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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2003

Richter, Frank, Riedel, Ursula 22 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Die 'Mitteilungen des URZ' enthalten Informationen für die Nutzer des Universitätsrechenzentrums der TU Chemnitz und erscheinen vierteljährlich.

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2011

Clauß, Matthias, Heik, Andreas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang 20 June 2011 (has links)
Informationen für URZ-Nutzer, in dieser Ausgabe speziell zur Umstellung der Systemsoftware zentral administrierter Computer sowie zu Sicherheitsfragen für Webserver und E-Mail:o Windows7 am Campus der TUC o Active Directory Dienste o Scientific Linux 6 am Campus der TUC o Poolnutzung im Wintersemester 2011/12 o Sichere Geheimnisse für Webanwendungen auf zentralen Webservern o E-Mail-Bearbeitung sichern - ein Drama in mehreren Akten o Kurzinformationen: - Compute- und Referenz-Server für SL 6 - Windows Server 2008 R2 im Pilotbetrieb - Portal zur Beschaffung von Standard-PC-Technik - Renovierung Computerpools - Azubis im URZ - Facettierung im WebOPAC der UB o Software-News:

Dezinfekce bazénových vod vybraných provozů / Disinfection of pool water of selected operations

Novotný, Hana January 2022 (has links)
The work presents an overview of swimming pool disinfection technologies of selected operations. Selected indoor and outdoor pool operations were to be described, and the use of chlorine and chlorine-free disinfectants was to be determined and the data evaluated. These goals were met in the theoretical part of the thesis, which presents the current methods of treatment and disinfection of swimming pool water and compares their advantages and disadvantages. The comparison includes advantages and disadvantages, use and costs of disinfection methods, individual water quality indicators, and their importance and measurements. The work also focuses on microbiological and chemical health risks from swimming pool water. The practical part described the technologies of swimming pool water treatment in six selected swimming pool operations, focusing on the use of chlorine and chlorine-free disinfectants and their operation. Another 27 operators in the Czech Republic (combined, indoor and outdoor) were contacted in writing for the survey. A total of 27 indoor and 23 outdoor operations were compared in the survey.

Predicting Post-Mining Hydrologic Effects of Underground Coal Mines in Ohio throughMultivariate Statistical Analyses and GIS Tool Building

Steinberg, Rebecca M. 14 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Linking dissolved organic matter quality and quantity to CO2 and CH4 concentrations in ombrotrophic bog pools

Hassan, Mahmud 06 1900 (has links)
Les petits plans d'eau, en particulier ceux riches en matière organique, sont encore négligés en tant que sources naturelles majeures d'émission de carbone (C) dans l'atmosphère et contributeurs importants au bilan mondial de C. Les mares de tourbières riches en matières organiques sont une source nette de C atmosphérique dans les écosystèmes de tourbières, qui sont généralement un puits net de C. Ces mares émettent des gaz à effet de serre (GES) à des taux plus élevés, en particulier de méthane (CH4), par rapport à d'autres petits plans d'eau lentiques (petits lacs et étangs), ce qui peut être attribué à la connectivité hydraulique des bassins donc aux apports en C de la tourbe environnante et aux caractéristiques morphologiques des mares. Cependant, il existe très peu d'informations sur les schémas et les mécanismes de la dynamique du C dans les bassins de tourbières par rapport à leur couvert végétal ainsi qu'à d'autres petits environnements aquatiques. En particulier, la matière organique dissoute (MOD), un important intermédiaire et substrat de C, peut influencer la dynamique des émissions de GES, mais son rôle demeure méconnu à l'échelle intra- et inter-régionale. Dans cette étude, nous avons caractérisé et identifié les patrons intra- et interrégionaux et les mécanismes potentiels contrôlant la quantité et la qualité de la MOD et des concentrations de GES, ainsi que leurs liens en analysant une gamme de variables optiques et chimiques et en compilant les données géographiques (c'est-à-dire le climat, le couvert végétal et morphométrie des bassins) à partir de bassins de tourbières ombrotrophes dans cinq régions de l'est du Canada (Grande plée Bleue, sud du Québec et région de la Minganie, est du Québec) et du sud de la Patagonie chilienne (Punta Arenas, parc Karukinka et île Navarino). Nous avons également effectué un échantillonnage interannuel dans la Grande plée Bleue pour identifier les tendances temporelles des concentrations et de la composition des GES et de MOD. Nous avons trouvé une variabilité interrégionale élevée dans les patrons de MOD et de GES par rapport à la variabilité intrarégionale qui était cohérente avec l'hétérogénéité des propriétés géographiques, en particulier, le climat. Les patrons interrégionaux des concentrations de GES étaient de plus déterminés par la couverture végétale environnante, la morphométrie du bassin et la composition de la MOD de type protéique. D'autre part, bien que nous n'ayons pas observé de patrons temporels significatifs dans les concentrations de GES, de MOD et de la composition de type humique terrestre au cours de l’été dans la Grande plée Bleue, les patrons temporels de GES ont été influencés par la concentration de MOD, la composition de type humique terrestre, et la chimie interne de l'eau. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que les patrons interrégionaux de la MOD et des GES, et les liens entre eux, sont principalement contrôlés par le climat (température et précipitations), la couverture végétale et la morphométrie des bassins, tandis que les patrons temporels de la MOD et des GES sont principalement régis par des facteurs à l'échelle locale tels que la morphométrie des bassins et la connectivité hydrologique. / Small waterbodies, especially organic-rich, are still overlooked as a major natural source of carbon (C) emission to the atmosphere and an important contributor in the global C budget. Organic-rich peatland pools are generally net atmospheric C sources embedded in peatland ecosystems, which are generally net C sinks. They emit high areal rates of greenhouse gases (GHG), particularly methane (CH4), compared to other small lentic waterbodies (small lakes and ponds) which may be attributed to peat-pool hydraulic connectivity leading to C loading from the surrounding peat and morphological characteristics. But there is very little information on the patterns and drivers of C dynamics within peatland pools compared to their vegetated areas as well as other small aquatic environments. In particular, the role that dissolved organic matter (DOM), an important intermediate and C substrate, may play in GHG dynamics is poorly known at the intra- and inter-regional scales. In this study, we characterized and identified the intra- and inter regional patterns and drivers of DOM quantity and quality and GHG concentrations as well as their links. We did so by analyzing a range of optical and chemical variables and compiling geographic data (i.e., climate, vegetation cover and pool morphometry) from ombrotrophic peatland pools across five regions in eastern Canada (Grande plée Bleue, southern Québec and Minganie region, eastern Québec) and southern Chilean Patagonia (Punta Arenas, Karukinka Park and Navarino Island). We also conducted inter-annual sampling in Grande plée Bleue to identify the temporal patterns in GHG and DOM concentrations and composition. We found high inter-regional variability in DOM and GHG patterns compared to intra-regional variability which was coherent with the heterogeneity of geographical properties. Inter-regional patterns in GHG concentrations were driven by surrounding vegetation cover, pool morphometry and protein-like DOM composition. On the other hand, although we did not observe significant temporal patterns in GHG and DOM concentrations and terrestrial humic-like composition throughout the growing seasons in Grande plée Bleue, temporal patterns of GHG were influenced by the DOM concentration, terrestrial humic-like composition, and internal water chemistry. Overall, our results suggest that inter-regional patterns in DOM and GHG, and the links among them are predominantly controlled by the broad-scale patterns in climate (temperature and precipitation), vegetation cover, and pool morphometry, while temporal patterns in DOM and GHG are predominantly governed by local-scale drivers such as pool morphometry.

Hållbar Vattenanvändning : Tillgodoseende av behov av vatten för bevattning och fyllande av pooler / Sustainable water usage :  A sustainable supply of water need for irrigation and fillage of pools

Hård af Segerstad, Ebba, Odenlind, David January 2021 (has links)
I norra Storstockholm produceras och distribueras dricksvatten av kommunalförbundet Norrvatten. Under värmeböljan sommaren år 2018 ökade dricksvattenförbrukningen bland medlemskommunerna till en sådan hög nivå att Norrvattens tillgängliga kapacitet för dricksvattenproduktion riskerade att inte räcka till. En bidragande orsak till detta, antogs vara att en stor del av den ökade vattenförbrukningen gick till bevattning och fyllande av pooler. Det är ett behov som Norrvattens verksamhet inte är dimensionerad för att hantera. I takt med dagens växande befolkning i Norrvattens medlemskommuner och en hotande global uppvärmning, förväntas risken för kapacitetsbrist tillta. Således var syftet med detta arbete att studera hur behov av vatten för bevattning och fyllande av pooler kan tillgodoses på ett långsiktigt hållbart sätt bland Norrvattens medlemskommuner utifrån de tre hållbarhetsdimensionerna. Med hjälp av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och beräkningsmodeller identifierades alternativa lösningar och effektiviseringsmöjligheter gällande tillgodoseendet av vattenbehov för bevattning och poolfyllning. Dessutom genomfördes en stickprovsundersökning med syftet att studera socioekonomiska faktorer, vid eventuell implementering av de identifierade alternativa lösningarna och effektiviseringsmöjligheterna i Norrvattens medlemskommuner. Därefter applicerades en kvantitativ analys på det erhållna dataunderlaget med väldefinierade statistiska metoder för konfidensintervall och hypotesprövningar på signifikansnivån 5 %. Resultatet visade flertalet alternativa lösningar och effektiviseringsmöjligheter var passande att implementera för att tillgodose behov av vatten för bevattning och fyllande av pooler bland Norrvattens medlemskommuner. Det berodde på en stor välvilja gentemot såväl miljön som Norrvattens verksamhet. Mer konkret identifierades en utbredd vilja att förändra konsumtionsbeteenden gällande vattenanvändning för bevattning och fyllande av pooler. Som en följd fanns också en villighet att betala mindre summor för alternativa lösningar och effektiviseringsmöjligheter för att tillgodose sådana vattenbehov. Dock påvisades även en utbredd motvillighet till kraftiga ökningar i priser och kostnader för knippade med vattentjänster, varpå mer kostsamma alternativa lösningar uteslöts som långsiktigt hållbara utifrån socioekonomiska hållbarhetsperspektiv. Därmed rekommenderades Norrvatten att fortsätta planera för utbyggnation av sin produktionskapacitet, eftersom de identifierade alternativa lösningarna och effektiviseringsmöjligheterna inte ansågs tillräckliga för att nollställa behov av dricksvatten producerat av Norrvatten för bevattning och fyllande av pooler. Samtidigt drogs slutsatsen att behovet av utbyggd kapacitet skulle kunna reduceras vid implementering av de identifierade lösningarna och effektiviseringsmöjligheterna. Dock kunde inte det reducerade behovet beskrivas i kvantitativa termer med den applicerade arbetsmetodiken. Således rekommenderades Norrvatten att i framtiden arbeten genomföra en kartläggning av detta, i syfte att erhålla värdefullt beslutsunderlag kring storlek på utbyggd produktionskapacitet. / In the northern part of Greater Stockholm, drinking water is produced and distributed by the municipal association Norrvatten. During the height of the summer 2018, drinking water consumption among the member municipalities increased to such an extent that the available production capacity was nearly insufficient. This was assumed to be due to major increases in drinking water consumption for garden irrigation and filling of pools, which are water needs that the production capacity is not dimensioned to handle. Furthermore, the risk of production capacity shortage is assumed to increase in the near future due to population growth and global warming. The purpose of this thesis was to examine possible approaches to supply the need for water for garden irrigation and filling of pools among the member municipalities of Norrvatten in a long-term sustainable manner with regard to the three sustainable dimensions. Based on literature studies, interviews and theoretical models, alternative solutions and efficiency opportunities of supplying water needs for garden irrigation and filling of pools was identified. A sample survey was also conducted with the aim of studying socio-economic factors regarding a potential implementation of the identified alternative solutions and efficiency opportunities among the member municipalities. Subsequently, quantitative analysis was applied to the obtained data with well-defined statistical methods for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests at the significancelevel of 5 %. The result illustrated implementable alternative solutions and efficiency opportunities of supplyingwater needs for garden irrigation and filling of pools. It was due to a large benevolence towards the environment and Norrvatten’s operations. More specifically, a widespread willingness to change consumption behaviours regarding water utilization for garden irrigation and filling of pools was identified. As a consequence, there was also a great willingness to pay smaller sums for alternative solutions and efficiency opportunities of supplying such water needs. However, a widespread reluctance to larger costs associated with water services was also identified, whereby costly alternative solutions were excluded as long-term sustainable from a socio-economic perspective. Due to this, Norrvatten was recommended to continue planning for an expansion of its production capacity, with regard to the conclusion that the identified alternative solutions and efficiency opportunities were not considered sufficient to completely reduce the need for drinking water produced by Norrvatten for garden irrigation and filling of pools. Nevertheless, it was also concluded that the need for expanded capacity could be reduced when implementing the identified solutions and efficiency opportunities. However, the reduced need could not be described in quantitative terms with the chosen methodology. Because of that reason, Norrvatten was recommended to examine this further in future projects considering that it would provide a valuable basis for operation decisions regarding expanded production capacity.

Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production

Abou Rajab, Yasmin Joana Monna 10 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Interface entre a proteção à propriedade intelectual e o direito de concorrência no Brasil / The Interface Between Intellectual Property and Competition Law in Brazil

Brito Junior, Jorge Luiz de 02 March 2015 (has links)
Embora os direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (PI) sejam supostamente instituídos de forma a fomentar a inovação e o bem-estar em longo prazo, seu uso pode ensejar comportamentos oportunistas e abusivos como os Artigos 8.2 e 40 do TRIPS expressamente admitem. Sempre que tal tipo de comportamento afetar a concorrência em determinado mercado excluindo concorrentes, impondo barreiras à entrada, prejudicando consumidores por meio de aumento de preços ou redução da oferta o Direito de Concorrência será chamado a intervir. Considerando tais questões, o objetivo desse trabalho é identificar um quadro de trabalho brasileiro para tratar de questões envolvendo questões de Direito de Concorrência relacionadas à Propriedade Intelectual. O autor buscou delinear os conceitos de uso abusivo de direitos de Propriedade Intelectual, Dominação de Mercado por meio de uso da Propriedade Intelectual e de abuso de posição dominante, considerando o novo quadro regulatório introduzido pela Lei 12.259/2001. / While intellectual property (IP) rights are usually claimed to be designed to foster innovation and welfare in the long run, their use may give rise to opportunistic, abusive behavior - as Articles 8.2 and 40 of TRIPS openly admit. Whenever such sort of behavior affects competition in a given market - whether by dislodging competitors, imposing barriers to entry, harming costumers, raising prices or reducing output - competition law is called to intervene. Considering these issues, the purpose of this paper is to identify a Brazilian legal framework for dealing with IP related competition issues. The author sought to draw the legal concepts of abusive of IP rights, market domination and abuse of dominant position considering the new regulatory framework introduced by Law 12.259/2011.

Interface entre a proteção à propriedade intelectual e o direito de concorrência no Brasil / The Interface Between Intellectual Property and Competition Law in Brazil

Jorge Luiz de Brito Junior 02 March 2015 (has links)
Embora os direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (PI) sejam supostamente instituídos de forma a fomentar a inovação e o bem-estar em longo prazo, seu uso pode ensejar comportamentos oportunistas e abusivos como os Artigos 8.2 e 40 do TRIPS expressamente admitem. Sempre que tal tipo de comportamento afetar a concorrência em determinado mercado excluindo concorrentes, impondo barreiras à entrada, prejudicando consumidores por meio de aumento de preços ou redução da oferta o Direito de Concorrência será chamado a intervir. Considerando tais questões, o objetivo desse trabalho é identificar um quadro de trabalho brasileiro para tratar de questões envolvendo questões de Direito de Concorrência relacionadas à Propriedade Intelectual. O autor buscou delinear os conceitos de uso abusivo de direitos de Propriedade Intelectual, Dominação de Mercado por meio de uso da Propriedade Intelectual e de abuso de posição dominante, considerando o novo quadro regulatório introduzido pela Lei 12.259/2001. / While intellectual property (IP) rights are usually claimed to be designed to foster innovation and welfare in the long run, their use may give rise to opportunistic, abusive behavior - as Articles 8.2 and 40 of TRIPS openly admit. Whenever such sort of behavior affects competition in a given market - whether by dislodging competitors, imposing barriers to entry, harming costumers, raising prices or reducing output - competition law is called to intervene. Considering these issues, the purpose of this paper is to identify a Brazilian legal framework for dealing with IP related competition issues. The author sought to draw the legal concepts of abusive of IP rights, market domination and abuse of dominant position considering the new regulatory framework introduced by Law 12.259/2011.

Efektivnost u staveb pro využití volného času / Efficiency of Buildings for Leisure

Porubský, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with public investment project. The thesis first describes, what are the sources of investments, cash flows and investment evaluation methodes of investment efficiency. Further, the thesis is focused on project Urban swimming pools in Luhačovice. It is mainly about the history, construction and operation of swimming pools. Finally, it assessed the efficiency of the project in program eCBA.

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