Spelling suggestions: "subject:"poland""
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Marketization of Labor and Countermovements in the post-“Rose-Revolutionary” Georgia: Towards a Politicization of Polanyian CountermovementsKhelaia, Nino 26 June 2024 (has links)
Im Zeitraum 2004-2006 wurde in Georgien eine beispiellose Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes vorgenommen, um die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Diese Maßnahmen waren Teil umfassenderer Vermarktlichung- und Privatisierungsbemühungen, die von den so genannten "Rosenrevolutionären" Eliten angeführt wurden. Diese Studie, die sich auf Karl Polanyis Konzept der Arbeit als "fiktive Ware" stützt, untersucht, wie eine solche Kommodifizierung die Wirtschaft von der Gesellschaft entkoppelt und gesellschaftliche Gegenbewegungen hervorruft, die sich gegen die Expansion des Marktes schützen wollen. Polanyis "Doppelbewegung" beschreibt gesellschaftspolitische Kräfte, die eine demokratische Kontrolle des politischen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens anstreben und die künstliche Trennung zwischen beiden in Frage stellen. Die wichtigsten empirischen Fragen lauten, ob die georgische Gesellschaft auf die Marktöffnung reagiert hat und welche Konflikte daraus entstanden sind. Die Studie beleuchtet zwei Protestbewegungen, die sich gegen die Marktideologie wandten und versuchten, die schädlichen Auswirkungen der Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes abzumildern. Trotz ihrer Bemühungen gelang es diesen Bewegungen nicht, eine breitere demokratische Kontrolle über das Wirtschaftsleben zu etablieren.
Wenn es diesen Bewegungen nicht gelungen ist, die Wirtschaft wieder in die Gesellschaft einzubinden, wie kann dann eine demokratische Kontrolle der wirtschaftlichen Sphäre theoretisiert und erreicht werden? Die Studie bezieht die Gramscianischen Analysen der "Beziehungen der sozialen Kräfte" mit ein und argumentiert, dass die Infragestellung der marktgetriebenen Ordnung mehr als nur spezifische, themenbezogene Antworten erfordert. Durch die Integration von Polanyi und Gramsci schlägt die Studie die Notwendigkeit eines politisch sinnvolleren Ansatzes vor, um der Marktideologie zu begegnen und eine demokratische Kontrolle über die Wirtschaft zu etablieren. / In the period of 2004-2006, Georgia underwent unprecedented labor deregulation to enhance international competitiveness and attract foreign investments. These policies, leaving most workers unprotected, were part of broader marketization and privatization efforts led by the so-called "Revolutionary" political elites following the Rose Revolution. This study, drawing on Karl Polanyi's concept of labor as a "fictitious commodity," explores how such commodification disembedds the economy from society, prompting societal countermovements seeking to protect against market expansion.
Polanyi's "double movement" describes sociopolitical forces aiming for democratic control over political and economic life, challenging the artificial separation between the two. The key empirical questions addressed are whether Georgian society responded to labor marketization and what social conflicts ensued. The study focuses on two protest movements—the Tbilisi Metro strikes and Chiatura miners’ strike—which opposed market ideology and sought to mitigate the harmful effects of labor deregulation. Despite their efforts, these movements failed to establish broader democratic control over economic life, representing "corporatist re-embedding" and "pre-political" responses rather than achieving full "re-embedding" of the economy into society.
The study poses a theoretical question: if these movements couldn't successfully re-embed the economy in society, how can democratic control over the economic sphere be theorized and achieved? To address this, the work incorporates Gramscian analyses of “relations of social forces” and hegemony, arguing that challenging market-driven order requires more than specific issue-driven responses. By integrating Polanyi with the Gramscian framework, the study suggests the need for a politically meaningful approach to countering market ideology and establishing democratic control over the economy.
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Authentic spaceJamison, Joan Mary January 2018 (has links)
This inquiry examines the lived experience of a believing Christian seeking authentic space on a secular academic course. It has come about as a result of an experience of both angst and transformation leading to the focus of this inquiry which is looking to answer the question of: 'How does a committed Christian with a belief in foundational truth, authentically relate and integrate their faith and new found knowledge in counselling practice and research on a secular training course'? Research literature acknowledges a growing interest and demand for further debate and research in the domain of integration of faith and psychotherapy and practice, where evidence points to there being a gap in training. Integration is acknowledged as problematic but specific challenges are noted as not being so well researched. The study is written in the form of a paradigmatic case study where the researcher is also the researched. It embraces a pluralistic methodology incorporating aspects of personal narrative, interpretive phenomenological analysis and tacit understanding as advocated by Polanyi. This inquiry explores both the problem encountered and the solution found. The problem was epistemological, that of a personal belief in foundational truth, the central tenet of the Christian faith and the challenge of co-habiting a secular relativist space. The purpose and goal of this inquiry is to both show and tell the process of integration, which allowed authentic space to emerge both personally and theoretically. An exploration of a personal epiphany of 'heart and mind' integration is pivotal in this inquiry. The key finding which made integration possible was the discovery of and engagement with both Michael Polanyi and C.S. Lewis and their progressive theories of knowledge: theories which embrace both fundamental Christian belief and the fundamental values and theories taught in the dialogue of both person-centred and psychodynamic approaches. This study and reflexive analysis has created the basis of a body of work, which can be used as a means of support for Christian trainees who encounter similar challenges in academic spaces and in practice in this postmodern age. It can also be of benefit to trainers and course designers and counselling practitioners as they engage and dialogue with this re emerging phenomena. Finally this inquiry can be the catalyst for further research and development in order to begin to bridge the epistemological gap encountered in training.
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Linear energy relations for biomass transformation under heterogeneous catalysis : a fast prediction of polyalcohol dehydrogenation on transition metalsZaffran, Jérémie 30 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Biomass valorization is an interesting alternative to fossil resources, which is frequently performed via heterogeneous catalysis. Designing new catalysts is a challenging task that can be significantly accelerated in silico. However, biomass molecules are often complex and highly oxygenated, hence rendering calculations more difficult and time consuming. Among these compounds, polyols are particularly important. We developed linear relations of the Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) type from the DFT study of C-H or O-H bond dissociation elementary steps for a family of monoalcohol molecules on metallic catalysts (Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt). Such relations aim at predicting activation energies from reaction energies. The accuracy of the obtained linear energy models is better than 0.10 eV on the sampling set. Then, the relations were applied for the prediction of the dehydrogenation elementary steps of glycerol, chosen as a prototype of polyalcohols, with an accuracy better than 0.10 eV and with a systematic error around ±0.10 eV for Rh. Keeping in mind that the main difference between glycerol and monoalcohols comes from intramolecular H-bonds present in the former, we designed linear relations for water-assisted dehydrogenation of monoalcohols. These new relations allowed us to improve the prediction on glycerol and to eliminate the systematic deviation in the case of OH bond breaking. Even if in this study we focused on glycerol dehydrogenation, similar methods may be applied to other polyols with other chemical reactions, and considerably speed up the computational design of solid catalysts. This work paves the way for the development of novel numerical techniques to address the issue of biomass conversion.
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Structure, wellspring or content? : a conceptual analysis of the notion of tacit knowledge in knowledge management theoryMaasdorp, Christiaan Hendrik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis is a conceptual analysis of the concept of tacit knowledge. The analysis consist of
comparing the function of the concept of tacit knowledge in a number of selected theories from
its origin in the philosophy of Michael Polanyi, through its introduction to organisation theory
and its eventual application in knowledge management theory.
Inthe work of Michael Polanyi the concept of tacit knowledge functions as the logical structure
underlying all forms of knowledge. In terms of Polanyi tacit and explicit knowledge are not
two separable phenomena, because all knowledge is rooted in the act of tacit integration.
Ikujiro Nonaka adapted Polanyi's epistemology and within his framework the concept of tacit
knowledge signifies the unstructured subjective realm that is the wellspring of individual
creativity. Nonaka asserts firstly, that the phenomenon of tacit knowledge is a knowledge
content that is distinct from explicit knowledge content and secondly, that it is possible to
convert the one type of knowledge into the other. Nonaka's model includes a spiral process of
interaction in which tacit knowledge is converted into explicit knowledge and back into tacit
knowledge again.
The last chapter relates the conclusions reached upon the comparison of the function of the
concept in the theories of Nonaka and Polanyi, with its reception in knowledge management
theory. It is argued that in knowledge management the concept of tacit knowledge denotes
knowledge content that cannot be communicated as information. It is also shown how
Nonaka' s model was integrated into a sender receiver model of communication, thus
incorporating it into the information processing paradigm. It is furthermore conjectured that
the concept of tacit knowledge forms part of an attempt to bridge an epistemological gap
facing the discourse on organisational knowledge. Lastly, it is concluded that it appears to be
impossible to use the concept of tacit knowledge to overcome this epistemological problem,
without an ontological shift away from the information processing paradigm. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis is 'n konseptuele analise van die konsep van implisiete ('tacit') kennis. Die analise
bestaan uit 'n vergelyking van die funksie van die konsep van implisiete kennis in 'n aantal
geselekteerde teorieë, van die oorsprong van die term in die filosofie van Michael Polanyi,
deur die aanpassing van die konsep in organisasie teorie, tot die toepassing daarvan in
In die werk van Polanyi funksioneer die konsep as die logiese struktuur wat die onderbou van
alle vorme van kennis is. In terme van Polanyi is implisiete en eksplisiete kennis nie twee
aparte fenomene nie, want alle kennis is gewortel in die askie van implisiete integrasie.
Ikujiro Nonaka het Polanyi se epistemologie aangepas en binne sy raamwerk funksioneer die
begrip as 'n beskrywing van die ongestruktureerde subjektiewe domein wat die bron van
individuele kreatiwiteit is. Volgens Nonaka is die fenomeen van implisiete kennis eerstens 'n
kennisinhoud wat onderskeibaar is van eksplisiete kennisinhoud, en tweedens dat dit
moontlik is om die een soort kennis om te skakel in die ander en omgekeerd. Nonaka se model
sluit 'n spiral-proses van interaksie in waarin implisiete kennis omgeskakel word na eksplisiete
kennis en weer terug in implisiete kennis.
Die laaste hoofstuk belig die ontvangs van die konsep van implisiete kennis in
kennisbestuursteorie teen die agtergrond van die vergelyking van die funksionering van die
konsep in die teorieë van Polanyi en Nonaka. Daar word geargumenteer dat in
kennisbestuursteorie die konsep verwys na kennisinhoud wat nie geredelik omgeskakel kan
word na informasie en dus gekommunikeer kan word nie. Daar word getoon hoe Nonaka se
model met 'n sender-ontvanger kommunikasie-model geïntegreer word en dus geïnkorporeer
word in die informasie prossesseringsparadigma. Verder word gespekuleer dat die konsep
gebruik word in 'n poging om 'n epistemologiese gaping in die diskoers rondom
organisatoriese kennis te oorbrug. Laastens is die slotsom dat dit blyk onmoontlik te wees om
die konsep van implisiete kennis te gebruik om die epistemologiese probleem op te los, sonder
'n fundamentele ontologiese skuif weg vanaf die informasie prossesseringsparadigma.
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Étude des premières étapes de l'oligomérisation des zéolithes par simulation moléculaire de Monte Carlo cinétique (kMC) / First step study of the zeolite oligomerization by kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) molecular simulationCiantar, Marine 22 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche portant sur la compréhension des premières étapes de synthèse des zéolithes s'inscrit dans le cadre général de développements efficients de nouveaux catalyseurs performants. De nombreuses incertitudes demeurent quant aux mécanismes moléculaires de leur formation, en particulier lors de la nucléation en conditions de synthèse hydrothermale. Dans ce contexte, une méthodologie globale a été proposée afin d'évaluer l'impact des variables de synthèse sur la formation des espèces siliciques. La réalisation de ce travail a nécessité l'usage de différentes méthodes théoriques, combinant des calculs ab initio DFT et des simulations kMC. Un nouveau module kMC nommé Réacdiff a ainsi été développé et validé avec le modèle Lodka. L'extension des chemins réactionnels vers des espèces plus complexes a été effectuée et le recours à des modèles théoriques du type Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) a été indispensable afin de les estimer rapidement. Un nouveau modèle des étapes réactionnelles d'oligomérisation a été proposé et a permis de tester l'effet crucial des agents organiques structurants (AS). Ces travaux ont permis de donner un nouveau regard sur la compréhension de la condensation des espèces siliciques durant les premières étapes de la synthèse des zéolithes. / This research work on the understanding of the early stages of zeolites synthesis fits withinthe general framework of the technological lock on the lower cost of new efficient catalysts synthesisoptimization. Many uncertainties remain with respect to the molecular mechanisms of their formation,in particular during nucleation in hydrothermal synthesis conditions. In this context, a comprehensivemethodology was proposed to assess the impact of synthesis variables in the formation of silicicspecies. This objective has required the use of different theoretical methods, combining ab initio DFTcalculations and kMC simulations. The creation of a new kMC module named Reacdiff has beendeveloped and validated with the Lodka model. The extension of reaction pathways to more complexspecies was carried out with the essential use of theoretical models like Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi(BEP) to quickly estimate. A new anionic model of the reaction steps of oligomerization has beenproposed and has allowed testing the crucial effect of organic templates. These thesis works gave anew understanding on the condensation of silicic species in early stages of zeolite synthesis.
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The Rule of the Market: Economic Constitutionalism Understood SociologicallyFrerichs, Sabine 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Setting out from the works of Max Weber and Karl Polanyi, this chapter outlines a sociology of economic constitutionalism. The starting point is a functional definition of economic constitution as the law constituting the market order, no matter if it is public or private, national or international, official or informal law. Economic constitutionalism is understood as a system of thought, which emphasises the role of a liberal economic constitution in integrating the global economy. Adapting Weber's ideal-typical method, the economic constitution is conceived as a constitutional ideal type, next to juridical constitution, political constitution, social constitution, and security constitution. Sociologically speaking, these ideal types capture different constitutional rationalities, which are all culturally significant but not equally successful in the global age. Drawing on Polanyi's work, which exposes the self-regulating market as an artefact of economic thinking, the argument proceeds by highlighting the constitutive role of economics in constructing the law of the globalised market society. After economic law came to be embedded in national welfare states in the twentieth century, economic constitutionalism furthers the opening up of national laws and economies. In contrast to the rule of law, the rule of the market is inherently transnational in character.
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Business as usual? : instituting markets for carbon creditsBroderick, John Foreman January 2011 (has links)
Climate change mitigation necessitates substantial alterations to patterns of worldwide economic activity, be that reduction in demand, switches to new technology or 'end-of-pipe' abatement of greenhouse gases. There are profound political, economic and ethical questions surrounding the governance of the means, rate and location of change. Within advanced capitalist economies and internationally through the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change emissions trading systems have been introduced as part of the broader neoliberal attempts to 'correct market failure' through the definition of new property rights.This thesis investigates the development, constitution and consequences of institutions for the production, exchange and consumption of credits for emissions reductions. Such credits are financial instruments awarded to organisations for putative reductions in emissions from 'business as usual'. In consumption, credits are equated with a quantity of emissions released elsewhere. The 'Instituted Economic Process' framework (Randles and Harvey, 2002) is used to distinguish the various classes of agent involved in these exchanges and identify the economic and non-economic relationships that constitute these institutions. Inspired by the economic anthropology of Karl Polanyi, this approach asks how economic activity is organised and stabilised within society without presuming that there are universal economic laws of 'the market', that there are essential properties of commodities and agents, or that all economic transfers are conducted within markets.I argue that crediting is a socially contingent process of commodification of atmospheric pollution which is both ontologically and normatively problematic. Extant institutions are shown to be precarious by appealing to neutral techno-scientific justifications but remaining reliant on subjective judgement. However, they are sufficiently consistent and credible that they persist and expand. These findings are of interest to the academic communities of political economy and environmental and economic geography, climate change policy makers and the environmental movement more broadly.
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Great transformations : Karl Polanyi and Nikolas Rose on the shifting fortunes of social strategies of government : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandWynyard, Matthew Adam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis seeks to make sense of the emergence of neoliberalism at the close of the twentieth century and the subsequent appearance of Third Way strategies of government in recent decades. In so doing it deals comparatively with the work of two very different, yet nevertheless both increasingly influential theorists of social change - Karl Polanyi and Nikolas Rose. In the middle decades of the twentieth century Karl Polanyi theorized what he held to be the inevitable shift from a market society to one in which the economy was embedded in a web of social relations. Some half century later in the 1990s, Nikolas Rose theorized the 'death of the social', the process by which the social logic that underpinned Western welfare states for much of the twentieth- century is giving way to a new formula for rule. Rose terms this new way of governing advanced liberalism. This thesis argues that an approach to neoliberalism and the third way that employs both Polanyi's analytical and critical tools as well as the insights gained from Nikolas Rose's governmentality studies can help to render neoliberalism both visible and contestable in new ways. Further such an approach might serve to illuminate potential paths forward.
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Víra jako základ poznání / Faith as the basis of knowledgeKRÁL, Tomáš František January 2018 (has links)
Michaela Polányi's Theory of Personal Knowledge (1891-1976) attempts to cope with the objections of the critical period of philosophy in which the ideals of science are set to be objectively unbiased and empirically grounded knowledge. The reason for this is the distrust of the subjectivistly conceived influence of the tradition and authority of the major research ancestors. Polanyi, however, points out that such ideals disregard the important constitutions of the knowledge of personal character, without which knowledge would not be possible. That is why it responds to these objections by trying to rehabilitate them and putting them in proper contexts. It points out the role of personal judgment that makes an intuitive estimation of the fertility of a research project within the given competencies. It highlights the role of the expertise and knowledge, which operate thanks to capturing the researcher in the tradition of the branch. And last but not least, it emphasizes the role of intellectual enthusiasm that helps the creative and original way to solve the problem. However, according to Polanyi, these constituents can perform their role properly only if the researcher establishes close contact with reality within an act he describes as contemplative submersion into the problem. This cognitive act should protect the entire cognitive process from the risk of subjective distortion. Polanyi also discovers two dimensions of knowledge. The first dimension is called tacit (unspecific). This dimension affects all cognitive processes that take place outside the apparent focal awareness of the cognitive person, yet they essentially influence the understanding of the ability to integrate in the mind of the cognitive person not only the individual elements of knowledge but also their interrelations. It helps to estimate the limits and possibilities of research. The second dimension is fiduciary-programmed knowledge, which points out that all knowledge is based on the commitment of faith to the reality of the cognitive object, to personal abilities of the cognitive person, and to the research community, and the principles of its research. It turns out that faith is not an obstacle to scientific knowledge, but a prerequisite for discovery. That is why Polanyi's theory of human knowledge is also considered in the field of the defense of the relevance of religious epistemology. Polanyi does not make the distinction between secular and religious epistemology as critics of religion. Both types of knowledge, according to him, are constituted by the same cognitive abilities that are applied in the same reality. The difference lies more in a different perspective and in the subject of interest. This thesis focuses on selected chapters of religious epistemology, where the original objections and proposals for their resolving solutions are well evident. These are, above all, the possibilities and limits of God's experience of knowledge, the role of reason and belief, and the possibilities of personal realization of knowledge within the religious tradition and the Authority Church.
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Economia desregrada : Marx, Keynes e Polanyi e a riqueza no capitalismo contemporaneoGarlipp, Jose Rubens Damas 05 February 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Luis Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T21:10:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2001 / Resumo: Em um esforço para apanhar o substrato do capitalismo contemporâneo, esta tese busca identificar as formas como o desaparecimento das regras e das fronteiras deixa o capital entregue às suas próprias leis de movimento. Nesse sentido, propõe que um quadro aproximativo do capitalismo contemporâneo pode ser desenhado por meio do conceito de economia desregrada (INTRODUÇÃO). O argumento explorado é o de que a construção de circuitos internacionais produtivos e, principalmente, financeiros de valorização do capital responde pelo desmantelamento do 'padrão¿ global de desenvolvimento herdado do pós-guerra. Assim é que a financeirização da riqueza, exponenciada pelas inovações dos instrumentos financeiros e desregulação dos mercados que caracterizam as políticas econômicas ocidentais das últimas décadas, ao tempo em que preside a lógica de valorização do capital, não faz mais que tornar claro o objetivo precípuo do capitalismo: a expansão da riqueza abstrata. Esta característica central e distintiva do capitalismo é, sob perspectivas teóricas distintas, sublinhada por Marx, Keynes e Polanyi, autores que analisam os fundamentos da riqueza capitalista e recusam a advocacia clássica acerca da capacidade de auto-regulação do mercado. Por conta disso, defendemos que o recurso às suas contribuições (CAPÍTULOS I, II e III, respectivamente) permite elencar os elementos teóricos que consideramos basilares para se situar a temática das transformações recentes no interior de uma lógica imanente à economia desregrada, de modo que a história econômica do capitalismo no último quarto do século XX é a de um mundo que perde as suas referências e resvala para a instabilidade e crises recorrentes, na exata medida em que se espraia o desaparecimento das regras e das fronteiras que disciplinam o capital. É no interior dessa perspectiva analítica e teórica que procuramos mapear as falhas estruturais do sistema erigido em Bretton Woods, cuja arquitetura institucional responde, em grande parte, pelo arranjo societário desde o segundo pós-guerra até a deflagração da crise do consenso keynesiano (CAPÍTULO IV). Igualmente, são apreciadas as transformações que ocorrem na seqüência da ruptura do sistema de Bretton Woods, com vistas a apreendermos as determinações mais importantes das novas tensões que se desdobram até a crise atual (CAPÍTULO V), com o que tratamos dos experimentos de coordenação que marcaram o último quarto do século XX com o intuito de assinalar que, desde aquela ruptura, o sistema encontra-se sob a égide de uma coordenação sem regras. A sucessão de crises financeiras que então se instala torna explícita a exacerbação da tendência à instabilidade intrínseca da economia desregrada. Depois de abordadas algumas das contribuições recentes da literatura econômica sobre as crises financeiras, identificamos, nas propostas de reordenamento da arquitetura financeira internacional filiadas ao pensamento convencional, a busca dos mesmos princípios baseados na auto-regulação, em contraste com as propostas que partem do reconhecimento daquela instabilidade. Na seqüência, apontamos os vetores que a instituição de uma 'nova arquitetura financeira internacional¿ poderia comportar, não sem antes destacar a presença de importantes constrangimentos impostos por uma realidade marcada pela supremacia das finanças liberalizadas e desreguladas. Os determinantes de uma tal realidade, segundo entendemos (CONCLUSÃO), estão presentes em Marx, Keynes e Polanyi, cujas contribuições fornecem os elementos que permitem desenhar um quadro aproximativo do capitalismo contemporâneo, quadro esse cuja expressão mais acabada, conforme a tese desenvolvida, é a economia desregrada / Abstract: In an effort to pick the substratum of the contemporary capitalism, this thesis intends to identify the ways how the disappearance of the rules and of the borders leaves the capital given to their own movement laws. In that sense, it proposes that an approximate picture of the contemporary capitalism can be drawn through the concept of de-ruled economy (Introduction). The explored argument is what the construction of productive international circuits and, mainly, financial of capital valorization answers for the dismantle of the global 'pattern' of development inherited from the postwar period. So that the financial wealth, exacerbated by both the innovations of the financial instruments and the deregulation of the markets that characterize the economic policies in last decades, at the time in that it presides the capital valorization logic, it doesn't do more than to turn clear the capitalism prime objective: the expansion of the abstract wealth.This central and distinctive characteristic of the capitalism is, under different theoretical perspectives, underlined by Marx, Keynes and Polanyi, authors that analyze the foundations of the capitalist wealth and they refuse the classic legal profession concerning the market self-regulation capacity. Due to that, we defended that the resource to their contributions (respectively, Chapters I, II and III) it allows recovering the theoretical elements that we considered basic to place the theme of the recent transformations inside an immanent logic to the de-ruled economy, so that the economical history of the capitalism in the last room of the century XX is the one of a world that loses their references and it slides for the instability and appealing crises, in the exact measure in that it overflows the disappearance of the rules and of the borders that discipline the capital. It is inside that analytical and theoretical perspective that we tried to map the structural flaws of the system erected in Bretton Woods, whose institutional architecture answers, largely, for the social arrangement from the second postwar to the explosion of the keynesian consensus crisis (Chapter IV).Equally, we appreciated the transformations that happen in the sequence of the rupture of Bretton Woods system, with intention of apprehend the most important determinations of the new tensions that are unfolded until the current crisis (Chapter V), with what we treated of the coordination experiments that marked the last room of the century XX with the intention of marking that, from that rupture, the system is under the aegis of a de-ruled coordination. The recurrence of financial crises that then is installed turns explicit the exacerbation of the de-ruled economy intrinsic instability tendency. After having approached some of the recent contributions of the economic literature on the financial crises, we identified, in the proposals of reordering the international financial architecture adopted to the canonical thought, the search of the same principles based on the self-regulation, in contrast with the proposals that leave of the recognition of that instability. Then, we pointed the vectors that the institution of a 'new international financial architecture' it could hold, not without before to detach the presence of important constraints imposed by a reality marked by the supremacy of the liberalized and deregulated finances.The determinant of a such reality, as we understood (Conclusion), are present in Marx, Keynes and Polanyi, whose contributions supply the elements that allow to draw an approximate picture of the contemporary capitalism, that whose accurate expression is, according to the developed thesis, the de-ruled economy / Doutorado / Teoria Economica / Doutor em Ciências Econômicas
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