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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

South African bisexual women’s accounts of their gendered and sexualized identities : a feminist poststructuralist analysis

Lynch, Ingrid 18 June 2013 (has links)
This feminist poststructuralist study explores discourses of gendered and sexualized subjectivity of South African women who self‐identify as bisexual. The discipline of psychology has typically upheld a monosexual binary, where heterosexuality and homosexuality are positioned as the only legitimate categories of sexual identification. Within such a structure bisexuality is not considered a viable sexual identity. In broader public discourses female bisexuality is generally constructed in delegitimising ways, such as through constructions that necessarily equate bisexuality with promiscuity or describe it as an eroticized male fantasy, as a threat to lesbian politics, or as a strategy to retain heterosexual privilege. Data collection entailed conducting individual interviews with thirteen bisexual women and the transcribed texts were analysed using discourse analysis. The analysis focused on how bisexuality is Constructed in the interview texts, how the various constructions of bisexuality function and how Gendered subjectivity intersects with participants’ identity as bisexual. The analysis identifies a number of discourses that impact on, in varied and contradictory ways, participants’ positioning as bisexual. In a post‐apartheid context, participants regard fixing their Identity along strictly defined lines of difference as oppressive and resist bisexuality as being primary To their identity. Participants challenge the traditional gender binary through unsettling the automatic Linking of sex, gender and sexuality in discourses of sexual desire. However, participants also demonstrate the coercive effects of dominant discourse in the gendered positioning of subjects, with Heterosexuality in particular functioning as a normative sexual category with implications for participants’ gendered subjectivity. It then appears that parallel to its ability to disrupt the gender binary, bisexual discourse also acts in ways to support it. The analysis further indicates that in claiming a bisexual identity, participants risk marginalization in The face of delegitimising discourses that construct them in negative terms of promiscuity, hypersexuality and decadence. Powerful silencing discourses further construct same‐sex attraction As un-African and as sinful. The analysis concludes with a discussion of participants’ strategies to Normalize bisexuality. This study contributes to research accounts that explore diversity in sexual identification and creates Greater visibility of bisexual women in South African discourses of sexuality. It also contributes to theories of female sexual identities and adds to theoretical debates around the challenge to dominant gender and sexuality binaries posed by bisexuality. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Psychology / unrestricted

Reconceptualizing bodies and pleasure: considerations by and for sex-positive service workers

Henderson, Charlotte 27 April 2016 (has links)
Human sexuality has been overrun with narratives that limit the possibilities of pleasure. Sex-positive workers have the potential to challenge the ways in which these limitations become embodied. In this research I explore narratives of sex education and youth, pleasure as prevention, and the medicalization of sexuality. I engage in collective biography as a way to identify how these narratives shape the way bodies and pleasure get taken up in specific places. Drawing from poststructural feminist theory I propose three ways of reconceptualizing bodies and pleasure as emergent sites of change and potential. Through an analysis of the experiences of sex-positive service workers in Canada, I consider what else, and for whom, bodies, pleasure, and sex education might look like. / Graduate / 0680 0733 0573 / yorkchender@gmail.com

The role of women in decision-making positions : the case of Israeli sport organisations

Betzer-Tayar, Moran January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses discourses about the roles and barriers to access for women to decision-making positions in Israeli sport organisations. In particular it focuses on the exploration of discourses of masculinity and femininity that underpin the relatively recent construction of Israel society and the institutions of sport within it. It is observed that for the most part, Israeli sport organisations are governed by men and have served the interests of forms of hegemonic masculinity. In order to understand and explore the social construction of these gendered discourses in Israeli sport, two innovative and significant policy initiatives toward gender equity in sport were explored through the perceptions and discourses of key actors. These include the establishment of a Volleyball Academy for Young Talented Girls (VAYTG) and the creation of the National Project for Women and Sport (NPWS). The theoretical framework for this thesis is informed by poststructuralist feminism, which provided an alternative way to understand and analyse voices of the (predominantly female) 'other' and thus to explore the historical contextual construction of current discourses of masculinity within Israeli sport organisations and society as a whole. The process of narrative revisions and production of gendered knowledge revealed how discourses produce and reinforce gender inequities in Israeli society, such as the discourse of militarisation or the unique political affiliation system in the sporting arena which continue to implicitly exclude women (and some men) from gaining access to leadership positions in sport organisations. Within this theoretical frame, Critical Discourse Analysis was employed as a methodological approach to analyse how female and male interviewees, all considered to be 'insiders' within their organisations, explained the process of the construction of gendered roles and barriers. Included in the interview data was also the auto-ethnographical accounts of the author, who was a primary actor in the process of developing policy in the two case study initiatives addressed. Dominant discourses of femininity (such as the discourse of sisterhood and of the processes of mentoring), and of masculinity (and how these promote uniformity) were identified as mechanisms for reproducing the gendered reality of sport leadership in Israel. The implication of a critical theoretical approach is that it should be emancipatory in its ambitions and impact, and the study is intended to contribute to enhancing the understanding of how discourse not only reflects but also creates barriers and opportunities so that the construction of such barriers can be challenged in progressive policy discourses.

I mänsklighetens namn : En etnologisk studie av ett svenskt biståndsprojekt i Rumänien / In the Name of Humanity : An Ethnological Study of a Swedish Development Aid Project in Romania

Ers, Agnes January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of observations among, and interviews with, Romanian and Swedish employees at a Swedish development aid project in Romania. The aim has been to study the categories of ‘humanity’: how the notions of the ‘human(e)’ and the ‘inhuman(e)’ were created in the context of the project. Further, the aim of the thesis has been to connect the relations in everyday life as it develops in an aid project to the social and societal processes of change in today’s Europe. Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the study. Chapter 2 analyses media representations of institutionalized children in Romania, and describes the development aid in Romania. Chapter 3 describes and analyses the practical work with the children in the everyday life of the project. Chapter 4 focuses on the locally employed project staff, and their adoption of a ‘more human(e)’ identity through working with the Swedish NGO. Chapter 5 analyses how the construction of difference took place in the everyday life of the development aid project. Chapter 6 analyses the development aid as exchange of gifts and applies models of analysis of social work with the so-called deserving and undeserving clients. Chapter 7 is a concluding chapter. The construction of the ‘human(e)’ and its opposite, the ‘inhuman(e)’, could be found on three levels. These categories were used in reference to: (1) the children, the sick elderly and the poor families that were the clients of the aid project and were expected to be ‘humanized’ in the course of project implementation; (2) the Romanians who were employed by the Swedish organization and who were to be humanized through their work and through learning Western views on what the human being is; and (3) by implication, the whole Romanian society and all the Romanians who were also to be ‘humanized’ through the intervention of the Western NGOs.

Projetos especiais de ação: um estudo sobre a formação em serviço de professores do município de São Paulo / Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Projects of Action): a study about the in-service education of teacher in the municipality of São Paulo.

Beltran, Ana Carolina de Viveiros 03 December 2012 (has links)
Os Projetos Especiais de Ação pertencem à história dos professores da rede municipal há quase vinte anos. Implantados, primeiramente, como uma ferramenta para as escolas gerenciarem melhorias em seus contextos, constituem, atualmente, o principal instrumento da formação docente em serviço. Tal formação objetiva provocar efeitos totalizantes, alcançando práticas institucionais e efeitos individualizantes, incitando cada professor a dar visibilidade às suas ações educativas a fim de recompô-las em modos particulares de pensar, fazer e dizer a profissão. Portanto, aliam-se, nos Projetos, uma tecnologia governamental, que busca conduzir e formatar ações escolares, e tecnologias do eu, que permitem, a cada indivíduo em formação, operar mudanças em si mesmo. Daqui, abrem-se e desenvolvem-se os capítulos iniciais do presente trabalho. Um capítulo dedicado a acompanhar disposições legais, publicações oficiais e acontecimentos que foram conformando os Projetos Especiais de Ação à formação docente no âmbito do trabalho; o outro, empenhado em delinear uma lógica de funcionamento desses instrumentos a partir de três eixos permanentes nas diversas configurações que tomaram ao longo das gestões municipais: a autonomia, a centralidade do aluno e a totalização das práticas em favor de alguma qualidade de ensino. Tais eixos acomodaram e levaram aos professores uma miríade de concepções de ensino e educação, mas também delimitaram as regras pelas quais as mudanças na escola e a própria formação poderiam ser pensadas. Contudo, este trabalho filia-se aos referenciais pós-estruturalistas e aos estudos de Michel Foucault, construindo a análise do ponto de vista das relações de poder e dos processos de subjetivação. Por isso, ao aproximar-se da vida que se vive nos tempos e espaços concretos de formação, depara-se com um campo aberto a múltiplas possibilidades de realização. Desse terreno, um horário coletivo de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil, onde as professoras agem, pensam, falam, brincam, riem e produzem-se, destacaram-se os termos teoria e prática e o discurso da vitimização docente. Os primeiros elementos são utilizados intensamente para definir os posicionamentos profissionais e as relações estabelecidas com a formação em serviço; e o segundo fundamenta as maneiras de lidar com a profissão, normaliza o magistério e a infância e modula uma certa terapêutica do espaço formativo. Vidas ressentidas, doentes e frustradas por uma formação que não realiza a escola idealizada, regozijam-se nas satisfações e nos prazeres mais imediatos, mesmo que estes sejam fugazes. As professoras refutam colocar o presente em questão, entregando-se a posturas queixosas; dão as costas à política, restringindo-se a não aderir às propostas públicas de formação; e não assumem o risco de educar, apegando-se aos seus saberes, creditados como tipicamente docentes, e às formas habituais de pensarem a profissão. Não se pretende uma atitude ajuizadora dos modos de esses sujeitos constituírem suas existências profissionais, mas acredita-se que, para se imaginar novos desenhos para a formação em serviço ou para assumi-la como importante ou dispensável para a docência, é preciso perguntar sobre o que se tem feito, atualmente, nos tempos e espaços destinados aos professores pensarem sua profissão. / The Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Project of Action) belong to the history of the municipal school teachers for almost twenty years. Deployed first as a tool for schools to manage improvements in their contexts, constitute today the main instrument of in-service teacher education. That education intents to cause totalizing effects, achieving the institutional practices and individualizing effects, inciting, each teacher, to show their educational actions to recomposition of them in particular ways of thinking, doing and saying the profession. Therefore, ally, on the Projects, a government technology, which seeks to conduct and format the school actions and technologies of the self which allow to every individual in education to operate changes in yourself. From this point, the initial sections of this research will be opened end developed. One section dedicated to follow the legal dispositions, the official publications and the happenings that had been conformed the Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Project of Action) to in-service teacher education; the other one engaged to design a working logic of this instruments from the three permanent axles in different settings which took over the municipal administrations: the autonomy, the centrality of the student and the aggregation of efforts in favor of some quality of teaching. Those axels placed and conducted a plenty of educational conceptions to the teachers, but also delimited rules by which the school changes and the education could be thought. However, this research is affiliated to the poststructuralist references and to the Michel Foucaults studies, developing the analysis from the power relations and the subjectivity point of view. Therefore, when approaching the life that is lived in the factual time and place of education, it faced with a filed open to multiple possibilities of achievement. In this field, a collective time of a public school early childhood education, where the teachers act, think, speak, play, laugh and produce themselves, it was detached the terms theory and practice and the teaching victimization discourse. The first elements intensively used to define the professional positioning and the relations established with the in-service education. The second one based ways of dealing with the profession, normalizes the teaching and the childhood and modulates a certain therapeutic of the education. Resentful, sick and frustrated lives for an idealized school that cannot be implemented rejoice themselves with the more immediate satisfactions and pleasures, even if fleeting. The teachers refute to put the present into question, indulging in complainant postures; turning their backs on politics, restricted to ignore the proposed of public in-service education; and do not taking the risk of educating, clinging to their knowledge, credited as typically teaching, and to the habitual ways of thinking about the profession. Do not want an attitude of censorship of the ways the subjects constitute their professional existences, but it is believed to imagine new designs for the in-service education or to take it as important or dispensable for teaching, it is necessary to ask what has been done, nowadays, in times and places for teachers thinking their profession.

Troubling empowerment: An evaluation and critique of a feminist action research project involving rural women and interactive communication technologies

Lennie, June January 2001 (has links)
Participatory research methodologies and the use of interactive communication technologies (ICTs) such as email are increasingly seen by many researchers, including feminists, as offering ways to enhance women’s inclusion, participation and empowerment. However, from critical and poststructuralist perspectives, some researchers suggest the need for greater caution about claims that participatory methodologies and certain communication technologies automatically enhance inclusion and empowerment. These researchers argue that issues of power, agenda and voice in the research context require greater attention (LeCompte, 1995). The major argument made in this thesis is that feminist researchers need to adopt a more critical and rigorous yet pragmatic approach to evaluating women’s empowerment, inclusion and participation, and that this approach needs to include an analysis of diversity and difference, macro and micro contexts, power-knowledge relations, and the contradictory effects of participation. The outcomes of this study suggest that this approach can create new knowledge and understanding that will enable the development of more effective strategies for women’s empowerment and inclusion. To explore and support this argument, findings are presented from a detailed evaluation and critique of a major feminist action research project that involved women in rural, regional and remote Queensland, Australia and elsewhere, a university research team and several government and industry partners. The project made extensive use of ICTs, including email and the Internet, and aimed to be empowering and inclusive. Given the many contradictory discourses of empowerment that currently circulate, empowerment is seen as a problematic concept. The multiple meanings and discourses of empowerment are therefore identified and considered in the analysis. With the increasing importance of communication technologies in rural community development, this study also evaluates the effectiveness of ICTs as a medium for empowering rural women. The ‘politics of difference’ (Young, 1990) that underpins attempts to include a diversity of rural women in feminist research projects presents many challenges to feminist praxis. Chapters 1 and 2 propose that, in evaluating such projects, researchers need to take diversity and difference into account to avoid reproducing stereotyped images of rural women, and to identify those who are included and excluded. This is because of the complex nature of the identity ‘rural woman’, the multiple barriers to women’s participation, and the diverse needs, agendas and ideologies of participants and stakeholders. The concept of seriality (Young, 1994) is used in this study to avoid reproducing ‘rural women’ and feminist researchers as women with a singular identity. Chapters 1 and 2 argue that a comprehensive and critical analysis of these complex issues requires an eclectic, transdisciplinary approach, and that this can be fruitfully achieved by using a combination of two feminist frameworks of theory and epistemology: praxis feminism and feminist poststructuralism. While there are commonalities between these frameworks, the feminist poststructuralist framework takes a much more cautious and critical approach to claims for empowerment than praxis feminism. The praxis feminist framework draws on feminist theories that view power as social, cooperative and enabling. Women’s diverse needs, values, issues and experiences are taken into account, and the analysis aims to gives voice to women. The purpose of this is to better understand the processes that meet women’s diverse needs and could be empowering and inclusive for women (or otherwise). In contrast, the feminist poststructuralist framework uses Foucault’s (1980) analytic of power as positive and strategic, exercised in all our interactions, and intimately connected to knowledge. The power-knowledge relations, and the multiple and shifting discourses and subject positions that were taken up in various research contexts are identified and analysed. The purpose of this is to highlight the contradictions and dangers inherent in feminist practices of empowerment that often go unnoticed. To achieve its practical and critical aims, this study uses two different, but complementary, research methodologies: participatory feminist evaluation and feminist deconstructive ethnography, and multiple research methods, which are outlined in Chapter 3. This eclectic approach is argued to provide maximum flexibility and creativity in the research process, and to enable the complexity and richness of the data to be represented and understood from a diversity of perspectives. Triangulation of the multiple methods and sources of data is employed to increase the validity and rigour of the analysis. Assessing how well feminist projects that use ICTs have met the aim of including a diversity of women requires an analysis of a wide range of complex social, economic, cultural, technological, contextual and methodological issues related to women’s participation. Analysing these issues also requires giving voice to a diversity of participants’ and stakeholders’ assessments and meanings of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’. The results of this analysis, set out in Chapter 4, suggest that differences in perceptions of diversity and inclusion are strongly related to participants’ and stakeholders’ political and ideological beliefs and values, and their degree of commitment to social justice issues. The evaluation found that a limited diversity of women participated in the project, and identified many barriers to their participation. Feminists argue that women-only activities are often more empowering than mixed gender activities. The evaluation findings detailed in Chapter 5 suggest that the project’s women-centred activities, particularly the workshops and online groups, were very successful in meeting the multiple needs of most participants. However, contradictory or undesirable effects of the project’s activities were also identified. This analysis demonstrates the need to consider the various groups of participants and their diverse needs in assessing how well feminist methods and activities have met women’s needs or are empowering. Chapter 6 identifies various forms and features of empowerment and disempowerment and categorises them as social, technological, political and psychological. A model is developed that illustrates the interrelationships between these four forms of empowerment. Technological empowerment is identified as a new under-theorised form of empowerment that is seen as increasingly important as ICTs become more central to women’s networking and participation. However, the findings suggest that the extent to which participants want to be empowered needs to be respected. While many participants were found to have experienced the four forms of empowerment, their participation was also shown to have had various disempowering effects. The project’s online group welink (women’s electronic link), which linked rural and urban women, including government policy-makers, was assessed as the most empowering project activity. The discourse analysis and deconstructions, undertaken in Chapter 6, identify competing and contradictory discourses of new communication technologies and feminist participatory action research. The various discourses taken up by the researchers and participants were shown to have both empowering and disempowering effects. The analysis demonstrates the intersection between empowerment and disempowerment and the shifting subject positions that were taken up, depending on the research context. It was argued that the discourses of feminist action research operated as a ‘regime of truth’ (Foucault, 1980) that regulated and constrained the discourses and practices of this form of research. An analysis of a highly contentious welink discussion challenges feminist assumptions that giving voice to women will lead to empowerment, and suggests that silence can, in some circumstances, be empowering. This analysis highlights the intersection of voice and silence, the limitations of the gendered discourse of care and connection, and how this discourse, and other factors, regulated the use of more critical discourses. Critical reflections on the study are made in Chapter 7. They include the suggestion that an ‘impossible burden’ was placed on the project’s feminist researchers who used an egalitarian feminist discourse that produced expectations of ‘equal relations’ between participants and researchers. However, these relations had to be established in the context of a university-based project that involved senior academic, government and industry staff. Drawing on the new knowledge and understandings developed, this study proposes several principles and strategies for feminist participatory action research projects that seek the inclusion and empowerment of rural women and use ICTs. They include the suggestion that feminists need an awareness of the limits to the politics of difference discourse when power-knowledge relations are ignored. A further principle is that there is value in adopting a Foucauldian analytic of power, since this enables a better understanding of the complex, multifaceted and dynamic nature of power-knowledge relations in the research context. This approach also provides an awareness of how processes that attempt to empower will inevitably produce disempowerment at certain moments. Principles and strategies for undertaking participatory feminist evaluations are also suggested.

Learning partnerships: the use of poststructuralist drama techniques to improve communication between teachers, doctors and adolescents

Cahill, Helen Walker January 2008 (has links)
Adults working as teachers and doctors can find it difficult to communicate well with young people about the issues that affect their wellbeing and learning and thus miss opportunities to contribute when their clients experience adversity. Drama is often used as a pedagogical tool to assist people to develop their communication skills. Dramatic portrayals however, can reinforce rather than challenge limiting stereotypes, and there is the potential for learning through drama to contribute to a patronising world-view and lead to the assumption that a set of formulaic approaches can bridge the communication divide. There is thus a need for research that engages both theoretically and technically with the use of drama as a tool for applied learning. In this thesis, a reflective practitioner methodology is used to explore the use of drama as a method in participatory enquiry and as a tool in the professional education of teachers and doctors. Use of the practitioner perspective permits analysis of the alignment between theory and practice. The Learning Partnerships project provides the context within which to conduct this enquiry. In this project the researcher leads drama workshops that bring together classes of school students and tertiary students completing their studies in medicine or education. The adolescents work as co-investigators with the teachers and doctors, exploring how to communicate effectively in the institutional contexts of schools and clinics.

Imagining what it means to be ''human'' through the fiction of J.M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K and Cormac McCarthy's The Road

Welsh, Sasha January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Through a literary analysis of two contemporary novels, J.M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K (1983) and Cormac McCarthy's The Road (2006), in which a common concern seems to be an exploration of what it means to be human, the thesis seeks to explore the relationship between human consciousness and language. This dissertation considers the development of a conception of the human based on rationality, and which begins in the Italian Renaissance and gains momentum in the Enlightenment. This conception models the human as a stable knowable self. This is drawn in contrast to the novels, which figure the absence of a stable knowable self in the representation of their protagonists. The thesis thus interrogates language's capacity to provide definitional meanings of the ''human.'' On the other hand, although language's capacity to provide essential meanings is questioned, its abundant expressive forms give voice to the experience of human being. Drawing on a range of fields of enquiry, both philosophical, linguistic, and bio-ethical, this thesis seeks to explore the connection between human consciousness and the medium of language. It considers how the two novels in question play with the concept of language to produce or imagine other ways of thinking about human existence, and other ways of creating meaning to human existence through the representation of their novels.

Projetos especiais de ação: um estudo sobre a formação em serviço de professores do município de São Paulo / Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Projects of Action): a study about the in-service education of teacher in the municipality of São Paulo.

Ana Carolina de Viveiros Beltran 03 December 2012 (has links)
Os Projetos Especiais de Ação pertencem à história dos professores da rede municipal há quase vinte anos. Implantados, primeiramente, como uma ferramenta para as escolas gerenciarem melhorias em seus contextos, constituem, atualmente, o principal instrumento da formação docente em serviço. Tal formação objetiva provocar efeitos totalizantes, alcançando práticas institucionais e efeitos individualizantes, incitando cada professor a dar visibilidade às suas ações educativas a fim de recompô-las em modos particulares de pensar, fazer e dizer a profissão. Portanto, aliam-se, nos Projetos, uma tecnologia governamental, que busca conduzir e formatar ações escolares, e tecnologias do eu, que permitem, a cada indivíduo em formação, operar mudanças em si mesmo. Daqui, abrem-se e desenvolvem-se os capítulos iniciais do presente trabalho. Um capítulo dedicado a acompanhar disposições legais, publicações oficiais e acontecimentos que foram conformando os Projetos Especiais de Ação à formação docente no âmbito do trabalho; o outro, empenhado em delinear uma lógica de funcionamento desses instrumentos a partir de três eixos permanentes nas diversas configurações que tomaram ao longo das gestões municipais: a autonomia, a centralidade do aluno e a totalização das práticas em favor de alguma qualidade de ensino. Tais eixos acomodaram e levaram aos professores uma miríade de concepções de ensino e educação, mas também delimitaram as regras pelas quais as mudanças na escola e a própria formação poderiam ser pensadas. Contudo, este trabalho filia-se aos referenciais pós-estruturalistas e aos estudos de Michel Foucault, construindo a análise do ponto de vista das relações de poder e dos processos de subjetivação. Por isso, ao aproximar-se da vida que se vive nos tempos e espaços concretos de formação, depara-se com um campo aberto a múltiplas possibilidades de realização. Desse terreno, um horário coletivo de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil, onde as professoras agem, pensam, falam, brincam, riem e produzem-se, destacaram-se os termos teoria e prática e o discurso da vitimização docente. Os primeiros elementos são utilizados intensamente para definir os posicionamentos profissionais e as relações estabelecidas com a formação em serviço; e o segundo fundamenta as maneiras de lidar com a profissão, normaliza o magistério e a infância e modula uma certa terapêutica do espaço formativo. Vidas ressentidas, doentes e frustradas por uma formação que não realiza a escola idealizada, regozijam-se nas satisfações e nos prazeres mais imediatos, mesmo que estes sejam fugazes. As professoras refutam colocar o presente em questão, entregando-se a posturas queixosas; dão as costas à política, restringindo-se a não aderir às propostas públicas de formação; e não assumem o risco de educar, apegando-se aos seus saberes, creditados como tipicamente docentes, e às formas habituais de pensarem a profissão. Não se pretende uma atitude ajuizadora dos modos de esses sujeitos constituírem suas existências profissionais, mas acredita-se que, para se imaginar novos desenhos para a formação em serviço ou para assumi-la como importante ou dispensável para a docência, é preciso perguntar sobre o que se tem feito, atualmente, nos tempos e espaços destinados aos professores pensarem sua profissão. / The Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Project of Action) belong to the history of the municipal school teachers for almost twenty years. Deployed first as a tool for schools to manage improvements in their contexts, constitute today the main instrument of in-service teacher education. That education intents to cause totalizing effects, achieving the institutional practices and individualizing effects, inciting, each teacher, to show their educational actions to recomposition of them in particular ways of thinking, doing and saying the profession. Therefore, ally, on the Projects, a government technology, which seeks to conduct and format the school actions and technologies of the self which allow to every individual in education to operate changes in yourself. From this point, the initial sections of this research will be opened end developed. One section dedicated to follow the legal dispositions, the official publications and the happenings that had been conformed the Projetos Especiais de Ação (Special Project of Action) to in-service teacher education; the other one engaged to design a working logic of this instruments from the three permanent axles in different settings which took over the municipal administrations: the autonomy, the centrality of the student and the aggregation of efforts in favor of some quality of teaching. Those axels placed and conducted a plenty of educational conceptions to the teachers, but also delimited rules by which the school changes and the education could be thought. However, this research is affiliated to the poststructuralist references and to the Michel Foucaults studies, developing the analysis from the power relations and the subjectivity point of view. Therefore, when approaching the life that is lived in the factual time and place of education, it faced with a filed open to multiple possibilities of achievement. In this field, a collective time of a public school early childhood education, where the teachers act, think, speak, play, laugh and produce themselves, it was detached the terms theory and practice and the teaching victimization discourse. The first elements intensively used to define the professional positioning and the relations established with the in-service education. The second one based ways of dealing with the profession, normalizes the teaching and the childhood and modulates a certain therapeutic of the education. Resentful, sick and frustrated lives for an idealized school that cannot be implemented rejoice themselves with the more immediate satisfactions and pleasures, even if fleeting. The teachers refute to put the present into question, indulging in complainant postures; turning their backs on politics, restricted to ignore the proposed of public in-service education; and do not taking the risk of educating, clinging to their knowledge, credited as typically teaching, and to the habitual ways of thinking about the profession. Do not want an attitude of censorship of the ways the subjects constitute their professional existences, but it is believed to imagine new designs for the in-service education or to take it as important or dispensable for teaching, it is necessary to ask what has been done, nowadays, in times and places for teachers thinking their profession.

Breaking the Culture of Silence in Checkmating HIV/AIDS as a Teacher-Researcher

Esau, Omar January 2007 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study is about the author, a primary school teacher, who as a teacher-researcher wanted to improve the awareness of HIV/AIDS that has become a major challenge globally and has been on the increase over the past two-and-a-half decades, especially so, in sub-Saharan Africa. This is in spite of an "overflow" of HIV/AIDS information. The thesis documents two action research projects. Both of them are based on an emancipatory action research methodology. It has long been recognised that the HIV/AIDS pandemic requires more than medical attention and that the way in which teachers deal with HIV/AIDS education, especially at primary school level, becomes critical. A fundamental assumption of this study is that teachers play a critical role and are often the main adults, other than family members, with whom young people interact on a daily basis. Teachers can and must play a vital role in the development of valuable behavioural guidelines about reproductive health amongst the youth. This study views teachers, and more so primary school teachers, as important role players in the struggle to come to terms with HIV/AIDS. In reflecting about the HIV/AIDS pandemic, I realised that my classroom practice was characterised by a "culture of silence" when it came to discussing sex and matters concerning sexuality. The study sets out to enhance behavioural change in the way learners think about sex and sexuality and includes a continuous process of self reflection, self-awareness, planning and appropriate action. In Chapter One, I have tried to locate what I would regard as the problem in my teaching. I became increasingly convinced that my classroom practices might well be contributing to a lack of interweaving HIV/AIDS education into curriculum activity, while at the same time, promoting a "culture of silence" when it comes to issues of sex and sexuality. I arrived at this particular point as a result of reflectively looking at my own teaching career, as well as my own historical and schooling background which I felt has impacted on the way I teach. In this chapter I also give a brief historical background of the school where I teach and where I conducted my research. Towards the end of the chapter, I emphasise that teachers, including myself, need to redefine their role so as to empower students by creating the opportunity for their "voices" to be heard. I also explain concepts used in this written account such as "culture of silence" and "transformative intellectuals". In Chapter Two, I address the HIV and AIDS pandemic debate in more detail. I look at the impact of HIV/AIDS on education and how the implementation of an outcomes - based curriculum (C2005) takes up the HIV/AIDS challenge. In addition to this, I attempt to unpack the Western Cape Education Department's plans and policy concerning HIV/AIDS, after which I focus on breaking the HIV/AIDS "culture of silence". Before I conclude the chapter, I critically engage with the idea of the teacher as a researcher and critical change agent in an HIV/AIDS challenged society. In Chapter Three I provide a brief historical background of the development of action research. I point out how Lewin (1948) and Stenhouse's (1975) idea of action research was later taken up further and given a more critical perspective by writers such as Elliott (1985), Hopkins (1985), Walker (1985), Carr & Kemrnis (1986), Grundy (1987), Winter (1989), McKernan (2000), Meerkotter (2002) and McNiff & Whitehead (2006). I start with the defining (with due regard for the pitfalls of definitions) of action research and then focus on the nature and practices of an emancipatory action research approach. In this chapter I also elaborate on the reasons why I have decided on emancipatory action research as the main approach for this investigation. Chapter Four focuses on my first action research project where I set out to hear my students' "voice". And to contribute to the development of their voice to empower them with regard to sex and sexuality issues, a voice reflecting their increasing understanding of the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and most of all a "critical voice" as purported by Freire (1972; 1980), Giroux (1988; 1991) and McLaren (1991; 2006). My second action research project "Checkmating HIV/AIDS", which is described in detail in Chapter Five, is a continuation of the first action research project where I tried to break down the "culture of silence" concerning HIV/AIDS and sex and sexuality in my classroom. On reflecting about the first project, I realized that awareness alone was not going to be enough to take up the HIV/AIDS prevention challenge. Infusing awareness with action was my next step, and sport, being a rallying point on our country's Transformation and Nation Building agenda became the ideal educational tool for this process. For successful prevention, individuals must be able to make decisions to protect themselves. In the second project I focus specifically on one code of sport, namely chess. In this second project, I set out to discuss the potential of using this code of sport to take up the HIV/AIDS challenge. Chapter Six is the concluding chapter. The question posed is: Can we ever win the battle against HIV/AIDS? Is it possible to change the way we think about sex and matters concerning sexuality? Thereafter the concept of change is interrogated and "clarified" in the context of my study. This is followed by looking at the two projects, and I specifically focus on whether these projects had been liberatory or transformative. I then address the issue concerning teachers as "transformative intellectuals" and teacher researchers and conclude by proposing emancipatory action research as a "vehicle" for change. Too often the response to the pandemic produces plans that list endless interventions. I strongly recommend that further research relating to the role of sport in education, with specific reference to HIV/AIDS, be prioritised. The argument being that sport, recreation and play are increasingly elements of development programmes around the world, contributing to the well-being, health and education of children and young people. If chess can contribute to checkmating HIV/AIDS and basketball to dunking HIV/AIDS then a big code such as soccer can definitely contribute to "dribbling" and "tackling" the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Especially, in view of the fact, that South Africa is hosting and showcasing the soccer world cup of 2010.

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