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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship of Certain Factors to Popularity in Students of the Eighth Grade of the Junior High School at Ozona, Texas

Hawk, Travis L. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem set forth in this study is to determine the relationship of certain factors to the popularity of students in the eighth grade of the Junior High School at Ozona, Texas. The factors to be considered in this study are as follows: 1. The socio-economic status of the parents; 2. Each of the factors measured by the California Test of Personality; 3. The intelligence quotient; 4. Scholastic achievement; 5. The length of family residence in the community; 6. Physical attractiveness of the students as evaluated by three teachers; 7. Athletic ability as evaluated by the physical education teachers; 8. Conduct in the classroom as evaluated by the home room teacher.

Azartinių žaidimų populiarumas studentų tarpe / Gambling popularity among students

Smilgys, Edgaras 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: azartiniai žaidimai studentų tarpe. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti azartinių žaidimų populiarumą studentų tarpe. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti azartinių žaidimų sampratą. 2. Išsiaiškinti azartinių žaidimų pasiūlą ir paklausą. 3. Identifikuoti azartinių žaidimų populiarumą LSU I pakopos nuolatinės „Sportinės rekreacijos ir turizmo“ studijų programos I, II, III ir IV kurso studentų tarpe. Svarbiausi darbo rezultatai ir išvados: Azartiniai lošimai tai tokie žaidimai, kurių rezultatas (laimėjimas arba pralaimėjimas) yra atsitiktinis ir beveik nepriklauso nuo dalyvių sugebėjimų žaisti. Paprastai lošiama iš pinigų. Lošimas apibrėžiamas kaip veikla, kurioje dvi ar daugiau šalių rizikuodamos stato kažką vertingo, kas laimi ir kas pralaimi priklauso nuo dalyviams nežinomo įvykių rezultato bei tikimasi laimėti daugiau negu buvo pastatyta. Azartinių lošimų rinkos pasiūlos kreivę sudaro visų lošimų rūšių pasiūla: A kategorijos lošimo automatų, B kategorijos lošimo automatų, stalo lošimų, lažybų, loterijų ir bingo. Lošimų paklausą lemia rinkos dydis. Įvairių lošimo rūšių kaina yra nevienoda: pigiausi yra riboto laimėjimo automatai ir bingo todėl jų paklausa yra didžiausia, o brangiausi - stalo lošimai – jų paklausa mažiausia. Atlikus LSU I pakopos nuolatinės studijų formos „Sportinės rekreacijos ir turizmo“ studijų programos anketinės apklausos analizę pastebėta, kad dauguma respondentų mano jog galimybė išlošti didelę pinigų sumą ir noras atgauti prarastus pinigus yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the research: gambling among students The objective of the research: to determine the popularity of gambling among students. Goals of the research: 1. To define the conception of gambling; 2. To identify the supply and demand of gambling; 3. To identify the popularity of gambling among LSU undergraduate full-time studies „Sport and recreation tourism“ program students The main results and conclusions: Gambling such kind of games when the results (winning or losing) is accidental and almost independent of the participants ability to play. Usually it‘s played on money. Gambling is defined as an activity in which two or more parties bet something valuable and the one who wins and who loses depends on the unknown outcome of events, and it is expected to win more than it was bet. Gambling market supply chain includes all kinds of gambling offers: category A slot machines, category B slot machines, table games, betting, lotteries and bingo. The demand of gambling is determined by the size of market. There are different prices for different types of gambling: the cheapest are slot machines and bingo so they have the greatest demand, the most expensive are table games – that is why their demand is lowest. After LSU undergraduate full-time studies „Sport and recreation tourism“ program questionnaire analysis it was noticed that the majority of respondents believe that the opportunity to win a large sum of money and the desire to recover the lost money are the main... [to full text]

The Politics of Head Start, the Most Popular Survivor of the War on Poverty

Lee, Grace 01 January 2017 (has links)
Head Start began in 1965 as a part of the War on Poverty led by President Lyndon B. Johnson. After more than 50 years, it has remained as one of the most popular government social programs with support from across the political spectrum. However, there have been mixed results regarding the effectiveness of Head Start in participants' educational gains. Despite the mixed research, Head Start has continued to receive support by the public and both political parties throughout the decades. While there are disagreements on reforms to be made to Head Start, there has been increasing agreement around making providers more accountable for program quality through an evidence-based approach. The 2007 reauthorization of Head Start captures the spirit of Head Start as a “national laboratory” of what creates the best outcomes for children.

Vztah žáků střední pedagogické školy k biologickému učivu / Relationship of the secondary schools of pedagogy students to biological curriculum

Vitásek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the relationship of the secondary schools of pedagogy students to the subject of biology and its particular areas. The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical section. The theoretical section surveys the teaching of biology at the secondary schools of teaching based on the Framework educational program for the specialization in preschool and extracurricular pedagogy and pedagogical lyceum and based on the scholastic educational programs of the schools involved in the research. Further, this section also deals with the teaching of biology based on the Framework educational program for preschool education and based on the scholastic educational programs of kindergarten, afterschools and extracurricular facilities. The practical sections deals with the relationship of the secondary schools of pedagogy students to the subject of biology. This is done by using a questionnaire in which the students evaluate their relationship and readiness within their specialization for the practice with respect to biology as a whole on one hand and with respect to its particular areas on the other hand. Key words: students, curriculum, popularity of biology, readiness for practice

Změny postojů žáků k matematice při přechodu z 1. na 2. stupeň základní školy / Change in pupils' attitudes towards mathematics in transition from primary to lower-secondary education

Vernerová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Results of researches on the popularity of mathematics point to the trend of decreasing popularity with the pupils' progression. According to the study of Chvál a stronger decline occurs between the fifth and sixth grades. The presented thesis focuses mainly on what factors of the transition of pupils from the primary to lower-secondary level can influence their attitudes towards mathematics and also on what causes the changes of these attitudes can be named by the pupils of the sixth year. It focuses not only on changes in relation to mathematics, but it also maps the solidarity with the teacher as well as pupils' self- confidence. The research is also concerned with possible changes in the relationship of pupils to mathematics depending on whether they are taught by the Hejny method or not. The research was carried out in the form of questionnaires mapping pupils' attitudes to mathematics and interviews with selected pupils of the schools participating in the research. The sample consisted of 235 pupils in five elementary schools. The complete data was obtained from 161 of them and this data is therefore a substantial part of the results analysis. The results confirmed that the pupils' relationship to mathematics deteriorated on average from primary to lower-secondary level. However, there are classes...

International Music Preferences: An Analysis of the Determinants of Song Popularity on Spotify for the U.S., Norway, Taiwan, Ecuador, and Costa Rica

Suh, Brendan Joseph 01 January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines data from Spotify’s API for 2017-2018 to determine the effects of song attributes on the success of tracks on Spotify’s Top 200 Chart across five different countries: the U.S., Norway, Taiwan, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. Two dependent variables are used to measure the success of a song – a track’s peak position on the charts and the number of days it survives on a country’s Top 200 Chart. Using ten separate regressions, one for each dependent variable in all five countries, it is concluded that the presence of a featured guest on a track increases a song’s peak position and the number of days it survives on the charts in almost every country. Further, songs that are perceived as “happier” are more successful for both metrics in Norway and Taiwan while those that are louder and more aggressive have a shorter lifespan on the charts in three out of five of the countries studied. The paper concludes that further research should be conducted with a larger, more diverse dataset to see if these findings hold and if they are present in other countries as well.

"Sweet Beginning but Unsavoury End": The Change in Popularity of Shakespeare's Poetry

Cowhey, Maureen R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
William Shakespeare is arguably the most famous and influential author in modern history. His plays make up a literary canon that has been translated into every language, is constantly being reproduced on the stage and on film and has persisted in popularity for centuries. Yet, Shakespeare’s first and most popular text is not a play, but the narrative poem, Venus and Adonis. The text that launched Shakespeare into popularity and gave rise to this cultural icon was a poem, rather than a play. But despite its initial success, Venus and Adonis is not a central feature of the modern literary canon and Shakespeare’s original role as a poet has been overshadowed by his achievements in theatre. This paper sets out to explore what happened to Shakespeare’s legacy in poetry by examining the commercial history and aesthetic form of two of Shakespeare’s poems: Venus and Adonis and the sonnets. I will address how the dramatic literary canon was created and why it revolves around Shakespeare as solely a playwright.

Soziale Ungleichheit unter Kindern : über die Rolle von Kind- und Elternhausmerkmalen für die Akzeptanz und den Einfluss eines Kindes in seiner Schulklasse / Social Inequality among children : the role of child- and parental attributes for the acceptance and the influence of children in their school-classes

Gürtler, Christine January 2005 (has links)
Ziel der Studie war die Untersuchung individueller und familialer Faktoren für den sozialen Status eines Kindes in seiner Schulklasse. Durch die Unterscheidung von Akzeptanz und Einfluss als zweier Hauptdimensionen des sozialen Status konnte die Arbeit aufklären, welche Rolle verschiedene Attribute für das Erreichen von Akzeptanz oder Einfluss spielen. 234 Dritt- und Fünftklässler aus Berliner Grundschulen erhielten soziometrische Maße, durch welche der soziale Status erhoben wurde (Akzeptanz und Einfluss). Individuelle und familiale Faktoren wurden mittels Peernominationen über das Verhalten der Kinder (Fremdurteil), Schulnoten (Lehrerangabe)und Maße des sozio-ökonomischen Status der Eltern (Elternangabe)erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Akzeptanz positiv mit prosozialem und negativ mit aggressivem Verhalten eines Kindes assoziiert ist. Die Zusammenhänge dieser Verhaltensweisen mit Einfluss wiesen in dieselbe Richtung, waren aber deutlich geringer. Ideenreichtum und Humor hingen mit Akzeptanz und Einfluss gleichermaßen positiv zusammen, sowie Traurigsein gleichermaßen negativ mit beiden Statusdimensionen verbunden war. Das Verhalten eines Kindes vermittelte den Zusammenhang zwischen Merkmalen wie Geschlecht, relativem Alter, Schulnoten und der Akzeptanz und dem Einfluss eines Kindes. Zum Beispiel war die positive Beziehung zwischen Schulnoten und dem sozialen Status überwiegend auf die mit(guten)Schulnoten assoziierten Verhaltensweisen Prosozialität und (geringe) Aggressivität zurückzuführen. Die größere Akzeptanz von Mädchen ließ sich ebenso durch deren größere Prosozialität und geringere Aggressivität erklären. Jungen waren im Hinblick auf ihren Einfluss sowohl am oberen als auch am unteren Ende der Hierarchie überrepräsentiert. Sowohl sehr einflussreiche als auch einflusslose Jungen zeichneten sich durch eine erhöhte Aggressivität aus. Komplexere Analysen wiesen daraufhin, dass Jungen negative Auswirkungen von aggressivem Verhalten durch Humor und Ideenreichtum auf ihren Status kompensieren konnten. Der moderate Zusammenhang zwischen dem elterlichen sozioökonomischen Status und dem sozialen Status des Kindes wurde vollständig durch das Verhalten des Kindes mediiert. Das Elternhaus war wichtiger für die Akzeptanz als für den Einfluss eines Kindes. Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund waren sowohl weniger akzeptiert als auch weniger einflussreich in ihrer Klasse. Elterliche Trennung trug nicht zur sozialen Position eines Kindes bei. / The goal of this study was to investigate individual and familial factors contributing to a child’s social status in its schoolclass. Separating acceptance and influence as two main dimensions of social status, this work aims at clarifying the impact of different attributes for becoming accepted or influential. 234 third and fifth grade children from Berlin schools were administered sociometric measures providing information about social status (acceptance and influence). The contributing factors where measured using peer nominations of each child’s behaviour, school-grades and familial variables such as the parents’ socio-economic status. Results show that acceptance was positively linked to prosocial and negatively linked to aggressive behaviour. Pointing in the same direction, influence was less related to aggression and prosociality than acceptance. Having ideas and a sense of humour contributed positively and being sad contributed negatively to both dimensions of social status. Furthermore, behavioural tendencies mediated the impact of non-behavioural attributes such as gender, relative age in class and school-grades on social status. For example, the positive relation between schoolgrades and social status was mainly mediated by prosocial and non-aggressive behaviour. Looking at gender, girls were more prosocial and less aggressive than boys and therefore more accepted than the latter. Within their class boys were more often represented at both ends of the influence dimension than girls. Moreover highly influential as well as powerless boys were found to be rather aggressive. More complex analyses showed that boys could possibly compensate the negative impact of aggression with humour and ideas. The moderate relation between parental SES and a child’s socials status was fully mediated by a child’s behaviour. SES was more important for the acceptance than for the influence of a child. Children with a migration background were both less accepted and influential. Parental separation did not contribute to a child’s social position.

"Vissa barn har status och andra inte…" : – En kvalitativ studie om status och rangordning i skolan / Who is the popular one? : A qualitative study of how school health staff percieve grouping and status mechanisms amongst children.

Hagström, Emelie, Saltin, Camilla January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar att undersöka skolhälsopersonalens uppfattning av barns grupperingar och statusordningar, hur skolan och skolhälsopersonalen hanterar utanförskap och mobbing samt hur de arbetar med skolans värdegrund. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med anställda i skolhälsovården. Resultatet visar att skolhälsopersonalen har god insyn i barns statusordningar samt att statusarbetet är komplext. Två typer av popularitet framkom, den negativa populariteten karaktäriseras av en tuff attityd och ett manipulativt beteende. Den positiva populariteten karaktäriseras av hjälpsamhet och vänlighet. Populära barn har sociala förmågor och impopulära barn uppvisar brister på dessa. Barnens grupperingar uppvisar olika mönster, fokus i uppsatsen är på könsskillnader och ledarroller. Negativa konsekvenser av barns statusarbete är exempelvis kränkningar och mobbning. En könsskillnad gällande mobbning är att flickors mobbning är dold och pojkars är synlig. Skolan hanterar utanförskap och mobbning med ett förebyggande värdegrundsarbete, där barn utbildas i människors lika värden. De skolor som aktivt arbetade med värdegrunden tenderade att ha en bättre stämning. Vi uppfattar en förgivettagen sanning där ett normbrott är att inte vara del av en grupp och ensamma barn bör vara missnöjda med utanförskapet. / The purpose of this essay is to study how school health staff perceives grouping and status mechanisms amongst children. It also aims to get an understanding of how the school handles exclusion and bullying. We are also interested in the work with how the school works with values stated in the curriculum for Swedish schools. Qualitative interviews were conducted with employees of the school health staff. The results show that the staff has a good understanding of status among children, it also shows that children’s construction of status is complex. Two types of popularity were revealed, one negative form of popularity that is characterized by an attitude of toughness and manipulative behaviour. The positive popularity, on the other hand, is characterized by kindness and a willingness to be helpful. Popular children have a good social capability and unpopular children show a lack thereof. The groupings among children shows patterns, this essays focus on sex differences and roles of leadership. Negative consequences that derive from the construction of status among children are for example abusive behaviour and bullying. A difference between the sexes is that bullying among girls is less visible than among boys. The school deals with exclusion and bullying through a preventive work with the values stated in the curriculum for Swedish schools, the children are educated in everyone’s equal value. We found that the schools that actively work with these values tend to have a better atmosphere. We perceive an underlying perception that it is in violation with the norm to not be a part of a group and that children who are alone should be discontented with their exclusion.

The YouTuber : A Qualitative Study of Popular Content Creators

Holmbom, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Den sociala videoplattformen YouTube firar i år sitt 10-årsjubileum och har under den tiden bildat en kraftfull kultur. Över en biljard användare som delar och tittar på videoklipp innebär att tusentals individer kan kalla webbplatsen YouTube för sin arbetsplats. Genom att skapa videoklipp som många tycker om bildas en enorm attraktion till vissa kanaler och utifrån detta genereras så kallade YouTube-kändisar. Den här kvalitativa studien dyker in i upplevelsen av att inneha en populär YouTube kanal genom att intervjua fem individer som besitter just en sådan. Är det verkligen drömjobbet som alla talar om? Resultaten visar en talande ökning av entreprenörskap på YouTube. För att bygga en publik krävs strategi och passion. Denna undersökning resulterar i en överläggande förståelse för hur deras personliga framgång har gått till, men även en aning om var YouTube är på väg i framtiden.

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