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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expression and detection of quantitative resistance to Erysiphe pisi DC. in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Viljanen-Rollinson, S. L. H. January 1996 (has links)
Characteristics of quantitative resistance in pea (Pisum sativum L.) to Erysiphe pisi DC, the pathogen causing powdery mildew, were investigated. Cultivars and seedlines of pea expressing quantitative resistance to E. pisi were identified and evaluated, by measuring the amounts of pathogen present on plant surfaces in field and glasshouse experiments. Disease severity on cv. Quantum was intermediate when compared with that on cv. Bolero (susceptible) and cv. Resal (resistant) in a field experiment. In glasshouse experiments, two groups of cultivars, one with a high degree of resistance and the other with nil to low degrees of resistance to E. pisi, were identified. This indicated either that a different mechanism of resistance applied in the two groups, or that there has been no previous selection for intermediate resistance. Several other cultivars expressing quantitative resistance were identified in a field experiment. Quantitative resistance in Quantum did not affect germination of E. pisi conidia, but reduced infection efficiency of conidia on this cultivar compared with cv. Pania (susceptible). Other epidemiological characteristics of quantitative resistance expression in Quantum relative to Pania were a 33% reduction in total conidium production and a 16% increase in time to maximum daily conidium production, both expressed on a colony area basis. In Bolero, the total conidium production was reduced relative to Pania, but the time to maximum spore production on a colony area basis was shorter. There were no differences between the cultivars in pathogen colony size or numbers of haustoria produced by the pathogen. Electron microscope studies suggested that haustoria in Quantum plants were smaller and less lobed than those in Pania plants and the surface area to volume ratios of the lobes and haustorial bodies were larger in Pania than in Quantum. The progress in time and spread in space of E. pisi was measured in field plots of cultivars Quantum, Pania and Bolero as disease severity (proportion of leaf area infected). Division of leaves (nodes) into three different age groups (young, medium, old) was necessary because of large variability in disease severity within plants. Disease severity on leaves at young nodes was less than 4% until the final assessment at 35 days after inoculation (dai). Exponential disease progress curves were fitted for leaves at medium nodes. Mean disease severity on medium nodes 12 dai was greatest (P<0.001) on Bolero and Pania (9.3 and 6.8% of leaf area infected respectively), and least on Quantum (1.6%). The mean disease relative growth rate was greatest (P<0.001) for Quantum, but was delayed compared to Pania and Bolero. Gompertz growth curves were fitted to disease progress data for leaves at old nodes. The asymptote was 78.2% of leaf area infected on Quantum, significantly lower (P<0.001) than on Bolero or Pania, which reached 100%. The point of inflection on Quantum occurred 22.8 dai, later (P<0.001) than on Pania (18.8 dai) and Bolero (18.3 dai), and the mean disease severity at the point of inflection was 28.8% for Quantum, less (P<0.00l) than on Pania (38.9%) or Bolero (38.5%). The average daily rates of increase in disease severity did not differ between the cultivars. Disease progress on Quantum was delayed compared with Pania and Bolero. Disease gradients from inoculum foci to 12 m were detected at early stages of the epidemic but the effects of background inoculum and the rate of disease progress were greater than the focus effect. Gradients flattened with time as the disease epidemic intensified, which was evident from the large isopathic rates (between 2.2 and 4.0 m d⁻¹) Some epidemiological variables expressed in controlled environments (low infection efficiency, low maximum daily spore production and long time to maximum spore production) that characterised quantitative resistance in Quantum were correlated with disease progress and spread in the field. These findings could be utilised in pea breeding programmes to identify parent lines from which quantitatively resistant progeny could be selected.

The effects of foliar diseases and irrigation on root development, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Balasubramaniam, Rengasamy January 1985 (has links)
Studies were conducted on three field trials of wheat cv. Kopara to investigate the lack of compensation by later determined components of yield because of early disease constraints. The investigation was based on the hypothesis that early disease reduces root development and thus causes the plants to be water constrained at later growth stages when soil water deficits usually occur. The reduced root development and soil water deficits may reduce the ability of the plant to compensate for reductions in early determined components. The hypothesis was tested by the application of irrigation to alleviate water stress. In a disease free crop, the possible phytotonic effects of the fungicides benomyl and triadimefon on wheat were investigated. These fungicides had no phytotonic effects on shoot, root growth, or yield under the prevailing conditions. The effect of disease on root development was analysed by root length measurements. Disease present in the crop at any stage of growth affected root development. Root development in the upper zones of the soil profile was reduced more by disease compared to those zones below 35 cm. A full disease epidemic reduced root development more than an early or late disease epidemic. The early and late disease epidemics had similar effects on root length. Alleviation of early disease constraints enabled greater development of roots to offset any earlier reductions. Soil water deficits increased root development in the lower zones of the nil disease plants. The presence of adequate soil water from irrigation reduced the requirement for further root growth in all treatments. In the 1981-1982 field trial a full disease epidemic reduced yield by 14% whereas an early disease epidemic reduced yield by 7%. The reduction in yield was attributed to a lower grain number. With irrigation the yield reduction in the full disease plants was 12% whereas in the early disease plants the reduction was only 2.4%. This indicated that plants affected by the early disease epidemic were water constrained. In this study, the results suggested that, for conditions prevailing in Canterbury, the supply of water at later growth stages increased grain weight in plants which were subject to early disease epidemics. This suggests that reduced root development caused by early disease and soil water deficits may prevent compensation by grain weight. Water use was similar in all disease treatments. After irrigation the irrigated plants of all treatments used more water. Disease affected water use in relation to yield production however, and was better expressed by water use efficiency. Water use efficiency was reduced in the full disease plants. A stepwise regression analysis suggested that water use efficiency was affected directly by disease at later growth stages, and indirectly via an effect on total green leaf area at early growth stages. This study partially proves the hypothesis that reductions in root development caused by an early disease epidemic may constrain the plants at later growth stages when water deficits usually occur. It was shown that the reduction in root development caused by disease could be counteracted by irrigation. In this respect, water served as a tool to study the effect of disease constraints on the yield of wheat. A knowledge of cereal crop physiology, root growth and function is used to explain and discuss the observations made in this research programme. The results are discussed in relation to the way in which disease affects yield through its effect on root development. The possible reasons for the continued effects of disease even after the control of disease at later growth stages are discussed. The economic use of fungicides and water in diseased crops are also outlined. Suggestions for future studies on disease-yield loss relationships are provided. The repetition of these experiments in different sites and climatic regions could provide information which may be incorporated in disease-yield loss simulation models. This could then be used to predict root development and water requirements of diseased plants, and provide a basis for economic use of fungicides and water, and for better disease management programmes.

Sustainable Management of Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Vineyard: Deliver Biocontrol Agents and Associated Molecules

Cunha Maia Leal, Catarina Da 12 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las plantas de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) están expuestas a una gran variedad de patógenos. En la actualidad, las enfermedades fúngicas de la madera de la vid (GTDs) se encuentran entre los principales factores que limitan la productividad de este cultivo. Una vez las vides están infectadas, la productividad de la planta disminuye, provocando una muerte lenta o apoplética. La investigación de agentes de control biológico (BCAs) capaces de prevenir, o al menos minimizar, el impacto de las GTDs, se considera una prioridad de investigación. En esta Tesis Doctoral se caracterizó un agente de biocontrol potencial y, junto con un producto comercial biológico ya registrado, fueron probados contra varios patógenos agentes causales de GTDs, en invernadero bajo condiciones controladas, y también durante el proceso de propagación de la vid en vivero. Los resultados del análisis genómico completo de Bacillus subtilis PTA-271 muestran un sistema funcional de motilidad de enjambre, una fuerte capacidad de supervivencia y un conjunto de genes que codifican sustancias bioactivas conocidas por estimular el crecimiento o las defensas de las plantas, influir en la microbiota beneficiosa y contrarrestar la agresividad de los patógenos. Cuando Bs PTA-271 se probó contra Neofusicoccum parvum BT67 en plantas injertadas de invernadero, Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 demostraron que el cultivar contribuye a los efectos beneficiosos de Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 contra Np-Bt67. La aplicación simultánea de ambos BCAs demostró ser beneficiosa contra este patógeno en vides del cultivar Tempranillo. El análisis transcriptómico de las mismas muestras mostró ampliamente los cambios en la fisiología de la planta inducidos tanto por Bs PTA-271 como por Ta SC1 para proteger la vid ante la infección por Np-Bt67. En Chardonnay, las plantas infectadas con Np-Bt67 presentan genes sobreexpresados que están implicados en las vías de señalización del acido absicico (ABA). En Tempranillo, la infección con Np-Bt67 provoca cambios de expresión en más de 200 genes, relacionados sobre todo con la importación de aminoácidos, procesos relacionados con el cloroplasto y el fotosistema, respuestas de la planta a estímulos bióticos y biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios. La protección de Ta SC1 en las plantas de Tempranilllo implica un mayor número de cambios, que abarcan tanto el metabolismo primario como el secundario, relacionados con cambios en las señales hormonales, como con el aicdo absicico (ABA). Durante el proceso de producción de la vid en vivero, los resultados demostraron una reducción significativa del porcentaje de plantas infectadas con los patógenos asociados a las enfermedades de decaimiento por Botryosphaeria y Pie negro en el material de vivero tratado con Ta SC1 y Bs PTA-271 respectivamente. Los tratamientos simultáneos con ambos BCAs presentaron una reducción en el porcentaje de plantas infectadas con ambos tipos de patógenos. Al probar el efecto de Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 en el microbioma de la rizosfera de la vid de dos suelos diferentes infectados con patógenos del pie negro, los resultados muestran que la inoculación de los BCAs parece mejorar las redes del microbioma de la rizosfera y el estado de saneamiento, sin embargo, el efecto beneficioso de los BCAs puede ser dependiente del suelo. En general, este estudio aportó nuevos conocimientos sobre el uso de uno o más BCAs contra varios patógenos asociados a las GTDs, tanto en el vivero como en vides adultas (viñedo). Además, se destacó el modo de acción de ambos BCAs en la protección de la vid. Por lo tanto, estos hallazgos proporcionan, no sólo una mejor comprensión de las interacciones entre los BCAs, la vid y los patógenos, sino que también son una fuerte contribución a una estrategia de gestión sostenible de las GTDs. / [CA] Les plantes de vinya (Vitis vinifera L.) estan exposades a una gran varietat de patògens. En l'actualitat, les malalties fúngiques de la fusta de la vinya (GTDs) es troben entre els principals factors que limiten la productivitat d'aquest cultiu. Una vegada les vinyes estan infectades, la productivitat de la planta disminueix, provocant una mort lenta o apoplética. La investigació d'agents de control biològic (BCAs) capaços de previndre, o almenys minimitzar, l'impacte de les GTDs, es considera una prioritat d'investigació. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral es va caracteritzar en profunditat un agent de biocontrol potencial i, juntament amb un producte comercial biològic ja registrat, tots dos BCAs van ser provats contra diversos patògens agents causals de GTDs, en hivernacle sota condicions controlades, i també durant el procés de propagació de la vinya en viver. Els resultats de l'anàlisi genòmica completa de Bs PTA-271 mostren un sistema funcional de motilitat d'eixam, una forta capacitat de supervivència i un conjunt de gens que codifiquen substàncies bioactivas conegudes per estimular el creixement o les defenses de les plantes, influir en la microbiota beneficiosa i contrarestar l'agressivitat dels patògens. Quan Bs PTA-271 es va provar contra Np BT67 en plantes empeltades d'hivernacle, Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 van demostrar que la cultivar contribueix als efectes beneficiosos de Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 contra Np-Bt67. L'aplicació simultània de tots dos BCAs va demostrar ser beneficiosa contra aquest patogen en vinyes del cultivar Ull de llebre. L'anàlisi transcriptómico de les mateixes mostres va mostrar àmpliament els canvis en la fisiologia de la planta induïts tant per Bs PTA-271 com per Ta SC1 per a protegir la vinya davant la infecció per Np-Bt67. En Chardonnay, les plantes infectades amb Np-Bt67 presenten gens sobreexpresados que estan implicats en les vies de senyalització de l'acidifique absicico (ABA). En Ull de llebre, la infecció amb Np-Bt67 provoca canvis d'expressió en més de 200 gens, relacionats sobretot amb la importació d'aminoàcids, processos relacionats amb el cloroplast i el fotosistema, respostes de la planta a estímuls biòtics i biosíntesis de metabòlits secundaris. La protecció de Bs PTA-271 en Chardonnay implica gens relacionats amb la biosíntesi d'ABA, les vies dels fenilpropanoides, els metabòlits secundaris, i l'estructura i organització de la paret cellular. La protecció de Ta SC1 en les plantes de Tempranilllo implica un major nombre de canvis, que abasten tant el metabolisme primari com el secundari, relacionats amb canvis en els senyals hormonals, com amb l'acid abcísic (ABA). Durant el procés de producció de la vinya en viver, els resultats van demostrar una reducció significativa del percentatge de plantes infectades amb els patògens associats a les malalties de decaïment per Botryosphaeria i Peu negre en el material de viver tractat amb Ta SC1 i Bs PTA-271 respectivament. Els tractaments simultanis amb tots dos BCAs van presentar una reducció en el percentatge de plantes infectades amb tots dos tipus de patògens. En provar l'efecte de Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 en el microbioma de la rizosfera de la vinya de dos sòls diferents infectats amb patògens del Peu negre, els resultats mostren que la inoculació dels BCAs sembla millorar les xarxes del microbioma de la rizosfera i l'estat de sanejament, no obstant això, l'efecte beneficiós dels BCAs pot ser dependent del sòl. En general, aquest estudi va aportar nous coneixements sobre l'ús d'un o més BCAs contra diversos patògens associats a les GTDs, tant en el viver com en vinyes adultes. A més, es va destacar la manera d'acció de tots dos BCAs en la protecció de la vinya. Per tant, aquestes troballes proporcionen, no sols una millor comprensió de les interaccions entre els BCAs, la vinya i els patògens, sinó que també són una forta contribució a una estratègia de gestió sostenible de les GTDs. / [EN] Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants are exposed to a wide variety of pathogens. Nowadays, grapevine fungal trunk diseases (GTDs) are amongst the main constraints for the productivity of this crop. Once infected, plant productivity is decreased, leading to a plant slow or apoplectic death. Investigation of biocontrol agents (BCAs) capable to forestall or at least to minimize the impact of GTDs, while being a sustainable treatment, is viewed as a research priority. One potential BCA was deeply characterized, and together with a biological commercial product, both BCAs were tested against several GTD pathogens, in greenhouse under controlled conditions, and during the grapevine propagation process. Results from the full genomic analysis of Bacillus subtilis PTA-271 (as BCA with a potential) show a functional swarming motility system, strong survival capacities and a set of genes encoding for bioactive substances known to stimulate plant growth or defenses, influence beneficial microbiota, and counteract pathogen aggressiveness. When tested against Neofusicoccum parvum Bt67 (thereafter Np-Bt67) in greenhouse cuttings, B. subtilis PTA-271 (Bs PTA-271) and T. atroviride SC1 (Ta SC1) proved that the cultivar contributes to their beneficial effects against Np-Bt67. The simultaneous application of both BCAs was further proved to be even more effective to protect Tempranillo cuttings. Moreover, the transcriptomic analysis from the same samples showed extensively the plant physiology changes induced by the pathogen but also by each BCA, Bs PTA-271 on Chardonnay and Ta SC1 on Tempranillo, to protect grapevine from Np-Bt67 infection. Thus, Chardonnay cuttings infected with Np-Bt67 showed overexpressed genes implicated on abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis and signaling pathways. In Tempranillo, the infection with Np-Bt67 leads to more substantial changes in gene expression, related mostly with amino acid import, chloroplast and photosystem related processes, plant responses to biotic stimulus, and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Protection induced by Bs PTA-271 in Chardonnay targets genes related to ABA biosynthesis, phenylpropanoid pathways and secondary metabolites, and cell wall structure/organization in relationship with carbohydrate metabolism that requires much more consideration. Protection with Ta SC1 in Tempranilllo requires a larger number of changes related to transporters, cell wall integrity and extension, cell division and pathogen induced cell death, multidirectional active proteins, and microbiome interactions. During the grapevine nursery process, the results demonstrated a significant reduction on the percentage of infected plants with Botryosphaeria dieback and Black-foot pathogens in the material treated with Ta SC1 and Bs PTA-271 respectively. The simultaneous treatments with both BCAs presented a reduction on infected plants with both Botryosphaeria dieback and Black foot pathogens. When testing the effect of Bs PTA- 271 and Ta SC1 in grapevine rhizosphere microbiome of two different soil infected with Black foot pathogens, results show that the inoculation of BCAs seems to improve the rhizosphere microbiome networks and sanitation status, however, the beneficial effect of BCAs can be soil-dependent. Moreover, as observed in the other experiments, the combination of both BCAs improves their beneficial effect in the rhizosphere microbiome. Overall, this study brought new insights on the use of one or more BCAs against several GTD pathogens, from nursery to adult grapevines. Moreover, highlighted both BCAs mode of action in grapevine protection. Thus, these findings provide, not only a better understanding of BCAs, grapevine, and pathogens interactions, but are also a strong contribution for the future development of sustainable GTDs management strategies. / Cunha Maia Leal, CD. (2022). Sustainable Management of Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Vineyard: Deliver Biocontrol Agents and Associated Molecules [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191261

Druscheignung als zentrale Führungsgröße im Erntemanagement

Klüßendorf-Feiffer, Andrea 12 August 2009 (has links)
Beim Parameter „Druscheignung“ eines Bestandes wird gemeinhin angenommen, dass dieses Kriterium durch die Genetik der Sorte und den Witterungsverlauf, weitgehend unbeeinflusst von Landwirt, festgelegt ist. Und dennoch verändert der Landwirt mit all seinen Entscheidungen von der Auswahl der Sorten, über die Düngung, den Pflanzenschutz bis hin zum Erntemanagement die Druscheignung stetig. Zur Ernte, als letzten Abschnitt der Verfahrenskette, entfaltet die Druscheignung dann außerordentlich große ökonomische Auswirkungen. Anhand verschiedener Beispiele aus Züchtung, Pflanzenernährung, Pflanzenschutz und Erntetechnologie wurde dargestellt, wie auf die Druscheignung Einfluss genommen werden kann und wie diese Auswirkungen monetär zu bewerten sind. Aus dem Bereich der Züchtung wurde die Entwicklung eines neuen Wuchstyps bei den Rapshalbzwergen ausgewählt, der mit weniger Biomasse konkurrenzfähige Erträge erzielt. Die Abreife ist einheitlicher, der Erntetermin kann problemloser fixiert werden, der Drusch ist leistungsstark und verlustarm. Späte und intensiv geführte Sorten sind mit Hilfe einer Sikkation zeitlich früher und leichter zu beernten. Das schafft Erntesicherheit bei geringeren Verlusten, höheren Mähdrescherleistungen und sinkendem Kraftstoffverbrauch. Die bedarfsgerechte Ausbringung des Stickstoffs in Art, Menge und Zeit, entsprechend der kleinräumigen Heterogenität eines Schlages, führt zu einer Homogenisierung der Bestände. Die Bestände reifen gleichmäßiger ab und führen zu etwa 20 Prozent höherer Mähdrescherleistung sowie geringerem Kraftstoffverbrauch. Am Beispiel des Hochschnitts wurde verdeutlicht, wie sich die bessere Beerntbarkeit auf Maschinenkosten, Gesamternteverluste, Qualität und Trocknung auswirkt. Hebt man die Stoppellänge um 10 Zentimeter an, lässt sich die Mähdrescherleistung um ca. 15 bis 20 Prozent steigern. Diese Beispiele unterstreichen zugleich die Forderung, dass die Druscheignung nicht erst zur Ernte diese Führungsrolle übernimmt, sondern auch in den vorgelagerten Verfahrensabschnitten als ein starkes Entscheidungskriterium gelten muss. / The parameter “threshability” of a stand is commonly assumed to be a criterion defined by the genetics of the strain and the weather conditions which is mainly not influenced by the farmer. Nevertheless, the farmer continuously changes the “threshability” with all his decisions, from the selection of the strains, via the use of fertilizers to the harvest management. For harvest, as the last stage of the process chain, the threshability develops extraordinarily high economic effects. On the basis of several examples from cultivation, plant nutrition, plant protection and harvest technology it was described, how the threshability can be influenced and how this effect is to be assessed monetarily. In the field of cultivation, the development of a new growth type of semi-dwarf rape has been selected, which yields competitive returns with less bio mass. Ripeness is more homogeneous, the harvest date can be fixed without problems, threshing is efficient and with low loss. Using the method of siccation, late and intensively controlled strains can be harvested earlier and easier. This offers harvest safety with low loss, higher combine harvester performance and reduced fuel consumption.The need-based spreading of nitrogen referring to type, quantity and time according to the small-scale spatial heterogeneity of a field leads to a homogenisation of the stands. The stands ripen more evenly and this fact causes about 20 percent higher combine harvester performance, as well as reduced fuel consumption. Using the example of high-cut top harvest it was clarified how the better harvestability influences the machine costs, the total harvest losses, the quality, and the drying process. If the length of the stubbles is extended by 10 centimetres, the combine harvester performance can be increased by 15 to 20 percent. These examples also emphasize the requirement that the threshability does not just take over the leading role for the harvest but has also to be considered as a strong decision criterion within the prior stages of the process.

The effect of floral resources on the leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in selected New Zealand vineyards

Berndt, Lisa A. January 2002 (has links)
In this study, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and alyssum (Lobularia maritima (L.)) flowers were used to examine the effect of floral resources on the efficacy of the leafroller parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron) in vineyards. This was done by assessing the influence of these flowers on parasitoid abundance and parasitism rate, and by investigating the consequences of this for leafroller abundance. In laboratory experiments, alyssum flowers were used to investigate the effect of floral food on the longevity, fecundity and sex ratio of D. tasmanica. Dolichogenidea tasmanica comprised more than 95 % of parasitoids reared from field collected leafrollers in this study. The abundance of D. tasmanica during the 1999-2000 growing season was very low compared with previous studies, possibly due to the very low abundance of its leafroller hosts during the experiment. The number of males of this species on yellow sticky traps was increased (although not significantly) when buckwheat flowers were planted in a Marlborough vineyard; however, the number of female D. tasmanica on traps was no greater with flowers than without. The abundance of another leafroller parasitoid, Glyptapanteles demeter (Wilkinson)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on traps was also not significantly affected by the presence of buckwheat flowers, although females of this species were caught in greater numbers in the control than in buckwheat plots. Naturally-occurring leafrollers were collected from three vineyard sites in Marlborough, and one in Canterbury during the 2000-2001 season to assess the effect of buckwheat and alyssum flowers on parasitism rate. Parasitism rate more than doubled in the presence of buckwheat at one of the Marlborough vineyards, but alyssum had no effect on parasitism rate in Canterbury. A leafroller release/recover method, used when naturally-occurring leafrollers were too scarce to collect, was unable to detect any effect of buckwheat or alyssum on parasitism rate. Mean parasitism rates of approximately 20 % were common in Marlborough, although rates ranged from 0 % to 45 % across the three vineyard sites in that region. In Canterbury in April, mean parasitism rates were approximately 40 % (Chapter 4). Rates were higher on upper canopy leaves (40-60 %) compared with lower canopy leaves and bunches (0-25 %). Leafroller abundance was apparently not affected by the presence of buckwheat in Marlborough, or alyssum in Canterbury. Buckwheat did, however, significantly reduce the amount of leafroller evidence (webbed leafroller feeding sites on leaves or in bunches) in Marlborough, suggesting that the presence of these flowers may reduce leafroller populations. Leafrollers infested less than 0.1 % of Cabernet Sauvignon leaves throughout the 1999-2000 growing season, but increased in abundance in bunches to infest a maximum of 0.5 % of bunches in late March in Marlborough. In Pinot Noir vines in the 2000-2001 season, leafroller abundance was also low, although sampling was not conducted late in the season when abundance reaches a peak. In Riesling vines in Canterbury, between 1.5 % and 2.5 % of bunches were infested with leafrollers in April. In the laboratory, alyssum flowers significantly increased the longevity and lifetime fecundity of D. tasmanica compared with a no-flower treatment. However, daily fecundity was not increased by the availability of food, suggesting that the greater lifetime fecundity was related to increases in longevity. Parasitoids were also able to obtain nutrients from whitefly honeydew, which resulted in similar longevity and daily fecundity to those when alyssum flowers were present. The availability of food had a significant effect on the offspring sex ratio of D. tasmanica. Parasitoids reared from naturally-occurring leafrollers produced an equal sex ratio, assumed to be the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for this species. In the laboratory, this ESS was observed only when parasitoids had access to alyssum flowers. Without food, or with honeydew only, sex ratios were strongly male-biased. In the field, floral resources affected the sex ratio of D. tasmanica only when this species was reared from leafrollers released and recovered in Marlborough. In that experiment, buckwheat shifted the sex ratio in favour of female production from the equal sex ratio found in control plots. No firm explanations can be given to account for these results, due to a lack of research in this area. Possible mechanisms for the changes in sex ratio with flowers are discussed. This study demonstrated that flowers are an important source of nutrients for D. tasmanica, influencing the longevity, fecundity and offspring sex ratio of this species. However, only some of the field experiments were able to show any positive effect of the provision of floral resources on parasitoid abundance or parasitism rate. More information is needed on the role these parasitoids, and other natural enemies, play in regulating leafroller populations in New Zealand vineyards, and on how they use floral resources in the field, before recommendations can be made regarding the adoption of this technology by growers.

Eco-climatic assessment of the potential establishment of exotic insects in New Zealand

Peacock, Lora January 2005 (has links)
To refine our knowledge and to adequately test hypotheses concerning theoretical and applied aspects of invasion biology, successful and unsuccessful invaders should be compared. This study investigated insect establishment patterns by comparing the climatic preferences and biological attributes of two groups of polyphagous insect species that are constantly intercepted at New Zealand's border. One group of species is established in New Zealand (n = 15), the other group comprised species that are not established (n = 21). In the present study the two groups were considered to represent successful and unsuccessful invaders. To provide background for interpretation of results of the comparative analysis, global areas that are climatically analogous to sites in New Zealand were identified by an eco-climatic assessment model, CLIMEX, to determine possible sources of insect pest invasion. It was found that south east Australia is one of the regions that are climatically very similar to New Zealand. Furthermore, New Zealand shares 90% of its insect pest species with that region. South east Australia has close trade and tourism links with New Zealand and because of its proximity a new incursion in that analogous climate should alert biosecurity authorities in New Zealand. Other regions in western Europe and the east coast of the United States are also climatically similar and share a high proportion of pest species with New Zealand. Principal component analysis was used to investigate patterns in insect global distributions of the two groups of species in relation to climate. Climate variables were reduced to temperature and moisture based principal components defining four climate regions, that were identified in the present study as, warm/dry, warm/wet, cool/dry and cool/moist. Most of the insect species established in New Zealand had a wide distribution in all four climate regions defined by the principal components and their global distributions overlapped into the cool/moist, temperate climate where all the New Zealand sites belong. The insect species that have not established in New Zealand had narrow distributions within the warm/wet, tropical climates. Discriminant analysis was then used to identify which climate variables best discriminate between species presence/absence at a site in relation to climate. The discriminant analysis classified the presence and absence of most insect species significantly better than chance. Late spring and early summer temperatures correctly classified a high proportion of sites where many insect species were present. Soil moisture and winter rainfall were less effective discriminating the presence of the insect species studied here. Biological attributes were compared between the two groups of species. It was found that the species established in New Zealand had a significantly wider host plant range than species that have not established. The lower developmental threshold temperature was on average, 4°C lower for established species compared with non-established species. These data suggest that species that establish well in New Zealand have a wide host range and can tolerate lower temperatures compared with those that have not established. No firm conclusions could be drawn about the importance of propagule pressure, body size, fecundity or phylogeny for successful establishment because data availability constrained sample sizes and the data were highly variable. The predictive capacity of a new tool that has potential for eco-climatic assessment, the artificial neural network (ANN), was compared with other well used models. Using climate variables as predictors, artificial neural network predictions were compared with binary logistic regression and CLIMEX. Using bootstrapping, artificial neural networks predicted insect presence and absence significantly better than the binary logistic regression model. When model prediction success was assessed by the kappa statistic there were also significant differences in prediction performance between the two groups of study insects. For established species, the models were able to provide predictions that were in moderate agreement with the observed data. For non-established species, model predictions were on average only slightly better than chance. The predictions of CLIMEX and artificial neural networks when given novel data, were difficult to compare because both models have different theoretical bases and different climate databases. However, it is clear that both models have potential to give insights into invasive species distributions. Finally the results of the studies in this thesis were drawn together to provide a framework for a prototype pest risk assessment decision support system. Future research is needed to refine the analyses and models that are the components of this system.

Use of floral resources by the lacewing Micromus tasmaniae and its parasitoid Anacharis zealandica, and the consequences for biological control by M. tasmaniae

Robinson, K. A. January 2009 (has links)
Arthropod species that have the potential to damage crops are food resources for communities of predators and parasitoids. From an agronomic perspective these species are pests and biocontrol agents respectively, and the relationships between them can be important determinants of crop yield and quality. The impact of biocontrol agents on pest populations may depend on the availability of other food resources in the agroecosystem. A scarcity of such resources may limit biological control and altering agroecosystem management to alleviate this limitation could contribute to pest management. This is a tactic of ‘conservation biological control’ and includes the provision of flowers for species that consume prey as larvae but require floral resources in their adult stage. The use of flowers for pest management requires an understanding of the interactions between the flowers, pests, biocontrol agents and non-target species. Without this, attempts to enhance biological control might be ineffective or detrimental. This thesis develops our understanding in two areas which have received relatively little attention: the role of flowers in biological control by true omnivores, and the implications of flower use by fourth-trophic-level life-history omnivores. The species studied were the lacewing Micromus tasmaniae and its parasitoid Anacharis zealandica. Buckwheat flowers Fagopyrum esculentum provided floral resources and aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum served as prey. Laboratory experiments with M. tasmaniae demonstrated that although prey were required for reproduction, providing flowers increased survival and oviposition when prey abundance was low. Flowers also decreased prey consumption by the adult lacewings. These experiments therefore revealed the potential for flowers to either enhance or disrupt biological control by M. tasmaniae. Adult M. tasmaniae were collected from a crop containing a strip of flowers. Analyses to determine the presence of prey and pollen in their digestive tracts suggested that predation was more frequent than foraging in flowers. It was concluded that the flower strip probably did not affect biological control by lacewings in that field, but flowers could be significant in other situations. The lifetime fecundity of A. zealandica was greatly increased by the presence of flowers in the laboratory. Providing flowers therefore has the potential to increase parasitism of M. tasmaniae and so disrupt biological control. A. zealandica was also studied in a crop containing a flower strip. Rubidium-marking was used to investigate nectar-feeding and dispersal from the flowers. In addition, the parasitoids’ sugar compositions were determined by HPLC and used to infer feeding histories. Although further work is required to develop the use of these techniques in this system, the results suggested that A. zealandica did not exploit the flower strip. The sugar profiles suggested that honeydew had been consumed by many of the parasitoids. A simulation model was developed to explore the dynamics of aphid, lacewing and parasitoid populations with and without flowers. This suggested that if M. tasmaniae and A. zealandica responded to flowers as in the laboratory, flowers would only have a small effect on biological control within a single period of a lucerne cutting cycle. When parasitoids were present, the direct beneficial effect of flowers on the lacewing population was outweighed by increased parasitism, reducing the potential for biological control in future crops. The results presented in this thesis exemplify the complex interactions that may occur as a consequence of providing floral resources in agroecosystems and re-affirm the need for agroecology to inform the development of sustainable pest management techniques.

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