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The ethical challenges of supporting MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) in 21st- century CameroonPérez Fernández, Pablo January 2020 (has links)
Given the state and social homophobias one can encounter in Cameroon, it can be rightly assumed that MSM (men who have sex with men) constitute an extraordinarily vulnerable group. Such vulnerability, besides its legal nature, encompasses a number of sexual risk behaviours and psychological distress precisely derived from criminal prosecution and social discrimination. For that reason, and following the humanitarian imperative, humanitarian actors might want to launch an operation targeting such populations. Nevertheless, various ethical challenges linked to conflicting humanitarian principles, the post-colonial socio-political positions, and the diversity of queer identities might arise. This thesis will explore such ethical challenges, in an attempt to sensitise foreign humanitarians about the most sensible, yet effective, ways to support MSM in 21st- century Cameroon. The methodology used will include primary data collection through interviews and open- ended questionnaires, secondary data collection through articles and books, and the analysis and discussion of both. The theoretical framework utilised will be a combination of the Post-colonial and Queer theories, complemented with concepts borrowed from the advocacy and humanitarian ethics field.
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Der weiße Blick - zur literarischen Visualität des 'negro' vom Theater des Siglo de Oro bis zum spanischen Kinofilm im 21. JahrhundertBelikow-Hand, Irina 27 August 2018 (has links)
In Peau noire, masques blancs (1952) zeigt Frantz Fanon, dass eine weiße europäische Gesellschaft das Bild von einem schwarzen Menschen konstruiert, das von seinem eigenen Bild entschieden abweicht. Wie sich dieses Bild im spanischen Theater und im Kino konstruiert, wird meine Ausgangsfrage sein.
Das Dissertationsprojekt widmet sich Othering-Diskursen in Spanien im Zeitraum vom 16. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Gegenstand der Betrachtung ist hierbei eine zunächst nur aus dem Theater des Siglo de Oro bekannte Figur, die des ›negro‹. Diese Figur vereint die Darstellung aller Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft, seien es Guineer, Äthiopier oder Spanier.
Analysiert werden in erster Linie jene Theaterstücke und Filme, die den ›negro‹ in den Vordergrund der Darstellung rücken. Es wird angenommen, dass das ›Sehen‹ der schwarzen Figur durch ein weißes Publikum ein zentrales koloniales Wahrnehmungsmuster konstituiert. Im Hinblick auf die Konstruktion des ›weißen Blicks‹ eines weißen Publikums wird weiterhin untersucht, wie sich dieser zunächst im dramatischen Text und anschließend in der Kameraperspektive gestaltet.
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Negative Representation and the Germination of English Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Travel NarrativesUnterborn, Kelly R. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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"Som den tragedi det kan vara" : Postkoloniala teman i den samtida konstnärliga barnteaternKaradottir, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to see how the contemporary artistic theater for children handles the subjects concerning migration and representation, both artistically and practically. To respond to questions about how these subjects are thematized as well as contextualizing the development of the genre, a post-colonial intersectional perspective is used as a theoretical basis. Production analysis is used as a methodological basis for two productions that were staged at Unga Klara in 2018. Previous research shows that different views of children have dominated throughout the ages, which have represented themselves in the artistic culture for children. The artistic children's theater, or children's tragedy (barntragedi), has its roots in the political children's theater of the 1960- 1970’s and is based on the belief that children have the right to see their inner lives portrayed in an artistically qualitative way. This essay concludes that these two children’s tragedies thematize these topics through a combination of representing interculturality via multilingualism, and through contextualizing how children’s feelings are related to the political injustices that affect their lives.
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Enduring Injustice: Law, Memory, and Politics in Namibia's Genocide Reparations MovementHamrick, Ellie 04 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Deconstructing “de/colonised knowledge” in South Africa: the case of radical academic history under apartheid (1960-1991)Martinerie, Camille 29 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the inherent complexities and contradictions embedded in the radical turn in South African historiography with regards to the decolonisation of the discipline of history in South African universities under apartheid from 1960 to 1991. By choosing to deconstruct radical history in a white liberal university, the study seeks to further demonstrate the limits of intellectual decolonisation and its underlying assumptions in the academic field during apartheid. It interrogates radical history as a form of academic resistance and leads a reflection on the political role of the intellectual in the context of the anti-apartheid struggle, asking more broadly: to what extent can radical academic history be considered “de/colonised knowledge”? Building on the links between ideology and curriculum, this study aimed to measure the coloniality of history using history examination questions as tools to investigate the methodological, theoretical and ideological assumptions of historians. Theoretically, the study relied on the role of the historian as a recontextualising agent of disciplinary knowledge taught and examined within a historically white higher education institution to study its concomitant underlying historiographical silences at the time. Methodologically, it deployed quantitative and qualitative research methods, using interviews and semi-structured questionnaires with a targeted cohort of authentic interlocutors to triangulate the discursive analysis of institutionalised “de/colonised” historical knowledge. This interdisciplinary study was thus inscribed in a critical deconstructionist approach to knowledge which contributed to a finer conceptual and empirical understanding of the coloniality of history as a discipline and its reproduction in the South African higher education context. The study hopes (1) to contribute to understanding the nuanced intersections between the history of intellectual colonisation and decolonisation and how these tensions impacted on history education in the apartheid university, (2) to provide an original interdisciplinary mixed method of analysis of institutionalised “de/colonised knowledge”, and (3) to contribute new critical insights into blind spots in South African radical historiography in higher education during the period 1960 to 1991, which could shed light on the various understandings of the imperative for decolonisation today in the discipline.
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Heder på schemat : En didaktisk studie av hederskultur i svensk ungdomslitteraturThörnqvist, Petter January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the concept of honour and why this is a relevant concept in the teaching of literature in the school subject of Swedish. In order to investigate this I have analyzed two Young Adult books; Heder (2002) and Fallen flicka (2009) by the author Christina Wahldén. These books show how young women of today are systematically subordinated and how their lives are controlled by male relatives. This culturally specific oppression of young women is constituted by ancient concepts of honour, which in turn are interlinked with women’s sexuality and the male control of it. The oppression has its roots in patriarchal and traditional thinking which is specifically characteristic for an honour culture. Both the male as well as the female characters are modeled by the author in order to make a didactic point. She wants to put the oppressive males on display in order to make us (the readers) aware of the horrific situation that many young women of today suffer from. In order to problematize this I apply postcolonial theory. This theoretical approach allows me to question the way in which the characters are constructed in the books. The standpoint which Christina Wahldén takes in writing her books is disputed, and in this thesis I discuss different viewpoints on this matter. On the one hand there are those intellectuals who agree with the above stated. On the other hand there are others who disagree and instead of a clear-cut cultural pattern, view the concept of honour and how it is used in societal debate with great suspicion. For them the finger pointing only cements prejudices and construct clear-cut difference-markers between Us: the good and modern, and Them: the evil and barbaric. Postcolonial theory lends its support to this latter way of thinking. In this thesis I therefore discuss postcolonial theory at lengths. In this discussion I rely on three theorists’ viewpoints in particular: Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak and Homi Bhabha. My own understanding of postcolonial theory is founded on the central thoughts which these theorists advocate. Besides lending its theoretical viewpoints to my readings of Christina Wahldén’s books, Postcolonial theory also influences my didactic discussions. In these discussions I try to explore why, and in what way, Postcolonial theory is applicable to the school subject of Swedish. My own view is that it can be used as a pedagogic tool to enable critical readings. I find this theoretical approach valuable in order for the school subject of Swedish to become a democratic one which engages the students to practice critical thinking and together read, write and discuss texts dealing with the conflicts that surrounds them in today’s multicultural society. In this thesis I argue strongly for this kind of awareness, an awareness which results in an understanding for the purpose of teaching Literature as a way of dealing with topics of significance for the students as members of a democratic society.
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Analyzing Function and Potential in Cuba's El Paquete : A Postcolonial ApproachAdam, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
The dire state of Cuban internet connectivity has inspired local informal innovations. One such innovation is El Paquete, a weekly distribution of downloaded content spread through an informal network. Taking a postcolonial approach, I investigate through user experiences how this network operates in a resource-poor environment. This investigation articulates a model of El Paquete centered on social interactions, which inform the system’s function but also shape El Paquete’s design and role in society. Based on this model, a set of speculative design exercises probe possibilities to streamline El Paquete’s compilation, involve consumer preferences in its design directions, or act as a disruption tolerant network. In uncovering the technical possibilities of El Paquete, these designs illuminate how its current design serves Cuban communities by embodying realities and limitations of Cuban society. El Paquete’s embodiment of informal innovation serves as a call to designers to continuously rethink development design processes, centering communities and their knowledge and technical practices. / Det kritiska tillståndet för den kubanska internetanslutningen har inspirerat flertalet informella lokala innovationer. Ett exempel på en sådan innovation är El Paquete, vars lösning går ut på distribution av nedladdat innehåll som sprids veckovis genom ett informellt nätverk. Jag har undersökt hur detta nätverk fungerar i en resursfattig miljö genom att undersöka användarupplevelser ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv. I denna undersökning framförs en modell av El Paquete som inriktas på sociala interaktioner, vilket utgör systemets funktioner men som också formar El Paquete’s design och samhällsroll. Baserat på denna modell undersöks möjligheterna till att effektivisera El Paquete’s sammanställning, genom ett antal olika spekulativa designövningar som inkluderar konsumentpreferenser i designinriktning, eller som ett avbrottstolerant nätverk. Dessa designer belyser hur dagens tekniska möjligheter med El Paquete är till nytta för kubanska samhällen genom förkroppsligandet av deras verklighet och begränsningar. El Paquete’s förkroppsligande av informell innovation fungerar som en uppmaning till designers att kontinuerligt ompröva utvecklingen av designprocesser som fokuserar på samhällets kunskap och tekniska praxis.
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Germanistische Mediävistik, postkolonialOtt, Michael R., Perplies, Helge 23 October 2023 (has links)
In diesem Aufsatz stellen wir den Stand der Postkolonialen Studien aus
der Perspektive der germanistischen Mediävistik dar. Zunächst geben
wir anhand vor allem englischsprachiger mediävistisch-postkolonialer
Forschung einen kurzen Überblick über die wichtigsten Beiträge der
letzten zwei Jahrzehnte. Anschließend skizzieren wir postkoloniale Fragestellungen
und Themen mit besonderem Fokus auf deutschsprachiges
Erzählen vor 1600. Zu diesem Zweck stellen wir kurze Textanalysen vor
und gehen auf Begriffe und Konzepte ein, die wir für die postkoloniale
Mediävistik für relevant halten. Anschließend gehen wir näher auf
Edward Saids bekannte Überlegungen zum »Orientalismus« ein, bevor
wir schließlich unsere Erwartungen an die zukünftige Entwicklungen
einer postkolonialen germanistischen Mediävistik formulieren. / In this essay, we present the state of postcolonial studies from a German
medieval studies perspective. First, we give a brief overview of the
most important contributions to the field of postcolonial studies over
the last two decades, focusing mainly on English-language texts. In the
next section we outline a range of postcolonial issues and topics, with
a particular focus on German narratives before 1600. For this purpose,
we provide examples of short, textual analyses and address terms and
concepts that we consider relevant to medieval postcolonial studies. We
then go into more detail on Edward Said’s well-known reflections on
›Orientalism‹. Finally, we delineate our hopes regarding future developments
of postcolonial medieval German studies.
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