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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodutveckling av virtuella byggnationer på Saab Automobile AB / Development of a method in virtual manufacturing at Saab Automobile AB

Sikström, Moa, Wisén, Nathalie January 2010 (has links)
Saab Automobile AB i Trollhättan är i behov av en förbättrad metod för virtuella byggnationer som beredningen kan använda sig av i biltillverkningen. Genom att skapa en processtruktur i befintligt PLM-system som kan kommunicera och hämta data från den produktstruktur som redan finns skulle mycket arbete kunna sparas. Idag använder beredarna sig av ett visualiseringsprogram som man kopplar produktstrukturen till. Enligt nuvarande metod bygger beredarna upp en struktur i detta visualiseringsprogram som fungerar som en processtruktur inför varje ny projektgrind. Denna struktur går inte att enkelt uppdatera och därför måste en ny skapas inför varje ny projektgrind. På detta sätt blir de virtuella byggnationerna resursineffektiva. Genom att skapa en processtruktur som är möjlig att enkelt uppdatera skulle strukturen kunna återanvändas vid ny projektgrind men även under löpande projekt. Detta stämmer väl överens med grundtankarna bakom att använda ett PLM system. Ett flertal problem återstår att lösa för att detta skall kunna bli möjligt. Slutsatserna av studien är att i processtrukturen bör artiklarna finnas under de stationer och operationer där de monteras i den verkliga fabriken. Det finns ingen universell lösning för hur strukturen skall se ut. Den enda vägledning som finns är att den skall spegla fabrikens processer. För att beredarna lätt skall kunna dra nytta av denna struktur bör även möjlighet finnas att söka upp artiklar genom ett namnfilter. Beredare har idag ansvar för ett visst produktområde, t.ex. säkerhetsrelaterade artiklar. Alla artiklar från detta produktområde monteras i skilda avsnitt av fabriken. För att det skall vara möjligt att på ett effektivt sätt hitta var i produktstrukturen dessa artiklar monteras bör därför de olika operationerna namnges efter vilka olika produktområden artiklarna kommer ifrån. På detta sätt kan fördelning av olika system enkelt filtreras fram. Ett förslag på temporärt arbetssätt har tagits fram och instruktionerna finns som bilaga B. / Saab is in need of an improved method for construction of virtual buildings that the planner can utilize. By creating a process structure in the existing PLM system, that can communicate and consume data from the product structure that already exists, a lot of work could be saved. Presently, the planner uses a visualization program that is connected only to the product structure. The current method with this visualization software is that the planner builds a process structure for each and every new project gate. This structure cannot easily be updated and therefore a new structure must be created before the new project gate. Thus, the virtual builds become resource inefficient. By creating a process structure that easily can be updated, the structure could be reused in new gates and projects. This is consistent with the basic ideas behind using a PLM system. There are several obstacles to master before this will be possible.  The conclusions of this study are that in the process structure, the articles should be placed under the stations and operations where they are mounted in the actual factory. There is no universal solution as to how the structure should be, but it should reflect the plant processes. In order for the planner to easily take advantage of this structure, it should also be possible to look up articles using a name filter. Planners are currently responsible for particular product areas, such as safety related articles. All parts of this product field are installed in separate sections in the plant. In order to efficiently find all the articles in the process structure, the operations should be named after the articles that are assembled under the specific operation. A temporary working method has been proposed and the instructions can be found in Appendix B.

企業購併後產品生命週期管理系統之整合發展影響因子的研究──以I公司為例 / Affecting factors study on the integrating development of the Product Lifecycle Management system of Corporation post-merger ── A case study of I company

魏瑞光, Wei, Jui Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化時代的來臨,企業無不善用全球的人才與資源,以提升自我的競爭力,增加企業發展的契機。為了加速企業發展速度,越來越多企業透過購併模式,快速結合不同公司的人才與資源,提升自我的競爭力。但在購併的過程中,如何有效整合不同公司的人才與資源,就變成一個很重要發展課題。 在整合不同的公司過程中,除了外在的人才與資源整合外,內在各公司間核心知識的整合與應用更為重要。透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統平台,可以實踐整合外在的人才與資源,更可以進一步整合各公司間的核心知識,進而產生各項應用與回饋。 本研究由相關文獻探討,藉由企業購併、知識管理和資訊系統整合之概念,推展出以「組織」、 「流程」和「資料」三個構面的研究架構,透過跨公司 PLM 系統整併實際案例,整理出一PLM系統平台運作方式,探討企業產品生命週期管理系統整合發展之影響因子。 由個案分析與研究發現得出研究結論如下: 研究結論1: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合前,具有RD 開發和 IT 技術專業背景之A型人才擔任此整合專案規劃和執行者,是導入成功的關鍵考量因素。 研究結論2: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,高層主管在專案中的有力支持與表達、良好的溝通、良好完整的教育訓練與技術轉移計畫,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論3: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,做好完整的Legacy Data Migration和以流程再造/創新的態度,將不合理流程一併進行調整與改善,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論4:企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合後,使用該單一、公開、共用的資訊流程平台,有助於新產品之開發時程縮短和開發成本降低。 關鍵字: 知識管理,產品生命週期,系統整合,PLM / Since the advent of the era of globalization, companies take advantage of are all use of personnel and resources of the world, to enhance its competitiveness and to increase opportunities for enterprise growing up. In order to accelerate the pace of enterprise enlargement, more and more companies are through M&A mode, quickly combining different company's talents and resources to enhance its competitiveness. But in the process of acquisition, how to effectively integrate the talents and resources of different companies becomes a very important studying. In addition to the integration of external talents and resources, the inner core between each company in the integration and application of knowledge is more important, in the process of integrating different companies. It can integrate the external talent and resources via PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system platform operation. And even to the core knowledge among the companies to reproduce various applications and feedback. Case study analysis & findings conclude as bellows: Conclusions 1: Planning phase, before inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, a high position, both RD engineering and IT professional skill background, A-type talent as this integrated project owner of planning and implementation, is the key to the success of the considerations. Conclusions 2: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, the strong support for the project from the executives, a well communication and a comprehensive training & technology transfer programs are the keys to success. Conclusions 3: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM system integration, it is critical to have a full span Legacy data migration and to adjust/improve the unreasonable the process with process reengineering/process innovative attitude. Conclusions 4: Sustaining phase, after inter-enterprise PLM system integration, the use of the unique, opened platform for information sharing, contributes to the shortening of the develoemnt schedule and the reducing materials costs on new products development. Keywords: knowledge management, product life-cycle, systems integration, PLM

Amélioration de la qualité des données produits échangées entre l'ingénierie et la production à travers l'intégration de systèmes d'information dédiés / Quality Improvement of product data exchanged between engineering and production through the integration of dedicated information systems.

Ben Khedher, Anis 27 February 2012 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire de thèse apporte sa contribution à l'amélioration de la qualité des données échangées entre la production et les services d'ingénierie dédiés à la conception du produit et du système de production associé. Cette amélioration de la qualité des données passe par l'étude des interactions entre la gestion du cycle de vie du produit et la gestion de la production.Ces deux concepts étant supportés, tout ou partie, par des systèmes d'information industriels, l'étude de leurs interactions a ensuite conduit à l'intégration de ces systèmes d'information (PLM, ERP et MES). Dans un contexte de forte concurrence et de mondialisation, les entreprises sont obligées d'innover et de minimiser les coûts, notamment ceux de production. Face à ces enjeux, le volume des données de production et leur fréquence de modification ne cessent d'augmenter en raison de la réduction constante de la durée de vie et de mise sur le marché des produits, de la personnalisation accrue des produits et en n de la généralisation des démarches d'amélioration continue en production. La conséquence directe est alors la nécessité de formaliser et de gérer l'ensemble des données de production devant être fournies aux opérateurs de production et aux machines. Suite à une analyse du point de vue de la qualité des données pour chaque architecture existante démontrant ainsi leur incapacité à répondre à cette problématique, une architecture basée sur l'intégration des trois systèmes d'information directement impliqués dans la production (PLM, ERP et MES) a été proposée. Cette architecture nous a menés à deux sous-problématiques complémentaires qui sont respectivement la construction d'une architecture basée sur des Web Services permettant d'améliorer l'accessibilité, la sécurité et la complétude des données échangées, et la construction d'une architecture d'intégration, basée sur les ontologies, permettant d'offrir des mécanismes d'intégration basés sur la sémantique dans le but d'assurer la bonne interprétation des données échangées.Enfin, la maquette de l'outil logiciel supportant la solution proposée et permettant d'assurer l'intégration des données échangées entre ingénierie et production a été réalisée. / The research work contributes to improve the quality of data exchanged between the production and the engineering units which dedicated to product design and production system design. This improvement is qualified by studying the interactions between the product life cycle management and the production management. These two concepts are supported, wholly or partly by industrial information systems, the study of the interactions then lead to the integration of information systems (PLM, ERP and MES).In a highly competitive environment and globalization, companies are forced to innovate and reduce costs, especially the production costs. Facing with these challenges, the volume and frequency change of production data are increasing due to the steady reduction of the lifetime and the products marketing, the increasing of product customization and the generalization of continuous improvement in production. Consequently, the need to formalize and manage all production data is required. These data should be provided to the production operators and machines.After analysis the data quality for each existing architecture demonstrating the inability to address this problem, an architecture, based on the integration of three information systems involved in the production (PLM, ERP and MES) has been proposed. This architecture leads to two complementary sub-problems. The first one is the development of an architecture based on Web services to improve the accessibility, safety and completeness of data exchanged. The second is the integration architecture of integration based on ontologies to offer the integration mechanisms based on the semantics in order to ensure the correct interpretation of the data exchanged. Therefore, the model of the software tool supports the proposed solution and ensures that integration of data exchanged between engineering and production was carried out.

Enhancing understanding of company-wide product data management in ICT companies

Kropsu-Vehkaperä, H. (Hanna) 24 April 2012 (has links)
Abstract Data is becoming more critical success factor as business processes rely increasingly on information systems. Product data is required to produce, sell, deliver, and invoice a product in information systems. Traditionally, product data and product data management (PDM) studies have focused on product development and related activities, with less attention being paid to PDM in other lifecycle phases. The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to clarify challenges and prerequisites for company-wide PDM. The study covers the entire product lifecycle and provides potential solutions for developing company-wide PDM and enhancing PDM understanding as a company-wide action. The study was realised by collecting and analysing data from those ICT companies that are seeking for better ways to manage a wide product-range, technologically complex products and comprehensive solutions by enhancing their data management practices. The empirical practitioner’s experiences and perceptions are seen to have increased the knowledge in company-wide PDM. This study adopted a case study approach and utilises interviews as the main data collection method. This study indicates that company managers have already realised that successful business operations require a higher-level understanding of products and related product data. In practice, however, several challenges hinder the ability to achieve the goal of higher-level business-driven PDM. These challenges include product harmonisation, PDM process development requirements and information systems development requirements. The results of this research indicate that product harmonisation is required to better support efficient product data management. Understanding the true nature of product data, that is combination of product master data and other general product data, and the content of product data from different stakeholder perspectives are prerequisites for functional company-wide PDM. Higher-level product decisions have a significant impact on product data management. Extensive product ranges require general guidelines in order to be manageable, especially as even single products are complex. The results of this study indicate that companies should follow a top-down approach when developing their PDM practices. The results also indicate that companies require a generic product structure in order to support unified product management. The main implication of this dissertation is the support it provides for managers in terms of developing true company-wide product data management practices. / Tiivistelmä Tiedosta on tullut tärkeä liiketoiminnan menestystekijä liiketoimintaprosessien hyödyntäessä yhä vahvemmin tietojärjestelmiä. Tuotteisiin liittyvä tieto on olennaista, jotta tuote voidaan valmistaa, myydä, toimittaa ja laskuttaa. Tuotetietoa ja sen hallintaa on perinteisesti tarkastelu tuotekehityslähtöisesti kun tämä tutkimus pyrkii ymmärtämään tuotetiedon hallintaa kattaen myös edellä mainitut yrityksen toiminnot. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa haasteita ja perusedellytyksiä yrityksenlaajuisten tuotetiedonhallinnan käytäntöjen kehittämiseksi. Tuotetiedon hallinta yrityksen laajuisena toimintona vaatii ymmärrystä eri toimijoista, jotka käyttävät tuotetietoa; tiedon luonteesta sekä tiedon hyödyntämisestä eri prosesseissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin ICT yrityksissä, joissa tuotetiedon käytäntöjä tehostamalla haetaan keinoja hallita laajaa tuotteistoa, teknologisesti monimutkaisten tuotteita sekä kokonaisratkaisuja. Käytännön toimijoiden kokemukset ja käsitykset ovat ensiarvoisen tärkeitä lisätessä tietoa yrityksen laajuisesta tuotetiedonhallinnasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksen menetelmin, joissa pääasiallisena tiedonkeruu menetelmänä hyödynnettiin haastatteluja. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että liiketoimintalähtöisen tuotetiedon hallinan kehittäminen on ajankohtaista yrityksissä. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan lukuisia haasteita, jotka ovat estäneet liiketoimintalähtöisen tuotetiedonhallinnan saavuttamisen. Näitä haasteita ovat: tuotteen harmonisointi yrityksen eri toiminnoissa, tuotetiedon hallinnan prosessien kehittämisen vaatimukset sekä tietojärjestelmien kehittämisen vaatimukset. Tutkimustulosten mukaan tuotteiston harmonisointi on yksi perusedellityksistä tehokkaalle tuotetiedon hallinnalle. Yrityksen kattava tuotetiedoen hallinta vaatii myös tuotetiedon todellisen luonteen ymmärtämistä, joka koostuu tuotteen master datasta sekä muusta tuotetiedosta. Lisäksi on olennaista ymmrättää tuotetiedon sisältö sen todellisten käyttäjien näkökulmasta käsin. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat myös, että tuotetiedon hallinnan kehittäminen pitäisi edetä ”top-down” eli ylhäältä-alas periaatteen mukaan. Tulokset myös viittaavat siihen, että geneerinen tuoterakenne tukee yhdenmukaisia tuotehallinta käytäntöjä. Nämä tulokset tarjoavat työssä esitettyjen kuvausten ja mallien ohella tukea tuotetiedon hallinnan käytäntöjen kehittämiseen yrityksen laajuisesti.

Intuitive Interaktion mit Strukturdaten aus einem PLM-System

Schulze, Ernst-Eckart, Wolter, Lars, Hayka, Haygazun, Röhlig, Martin 25 September 2017 (has links)
Einleitung Die Tätigkeit des Ingenieurs im Bereich der virtuellen Produktentwicklung betrifft neben dem Entwurf und der Absicherung einer dreidimensionalen Produktgeometrie auch die Erstellung, Analyse und Veränderung von strukturierten Produktinformationen. Dabei handelt es sich in erster Linie um Anforderungs-, Funktions- oder Produktstrukturen, welche innerhalb unterschiedlicher Phasen des Produktentstehungsprozesses in einem PLM-System verwaltet werden. Die Produktstruktur nimmt häufig einen zentralen Stellenwert ein, da sie als digitales Grundgerüst und Referenzstruktur innerhalb der Produktentwicklung gilt. Die Anzahl der strukturell organisierten Einzelteile und Dokumente für ein Produkt können je nach Sparte bis über 1.000.000 Elemente einnehmen (Carneo 2010), welche in mehreren Baugruppen über verschiedene Hierarchiestufen zusammengehalten werden. In der Produktstruktur werden zu dem unterschiedliche Varianten des Produktes über Konfigurationsregeln organisiert. Unter dem zusätzlichen Aspekt der zeitlichen Dynamik bei den Iterationszyklen des Entwicklungsprozesses kann für der Produktstruktur von einemkomplexen Informationsgebilde gesprochen werden.

Projektledarskap i tekniskt-organisatoriskt komplexa projekt : Applicering och utveckling av ramverk för ledarskap / Leadership in management of technical-organizational complex projects : Application and development of a leadership framework

Uddin, Emma, Wettemark, Liisa January 2023 (has links)
Projekt, och därmed projektledning, har funnits i alla tider och idag drivs projekt inom i princip alla branscher och de blir allt mer komplexa ur både ett tekniskt perspektiv och ett organisatoriskt. Denna tekniskt-organisatoriska komplexitet kommer till följd av den fjärde industriella revolutionen som vi idag står inför, där bland annat företag inom produktionsindustrin genomgår digitala transformationer som skapar nya informations- och samarbetsvägar mellan människor och maskiner, människor emellan men även maskiner emellan. Implementeringsprojekt av nya digitala system utgör ett led av en digital transformation, där ett exempel är ett produktlivscykel hanteringssystem (engelska, Product Lifecycle Management-system, PLM-system). Tekniskt- organisatoriskt komplexaprojekt ställer nya krav på projektledare implementeringen på grund av dessa nya informations- och samarbetsvägar som skapas vid implementering av denna typ av digitala system. Med bakgrund i detta har denna studie undersökt hur projektledarens roll i denna typ av tekniskt-organisatoriskt komplexa projekt skiljer sig från andra projekt. Ett ramverk med ledarskapsfaktorer för framgångsrikt ledarskap inom projekt har genom en kvalitativ undersökning applicerats på projekt där ett PLM-system implementeras, som medför en verksamhetsförändring och därmed utmaningar på både teknisk och organisatorisk nivå. Studiens resultat visar att det finns vissa skillnader i vilka faktorer som påverkar just tekniskt-organisatoriskt komplexa projekt jämfört med projekt i allmänhet. Dels har en mer flytande relation faktorerna emellan kunnat studerats, där bland annat nya relationer upptäckts mellan faktorerna. Vidare har studien även kunnat visa att det varierar vilken faktor som är speciellt viktig beroende på vilken komplexitet man utgår ifrån. Resultatet visar även på att det organisatoriska förändringsarbetet nedprioriteras, och dess roll i förhållande till det tekniska förändringsarbetet underskattas. Vilket kan bero på att implementeringen har ett tekniskt snarare än organisatoriskt syfte. / Projects, and thus project management, have always existed and are today conducted in all industry sectors with increasing complexity from both a technical and an organizational perspective. This double complexity comes as a result of the fourth industrial revolution that we are currently facing, where, among other things, companies in the production industry are undergoing digital transformations that create new information and collaboration paths between humans and machines, in between humans, but also in between machines. The project of implementing new digital systems is part of a digital transformation, one example being a Product Lifecycle Management system (PLM system). Technological-organizational complex projects brings new challenges to the role of a project manager due to the new ways of communication and collaboration that are established in the implementation of such digital systems. In light of this, this study has examined how the project manager's role in these types of technical-organizational complex projects differs from their role in other projects. A framework with leadership factors for successful leadership in projects has been applied through a qualitative study to projects where a PLM system is implemented, which entails a business change and thus challenges at both technical and organizational levels. The results of the study shows that there are some differences in the factors that affect technical-organizational complex projects compared to projects in general. The relationships between the factors were found to be more fluid than the model suggested, and among other things, new relationships were discovered between the factors. The study has also shown that the importance of factors vary depending on the adopted perspective - the technical complexity or the organizational complexity. Furthermore, the results show that the organizational change work is overlooked, and its role in relation to the technical change work is underestimated. This may be because the implementation has a technical rather than organizational purpose.

Digitala Tvillingar : Verklighet eller hype? / Digital Twins

Ruderer, Marcus, Stéen, Signe January 2020 (has links)
Digitala tvillingar har på de senaste åren blivit ett väldigt aktuellt och omtalat begrepp. I det här examensarbetet undersöks det om termen enbart är en hype eller om det faktiskt är verktyget för att utveckla olika branscher till något bättre. Projektet fokuserar främst på produktions- och utvecklingsindustrin, men även inom exempelvis stadsplanering och motorsport förklaras det vad digitala tvillingar används till. En viktig del i projektet är även Industri 4.0 och Sakernas Internet. Syftet (och resultatet) för det utförda examensarbetet är att ta reda på vad företag anser gynnsamt, såväl som missgynnsamt med digitala tvillingar, samt fastställa vilka barriärer det finns hos ett företag för att börja använda sig av digitala tvillingar. Syftet är även att utforska hur digitala tvillingar införs i ett företags produktutvecklingsprocess, samt vilken roll en fysisk provning får hos ett företag som introducerar digitala tvillingar. I projektets syfte ingår också att ta reda på mer om digitala tvillingar ur ett utvecklingsperspektiv, för att utreda hur kapaciteten förefaller hos en produkt som är testad och utvecklad i kombination med digital och verklig miljö. Vad finns det för data att utläsa, och i vilka fall finns det potential för en digital tvilling? För att nå önskade resultat med projektet har en tablettmaskin skapats i CAD. Med hjälp av den tredimensionella modellen visas det hur en digital tvilling kan användas för produktionsanläggningar (specifikt process- och tillverkningsindustri) genom att montera sensorer på den tredimensionella modellen, som även ska monteras identiskt på en fysisk motsvarighet. Under projektets genomförande undersöks även Gartners hypekurva och därmed vad som är hype och inte hype. I slutet av rapporten diskuteras bland annat vad som är möjligt att simulera med digitala tvillingar och vad som inte är det. Slutsatsen gällande om en digital tvilling är en hype eller inte, resulterar i att digitala tvillingar är ett verktyg som blir vad det skapas till. Anses en digital tvilling vara en hype, ja då kanske det egentligen är själva förväntningarna som är överskattade, och inte den digitala tvillingen i sig. / Digital twins have in recent years become a very current and discussed concept. This thesis examines whether the term is merely a hype or whether it is the tool for developing different industries for something better. The project focuses mainly on the manufacturing and development industry, but also what digital twins are used for in e.g. urban planning and motorsport. An important part of the project is also Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT). The purpose (and result) of this Bachelor thesis is to find out what companies consider favourable, as well as unfavourable with digital twins, and to determine what barriers a company encounters to start using digital twins. The purpose is also to explore how digital twins are introduced into a company's product development process, as well as which role a physical test at a company that introduces digital twins has. The purpose of the project also includes finding out more about digital twins from a development perspective, to investigate how the capacity of a product tested and developed in combination with digital and real environment appears. What kind of data is there to read, and in what cases is there a potential for a digital twin? To achieve the desired results, a tablet machine has been created in CAD. The threedimensional model shows how a digital twin can be used for production facilities (specific process- and manufacturing industry) by mounting sensors on the three-dimensional model, which should also be mounted equally on a physical counterpart. During the project's implementation, Gartner's hype curve is also examined and thus what is hype and not hype. At the end of the report there is a discussion including e.g. what is possible to simulate with digital twins and what is not. The conclusion regarding whether a digital twin is a hype or not, results in digital twins being a tool that becomes what it is created for. Is a digital twin considered a hype, well then maybe it is actually the expectations that are overestimated, and not the digital twin itself.

Ingénierie système et système de production manufacturière: intégration de l'avolution des exigences dans le PLM

Messaadia, Mourad 11 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La concurrence impose aux entreprises des contraintes de plus en plus élevées en termes de qualité des produits. Elles sont soumises à des exigences de plus en plus contraignantes. Ainsi, pour ces entreprises modernes, le succès implique de produire le meilleur produit, au plus bas prix, juste à temps. L'INCOSE (Association Internationale de l'Ingénierie Système) a émit le slogan " faster, Better, and Cheaper ". Dans ce contexte, la gestion conjointe des produits et des processus de production est devenue une nécessité. Le développement de produits doit impérativement tenir compte des souhaits et des demandes des clients, cela dans un temps très court dépendant du marché. Ainsi notre travail rentre dans le contexte d'intégration des processus d'ingénierie système dans le cadre de l'industrie manufacturière et plus principalement la gestion du cycle de vie du produit connu sous l'appellation PLM (product Lifecycle management). Le travail a été orienté selon trois axes. Le premier a porté sur l'application de concepts et de normes d'ingénierie système à la production manufacturière et plus précisément sur les processus recommandés par la norme EIA 632 largement utilisée, notamment dans l'aéronautique et le spatial. Le deuxième axe a porté sur la possibilité de lier les processus concernant le produit final et les produits capacitants ou contributeurs (Enabling Products). Les travaux sont orientés sur l'adoption du concept PLM comme une technique pour assurer ce besoin de lien. Le troisième axe, qui est un prolongement des deux précédents, a pour objectif de développer le processus de gestion des évolutions des exigences et leurs impacts sur le système de production et autres produits capacitants (maintenance, retrait, etc.). L'approche qui considère ces trois axes est illustrée sur une étude de cas. Ce travail a permis l'applicabilité des concepts et des normes ingénierie systèmes à l'industrie manufacturière et offre un cadre générique pour des extensions éventuelle s. Une partie de ces extensions a été traitée au niveau de l'intégration du changement d'exigences dans le PLM.

The study of business model on STN LCD industry¡XCase study on E company

HUANG, Mao-hsiung 07 August 2007 (has links)
Due to the impact of active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), twisted nematic (TN)/super-twisted nematic display (STN) industry confronts the market recession worldwide. Therefore, STN-LCD companies try to seek another development opportunity positively. However, developing new market can not be achieved in the short term. Some corporations actively strengthen their competitive advantage by technical innovation in order to possess more important position in the industry. This research apply case study method and chose E-Company as sample company who ranked the third in Taiwan STN-LCD industry in terms of production capacity to find out the business model of E-Company through literature generalization, strategies analysis of rivals and enterprise interview. This study found that the business model of E-Company is that strengthening the ability of horizontal integration and expanding the application field of display. By way of business process reengineering (BPR) and implementing product life-cycle management (PLM) system, E-Company integrates the products of downstream customers and offers technical support and services during concept planning phase of product development. Customers and suppliers can early involve the product development and reduce the cost of design change via collaborative design. Besides, collaborative design offers E-Company the capability to integrate the design chain information about product development and reduce time to market. Key word: Business Model, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Product Life-cycle Management (PLM), Collaborative Product Design (CPD)

Evaluation of EDA tools for electronic development and a study of PLM for future development businesses

Tang, Dennis January 2013 (has links)
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools are today very capable computer programs supporting electronic engineers with the design of printed circuit board (PCB). All tools have their strengths and weaknesses; when choosing the right tool many factors needs to be taken into consideration aside from the tools themselves. Companies need to focus on the product and revenues for a business to be viable. Depending on the knowledge and strengths of the company, the choice of tools varies. The decision should be based on the efficiency of the tools and the functions necessity for the company rather than the price tags. The quality and availability of support for the tools, training costs, how long will it take to put the tool in operation and present or future collaboration partners is equally important factors when deciding the right tool. The absence of experience and knowledge of the current tool within a company is a factor which could affect important operation; therefore it is important to provide training and education on how to use the tool to increase its efficiency. Providing training and education can be a large expense, but avoids changes within and makes the business competitive. The choice of EDA tool should be based on the employed engineer’s current knowledge and experience of the preferred tool. If the employed engineer’s knowledge and experience varies too much, it might be preferable to make a transition to one of the tool by training and education. Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a data management system and business activity management system which focuses on the lifecycle of a product. To manage the lifecycle of a product it is necessary to split the lifecycle into stages and phases for a more manageable and transparent workflow. By overseeing a product’s entire lifecycle there are benefits which affects many areas. PLM greatest benefits for EDA are collaboration across separate groups and companies by working together through a PLM platform, companies can forge strong design chains that combine their best capabilities to deliver the product to the customers. This report is a study on evaluating which EDA suits the company with consideration of the employed engineer’s demands, requests and competence. The interests in PLM made the company suggest a short theory study on PLM and EDA benefits.

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