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Integration eines Service-Portfolio-Managers (SM) in ein Product-Lifecycle- Management-System (PLM)Golemo, Florian 12 February 2018 (has links)
In vielen Branchen ist es üblich, dass Produkte oder Dienstleistungen nicht voneinander losgelöst angeboten werden, sondern gemeinsam in einem Produkt-Dienstleistungs-Bündel. Der Kunde hat möglicherweise beim Kauf die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Produktvariationen, die dem Verkäufer wiederum verschiedene Dienstleistungen ermöglichen. Die Daten aus beiden Bereichen werden in Produkt-Lebenszyklus-Management-Systemen (PLM) bzw. Service-Portfolio-Management-Systemen (SM) verwaltet. Diese Systeme werden in aller Regel durch Software unterstützt. Dass es erhebliche ökonomische Vorteile für ein Unternehmen bietet, die gesamten Lebenszyklen seiner Produkte in einem System zu verwalten, ist erwiesen. Das Gleiche gilt für die elektronische Dienstleistungsverwaltung, die für zahlreiche Firmen bereits zur Notwendigkeit geworden ist.
Ein zentrales Paradigma von PLM ist es, alle Unternehmensdaten in einem System zu integrieren. Bisher geschieht das überwiegend nur für Produkte während die Servicedaten-Integration weitgehend übersehen wird. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Einfachheit durch eine exemplarische Integration aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurde zunächst ein frei verfügbares PLM-Softwaresystem recherchiert und ausgewählt, der Aras Innovator. In dieses sollen die Daten aus dem SM-System „Service-Modeller“ integriert werden. Zu diesem Zweck soll eine Software entwickelt werden, welche die Daten aus dem SM extrahiert und im PLM verfügbar macht. Die Entwicklung fand in PHP statt und nutzt die SOAP-Schnittstellen beider Systeme. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit, das KonverterWerkzeug, erfüllt das gesteckte Ziel und steht als Open-Source-Anwendung online zum Herunterladen bereit.
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Teamcenter Simulation Process ManagementRunge, Torsten, Narendra, Kondragunda 18 July 2018 (has links)
Manage your simulation processes, data, tools and workflows The pressure to shorten time-to-market while improving product performance and quality is driving the increased use of simulation throughout the product lifecycle. However, without some form of simulation data management, simulation itself can become a process bottleneck. The Teamcenter simulation process management solution has been specifically designed to help you get control of your simulation data and processes in the context of an overall product lifecycle management (PLM) system. With Teamcenter, you can avoid common problems such as analyses being performed on obsolete data, poor visibility to simulation results, and results arriving too late to influence design direction. You can efficiently manage and share complex product simulations so they are available to all product decision-makers across your business.
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The Storage of Parametric Data in Product Lifecycle Management SystemsLund, Jonathan Gary 23 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Product development companies are continually seeking methods to increase efficiency while maintaining quality. Distributed development is also more important than ever before as industries globalize. These forces have driven firms to adopt formal data management practices that allow groups and individuals to work from singular, centralized data source that are secure, reliable, and support collaboration. This thesis proposes a methodology to leverage globalized infrastructures for the efficient storage of product variations. The methodology is proved through a working prototype using the market leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems, Teamcenter Engineering. First, paradigms are set forth for the storage of various types of engineering documents in PLM systems in parametric formats. Then the use of these paradigms is exemplified by various programs retrieving and storing document variations in the form of PLM metadata. Finally, the results show that this methodology produces drastic increases in system performance as well as the enabling of PLM-compatible automation and optimization. The impacts of these findings have significant implications for industry and has generated interest from several global engineering firms and academic journals.
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Optimum Part Build Orientation in Additive Manufacturing for Minimizing Part Errors and Build TimeDas, Paramita 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Information Management for Complex Product DevelopmentMalvius, Diana January 2007 (has links)
Due to different engineering background and limited technical prerequisites, trade-offs are needed when managing information in complex product development. The challenges faced with information management for complex product development are as much of organizational as technical character. Information management has in this thesis been analyzed from both a technical and organizational dimension in order to obtain an integrated view and holistic understanding. The technical dimension focuses on information management systems, such as product lifecycle management systems. An information management system in itself does not solve problems in an organization; it manages at its best all types of business data while storing and retrieving information. In order to succeed, information management needs to be aligned with different needs and with a variety of domain-specific work procedures. The organizational dimension includes organizational structures, work procedures, and the designer and management perspectives on needs and benefits with information management. Perceived benefits with integrated information management are identified as support for SE, work procedure mapping, use of disciplinary support tools, and data integrity and availability. Five technical and organizational key success factors for efficient information management are presented; usability, integration of information, motivation, information structure and organizational support. It is concluded that structured information, management support and motivation among designers are more important than customization of information management systems in order to achieve integrated information management. / <p>QC 20101112</p>
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Proposition d'une démarche de déploiement d’une solution PLM dans des entreprises "libérées" : cas du biscuitier POULT / Proposal of an approach to deploy a PLM solution in "freedom form" companies : case study of the biscuit maker POULTPlo, Laureline 13 July 2018 (has links)
Le déploiement d’un système informatique de type PLM assure, pour les entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire, une amélioration du pilotage du développement de leurs produits et de leurs projets. Toutefois, un projet de ce type reste structurant pour les organisations et peut être parfois mal perçu dans une entreprise dite « libérée », à la structure organisationnelle déhiérarchisée et avec des acteurs ayant la sensation d’avoir une grande autonomie dans leurs activités. Cette thèse présente une démarche pour accompagner les projets de déploiement de solution PLM dans de telles entreprises. Après avoir décrit l’ensemble des phases et des activités de la démarche nous mettons en évidence l’importance du rapport humain, de l’échange et de la pédagogie avec l’ensemble des acteurs dès le départ du projet de déploiement en vue de l’acception de l’outil. Ceci nous conduit à faire évoluer les approches classiques de déploiement, en particulier au cours de la phase d’analyse des besoins préliminaires à l’implémentation d’une solution PLM. Notre contribution se place dans une dynamique de recherche d’amélioration de la définition des modèles de processus, de produit et d’organisation en vue de l’implémentation d’une solution PLM dans le cadre d’une entreprise « libérée ». Cette démarche a été construite et mise en oeuvre dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec le groupe industriel biscuitier Poult, les résultats de ce cas d’étude réel sont aussi présentés dans ce manuscrit. / Deployment of a PLM solution in companies of the agri-food sector improves management of their products and projects of development. However, this type of project remains structuring for the organizations and can sometimes be badly perceived in a freedom-form company, with the non-hierarchized organizational structure and with actors feel to have a great autonomy in their activities. This thesis presents an approach to support PLM solution deployment projects in such companies. After describing all the phases and activities of our approach, we highlight the importance of the human relationship, the exchange and the "explanation" with all the actors from the start of the deployment project to favor acceptance of the PLM software tool. This leads us to evolve traditional deployment approaches, especially during the analysis of needs phase prior to the implementation of a PLM solution. Our contribution is placed in a dynamic of research of improvement of process, product and organization models to implement a PLM in a freedom-form company. This approach was built and implemented as part of a collaboration with the Poult biscuit industrial group, results of this real case study are also presented in this manuscript.
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Méthodologie de résolution des problèmes d'interopérabilité dans le domaine du Product Lifecycle Management / A Methodology for solving interoperability problems in the field of Product Lifecycle ManagementPaviot, Thomas 01 July 2010 (has links)
Le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire s’intéresse aux problèmes d’interopérabilité dans le domaine du Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) et vise à proposer une méthodologie capable d’y remédier. Nous définissons l’objectif stratégique du PLM comme la maîtrise de la complexité qui caractérise le développement et le suivi des produits. Dans ce cadre, l’objectif de l’interopérabilité est le contrôle des interactions entre constituants de ce système complexe PLM. Nous montrons que cet objectif est atteint si on assure la continuité et la conservation du flux sémantique qui circule dans le système. Notre étude est restreinte aux seuls domaines de la conception et de la production, mais a l’ambition de pouvoir s’appliquer à d’autres domaines. La continuité du flux sémantique est assurée par une architecture que nous avons baptisée « médiation multi-échelle orientée services ». Le cœur de cette architecture, le médiateur, se charge d’orienter les flux sémantiques vers les systèmes concernés, et met en correspondance sémantique les informations échangées en s’appuyant sur un méta-modèle d’unification. Nous montrons que pour assurer la robustesse, la flexibilité et l’agilité du système ainsi constitué, il faut privilégier le choix d’un méta-modèle standard générique et extensible. A cet effet, nous proposons une cartographie du standard STEP permettant de choisir le méta-modèle pertinent. Nous illustrons le choix et la définition de ce méta-modèle dans le cas de deux problèmes d’interopérabilité des domaines de la conception et de la production : l’interopérabilité CAO/PDM et l’interopérabilité PDM/ERP. Nous expliquons notre démarche dans la mise en œuvre de la norme PLCS. Par ailleurs, nous introduisons un modèle d’annotations sémantiques du produit qui permet de reconstruire des vues multiples correspondant à différents besoins métiers. Un ensemble de démonstrateurs permet de valider nos propositions et nos résultats. / Research work presented in this manuscript deals with interoperability issues in the domain of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and aims at proposing a methodology able to remedy it. We define the objective of PLM as the control of the complexity that characterizes the development and monitoring of the product. In this context, the objective of the interoperability is to control the interactions between components of this PLM complex system. We demonstrate that this objective is reached if we ensure the continuity and the conservation of the semantic flow inside the system. Our study is restricted to design and production fields, but can be extended to other domains. The continuity of the semantic flow is guaranteed by an architecture that we entitled “service-oriented multi-layered mediation”. The main part of this architecture, the mediator, takes care to orientate the semantic flows towards the adequate systems, and semantically connect the exchanged information by relying on an unification meta-model. We demonstrate that, to ensure the robustness the flexibility and the agility of the so-constituted system, the choice of a generic and extensible standard meta-model should be favored. We thus proposed a mapping of STEP standard allowing to choose the adequate meta-model. We illustrate the choice and the definition of this meta-model in the case of two interoperability problems in the design and production domains: the interoperability CAD/PDM and the interoperability PDM/ERP. We illustrate our methodology in the implementation of the PLCS standard. Moreover, we introduce a model of product semantic tags that allows to rebuild the multiple product views corresponding to different actor needs. A set of demonstrators validate our propositions and our results.
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PLM2M: modelo colaborativo para planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura & gerenciamento de portfólio / PLM2M: collaborative model for manufacturing processes planning and management & portfolio managementGama, Evandro Bertoni da 18 November 2014 (has links)
A partir dos anos 2000 houve uma significativa mudança no cenário global da manufatura, no sentido de induzir as empresas a trabalhar dentro de ambientes colaborativos, os quais necessitam de soluções mais integradas ao \'modelo de empresa estendida\' para colaborar a organização como um todo, incluindo parceiros, fornecedores e clientes. Na atualidade, as atividades de planejamento e gerenciamento dos processos de manufatura necessitam levar em consideração a dispersão de recursos (do ponto de vista sistema), que engloba inclusive o conhecimento e a informação. Um problema de grande importância está na \'conexão\' (interface) entre as engenharias, os ambientes de produção e os ambientes de operações comerciais, principalmente na precisão do compartilhamento de dados. Como proposta de solução deste problema a pesquisa tem como contribuição a criação do modelo de referência denominado PLM2M (PLM to Manufacturing), suportado pelas iniciativas da manufatura digital DM (Digital Manufacturing) do PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), que envolvem \'simulação\' e \'procedimentos colaborativos\', principalmente para as atividades de planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura, consideradas o \'elo\' entre o desenvolvimento de produtos, o gerenciamento do chão de fábrica e o planejamento e controle da produção. O modelo de referência PLM2M tem como objetivo integrar as áreas que participam do processo de manufatura. Está fundamentado em um conjunto de procedimentos que explora estratégias de modelagem de fluxos de trabalho WfMS (Workflow Management System) e arquitetura TIC (Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação), a modelagem de processos de negócios, as definições de produto, o layout de plantas industriais, os recursos (máquinas e dispositivos, matéria-prima e pessoas), o sequenciamento das operações de produção (que releva a demanda e envolve volume, variedade e prazos), e ainda, o controle e gerenciamento das informações de chão de fábrica. O modelo PLM2M estabelece relação com a gestão de portfólio de programas e projetos no ciclo de vida de produtos (PLM) e tem o propósito de oferecer melhoria de produtividade, ajuste de capacidade de produção e melhor reuso dos ativos da planta, proporcionando melhores \'time-to-market\' de produtos. Para implementar o modelo PLM2M considera-se a hipótese de que esse modelo deve ser aplicado em cenários de planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura para ambientes complexos e dispersos e que estejam engajados dentro de critérios de avaliação (assessment) de modelos de maturidade e capabilidade em relação ao uso do PLM e Manufatura Digital. / Since 2000, there has been a significant change in the global scenario of manufacturing, in order to induce companies to work within collaborative environments, which require more integrated solutions to the \'extended enterprise model\' to collaborate the organization as a whole, including partners, suppliers and customers. In the current days, the activities of manufacturing process planning and management need to take into account the dispersion of resources (from the point of view system), which includes the knowledge and information. A problem of great importance is the \'connection\' (interface) among the engineering, the production environments and the commercial operations environments, mainly in the accuracy of the data sharing. As a proposal for solve this problem the research presents as a contribution the creation of the reference model called PLM2M (PLM to Manufacturing), supported by initiatives of Digital Manufacturing (DM) of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), that involves \'simulation\' and \'collaborative procedures\', principally for activities of manufacturing processes planning and management, considered the \'link\' among the products development, the shop floor management and the production planning and control. The PLM2M reference model has as objective to integrate the areas that participate in the manufacturing process. It is based on a set of procedures that explores workflows modeling strategies WfMS (Workflow Management System) and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) architecture, the business processes modeling, the product definitions, the layout of industrial plants, the resources (machines and devices, raw materials and people), the sequencing of production operations (which takes into account the demand and involves volume, variety and lead-time), and yet, the shop floor information control and management. The PLM2M model establishes relationship with the portfolio management of programs and projects in the product lifecycle management (PLM) and has the purpose to provide productivity improvement, adjustment of production capacity and better reuse of plant assets, providing better \'time-to-market\' of products. To implement the PLM2M model, it is important to consider the hypothesis that this model should be applied in manufacturing process planning and management scenarios for complex and dispersed environments and that are engaged within assessment criteria of maturity and capability models in relation to the use of PLM and Digital Manufacturing.
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PLM2M: modelo colaborativo para planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura & gerenciamento de portfólio / PLM2M: collaborative model for manufacturing processes planning and management & portfolio managementEvandro Bertoni da Gama 18 November 2014 (has links)
A partir dos anos 2000 houve uma significativa mudança no cenário global da manufatura, no sentido de induzir as empresas a trabalhar dentro de ambientes colaborativos, os quais necessitam de soluções mais integradas ao \'modelo de empresa estendida\' para colaborar a organização como um todo, incluindo parceiros, fornecedores e clientes. Na atualidade, as atividades de planejamento e gerenciamento dos processos de manufatura necessitam levar em consideração a dispersão de recursos (do ponto de vista sistema), que engloba inclusive o conhecimento e a informação. Um problema de grande importância está na \'conexão\' (interface) entre as engenharias, os ambientes de produção e os ambientes de operações comerciais, principalmente na precisão do compartilhamento de dados. Como proposta de solução deste problema a pesquisa tem como contribuição a criação do modelo de referência denominado PLM2M (PLM to Manufacturing), suportado pelas iniciativas da manufatura digital DM (Digital Manufacturing) do PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), que envolvem \'simulação\' e \'procedimentos colaborativos\', principalmente para as atividades de planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura, consideradas o \'elo\' entre o desenvolvimento de produtos, o gerenciamento do chão de fábrica e o planejamento e controle da produção. O modelo de referência PLM2M tem como objetivo integrar as áreas que participam do processo de manufatura. Está fundamentado em um conjunto de procedimentos que explora estratégias de modelagem de fluxos de trabalho WfMS (Workflow Management System) e arquitetura TIC (Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação), a modelagem de processos de negócios, as definições de produto, o layout de plantas industriais, os recursos (máquinas e dispositivos, matéria-prima e pessoas), o sequenciamento das operações de produção (que releva a demanda e envolve volume, variedade e prazos), e ainda, o controle e gerenciamento das informações de chão de fábrica. O modelo PLM2M estabelece relação com a gestão de portfólio de programas e projetos no ciclo de vida de produtos (PLM) e tem o propósito de oferecer melhoria de produtividade, ajuste de capacidade de produção e melhor reuso dos ativos da planta, proporcionando melhores \'time-to-market\' de produtos. Para implementar o modelo PLM2M considera-se a hipótese de que esse modelo deve ser aplicado em cenários de planejamento e gerenciamento de processos de manufatura para ambientes complexos e dispersos e que estejam engajados dentro de critérios de avaliação (assessment) de modelos de maturidade e capabilidade em relação ao uso do PLM e Manufatura Digital. / Since 2000, there has been a significant change in the global scenario of manufacturing, in order to induce companies to work within collaborative environments, which require more integrated solutions to the \'extended enterprise model\' to collaborate the organization as a whole, including partners, suppliers and customers. In the current days, the activities of manufacturing process planning and management need to take into account the dispersion of resources (from the point of view system), which includes the knowledge and information. A problem of great importance is the \'connection\' (interface) among the engineering, the production environments and the commercial operations environments, mainly in the accuracy of the data sharing. As a proposal for solve this problem the research presents as a contribution the creation of the reference model called PLM2M (PLM to Manufacturing), supported by initiatives of Digital Manufacturing (DM) of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), that involves \'simulation\' and \'collaborative procedures\', principally for activities of manufacturing processes planning and management, considered the \'link\' among the products development, the shop floor management and the production planning and control. The PLM2M reference model has as objective to integrate the areas that participate in the manufacturing process. It is based on a set of procedures that explores workflows modeling strategies WfMS (Workflow Management System) and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) architecture, the business processes modeling, the product definitions, the layout of industrial plants, the resources (machines and devices, raw materials and people), the sequencing of production operations (which takes into account the demand and involves volume, variety and lead-time), and yet, the shop floor information control and management. The PLM2M model establishes relationship with the portfolio management of programs and projects in the product lifecycle management (PLM) and has the purpose to provide productivity improvement, adjustment of production capacity and better reuse of plant assets, providing better \'time-to-market\' of products. To implement the PLM2M model, it is important to consider the hypothesis that this model should be applied in manufacturing process planning and management scenarios for complex and dispersed environments and that are engaged within assessment criteria of maturity and capability models in relation to the use of PLM and Digital Manufacturing.
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New approach in prediction of soil liquefactionDaftari, Abbas 23 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Liquefaction is the phenomena when there is loss of strength in saturated and cohesion-less soils because of increased pore water pressures and hence reduced effective stresses due to dynamic loading. It is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading.
In this study, after the short review of liquefaction definition, the models of prediction and estimation of liquefaction were considered. Application of numerical modelling with two major software (FLAC & PLAXIS) for the Wildlife site liquefaction, under superstition earthquake in 1987 were compared and analysed.
Third step was started with introduction of Fuzzy logic and neural network as two common intelligent mathematical methods. These two patterns for prediction of soil liquefaction were combined. The “Neural network- Fuzzy logic-Liquefaction- Prediction” (NFLP) was applied for liquefaction prediction in Wildlife site. The results show the powerful prediction of liquefaction happening with high degree of accuracy in this case.
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