupp, vikten överensstämde med deltagarnas uppfattning. Situationsspecifika self-efficacy mätningar (SSE) gjordes före och efter manipulationen. Den fysiska self-efficacyn mättes med hjälp av fysisk self-efficacy skala (PSE). Resultatet visade att den tunga gruppen, vilken lyfte mer vikt än de trodde, ökade signifikant mer i vikt vid bänkpresslyftet än kontrollgruppen. Manipulationen som antogs påverka situationsspecifikt self-efficacy visade sig förutsäga prestationens utfall och en signifikant skillnad visades mellan mätningarna. Den tunga gruppen visade störst förändring på SSE formuläret från första till tredje sessionen. PSE-resultaten visade ingen signifikant förändring mellan mätningarna. Resultatet föreslår att self-efficacy går att manipulera och kan påverka idrottsprestationer. / The purpose of the study was to investigate in an experimental design whether an individual's belief in his ability, i.e. self-efficacy affect the outcomes of athletic performance. This was examined by manipulating self-efficacy in a bench press exercise and measures possible performance changes during three sessions. 21 participants (10 woman, 11 men, M = 23, SD = 2.95) who had little or no previous experience of weight training participated. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: (LG) participants lifted easier than thought, (HG) participants lifted heavier than thought and (CG) control group, participants lifted the weight they thought. Situational specific self-efficacy measures (SSE) were taken before and after manipulation. The physical self-efficacy was measured using the physical self-efficacy scale (PSE). The results showed that the heavy group had increased significantly more weight than the control group. The manipulations assumed effect on self- efficacy (SSE) proved to be a prediction of performance outcomes and a significant difference was demonstrated between the measurements. The heavy group showed the greatest decreased in SSE from session one to third. PSE results showed no significant changes between measurements. The results suggest that self-efficacy can be manipulated and can affect sport performance.

Primary Hyperparathyroidism : Prevalence and Associated Morbidity in Middle-Aged Women and Elderly Men

Siilin, Helene January 2011 (has links)
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine disease, existing in both genders and in all age groups. Postmenopausal women are at particular risk of developing the disease and estrogen decline after menopause is suggested to affect the progress. Although PHPT is mild in its presentation with subtle or no subjective symptoms, it is associated with an increased risk of associated morbidity and also mortality i.e cardiovascular complications, psychiatric instability, concomitant metabolic abnormalities, obesity and decrease in bone mineral density. The current cure is surgical removal of the diseased gland/s, but other medical alternatives have been investigated. The disease is thoroughly explored in postmenopausal women but less is known about other populations groups. Since progression of the disease generally is slow, the underlying disturbance of the calcium homeostasis can be suspected to have been established a long time prior to diagnose with potential to affect associated morbidity. The general aim of this thesis is to clarify the expression of PHPT in premenopausal women and in elderly men and to explore how frequent the disease in these populations occurs. The women and men were investigated through population-based studies. Baseline data and prevalence of PHPT in premenopausal women age 40-50 years were studied (Paper I), the prevalence was 5.1% in this population and was associated with decreased bone mineral density and associated obesity. In a three years follow up of the female cohort, the effects of menopausal transition and associated morbidity was investigated (Paper II). The prevalence and expression of PHPT in men between 69 and 81 years and impact on bone mineral density, physical performance, fall and fracture prevalence was explored through data from Mr Os Sweden (Papers III and IV). In this population prevalence of PHPT was 0.73% and associated with lower bone mineral density and inferior physical performance.

Physical performance, physical activity, body composition and exercise training in adults with congenital heart disease

Sandberg, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
Background Adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) is a growing population and related to advances in surgical and medical treatment, they now outnumber the children with corresponding lesions. Since a congenital heart lesion often results in reduced exercise capacity, this population is a potential target for physiotherapy. To what extent this reduction in exercise capacity is caused by abnormal cardiovascular anatomy and physiology or to what degree insufficient physical activity contributes is not known. To support the advancements in paediatric cardiac care, increased knowledge regarding physical performance, physical activity level, body composition and the effects of exercise training among adults with CHD is required. Methods In a cross-sectional study skeletal- and respiratory muscle function, physical activity level and exercise self-efficacy was investigated among 85 adults with various forms of CHD and 42 control subjects. A second study was conducted to analyse height, weight and body mass index (BMI) in 538 adults with complex CHD and 1886 adults with simple CHD. Data were extracted from the Swedish registry on congenital heart disease (SWEDCON) and compared to data from a national population survey. In a third study, factors associated with self-reported quality of life (QoL) were analysed using SWEDCON data on 315 adults with congenital aortic valve disease. Finally, a randomised controlled trial was conducted to investigate the effects of interval exercise training among adults with complex CHD. Results Adults with complex CHD showed impaired muscle function compared to both patients with simple CHD and controls. In addition, patients with complex CHD had a lower exercise self-efficacy compared to controls. Patients with CHD were equally active at moderate-to-vigorous level as the controls. However, approximately 50% of both patients and controls failed to reach the recommended physical activity level. In general patients with CHD had the same height, weight and BMI, as the general population. However, compared to the general population, men with CHD were more commonly underweight and less commonly overweight/obese. Additionally, especially male patients with complex CHD were shorter compared to the general population. Among adults with congenital aortic valve disease, a higher physical activity level was associated with better QoL. Furthermore, interval training increased exercise capacity and endurance among adults with complex CHD. Conclusion A higher physical activity level was associated with better self-reported QoL in patients with congenital aortic valve disease which implies that QoL might be possible to improve, by adopting a physically active life-style. Adults with CHD were equally active as controls at a moderate-to-vigorous physical activity level. However, approximately half of both groups were insufficiently physically active based on current recommendations. This indicates that low physical activity, on group level, does not explain the lower exercise capacity commonly found among patients with CHD. In addition, this is consistent the finding that the majority of patients followed the same pattern regarding BMI as seen in the general population. However, impaired muscle function in combination with the shorter stature and higher prevalence of underweight found in men, especially with complex CHD, implies an altered body composition in this group. The findings of the present thesis suggests an indication for physiotherapy targeting increased physical activity level and individualized exercise training in this patient population. Moreover, regular evaluation of muscle function, exercise self-efficacy and QoL, in addition to exercise capacity, might be useful for monitoring disease development over time.

Efeito da suplementação aguda de glutamina peptídeo e carboidrato em jogadores de futebol juniores: análise de parâmetros nutricionais, desempenho físico e bioquímicos / The effect of acute glutamine peptide and carbohydrate supplementation to adolescent soccer players : Assessment of nutritional, performance and biochemical parameters

Lisia de Melo Pires Kiehl 01 June 2007 (has links)
Futebol é um esporte de natureza intermitente, consistindo de séries repetidas (6-segundos) de trabalho rápido de alta intensidade e curta duração e de períodos de recuperação de intensidade baixa a moderada (60-segundos). O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a antropometria, o consumo alimentar, o desempenho e as respostas bioquímicas, moleculares e celulares de jogadores de futebol no teste de esforço máximo e determinar se a reposição aguda de glutamina altera essas variáveis. Quatorze jogadores de futebol (idade: 18 e 21 anos), de time profissional, representativos dos atletas dessa modalidade e faixa etária, foram avaliados. A avaliação antropométrica mostrou que esses jogadores apresentavam altura, peso e percentual de gordura, compatíveis com a idade e modalidade. A avaliação do consumo alimentar mostrou um consumo inadequado de macronutrientes e cálcio segundo IDR e ACSM. O desempenho desses atletas no teste foi dentro do esperado para atletas desta modalidade. O exercício causou acidose metabólica; aumento dos níveis plasmáticos de produtos de peroxidação lipídica, glutamina e glutamato, e aumento dos leucócitos circulantes, sem alterações na glicemia, enzimas musculares, ou proteína do choque térmico 27. A suplementação com glutamina peptídeo não proporcionou melhora no desempenho nem alterou as variáveis analisadas, após o exercício, exceto os produtos da peroxidação lipídica, que diminuíram com a suplementação. Frente aos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que sem uma alimentação adequada para faixa etária, nível de maturação sexual e modalidade esportiva, mesmo com a prescrição correta de treinamento, a suplementação com glutamina não será capaz de proporcionar efeitos positivos no desempenho físico. / Soccer is an intermittent sport in nature, consisting of repeated bouts of brief (6-second) maximal/near-maximal work interspersed with relatively short (60-second) moderate/low-intensity recovery periods. The aim of this study was to characterize anthropometry, food habit, performance, as well as biochemical, molecular and cellular responses of fourteen soccer players (age 18-21) to maximum exercise testing and to determine whether glutamine peptide supplementation changes these variables. The anthropometric and body composition assessment showed that the players presented height, weight and amount of body fat compatible with international sport criteria; however, body fat revealed a great variability. The dietary assessment identified an inadequate macronutrient and calcium consumption, compared to RDI e ACSM recommendations. Athlete\'s performance in maximum exercise testing was close to this modality average. The exercise testing induced a metabolic acidosis, with increased blood lactate levels; increased levels of glutamine and glutamate; increase in lipid peroxidation markers and in white blood cell count, while no change was detectable in blood glucose, muscle enzymes or heat shock protein 27 expression. Glutamine supplementation caused no change either in performance or in biochemical, molecular or cellular variables after aerobic exercise, except for lipid peroxidation markers, which decreased with supplementation. Therefore, it was concluded that without a healthy diet, ajusted to age and sport, glutamine supplement is not able to induce positive effects on performance.

Efeitos da suplementação crônica de lactato de cálcio e bicarbonato de sódio sobre desempenho físico em exercício intermitente de alta intensidade / Effects of chronic calcium lactate supplementation and sodium bicarbonate on high-intensity intermittent performance

Luana Farias de Oliveira 17 November 2015 (has links)
A fadiga muscular é um fenômeno extensivamente estudado, especialmente por sua influência sobre o desempenho físico. Diversos estudos têm demonstrado que a acidose muscular, ocasionada pelo acúmulo de íons H+ no interior da célula muscular, é um fator limitante para o desempenho físico durante exercícios físicos de alta intensidade. Assim, estratégias com o objetivo de atenuar a queda do pH intramuscular têm o potêncial de se destacar como agente tamponante. Dentre elas, a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio tem mostrado ser uma interessante estratégia nutricional para o aumento do desempenho anaeróbio. Recentemente a suplementação de lactato tem se mostrado como um possível agente tamponante. Teoricamente a suplementação de lactato pode aumentar os níveis sanguíneos de pH e bicarbonato, assim aumentando a capacidade tamponante extracelular. Os poucos estudos sugerem um potêncial ergogênico desta estratégia nutricional, embora a falta de estudos sugere a necessidade de mais estudos que atestem a eficácia ergogênica deste suplemento. Portanto, esse estudo tem por objetivo investigar o efeito da suplementação crônica de lactato de cálcio sobre os níveis sanguíneos de pH e bicarbonato e desempenho intermitente de alta intensidade; e ainda, compará-los com a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio. Foram recrutados 18 atletas (idade 26 ± 5 anos; massa corporal 88,8 ± 6,8 kg; estatura 1,78 ± 0,7m; gordura corporal 18,6 ± 6,2 %). A pesquisa teve um desenho randomizado, controlado por placebo, duplo-cego cross-over. Os sujeitos foram alocados em 3 tratamentos diferentes: placebo, lactato de cálcio e bicarbonato de sódio. Todos os tratamentos suplementaram a dose de 500 mg.kg-1, divididas em 4 doses diárias, por um período de cinco dias consecutivos, seguido por dois dias de washout. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a testes de desempenho físico anaeróbio para membros superiores. Foram realizadas 4 séries do teste de Wingate, com duração de 30 segundos em cada série, e carga fixa em 4% do peso corporal, separadas por períodos de recuperação ativa de 3 minutos. As variáveis de potência média, pico e trabalho total, foram usados para verificação de alterações no desempenho em virtude dos tratamentos. Foi ainda avaliado os níveis sanguíneos de pH, bicarbonato e lactato no repouso, após o esforço e 5min após o esforço. A análise de reprodutibilidade do teste de Wingate mostrou que não houve diferenças entre as duas familiarizações e o teste pré-suplementação. As variáveis sanguíneas não foram diferentes entre os testes, e evidenciaram o potêncial do teste em diminuir pH, bicarbonato e excesso ácido-base e aumentar o lactato plasmático. Os resultados mostram que a suplementação de lactato de cálcio não foi capaz de melhorar o desempenho ou influenciar variáveis sanguíneas de bicarbonato e pH, no entanto a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio melhorou o desempenho em ~2,9% e aumentou os níveis basais de bicarbonato sanguíneo, mas não alterou o pH. Dessa forma conclui-se que tal estratégia não é capaz de aumentar a capacidade tamponante, tampouco de promover melhoras no desempenho intermitente de alta intensidade / Muscle fatigue is an extensively studied phenomenon, especially due to its relevance to performance. Several studies have shown that muscle acidosis caused by hydrogen ion (H+) accumulation in the muscle cell is a limiting factor to physical performance during high-intensity exercise. Thus, strategies aimed at attenuating the fall in intramuscular pH during exercise have the potential to improve performance. Among these strategies, sodium bicarbonate supplementation has been shown to be an effective nutritional strategy for increasing anaerobic performance. Recently, lactate supplementation has been suggested to be an equally effective buffering aid. Theoretically, lactate supplementation can increase blood pH and bicarbonate levels, thereby increasing extracellular buffering capacity. The few studies available to date have shown the ergogenic potential of this nutritional strategy, although the lack of studies with chronic supplementation in addition to the lack of reliable physical tests suggests the need for more studies to confirm the efficacy of lactate supplementation. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of chronic calcium lactate and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on blood pH, bicarbonate and high-intensity intermittent exercise performance. Eighteen athletes (age 26±5 years; body mass 88,8±6,8 kg; height 1,78± 0,7m; body fat 18,6±6,2 %) were recruited to this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover and counterbalanced study. The participants\' underwent 3 different treatments: placebo, calcium lactate and sodium bicarbonate. The dose in all conditions was 500 mg·kg-1, divided into 4 daily doses, for 5 consecutive days, followed by a 2-day washout period. On the fifth day of supplementation, individuals underwent 4 bouts of the Wingate upper-body anaerobic test. The bouts lasted 30 seconds, with a fixed load of 4% body mass and were separated by active recovery periods of 3 minutes. Mean and peak power, as well as total work done, were recorded during each bout. In addition, blood pH, bicarbonate and lactate were determined at rest, immediately after exercise and 5 min after exercise. The Wingate test reproducibility analysis showed no differences between both familiarisations and a pre-supplementation test while blood variables were not different between tests. Post-exercise values highlighted the potential of the test to decrease blood pH, bicarbonate and base excess and to increase plasma lactate. Results showed that calcium lactate supplementation did not improve upper-body Wingate performance, likely due to a lack of change in blood bicarbonate and pH prior to exercise. Sodium bicarbonate supplementation improved performance by ~2.9% following increased pre-exercise levels of blood bicarbonate but not pH. It can be concluded that calcium lactate supplementation is not capable of increasing buffering capacity, and thus does not promote improvements in high-intensity intermittent performance

Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico com restrição do fluxo sanguíneo sobre a performance musculoesquelética e o dano muscular em adultos jovens / Effects of plyometric training with restriction of blood flow on the musculoskeletal performance and muscle damage in young adults

Luiz Guilherme Cruz Gonçalves 08 April 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar os efeitos do treinamento pliométrico com restrição do fluxo sanguíneo (TP-RFS) ou sem (TP) sobre a performance musculoesquelética, variáveis antropométricas e os indicadores indiretos de dano muscular. Objetivos secundários foram comparar os percentuais de mudanças de todas as variáveis entre os grupos e correlacionar os percentuais de mudanças da performance da velocidade cíclica com o da força. 20 homens jovens (18-30 anos) desempenharam exercícios de saltos (hurdle jumps e drop jumps) duas vezes por semana durante oito semanas usando esfignamômetros específicos para a restrição do fluxo sanguíneo (RFS) ou sem a sua utilização. Durante as sessões com RFS, os participantes ficaram inflados de modo total e intermitente na região proximal em ambas as pernas. A velocidade de deslocamento cíclico foi mensurada pelos testes de velocidade de 10m e de 30m e o teste T-40 para avaliar o desempenho da velocidade de deslocamento cíclico-acíclico. A performance de salto foi quantificada pelos saltos horizontais (SHs) unilaterais e bilaterais saindo da posição parada e os saltos verticais (SVs) [squat jump (SJ) e countermovement jump (CMJ)]. A força muscular dinâmica foi avaliada por meio de uma repetição máxima (1-RM) no agachamento com barra guiada. A antropometria foi mensurada pela porcentagem de gordura, massa magra e pelo volume muscular dos membros inferiores. Os marcadores indiretos de dano muscular foram recordados pela atividade plasmática das enzimas creatina quinase (CK) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH). Estas avaliações foram obtidas pré, durante e pós o programa de treinamento. Os resultados demonstraram que o grupo TP-RFS apresentou ganhos significativos nos testes de velocidade de 30m, teste T-40, SH direita, SH esquerda, SH bilateral, SJ e 1-RM. O grupo TP mostrou melhoras em relação aos testes de velocidade de 10m, SH direita, SH bilateral, SJ e CMJ, assim como, o grupo TP demonstrou incrementos superiores significativos quando comparado com o grupo TP-RFS sobre os percentuais de mudanças dos testes de velocidade de 10m, SJ e CMJ. Verificou-se correlação entre os percentuais de mudanças da velocidade de 30m e o teste de CMJ no grupo TP. Foi observada diminuição da porcentagem de gordura entre os diferentes momentos em ambos os grupos. Entretanto, não foram verificadas nenhuma mudança em relação a massa magra e as medidas de circunferência de coxa tanto no grupo TP-RFS quanto no grupo TP. Para análise da atividade plasmática das enzimas CK e LDH, não foram demonstradas nenhuma alteração quando comparados os diferentes momentos de coletas em ambos os grupos e o percentual de mudança entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a RFS em combinação com o TP não aumenta a performance musculoesquelética e as variáveis relacionadas com a antropometria quando comparado o TP aplicado de maneira independente. No que diz respeito a CK e LDH, ambas as condições com ou sem RFS não suportam a hipótese de haver dano muscular para o protocolo de treinamento realizado / The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of plyometric training with blood flow restriction (PT-BFS) or without (PT) on the musculoskeletal performance, anthropometric variables and indirect indicators of muscle damage. Secondary objectives were to compare the changes in percentage of all variables between the groups and to correlate the percentage changes of the cyclical speed performance with strength. 20 young men (18-30 years) played jumping exercises (jumps hurdle and drop jumps) twice a week for eight weeks using specific cuffs for blood flow restriction (BFR) or without their use. During the sessions with RFS, participants were inflated fully and intermittently in the proximal region in both legs. The cyclic shift speed was measured by the speed tests 10m and 30m and T-40 test to evaluate the performance of the cyclic-acyclic speed. The jump performance was measured by horizontal jumps (HJs) unilateral and bilateral leaving the stop position and the vertical jumps (VJs) [squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ)]. The dynamic muscle strength was evaluated by one repetition maximum (1-RM) squat with guided bar. Anthropometry was measured by the percentage of fat, lean mass and the muscular volume of the lower limbs. The indirect markers of muscle damage were recalled by plasma activity of the enzymes creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). These datas were obtained before, during and after the training program. The results showed that PT-BFR group showed significant gains in speed tests 30m, T-40 test, right HJ, HJ left bilateral HJ, SJ and 1-RM. PT group showed improvements regarding speed testing 10m, right HJ, bilateral HJ, SJ and CMJ, as well as the PT group demonstrated significant higher increases compared with the PT-BFR group on percentage change of the test speed 10m, SJ and CMJ. There was correlation between the percentage changes of 30m speed and CMJ test the PT group. It was observed decrease in fat percentage between different moments in both groups. However, it was not observed any change in relation to lean body mass and thigh circumference measurements both in PT-BFR group as in the PT group. For analysis of plasma activity of CK and LDH were not substantiated any changes when comparing the different times of collections in both groups and the percentage of change between groups. It follows that RFS in combination with the PT does not increase the performance musculoskeletal and no change the variables anthropometry when compared PT applied independently. As regards CK and LDH, both with or without BFR conditions do not support the hypothesis of muscle damage done to the training protocol

Factors Affecting Military Physical Performance: Effects of Morphology, Physiological Capacity, Inflammation and Heat

Tingelstad, Hans Christian January 2018 (has links)
THESIS ABSTRACT This thesis work was undertaken to investigate the effects of internal (i.e. morphology, physiological capacity, stress and inflammatory cytokines) and external (i.e. heat exposure) factors on military physical performance in members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). By gaining insight into how these factors affect military physical performance, training and intervention strategies could be better tailored for optimizing performance. Both morphology and physiological capacity have previously been recognized to affect performance on certain military physical performance tasks. However, the effect of such factors on the newly implemented Common Military Task Fitness Evaluation (CMTFE), the current physical employment standard for the CAF, has not been determined. Stress and inflammatory cytokines have also been shown to affect physical performance in the general population, but there is no data available on levels of stress and inflammatory cytokines in the CAF, or their potential effect on military physical performance. Recently, the CAF have also implemented a loaded march, followed by an assessment of military physical performance (FORCEcombat), as a part of the physical performance testing for all members of the Canadian Army. However, there is a lack of research currently available on how factors like heat exposure can affect thermoregulatory and cardiovascular response, as well as performance on a loaded march, and the following FORCEcombat test. In order to provide key information about the requirements and delivery of the military physical performance tests currently used in the CAF, my thesis focused on four main parts to better understand the importance of some of the internal and external factors known to affect physical performance. Firstly, my thesis assessed CAF members’ morphological and physiological characteristics that may affect overall performance on the CMTFE. In Chapter 2, results showed that both characteristics of morphology and physiological capacity separated the top and bottom performers. Even though a difference in morphology was observed between top and bottom performers, performance on the CMTFE was mainly dependent on aerobic capacity and measures of strength, rather than morphology. Aerobic capacity explained ~36% of variability in performance among women, and ~32% variability in performance among men. Core strength also had a significant effect on performance in both groups, however, men relied more on upper body strength than did women. Apart from showing that physiological capacity, rather than morphology was the main component affecting performance outcome on the CMTFE, it was also concluded that, unlike physical performance tests used by the U.S. Armed Forces (i.e. push-ups, sit-ups, mile run), no body mass bias exists against larger individuals performing the CMTFE. Chapter 3 and 4 focused on describing levels of stress and inflammatory cytokines among CAF members, and their effect on military physical performance. Stress exposure is known to induce an increase in the production of stress and inflammatory cytokines, and an increase in levels of inflammatory cytokines have been shown to be associated with a decrease in physical performance in general population. Members of the armed forces are susceptible to high stress exposure, but no current data exist on basal levels of stress and inflammatory cytokines in a military population. We therefore performed a descriptive analysis of levels of stress and inflammatory cytokines among CAF members. The results from this analysis showed a generally low detection rate of most of the inflammatory cytokines measured in our military population. However, we did observe a higher detection rate for IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-5, IL-8, IL-17a, IL-23 and IL-31 with increasing age. Adiponectin levels were higher in women compared to men (5.81 (3.52-13.19) µg/ml vs 16.71 (7.68-25.32) µg/ml), whereas IL-18 levels were higher in men compared to women (89.25 (84.03-94.48) vs 75.91 (69.70-82.13) pg/ml). Increasing age was associated with higher basal levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Adiponectin, IL-18 and IL-2, and we also found a significant positive correlation between body fat percentage (BF%) and CRP levels. Following the outcomes of the descriptive study, the associations between levels of stress and inflammatory cytokines and military physical performance were elucidated. Using multiple linear regression, controlling for covariates such as age, sex and BF%, a significant negative association was observed between CRP levels and Total Performance on the CMTFE (p=0.01), picking and digging performance (p=0.04), aerobic capacity (p=0.05) and plank time (p<0.01) among CAF members. Finally, in Chapter 5, the effect of heat exposure on the capacity to perform a task oriented military test was quantified. Many CAF members are subject to a significant heat exposure on a daily basis, and studies from the general population have shown that heat exposure can have a detrimental effect on physical performance. As mentioned previously, The Canadian Army have recently implemented a test of loaded march performance, as a part of their occupational physical performance testing. The loaded march will be performed while wearing military personal protective equipment (PPE) and a daypack (~35 kg), and all members of the Canadian Army will be required to perform this test. Due to this need for mass testing, a large part of the loaded march performance assessments will be required to take place during the summer months. Temperature and relative humidity (RH) can reach high levels on several of the Canadian Army bases located around Canada, during the summer months. However, there is currently limited research available assessing the thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses to performing a loaded march in the heat while wearing military PPE. Consequently, a study was designed to determine the thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses to a loaded march (60 min, 5.17 km*h-1, ~35 kg external load) at normal temperature (21°C, 50% RH) and in the heat (30°C, 50% RH). This study also aimed to quantify the effect of heat exposure and previous experience on loaded march and military physical performance (FORCEcombat). Ten participants experienced with loaded march (military reservists), and ten participants inexperienced with loaded march (civilians) were recruited for this study. The results showed that whereas nine out of ten participants in the experienced group completed the loaded march in the heat, only five of the ten participants in the inexperienced group were able to do the same. Performing the loaded march in the heat while wearing military PPE led to a state of uncompensable heat stress, for both the experienced and the inexperienced group. Both groups showed a continuous increase in core temperature and heat storage (0.025°C/min and 0.02°C/min mean increase in core temp, 8.7 kj/min and 6.7 kj/min mean increase in heat storage, for the inexperienced and experienced group respectively) throughout the heat trial. Apart from the difference in completion rate on the loaded march, experienced participants also had a lower heart rate (134.2±11.9 vs 143.1±8.9 bpm, p≤0.05), perceived exertion (10.2±1.4 vs 13.0±0.9, p≤0.05), thermal comfort (1.9±0.5 vs 2.4±0.4, p≤0.05), and FORCEcombat completion time (662±133 vs 530±49 sec, p≤0.05) compared to the inexperienced participants. The overall results from this thesis show that physiological capacity, inflammatory cytokines, heat exposure and previous experience, all have an effect on military physical performance. It was found that physiological capacity rather than morphology, was the superior predictor of performance on the CMTFE: inflammatory cytokines are present in CAF members and CRP levels increased with increasing age, CRP levels were negatively associated with military physical performance, performing a loaded march in the heat while wearing military PPE exposed both experienced and inexperienced participants to a state of uncompensable heat stress and decreased performance on the FORCEcombat test, and that previous experience has a positive effect on loaded march completion rate and FORCEcombat performance.

Rendimiento físico de los adultos mayores residentes en zonas rurales a nivel del mar y de altura del Perú

Estela Ayamamani, David Gerardo, Espinoza Figueroa, Jossue Victor Jesus, Columbus Morales, Ivan Mauricio Guillermo 29 January 2015 (has links)
Introducción. El vivir en grandes alturas genera que los pobladores se adapten biológica y socialmente al ambiente. El objetivo fue determinar la diferencia del rendimiento físico (RF) en poblaciones rurales a nivel del mar y a gran altitud. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal en comunidades rurales de Áncash, Perú, ubicadas a 3345 m s.n.m. y 6 m s.n.m. Se midió RF según el Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) y otros factores asociados. Se calculó las razones de prevalencia ajustadas (RPa). Resultados. Se evaluó a 130 adultos mayores en la comunidad de gran altitud y 129 en la costa, la mediana de la edad fue 71,4 y 55,6 % fueron mujeres. El bajo rendimiento físico (SPPB ≤ 6) fue de 10,0% a gran altitud y 19,4% en la costa (p<0,05). Los factores asociados con un bajo rendimiento físico fueron ser de costa (RPa: 2,10; IC95%: 1,02-4,33), tener una percepción de mala salud (RPa: 2,48; IC95%: 1,21-5,08), tener hipertensión arterial (RPa: 1,73; IC95%: 1,01-2,98), tener mayor edad (RPa: 1,04; IC95%: 1,01-1,07), mientras que ser agricultor (RPa: 0,49; IC95%: 0,25-0,97), y ser independiente (RPa: 0,37; IC95%: 0,20- ,072) serían factores protectores. Asimismo, se encontró que los pobladores de la costa tienen 0,86 puntos menos en el SPPB total que los de gran altitud (p=0,004). Conclusiones. Existe asociación entre residir en altura y RF en adultos mayores. La prevalencia de bajo RF en los adultos mayores de zonas rurales a nivel del mar es dos veces mayor en comparación a los que viven en comunidades rurales de altura. / Introduction. Living in high altitudes mandates that villagers adapt biologically and socially to the environment. The objective of this study was to determine the difference in physical performance (PP) in rural populations at sea level and at high altitude. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in rural communities in Ancash, Peru, located at 3345 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) and also in communities located in coastal areas at 6 m.a.s.l. PP was measured by the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and other associated factors. Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) were calculated. Results. 130 older adults were assessed in the high altitude communities and 129 on the coast. The median age was 71.4 and 55.6% were female. Low physical performance (SPPB ≤ 6) was 10.0% at high altitude and 19.4% on the coast (p <0.05). Factors associated with low physical performance were residing at the coast (aPR: 2.10, 95% CI 1.02 to 4.33), self-reported poor health (aPR: 2.48, 95% CI 1.21 -5.08), hypertension (aPR: 1.73, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.98), and age (aPR: 1.04, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.07), while being a farmer (aPR: 0.49, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.97), and being independent (aPR: 0.37, 95% CI 0,20-, 072) were found to be protective factors. We also found that the inhabitants of the coast have on average a 0.86 point lower total SPPB than the high altitude ones (p = 0.004). Conclusions. There is an association between altitude of residence and PP in older adults. The prevalence of low PP in older adults in rural areas at sea level is twice as high compared to those living in high altitude rural communities.

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