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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forme d'onde multiporteuse pour de la diffusion par satellite haute capacité / Multicarrier waveform for high capacity satellite broadcasting

Dudal, Clément 26 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur l’amélioration conjointe de l'efficacité spectrale et de l'efficacité en puissance de schémas de transmission par satellite. L’émergence de nouveaux services et l'augmentation du nombre d’acteurs dans le domaine nécessitent de disposer de débits de plus en plus importants avec des ressources de plus en plus limitées. Les progrès réalisés ces dernières années sur la technologie embarquée et dans le domaine des communications numériques permettent de considérer des schémas de transmission à plus haute efficacité spectrale et en puissance. Cependant, l’enjeu majeur des schémas de transmission proposes actuellement reste de rentabiliser les ressources disponibles. L’étude développée dans cette thèse explore les possibilités d’amélioration conjointe de l’efficacité spectrale et de l’efficacité en puissance en proposant la combinaison de la modulation Cyclic Code-Shift-Keying (CCSK), dont l’efficacité en puissance augmente avec l’élévation du degré de la modulation, avec une technique de multiplexage par codage de type Code-Division Multiplexing (CDM) pour pallier la dégradation de l’efficacité spectrale liée à l’étalement du spectre induit par la modulation CCSK. Deux approches basées sur l’utilisation de séquences de Gold de longueur N sont définies: Une approche multi-flux avec un décodeur sphérique optimal en réception. La complexité liée à l’optimalité du décodeur conduit à des valeurs d'efficacité spectrale limitées mais l’étude analytique des performances, vérifiée par des simulations, montre une augmentation de l'efficacité en puissance avec l'efficacité spectrale. Une approche mono-flux justifiée par l’apparition de redondance dans les motifs résultant du multiplexage des séquences. L’approche mono-flux propose des valeurs d’efficacité spectrale équivalente aux schémas retenus dans le standard DVB-S2 avec une amélioration de l’efficacité en puissance à partir d’un certain seuil de rapport signal à bruit par rapport à ces schémas. Par la suite, l'étude porte sur la transposition de plusieurs symboles de modulation sur les porteuses d’un système OFDM et sur les bénéfices et avantages d’une telle approche. Elle se conclut sur l’apport d’un codage canal basé sur des codes par bloc non binaires Reed-Solomon et LDPC. La forme d’onde proposée offre des points de fonctionnement à haute efficacité spectrale et haute efficacité en puissance avec des perspectives intéressantes. Dans le contexte actuel, son application reste limitée par ses fluctuations d’amplitude mais est envisageable dans un contexte de transmission multiporteuse, comme attendu dans les années à venir. / This thesis focuses on jointly improving the spectral efficiency and the power efficiency of satellite transmission schemes. The emergence of new services and the increasing number of actors in this field involve higher transmission rates with increasingly limited resources. Recent progress in the embedded technologies and in digital communications offered to consider transmission schemes with higher spectral and power efficiency. Nevertheless, the major current challenge consists in making efficient use of resources. The study developed in this thesis explores the possibilities of jointly improving the spectral and power efficiency by offering a combination of the Cyclic-Code-Shift Keying modulation (CCSK), which power efficiency increases with the degree of modulation, with a multiplexing technique such as Code-Division Multiplexing (CDM) to offset the deterioration on the spectral efficiency due to the spread spectrum induced by CCSK. Two approaches based on the use of Gold sequences of length N are defined : A multi-stream approach with an optimal receiver implemented through sphere decoding. The complexity due to the receiver optimality leads to limited spectral efficiencies but the study of performance, confirmed by simulations, shows an increase in power efficiency with spectral efficiency. A single-stream approach justified by the appearance of redundancy in the patterns following the sequences multiplexing. The single-stream approach offers spectral efficiencies equivalent to the adopted schemes in the DVB-S2 standard, with improved power efficiency from a certain level of signal to noise ratio compared to those schemes. Subsequently, the study focuses on the implementation of several modulation symbols on the subcarriers of an OFDM modulator and the benefits and advantages of such an approach. It concludes with the contribution of channel coding based on nonbinary block codes such as Reed-Solomon and LDPC codes. The proposed waveform offers operating points with high spectral efficiency and high power efficiency with attractive perspectives. In the current context, its application is limited by its amplitude fluctuations but is possible in a multicarrier transmission context, as expected in the years to come.

Vom Energiekonsum zur Energieeffizienz.: Werbung für umweltfreundliche Haushaltsprodukte in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR

Wölfel, Sylvia 19 May 2016 (has links)
Aus der Einführung: "Werbung für elektrische Haushaltsgroßgeräte spielte für die Durchsetzung und breite Akzeptanz von Elektrizität in den Privathaushalten der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts eine wichtige Rolle. Diese ist in zahlreichen Studien zur Technisierung des Haushaltes beschrieben worden.1 Im Zeichen einerbreitenwirksamen Ökologisierung von Politik und Alltag seit den 1970er Jahren entwickelte sich in den darauf folgenden Jahrzehnten eine neue Verbindung von Energieversorgung und Hausgerätekonsum. Standen bis 1970 Argumente der Arbeitserleichterung und Zeitersparnis durch elektrische Hausgeräte im Vordergrund von Werbebemühungen, so wurde dies in einem bis zur Gegenwart andauernden Prozess durch Hinweise auf einen besonders geringen Stromverbrauch von Kühlschränken oder Waschmaschinen ergänzt. Das Fortschrittsversprechen eines vollelektrischen Haushaltes sollte unter ökologischen Vorzeichen neu verhandelt werden und im Fortschrittsversprechen eines energieeffizienten Haushaltes seinen heutigen Ausdruck finden."

Design of Resonant Filters for AC Current Magnification : Heating of Li-ion Batteries by Using AC Currents

Djekanovic, Nikolina January 2018 (has links)
Using alternating current in order to heat batteries at sub-zero temperatures is a method,which is investigated in-depth by an increasing number of study groups. The thesis considersthe resonance phenomenon with the intention to use alternating current amplificationand battery’s impedance in order to induce power dissipation inside the battery, and in thisway increase its temperature. A battery cell is thereby modelled as an impedance transferfunction, estimated from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, whichare taken for a LiNi 13Mn13Co13O2 cell. Note that at 1 kHz and room temperature (20 ◦C),the ohmic resistance of the selected cell amounts to only 0.76m. Five resonant circuitsare investigated and one of them is selected for further investigation, and as a basis for afilter design. The chosen resonant circuit lead to an LCL filter with current magnification.The experimental setup used for conducting practical experiments, offers the possibilityof operating the voltage source converter both as a Full-bridge and as a Half-bridge, withand without current control. For each possible configuration, an LCL filter and a currentcontroller are designed, taking into account the corresponding limitations in frequency,current and controller voltage. The filter design is based on a multiobjective optimizationmethod used to determine filter components that yield the highest gain value for everyconfiguration. The method minimizes two objective functions in order to find an optimalsolution. The first objective is the reversed absolute value of the gain, whereas thesecond one is the absolute impedance of the circuit, consisting of the filter and batterycells. The gain is thereby defined as the ratio between the induced cell current and thecurrent entering the circuit. The obtained results of the proposed method are experimentallyvalidated. Depending on how the filters were physically designed and taking intoaccount the corresponding voltage source converter configuration, gains of 16 were experimentallyachieved. Finally, the three investigated configurations are compared againstthe reference case (Half-bridge voltage source converter with current control and a singleinductor) regarding their power efficiencies. The power measurements showed that despitehigh obtained gains, the overall filter power losses remained approximately in thesame range, compared to the power losses of the reference case. This is due to the factthat stray resistances of the designed LCL filters easily reached values of around 40m,which hindered an efficient power transfer with the chosen voltage source converter andthe used battery cells. This further indicates the importance of building filters with lowstray resistances and in this thesis, it represents a primary source of improvement. / Användandet av växelströ m fö r att värma upp batterier är en metod som fö r närvarande undersö ks av ett flertal forskargupper. Detta examensarbete fokuserar kring hur resonans kan nyttjas fö r att ö ka strö mfö rstärkningen och, pådetta sätt, ö ka effektutvecklingen i batteriet (av LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2-typ). Battericellens impedans modelleras som en ö verfö ringsfunktion vars parametrar estimerats från tidigare genomfö rda impedansspektroskopimätningar. Vid 1 kHz och rumstemperatur är den cellens ohmska resistansen endast 0.76 mΩ. Fem mö jliga resonanta kretsar har undersö kts och en av dem valts ut fö r vidare undersö kningar. The utvalda kretsen är ett LCL-filter med vilken strö mfö rstärkning åstadkoms. Den experimentella uppställningen, i vilken praktiska test har genomfö rts, medger mö jligheten att nyttja den tillhö rande omriktaren både som en helbrygga och en halvbrygga, med och utan strö mreglering. Fö r varje mö jlig omriktarkonfiguration har ett LCL-filter och en strö mreglering tagits fram, med hänsyn tagen till uppställningens begränsningar i termer av frekvens, strö moch dc-spänningsnivå. Filtren är framtagna med hjälp av en multiobjektiv optimering vilken åstadkommer hö gsta strö mfö rstärkning mö jlig fö r varje omriktare och strö mregleringsval. Metoden minimerar tvåfunktioner fö r att finna en optimal lö sning. Den fö rsta funktionen beskriver inversen påströ mfö rstärkningen och den andra lastens (bestående av filter och tillhö rande battericell) impedans absolutbelopp. Den resulterande ö har validerats experimentellt och en strö mfö rstärkningsnivåpå 16 uppnåddes. Slutligen har de olika konfigurationerna jämfö rts i termer av verknings-grad. De genomfö rda effektmätningarna visar att trots att hö ga strö mfö rstärkningsnivåer var mö jliga såresulterade de associerade filterfö rlusterna till liknande verkningsgrader fö r alla studerade konfigurationer. Resultaten understryker fö rdelarna med hö geffektiva filtervilka representerar en mö jlig väg fö r vidare undersö kningar.

Algorithmic Multi-Ported Memories Enabled Power-Efficient Pre-Distorter Design in ASIC / Algorithmiska multi-portad minnen möjliggjorde energieffektiv design av förvrängningskompenserare i ASIC

Shen, Xuying January 2023 (has links)
The transition from the 5G to the 6G era is a pivotal juncture in contemporary wireless communication. Under such a circumstance, Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) technology has established its significance as an effective method to linearize Power Amplifiers. However, DPD is facing a series of challenges, notably the increased bandwidth which necessitates more complex modeling techniques. This thesis focuses on the fact that the DPD requires multi-ported memories for the Look-Up-Tables to store correction coefficients, where two research questions are identified. Firstly, this thesis analyses the power, area, and delay-performance trade-offs with an increase in the number of read and write ports of Flip-Flop (FF)-based memories. Secondly, this thesis evaluates and compares the performance of the conventional FF-based multi-ported memories and algorithmic FF-based multi-ported memories. As a Master’s thesis project, this research utilizes the knowledge and practice skills expected of a Master’s student specializing in Embedded Systems. In this thesis, conventional and algorithmic multi-ported memories are implemented and evaluated after studying related works. Subsequently, an industrial Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design flow is executed, undergoing iterative refinements. And in the end, the conclusions are drawn based on an analysis of the software reports. The results underscore that area and power consumption exhibit linear growth alongside increased port numbers within conventional multi-ported memories. Also, the algorithmic multi-ported memory presents a promising alternative, engendering improvements across all three dimensions of delay, area, and power consumption. The implemented memories can be integrated into DPD forward path with customized port numbers in the future, offering adaptability in terms of port configuration and better performance in terms of timing, area and power. Additionally, these implemented memories stand as a valuable point of reference for engineers engaged in the development of FF-based multi-ported memories within the context of ASIC. / Övergången från den 5G- till den 6G- eran är en avgörande tidpunkt inom samtida trådlös kommunikation. Under sådana omständigheter har DPDtekniken etablerat sin betydelse som en effektiv metod för att linjärisera effektförstärkare. Dock står DPD inför en rad utmaningar, särskilt den ökade bandbredden som kräver mer komplexa modelleringstekniker. Denna avhandling fokuserar på det faktum att DPD kräver flerportsminnen för att Look-Up-Tables ska lagra korrigeringskoefficienter, där två forskningsfrågor identifieras. För det första analyserar denna avhandling effekt- , area- och fördröjningsprestanda-avvägningar med en ökning av antalet läs- och skrivportar för FF-baserade minnen. För det andra utvärderar och jämför denna avhandling prestandan hos konventionella FF-baserade multiportade minnen och algoritmiska FF-baserade multiportade minnen. Som ett masteruppsatsprojekt använder denna forskning de kunskaper och övningsfärdigheter som förväntas av en masterstudent som specialiserar sig på inbyggda system. I denna avhandling implementeras och utvärderas konventionella och algoritmiska flerportade minnen efter att ha studerat relaterade arbeten. Nästa steg är att genomföra en industriell ASIC-designflöde som genomgår iterativa förbättringar. Och till slut dras slutsatserna baserat på en analys av mjukvarurapporterna. Denna avhandling understryker att area och strömförbrukning ökar linjärt med ökade portnummer inom konventionella flerportade minnen. Å andra sidan presenterar det algoritmiska flerportade minnet ett lovande alternativ och ger förbättringar inom alla tre dimensioner av fördröjning, area och strömförbrukning. De implementerade minnena kan integreras i DPD-signalförloppet med anpassade portnummer i framtiden och erbjuda anpassningsbarhet när det gäller portkonfiguration och bättre prestanda vad gäller tid, area och ström. Dessutom utgör dessa implementerade minnen en värdefull referenspunkt för ingenjörer som är engagerade i utvecklingen av FF-baserade flerportade minnen inom ramen för ASIC.

Conception d'une tête radiofréquence auto adaptative au milieu de propagation pour les applications médicales

Chan Wai Po, Françis 23 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'impédance d'entrée d'une antenne miniature est fortement affectée par des facteurs environnementaux à l'origine de pertes de puissance réduisant l'efficacité énergétique des têtes radiofréquences dans les applications RF, en particulier dans la télémétrie des implants cardiaques. Le but de mes études est de développer une unité de calibration d'impédance d'antenne très faible consommation capable d'adapter toute variation de l'impédance d'entrée de l'antenne à l'impédance de la source radiofréquence. La première partie de mon étude est axée sur la conception au niveau système d'une approche nouvelle de calibration automatique du système. Un réseau d'adaptation automatique d'impédance sans coupleur et fonctionnant de façon directe est étudié et permet d'optimiser la taille du dispositif, la vitesse de l'adaptation, la consommation d'énergie et les performances globales. Deuxièmement, une nouvelle méthode de synthèse du réseau d'adaptation variable est proposée pour réduire fortement la complexité globale de l'algorithme d'adaptation. La troisième partie de mon étude est axée sur la fabrication d'un démonstrateur hybride fonctionnant dans la bande médicale MICS afin de valider le concept auto adaptatif d'impédance. Un banc expérimental qui comprend une antenne immergée dans son milieu connectée au démonstrateur piloté par un microcontrôleur a été mis en place et a permis d'atteindre un coefficient de réflexion jusqu'à -30dB avec un temps de calibration inférieur à 1ms. La dernière partie de mon travail consiste à concevoir le circuit d'adaptation automatique d'impédance d'antenne très faible consommation fonctionnant dans la bande ISM 2.4GHz en utilisant la technologie CMOS 0.13um. Antenna input impedance is highly affected by environmental factors increasing the losses or reducing the power efficiency of the radiofrequency transceiver in many RF applications such as in implantable pacemaker device telemetry. The purpose of my study is to develop a low power fully integrated antenna-impedance tuning unit to match any variation of the antenna impedance to the source. The first part of my study is focused on the system-level design of a new approach to automatically match the system. A couplerless single step automatic matching network is investigated to optimize the die size, the speed, the power consumption and the overall performance. Second, a new method for synthesizing an automatic matching network is developed reducing strongly the overall complexity of the matching algorithm. The third part of my study is focused on the fabrication of a hybrid demonstrator operating at the Medical Implantable Communication Service (MICS) frequency band to validate the concept. An experimental set-up including the antenna tuning unit, a microcontroller and a pacemaker antenna connected to the demonstrator was done achieving a reflection coefficient up to -30dB, an overall tuning time less than 1ms. The last part of my work is to design the entire automatic matching network circuit in 0.13um CMOS technology including a front-end transceiver designed under ultra low power constraints and operating at 2.4GHz ISM frequency band. The additional items overall power consumption is less than 1.5mW under 1.2V supply voltage.

Enhanced Passive RF-DC Converter Circuit Efficiency for Low RF Energy Harvesting

Chaour, Issam, Fakhfakh, Ahmed, Kanoun, Olfa 02 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
For radio frequency energy transmission, the conversion efficiency of the receiver is decisive not only for reducing sending power, but also for enabling energy transmission over long and variable distances. In this contribution, we present a passive RF-DC converter for energy harvesting at ultra-low input power at 868 MHz. The novel converter consists of a reactive matching circuit and a combined voltage multiplier and rectifier. The stored energy in the input inductor and capacitance, during the negative wave, is conveyed to the output capacitance during the positive one. Although Dickson and Villard topologies have principally comparable efficiency for multi-stage voltage multipliers, the Dickson topology reaches a better efficiency within the novel ultra-low input power converter concept. At the output stage, a low-pass filter is introduced to reduce ripple at high frequencies in order to realize a stable DC signal. The proposed rectifier enables harvesting energy at even a low input power from −40 dBm for a resistive load of 50 kΩ. It realizes a significant improvement in comparison with state of the art solutions

Conception d’une tête radiofréquence auto adaptative au milieu de propagation pour les applications médicales

Chan wai po, Francis 23 July 2010 (has links)
L'impédance d'entrée d'une antenne miniature est fortement affectée par des facteurs environnementaux à l'origine de pertes de puissance réduisant l'efficacité énergétique des têtes radiofréquences dans les applications RF, en particulier dans la télémétrie des implants cardiaques. Le but de mes études est de développer une unité de calibration d'impédance d'antenne très faible consommation capable d'adapter toute variation de l'impédance d'entrée de l'antenne à l'impédance de la source radiofréquence. La première partie de mon étude est axée sur la conception au niveau système d'une approche nouvelle de calibration automatique du système. Un réseau d'adaptation automatique d'impédance sans coupleur et fonctionnant de façon directe est étudié et permet d'optimiser la taille du dispositif, la vitesse de l'adaptation, la consommation d'énergie et les performances globales. Deuxièmement, une nouvelle méthode de synthèse du réseau d'adaptation variable est proposée pour réduire fortement la complexité globale de l'algorithme d'adaptation. La troisième partie de mon étude est axée sur la fabrication d'un démonstrateur hybride fonctionnant dans la bande médicale MICS afin de valider le concept auto adaptatif d'impédance. Un banc expérimental qui comprend une antenne immergée dans son milieu connectée au démonstrateur piloté par un microcontrôleur a été mis en place et a permis d'atteindre un coefficient de réflexion jusqu'à -30dB avec un temps de calibration inférieur à 1ms. La dernière partie de mon travail consiste à concevoir le circuit d'adaptation automatique d'impédance d'antenne très faible consommation fonctionnant dans la bande ISM 2.4GHz en utilisant la technologie CMOS 0.13um. / Antenna input impedance is highly affected by environmental factors increasing the losses or reducing the power efficiency of the radiofrequency transceiver in many RF applications such as in implantable pacemaker device telemetry. The purpose of my study is to develop a low power fully integrated antenna-impedance tuning unit to match any variation of the antenna impedance to the source. The first part of my study is focused on the system-level design of a new approach to automatically match the system. A couplerless single step automatic matching network is investigated to optimize the die size, the speed, the power consumption and the overall performance. Second, a new method for synthesizing an automatic matching network is developed reducing strongly the overall complexity of the matching algorithm. The third part of my study is focused on the fabrication of a hybrid demonstrator operating at the Medical Implantable Communication Service (MICS) frequency band to validate the concept. An experimental set-up including the antenna tuning unit, a microcontroller and a pacemaker antenna connected to the demonstrator was done achieving a reflection coefficient up to -30dB, an overall tuning time less than 1ms. The last part of my work is to design the entire automatic matching network circuit in 0.13um CMOS technology including a front-end transceiver designed under ultra low power constraints and operating at 2.4GHz ISM frequency band. The additional items overall power consumption is less than 1.5mW under 1.2V supply voltage.

Enhanced Passive RF-DC Converter Circuit Efficiency for Low RF Energy Harvesting

Chaour, Issam, Fakhfakh, Ahmed, Kanoun, Olfa 02 May 2017 (has links)
For radio frequency energy transmission, the conversion efficiency of the receiver is decisive not only for reducing sending power, but also for enabling energy transmission over long and variable distances. In this contribution, we present a passive RF-DC converter for energy harvesting at ultra-low input power at 868 MHz. The novel converter consists of a reactive matching circuit and a combined voltage multiplier and rectifier. The stored energy in the input inductor and capacitance, during the negative wave, is conveyed to the output capacitance during the positive one. Although Dickson and Villard topologies have principally comparable efficiency for multi-stage voltage multipliers, the Dickson topology reaches a better efficiency within the novel ultra-low input power converter concept. At the output stage, a low-pass filter is introduced to reduce ripple at high frequencies in order to realize a stable DC signal. The proposed rectifier enables harvesting energy at even a low input power from −40 dBm for a resistive load of 50 kΩ. It realizes a significant improvement in comparison with state of the art solutions

Linear Power-Efficient RF Amplifier with Partial Positive Feedback

King, Matthew E. 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last decade, the number of mobile wireless devices on the market has increased substantially. New “multi-carrier” modulation schemes, such as OFDM, WCDMA, and WiMAX, have been developed to accommodate the increasing number of wireless subscribers and the demand for faster data rates within the limited commercial frequency spectrum. These complex modulation schemes create signals with high peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR), exhibiting rapid changes in the signal magnitude. To accommodate these high-PAPR signals, RF power amplifiers in mobile devices must operate under backed-off gain conditions, resulting in poor power efficiency. Various efficiency-enhancement solutions have been realized for backed-off devices to combat this issue. A brief overview of one of the more extensively researched solutions, the Doherty amplifier, is given, and its inherent limitations are discussed. A recently proposed amplifier topology that provides the efficiency benefits of the Doherty amplifier, while overcoming some of the fundamental problems that plague the standard Doherty architecture, is investigated. A step-by-step design methodology is presented and confirmed by extensive simulation in Agilent ADS. A design example, tuned for maximum efficiency at peak output power, is implemented on a PCB and tested to verify the validity of the proposed circuit configuration.

Improving Photovoltaic Panel Efficiency by Cooling Water Circulation

Joseph, Jyothis 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase photovoltaic (PV) panel power efficiency by employing a cooling system based on water circulation, which represents an improved version of water flow based active cooling systems. Theoretical calculations involved finding the heat produced by the PV panel and the circulation water flow required to remove this heat. A data logger and a cooling system for a test panel of 20W was designed and employed to study the relationship between the PV panel surface temperature and its output power. This logging and cooling system includes an Arduino microcontroller extended with a data logging shield, temperature sensing probes, current sensors, and a DC water pump. Real-time measurements were logged every minute for one or two day periods under various irradiance and air temperature conditions. For these experiments, a load resistance was chosen to operate the test panel at its maximum power point. Results indicate that the cooling system can yield an improvement of 10% in power production. Based on the observations from the test panel experiments, a cooling system was devised for a PV panel array of 640 W equipped with a commercial charge controller. The test data logger was repurposed for this larger system. An identical PV array was left uncooled and monitored simultaneously to compare the effect of cooling, demonstrating that the cooled array provided up to an extra 132W or 20% of maximum power for sunny weather conditions. Future expansion possibilities of the project include automated water level monitoring system and water filtration systems.

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