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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre el juez Salomón y el dios Sira decisiones interculturales e interés superior del niño /

Sánchez de Guzmán, Esther. January 2006 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Engels en Nederlands.

Stuck in a revolving door secularism, assimilation and democratic pluralism /

Jansen, Hiske Yolande Mariëlle. January 2006 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Auteursnaam op omslag: Yolande Jansen. Met index., lit. opg.- Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Konflikt und Konfliktlösung in Guatemala die Verwirklichung der Rechte indigener Frauen im rechtspluralistischen Raum /

Titze, Anja. January 2008 (has links)
Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. / Lit. opg.: p. 345-360. - Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Les créoles de l'île Maurice des années 1930 à l'indépendance : processus de construction identitaire d'une communauté / The creoles of Mauritius from the 1930s to independence : identity process of building a community

Chilin, Jérémy 26 September 2017 (has links)
Entre 1936 et 1969, le groupe très hétérogène des Créoles de l’île Maurice va être projeté dans la longue décolonisation de son petit territoire insulaire. Dans la lutte pour l’acquisition de meilleurs droits sociaux et politiques, d’une égalité avec les colons, les Créoles deviennent une force politique incontournable. Mais, bien vite, affaiblis par leurs divisions et leurs fragilités socio-économiques, ils se font dépasser par la majorité indienne de cette île de plantations de l’Océan Indien. Il s’en suit la création d’un front chrétien qui va combattre une indépendance indienne redoutée par les minorités. Dans cette lutte, les Créoles vont enfin prendre conscience de l’identité de leur propre groupe. Mais lors de la défaite électorale de 1967 et les malheurs issus des émeutes de 1968 qui en découlent, ils comprennent, que, dans cette société plurale, le communalisme les a durement frappés. Entre l’exil et la mise en marge de la société mauricienne, cette nouvelle communauté, qui venait juste d’émerger des tourbillons de la décolonisation, s’enfonce dans une crise profonde, un « malaise créole » qui la poursuit dramatiquement jusqu’à aujourd’hui. / Between 1936 and 1969, the very heterogeneous group of Creoles of Mauritius will be projected in the long decolonization of its small island territory. In the struggle for better social and political rights and equality with the settlers, the Creoles became an indispensable political force. But soon, weakened by their divisions and socio-economic fragility, they were overtaken by the Indian majority of this island of plantations of the Indian Ocean. The result is the creation of a Christian front that will fight an Indian independence feared by the minorities. In this struggle, the Creoles will finally become aware of the identity of their own group. But during the electoral defeat of 1967 and the misfortunes of the ensuing 1968 riots, they realized that in this pluralistic society communalism had struck them hard. Between the exile and the marginalization of Mauritian society, this new community, which had just emerged from the vortices of decolonization, is sinking into a deep crisis, a "Creole malaise" which dramatically pursues it today.

Democratic Governance and Conflict Resistance in Conflict-prone Societies : A Consociational Analysis of the Experiences of Ghana in West Africa (1992-2016) / Gouvernance démocratique et résistance aux conflits dans les sociétés enclines aux conflits : Une analyse consociationnelle des expériences du Ghana en Afrique de l'Ouest (1992-2016)

Musah, Halidu 13 December 2018 (has links)
Résumé Les conflits font partie intégrante de toutes les activités de la société. Ces conflits, cependant, deviennent indésirables lorsqu'ils parcourent la ligne de destruction élargie des biens et des personnes. La démocratie est un mécanisme visant à réglementer les opinions dissidentes et à harmoniser les intérêts multigrades pour une coexistence réussie et un développement national. La littérature suggère que la démocratisation est très difficile, sinon impossible, dans les sociétés pluralistes ou à clivage multiple. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, le consociationalisme a été suggéré comme une panacée qui permet un partage équitable formel du pouvoir et des ressources publiques parmi les facettes reconnues de la société plurielle. Sans cela, on suppose que toute tentative de démocratie est susceptible de s'effondrer et d'échouer. Le Ghana est un pays multiethnique avec au moins 92 groupes ethniques différents qui défie apparemment le raisonnement fondamental de la démocratisation consociative, parce qu'il a pratiqué la démocratie avec succès depuis plus de 25 ans sans nécessairement adopter des modèles consociatifs formels. Cette thèse situe le Ghana dans ce contexte théorique et examine les raisons de son succès malgré l'écart théorique par rapport au consociationalisme. L'approche de la méthode mixte a été adoptée dans l'étude, et 542 répondants ont été choisis à dessein pour l'observation. Les données recueillies par l'administration des questionnaires des entrevues ont révélé que le Ghana n'a pas connu de conflits violents à l'échelle nationale malgré les conflits ponctués à travers le pays en raison de la nature même de ses conflits internes; donc circonscrits par les circonstances géographiques, les causes des conflits, et les l'acteurs impliqués. Deuxièmement, l'étude révèle que, malgré l'existence de multiples clivages sociaux au Ghana, l'interaction sociale entre les personnes met plus d’accent sur les liens transversaux qui existent parmi les individus que sur les clivages qui les divisent, même s’il existe une prise de conscience du clivage élevée dans la société ghanéenne. En outre, la disposition constitutionnelle pour la démocratisation au Ghana englobe préalablement l'intérêt national au-dessus des intérêts de clivage. Elle interdit aussi les organisations politiques basées sur les clivages sociales. L'étude recommande qu'une plus grande attention soit accordée à l'éducation à la paix dans tout le pays, en impliquant formellement dans ce processus les pertinentes institutions traditionnelles et modernes, toutes formelles qu’informelles, au niveau de base de la société. Il est également impératif d'aborder d'urgence les causes profondes de la myriade de conflits qui couvrent la longueur et l'étendue du pays pour leur résolution durable afin d'améliorer la démocratisation pacifique. Les politiciens devraient éviter de s'immiscer dans les conflits locaux et permettre aux dispositions institutionnelles établies par le système démocratique ghanéen de traiter de manière décisive avec les questions de conflit. / Abstract Conflicts are part and parcel of every societal endeavour. These conflicts however, become undesirable when they travel along the widening line of destruction of property and persons. Democracy is one mechanism aimed at regulating dissenting views and harmonising multi-group interests for successful, peaceful coexistence and national development. There is growing establishment in the literature that democratisation is very difficult, if not impossible, in pluralistic or multi-cleavage societies. To surmount this difficulty, consociationalism has been suggested as a panacea which allows formal equitable sharing of power and public resources among recognised facets of the plural society. Without this, it is assumed any attempt at democracy is most likely to crumble and fail. Ghana is a multi-ethnic country with at least 92 different ethnic groups which is seemingly defying the basic reasoning of consociational democratisation because it has successfully practised democracy for over 25 years without necessarily adopting formal consociational models. This thesis situated Ghana within this theoretical context and examined the reasons behind Ghana’s democratic success despite the theoretical deviation from consociationalism. Mixed-method approach was adopted in the study, and 542 respondents were purposefully selected for observation. Data gathered through interview and questionnaire administration revealed that Ghana has not experienced nation-wide violent conflicts in spite of the dotted conflicts across the country due to the very nature of its internal conflicts; thus circumscribed by the geographical, issue, and actor-based circumstances. Second, the study found that despite the existence of multiple social cleavages in Ghana, social interaction among the people places emphasis on crosscutting ties that exist among them, than on the cleavages that divide them even if cleavage awareness is high in Ghanaian society. In addition, constitutional framework for democratisation in Ghana formerly enshrines national interest above cleavage interests and prohibits political organisations based on cleavages. The study recommends that more attention be paid to peace education across the country by formally involving both relevant formal and informal traditional and modern institutions at the basic level of society in this peace education process. It is also imperative to address as a matter of urgency the root causes of the myriad of conflicts that span the length and breadth of the country for their sustainable resolution to enhance peaceful democratisation. Politicians should avoid meddling in local conflicts and allow the institutional frameworks established by the Ghanaian democratic system to deal decisively with conflict issues

"Das estratégias comunicacionais às mediações produzidas por jovens. Aliança negra posse e núcleo cultural força ativa" / Dalle strategie comunicazionali alle mediazioni prodotte da giovani: Aliança nega posse e nucleo cultural força ativa

Santos, Rosana Aparecida Martins 03 July 2006 (has links)
Tomando como ponto de partida os agrupamentos juvenis no cenário contemporâneo, este estudo discute a cena urbana atual e as políticas púbicas endereçadas aos jovens, através da dinâmica comunicacional marcada pelos membros da Aliança Negra Posse e Núcleo Cultural Força Ativa, ambos pertencentes ao distrito Cidade Tiradentes, zona leste da cidade de São Paulo. Este estudo tem como foco central à análise das formas estabelecidas pelos jovens periféricos em relação ao espaço de sociabilidade e às formas de representação. Ou seja, de que forma os membros expressam as saídas para os diversos conflitos presentes no cotidiano, e como cristalizam a idéia d renovação do espaço e das próprias relações sociais. / Having as a starting point juvenile groups in the contemporary setting, this study discusses the current urban scenario and the public politics aimed at the young, through the communicational dynamics registered by the members of the Aliança Negra Posse e Núcleo Cultural Força Ativa (Black Alliance Possession and Cultural Center Active Force), both part of the district Cidade Tiradentes, in the east zone of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This study has as its focus the analysis of forms established by the periphery young concerning the space of sociability and the forms of representation. That is, in which ways they express solutions to the various conflicts present in their everyday life and how they crystallize the idea of renewal of the space and the social relations themselves.

La subsidiarité en droit privé / Subsidiarity in private law

Gouëzel, Antoine 28 November 2011 (has links)
Subsidiarité de l’action en enrichissement sans cause, vocation subsidiaire du droit commun, demande subsidiaire, subsidiarité de l’obligation des associés de société à risque illimité, etc. : la subsidiarité est récurrente en droit privé. Pourtant, le mécanisme qu’elle met en oeuvre n’est pas clairement perçu. La subsidiarité met de l’ordre dans le droit : elle est une technique de coordination d’éléments concurrents, qui subordonne à la défaillance de l’élément appelé premier l’accès à l’élément qualifié de subsidiaire. Tant que l’élément premier n’est pas défaillant, c’est-à-dire tant qu’il peut produire son effet juridique, l’élément subsidiaire est bloqué. La subsidiarité a pour finalité d’instaurer une hiérarchie entre les éléments concernés : elle affirme la primauté de l’élément premier, vu avec faveur, sur l’élément subsidiaire, qui est une solution de secours. Ce mécanisme trouve une application majeure en matière d’obligation. Une obligation est subsidiaire lorsqu’elle est subordonnée à la défaillance d’une autre obligation ; elle est ainsi affectée d’une condition suspensive. Le débiteur premier est celui dont le paiement normal est attendu, le débiteur subsidiaire celui dont l’intervention est vue comme pathologique. Le débiteur subsidiaire peut opposer toutes les exceptions qui attestent de ce que l’obligation première n’est pas défaillante. Pour agir contre le débiteur subsidiaire, le créancier doit établir cette défaillance, qui est définie de manière variable selon les hypothèses. L’obligation subsidiaire tient une place importante dans les opérations juridiques à trois personnes ; elle permet également de porter un regard nouveau sur la solidarité. / Subsidiarity of unjustified enrichment claims, subsidiarity of the lex fori, subsidiary pleadings, subsidiary obligation of the members of companies with unlimited liability, etc. : subsidiarity is recurrent in private law. However, its mechanism is not clearly understood. Subsidiarity creates order in law. It is a coordination technique of rival elements, which makes access to the subsidiary element subject to the default of the first element. As long as the first element can produce its effect, the subsidiary element is blocked. The purpose of subsidiarity is to create a hierarchy between those elements: it states the primacy of the first element, seen with favor, on the subsidiary element, which is considered a backup. This mechanism is useful in contract law. An obligation is subsidiary when it is subject to the default of another obligation; it matches the pattern of a conditional obligation. Normal payment is expected from the debtor of the primary obligation; the intervention of the subsidiary debtor is seen as pathological. In order to sue the subsidiary debtor, the creditor must prove that the primary obligation is in default. The former can invoke all the exceptions which prove that this event, which can be defined in a variety of ways, has not occurred. The concept of subsidiary obligations is important in legal operations involving three persons, and encourages to reconsider our understanding of solidary obligations.

La recherche d'un statut de l'oeuvre transformatrice. Contribution à l'étude de l'oeuvre composite en droit d'auteur. / Transformative works

Léger, Pauline 14 December 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs initiatives d’origines européenne et nationale ont contribué à l’émergence d’un nouveau concept en droit d’auteur : l’œuvre transformatrice. La récurrence et la persistance des débats en la matière prouvent que ce concept ne traduit pas qu’un phénomène conjoncturel. Ces raisons conduisent en conséquence à lui consacrer une étude afin de déterminer la pertinence de l’admission de ce concept en droit d’auteur. L’étude débute par le constat que certains auteurs travaillent en s’adossant volontairement à une ou plusieurs œuvres originelles créées par autrui, qu’ils intègrent à leur processus créatif, aboutissant ainsi à la création d'une œuvre nouvelle. Ces pratiques d’emprunt créatif à l’œuvre d’autrui ont désormais pris une dimension particulière. Celle-ci s’explique d’une part par le développement du numérique. D’autre part, une partie du public, soit les destinataires des œuvres, souhaite participer activement à la création et revendique le droit d’utiliser les œuvres d’autrui comme autant de moyens d’expression et de création. Le législateur a certes envisagé l’hypothèse dans laquelle une œuvre nouvelle procède d'une œuvre préexistante au travers de la catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Cependant, les dispositions éparses qui lui sont consacrées souffrent d’une terminologie et d’un régime imprécis qui n’ont jamais fait l’objet d’une étude juridique approfondie. L’émergence du concept d’œuvre transformatrice illustre l’importance théorique et pratique de remettre en cause cette catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Aussi, la délimitation du concept suppose, dans un premier temps, une nécessaire remise en cause des catégories traditionnelles qui constituent les piliers du droit d'auteur, ainsi que les impératifs auxquels la constitution de ce monopole doit répondre. Cette lecture renouvelée aboutit à circonscrire la notion fonctionnelle d’œuvre transformatrice. Loin de se cantonner à proposer une nouvelle version de l’œuvre originelle, l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice exprime une opinion sur l’œuvre d’autrui, en induisant un décalage avec celle-ci. Bien souvent, il a réalisé son œuvre sans l’autorisation de l’auteur de l’œuvre originelle, et leurs droits entrent alors en conflit. Dans un second temps, l’étude s’attelle à appréhender ce conflit de droits. Le droit positif s’avère limité, de sorte qu’il faut affiner l’analyse juridique du lien unissant ces deux auteurs en l’enrichissant de la comparaison avec des mécanismes extérieurs au droit d’auteur, et d’autres issus du droit comparé. En définitive, c’est par le mécanisme de l’exception au droit d’auteur que l’on trouvera le moyen de concilier de manière pérenne les droits de l’auteur originel et ceux de l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice. / Transformative work is a new concept in copyright law that is emerging from several recent initiatives across Europe. The recurring debate on this concept indicates that it is not short-lived and highlights the need for a strategy to define a suitable legal framework. The purpose of this study is to assess the relevance of including the concept of transformative works in French and European Union copyright law. The starting point is authors’ integration of original works created by third parties in their creative process so as to generate new pieces of work. These practices are increasing in occurrence, with the rise of the digital age being one explanation of their prevalence. Furthermore, the public appreciates the value of these works and wishes to maintain the right to use third party works as a means of creative expression. The legislator has envisaged categorising new work inspired from pre-existing work as derivative and composite work. Nevertheless, the scarce arrangements that have been developed lack a proper framework and a detailed legal study has yet to be undertaken. The emergence of the concept of transformative work highlights the practical and theoretical need to challenge the legal definition of derivative and composite work. Far from offering a new derived version of the original piece of work, the author of a transformative work expresses an opinion on the third party work, by inserting a differentiating element. Therefore, the format of expression and content justify the legal analysis between the author of the original piece of work and the author of the transformative work. As such, framing the concept involves in the first instance, questioning the traditional pillars of copyright law and their requirements. This new understudy leads to the framing of the definition of transformative work. Secondly, this study focusses on how several copyright laws can co-exist. The content of positive law is limited and therefore, the study helps develop the concept of transformative work by comparing external mechanisms of both copyright and comparative law.In conclusion, incorporating transformative work into copyright law is based on the exception mechanism of copyright law.

Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. Muller

Muller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa freedom of religion. This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to this Word. The following three investigations were then launched: * A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted. Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force. The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion, this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic beliefs. * A contextual investigation This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and 3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these authorities to fulfil the calling by recognising, protecting and expanding the fundamental values, freedoms and rights which have been constitutionally entrenched in order that every one has the space and opportunity to utilise these rights and freedoms to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all spheres of life This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to minister the Word to everyone. It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. Muller

Muller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa freedom of religion. This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to this Word. The following three investigations were then launched: * A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted. Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force. The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion, this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic beliefs. * A contextual investigation This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and 3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these authorities to fulfil the calling by recognising, protecting and expanding the fundamental values, freedoms and rights which have been constitutionally entrenched in order that every one has the space and opportunity to utilise these rights and freedoms to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all spheres of life This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to minister the Word to everyone. It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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