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Consumers' Behavioral Intentions Regarding Online ShoppingKumar, Shefali 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the consumers' intention towards Internet shopping. The Theory of Planned Behavior is used to predict behavioral intention (BI), which is a function of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC). The effects of demographic and personal variables on BI are also examined. Data analysis (n = 303) indicates that attitude, subjective norm, perceptions of behavioral controls, and previous purchases are significant predictors of behavioral intention. Product/Convenience, Customer Service (attitude factors), Purchase and Delivery, Promotional Offers, Product Attribute (factors of PBC), subjective norm, hours spent online, money spent online, and previous purchases discriminate respondents of high BI from low BI. Behavioral intention of shopping online is highest for Specialty Products followed by Personal, Information Intensive, and Household Products.
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Adaptação de empréstimos em esperanto / Loanword adaptation in EsperantoOliveira, Karina Gonçalves de Souza de 25 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou avaliar por quais caminhos fonológicos novas raízes são incorporadas ao esperanto. As palavras foram selecionadas a partir das revistas Kontakto, revista oficial da Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - Organização Mundial da Juventude Esperantista), lançada em 1963, enviada a assinantes em mais de 90 países, e Esperanto, revista oficial da Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA - Associação Universal de Esperanto), que teve sua primeira publicação em 1905, e é enviada a leitores em 115 países, além de uma lista terminológica sobre tecnologia (Nevelsteen, 2012), e, ainda, palavras listadas como não dicionarizadas no blog <http://vortaro-blogo.blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivaj-vortoj-i.html>. Foram coletadas palavras de 13 línguas diferentes: árabe, chinês, coreano, espanhol, francês, inglês, japonês, komi, português, russo, turco, sânscrito e suaíli. A base teórica que orientou a análise foi a Fonologia de Empréstimo (Loanword Phonology), principalmente os escritos de Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) e Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). Fizemos, também, um levantamento bibliográfico de trabalhos já realizados sobre a fonética e a fonologia do esperanto, e comentamos questões gerais sobre as línguas planejadas e a comunidade de fala que o esperanto possui. A análise do corpus evidenciou que as palavras podem ser adaptadas tanto por meio da forma fonética ou da forma ortográfica da raiz na língua de origem. Além disso, verificou-se que ataques complexos que não violam restrições fonológicas do esperanto foram mantidos; a rima sofre, necessariamente, influência da morfologia quando adaptada; vogais longas foram adaptadas, em sua maioria, como vogais simples; e que algumas palavras possuem duas formas em variação sincrônica na língua. / This masters dissertation tried to investigate by which phonological directions new roots are incorporated into Esperanto. Words were selected from the following magazines: Kontakto, official magazine of Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - World Esperanto Youth Organization), which was first published in 1963 and is sent to subscribers in over 90 countries, and Esperanto, official magazine from Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA Esperanto Universal Association), which had its first release in 1905 and is sent to readers in 115 countries, in addition to a terminology list about technology (Nevelsteen, 2012) and to words not quoted on dictionaries but published on a list in the blog <http://vortaroblogo. blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivajvortoj-i.html>. Words were collected from 13 different languages: arabic, chinese, corean, spanish, french, english, japanese, komi, portuguese, russian, turkish, sanskrit and swahili. The theory basis that guided this analysis was Loanword Phonology, mostly the works of Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) and Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). We also made a bibliographic search on previous works about Esperantos phonetics and phonology, and we discussed general matters about planned languages and Esperantos community of speakers. The corpuss analysis showed that words can be adapted by its phonetic form as well as by its roots orthographic form on the original language. Furthermore, we observed that complex onsets which do not violate phonological restrictions of Esperanto were sustained; rime, when is adapted, is necessarily influenced by morphology; long vowels were, for the most part, adapted as simple vowels; and some words present two forms in languages synchronic variation.
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Understanding Dog Owners’ Decision Making on Dog-related Consumption In ChinaXu, Huijia, Jiaqi, Yang January 2019 (has links)
The beneficial of keeping a dog and the booming Chinese pet dog market allowed many Chinese people considering owning a dog. However, how owners treat their dogs are extremely different. Some of them consider dogs as their child while others think dogs are just objects with special function. These different attitude leads to dog owners’ different consumption intention towards dog-related products and services. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the dog owner’s intention of buying or keeping a dog in China. The theory of planned behavior was used to analyzed in this thesis. The goal was to figure out the factors that influence owners’ intention of buying or keeping a dog. To investigate our purpose, the qualitative method with eleven semi-interviews were conducted in this thesis, and we analyzed the data using the method of qualitative content analysis. The results were shown from attitude, subject norm and perceived behavior, which comes from the theory of planned behavior.
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Group versus solo physical activity in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depressionPort, Julie January 2017 (has links)
The physical and psychological health enhancing benefits of physical activity have been well established (US Department of Health & Human Services, 1996; Warburton, Nicol & Bredin, 2006) and reviews support the anxiolytic, antidepressant and stress reducing effects of physical activity, but it is unclear if group or solo physical activity is more effective in the reduction of these forms of psychological distress. A recent survey found that approximately a third of adults in Scotland do not engage in sufficient levels of physical activity recommended to achieve these benefits. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effectiveness of group versus solo physical activity in the reduction of psychological distress (including stress, depression and anxiety) and factors involved in participation to promote greater engagement in physical activity. The first study issued questionnaires to members of the general population and university students. Inverse correlations were found between group physical activity and psychological distress in both samples. However a single positive correlation was found between anxiety and solo physical activity in the student sample, which suggests that group physical activity may be more effective in the reduction of psychological distress than solo physical activity. Low active individuals appeared to prefer solo physical activity to group, which may be due to lower perceived barriers. More active participants either preferred group activity or had no preferences between group or solo activity, despite also perceiving greater barriers to group than solo activity. The second study allocated university students to a group versus solo jogging condition intervention and found that psychological distress increased for those allocated to solo jogging, but did not increase amongst those allocated to group jogging, suggesting that group physical activity may protect against university related distress. Those allocated to group jogging engaged in (non-significantly) more jogging and engaged in significantly more moderately intensive physical activity throughout the intervention than those allocated to solo jogging. The final study compared group and solo physical activity using the Theory of Planned Behaviour and structural equation modelling. The model explained more variance in group physical activity than variance in solo physical activity. When the model was expanded, self-efficacy made a significantly greater contribution to intention in the solo physical activity model than it did in the group activity model, therefore promotion of group physical activity may not be as dependent on self-efficacy as solo physical activity. Perceived autonomy support (PAS) was included in the model, as guided by modification indexes, but only the group physical activity model was significantly improved by the addition of PAS; this may be useful for the development of group physical activity promotion. This thesis finds some support that group physical activity may be associated with reduced psychological distress and be more beneficial in protecting against psychological distress than solo physical activity. Promotion of group physical activity may benefit from reducing perceived barriers, developing PAS, and having less reliance on self-efficacy than required for the promotion of solo physical activity.
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Varför källsorterar individer? : En kvalitativ studie av två generationer i Uppsala kommunPhylactou, Sophia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka varför individer i Uppsala kommun källsorterar och vad som möjliggör och hindrar deras källsortering utifrån olika aspekter såsom bostadsform, upplevda samhällsnormer och ålder. För att besvara syftet ställdes frågeställningarna: Vilken inverkan har bostadsform på individers källsortering?, Hur påverkar tillgängligheten till avfallsrum och upplevelsen av det individers källsortering?, Hur påverkar upplevelsen av normer olika individers källsortering? och På vilket sätt påverkar generationstillhörighet individens källsortering?. Metoden för undersökningen var kvalitativa intervjuer i kombination med observation. Resultatet visar på att orsaker till varför en individ källsorterar eller inte ligger på individnivå snarare än generation. Individens syn på miljön har en viktig påverkan på om en individ källsorterar eller inte. Det är den specifika bostaden med dess förutsättningar för källsortering som har större inverkan på källsortering än bostadstypen i sig. Tillgänglighetsaspekten var viktig för samtliga respondenter men det varierade från individ till individ beroende på deras egen attityd och värderingar.
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The “Making” of an Intrapreneur : An empirical study to identify the untapped potential of intrapreneurial intention amongst employeesScharrer, Julia, Stubenrauch, Lea Theresa January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore how organisations can identify the untapped potential of intrapreneurial intention amongst employees to increase its competitive advantage. Competitive advantage was therefore seen as an outcome of entrepreneurial actions, which, i.e. can be used for more effective and novel marketing strategies. To reach enhanced competitiveness, many firms make use of the concept of corporate entrepreneurship to boost innovation and firm performance. To measure an employee’s intrapreneurial intention, this thesis deploys an exploratory approach by developing a research model that immerses organisational factors – an employee’s perception of the company’s Entrepreneurial Orientation, with behavioural attributes, as designed by Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The model includes five dimensions of a firm’s Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), including autonomy, innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness. Behavioural attributes proposed by Ajzen consist of the personal attitude towards intrapreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. The quantitative study generated a sample of 394 employees working in different organisations, industries, and on distinct hierarchical levels. Based on the findings, the authors propose a new framework, in which intrapreneurial intentions are directly influenced by someone’s attitude towards intrapreneurship, and indirectly influenced by an employee’s positive perception of the organisation’s EO. As a result, a company should focus on individual attitudes first to discover a potential for intrapreneurial interests. As a support, a firm’s positive perception of its EO can influence the employee’s attitude towards intrapreneurship, but cannot solely boost intrapreneurial intentions amongst workers.
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Engineering Privacy by Design: Are engineers ready to live up to the challenge?Bednar, Kathrin, Spiekermann, Sarah, Langheinrich, Marc January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Organizations struggle to comply with legal requirements as well as customers'
calls for better
data protection. On the implementation level, incorporation of privacy protections in products
and services depends on the commitment of the engineers who design them. We interviewed six
senior engineers, who work for globally leading IT corporations and research institutions, to inves-
tigate their motivation and ability to comply with privacy regulations. Our findings point to a lack
of perceived responsibility, control, autonomy, and frustrations with interactions with the legal
world. While we increasingly call on engineers to go beyond functional requirements and be
responsive to human values in our increasingly technological society, we may be facing the
dilemma of asking engineers to live up to a challenge they are currently not ready to embrace.
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Influencing attitudes, changing behaviours and embedding a pro-sustainability mindset in the workplace : an innovation diffusion approach to persuasive communicationsHader, Khaled Farag Imhemed January 2018 (has links)
Although several sustainability implementation frameworks have been proposed, researchers have not yet proposed theories or models to help organisations speed up the rate of sustainability diffusion and narrow the gap between what is known and what is put into use. This study sought to fill this gap by proposing a sustainability diffusion model. The model was developed from an exhaustive review of the corresponding literature. It uses Rogers' (1962) diffusion of innovations theory and Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical foundation. The model was tested and its structural architecture was validated in three different sustainability contexts; namely, duplex printing in UK universities; sustainable computing in service-based businesses; and sustainability culture in UK universities. The primary data was analysed statistically using SPSS, and structural equation modelling (SEM) in particular was used to validate the structural architecture of the proposed model. The SEM results indicate that the structural architecture of the theory of planned behaviour is well-founded. All the hypotheses that underline the theory's paths were supported. In contrast, the structural architecture of the diffusion of innovations theory was weakly supported. Some of the paths were rejected in at least two occasions. For example, the relationship between pro-sustainability knowledge and attitude was neither statistically significant nor directional. Moreover, several components of the 'verified' model turned out to be statistically insignificant or were rejected altogether. These were knowledge, perceived self interest, perceived persuader legitimacy, perceived consequences, perceived argument quality, trialability and perceived source credibility. Accordingly, once these constructs were removed and the model was restructured in accordance with the results of SEM analysis, an entirely new version of the 'sustainability diffusion model' emerged (See Figure IX-2). The architecture of the new model suggests that in order to speed up the rate of sustainability diffusion, change agents must emphasise the relative advantage, compatibility, subjective norm and the urgency of the pro-sustainability initiative under implementation and de-emphasise any complexities or risks associated with its operationalisation. Unexpectedly, the new version of the proposed model relies more on Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical foundation than on Rogers' (1983) innovation-decision process model. In other words, the new model maintained almost all the features of the theory of planned behaviour, but it only absorbed some, but not all, of the components of Rogers' innovation-decision process model. Nevertheless, the new model maintained its holistic nature. It still takes into account both the person-specific and innovation-specific factors that influence the diffusion, adoption and actualisation of pro-sustainability behaviours/initiatives.
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Adaptação de empréstimos em esperanto / Loanword adaptation in EsperantoKarina Gonçalves de Souza de Oliveira 25 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou avaliar por quais caminhos fonológicos novas raízes são incorporadas ao esperanto. As palavras foram selecionadas a partir das revistas Kontakto, revista oficial da Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - Organização Mundial da Juventude Esperantista), lançada em 1963, enviada a assinantes em mais de 90 países, e Esperanto, revista oficial da Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA - Associação Universal de Esperanto), que teve sua primeira publicação em 1905, e é enviada a leitores em 115 países, além de uma lista terminológica sobre tecnologia (Nevelsteen, 2012), e, ainda, palavras listadas como não dicionarizadas no blog <http://vortaro-blogo.blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivaj-vortoj-i.html>. Foram coletadas palavras de 13 línguas diferentes: árabe, chinês, coreano, espanhol, francês, inglês, japonês, komi, português, russo, turco, sânscrito e suaíli. A base teórica que orientou a análise foi a Fonologia de Empréstimo (Loanword Phonology), principalmente os escritos de Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) e Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). Fizemos, também, um levantamento bibliográfico de trabalhos já realizados sobre a fonética e a fonologia do esperanto, e comentamos questões gerais sobre as línguas planejadas e a comunidade de fala que o esperanto possui. A análise do corpus evidenciou que as palavras podem ser adaptadas tanto por meio da forma fonética ou da forma ortográfica da raiz na língua de origem. Além disso, verificou-se que ataques complexos que não violam restrições fonológicas do esperanto foram mantidos; a rima sofre, necessariamente, influência da morfologia quando adaptada; vogais longas foram adaptadas, em sua maioria, como vogais simples; e que algumas palavras possuem duas formas em variação sincrônica na língua. / This masters dissertation tried to investigate by which phonological directions new roots are incorporated into Esperanto. Words were selected from the following magazines: Kontakto, official magazine of Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo (TEJO - World Esperanto Youth Organization), which was first published in 1963 and is sent to subscribers in over 90 countries, and Esperanto, official magazine from Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA Esperanto Universal Association), which had its first release in 1905 and is sent to readers in 115 countries, in addition to a terminology list about technology (Nevelsteen, 2012) and to words not quoted on dictionaries but published on a list in the blog <http://vortaroblogo. blogspot.com.br/2009/09/nepivajvortoj-i.html>. Words were collected from 13 different languages: arabic, chinese, corean, spanish, french, english, japanese, komi, portuguese, russian, turkish, sanskrit and swahili. The theory basis that guided this analysis was Loanword Phonology, mostly the works of Calabrese &Wetzels (2009), Vendelin & Peperkamp (2006), Paradis (1988), Kang (2011), Friesner (2009), Menezes (2013), Chang (2008) and Kenstowicz & Suchato (2006), Roth (1980). We also made a bibliographic search on previous works about Esperantos phonetics and phonology, and we discussed general matters about planned languages and Esperantos community of speakers. The corpuss analysis showed that words can be adapted by its phonetic form as well as by its roots orthographic form on the original language. Furthermore, we observed that complex onsets which do not violate phonological restrictions of Esperanto were sustained; rime, when is adapted, is necessarily influenced by morphology; long vowels were, for the most part, adapted as simple vowels; and some words present two forms in languages synchronic variation.
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The Effects of Planned Parenthood Clinics on Women's Health and Economic DevelopmentPritchard, Olivia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Women’s health is measured by many standards and is governed by countless laws. Abortion is one of the most highly-contested medical practices and is also crucial to women’s health and economic development. Planned Parenthood is criticized for providing abortions and as a result is often overlooked for the many other medical services it provides. This paper aims to study the effect Planned Parenthood clinics have on women’s health and economic development at the county level. Data was collected for an overview of all fifty states and for the two most populous counties per state. Planned Parenthood centers tend to be located in areas with a higher percentage of women who are uninsured and need public funding assistance. Statistically significant results from two linear regressions also show that the percentage of clients using publicly funded clinics that are Planned Parenthood clinics is negatively correlated with teen birth rates and positively correlated with the percentage of females over 25 years of age with a bachelor’s degree. It is critical that lawmakers understand the importance and effects of clinics like Planned Parenthood on women’s health and productivity.
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