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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles of Maximal Strength and Rate of Force Development in Maximizing Muscular Power

Taber, Christopher, Bellon, Christopher, Abbott, Heather, Bingham, Garett E. 01 February 2016 (has links)
This brief review encompasses the role of maximal strength and rate of force development in the production of muscular power. It begins with the investigation of power output and its importance for sport. After this basis for power production, this review examines both maximal strength and rate of force development effects on the development of optimal power output. Finally, a rational why maximizing rate of force development during the competition season to achieve success in sport is provided.

Power Development among Explosive Athletes

Stone, Michael H. 18 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Power Development

Stone, Michael H. 01 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Power Development

Stone, Michael H. 01 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Power Development in Sport

Stone, Michael H. 01 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

European Wind Power Development, Factors That Influenced Change and What Can Be Learned.

Gillies, John January 2016 (has links)
The success of wind power integration throughout Europe has been largely varied with some European countries showing large boosts in capacity compared to some which show none at all.  This Thesis looks at those countries that have been successful in order to determine which factors have led to this success and what if any lessons can be learned in order to assist other countries.  The countries studied make up the top three for total wind power capacity and top three for total capacity per capita.  The surrounding elements that affect wind power development are assessed and relevant trends are investigated and discussed.  Factors such as, support instruments and overall governance are discussed in detail with a number of trends being found.  Calculations were conducted developing an average mean annual percentage increase for total capacity which showed that countries with an undeveloped wind power industry switching to a form of quota system could show a boost to total capacity.  No evidence was found that suggested switching to or changing an existing feed in tariff system would result in a boost in installed capacity.  In assessing governance, a trend was discovered showing obligations and targets helped to drive boosts in capacity especially for the countries who implemented a quota system. Brining these two trends together it was determined that strong top level governance was required to actually kick start boosts in total capacity.  The use of combinations of support schemes is assessed and a trend determined that suggests that use a quota system as a primary support scheme is better suited to having tax incentives as a secondary with feed in tariff systems having financial support as a secondary system.  A plan for developing wind power in countries with undeveloped wind power industries is developed based on the trends identified within the Thesis.  This suggests that a switch to a quota system combined with strong EU and national Governance could help to boost capacity to a point at which time a switch to a form of FIT would be beneficial to build on this steady base.


馮遠凱 Unknown Date (has links)
壹 過去一般經濟學者對資源的認識,不外乎僅限於自然資源一類,時至今日,現代經濟學家對於資源的看法,不是單純的自然資源,認為資源應該是人類對自然所給予技術的、管理的才能運用交織物,亦即自然資源必須與人力資源相結合。 人力之成為資源,猶如土地、能源、資本之成為經濟資源一樣,但人力資源又與其他自然資源的性質不同,因為人力素質的不斷提高與妥善運用,是創造財富與開發其他經濟資源的主力,必須針對一個國家當前的各種情況,配合經濟發展的目標,作審慎而合理的規劃,方能產生理想的效果,而任何國家在謀求經建發展的過程中,均將面臨人力發展與運用的問題,因此,開發人力資源便成為經建中不可缺少的一環。 吾國對人力資源的重視,還是近年的事,過去大家對這個問題非常漠視,直到民國五十三年初,行政院國際經濟合作發展委員會成立人力資源小組,方始受到社會一般人士的重視。但人力資源的發展工作,牽涉範圍甚廣,固然有賴全國人士的了解與努力,而最重要的,政府處於領導地位,必須兼籌並顧,建立各種完善一致的政策與制度,同時,首要步驟,必須先建立一個體系完整的人力發展行政機構,以總其成,使之負責規劃及執行人力發展計劃,以與經濟發展計劃相配合。 但我國政府由於沒有這方面健全合理,專責統一的行政體系,所以人力發展計劃不能推行盡善。如果有關業務統由一個機構來負責辦理,則權責分明,推諉的現象可以減少,行政效率必可因此大幅提高。美國是一個行政效率極高的國家,尼克森總統尚且嫌聯邦政府機構太多,權責劃分不清,影響政令的推行,在一九七一年二月的國情咨文中提出精簡聯邦政府機構之議,其中「人力資源部」便擬將原有的勞工部、衛生教育及福利部合併,加上原屬農業部及司法部的部份業務歸併起來。這確是一個進步而具有革命性的構想。其他歐美各國亦設置有「人力發展行政機構」負責規劃及執行人力發展計劃,並認為有效率的人力規劃和管理,更有賴於政府早日設置永久性的人力發展行政機構,乃是一件刻不容緩的工作。 本文因鑑於前述的認識及了解其重要性,認為建立一個人力發展行政機構以對現有充沛的人力資源予以積極的開發與運用,顯屬必要而為當務之急,故大膽地從事此一問題的研究。 貳 本文係以「人力發展行政機構」的設置、組織及職掌之研析為主要範圍,以明瞭此一機構的運作情形及其所發生之功能與價值。此外,關於本文之寫作方法係採理論的闡述與實際事象之研析為主,其間亦兼採用比較及動態的研究,否則不過霧里觀花,難見真貌。 參 本研究論文組織的結構,除提要外,計分五章十五節,其各章概要如下: 一、第一章共分四節,分別從經濟發展、社會發展、行政管理及軍事動員的需求來敘述專設人力發展行政機構的原因與理由。 二、第二章共分兩節,說明人力發展行政機構的地位與功能。第一節論及人力發展行政機構設置的法律依據及其在行政組織中的隸屬關係;第二節綜其人力發展機構的工作,歸納為五項功能扼要敘述之。 三、第三章共分五節,係就我國現行人力行政機構的現況加以檢討。首行是簡述各級政府有關人力發展行政機構的組織,與其他機關之關係,以及在發展人力政策方面之職掌等。繼之就行政學的立場,為了增進人力行政的效率與功能,分別從完整統一、協同一致、管理經濟及事權確實等組織原則對現行的機構分析檢討。 四、第四章計分三節,試舉歐美各國的人力行政制度分別從領導單位、實作單位及幕僚單位予以比較說明,藉以明瞭其組織形式、職掌及其推動業務的方法,藉以獲得有助於解決類似問題上堪資借鏡的各種啟示。 五、第五章計分兩節本章的目的是根據研究所得的認識,認為我國的人力發展機構尚有未盡完善之處,故提出幾點意見,就成立「人力發展委員會」及設置「人力行政執行機構」二點,略陳管見,作為本文對於今後我國新建人力發展行政機構的建議。 肆 本文之撰寫,承鎮師天錫於百忙中賜予殷切之指導修正,並惠予各種資料,復蒙張師明誠的關懷及提示原則,雷所主任飛龍對研究內容及寫作要領指示週詳,審閱校正,及行政院經合會人力小組諸賢達的懇切指導,使筆者受惠良多,得以如期完成,感激之餘,謹於此一併誌謝。

The Influence of Load and Inter-Repetition Rest on Force, Power, and Velocity in Multiple Sets of Hang Power Cleans

Swisher, Anna 01 August 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effects of several loads and multiple inter-repetition rest (IRR) intervals on peak power, peak velocity, and peak force in multiple sets of hang power cleans. Additionally, this dissertation investigates the load at which power and barbell velocity are maximized in a hang power clean, which is an area of the literature that requires greater clarity. From a practical perspective it is exceedingly difficult to make training recommendations to maximize power development or prescribe load and IRR intervals in cluster loading based on the current literature. The primary findings of this dissertation are 1) 70% 1RM maximizes power and velocity as compared to 80% 1RM in multiple sets of the hang power clean, 2) 45 seconds IRR improved peak velocity and peak power relative to a traditional set configuration, and 3) peak power output at 80% 1RM with 45 seconds IRR is equivalent to power output at 70% 1RM using a traditional set configuration. To the authors’ knowledge this is only the second study to examine the effect of IRR on multiple sets of power cleans in trained participants, and the insights from this dissertation help to build a foundation for future investigations in cluster loading with weightlifting movements. The findings from this dissertation provide further evidence for the efficacy of cluster loading as a training tool to develop power in trained individuals.

Remediation and restoration of ocean exposed cliff-top, in the context of Dounreay (Scotland) nuclear power plant decommissioning

Braidwood, David Walter January 2018 (has links)
Restoration ecology continues to become ever more relevant as legislation demands we prevent biodiversity losses. Post-industrial restoration sites pose a number of additional challenges, including balancing ecological need with logistical and financial constraints. In the North of Scotland, one such site is the Dounreay Nuclear Power Plant, now undergoing decommissioning. The intention is to restore cliff-top habitat with native vegetation, blending in with its surroundings and necessitating minimal maintenance. The overall objective of this PhD research was to help develop a plan for the restoration of the site. A key challenge in this particular case was the residual low level radioactivity at depth in some areas, and a restoration layer is required to prevent contamination of bioreceptors at the surface, however, topsoil availability is limited. The cliff top site, and exposure to salt spray driven by strong winds, meant the identification of suitable vegetation communities for different areas could be crucial to its success. Vegetation and soil surveys across nine reference sites along the North coast of Scotland identified five non-peat vegetation communities suitable for Dounreay's restoration. Restoration ecology continues to become ever more relevant as legislation demands we prevent biodiversity losses. Post-industrial restoration sites pose a number of additional challenges, including balancing ecological need with logistical and financial constraints. In the North of Scotland, one such site is the Dounreay Nuclear Power Plant, now undergoing decommissioning. The intention is to restore cliff-top habitat with native vegetation, blending in with its surroundings and necessitating minimal maintenance. The overall objective of this PhD research was to help develop a plan for the restoration of the site. A key challenge in this particular case was the residual low level radioactivity at depth in some areas, and a restoration layer is required to prevent contamination of bioreceptors at the surface, however, topsoil availability is limited. The cliff top site, and exposure to salt spray driven by strong winds, meant the identification of suitable vegetation communities for different areas could be crucial to its success. Vegetation and soil surveys across nine reference sites along the North coast of Scotland identified five non-peat vegetation communities suitable for Dounreay's restoration. This prompted the development of a novel concept: that of utilising restoration sites as 'protorefuges' or 'protorefugia', i.e. restoration sites where threatened species at the leading edge of climate change can be translocated ahead of the climate changing. There, they would be joined by individuals of the wider population naturally dispersed as the climate shifts. Overall, these results enabled the development of a refined restoration plan for Dounreay, which takes into account the particular setting, constraints and timelines involved. With the decommissioning of an increasing number of nuclear sites across Britain and Europe taking place in the coming years, this research should be developed further. In particular our novel concept of protorefugia could even be put into practice, benefiting both restoration and conservation.

Delkropp- eller helkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi efter upprepade högintensiva arbetsbelastningar på stakergometer hos svenska elitlängdskidåkare. : En kvantitativ studie om återhämtningsstrategier

Tynell, Rikard January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka skillnaden mellan två olika återhämtningsstrategier, delkroppsarbete (cykelergometer) och helkroppsarbete (rullskidor), avseende effektutveckling vid upprepade högintensiva arbeten på stakergometer. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om hjärtfrekvensen och blodlaktatkoncentrationen skiljer sig åt mellan återhämtningsstrategierna. Metod: Sju elitaktiva manliga skidåkare på nationell nivå rekryterades till studien där en crossovermetod tillämpades. En prolog och tre heat med tre minuter högintensivt arbete genomfördes under varje prestationstillfälle. Återhämtningsstrategierna genomfördes med 16 min arbete på en arbetsbelastning vid ≈ 55% av VO2max. De testvariabler som samlades in var laktatkoncentration, effektutveckling samt hjärtfrekvens. Resultat: En signifikant lägre laktatkoncentration påvisades efter helkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi. Dock kunde ingen skillnad mellan strategierna påvisas avseende effektutveckling under heaten. Det kunde heller inte påvisas någon skillnad i hjärtfrekvens före eller under heaten. Slutsatser: Ingen utav de undersökta återhämtningsstrategierna kan rekommenderas framför den andra avseende att optimera sprintprestationsförmågan i längdskidåkning. Däremot visade det sig att helkroppsarbete medförde en lägre blodlaktatkoncentration inför nästkommande heat jämfört mot delkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference between two recovery strategies, lower-body work (cycle) and whole-body work (roller skiing), regarding to power development in repeated maximum workout on double-poling ergometer. Moreover, the study also aims to investigating whether the heart rate and the blood-lactate concentration differ between the recovery strategies. Method: Seven elite-active male skiers at national level were recruited to the study where a crossover method was applied. A prologue and three heats with three minutes of high-intensity work were performed during each performance. Recovery strategies were carried out with 16 min work at a workload for ≈ 55% of VO2max. The collected test variables in this study were lactate concentration, effect development, and heart rate. Results: A significant difference was found in the lactate concentration after whole-body work as a recovery strategy. However, there was no difference between the strategies in power development during the heats. Furthermore, no difference in heartrates was detected before or during the heats. Conclusions: None of the investigated recovery strategies can be recommended above the other in order to optimize the sprint performance in cross-country skiing. However, whole-body work resulted in a lower blood-lactate concentration prior to next heat compared to lower-body work as recovery strategy.

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