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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodiversité fongique du raisin au vin : impact de l'activité anthropique / Fungal biodiversity from grape to wine : impact of anthropogenic factor

Grangeteau, Cédric 25 January 2016 (has links)
Les effets de différentes activités anthropiques (vignoble, cuverie) sur les populations fongiques du raisin au vin ont été étudiés. Afin de caractériser ces effets, il était nécessaire d’avoir accès à la diversité globale des populations (pyroséquençage et IR-TF) mais également à la diversité intraspécifique (IR-TF). La spectroscopie a ainsi été validée pour sa capacité à caractériser la population globale et à discriminer les souches pour trois espèces de levures non-Saccharomyces (NS). Pour la première fois, il est démontré que la baie de raisin constitue une source limitée pour les levures NS alors que la cuverie semble constituer une source importante; l’air étant un vecteur important de dissémination de ces levures. De plus, la persistance et la réimplantation des levures NS dans le moût l’année suivante ont été démontrées. Les activités anthropiques étudiées modifient la diversité fongique. Une biodiversité plus faible pour les raisins de la modalité biologique a été mesurée pour les 3 millésimes considérés. Les populations fongiques sont ensuite fortement remaniées par l’étape de pressurage/clarification et l’influence de la flore de cuverie est confirmée. L’ajout de SO2 modifie les dynamiques des populations et favorise la domination de l’espèce S. cerevisiae. L’analyse chimique non-ciblée des vins montre pour la première fois que ces derniers peuvent être discriminés à la fin de la fermentation alcoolique en fonction de la protection phytosanitaire, que ces fermentations aient eu lieu en présence ou non de SO2. Ainsi, l'existence dans les vins de signatures de diversité chimique et microbiologique liées au mode de protection au vignoble est mise en évidence. / The effects of different anthropogenic activities (vineyard, winery) on fungal populations from grape to wine were studied. To characterize these effects, it was necessary to access to the overall diversity of populations (pyrosequencing and spectroscopy FT-IR) but also to intra-specific diversity (FT-IR). Spectroscopy FT-IR has been validated for their ability to characterize the global population and to discriminate the strains for three species of non-Saccharomyces yeasts (NS). For the first time, it is shown that the grape berry is a limited source for NS yeasts while the winery seems to be a significant source; the air is an important vector for dissemination of these yeasts. In addition, persistence of NS yeast strains from year to year in the winery has been demonstrated. The studied anthropogenic activities modify the fungal diversity. Thus, lower biodiversity of grapes from organic modality was measured for the three vintages considered. The pressing / clarification step revises strongly fungal populations and the influence of the winery flora is confirmed. The addition of SO2 changes the population dynamics and favors the dominance of the species S. cerevisiae. The non-targeted chemical analysis shows, for the first time, that these wines can be distinguished at the end of the alcoholic fermentation (with or without SO2) depending on plant protection. Thus, the existence in wines of chemical and microbiological signatures associated with vineyard protection mode is highlighted.

Résilience des exploitations agricoles face au changement des pratiques phytosanitaires : Conception d’outils de gestion des risques liés aux pesticides – cas du bassin versant de l’étang de l’or en France / Resilience of farms to plant protection practices change : Tools design for managing pesticide risks - case of the etang de l'or catchment area

Mghirbi, Oussama 11 October 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation excessive des produits phytosanitaires provoque des problèmes de santé publique et environnementaux du fait de leur toxicité. Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche interdisciplinaire entre géographie et agronomie, l’objectif est d’analyser la résilience des exploitations agricoles et leur capacité à faire face au changement des pratiques phytosanitaires. Pour y répondre, nous nous sommes basés sur la conception d’une méthode d’évaluation des pratiques phytosanitaires à différentes échelles spatiales et d’un modèle technico-économique d’optimisation des traitements phytosanitaires et de gestion des risques liés aux pesticides. Ce travail consiste à mettre à la disposition des acteurs du territoire des outils d’aide à la décision pour une gestion intégrée de l’usage des pesticides au niveau du bassin versant de l’étang de l’Or au Sud de la France. Cette étude est basée sur l’utilisation de plusieurs outils pluridisciplinaires : les techniques de programmation mathématique, d’analyse statistique et les Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (SIG), en introduisant des indicateurs agri-environnementaux de pression phytosanitaire (IFT) et de risque de toxicité sur la santé de l’applicateur et sur l’environnement (IRSA, IRTE), ainsi que des indicateurs économiques. La combinaison de ces indicateurs définit les différentes catégories de résilience des exploitations agricoles et la capacité de leur système de production à faire face au changement de pratiques phytosanitaires. Ce concept de résilience, associé à l’analyse spatiale des indicateurs agri-environnementaux et économiques à l’aide d’un SIG, permet de mettre en place des outils génériques d’aide à la décision afin de trouver un compromis entre les différents acteurs pour faire face aux problématiques de l’iniquité spatiale et socio-économique de la pollution phytosanitaire diffuse. Les résultats d’analyse multi-échelle permettent la mise en place des stratégies de gestion des risques liés aux pratiques phytosanitaires en fonction de la vulnérabilité du milieu naturel sur un territoire et en assurant des résultats économiques convenables aux exploitations agricoles. / The excessive use of plant protection products has caused public health and environmental issues dueto their toxicity. As part of this interdisciplinary research work between geography and agronomy, theobjective is to analyse the resilience of farms and their capacity to deal with the change of plantprotection practices. In order to answer this objective, our work is based on the design of a method forassessing plant protection practices at different spatial scales and on a technical-economic model foroptimising plant protection treatment and managing risks related to pesticides. This work consists inproviding territorial actors with decision-support tools for an integrated management of pesticide useat the “Etang de l’Or” catchment area in the South of France. This study is based on the use of severalmultidisciplinary tools: mathematical programming techniques, statistical analysis and GeographicInformation Systems (GIS), by introducing agri-environmental indicators for plant protection pressure(TFI) and risks of toxicity on the applicator’s health and on environment (IRSA, IRTE), and economicindicators. The combination of these indicators defines the different categories of farms resilience andcapacity of their production systems to deal with the change of plant protection practices. The conceptof resilience, combined with spatial analysis of agri-environmental and economic indicators usingGIS, allows implementing generic decision-support tools to find a compromise between the differentactors to deal with problems of spatial inequality and socioeconomic in term of phytosanitary diffusepollution. The results of multi-scale analysis allow implementing management strategies of risksrelated to plant protection practice based on the vulnerability of the natural environment on a territoryand ensuring suitable economic outcomes to farms.

Uplatnění statistických metod pro zkoumání vlastností nejprodávanějších přípravků na ochranu rostlin a vztahů mezi nimi / Application of Statistical Methods to Investigate the Properties of Best-Selling Plant Protection Products and their Relationship

Haluzová, Dana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the statistical examination of properties of plant protection products at Agro-Artikel, s.r.o. Using the empirical distribution function, it focuses on the sales price and the shelf life of the products, tests the hypotheses about the properties of the products and the dependencies between them. The thesis also explores the results of the questionnaire survey and offers recommendations for the introduction of new products.

Resistenzen gegenüber Pflanzenschutzmitteln

Dietz, Michael, Thate, Andela, Pölitz, Birgit, Meinlschmidt, Ewa, Kraatz, Michael 28 June 2014 (has links)
In den Jahren 2011 und 2012 wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur aktuellen Situation der Pflanzenschutzmittelresistenz in Sachsen durchgeführt. Einbezogen waren wirtschaftlich bedeutsame Schadorganismen in Sachsen sowie verschiedene insektizide, fungizide und herbizide Wirkstoffe. Die Erhebungen zeigen, dass in Sachsen ein Anstieg von Pflanzenschutzmittelresistenzen gegenüber den untersuchten Schadorganismen zu verzeichnen ist. Aus den Projektergebnissen wurden entsprechend angepasste bzw. neue Behandlungsstrategien zum Antiresistenzmanagement für die sächsischen Anbauregionen abgeleitet. Ziel ist es, der Resistenzausbreitung und der damit verbundenen Zunahme von chemischen Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen entgegenzuwirken.

Bekämpfung des Apfelmehltaus

Kröling, Christian 28 June 2014 (has links)
Der Bericht informiert über die Ergebnisse des Projektes »Bekämpfung des Echten Mehltaus am Apfel mit dem Wirkstoff Penconazol im Raum Sachsen«. Die Untersuchung erfolgte im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2012 in Labor- und Feldversuchen. Für eine optimale Bekämpfung des Erregers Podosphaera leucotricha ist die Erziehung des Baumes zu einer schlanken Krone unumgänglich. Der Primärbefallsdruck in einer Anlage und der angrenzenden Flächen darf 5 % nicht überschreiten. Untersuchungen der Wirkstoffverteilung mit wassersensitivem Papier und Rückstandsanalysen in Blättern sind für die Beurteilung der Feldleistung von Penconazol notwendig. Diese ermöglichen den Bezug zu im Biotest erhobenen Sensitivitätswerten. Ein »shifting« der Schaderregerpopulation in der Peconazolsensitivität ist zu erkennen, jedoch keine Resistenz.

Impatto e prevenzione dell'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee da pesticidi e nitrati nei vigneti collinari: valutazione delle fonti di contaminazione e sviluppo delle migliori pratiche di gestione e misure di mitigazione / IMPACT AND PREVENTION OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION BY PESTICIDES AND NITRATE IN HILLY VINEYARDS: EVALUATION OF CONTAMINATION SOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MITIGATION MEASURES / Impact and prevention of groundwater pollution by pesticides and nitrate in hilly vineyards: evaluation of contamination sources and development of best management practices and mitigation measures

ZAMBITO MARSALA, ROBERTA 28 April 2021 (has links)
Molte attività antropiche danno origine a problemi ambientali per i quali è necessario trovare soluzioni. La presenza di sostanze indesiderabili nell'acqua, infatti, può rappresentare un rischio per la salute e l'igiene sia degli uomini che degli animali. È quindi fondamentale trovare metodi per evitare gli inquinanti di queste matrici, in modo da renderli compatibili con il mantenimento di condizioni ambientali adeguate e salutari. Questa tesi si propone di valutare la qualità delle acque sotterranee di un'area in cui la qualità dell'acqua non è mai stata studiata, in particolare indagando la presenza di pesticidi e nitrati al fine di comprendere l’impatto della viticoltura sull'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee. Questo studio nasce dalla necessità di migliorare la governance delle acque e di implementare le migliori pratiche di gestione e misure di mitigazione per prevenire l'inquinamento delle acque e quello ambientale. I risultati degli studi di monitoraggio hanno mostrato una contaminazione delle acque sotterranee da parte di pesticidi e nitrati e quindi è stata effettuata una valutazione della fonte di contaminazione da pesticidi e nitrati attraverso studi isotopici di N e O di NO3-, e attraverso analisi idrologiche utilizzando il modello CRITERIA 3D. Come una delle principali conclusioni del lavoro si può affermare che la presenza di pesticidi nelle acque sotterranee in un’area ad attività vitivinicola intensa, non può essere correlata solo alle proprietà e al destino chimico-ambientale delle sostanze o alle condizioni pedoclimatiche, ma anche al comportamento dell'utilizzatore finale. In effetti, la fonte di contaminazione valutata, è risultata essere dovuta sia a una contaminazione diffusa che a una contaminazione puntiforme. Per quanto riguarda l'influenza della fertilizzazione a base di azoto sulla presenza di nitrati nelle acque sotterranee, i risultati hanno mostrato un'elevata vulnerabilità dell'acquifero ai cambiamenti esterni. Dalle indagini isotopiche è emerso che la maggior parte dell'NO3- rilevato nelle acque sotterranee, deriva dall'utilizzo di fertilizzanti azotati inorganici, in accordo con le pratiche di uso del suolo e di viticoltura dichiarate dagli agricoltori della zona. Il risultato più importante dello studio, tuttavia, è stato che alla fine del processo, l'approccio multi-actor e la strategia di coinvolgimento adottati, hanno avuto successo nel migliorare gli atteggiamenti verso pratiche più sostenibili. / Many anthropic activities give rise to environmental problems for which it is necessary to find solutions. The presence of undesirable substances in water, indeed, can pose a risk to the health and hygiene of both men and animals. It is, therefore, essential to find methods in order to avoid pollutants from these matrices, so as to make them compatible with the maintenance of healthy environmental conditions. This thesis aims to assessing the groundwater quality of an area in which the quality of water was never studied, particularly investigating the occurrence of pesticides and nitrate in order to understand the grant of viticulture on water pollution. This study derives from the necessity to improve the water governance and to implement the best management practices and mitigation measures to prevent groundwater and environmental pollution. The results of monitoring studies showed a contamination of groundwater by pesticides and nitrate and thus an evaluation of PPPs and nitrates source contamination was carried out through isotopic studies of N and O of NO3- , and through hydrologic analysis by use of the model CRITERIA 3D. As one of the main conclusions of the work, the occurrence of PPPs in groundwater in areas with intensive viticultural activities cannot be related just to chemical environmental fate properties or pedoclimatic conditions, but also to end-user behavior. In fact, the contamination source evaluated, resulted to be due to both diffuse and point-source contamination. For what concerns the influence of nitrogen-based fertilization on nitrate occurrence in groundwater, the results showed a high vulnerability of the aquifer to external changes. Isotopic investigations showed that most of the NO3- detected in the groundwater, derived from the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, in agreement with the land use and viticulture practices declared by the farmers. The most important result of the study, however, was that at the end of the overall process, the multi-actor approach and engagement strategy adopted were successful in improving attitudes to more sustainable practices.

Research on the status of chemical pesticide uses in agricultural activities in Phan Me commune, Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province: Research article

Nguyen, Thi Hue, Ha, Dinh Nghiem 09 December 2015 (has links)
Phan Me is a midland-mountainous commune of Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam where the agricultural activities are predominant occupation. The investigation on the use of plant protection products in here showed that chemical pesticides have been commonly used in agricultural activities. Although some local people have a good attitude in using plant protection products, the status of using chemical pesticides that were not recommended (like Vofatox) has been quite popular due to the old cultivation customs. The local people have not applied any measures for wastewater treatment, or plant protection product package treatment. Besides, the use of plant protection products in higher concentration than recommendation for vegetables or crops caused the residues of toxics in agricultural products as well as in cultivation soil. The accumulation of toxic residues in the environment is a serious matter of concern because of their significant impact on the environment, agricultural ecosystem and human health. / Phấn Mễ là một xã trung du miền núi của huyện Phú Lương, tỉnh Thái Nguyên, Việt Nam với hoạt động sản xuất nông nghiệp là chủ yếu. Qua thực tế điều tra tình hình sử dụng thuốc bảo vệ thực vật (BVTV) tại đây cho thấy hầu hết các loại hình sản xuất nông nghiệp đều sử dụng thuốc BVTV. Một số người dân đã có ý thức trong việc sử dụng thuốc BVTV tuy nhiên do tập quán canh tác từ lâu đời nên việc sử dụng các loại thuốc bị khuyến cáo, chẳng hạn như Vofatox, vẫn còn khá phổ biến. Người dân chưa tiến hành các biện pháp để xử lý nước thải, bao bì, vỏ chai thuốc BVTV sau khi sử dụng. Bên canh đó, họ còn sử dụng thuốc BVTV không đúng liều lượng cho một số loại cây rau để lại dư lượng thuốc trên nông sản cũng như đất canh tác. Sự tích lũy dư lượng của những chất độc hại này trong môi trường là vấn đề đáng lo ngại do sự ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng của chúng đối với môi trường sống, hệ sinh thái nông nghiệp và sức khỏe con người.

Sfide e prospettive nella valutazione del rischio ambientale dei prodotti fitosanitari / CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS

PANIZZI, SILVIA 31 May 2017 (has links)
La prima parte dell’elaborato presenta le origini e lo sviluppo delle politiche di valutazione del rischio per le sostanze chimiche. Dopo un primo inquadramento storico, l’attenzione è stata dedicata a temi emergenti come la valutazione delle incertezze, la necessità di integrazione delle valutazioni del rischio per l’uomo e per l'ambiente. La seconda parte presenta l’evoluzione delle politiche di valutazione del rischio dei prodotti fitosanitari, soprattutto a livello europeo (dall’applicazione della direttiva 91/414 all’attuale regolamento 1107/2009), con particolare attenzione all’applicazione del principio di precauzione. Il terzo capitolo approfondisce le fasi e gli approcci delle attuali procedure di valutazione ambientale del rischio dei pesticidi usati a livello europeo e americano; è stato in particolar modo esplorato il tema dell’individuazione degli obiettivi specifici di protezione in fase preliminare di valutazione del rischio. Il quarto capitolo tratta di un tema attualmente molto dibattuto, ovvero la valutazione dei potenziali effetti combinati sugli organismi non bersaglio esposti a più sostanze attive simultaneamente. Infine, l’obiettivo del quinto capitolo è quello di valutare la contaminazione ambientale dovuta all’applicazione di fungicidi a base rame su melo. A tale scopo è stato testato un nuovo modello per il calcolo integrato dell’esposizioni umana e ambientale MERLIN – Expo, sviluppato grazie al progetto europeo 4FUN. I risultati ottenuti per le acque superficiali e il sedimento sono stati confrontati con i risultati degli attuali modelli usati in Unione Europea, i modelli FOCUS. Le simulazioni probabilistiche hanno anche permesso di effettuare valutazioni di incertezza e sensitività sui parametri utilizzati nelle simulazioni. / This PhD thesis is a multidisciplinary work on the risk assessment of plant protection products including both legislative and scientific aspects. The first part of the thesis introduces the origin of risk assessment procedures with a wide glance on the whole process of risk analysis to protect the humans and the environment. The accent is put on emerging issues and trends, such as the uncertainties appraisal, the necessity of integration between human and environmental impacts without ignoring socio- economic and behavioural factors. The second chapter deals with the origin and development of global risk assessment policies on pesticides. It focuses in particular on European policies, from the original Directive 91/414 to the current Regulation 1107/2009 and the application of the precautionary principle. A brief comparison with US approaches for risk assessment is also presented. The third chapter gives an overview on the risk assessment procedures that nowadays provide the highest achievable protection for the environment, starting with the definition of clear and specific protection goals. The fourth chapter addresses the issue of combined risk assessment of pesticides: current approaches for the evaluation of effects on non-target organisms are analysed. The last chapter is dedicated to the estimation of the environmental contamination following the application of copper –based fungicides sprayed on orchards by using MERLIN - Expo, which is a multimedia model developed in the frame of the FP7 EU project 4FUN. The performance of the MERLIN- Expo software in estimating the contamination of the metal is also analysed through a comparison with the currently used FOCUS standard models for the calculation of pesticides concentrations in surface water and sediment. Both deterministic and probabilistic simulations have been run; the latter has allowed to perform uncertainty and sensitivity assessment.

Aspects socio-économiques d'un compost phytosanitaire issu des ordures appliqué dans l'agriculture périurbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest

Kessler, Angelika 23 August 2004 (has links)
Im EU finanzierten Projekt "Die Verwendung von kompostiertem Haushaltsmüll in der vorstädtischen Landwirtschaft von Westafrika als Pflanzenschutzmittel", das in Rufisque im Senegal, Conakry und Timbi Madîna in der Republik Guinea sowie Lomé und Tsévié im Togo von 1999 bis 2002 stattfand, wurden die Daten für diese Arbeit erhoben. Diese Orte sind hauptsächlich von Wolofs, Fulfulbe, Sussus und Ewes bewohnt. Ihre Größe variert zwischen 4 000 und 1,4 Mill. Einwohner. Es wurden städtische Gemüsebau- und vorstädtische Ackerbausysteme untersucht. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Einführung von Kompost als Pflanzenschutzmittel zu erleichtern. Dazu wurden Bereitschaften untersucht: die der städtischen Haushalte Biomüll zu sammeln und die der vorstädtischen Bauern Kompost aus Haushaltsmüll als Pflanzenschutzmittel einzusetzen. Dafür wurden standardisierte Befragungen von 1802 Bauern und 1775 Haushalten durchgeführt. Etwa 10 % dieser Antworten wurden in 18 logistischen Regressionsmodellen mit Interaktionen des 1. Grades analysiert. Den Modellen wurden die qualitativen Ergebnissen aus den standardisierten, halbstandardisierten und unstrukturierten Interviews sowie Beobachtungen und Einzelfallstudien gegenübergestellt. Daraus läßt sich schließen, dass es keine traditionellen Hemmnisse gegen Biomüllsammlung und -verarbeitung, sowie die Verwendung von Kompost aus Müll gibt. Wilde Deponien stören die Einwohner. Sie sind bereit sich finanziell an einer Müllsammlung zu beteiligen. Für die Mülltrennung brauchen sie zusätzliche, an Klima und Menge angepasste Mülltonnen. Die Haushalte wollen geringere Müllgebühren bezahlen, wenn sie Müll trennen. Müllsammen ist rentable. Eine transparente Buchführung der Müllgebühren ist unerlässlich für die Nachhaltigkeit. Für eine Kompoststation eignet sich am besten eine Kleinstadt mit vielen Müllproblemen und noch ohne Müllsammelorganisation sowie mit vielen Gemüsebauern mit einem hohen Krankheitsbewußtsein. Die Kompostherstellung ist sehr arbeitsintensiv und nur rentable, wenn der Kompost zu Pflanzenschutzmittelpreisen verkauft werden kann. Kompost ist in Westafrika bekannt. Die Verwendung von Kompost als Pflanzenschutzmittel gegen bodenbürtige Krankheiten ist eine Neuerung. Daher benötigt eine Kompoststation ein sehr wirksames Marketing. / By the EU financed project called "Utilisation of composted waste from urban households in the peri-urban agriculture for plant protection purpose in West Africa" with took place in Rufisque in Senegal, Conakry and Timbi Madîna in the Republic of Guinea the same as Lomé and Tsévié in Togo from 1999 to 2002, the data which are the base of this study have been collected. These towns are mainly settled by Wolofs, Fulanis, Sussus and Ewes. The size of the towns varies from 4 000 to 1.4 mill inhabitants. Production systems of urban vegetable farmers as well as peri-urban rain fed farmers have been investigated. The objective was to analyse the willingness of household, to collect organic waste, and of farmers, to use composted household waste for plant protection, to facilitate the introduction of compost for phytosanitary purpose. Hence standardised interviews of 1802 farmers and 1775 households have been done. About 10 % of the answers have been standardised in a way which allowed analysing them in 18 models of logistic regression with the first level of interactions. The results of the models have been compared to the qualitative results of the standardised, the half standardised and the unstructured interviews as well as the observations and the case studies. We find out that: There are no traditional obstacles inhibiting the collection of organic waste, the processing and the use of compost. Wild waste heaps disturb the people. They are ready to participate financially on waste collection. For the separation of waste the households need bins adapted to the climate and to the amount of waste. Anyway households separating waste would like to pay reduced waste fees. The waste collection is actually a rentable economic activity. A conflict avoiding accountability for waste fees is essential for the long lasting of a waste collection organisation. An optimal place for a compost station is a small rural town with many waste problems, without an institutionalised waste collection and with many vegetable farmers aware of diseases. The production of compost is very labour-intensive and rentable only if the compost is sold on organic pesticide prices. Compost is well known in West Africa. The innovation would be the application of compost for pest treatment of soil related diseases. Therefore a compost station needs a very efficient marketing.

Insects associated with the lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) cultivars Fest and Uniharvest

Harris, B. M. January 1980 (has links)
The insect fauna of two Lupinus angustifolius cultivars (Fest and Uniharvest) was surveyed between October, 1978 and March, 1979. The main sampling methods were sweepnetting, use of the D-Vac, and pod removal. Glasshouse experiments were carried out with species showing pest potential (based on the survey). These species were Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Nysius huttoni White, and Sidnia kinbergi (Stalenberg). While A. pisum and S. kinbergi had their pest potential confirmed, N. huttoni did not. Although the aphids Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thompson) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were not studied in the laboratory, field data indicated their pest potential. Insects to show lesser pest potential were Calocoris norvegicus (Gmelin), Hylemyia deceptiva Malloch, and Hylemyia platura (Meigen). Important potential predators or parasites were Austromicromus tasmaniae (Walker), Coccinella undecimpunctata L., Tropiconabis capsiformis (Germar), some Araneae species and single unidentified species of Braconidae and Eulophidae. The cultivar Uniharvest was the preferred host presumably because it does not possess the toxic alkaloids of Fest. However, crop loss through insect damage appeared unimportant compared to the 10% loss of Uniharvest caused by the aphid-borne bean yellow mosaic virus.

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