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An Analysis of the Production and Marketing of Pineapples from the Soesdyke/Linden Land Development Project in GuyanaHunte, Cyril Kenrick 01 May 1981 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the production and marketing behavior of pineapple farmers in the Soesdyke/Linden Land Development Project in Guyana. A random sample was drawn from eight locations in the project and 51 personal interviews were conducted with pineapple farmers. Emphasis was placed on ascertaining the current levels and use of basic inputs in the production process as well as determining the profitability of pineapple production. The nature an extent of the infra-structure provided by government to the project were also examined. Attention was given to the work done on providing roads and transportation as well as government funding for the project. The resource endowments of the Soesdyke/Linden Region were described in relation to the production of pineapples form the Soesdyke/Linden Development (S.L.L.D.P.). The outcome of the study showed that although pineapple production was still a profitable venture many resources were under utilized. there was a scope for employing better management and production techniques. The Infra-structure provided by government was incomplete. There was a lack of transportation facilities and a poor distribution system for pineapples, and operational and pricing efficiency were still to be attained in the processing sector of the marketing channel.
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Desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema en continuo para la inactivación de microorganismos mediante fluidos supercríticos asistidos por ultrasonidos de potenciaPaniagua Martínez, Ingrid 29 June 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / Thermal treatments are used to extend the shelf life of food. However, these methods, which use high temperatures, may alter the sensory and nutritional properties of food. Therefore, along with the demand of consumers of fresh and natural foods, there is an increasing interest in non-thermal preservation techniques. The aim of these new technologies is to ensure the preservation of food while maintaining its nutritional value and organoleptic properties. An example of these methods is given by the use of supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2). Different authors have reported the inactivation of enzymes and microorganisms as a result of SC-CO2. Moreover, this technique minimally alters the sensory and nutritional properties of foods. On the other hand, the use of supercritical fluids assisted with high power ultrasound (HPU) allows vigorous agitation and a rapid dissolution of CO2 into the medium. Consequently, the rate of the inactivation mechanisms associated with supercritical CO2 also increases. This technology has been mainly developed in a discontinuous system presenting important reductions on the time of microbial inactivation compared to using only supercritical fluids. However, the food industry requires continuous systems to process large quantities of product. In this context, the main purpose of the present Doctoral Thesis was to develop and apply a continuous system for the inactivation of microorganisms using supercritical fluids assisted with high power ultrasound (SC-CO2-HPU). Both, the microbial inactivation capacity of the technique and the effect of treatments on food quality were assessed. The first stage of the project consisted on the retrofitting of a system for the inactivation of microorganisms that combines the use of supercritical fluids (SC-CO2) and ultrasound to convert its discontinuous (or batch) operation system into a continuous system. The second stage of the project consisted on the analysis of the effect of the pressure, temperature and residence time on the inactivation of S. cerevisiae inoculated in commercial apple juice treated in the SC-CO2-HPU system developed as described previously. The juice inoculated was processed using the continuous SC-CO2 equipment. Treatments were carried out with and without HPU, to evaluate the effect of HPU treatment on the quality parameters of the juice. The conditions used for the residence time, the temperature and the pressure were 3.06-9.2 min, 31-41°C, and 100-300 bars, respectively. The inactivation ratios were fitted to a hybrid model to study the effect of process variables. In the third stage, the orange juice was treated in the continuous SC-CO2-HPU equipment, to verify the viability of its use as a method for its preservation and the possible reduction of the disadvantages attributed to thermal pasteurization. The conditions used for the residence time, the temperature and the pressure were 3.06 min, 31, 36 and 41 °C and 100 bar, respectively. The juice was also subjected to pasteurization to compare the effect between treatments. The fourth stage consisted on the evaluation of the effect of residence time (3.06-4.6 min) at 100 bars and 31°C on the quality and the microbiota of pineapple juice treated in the continuous SC-CO2-HPU equipment. Also, the degradation of Vitamin C and the evolution of the microbiota of fresh and processed pineapple juice during storage at 4 °C were analyzed. It can be concluded that the technique developed in the present Thesis has a great potential as a preservation method. Continuous SC-CO2-HPU treatment involves mild processing conditions and reasonable processing times for the food industry, which would result in a limited impact on the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the treated products. / Para prolongar la vida útil de los alimentos se utilizan diferentes técnicas de conservación, siendo tradicionalmente los tratamientos térmicos los más empleados. Sin embargo, estas técnicas que emplean altas temperaturas, alteran las propiedades sensoriales y nutricionales del alimento. Por ello, y junto a la demanda de los consumidores de alimentos frescos y naturales, existe un creciente interés por las técnicas de conservación no térmicas. El objetivo de estas nuevas tecnologías es asegurar la conservación de alimentos, manteniendo su valor nutricional y propiedades organolépticas. El uso de CO2 en estado supercrítico (SC-CO2) es una de estas tecnologías. El SC-CO2 ha sido reseñado por diferentes autores en la inactivación de enzimas y microorganismos, alterando mínimamente las propiedades sensoriales y nutricionales de los alimentos. Por otra parte, el uso de fluidos supercríticos asistidos con ultrasonidos de potencia (HPU) permite una vigorosa agitación del medio, una rápida disolución del CO2 en el medio y por tanto un aumento en la velocidad de los mecanismos de inactivación asociados al CO2 supercrítico. Dicha tecnología ha sido desarrollada en un sistema en discontinuo, presentando importantes reducciones en el tiempo de inactivación microbiana, comparado con el uso solo de fluidos supercríticos. Sin embargo, en la industria alimentaria se precisa de sistemas en continuo que permitan procesar grandes cantidades de producto. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de la presente Tesis Doctoral fue desarrollar y aplicar un sistema de inactivación de microorganismos en continuo, empleando fluidos supercríticos asistidos con ultrasonidos de potencia (SC-CO2-HPU). La primera etapa del proyecto consistió en la adaptación del sistema de inactivación de microorganismos mediante fluidos supercríticos (SC-CO2) y ultrasonidos (HPU) para convertir su funcionamiento de discontinuo a continuo. La segunda etapa consistió en analizar el efecto de la presión, temperatura y tiempo de residencia sobre la inactivación de S. cerevisiae inoculado en zumo de manzana comercial, mediante el sistema desarrollado de SC-CO2-HPU en continuo . Para ello el zumo inoculado fue tratado en el equipo de SC-CO2 en continúo, con y sin HPU, para evaluar el efecto de los HPU. Las condiciones empleadas fueron: tiempos de residencia de zumo (3.06-9.2 min), temperaturas (31-41ºC) y presiones (100-300 bares). Las relaciones de inactivación se ajustaron a un modelo híbrido para estudiar el efecto de las variables del proceso. En la tercera etapa se procesó zumo de naranja en el equipo de SC-CO2-HPU en continuo, con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad de su uso como método de conservación, evaluando la posible reducción de los inconvenientes atribuidos a la pasteurización térmica. Las condiciones de proceso empleadas fueron: presión (100 bar), temperatura (31, 36 y 41 °C) y tiempo de residencia (3.06 min). El zumo también fue sometido a pasteurización a efectos de comparación entre tratamientos. La cuarta etapa consistió en evaluar el efecto del tiempo de residencia (3.06-4.6 min) a 100 bares y 31ºC sobre las variables de calidad y microbiota de zumo de piña tratado en el equipo de SC-CO2-HPU en continuo, además de analizar la degradación de Vitamina C y la evolución de la microbiota de zumo de piña fresco y tratado durante el almacenamiento a 4 °C. Se puede concluir que la técnica desarrollada presenta un gran potencial como método de conservación, ya que emplea condiciones de tratamiento moderadas y tiempos de proceso razonables para la industria alimentaria, lo que resultaría en un impacto muy pequeño sobre las propiedades nutricionales y organolépticas de los productos tratados. / Per a perllongar la vida útil dels aliments s'utilitzen diferents tècniques de conservació, sent tradicionalment els tractaments tèrmics els més emprats. No obstant açò, aquestes tècniques que empren altes temperatures, alteren les propietats sensorials i nutricionals de l'aliment. Per açò, i al costat de la demanda dels consumidors d'aliments frescos i naturals, existeix un creixent interès per les tècniques de conservació no tèrmiques. L'objectiu d'aquestes noves tecnologies és assegurar la conservació d'aliments, mantenint el seu valor nutricional i propietats organolèptiques. L'ús de CO2 en estat supercrític (SC-CO2) és una d'aquestes tecnologies. El SC-CO2 ha sigut ressenyat per diferents autors en la inactivació d'enzims i microorganismes, alterant mínimament les propietats sensorials i nutricionals dels aliments. D'altra banda, l'ús de fluids supercrítics assistits amb ultrasons de potència (HPU) permet una vigorosa agitació del medi, una ràpida dissolució del CO2 en el medi i per tant un augment en la velocitat dels mecanismes de inactivació associats al CO2 supercrític. Aquesta tecnologia ha sigut desenvolupada en un sistema en discontinu, presentant importants reduccions en el temps de inactivació microbiana, comparat amb l'ús sol de fluids supercrítics. No obstant açò, en la indústria alimentària es precisa de sistemes en continu que permeten processar grans quantitats de producte. En aquest context, l'objectiu principal de la present Tesi Doctoral va ser desenvolupar i aplicar un sistema d'inactivació de microorganismes en continu, emprant fluids supercrítics assistits amb ultrasons de potència(SC-CO2-HPU). S'avaluarà tant la capacitat d'inactivació microbiana de la tècnica com l'efecte dels tractaments sobre la qualitat dels aliments. La primera etapa del projecte va consistir en l'adaptació del sistema de inactivació de microorganismes mitjançant fluids supercrítics (SC-CO2) i ultrasons (HPU) per a convertir el seu funcionament de discontinu a continu. La segona etapa va consistir a analitzar l'efecte de la pressió, temperatura i temps de residència sobre la inactivació de S. cerevisiae inoculat en suc de poma comercial, mitjançant el sistema de SC-CO2-HPU en continu desenvolupat. Per a açò el suc va ser inoculat amb una concentració de cèl·lules i va ser tractat en l'equip de SC-CO2 en continu, amb i sense HPU, per a avaluar l'efecte dels HPU. Les condicions emprades van ser: temps de residència de suc (3.06-9.2 min), temperatures (31-41ºC) i pressions (100-300 bars). Les relacions d'inactivació es van ajustar a un model híbrid per a estudiar l'efecte de les variables del procés. En la tercera etapa es va treballar amb suc de taronja, el qual és un dels sucs processats més consumits a nivell mundial. No obstant açò, per a la seua conservació es requereix d'un tractament mitjançant calor, el qual provoca grans canvis organolèptics i nutricionals. En aquesta part del treball es va processar suc de taronja en l'equip de SC-CO2-HPU en continu, amb la finalitat de comprovar la viabilitat del seu ús com a mètode de conservació. Les condicions de procés emprades van ser: pressió (100 bar), temperatura (31, 36 i 41°C) i temps de residència (3.06 min). El suc també va ser sotmès a pasteurització a efectes de comparació entre tractaments. La quarta etapa va consistir a avaluar l'efecte del temps de residència (3.06-4.6 min) a 100 bars i 31ºC sobre les variables de qualitat i microbiota de suc de pinya tractat en l'equip de SC-CO2-HPU en continu, a més d'analitzar la degradació de Vitamina C i l'evolució de la microbiota de suc de pinya fresc i tractat durant l'emmagatzematge a 4°C. Es pot concloure que la tècnica desenvolupada presenta un gran potencial com a mètode de conservació, ja que empra condicions de tractament suaus i temps de procés raonables per a la indústria alimentària, la qual cosa resultaria en un impacte molt xicote / Paniagua Martínez, I. (2017). Desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema en continuo para la inactivación de microorganismos mediante fluidos supercríticos asistidos por ultrasonidos de potencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86169 / Compendio
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Pineapple Vinegar to Enhance Shelf Life of Carrot and Mango in TanzaniaMatunda, Aldegunda Sylvester 09 July 2015 (has links)
Fruits and vegetables are highly perishable, produced seasonally, and large quantities (about 50-60% of production) are wasted during high season due to poor handling and lack of cold storage in Tanzania. Processing excess pineapple into vinegar which can be used for preservation of other fruits and vegetables may be a helpful strategy for reducing losses. Vinegar was produced from pineapple juice supplemented with sugar to produce different degrees of Brix (13, 20 and 30) and was fermented with Saccharomyces cereviciae, Acetobacter pasteurianus, and Gluconobacter oxydans. Levels of acetic acid were measured in the vinegar produced. High production (5.8%) of acetic acid was observed with pineapple juice concentrated to 130 Brix with the combination of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, A. pasteurianus and G. oxydans.
The pineapple vinegar produced was used for preservation of carrot and mango. The pH of carrot pickle and mango chutney was monitored for three months. The pH of preserved carrot and mango was below 4 and no significant changes in pH were observed during three months storage at 29-320C. Chemical analysis of vitamin A and vitamin C showed high losses of Vitamin A in carrot and increased vitamin A in mango, but losses of about 74% and 85% of vitamin C were observed in carrot and mango after processing.
Consumer sensory testing of pineapple vinegar, carrot pickle and mango chutney showed no significance different on overall consumer acceptability of products during storage. Pineapple vinegar can be used to rescue mango and carrots that would otherwise be lost, producing highly acceptable food products in Tanzania. / Master of Science in Life Sciences
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Development of green natural rubber composites : Effect of nitrile rubber, fiber surface treatment and carbon black on properties of pineapple leaf fiber reinforced natural rubber composites / Développement de matériaux composites « verts » à base de caoutchouc naturel : Effet du caoutchouc nitrile, du traitement de surface des fibres et du noir de carbone sur les propriétés des composites à base de caoutchouc naturel renforcé par des fibres de feuilles d'ananasHariwongsanupab, Nuttapong 05 May 2017 (has links)
Les effets du caoutchouc nitrile (NBR), du traitement de la surface des fibres et du noir de carbone sur les propriétés des composites à base de caoutchouc naturel renforcé par des fibres d'ananas (NR / PALF) ont été étudiés. L'incorporation de NBR et le traitement de surface de la fibre ont été utilisés pour améliorer les propriétés mécaniques des composites à faible déformation, alors que le noir de carbone a été utilisé pour améliorer ces propriétés à forte déformation. La teneur en fibres a été fixée à 10 phr. Les matériaux composites ont été préparés à l'aide d'un mélangeur à cylindres et ont été réticulés sous presse permettant ainsi le maintien de l'orientation des fibres. Ces composites ont été caractérisés à l’aide du rhéomètre à matrice mobile (MDR), par analyse thermique mécanique dynamique (DMTA) et par tests de traction. La morphologie après fracture cryogénique a été observée à l'aide de la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB). L'effet du NBR dont la teneur varie de 0 à 20 phr par rapport à la teneur totale en caoutchouc, a été également étudié. Le NBR est utilisé afin d’encapsuler totalement les fibres d’ananas (PALF) ; ceci conduisant à un meilleur transfert de contraintes entre la matrice et les fibres. La méthode de mélange a également été étudiée. Plusieurs types de silanes tels que le propylsilane, l'allylsilane et le silane-69 ont été utilisés pour traiter les fibres pré-nettoyées à l’aide d’un traitement alcalin. Les fibres silanisées ont été caractérisées par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR), par spectroscopie de photoélectrons aux rayons X (XPS) et par MEB. Le traitement de la fibre par le silane-69 a permis d’augmenter fortement le module du matériau composite à faible déformation. Ce traitement a été plus efficace que l'incorporation de NBR dans les composites NR / PALF. Ceci peut s’expliquer par une possible réticulation chimique entre le caoutchouc et la fibre traitée au silane-69 plutôt qu’une simple interaction physique du NR, du NBR et de la fibre. Cependant, le renforcement par fibre réduit la déformation à la rupture. Par conséquent, du noir de carbone a également été incorporé dans les composites NR/NBR/PALF et NR/ PALF traitée, afin d’améliorer leurs propriétés ultimes. En incorporant du noir de carbone à un taux de 30 phr dans les deux composites, les propriétés mécaniques des composites ont été améliorées et peuvent être contrôlées à la fois à des déformations faibles et hautes. / The effects of nitrile rubber (NBR), fiber surface treatment and carbon black on properties of pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced natural rubber composites (NR/PALF) were studied. The incorporation of NBR and surface treatment of fiber were used to improve the mechanical properties of composites at low deformation, whereas carbon black was used to improve these properties at high deformation. The fiber content was fixed at 10 phr. The composites were prepared using two-roll mill and were cured using compression moulding with keeping the fiber orientation. These composites were characterized using moving die rheometer (MDR), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and tensile testing. The morphology after cryogenic fracture was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of NBR from 0 to 20 phr of total rubber content was investigated. NBR is proposed to encase PALF leading to higher stress transfer between matrix and PALF. The method of mixing was also studied. For the fiber surface treatment, propylsilane, allylsilane and silane-69 were treated on the alkali-treated fiber. Treated fibers were characterized using Fourier-Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and SEM. Silane-69 treatment of fiber increased the modulus at low deformation more than the incorporation of NBR of NR/PALF composites due to the chemical crosslinking between rubber and fiber from silane-69 treatment rather than the physical interaction of NR, NBR and fiber. However, reinforcement by fiber reduced the deformation at break. Hence, carbon black was also incorporated into NR/NBR/PALF and NR/surface-treated PALF composites to improve the ultimate properties. By incorporation of carbon black 30 phr in both composites, the mechanical properties of composites were improved and can be controlled at both low and high deformations.
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Conservação de abacaxi minimamente processado utilizando como coadjuvantes cloreto de cálcio, película comestível e radiação gama / Conservation of minimally processed pineapple using calcium chloride, edible coating and gamma radiation.Pilon, Lucimeire 12 December 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo obter o abacaxi como alimento tipo conveniência, submetido ao processamento mínimo e tratamento com cloreto de cálcio, películas comestíveis à base de alginato e glúten de trigo, e irradiação. Os frutos foram lavados, sanificados com Sumaveg® (Dicloro-S-Triazinatriona Sódica), na concentração de 200 mg L-1 de cloro livre, a 7ºC, durante 15 minutos, e descascados manualmente. A polpa foi fatiada em leques de aproximadamente 1 cm de espessura, enxagüadas com 20 mg L-1 de cloro livre, durante 3 minutos, e drenadas por 3 minutos. No primeiro experimento as amostras foram submetidas aos tratamentos: cloreto de cálcio 1% + solução de glúten vital; cloreto de cálcio 1% + alginato de sódio 1%; e controle. No segundo experimento as amostras foram submetidas aos tratamentos: cloreto de cálcio 1% + solução de glúten vital + irradiação com 2,3 kGy; cloreto de cálcio 1% + irradiação com 2,3 kGy; irradiação com 2,3 kGy; e controle. O acondicionamento foi realizado em bandejas rígidas de polietileno tereftalato (PET), com cerca de 250 g de fruta. A irradiação foi realizada em irradiador multipropósito de Cobalto-60, com atividade de 92 kCi e taxa de dose de 2,3 kGy h-1. As amostras foram armazenadas a 5 ± 1ºC e analisadas a cada dois dias, num total de 12 dias. No primeiro experimento, os valores de pH e acidez titulável apresentaram leves alterações e semelhança entre os tratamentos. Houve decréscimo no teor de ácido ascórbico em todos os tratamentos. Todos os tratamentos escureceram ao longo do armazenamento. Apesar dos valores terem sido próximos entre os tratamentos, os abacaxis tratados com cloreto de cálcio + glúten apresentaram textura mais firme, menores perda de líquido, atividade da peroxidase e polifenoloxidase, produção de CO2 e etileno e contagens de microrganismos mesófilos e bolores e leveduras. Não houve presença de E. coli e de Salmonella. A contagem de microrganismos do grupo dos coliformes totais foi baixa em todos os tratamentos e ocorreu apenas em amostras isoladas durante o período de armazenamento. Na análise sensorial, as amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten apresentaram as notas mais baixas para textura, aparência e aroma; já o sabor ficou comprometido a partir do 4o dia de armazenamento. No segundo experimento, os valores de pH e acidez titulável apresentaram pequenas alterações e semelhança entre os tratamentos. Houve decréscimo no teor de ácido ascórbico em todos os tratamentos; no entanto, as amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy retiveram mais essa vitamina. A textura mais firme e as menores perda de líquido e atividade da peroxidase e polifenoloxidase ocorreram nas amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + 2,3 kGy. Todos os tratamentos escureceram ao longo do armazenamento. As amostras mais escuras foram as tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy e as irradiadas com 2,3 kGy. As maiores taxa respiratória e síntese de etileno ocorreram nas amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy. As menores contagens de microrganismos psicrotróficos, mesófilos, e bolores e leveduras ocorreram nas amostras à base de cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy. Não houve presença de E. coli e de Salmonella. A contagem de microrganismos do grupo dos coliformes totais foi baixa em todos os tratamentos e ocorreu apenas em algumas amostras durante o período de armazenamento. Apenas o controle manteve as características sensoriais acima do limite de aceitabilidade durante todo o armazenamento. A textura das demais amostras foi rejeitada no 8º dia. O sabor ficou comprometido desde o 1º dia de armazenamento nas amostras à base de cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy / The aim of this study was to obtain a convenience type pineapple subjected to fresh-cut process and calcium chloride, wheat gluten and alginate-base edible coating and irradiation treatments. The fruits were washed, sanitized with Sumaveg® (Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione) in a 200 mg L-1 chlorine-free solution at 7ºC for 15 minutes, and then manually peeled. The peeled fruits were sliced into 1 cm thick slices, rinsed in 20 mg L-1 chlorine-free solution for 3 minutes and drained for 3 minutes. In the first experiment, the samples were treated with: 1% calcium chloride + vital wheat gluten solution; 1% calcium chloride + 1% alginate solution; and control. In the second experiment, the samples were treated with: 1% calcium chloride + vital wheat gluten solution + 2.3 kGy; 1% calcium chloride + 2.3kGy; irradiation with 2.3kGy; and control. The packing consisted of rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays with around 250 g of fruit. The irradiation was performed in a Cobalt-60 multipurpose irradiator with 92 kCi activity and dose value of 2.3 kGy h-1. The samples were stored at 5 ± 1ºC and evaluated every other day for 12 days. In the first experiment pH and titratable acidity values showed slight variations but were similar between the treatments. There was a decrease in ascorbic acid values in all treatments. Browning was noticed in all treatments over the storage period. Although the values between the treatments were similar, the pineapple treated with calcium chloride + gluten showed firmer texture, less liquid loss, and lower values of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities and CO2 and ethylene production. Mesophiles and mold and yeast counts were also reduced. No Salmonella and E. coli were detected. Total coliform counts were low in all the treatments and appeared in just a few isolated samples during the storage period. Sensory analyses showed that the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten had the lower scores for texture, appearance, and aroma; the flavor was compromised from the 4th storage day onward. In the second experiment the pH and titratable acidity values showed small changes but were similar between the treatments. There were a decrease in the ascorbic acid values in all treatments; nevertheless, the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy retained more of this vitamin than the other treatments. Firmer texture, less liquid loss, and lower values of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities were noticed in the samples with calcium chloride + 2.3 kGy. Browning was noticed in all treatments over the storage period. The darker samples were the ones treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy, and irradiated with 2.3 kGy. Higher respiratory rate and ethylene synthesis were noticed in the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy. The lowest psychrotrophic, mesophiles, and mold and yeast counts occurred in the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy. No Salmonella and E. coli were detected. Total coliform counts were low in all the treatments and appeared in just a few samples during the storage period. Only the control kept the sensorial attributes within the acceptability limit during the storage period. The texture in all the other samples was unacceptable from the 8th day onward. The flavor was compromised from the first storage day onward in the samples with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy
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Filmes de nanocristais e nanofibrilas de celulose de eucalipto e abacaxi (curauá) por continous casting / Cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils films of eucalyptus and pineapple (curauá) by continuing castingClaro, Pedro Ivo Cunha 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T14:10:16Z
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DissPICC.pdf: 9243099 bytes, checksum: d5c4984be722eda91236fbec51d566f6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T14:10:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / New materials from cellulose have been developed, such as cellulose
nanocrystals (CNC) and cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). Different morphologies of
the cellulose can lead to the formation of films with different thermal,
mechanical and optical properties in relation to conventional cellulose films. The
objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different dimensional scales
of cellulose, micro and nanometric, on the production of cellulose films from two
vegetable species and their thermal, mechanical, morphological and optical
properties. Eucalyptus fibers and pineapple leave fiber (curauá) (PALF) were
used as cellulosic fibers for this study. The films of eucalyptus and pineapple
cellulosic fibers were prepared by filtration and casting, and the CNC and CNF
films were obtained by continuous casting. The CNC and CNF films showed
mechanical tensile strength in the order of 9 to 35 MPa higher than the films of
cellulose fibers, regardless of the origin of the fiber. The continuous casting
process produced CNC and CNF films that presented different mechanical
resistance in the longitudinal direction of the process with respect to the
transverse direction. This behavior may be related to how hydrogen bonds and
mechanical anchorages occur between nanofibers. The thermal stability of the
nanocellulose films was lower in the order of 20 to 150 ºC than in the films of
fibers due to the routes of obtaining the CNC and CNF. Nanofiber films
presented lower opacity in the order of 3 to 60% lower than the films of fibers
due to the diameter of the nanocelluloses. Curauá fibers had the highest
crystallinity index (Ic) reaching 87%. It is concluded that the properties studied
were influenced by the type of nanocellulose (CNC or CNF), the origin of the
cellulose (eucalyptus or pineapple), and the micro and nanometric scale of the
fibers. / Novos materiais a partir da celulose tem sido obtidos, como os
nanocristais de celulose (CNC) e as nanofibrilas de celulose (CNF).
Diferentes morfologias da celulose podem levar a formação de filmes com
propriedades térmicas, mecânicas e ópticas diferentes de filmes de
celulose convencional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de
diferentes morfologias de fibras de celulose, micro e nanométricas, na
obtenção de filmes - provenientes de duas espécies vegetais – e em suas
propriedades térmicas, mecânicas, ópticas e morfológicas. Utilizou-se
como fibras celulósicas para este estudo as fibras de eucalipto e fibras de
folhas de abacaxi (curauá) (PALF). Os filmes de fibras celulósicas de
eucalipto e de abacaxi foram confeccionados por filtragem e casting, e os
filmes de CNC e CNF foram obtidos por continuous casting. Os filmes de
CNC e CNF apresentaram resistência mecânica à tração, na ordem de 9 a
35 MPa superior aos filmes de fibras de celulose, independente da origem
da fibra. O processamento por continuous casting produziu filmes de CNC
e CNF que apresentaram resistência mecânica diferente no sentido
longitudinal ao processo com relação ao sentido transversal. Este
comportamento pode estar relacionado de que forma ocorrem às ligações
de hidrogênio e os emaranhamentos mecânicos entre as nanofibras. A
estabilidade térmica dos filmes de nanofibra foi menor na ordem de 20 a
150 ºC do que aos filmes de fibras devido às rotas de obtenção das CNC e
CNF. Os filmes de nanofibra apresentaram menor opacidade, na ordem de
3 a 60% inferior, que os filmes de fibras devido ao diâmetro das nanofibras.
As fibras de curauá apresentaram o maior índice cristalinidade (Ic)
chegando a 87%. Conclui-se que a propriedades estudadas foram
influenciadas pelo tipo de nanofibra (CNC ou CNF), pela origem da
celulose (eucalipto ou abacaxi), e pela escala micro e nanométrica das
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Enriquecimento nutricional por bioconversão de resíduos agroindustriais para utilização na alimentação animal.OLIVEIRA, Marinévea Medeiros de. 12 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-12T13:53:26Z
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MARINÉVEA MEDEIROS OLIVEIRA - TESE (PPGEP) 2007.pdf: 931472 bytes, checksum: 7310439f122abecc70aef47891f5f784 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-12T13:53:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MARINÉVEA MEDEIROS OLIVEIRA - TESE (PPGEP) 2007.pdf: 931472 bytes, checksum: 7310439f122abecc70aef47891f5f784 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-05-03 / O Brasil é um dos principais produtores mundial de abacaxi e maracujá, com uma grande quantidade de resíduos desperdiçados que já se tornou um sério problema aos produtores de abacaxi e maracujá e as indústrias de alimentos em geral. Em países desenvolvidos, a produção agropecuária se caracteriza com baixos custos operacionais, em razão das utilizações de restos de culturas e de resíduos agroindustriais como alternativas na alimentação animal, contribuindo para minimizarem os problemas de poluição. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir ações no campo da pesquisa na alimentação alternativa nutricional para animais , de modo a realizar o aproveitamento destes resíduos enriquecidos nutricionalmente (protéico, vitamínico, mineral e energético)
utilizando a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae como agente da metabolização, de uma maneira tecnicamente viável, visando a disponibilidade do produto, para os produtores. Foram feitas as isotermas de dessorção dos resíduos em estudo, nas temperaturas usuais dos processos das fermentações, 25, 30, 35 e 40 0C, ajustando os dados através da aplicação de modelos matemáticos, e verificou-se que, deve-se iniciar o processo de fermentação com umidade inicial do substrato para os três resíduos acima de 84% (b.u.), o que equivale a atividade de água acima de 0,90. No estudo cinético verificou-se que o melhor tempo em que o microrganismo atingiu o maior teor de proteína bruta foi, em média, de 48 h, para todos os resíduos analisados. Utilizou-se a metodologia de planejamento fatorial mais configuração estrela para estudar as influências das variáveis de entrada sobre o processo de enriquecimento nutricional dos resíduos casca de abacaxi (Caa), coroa de abacaxi (Coa) e casca de maracujá (Cam), com concentrações de leveduras de 1, 3 e 5% e temperaturas de 30, 34 e 38 oC. Fez-se o planejamento
fatorial mais configuração estrela para os três resíduos, com duas variáveis de saída (respostas: teor de proteína bruta e teor de aumento protéico). O aumento protéico (AP) encontrado para os três resíduos analisados, foi em média de 2,40 vezes em relação ao in natura. Os valores otimizados dos três resíduos casca de abacaxi (Caa), coroa de abacaxi (Coa) e casca de maracujá (Cam) (concentração Oliveira M.M.de 14 em torno de 3 – 5,8% e temperaturas de 34 – 40 oC), no tempo de 48 h, visando baratear os custos do enriquecimento e obter um teor de proteína adequado na alimentação animal foram de 24,66, 23,88 e 22,74%, respectivamente. Foram realizadas as análises de proteína bruta (PB), matéria seca (MS), cinzas (MM), matéria orgânica (MO), fósforo (P), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), potássio (K), fibra detergente neutra (FDN), fibra detergente ácida (FDA), energia bruta (EB) e digestibilidade “in vitro” (DIVMS in vitro) nos resíduos operando com as variáveis de entrada (concentração de levedura e temperatura) com valores
otimizados. Conclui-se que através da bioconversão, os resíduos alcançam concentrações nutricionais que, podem ser transformados em suplemento nutricional, sendo uma alternativa alimentar para os animais, na época de escassez de alimento no semiárido. / Brazil stands out among the big world-wide producers of pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Mer) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims), with a great amount of wasted residues, which has become a serious problem for the pineapple and passion fruit producers and the aliment industries in general. In developed countries, the farming production is characterized by low operational costs, because of the use of the remaining portions of cultures and agro-industrial residues as an alternative in animal feed, which also contributes to minimizing pollution problems. The aim of this work was to define actions in the field of research of nutritional alternative feed for animals, in order to carry through the
exploitation of these nutritionally enriched (protein, vitamin, mineral and energy) residues by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast as an agent of metabolism, in a technical viable way, aiming at the availability of the product to the producers. Desorption isotherms of the residues in study were done at the usual temperatures of fermentation processes, 25, 30, 35 and 40 oC, fitting the data through the application of mathematical models, and it was verified that the process of fermentation must be initiated with the initial moisture content of the substratum for the three residues above of 84% (w.b), which is equivalent to the water activity above of 0.90. In the kinetic study it was verified that optimum time where the microorganism reached the highest content was, on average, 48 hours, for all the residues analyzed. Methodology of factorial design plus configuration star was used to study the influences of the entrance variable on the process of nutritional enrichment of the residues of pineapple rind (PR), crown of pineapple (CP) and rind of passion fruit (PF), with concentrations of yeast at 1, 3 and 5% and temperatures of 30, 34 and 38 °C. The factorial design plus configuration star was performed for the three residues, with two exit variables (response: gross protein content and protein increase content). The protein increase content (PI) found for the three analyzed residues was on average of 2.40 times in relation to in natura. The optimized values of the three residues of pineapple rind (PR), crown of pineapple (CP) and passion fruit rind (PFR) (concentration around 3-5.8% and
Oliveira M.M.de 16 temperatures of 34-40 °C), in the time of 48 hours, aiming to lower the costs of the enrichment and to obtain an adequate protein content in the animal feed were of; 24.66, 23.88 and 22.74%, respectively. Gross protein (GP), dry substance (DS), leached ashes (LA), organic substance (OG), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), fiber neutral detergent (FND), acid fiber detergent (AFD), rude energy (RE) and digestibility in vitro (DIVMS in vitro) analysis were performed in the residues, operating with the entrance variables (concentration of yeast and temperature) with optimized values. It can be concluded that through bioconversion, the residues reach nutritional concentrations that can be transformed into a nutritional supplement alternative, being an option to feed animals at times of food scarcity in semi-arid climates.
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Análises bioquímicas e hsitológicas na micropropagação de abacaxizeiro 'Gomo de Mel' submetido a reguladores vegetais /Fráguas, Chrystiane Borges, 1976- January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima / Banca: João Domingos Rodrigues / Banca: Moacir Pasqual / Banca: Antonio Natal Gonçalves / Banca: Alessandra Marcondes Feijó Viu / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicacao exogena de poliaminas e TIBA (antiauxina) na micropropagacao e anatomia foliar de plantulas de abacaxizeiro eIAC Gomo-de-melf e analisar os teores de poliaminas endogenas, atividade de peroxidase, proteina, IAA-oxidase e a provavel relacao com as diferentes fases da micropropagacao. Inicialmente, retiraram-se as gemas da coroa de frutos sadios e a assepsia foi realizada com hipoclorito de sodio comercial (2 a 2,5% de cloro ativo) a 30% por 20 minutos e lavadas por 3 vezes em agua destilada e autoclavada. Em seguida, inocularam-se as gemas em meio MS solido contendo diferentes combinacoes de BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1) e NAA (0; 0,5 e 1,0 mg L-1). Apos 60 dias, foram selecionados os melhores tratamentos para proliferacao das brotacoes, que foram individualizadas e transferidas para estes meios por mais trinta dias, em meio MS liquido. Plantas oriundas do experimento anterior tiveram as folhas cortadas e apenas segmentos de 1 cm foram inoculados em meio MS liquido contendo os diferentes tratamentos: T1-MS, T2-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA, T3-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM SPD, T4-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM SPM, T5-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM PUT, T6-MS + 10 mM SPD, T7-MS + 10 mM SPM e T8-MS + 10 mM PUT. Na ultima fase, segmentos foram inoculados em meio MS liquido contendo os tratamentos: T1-MS, T2-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA, T3-MS + 0,5 ÊM TIBA, T4-MS + 1,0 ÊM TIBA, T5-MS + 2,0 ÊM TIBA, T6-MS + 4,0 ÊM TIBA, T7-MS + 8,0 ÊM TIBA e T8-MS + 16,0 ÊM TIBA. Apos, as plantas foram aclimatizadas em substrato Plantmax e houve 100% de sobrevivencia, independente do tratamento. Foram realizados cortes histologicos foliares para estudar a influencia das poliaminas e TIBA na anatomia foliar...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The effects of exogenous polyamines and TIBA (antiauxin) application in the micropropagation, leaf anatomy of pineapple plants IAC Gomo-de-mel and the contents of endogenous polyamines, peroxidase activity, protein, IAA-oxidase and probable relationship with the different micropropagation phases were studied. Initially, the axillary bud explants were excised from the crown of healthy fruits and the asepsis was accomplished with sodium hypochloride (2 to 2,5% of active chlorine) 30% for 20 minutes and washed 3 times in distilled and autoclaveted water. After, the axillary buds were inoculated in MS solid medium containing the different BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0 and 1,5 mg L-1) and NAA (0; 0,5 and 1,0 mg L-1) combinations. After 60 days, the best treatments were selected for shoot proliferation that were individualized and transferred to these media for more 30 days, in MS liquid medium. Plants from the previous experiment had the leaves cut and just 1 cm segments were inoculated in MS liquid medium containing the different treatments: T1-MS, T2-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA, T3-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM SPD, T4- MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM SPM, T5-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA + 10 mM PUT, T6-MS + 10 mM SPD, T7-MS + 10 mM SPM and T8-MS + 10 mM PUT. In the last phase, segments were inoculated in MS liquid medium containing the treatments: T1-MS, T2-MS + 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA, T3-MS + 0,5 mM TIBA, T4-MS + 1,0 mM TIBA, T5-MS + 2,0 mM TIBA, T6-MS + 4,0 mM TIBA, T7-MS + 8,0 mM TIBA and T8-MS + 16,0 mM TIBA. After, the plants were acclimatizated in Plantmax substrate and there were 100% survival, independent of the treatment. Leaf cuts were made to study polyamines and TIBA influence in the leaf anatomy. The highest shoot number wasobserved with 1,0 mg L-1 BAP + 0,5 mg L-1 NAA, however with hyperhydricity...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Conservação de abacaxi minimamente processado utilizando como coadjuvantes cloreto de cálcio, película comestível e radiação gama / Conservation of minimally processed pineapple using calcium chloride, edible coating and gamma radiation.Lucimeire Pilon 12 December 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo obter o abacaxi como alimento tipo conveniência, submetido ao processamento mínimo e tratamento com cloreto de cálcio, películas comestíveis à base de alginato e glúten de trigo, e irradiação. Os frutos foram lavados, sanificados com Sumaveg® (Dicloro-S-Triazinatriona Sódica), na concentração de 200 mg L-1 de cloro livre, a 7ºC, durante 15 minutos, e descascados manualmente. A polpa foi fatiada em leques de aproximadamente 1 cm de espessura, enxagüadas com 20 mg L-1 de cloro livre, durante 3 minutos, e drenadas por 3 minutos. No primeiro experimento as amostras foram submetidas aos tratamentos: cloreto de cálcio 1% + solução de glúten vital; cloreto de cálcio 1% + alginato de sódio 1%; e controle. No segundo experimento as amostras foram submetidas aos tratamentos: cloreto de cálcio 1% + solução de glúten vital + irradiação com 2,3 kGy; cloreto de cálcio 1% + irradiação com 2,3 kGy; irradiação com 2,3 kGy; e controle. O acondicionamento foi realizado em bandejas rígidas de polietileno tereftalato (PET), com cerca de 250 g de fruta. A irradiação foi realizada em irradiador multipropósito de Cobalto-60, com atividade de 92 kCi e taxa de dose de 2,3 kGy h-1. As amostras foram armazenadas a 5 ± 1ºC e analisadas a cada dois dias, num total de 12 dias. No primeiro experimento, os valores de pH e acidez titulável apresentaram leves alterações e semelhança entre os tratamentos. Houve decréscimo no teor de ácido ascórbico em todos os tratamentos. Todos os tratamentos escureceram ao longo do armazenamento. Apesar dos valores terem sido próximos entre os tratamentos, os abacaxis tratados com cloreto de cálcio + glúten apresentaram textura mais firme, menores perda de líquido, atividade da peroxidase e polifenoloxidase, produção de CO2 e etileno e contagens de microrganismos mesófilos e bolores e leveduras. Não houve presença de E. coli e de Salmonella. A contagem de microrganismos do grupo dos coliformes totais foi baixa em todos os tratamentos e ocorreu apenas em amostras isoladas durante o período de armazenamento. Na análise sensorial, as amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten apresentaram as notas mais baixas para textura, aparência e aroma; já o sabor ficou comprometido a partir do 4o dia de armazenamento. No segundo experimento, os valores de pH e acidez titulável apresentaram pequenas alterações e semelhança entre os tratamentos. Houve decréscimo no teor de ácido ascórbico em todos os tratamentos; no entanto, as amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy retiveram mais essa vitamina. A textura mais firme e as menores perda de líquido e atividade da peroxidase e polifenoloxidase ocorreram nas amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + 2,3 kGy. Todos os tratamentos escureceram ao longo do armazenamento. As amostras mais escuras foram as tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy e as irradiadas com 2,3 kGy. As maiores taxa respiratória e síntese de etileno ocorreram nas amostras tratadas com cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy. As menores contagens de microrganismos psicrotróficos, mesófilos, e bolores e leveduras ocorreram nas amostras à base de cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy. Não houve presença de E. coli e de Salmonella. A contagem de microrganismos do grupo dos coliformes totais foi baixa em todos os tratamentos e ocorreu apenas em algumas amostras durante o período de armazenamento. Apenas o controle manteve as características sensoriais acima do limite de aceitabilidade durante todo o armazenamento. A textura das demais amostras foi rejeitada no 8º dia. O sabor ficou comprometido desde o 1º dia de armazenamento nas amostras à base de cloreto de cálcio + glúten + 2,3 kGy / The aim of this study was to obtain a convenience type pineapple subjected to fresh-cut process and calcium chloride, wheat gluten and alginate-base edible coating and irradiation treatments. The fruits were washed, sanitized with Sumaveg® (Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione) in a 200 mg L-1 chlorine-free solution at 7ºC for 15 minutes, and then manually peeled. The peeled fruits were sliced into 1 cm thick slices, rinsed in 20 mg L-1 chlorine-free solution for 3 minutes and drained for 3 minutes. In the first experiment, the samples were treated with: 1% calcium chloride + vital wheat gluten solution; 1% calcium chloride + 1% alginate solution; and control. In the second experiment, the samples were treated with: 1% calcium chloride + vital wheat gluten solution + 2.3 kGy; 1% calcium chloride + 2.3kGy; irradiation with 2.3kGy; and control. The packing consisted of rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays with around 250 g of fruit. The irradiation was performed in a Cobalt-60 multipurpose irradiator with 92 kCi activity and dose value of 2.3 kGy h-1. The samples were stored at 5 ± 1ºC and evaluated every other day for 12 days. In the first experiment pH and titratable acidity values showed slight variations but were similar between the treatments. There was a decrease in ascorbic acid values in all treatments. Browning was noticed in all treatments over the storage period. Although the values between the treatments were similar, the pineapple treated with calcium chloride + gluten showed firmer texture, less liquid loss, and lower values of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities and CO2 and ethylene production. Mesophiles and mold and yeast counts were also reduced. No Salmonella and E. coli were detected. Total coliform counts were low in all the treatments and appeared in just a few isolated samples during the storage period. Sensory analyses showed that the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten had the lower scores for texture, appearance, and aroma; the flavor was compromised from the 4th storage day onward. In the second experiment the pH and titratable acidity values showed small changes but were similar between the treatments. There were a decrease in the ascorbic acid values in all treatments; nevertheless, the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy retained more of this vitamin than the other treatments. Firmer texture, less liquid loss, and lower values of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities were noticed in the samples with calcium chloride + 2.3 kGy. Browning was noticed in all treatments over the storage period. The darker samples were the ones treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy, and irradiated with 2.3 kGy. Higher respiratory rate and ethylene synthesis were noticed in the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy. The lowest psychrotrophic, mesophiles, and mold and yeast counts occurred in the samples treated with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy. No Salmonella and E. coli were detected. Total coliform counts were low in all the treatments and appeared in just a few samples during the storage period. Only the control kept the sensorial attributes within the acceptability limit during the storage period. The texture in all the other samples was unacceptable from the 8th day onward. The flavor was compromised from the first storage day onward in the samples with calcium chloride + gluten + 2.3 kGy
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Estudo do efeito do tipo de corte, adiÃÃo de cloreto de cÃlcio e Ãcido ascÃrbico nas caracterÃsticas fÃsicas, fÃsico-quÃmicas e microbiolÃgicas do abacaxi minimamente processado / Physical appearance, physical and chemical nd microbiology minimally processed pineappleGleucia Carvalho Silva 20 March 2001 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Devido a tendÃncia mundial de consumo de produtos in natura ou o mais prÃximo destes, os produtos minimamente processados vÃm apresentando um acentuado destaque no mercado consumidor. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do corte e a adiÃÃo e cloreto de cÃlcio (CaCl2) e Ãcido ascÃrbico nas caracterÃsticas fÃsico-quimicas, fÃsicas e microbiolÃgicas do abacaxi minimamente processado. Os equipamentos, utensÃlios e embalagens foram higienizados com soluÃÃo de hipoclorito de sÃdio a 200ppm por 30 minutos. A higienizaÃÃo da estrutura fÃsica da unidade de processamento foi realizada com a mesma soluÃÃo secada naturalmente. Amostras de abacaxis âpÃrolaâ provenientes do Estado da ParaÃba foram adquiridas no CEASA em Fortaleza-Cearà e submetidas Ãs etapas de prÃ-lavagem, lavagem com soluÃÃo de hipoclorito de sÃdio (200ppm por 2 minutos) e armazenadas a 12ÂC, objetivando a estabilizaÃÃo da temperatura no interior dos frutos. Sob uma temperatura de 12ÂC, os frutos foram descascados e cortados nas formas de trapÃzio e fatia, sendo entÃo submetidos a trÃs tratamentos: I) efeito do tipo de corte; II) efeito do cÃlcio (soluÃÃo com 0%, 1% e 2,5% de CaCl2) e II) efeito do Ãcido ascÃrbico (soluÃÃo com 0ppm, 2000ppm e 3000ppm de Ãcido ascÃrbico). Os frutos cortados foram imersos nestas soluÃÃes, drenado o excesso de Ãgua e armazenados por 16 dias a 4ÂC + 1ÂC e 99% UR. A intervalos de quatro dias, foram coletadas amostras e submetidas Ãs anÃlises fÃsico-quÃmicas, fÃsicas e microbiolÃgicas. Ao final dos experimentos concluiu-se que os abacaxis cortados em fatia, tratados com 1% de cloreto de cÃlcio e 3000ppm de Ãcido ascÃrbico sÃo os mais indicados para o processamento mÃnimo, jà que preservaram suas caracterÃsticas de qualidade. / Because of the World trend about the consumption of â in naturaâ products or products similar to these, the products with minimum processing have been presenting a high distinction in the consuming market this work had the objective of evaluate the effects of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and ascorbic acid removal and addition in the physical chemistry, physical and microbiological characteristics of pineapple with minimum processing. The equipments, tools and packages were higienized with 200 ppm sodium hipochloride solution for 30 minutes and the physical estructure was left in contact until drying âpÃrolaâ pineapple samples from the state of ParaÃba were acquired in the supplying center â CEASA in Fortaleza, Cearà and were submitted to pre-washing, washing, with 200 ppm sodium hipochloride for 2 minutes phases and stored in 12ÂC with the objective of temperature stabilization inside fruit. Under temperature of 12ÂC fruit were peeled, cut in trapeze and slice shapes and were submitted to 3 treatments: I) kind of cut effect; II) calcium effect (solution with 0%, 1% and 2,5% of CaCl2) and III) ascorbic acid effect (solution with 0 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm of ascorbic acid). The cut fruit were imersed in these solutions the water excess was drained and were stored for 16 days in 4ÂC  1ÂC, in gaps of 4 days, samples were collected and submitted to physical chemistry, physical and microbiological analyses. By the end if experiments it was concluded that pineapple cut in slices treated with 1% of calcium chloride and 300 ppm of ascorbic acid are the most indicated to the minimum processing because they preserved their quality characteristics.
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