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Synthesis and electrochemistry of novel conducting dendrimeric star copolymers on poly(propylene imine) dendrimerBaleg, Abd Almonam Abd Alsalam January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / One of the most powerful aspects of conducting polymers is their ability to be nanostructured through innovative, synthetically manipulated, transformations, such as to tailor-make the polymers for specialized applications. In the exponentially increasing wide field of nanotechnology, some special attention is being paid to innovative hybrid dendrimer-core based polymeric smart materials. Star copolymers are a class of branched macromolecules having a central core with multiple linear polymer chains extending from the core. This intrinsic structural feature yields a unique 3D structure with extended conjugated linear polymer chains, resulting in star copolymers, which have higher ionic conductivities than their corresponding non-star conducting polymer counterparts. In this study an in-depth investigation was carried out into the preparation and characterization of specialized electronic smart materials. In particular, the preparation and characterization of novel conducting dendrimeric star copolymers which have a central poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer core with conducting polypyrrole (PPy) chains extending from the core was carried out. This involved, first, the preparation of a series of dendrimeric polypyrrole poly(propylene imine) star copolymers (PPI-co-PPy), using generations 1 to 4 (G1 to G4) PPI dendrimer precursors. The experimental approach involved the use of both chemical and electrochemical synthesis methods. The basic procedure involved a condensation reaction between the primary amine of a diamino functional PPI dendrimer surface and 2-pyrrole aldehyde, to afford the pyrrole functionalized PPI dendrimer (PPI-2Py). Polymerization of the intrinsically contained monomeric Py units situated within the dendrimer backbone was achieved via two distinctly different routes: the first involved chemical polymerization and the second was based on potentiodynamic oxidative electrochemical polymerization. The star copolymers were then characterized using various sophisticated analytical techniques, in-situ and ex-situ. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1HNMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to determine the structures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the morphology. Themogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to study the thermal stability of the prepared materials. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) was used to study the structural make-up of phases, crystallinity and amorphous content. Hall effect measurements were carried out to determine the electrical conductivity of the chemically prepared star copolymers. The PPI-co-PPy exhibited improved thermal stability compared to PPI-2Py, as confirmed by TGA. SEM results showed that the surface morphology of the functionalized dendrimer and star copolymer differed. The surface morphology of the chemically prepared star copolymers resembled that of a flaky, waxy material, compared to the ordered morphology of the electrochemically grown star copolymers, which resembled that of whelk-like helixes. In the case the electrochemically grown star copolymers, SEM images recorded at higher magnifications showed that the whelk-like helixes of the star copolymers were hollow tubes with openings at their tapered ends, and had an average base diameter of 2.0 mu;m. X-ray diffraction analysis of the first generation star copolymer G1PPI-co-PPy revealed a broadly amorphous structure associated with PPy, and crystalline peaks for PPI. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were used to study and model the electrochemical reactivity of the star copolymer materials. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data showed that the G1PPI-co-PPy exhibited slightly higher ionic conductivity than pristine PPy in lithium perchlorate. The second generation star copolymer G2PPI-co-PPy electrochemically deposited on a platinum (Pt) electrode had a lower electrochemical charge transfer resistance compared to electrodeposited polypyrrole (PPy) on a Pt electrode, and bare Pt. The decrease in charge transfer resistance was attributed to an increase in the conjugation length of the polymer as a result of the linking of the highly conjugated PPy to the PPI dendrimer. Bode impedimetric analysis indicated that G2PPI-co-PPI was a semiconductor, with a maximum phase angle shift of 45.3° at 100 MHz. The star copolymer exhibited a 2- electron electrochemistry and a surface coverage of 99%. Results of Hall effect measurements showed that the star copolymer is a semiconducting material, having a conductivity of 0.7 S cm-1, in comparison to the 1.5 S cm-1 of PPy. To the best of my knowledge, these new star copolymers have not been reported in the open literature. Their properties make them potentially applicable for use in biosensors. / South Africa
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Frequency and voltage-modulated electrochemical aflatoxin b1immunosensor systems prepared on electroactive organic polymer platformsOdero, Owino Joseph Hasael January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / In the presented work, immunosensors for detection of Aflatoxin B1 based on
different immobilization platforms were studied. Synthesis of an electroactive
hydrogel was also carried out. Aflatoxins are a group of mycotoxins that have
deleterious effects on humans and are produced during fungal infection of plants or plant products. Electrochemical immunosensor for the determination of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was developed with anti-aflatoxin B1 antibody immobilized on Pt electrodes modified with polyaniline (PANi) and polystyrene sulphonic acid (PSSA). Impedimetric analysis shows that the electron transfer resistances of Pt/PANi-PSSA electrode, Pt/PANi-PSSA/AFB1-Ab immunosensor and Pt/PANi- PSSA/AFB1-Ab incubated in BSA were 0.458, 720 and 1066 kΩ, respectively. These results indicate that electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a suitable method for monitoring the change in electron-transfer resistance associated with the immobilization of the antibody. Modelling of EIS data gave equivalent circuits which showed that the electron transfer resistance increased from 0.458 kΩ for Pt/PANi-PSSA electrode to 1066 kΩ for Pt/PANi- PSSA/AFB1-Ab immunosensor, indicating that immobilization of the antibody and incubation in BSA introduced an electron transfer barrier. The AFB1 immunosensor had a detection limit of 0.1 mg/L and a sensitivity of 869.6 k ΩL/mg. In the second platform an immunosensor based on gold nanoparticles (AuNP) and polythionine-modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for the determination of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was developed. Aflatoxin B1-BSA conjugate was immobilised on the modified GCE. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or Bovine serum albumin (BSA) were used to block sites against non-specific binding of the AFB1- conjugate with other compounds such as the salts used in preparing the buffer when the antibody interacts with the AFB1 conjugate and free AFB1. Competition reaction was allowed to take place between the free AFB1 and AFB1-conjugate for the binding sites of the anti-aflatoxin B1 antibody. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was employed to characterize the electrochemical properties of the modified process. The peak separation of the immunosensor (ΔEp) was 62 mV indicating a quasi reversible process. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used to monitor the analytical signal. The response decreased with an increase in AFB1 concentration in the range of 0.6-2.4 ng/mL with a limit of detection of 0.07 and 0.16 ng/mL for HRP and BSA blocked immunosensors respectively. Significantly the low detection limit of 0.07 ng/mL is within the limits set by worl health organization (WHO) for AFB1 and its derivatives which is 2 ng/mL The proposed method eliminates the use of secondary antibody enzymatic labels. Synthesis and characterization of (p-(HEMA)-polyaniline hydrogels were
investigated. The hydrogels were synthesized using: 2-Hydroxyeththyl
methacrylate (HEMA), N-Tris (hydroxymethyl) methyl] acrylamide, 3-
Sulfopropyl methacrylate potassium salt, Tetraethylene glycol diacrylate, Poly-(2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate), 2, 2-Dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone and aniline by UV irradiation. Two sets of the hydrogels were prepared using water / 1, 3, 3, 3-(tetramethyl butyl phenyl polyethylene glycol [Triton X-100] and water / ethylene glycol as the solvent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a more uniform pore size when Triton X 100 (TX-100 HG) was used as compared to ethylene glycol (EG-HG). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that both hydrogels were stable up to 270 oC. Fourier transform-Infra red (FTIR) spectrum confirmed the incorporation of polyaniline (PANi) and HEMA in the composite. Electrochemical properties of the hydrogels evaluated using Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) demonstrated the electroactivity and conductivity.
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3D Printing and Characterization of PLA Scaffolds for Layer-by-Layer BioAssembly in Tissue Engineering / Impression 3D et Caractérisation des Scaffolds en PLA pour Assemblage Couche par Couche en Ingénierie TissulaireGuduric, Vera 13 December 2017 (has links)
L’Ingénierie tissulaire (IT) est un domaine interdisciplinaire qui applique les principes de l'ingénierie et des sciences de la vie au développement de substituts biologiques afin de restaurer, maintenir ou améliorer la fonction tissulaire. Sa première application consiste à remplacer les tissus endommagés par des produits cellulaires artificiels. Une autre application de l’IT est basée sur la production des modèles en 2 et 3 dimensions (2D et 3D) pour des études biologiques et pharmacologiques in vitro. Ces modèles ou remplacements de tissus peuvent être fabriqués en utilisant des différentes méthodes de médecine, biologie, chimie, physique, informatique et mécanique, fournissant un micro-environnement spécifique avec différents types de cellules, facteurs de croissance et matrice. L'un des principaux défis de l'IT la pénétration cellulaire limitée dans les parties internes des biomatériaux poreux. Une faible viabilité cellulaire au centre du produit d'IT est la conséquence de la diffusion limitée d'oxygène et de nutriments du fait d’un réseau vasculaire insuffisant dans l'ensemble de la construction 3D. Le BioAssembage couche-par-couche est une nouvelle approche basée sur l'assemblage de petites constructions cellularisées permettant une distribution cellulaire homogène et une vascularisation plus efficace dans des produits d’IT.Notre hypothèse est que l'approche couche-par-couche est plus adaptée à la régénération osseuse que l'approche conventionnelle de l'IT. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer les avantages de l'approche couche-par-couche en utilisant des membranes de polymères imprimées en 3D et ensemencées avec des cellules primaires humaines. Nous avons évalué l'efficacité de la formation du réseau vasculaire in vivo dans toute la construction 3D en utilisant cette approche et en la comparant à l'approche conventionnelle basée sur l'ensemencement des cellules sur la surface des scaffolds massives. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative dans le nombre de vaisseaux sanguins formés en 3D au niveau des parties externes des constructions implantées en site souscutanée chez des souris. Mais dans les parties internes des implants qui n'étaient pas en contact direct avec un tissu hôte, nous avons pu observer une formation des vaisseaux sanguins statistiquement plus efficace lorsque l'approche du bio-assemblage couche-par-couche a été utilisée. Cette formation de réseau vasculaire était plus importante dans le cas de co-cultures que de mono-cultures.Il y avait plusieurs objectifs secondaires dans ce travail. Le premier était de fabriquer des constructions 3D cellularisées pour l'IT en utilisant des membranes d'acide polylactique (PLA) et des cellules primaires humaines : des cellules de stroma de moelle osseuse humaine (HBMSCs) isolées de la moelle osseuse et des cellules progénitrices endothéliales (EPCs) isolées du sang du cordon ombilical. Ensuite, nous avons comparé différentes technologies de fabrication des scaffolds: impression 3D directe à partir de poudre de PLA et impression par fil fondu en utilisant une imprimante commerciale et une autre fabriquée sur mesure. L'imprimante sur mesure a permis le plus haut niveau de résolution d'impression spécialement adaptée à la forme et la taille des pores. Par ailleurs, nous avons évalué différents systèmes de stabilisation pour l'assemblage couche par couche : l’utilisation de clips en PLA imprimés en 3D a fourni une stabilisation plus efficace pour empiler les membranes PLA couche par couche. Un autre avantage de ce système de stabilisation est qu'il peut être implanté avec des implants. Ensuite, nous avons observé une prolifération et une différenciation cellulaire plus efficaces lorsque le système de co-culture était utilisé, en comparaison avec des mono-cultures.L'approche du bioassemblage couche-par-couche semble être une solution appropriée pour une vascularisation efficace dans des structures 3D entières d'ingénierie tissulaire. / Tissue Engineering (TE) is “an interdisciplinary field that applies principles of engineering and the life sciences toward development of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue function”. The First application of TE is to replace damaged tissues by artificial cell-materials products of tissue engineering (TE). Another TE application is to produce 2 or 3 dimensional (2D and 3D) models for biological and pharmacological in vitro studies. These models or tissue replacements can be fabricated using a combination of different interdisciplinary methods of medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, informatics and mechanics, providing specific micro-environment with different cell types, growth factors and matrix.One of the major challenges of tissue engineering is related to limited cell penetration in the inner parts of porous biomaterials. Poor cell viability in the center of engineered tissue is a consequence of limited oxygen and nutrients diffusion due to insufficient vascular network within the entire construct. Layer-by-layer (LBL) BioAssembly is a new approach based on assembly of small cellularized constructs that may lead to homogenous cell distribution and more efficient three dimensional vascularization of large tissue engineering constructs.Our hypothesis is that LBL Bioassembly approach is more suitable for bone regeneration than conventional tissue engineering approach. The primary objective of this thesis was to evaluate the advantages of LBL Bioassembly approach using 3D-printed polymer membranes seeded with human primary cells. We have evaluated the efficiency of vascular network formation in vivo within entire 3D tissue engineering construct using LBL bioassembly approach and comparing it to the conventional approach based on seeding of cells on the surface of massive 3D scaffolds. There was no significant difference in number of formed blood vessels in 3D at the outer parts of constructs implanted subcutaneously in mice 8 weeks post-implantation. But in the inner parts of implants which were not in direct contact with a host tissue, we could observe statistically more blood vessel formation when LBL bioassembly approach was used. This vascular network formation was more important in the case of co-cultures than mono-vultures of HBMSCs.There were several secondary objectives in this work. The first was to fabricate cellularized 3D constructs for bone tissue engineering using poly(lactic) acid (PLA) membranes and human primary cells: human bone marrow stroma cells (HBMSCs) isolated from the bone marrow, and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) isolated from the umbilical cord blood. Then, we have compared different Additive manufacturing technologies to fabricate scaffolds: direct 3D printing (3DP) starting from PLA powder dissolved in chloroform and fused deposition modelling (FDM) using a commercial or a custom-made printer with different resolutions.The custom-made printer equipped with 100 μm nozzle allowed the highest level of printing resolution concerning pores shape and size. In the meantime we evaluated different stabilization systems for layer-by-layer assembling of PLA membranes with human primary cells: the use of 3D printed PLA clips provided the most efficient stabilization to stack PLA membranes in 3D. Another advantage of this stabilization system is that it could be implanted together with LBL constructs. Then we investigated the most suitable cell culture system for such constructs and we observed more efficient cell proliferation and differentiation when co-culture system is used, comparing to mono-cultures.LBL bioassembly approach seems to be suitable solution for efficient vascularization within entire large 3D tissue engineering constructs especially when co-cultures of mesenchymal and endothelial cells are used.
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Preparation of polymeric nanoparticles for topical anti-inflammatory applications / Préparation de nanoparticules à base de polymère pour applications anti-inflammatoires topiquesBadri, Waisudin 19 June 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d’encapsuler l'indométacine dans des nanoparticules polymériques en association à l’huile essentielle de Nigella Sativa L. extraite à partir de ses graines afin d’optimiser son utilisation par voie cutanée et potentialiser son activité anti-inflammatoire.Pour ce faire, des nanoparticules à base de poly-epsilon-caprolactone ont été préparées par nanoprécipitation. Une étude systématique a été menée pour comprendre l'effet de la variation des paramètres de préparation sur les propriétés colloïdales des nanoparticules obtenues. Une fois les différents paramètres optimisés, l'indométacine et l'huile essentielle de Nigella Sativa L. ont été encapsulées séparément dans les nanoparticules polymériques. Puis, l’ensemble, indométacine et huile essentielle de Nigella Sativa L. a été encapsulé. Les nanoparticules préparées ont à chaque fois été caractérisées notamment en termes de stabilité et de performance d’encapsulation. Ensuite, nous avons mené une étude ex vivo et in vivo des nanoparticules obtenues afin d’évaluer le potentiel de pénétration cutanée d’une part, et le potentiel clinique dans la prise en charge de l’inflammation / The objective of this PhD thesis was to extract the Nigella Sativa L. Seeds Essential Oil and its encapsulation together with indomethacin within polymeric nanoparticles in order to reduce taken amount and to enhance indomethacin cutaneous penetration, and anti-inflammatory activity. To this direction poly-epsilon-caprolactone based nanoparticles were designed using nanoprecipitation method. A systematic study was performed to figure out the effect of process and formulation parameters on the characteristics of obtained nanoparticles. Once the effects of all parameters were studied, then indomethacin and Nigella Sativa L. Seeds Essential Oil was encapsulated separately. Consequently, both together indomethacin and Nigella Sativa L. Seeds Essential Oil was encapsulated. Then prepared nanoparticles were characterized in terms of stability, encapsulation efficiency. In addition, ex vivo skin penetration and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of designed nanoparticles was investigated
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Modification of Wood Surfaces via controlled Polymerization MethodsKönigsmann, Martin 27 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydrodynamic modeling of poly-solid reactive circulating fluidized beds : Application to Chemical Looping Combustion / Modélisation hydrodynamique de lits fluidisés circulants poly-solides réactifs : application à la combustion en boucle chimiqueNouyrigat, Nicolas 28 March 2012 (has links)
Une étude précise des écoulements gaz-particules poly-solides et réactifs rencontrés dans les lits fluidisés circulants (LFC) appliqués au procédé de Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) est indispensable pour prédire un point de fonctionnement stable et comprendre l'influence de la réaction et de la polydispersion sur l'hydrodynamique des LFC. Dans ce but, des simulations avec le code NEPTUNE_CFD ont été confrontées aux expériences menées à l'Université Technologique de Compiègne par ALSTOM. Cette modélisation a été validée sur des LFC non réactifs mono-solides et poly-solides. L'influence des caractéristiques des particules et de la position des injecteurs sur l'entrainement de solide est étudiée. Un modèle de prise en compte de la production locale de gaz au cours de la réaction est présenté. L'étude locale de l'écoulement a permis de comprendre l'influence des collisions interparticulaire et de la production locale de gaz sur l'écoulement. Finalement, un point de fonctionnement a été proposé pour le pilote CLC en construction à Darmstadt. Ce travail a montré que NEPTUNE_CFD pouvait prédire l'hydrodynamique de LFC poly-solides à l'échelle du pilote industriel et participer au dimensionnement de centrales de types CLC. / This work deals with the development, validation and application of a model of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) in a circulating fluidized bed system. Chapter 1 is an introduction on Chemical Looping Combustion. It rst presents the most important utilizations of coal in the energy industry. Then, it shows that because of the CO2 capture policy, new technologies have been developed in the frame of post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxy-combustion. Then, the Chemical Looping Combustion technology is presented. It introduces multiple challenges: the choice of the Metal Oxide or the denition of the operating point for the fuel reactor. Finally, it shows that there are two specicities for CFD modeling: the influence of the collisions between particles of different species and the local production of gas in the reactor due to the gasication of coal particles. Chapter 2 outlines the CFD modeling approach: the Eulerian-Eulerian approach extended to flows involving different types of particles and coupled with the chemical reactions. Chapter 3 consists in the validation of the CFD model on mono-solid (monodisperse and poly-disperse) and poly-solid flows with the experimental results coming from an ALSTOM pilot plant based at the Universite Tchnologique de Compiegne (France). The relevance of modeling the polydispersity of a solid phase is shown and the influence of small particles in a CFB of large particles is characterized. This chapter shows that the pilot plant hydrodynamics can be predicted by an Eulerian-Eulerian approach. Chapter 4 consists in the validation of the CFD model on an extreme bi-solid CFB of particles of same density but whith a large particle diameter ratio. Moreover, the terminal settling velocity of the largest particles are twice bigger than the fluidization velocity: the hydrodynamics of the large particles are given by the hydrodynamics of the smallest. An experiment performed by Fabre (1995) showed that large particles can circulate through the bed in those operating conditions. Our simulations predicted a circulation of large particles, but underestimated it. It is shown that it can be due to mesh size eect. Finally, a simulation in a periodic box of this case was dened and allowed us to show the major influence of collisions between species. Chapter 5 presents the simulation of a hot reactive CLC pilot plant under construction in Darmstadt (Germany). The simulations account for the chemical reactions and describe its eect on the hydrodynamics. Different geometries and operating conditions are tested.
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Réparation par excision de base au niveau mitochondrial chez la drosophile. Analyse d'un acteur potentiel de ce processus : la protéine PARP / Repair by basic excision at the mitochondrial level in Drosophila. Analysis of a potential actor in this process : the PARP proteinCruz-Rodriguez, Luis 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les mitochondries sont des organites essentiels pour la production d'énergie cellulaire grâce à la synthèse d'ATP au cours des étapes de phosphorylations oxydatives (OXPHOS). Les complexes de la chaine respiratoire sont en partie codés par le génome mitochondrial (ADNmt), dont la structure est très sensible aux facteurs exogènes ou endogènes. De nombreuses mutations de l'ADNmt sont associées à des dysfonctionnements de la chaine respiratoire conduisant à des pathologies. La production d’Espèces Oxygénées Réactives (EOR) mitochondriale est la principale source de dommages à l’ADNmt. Une voie de réparation particulière, le système de réparation par excision de bases (BER) est mis en oeuvre dans ce cas. Nous avons, au cours de notre étude, analysé le système BER mitochondrial chez la drosophile. Dans une première approche, nous avons caractérisé de manière globale par une technologie de puces à ADN un ensemble de glycosylases et endonucléases impliquées dans la voie BER mitochondriale et comparé leur variation au cours du vieillissement. Cette étude a été complétée par une analyse transcriptionnelle sur des modèles de drosophiles mutantes pour des enzymes spécifiques de la voie BER, ceci afin de déterminer les éventuelles interactions transcriptionnelles entre les acteurs de cette voie. L’ARNm de Parp présentait de fortes variations dans les différents contextes mutants testés. C’est une molécule essentielle de la réparation BER. Elle a fait l’objet dans un deuxième temps, d’une étude plus approfondie. Dans le modèle des cellules S2, PARP bien que majoritairement nucléaire est également présent dans la mitochondrie. Le comportement différentiel des deux variants ARNm de Parp a pu être mis en évidence lors de stress cellulaires. Les isoformes protéiques de PARP observées dans nos études apparaissent différentes de celles habituellement décrites dans la littérature. Cet aspect a été discuté. / Mitochondria are key organelles mainly devoted to energy production through ATP synthesis. Such a function is permitted by oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) within mitochondria inner membrane. Key components of the OXPHOS processes are encoded by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is particularly sensitive to exogenous or endogenous insults. As a result, mtDNA mutations are often correlated with OXPHOS dysfunction leading to diseases. ROS production in mitochondria is the main source of mtDNA damage. Such DNA damages are mainly taken over by BER systems within mitochondria. In this study, we focused on this peculiar mitochondrial DNA repair system in Drosophila. In a first step, we analysed in a comprehensive manner through microarray, most glycosylases and endonucleases involved in mitochondrial BER and compared their evolution during aging. Using mutant flies for specific BER enzymes, we started to decipher some of the transcriptional interactions between key BER actors. In a second step, Parp molecule was further studied due its changes in all mutant contexts and for its importance in several cellular processes. We described its nuclear but also its mitochondrial location in S2 cells. Interestingly, two Parp mRNA variants were observed showing distinct regulations following stress induction. However, PARP protein isoforms observed in this study were different compared to what was described in literature. This discrepancy is discussed.
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Caracterização de filmes formados por dispersões aquosas de poli(uretano-uréia)s para aplicação em membranas para permeação de gases / Characterizations of films formed from aqueous dispersions of poly(urethane-urea)s for use as membranes for gas permeationJuliana Henriques Costa Pereira 28 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Entre os polímeros considerados promissores para a remoção seletiva de CO2, destacam-se aqueles que contêm os grupos glicol etilênico (EG). Nesta dissertação, foram obtidos filmes a partir de dispersões aquosas de poliuretano (PU), sintetizadas em trabalho anterior, à base de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG), copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) (PEG) e PPG (EG-b-PG), ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e etilenodiamina (EDA). PPG, EG-b-PG e DMPA formaram as regiões flexíveis nas proporções de: PPG 100% e 0% EG-b-PG, PPG 75% e 25% EG-b-PG, PPG 50% e 50% EG-b-PG e PPG 25% e 75% EG-b-PG em termos de equivalentes-gramas. A influência da quantidade dos segmentos de PEG foi avaliada por ensaios de permeação com os gases CO2, CH4 e N2. Os filmes obtidos das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectrometria de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), difração de raios x (DRX) e espalhamento de raios X a baixo ângulo (SAXS). Espectros de FTIR mostraram que os segmentos de EG influenciaram a frequência da banda de carbonila. Curvas de perda de massa (TG) mostraram perfis semelhantes de degradação, enquanto que as curvas derivadas apresentaram diferenças. DRX e SAXS mostraram que os segmentos de PEG promoveram uma maior ordenação na estrutura da membrana. Testes de permeação de gases mostraram que o aumento do teor de PEG aumentou o valor da permeabilidade para o CO2, indicando que os segmentos de PEG interagiram favoravelmente com este gás. Em relação ao CH4 e N2, houve uma diminuição na permeabilidade quando comparados com os valores encontrados para o CO2, sendo atribuído a perda de mobilidade segmental. Em termos de seletividade, para o par CO2/CH4 foi obtido um valor médio de 61,7 para a membrana contendo o maior teor de PEG, e o par CO2/N2 um valor médio de 121,5, sendo superior aos valores encontrados na literatura, tornando o material promissor / Among the polymers considered promising for the selective removal of CO2 from natural gas, those containing ethylene glycol groups (EG) are the most distinguished. In this study cast films were obtained from aqueous dispersions of polyurethane (PU), synthesized in a previous work with poly (propylene glycol) (PPG), block copolymer based on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and PPG, dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and ethylenediamine (EDA). Segments of PPG, EG-b-PG and DMPA formed the flexible domains in the proportions of: PPG 100% and 0% EG-b-PG, PPG 75% and 25% EG-b-PG, PPG 50% and 50% EG-b-PG and PPG 25% and 75% EG-b-PG, in terms of equivalent-grams. The influence of the amount of PEG segments in permeation properties of CO2, CH4 and N2 was verified by permeability essays. The membranes were obtained as cast films from the dispersions and was characterized by infrared spectrometry (FTIR), termogravimetric analysis (TGA), X ray diffractometry (XRD) and small angle X ray scattering (SAXS). FTIR spectra showed that PEG segments influenced carbonyl band frequency. Loss of mass curves with temperature (TG) showed similar profiles of degradation, whereas DTG curves presented more stages. PEG segments conferred higher thermal stability for the materials. XRD and SAXS analysis showed that PEG promoted ordination to the membranes. In gas permeation tests, it was verified that the increase in copolymer amount increased permeability value for CO2, being attributed to the fact that the segments of poly(ethylene glycol) interacted favorably with this gas. In relation to CH4 and N2, there was a significant decrease in permeability when compared to the values found for CO2, being assigned to a loss of segmental mobility with increasing content of EG. In terms of selectivity, the pair CO2/CH4 had a mean value of 61,7 for the membrane containing the highest amount of EG groups, and the pair CO2/N2 produced a mean value of 121,5 for the same one, being superior than those found in the literature, making a promising material
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Synthesis and Studies of Dendritic Poly (Ether Imine) Boronates and Cholesteryl-Functionalized MesogensPrabhat, Kumar January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Synthesis and Studies of Dendritic Poly(Ether Imine) Boronates and Cholesteryl-Functionalized Mesogens SYNOPSIS Dendrimers are hyperbranched synthetic macromolecules having branches-upon-branches structures, high molecular weights, globular shapes and monodispersities. Dendrimers possess a large number of modifiable functional groups at their peripheries. Initial efforts were largely concerned with the synthesis, design and development of new dendrimers. Exploring the chemical, biological and material applicability of these macromolecules are relevant to current interests, as a result of the unique structural features of dendrimers. Incorporation of transition metals and organic moieties at the peripheries of the dendrimers was studied to determine their efficacies in catalysis. Evolution of dendritic effects was observed in few instances, that were non-linear in nature. On the other hand, dendritic peripheries were also utilized to study mesogenic properties in liquid crystals. Chapter 1 of the Thesis gives an overview of the types of dendrimers, its structural features and their application in catalysis and as liquid crystalline materials.
Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of a new type of poly(ethyl ether imine) dendrimer, having nitrogen as a branching unit, ethylene moiety as the spacer and an oxygen as the
connecting linker. Synthesis, characterization, and studies of the
photophysical properties of these dendrimers are described in this chapter. The molecular structure of second generation dendrimer is shown in Figure
1. Synthesis of this dendrimer was initiated using 2,2'-oxy-bis(ethan-1¬amine) as the core. The reaction sequence of two alternate nucleophilic substitutions and two alternate reductions, involving ethyl bromoacetate and bromoacetonitrile as monomers was employed in the synthesis of the dendrimer. The formation of dendrimers having ether linkage and tertiary amines as branching unit was established by spectroscopies and mass spectrometry. A number of functional groups, such as, acid, alcohol, amine, ester and nitrile are present at the peripheries of each generation the dendrimers that open up the possibilities for further studies.
Carboxylic acid terminated poly(ethyl ether imine) dendrimers are substituted iminodiacetic acids, belonging to the class of polyaminocarboxylic acid. Methyl iminodiacetic acid boronates with NB coordination have emerged as an excellent substitute for unstable boronic acids. Upon increasing the steric bulk on the nitrogen moiety, the hydrolytic stability of the boronates to a base-catalyzed hydrolysis is increased. Combining the structure of carboxylic acid terminated dendrimer and the stability of the dendritic boronates, such dendritic iminodiacetic acids were reacted with arylboronic acids to prepare bis-and tetrakis-boronates (Figure 2).
Kinetic hydrolytic studies of boronates were conducted to assess the stabilities of the newly synthesized dendritic boronates. From the studies it was observed that the tetrakis-boronate was ~20 times more stable in comparison with dimeric and monomeric boronates (Figure 3).
Subsequent to synthesis and hydrolytic stability studies, C-C bond-forming Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions were conducted. A comparison of the reactivities among monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric arylboronates in C-C bond-forming reactions showed a higher reactivity of monomeric and dimeric boronates, than the tetrameric aryl boronate to construct ter-and tetra-aryl in one-pot iterative manner (Figure 4). Chapter 3 of this Thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of dendritic boronates and studies of their hydrolytic stability in Suzuki-Miyaura cross¬coupling reactions to construct ter-and tetraaryls.
Figure 4. Synthesis of (a) ter-(6) and (b) tetra-aryls (7) by following one-pot iterative cross-coupling reactions.
Step-wise iterative synthesis of dendrimer allows a uniform branching throughout the structure. The first and second generation poly(ether imine) dendrimer series, having hydroxyl groups at their peripheries were chosen for further modification. A versatile mesogenic group, namely, cholesterol was covalently attached at the peripheries of the dendrimers with succinic moiety as linker, so as to install 4 and 8 cholesteryl moieties at
the peripheries of the dendrimers (Figure 5), that were characterized by H, C NMR spectroscopies and elemental analysis, so as to confirm their structural homogeneities.
Figure 5. Molecular structures of the first and second generation dendritic mesogens.
Subsequent to synthesis and characterization, liquid crystalline properties of all the dendritic mesogens was assessed through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarizing optical microscopy (POM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. In POM study, broken fan or leaf like texture revealed the lamellar arrangement, whereas homeotropic appearance of texture on surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) coated substrate indicated the lamellar nature of G1-Et-(OCS)4, G1-Pr-(OCS)4 and G2-Pr-(OCS)8 (Figure 6). From DSC studies, the change in enthalpy was found to increase with increase in generation and change in enthalpy per mesogenic unit was found to be ~
1-2 kJ mol, which indicated the mesophase arrangement to be lamellar. Decrease in the length of spacer dendritic backbone and increase in the generation increased the isotropization temperature of the dendritic liquid crystals.
Variable temperature XRD studies were undertaken to characterize the mesophase property. Two sharp peaks in small angle region and a diffused halo in wide angle region in XRD pattern of the material suggested the smectic A (SmA) liquid crystalline arrangement of G1-Et-(OCS)4, G1-Pr-(OCS)4 and G2-Pr-(OCS)8 (Figure 7).
Figure 6. POM textures of (a) G1-Et-(OCS)4 at 136 oC; (b) G2-Et-(OCS)8 at 129 oC; (c) G1-Pr-(OCS)4 at 92 oC; (d) G2-Pr-(OCS)8 at 118 oC and (e) transition temperatures for dendromesogens (DSC second heating cycle, heating-cooling rate = 10 oC min-1).
Figure 7. Small angle XRD profiles of: (a) G1-Pr-(OCS)4 and (b) G2-Et-(OCS)8 at 60
C (black), 150 oC (red) and 180 oC (green), (Insets: Lorentzean fit of wide angle peak).
The second generation ethyl-linker dendrimer G2-Et-(OCS)8 exhibited a layered structure with a superimposed in-plane modulation (SmÃ), the length of which corresponded to a rectangular column width. Chapter 4 describes the synthesis, characterization and studies of mesophase property and fluorescence property of cholesterol functionalized homologous pairs of the PETIM dendritic liquid crystals.
Peripheral functionalization of the dendrimers provides an easy access to dendritic liquid crystalline materials. The covalent functionalization was extended further with the dendrimers for both the series, so as to have 2, 4, 8 and 16 cholesteryl groups at the peripheries of 0, 1, 2 and 3 generation dendrimers, respectively, having succinic amide and phthalic ester functionalities for 1, 2 and 3 generation dendrimers with 4, 8 and 16 cholesteryl groups. Molecular structures of third generation dendrimers are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Molecular structures of third generation G3-Pr-(NHCS)16 and G3-Pr-(OCP)16.
Subsequent to synthesis and characterization, mesophase property was studied through POM, DSC and XRD techniques. In POM study, a birefringent texture was observed in heating and cooling cycles. Leaflet, broken fan or bâtonnet like texture suggested the layered arrangement of the molecules (Figure 9). In DSC studiues, it was observed that the amide-linked dendrimers showed higher glass transition and isotropization temperatures than that of ester-linked dendrimers within the same generation irrespective of the back-bone of the dendrimer. Succinic moiety linked dendrimers showed lower glass transition temperature than that of phthalic moiety linked dendrimers and consequently, larger mesophase range. The change in enthalpy for isotropization was found to increase with increase in generation, whereas change in
enthalpy per mesogenic unit was 1-2 kJ mol, indicative of a layered arrangement in the mesophase.
Figure 9. POM textures (20x) of (a) G3-Pr-(NHCS)16 at 90 oC; (b) G3-Pr-(OCS)16 at 90
C; (c) PG1-(NHCS)4 at 134 C; (d) G3-Pr-(OCP)16 at 98 C and (e) transition temperatures for dendromesogens (second cycle, heating-cooling rate = 10 oC min-1).
Appearance of two sharp peaks in small angle region and a wide halo in wide angle region in XRD pattern supported lamellar mesophase property of the material (Figure 10). On decreasing the temperature, increase in the layer thickness also suggested the smectic A arrangement of the molecules except third generation phthalate derivative G3-Pr-(OCP)16, which showed rectangular columnar mesophase. For all the dendromesogens, the layer thickness increased with the increase in generation. Upon protonation, the first generation dendrimer
showed a change in mesophase from simple smectic A to modulated smectic A with decrease in layer thickness. The change in liquid crystal property of the dendromesogens from lamellar to columnar mesophase by changing the linker of the mesogen is unknown so far in the dendrimer liquid crystals. Chapter 5 gives details of synthesis, characterization and mesophase property study of ester-and amide-linked dendritic liquid crystals.
Overall, the Thesis establishes
a synthetic methodology for the synthesis of a new homologous series of poly(ether imine) dendrimers with ethyl spacer;
synthesis of dendritic boronates and their studies in cross-coupling reactions through in-situ slow release of boronic acid;
hydrolytic stability study showed higher stability of dendritic boronates which was used in one-pot iterative cross-coupling reactions to construct ter-and tetra-aryls.
decrease in linker length in dendrimer backbone modified the thermal, as well as, mesophase behavior of the dendritic liquid crystals;
change in the linker functionality from ester to amide changed the thermal behavior of dendritic liquid crystals;
a switching of mesophase property from lamellar to columnar was observed by changing the rigidity of the linker from succinate to phthalate without changing the linker length.
The results of the above chapters are in different stages of publications:
1 Dendritic iminodiacetic acids and their boronates in Suzuki-Miyaura cross¬coupling reactions. Sharma, A.; Kumar, P.; Pal, R.; Jayaraman, N. Revised Manuscript submitted.
2 In-plane modulated smectic à vs smectic A lamellar structures in homologous pairs of dendritic liquid crystals. Kumar, P.; Rao, D. S. S.; Prasad, S. K.; Jayaraman, N. Revised Manuscript submitted.
3 Effect of protonation on dendritic liquid crystals of poly(ether imine) dendrimers: structure property relationship studies. Kumar, P.; Rao, D. S. S.; Prasad, S. K.; Jayaraman, N. Manuscript submitted.
4 Smectic to rectangular columnar switch from succinic to phthalic linker alteration in poly(ether imine) dendritic liquid crystals. Kumar, P.; Rao, D. S. S.; Prasad, S. K.; Jayaraman, N. Manuscript in preparation.
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Développement et optimisation de matériaux à base de poly (3,4-éthylène dioxythiophène) pour des applications thermoélectriques. / Development and optimization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) based materials for thermoelectric applicationsMassonnet, Nicolas 12 September 2014 (has links)
Les matériaux à propriétés thermoélectriques sont utilisés pour des applications de récupération d'énergie thermique, de génération de froid ou encore de détection de flux de chaleur. L'efficacité de ces matériaux, caractérisée par les facteurs de mérite et de puissance thermoélectriques, est optimale lorsque le coefficient Seebeck, la conductivité électrique, et la résistivité thermique sont élevés. Aux températures ambiantes, les meilleurs rendements sont atteints pour des alliages basés sur le tellurure de bismuth Bi2Te3 dont le coût et la toxicité sont des verrous pour le développement d'applications à grande échelle. Dans l'optique du développement d'alternatives à ces matériaux, les polymères conjugués sont envisagés depuis quelques années. Leurs propriétés sont toutefois largement inférieures à celles du Bi2Te3.Cette thèse a pour objectif l'étude et l'amélioration des performances thermoélectriques de matériaux basés sur le poly(3,4-éthylènedioxythiophène) ou PEDOT. Elle s'organise principalement autour de trois axes de travail. La première partie présente l'étude de propriétés thermoélectriques de formulations commerciales de PEDOT. L'influence de divers paramètres (l'ajout d'inclusions, l'utilisation d'un dopant secondaire, la modification de son taux d'oxydation…) sur les propriétés thermoélectriques est mesurée. Notamment, l'efficacité du dopage secondaire pour améliorer le facteur de puissance du matériau, ainsi que la relation entre le taux d'oxydation et le coefficient Seebeck du matériau, sont mis en évidence.Dans un second temps, le PEDOT est synthétisé avec des contre-ions à faible encombrement stérique et peu coordinants. Les propriétés thermoélectriques des matériaux obtenus sont supérieures à celles offertes par les formulations commerciales. La forte dépendance entre le transport de charge et la structure du matériau est mise en évidence. De plus, une méthode de dopage primaire du matériau permettant une forte augmentation de la conductivité électrique a été étudiée.Enfin, des pistes de réflexion pour l'intégration des matériaux développés dans cette thèse ont été explorées. Dans ce cadre, des méthodes de mises en forme originales ont notamment été démontrées.Cette thèse a permis d'apporter des éléments de compréhension sur les relations entre les propriétés thermoélectriques des polymères conjugués, leur taux d'oxydation, la nature de leurs dopants, et leur structure. Les résultats obtenus laissent envisager plusieurs voies d'optimisation des propriétés des matériaux organiques qui devront faire l'objet de futurs travaux. / Thermoelectric materials are useful for applications such as heat waste recovery, cold production or heat flux detection. The factor of merit and the power factor of the materials characterize their efficiency. These factors are optimal for high Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal resistivity. The higher yields for room-temperature applications are achieved with materials based on bismuth telluride alloys, but the cost and the toxicity of these materials prevent the development of large-scale applications. In recent years, conjugated polymers have been contemplated as alternatives for Bi2Te3, however, their thermoelectric properties are significantly lower.This thesis aims at studying and improving the thermoelectric performances of materials based on poly3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) or PEDOT. It consists of three areas of work. In the first part the thermoelectric properties of commercial formulations of PEDOT is presented. The influence of various parameters (such as additional loads, secondary doping species or redox reactions) on the thermoelectric properties is studied. Notably, the propensity of secondary doping to improve the power factor of the material, and the relationship between the oxidation and the Seebeck coefficient of the material rate, are set evidences.In a second part of the work, PEDOT is synthetized with less sterically hindered, poorly coordinating counter-ions. Thermoelectric properties of the resulting materials are higher than those offered by commercial formulations and the strong dependence of the charge transport and the material structure are highlighted. Moreover, a method of doping the primary material allowing great increases of the electrical conductivity was also studied.Finally, several routes for the integration of the above mentioned materials in thermoelectric modules are explored. Original shaping methods have been demonstrated.This thesis provides understandings on the relationship between the thermoelectric properties, the oxidation rate and the structure of conjugated polymers. The results suggest that several ways can be considered in order to improve the thermoelectric efficiency of these materials. These routes will be the subject of future work.
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