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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cost-effective, post-mining environmental restoration of an open-cast phosphate mine at Langebaanweg, South Africa / Cost-effective post closure environmental restoration of an open-cast mine in a semi-arid environment on the West coast of South Africa

Van Eeden, Joseph Deon January 2010 (has links)
Approaching the ecological rehabilitation of an open-cast phosphate mine in the West Coast of South Africa during the post-operational phase presented some challenges. The area was extensively modified during the mining operations. Soils from different layers were mixed with topsoil being covered by subsoil, overburden dumps and tailing dams being constructed resulting in extensive cross-zoned soils. Large areas of subsoil areas were exposed on the mine floor with localized and small scale salinity being evident. The modified topography as well as the complex new surface material posed a challenge in terms of identifying suitable local species that could be used to rehabilitate the post-mining environment. The mine area was heavily infested with woody alien invasive plants, such as Acacia cyclops, established in an attempt to reduce the dust and little natural vegetation cover was present. In the arid west coast environment, the four-month-long winter growing season is followed by hot and windy dry summers (Chapter 2) presenting a challenge reestablishing local vegetation in modified soils. Moreover, little was known about the local vegetation in terms of their propagation and use in stabilization techniques as an alternative to exotic vegetation such as the A. cyclops, which had been more often used in revegetation projects. A study was conducted to determine the most efficient and cost-effective methods of vegetative rehabilitation of the Chemfos site (Chapter 1). A review of the literature available at the time as well as approaches that were successfully implemented in other Western Cape rehabilitation projects such as the Du Toitskloof Pass and the Sishen–Saldanha railway line (Chapter 3), were considered. Previous studies on the west coast dunes at Blaauwberg had shown using Marram grass as a dune stabilizer was most successful. Marram grass was tested in trials alongside local grasses, such as Chaetobromus dregeanus and Ehrharta villosa, that showed potential but had not been formally evaluated. The environmental context of Chemfos (Chapter 2) as well as the Conceptual Rehabilitation Plan that considered the modified environment, soils and closure objectives of the mine, were reviewed to determine the most pressing rehabilitationrelated questions that required answers. This led to the final experimental design that was implemented mid-winter in 1996 (Chapter 5). The trials were implemented in the areas perceived to be the most difficult to rehabilitate, namely the mobile sands in the tailings dam and the exposed subsoil or mine floor areas. The use of brushwood together with specific plants and seeds appropriate for the use in either sandy soil or subsoil were evaluated in a variety of combinations and application densities to determine the most effective treatment combination at the minimum effective density. The best initial cover of the tailings dam were recorded in the Ammophila arenaria trials but the use of the local grass species Ehrharta villosa, performed better from year two onwards and was much cheaper to establish. On the subsoil, the trials where a cover of topsoil was used performed better than the combination trials. This indicated that topsoil placement on post-operational phase shaped subsoils during the mining operation to be the most desirable treatment. Initial results of the trials were used as a basis for developing the rehabilitation techniques that were rolled out across the Chemfos landscape. The approaches were refined as indications of trial responses became evident. Lessons learned were incorporated in the adaptive management approach that was followed and the rehabilitation techniques (Chapter 6) were continually re-evaluated and adjusted. This resulted in a significant step towards achieving the overall research objective of finding cost-effective approaches to rehabilitation. Components such as refinement of the seed collection and processing techniques (Chapter 7) where the post-harvest processing cost was significantly reduced by introducing specially designed drying racks. Processing techniques were adjusted to suit the different species, and a variety of mechanical processing options were explored. The scale of the Chemfos project led to the development of new techniques of manufacturing a smoke-derived germination stimulant (Chapter 8) since commercial availability of these products was very limited. The development of FireGrow assisted in the overall aim of reducing cost by increasing germination of seed in the rehabilitation sites using a very cost-effective smoke concentrate. Socio-economical aspects were considered during the implementation as well as the post-closure phases of the rehabilitation and BHPBilliton invested through the agency of the SAMANCOR Trust. This led to the development of livelihoods of the staff that remained in the area and that lived in the mine village. The demography of the population has changed over time in the Green Village as well as the skills that the inhabitants have developed. Thus, the new economic opportunities that were pursued have brought a new lease on life beyond the lifespan of the mine (Chapter 9) once the closure certificate had been issued.

Infrared microspectroscopy of plants: use of synchrotron radiation infrared microspectroscopy to study plant root anatomy and to monitor the fate of organic contaminants in those roots

Dokken, Kenneth M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biochemistry / Lawrence C. Davis / The fate and bioavailability of organic contaminants in plants is a major ecological and human health concern. Current wet chemistry techniques that employ strong chemical treatments and extractions with volatile solvents, such as GC-MS, HPLC, and radiolabeling, although helpful, degrade plant tissue resulting in the loss of spatial distribution and the production of artifacts. Synchrotron radiation infrared microspectroscopy (SR-IMS) permits direct analysis of plant cell wall architecture at the cellular level in situ, combining spatially localized information and chemical information from the IR absorbances to produce a chemical map that can be linked to a particular morphology or functional group. This study demonstrated the use of SR-IMS to probe biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, and proteins in the root tissue of hydroponically grown sunflower and maize plants as well as to determine the fate and effect of several organic contaminants in those root tissues. Principal components analysis (PCA), a data compression technique, was employed to reveal the major spectral variances between untreated and organic contaminant treated root tissues. Treatment with 1H-benzotriazole (BT) caused alterations to the lignin component in the root tissue of plants. The BT was found in xylem and epidermal tissue of sunflower plants but not associated with any particular tissue in maize roots. 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) and 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) altered the pectin and polysaccharide structure in both maize and sunflower. SR-IMS revealed the reduction of DNTs to their aromatic amine form in the vascular and epidermal tissues at low concentration. At high concentration, DNTs appeared to be associated with all the plant tissues in maize and sunflower. Exposure of sunflower and maize to 2,6-dichlorophenol (2,6-DCP) caused alterations to the polysaccharide and protein component of the root tissue. In some cases, phenolic compounds were observed in the epidermal tissue of maize and sunflower roots. The results of this research indicate that SR-IMS has the potential to become an important analytical tool for determining the fate and effect of organic contaminants in plants.

Interactions entre les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques et les plantes supérieures : prélèvement et réponses toxiques / Interactions between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and superior plants : uptake and toxic responses

Dupuy, Joan 15 December 2014 (has links)
En France et en Europe, la fin des activités industrielles liées à l’exploitation du charbon a laissé de nombreux sites et sols pollués par les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP). La rhizodégradation pourrait permettre leur dépollution par l’utilisation de plantes et de leur microflore associée. Toutefois, l’efficacité de cette technique, démontrée en conditions contrôlées de laboratoire, est limitée in situ par de fortes mortalités ou l’inhibition de croissance de la plante. De plus, le transfert de ces polluants dans la plante peut menacer la chaîne alimentaire. Ce travail se propose d’étudier les interactions entre le maïs, choisi ici comme plante modèle, et les HAP de sols industriels contaminés ou un de leur représentant, le phénanthrène ajouté à un substrat simplifié. Le prélèvement des HAP et leur effet sur la physiologie de la plante sont évalués sur des systèmes de complexité croissante et en abordant ces questions à différentes échelles, allant de la cellule à la plante entière. Il s’agit en particulier d’élucider les mécanismes de transfert et de translocation des HAP dans la plante et d’identifier les réponses toxiques de celle-ci. Les résultats mènent à l’hypothèse d’une sorption physique des HAP de la phase solide du sol par contact direct avec les racines comme mécanisme principal d’entrée et non par transport dans la phase aqueuse. Les principaux arguments sont les distributions moléculaires similaires entre les HAP totaux dans les terres et celles dans les racines, les mauvaises corrélations entre les concentrations en HAP dissous dans l’eau porale et les racines, ainsi que la surestimation des concentrations prédites par des modèles existants fondés sur un prélèvement de la solution du sol. La localisation du PHE dans les racines à l’aide d’outils de microscopie montre une subérification précoce de l’exoderme et l’endoderme, même à de faibles teneurs (50 mg kg-1). Le prélèvement de nutriment ne semble pas affecté mais d’importantes accumulations et carences d’éléments sont observées dans les parties aériennes. Ces perturbations nutritionnelles du maïs pourraient affecter le fonctionnement de la plante et par conséquent limiter sa croissance ou entraîner sa mort / In Europe and France, the end of industrial activities associated to coal exploitation left numerous wastelands contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Rhizodegradation enables their remediation by using plants associated with microflora. However, the efficiency of this technique, demonstrated at the laboratory scale, is often limited in situ by high plant mortality or inhibited growth. Furthermore, the PAH uptake in plants may threaten the food chain. This work studied the interactions between maize, chosen as model plant, and PAH from industrial contaminated soils or from simplified model systems, i.e. sand spiked with phenanthrene. PAH uptake and their effect on the plant physiology were assessed using systems of increasing complexity, to solve questions raised at different scales, from the cell to the whole plant. Mechanisms involved in PAH uptake and translocation are proposed and the toxic responses of the plant are detailed. Results lead to a new hypothesis: PAH from the solid phase penetrate the roots by physical and direct contact and not only through uptake in pore water. Main arguments are: similar molecular distributions in soils and roots, low correlations between PAH concentrations in pore water and roots and overprediction of bioaccumulation by using predicting models based on root absorption in soil solution. Localization of PHE in roots using microscopic tools showed early suberisation of endoderm and exoderm in presence of PHE, even at low concentration (50 mg kg-1). Nutrient uptake seemed not affected but large elements accumulations and depletion were observed in aerial part of maize. These nutritional disruptions may affect plant functioning and consequently, decrease its growth or even cause its death

Complémentarité fonctionnelle en phytoremédiation dans un sol à contamination mixte

Lachapelle, Anne 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Field and Greenhouse Studies of Phytoremediation with California Native Plants for Soil Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, Chlorinated Dioxins/Furans, and Heavy Metals

Poltorak, Matthew Robert 01 December 2014 (has links)
Native and naturalized California plant species were screened for their phytoremediation potential for the cleanup of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated dioxins/furans, and heavy metals. This screening was followed by controlled greenhouse experiments to further evaluate the phytoremediation potential of the best candidates. Field specimens and soils used for this study were collected from the former Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in Southern California that was operated by the Department of Energy (DOE). Soils at this site contain all of the contaminants of interest (COIs). Nine plant species were screened in the field: Purple Needlegrass (Nassella pulchra), Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), Laurel Sumac (Malosma laurina), Mule Fat (Baccharis salicifolia), Palmer’s Goldenbush (Ericameria palmeri), Summer Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), Narrowleaf Milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis), Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis), and Thickleaf Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium). In the field three samples of each species growing in contaminated soil and one of each species growing in uncontaminated soil were selected for harvesting and analysis. The roots, above ground plant tissue, and soil around the roots were sampled separately and analyzed for the COIs: PHCs, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated dioxins/furans, and metals (which include mercury, silver, cadmium, and lead). All of the plants in the field appeared to generate compounds which result in higher measured PHC concentrations than those measured in the associated soil. The highest concentrations of PAHs in the roots were observed for Blue Elderberry (1740 ug/kg), Purple Needlegrass (703 ug/kg), and Yerba Santa (200 ug/kg). No uptake of PCBs was observed in the roots or foliage of any species. The highest concentrations of total chlorinated dioxins/furans in the roots were observed for Purple Needlegrass (2237 ng/kg), Blue Elderberry (1026 ng/kg), Palmer’s Goldenbush (432 ng/kg), and Yerba Santa (421 ng/kg). The highest concentrations of total chlorinated dioxins/furans in the foliage were observed for Yerba Santa (901 ng/kg), Palmer’s Goldenbush (757 ng/kg), and Purple Needlegrass (694 ng/kg). No uptake of mercury was observed in the roots or foliage of any species. The highest concentration of silver in the roots was observed for Laurel Sumac (7.34 mg/kg). Summer Mustard (SM) was the only species that showed uptake of silver into the foliage (0.405 mg/kg). The highest concentrations of cadmium in the roots and foliage were observed for Mule Fat (1.84 mg/kg and 3.64 mg/kg) and Coyote Brush (1.52 mg/kg and 2.12 mg/kg) and the greatest concentration of lead in the roots and foliage was observed for Purple Needlegrass (8.92 mg/kg and 1.17 mg/kg). Plants with a wide variety of observed contaminant uptake in the field were selected for a second phase of research in which three of the most promising species were grown in greenhouse microcosms to quantify the removal of contaminants from the soil. The three species selected based on preliminary results from the field study were Coyote Brush, Mule Fat, and Purple Needlegrass. Microcosms consisted of 2.17 kg of soil in 4-L glass jars with glass marbles for an underdrain. Plants were watered with deionized water and no leachate was collected. Five replicates of each microcosm type were created and incubated for 211 days with soil sampling at 85 and 211 days. Soil, plant roots/above ground tissue, and volatilization from the plants were analyzed for COIs to determine the mechanisms of phytoremediation. One set of microcosms was used to test the effect of addition of achelating agent (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and another set was used to test the effect of fertilizer addition on phytoremediation potential. Three control treatments were tested: sterilized (gamma irradiation) soil planted with Purple Needlegrass, unplanted soil, and sterilized unplanted soil. None of the plant species demonstrated volatilization of COIs under these conditions. Volatilization of mercury was not tested for. The average PCB concentration (measured as Aroclor 1260) reductions in soils with Purple Needlegrass and chelated Coyote Brush were 49.4% and 51.4% respectively (p < 0.05). However, the sterilized unplanted control also had a decrease of Aroclor 1260 concentrations in the soil of 36.6% (p < 0.05). None of the species phytoextracted PCBs, so the mechanism of PCB remediation appears to be phytostimulation of the rhizosphere. Purple Needlegrass showed the greatest uptake of dioxins/furans into the foliage but did not appear to reduce the dioxin/furan concentrations in the soil. Coyote Brush, fertilized Coyote Brush, and Mule Fat also showed uptake of dioxins/furans into the roots and foliage. Only the Coyote Brush and fertilized Coyote Brush significantly (p = 0.036, p = 0.022) reduced the total dioxin/furan concentration in the soil (17.8% and 19.8% respectively). Coyote Brush may have stimulated microbes in the rhizosphere to better degrade the dioxins/furans. None of the plants were identified as hyper-accumulators of metals, and none of the soil metal concentrations significantly decreased in any of the microcosms. All of the metals (except mercury) were taken into the roots of plants to some degree, with Purple Needlegrass showing the most promise for metal extraction as it showed some of the highest concentrations of metals in roots and was the only species that contained mercury and silver in the foliage. This study suggests that there is some potential for phytoremediation of PCBs and chlorinated dioxins/furans. The results for petroleum hydrocarbons were inconclusive. Metal uptake was not substantial enough to lower metal concentrations in the soils. Thus phytoremediation of COIs at the site is limited and more aggressive forms of remediation may be required to reduce the concentrations of COIs quickly.

Studium fyziologických změn rostlin při stresu zinečnatými ionty / Study of physiological changes in plants under stress by zinc ions

Adam, Rostislav January 2012 (has links)
Heavy metals are part of us life for many centuries. Some of them are for living organism neccessary, but in large amount they have toxic effects. So we should decrease amount of heavy metals in the Environment. We have many way to do it. A relatively new way are the phytoremediation. If we would use the phytoremediation, we should know, what they do in plants. We must use specific plants, which are tolerant to certain heavy metal. If we would select a suitable plant, we have to try, how heavy metals in soil solution are toxic to plants. Zinc is no expection, although it is important part of many proteins. In plants it make rusty leaves and reduct aboveground and root biomass production. In hydroponic experiment I investigated that mallow Malva verticillata was very sensitive to low additon of Zn(NO3)2. The toxic efect appeared in 2 weeks. In sorghum Sorghum bicolor zinc show expressive toxic effect at concentration 1 mmol/l. I studied six cultivars of Sorghum bicolor, DSM 14-535, Expres, Honey Graze BMR, Nutri Honey, Sucrosorgho 506 and Sweet Virginia. According EC50 I as- sessed that the most sensitive was Sucrosorgho 506 and very tolerant were Nutri Honey and Sweet Virginia. Cultivar Nutri Honey was characteristic. It had the highest ratio concentration in shoot to concentration in root. I studied...

Deponiverksamhet i Kungsör- föroreningar nu och i framtiden

Echeverria, Wendy, Hönig, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
En ohållbar resursanvändning har lett till att resurser länge lagts i osorterade deponier, vilket leder till att farliga ämnen lakas ur och förorenar sjöar och vattendrag. Klimatförändringar som förväntas leda till stigande havsnivåer gör att deponier i närheten till hav, sjöar och vattendrag kan komma att sprida föroreningar i större utsträckning än de gör idag. För att bidra till ytterligare kunskap kring ämnet har metallhalten i två gamla deponier intill Mälaren undersökts. Studien baseras på en fältundersökning där mark och grundvattenprover samlats in, analyserats och kategoriserats enligt MIFOs principer: farlighet, föroreningsnivå och spridningsrisk. Utgångspunkten är att skyddsvärdet är stort då området angränsar till Mälaren. Det undersökta området omfattas av två deponier (Ekudden och Uddhagen) i anslutning till varandra och undersöks därför samtidigt. Studiens syfte är att identifiera områden med punktkällor där åtgärder bör vidtas för att minimera risken för en kontaminering av Mälarens vatten nu och i framtiden. Studien visade att samtliga provpunkter överskred halter för KM (känslig markanvändning) för en eller flera metaller. Genom en visualisering kunde sex områden identifieras där en eller flera provpunkter visade på halter där minst tre ämnen överskrider halten för MKM (mindre känslig markanvändning), eller där en eller flera ämnen överskrider halten för FA (farligt avfall). Då områdets avgränsning inte var tillräckligt tydlig kunde inte alla provpunkterna ses som punktkällor. Två områden anses ha två eller fler punktkällor som sprider föroreningar. Punktkällorna är belägna på en kampingplats där halter för KM inte bör överskridas. Fyra områden anses ha delområden som utgörs av provpunkterna där halterna är högre än övriga provpunkter. Fyra punkter anses även ligga så pass nära strandkanten att en höjning av Mälaren skulle kunna leda till en översvämning av provpunkterna vilket kan innebära en ökad risk för kontaminering av ytvattnet. En åtgärd som föreslås för att minimera risken för fortsatt urlakning är en välplanerad bioremediering i kombination med fytoremediering då stora delar idag används i rekreationella syften. Structor miljöteknik AB på uppdrag av Kungsörs kommun / The unsustainableuse of resources has resulted inresiduesbeing put into unsorted landfills for a long time, this practice has ledto hazardous substances being leached out and polluting lakes and watercourses. Climate changeis leadingto rising sea levels, whichmay result inthat landfills in vicinity of seas, lakes and watercourses may spread pollution to a greater extent than they do today. To contribute to further knowledge about thissubject, the metal content in two old landfills next to Lake Mälaren has been investigated. The study is based on a field survey where soil and groundwater samples were collected, analyzed and categorized according to MIFO's principles: hazard, pollution level and risk of spreading. The starting point is that the protection value is large as the area borders Lake Mälaren. The investigated area is covered by two landfills (Ekudden and Uddhagen) adjacent to each other and because of that the areas areinvestigated at the same time. The purpose of the study was to identify hotspots of pollutants,where measures should be taken to minimize the risk of contamination of the lakenow and in the future. The study showed that all test points exceeded levels for KM (sensitive land use) for one or more metals. Through a visualization, six areas could be identified where one or more test points showed levels where at least three substances exceed the level for MKM (less sensitive land use), or where one or more substances exceed the level for FA (hazardous waste). As the demarcation of the area was not clear enough, not all test points could countas hotspots.Two areas are considered to have two or morehotspotsthat spread pollutants. The hotspot-areasare located on a campsite where levels for KM should not be exceeded. Four areas are considered assub-areas, these sub-areasconsist of the test points where pollutantsare high, but the demarcation of the area is uncertain.Four areasare also considered to be at risk if lake Mälaren shouldincrease which could lead to a flood of the test pointsandmay entail an increased risk of contamination of the surface water. One measure that is proposed to minimize the risk of continued leaching is a well-planned bioremediation in combination with phytoremediation as large parts of the investigated area iscurrently used for recreational purposes

Investigating the role of plant traits and interactions in emergent wetland nutrient removal

Sample, Andrew Ryan 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing wetland restoration in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley has been identified as a method to reduce nutrient loading in the Gulf of Mexico. Wetlands have historically been used to treat water through processes facilitated by wetland plants, and relatively few species and plant traits have been identified as important in carrying out these processes. This study focuses on some of those species and traits and aims to identify species differences and plant traits that may be important for wetland nutrient mitigation. Chapter I provides background information on nutrient pollution, wetland biogeochemical mechanisms for nutrient sequestration, and the focal species of the study. Chapters II and III cover the design and methods for this mesocosm study and the experimental results, while Chapter IV provides a discussion of these findings and identifies other questions that need to be addressed to better understand wetland nutrient removal dynamics.

Upptagshastigheter av metaller med salix / Phytoextraction rates of metals with salix

Lilja, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Phytoremediation is a technology that can be used in several ways to remediate polluted soils and water. Today, phytoremediation is viewed by many as a technology in the development phase and therefore it is important to evaluate existing facilities to create more support for future establishment. At the closed landfill of Dragmossen situated outside Älvkarleby, Sweden, there is a plantation of salix (Salix spp.) used for leachate management by collecting the leachate in ponds and using it to irrigate the salix. The goal is to let the water evaporate partially and then use the remaining water in the plantation, thus keeping pollutants in the system and stored in the biomass of the plants. In this Degree Project within Environmental and Water Engineering the performance and the risks associated with the salix plantation at the landfill Dragmossen were evaluated. The study was conducted by analyzing data of samples taken from the salix biomass, soil and water in regards to metal concentrations. The allocation of different metals in the plant was investigated and the transfer coefficient (TC-quota) and the translocation factor (TF-quota) were calculated for the salix. The mass flow of metals was mapped and quantified by construction of a model to calculate the load of metals within the system and the extraction of metals from the plantation. The input data for the model consisted of metal concentrations in the leachate, metal concentrations within salix biomass, estimated volume of leachate and the growth of the salix biomass. The results showed that lead, cadmium, copper, chrome, nickel and zinc were extracted in a higher amount than the load from the irrigation. The extraction of arsenic was lower than the amount that was added from the irrigation. The extraction rate for arsenic, lead, cadmium, copper, chrome, nickel and zinc was investigated by calculating the extraction per year and hectare. The extraction rate differs between the metals where zinc was extracted with the highest rate and arsenic with the lowest. A basic risk assessment was conducted where the development of the pollutants in the ground water below the salix plantation was investigated together with the concentrations of metals in the soil on the plantation. This showed that the concentrations of copper and zink over the general reference value for less sensitive land use was exceeded in some areas. The overall results showed that a salix plantation can be a good tool for leachate management for the majority of the metals. The extraction of metals is affected by different parameters of the soil and water chemistry which makes it important to evaluate site-specific conditions before an establishing a salix plantation. / Fytosanering är en teknik som kan användas på flera olika vis för att sanera både förorenad mark och vatten. Idag betraktas fytosanering av många som en teknik under utveckling och det är därmed viktigt att utvärdera befintliga anläggningars prestanda för att skapa ett bättre underlag för framtida etableringar. På den sluttäckta deponin Dragmossen används en salixodling för lakvattenhantering genom att salix (Salix spp.) bevattnas med lakvatten som samlas upp i dammar på området. Vattnet avgår då genom transpiration och tanken är att föroreningarna ska tas upp och lagras i växterna. I detta examensarbete i miljö- och vattenteknik undersöktes prestandan och riskerna med salixodlingen på deponin Dragmossen. Detta genom att sammanställa och analysera data från provtagningar av salix, jord och vatten. Examensarbetet omfattade även en analys av upptag och allokering av metaller i salixplantorna, samt hur dessa metaller förhåller sig i de olika växtdelarna genom att beräkna överföringskoefficienten (TC-kvot) och translokationsfaktorn (TF-kvot). Massflöden av metaller kartlades genom konstruerande av en modell som kvantifierar belastning och upptag av metaller i salixen. Modellens indata bestod av metallhalter i lakvattnet, metallhalter i salixens ved, uppskattad volym lakvatten och tillväxt av salixens biomassa. Resultatet från modellen visade att bly, kadmium, koppar, krom, nickel och zink togs upp i större mängd än vad som tillfördes genom bevattning. Upptaget av arsenik var dock mindre än det som tillfördes genom bevattningen. Upptagshastigheten för arsenik, bly, kadmium, koppar, krom, nickel och zink undersöktes genom att beräkna upptaget per år och hektar. Upptagshastigheten skiljer sig åt mellan olika metaller där zink tas upp snabbast och arsenik är den metall som extraheras i lägst grad. En enklare riskbedömning genomfördes där utvecklingen av föroreningshalter i grundvattnet under salixodlingen undersöktes samt halter av de undersökta metallerna i jorden på salixodlingen. Denna visade på att halter av koppar och zink idag är högre än det generella riktvärdet för mindre känslig markanvändning. Det styrande skyddsobjektet för Cu och Zn är markmiljön. Uppmätta metallhalter i marken kring salixodlingen bedöms inte innebära någon risk för andra skyddsobjekt som människa och grundvatten. Sammantaget visar resultatet att en salixodling som verktyg för lakvattenhantering kan vara ett bra redskap för flertalet metaller. Upptaget påverkas av olika mark- och vattenkemiska parametrar vilket erfordrar att platsspecifika förutsättningar beaktas vid anläggning av en salixodling.


ANA CHRISTINA GOMES GUILHERME 06 January 2006 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos anos tem ocorrido um crescimento na extração e no beneficiamento de metais pesados ocasionando um aumento de rejeitos tóxicos na natureza, abrindo-se assim, a oportunidade para a pesquisa de técnicas de remediação de solos e águas, menos agressivas ao meio ambiente e com custos baixos. A fitorremediação é uma técnica de tratamento de solos, águas e sedimentos contaminados que promove o recapeamento de áreas devastadas e não altera o ecossistema, utilizando plantas como agentes remediadores. Entre as vantagens da fitorremediação, citam-se o custo reduzido e o baixo risco de dano ambiental ao solo, contrariamente a alguns processos de remediação física, química e da biorremediação. A técnica de fitorremediação consiste em se plantar e cultivar no local a ser tratado uma planta capaz de absorver o contaminante. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a capacidade de hiperacumulação de cádmio pela Ruppia maritima L., que é uma macrófita aquática enraizada e semi-cosmopolita encontrada em ambientes contaminados e possui uma capacidade adaptativa muito boa. A capacidade de fitorremediação da espécie, juntamente com a sua flora e fauna associadas, foi estudada utilizando-se soluções de cloreto de cádmio. A partir dos experimentos realizados concluímos que a Ruppia maritima possui uma capacidade muito boa de remediação de águas e sedimentos contaminados e de adaptação às condições adversas. / [en] In the last years a growth has occurred in the extraction and refining of heavy metals causing an increase in the accumulation of wastes that are toxic to nature, thus opening up the opportunity for research in new soil and wastewaters remediation technics that are less aggressive to the environment and have lower costs. The established technics have not been developed with the preservation of the environment to be decontaminated in mind, nevertheless the current awareness in preserving the environmental balance acts as an incentive to the study of ecologically correct technologies. Phytoremediation is a technic for treatment of contaminated soil and wastewaters that promotes reforestation of devastated areas and does not modify the ecosystem, using plants as remediating agents. Amongst the cited advantages of phytoremediation are its low cost and risk of environmental damage to the soil, as opposed to certain physical and chemical remediation, and bioremediation processes. The phytoremediation technology consists of planting and cultivating on location a plant that is capable of absorbing the contaminating agent. The aim of this work was to study the cadmium hiperaccumulation capacity through the Ruppia maritima L., which is a cosmopolitan rooted aquatic macrophyte found in contaminated environments with a very good adaptation capacity. The phytoremediation capacity of this species, together with its associated flora and fauna, was tested using cadmium chloride solutions. From the developed experiments we concluded that the Ruppia maritima possesses a very good capacity for remediating contaminated soils and wastewaters and adapting to adverse conditions.

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