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Evaluation of power management strategies on actual multiprocessor platforms / Évaluation de stratégies de gestion de la consommation pour des plateformes multiprocesseurs concrètesKhan Jadoon, Jabran 25 March 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’efficacité énergétique des stratégies basse consommation pour des plateformes représentatives. Principalement, nous nous intéresserons aux stratégies énergétiques pour des systèmes embarqués multicœur en étudiant le comportement de politiques logicielles qui permettent la réduction effective de l’énergie tout en répondant aux exigences applicatives. Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire vise à étudier des stratégies de gestion de la consommation pour des plateformes monoprocesseur puis multiprocesseur concrètes. L’approche utilisée pour cette étude fut basée sur des plateformes représentatives afin d’identifier les paramètres significatifs, aussi bien au niveau matériel qu’au niveau applicatif, à l’inverse de nombreux travaux dans lesquels ces paramètres sont assez peu pris en compte voir ignorés. Ce travail analyse et compare diverses expérimentations menées sur des politiques énergétiques basées sur des techniques DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) et DPS (Dynamic Power Switching) et définit les conditions sous lesquelles ces stratégies sont efficaces. Ces expérimentations ont permis d’établir des conclusions remarquables qui peuvent servir de pré-requis lors de la définition de stratégies efficaces de gestion de la consommation. Ces résultats montrent également que pour obtenir des stratégies efficientes il est nécessaire de tenir compte du domaine applicatif. Enfin, il faut noter que les modèles de haut de niveau de consommation ont été définis sur la base des mesures effectuées et afin d’estimer les gains énergétiques dès les premières étapes d’un flot de conception. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how power management strategies can be efficiently exploited in actual platforms. Primarily, the challenges in multicore based embedded systems lies in managing the energy expenditure, determining the scheduling behavior and establishing methods to monitor power and energy, so as to meet the demands of the battery life and load requirements. The work presented in this dissertation is a study of low power-aware strategies in the practical world for single and multiprocessor platforms. The approach used for this study is based on representative multiprocessor platforms (real or virtual) to identify the most influential parameters, at hardware as well as application level, unlike many existing works in which these parameters are often underestimated or sometimes even ignored. The work analyzes and compares in detail various experimentations with different power policies based on Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Dynamic Power Switching (DPS) techniques, and investigates the conditions at which these policies are effective in terms of energy savings. The results of these investigations reveal many interesting and notable conclusions that can serve as prerequisites for the efficient use of power management strategies. This work also shows the potential of advanced domain specific power strategies compared to real world available strategies that are general purpose based in their majority. Finally, some high level consumption models are derived from the different energy measurement results to let the estimation of power management benefits at early stages of a system development.
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Lärares upplevelser av makt i skolan : en intervjustudieMelander, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka lärares upplevelser kring makt i skolan. Studiens ambitioner handlade inte endast om hur lärare upplever sin egen makt, utan hur de upplever makt som fenomen i skolan. I bakgrunden ges en teoretisk referensram innehållande historik kring skolan och makt och vad läroplanen idag säger om makt. Även läraren och elever som maktutövare bearbetas, och olika strategier som dessa kan använda som går att finna i tidigare forskning beskrivs. I den teoretiska referensramen bearbetas även grupper och ledare.</p><p>Studien är en kvalitativ studie och metoden som använts är intervjuer. Intervjuerna har varit öppna i sin utformning och en intervjuguide med exempelfrågor har använts som stöd i dessa. Fem lärare i blandade åldrar och kön har medverkat i intervjuerna som tagits upp med hjälp av en digital diktafon. Resultatet av intervjuerna har först transkriberats till text och lästs och genomgåtts grundligt. Sedan har de transkriberade intervjuerna bearbetats och delats upp i olika mönster/teman för att sedan bearbetas med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen.</p><p>Resultaten i studien visade att läraryrket är ett mycket socialt yrke, där relationer står i fokus. Lärarna i studien talade om att de har en stor chans att påverka elever, främst genom att ha en god relation till dem. Det framgick även att lärarna i denna studie känner att de får stöd av skolan som organisation och att det kan påverka i mindre sakfrågor. I studien framkom det även att lärare upplever att makten bland elever är ojämnt fördelad, att det finns vissa elever som har mer makt. Det framkom att det ofta upplevs att det finns vissa ledartyper bland eleverna och att grupptryck är något som är ständigt närvarande, i större eller mindre utsträckning.</p>
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Lärares upplevelser av makt i skolan : en intervjustudieMelander, Malin January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka lärares upplevelser kring makt i skolan. Studiens ambitioner handlade inte endast om hur lärare upplever sin egen makt, utan hur de upplever makt som fenomen i skolan. I bakgrunden ges en teoretisk referensram innehållande historik kring skolan och makt och vad läroplanen idag säger om makt. Även läraren och elever som maktutövare bearbetas, och olika strategier som dessa kan använda som går att finna i tidigare forskning beskrivs. I den teoretiska referensramen bearbetas även grupper och ledare. Studien är en kvalitativ studie och metoden som använts är intervjuer. Intervjuerna har varit öppna i sin utformning och en intervjuguide med exempelfrågor har använts som stöd i dessa. Fem lärare i blandade åldrar och kön har medverkat i intervjuerna som tagits upp med hjälp av en digital diktafon. Resultatet av intervjuerna har först transkriberats till text och lästs och genomgåtts grundligt. Sedan har de transkriberade intervjuerna bearbetats och delats upp i olika mönster/teman för att sedan bearbetas med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen. Resultaten i studien visade att läraryrket är ett mycket socialt yrke, där relationer står i fokus. Lärarna i studien talade om att de har en stor chans att påverka elever, främst genom att ha en god relation till dem. Det framgick även att lärarna i denna studie känner att de får stöd av skolan som organisation och att det kan påverka i mindre sakfrågor. I studien framkom det även att lärare upplever att makten bland elever är ojämnt fördelad, att det finns vissa elever som har mer makt. Det framkom att det ofta upplevs att det finns vissa ledartyper bland eleverna och att grupptryck är något som är ständigt närvarande, i större eller mindre utsträckning.
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Evaluation of power management strategies on actual multiprocessor platformsKhan Jadoon, Jabran 25 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how power management strategies can be efficiently exploited in actual platforms. Primarily, the challenges in multicore based embedded systems lies in managing the energy expenditure, determining the scheduling behavior and establishing methods to monitor power and energy, so as to meet the demands of the battery life and load requirements. The work presented in this dissertation is a study of low power-aware strategies in the practical world for single and multiprocessor platforms. The approach used for this study is based on representative multiprocessor platforms (real or virtual) to identify the most influential parameters, at hardware as well as application level, unlike many existing works in which these parameters are often underestimated or sometimes even ignored. The work analyzes and compares in detail various experimentations with different power policies based on Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Dynamic Power Switching (DPS) techniques, and investigates the conditions at which these policies are effective in terms of energy savings. The results of these investigations reveal many interesting and notable conclusions that can serve as prerequisites for the efficient use of power management strategies. This work also shows the potential of advanced domain specific power strategies compared to real world available strategies that are general purpose based in their majority. Finally, some high level consumption models are derived from the different energy measurement results to let the estimation of power management benefits at early stages of a system development.
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Cultura e poder na organização hospitalar: as relações de poder na implantação da EBSERH em um hospital universitárioFlausino, Vinícius Silva 06 March 2015 (has links)
Health is a people\'s right and a State obligation, but its promotion is hampered by matters
such as resources scarcity and general management issues. The Brazilian federal universities
hospitals are central to health promotion system, but, according to Union Account Supreme
Court House, they\'re running in crisis. Then, the Federal Government has established the
Brazilian Hospital pertaining Services Enterprise (EBSERH), which the declared goal was to
promote the recovering of that hospitals and other health organizations. Taking into account
the outcomes expected from this new hospital management, and the various individual\'s
interests, this study aims to analyze the power relations between the subjects which were
involved to the process of implanting the EBSERH at Clinics Hospital (HC) of Triângulo
Mineiro Federal University (UFTM), by the light of Foucauldian\'s power approach. It was
carried a qualitative research, which methods are social reality interpretation alike (NEVES,
1996; BAUER; GASKELL; ALLUM, 2002). The ethnographic research method, which seeks
to understand the individuals in their own environment, considering their behavior,
interactions and beliefs trough time and space, was applied. To collect the empirical data, it
was carried a documental research, 95 hours of participant examination in different spaces at
the organization, and narrative interviews (JOVCHELOVITCH; BAUER, 2002) with 25
interviewees. To analyze the empirical data, it was runned the speech analyze technique
(GILL, 2002). The results shown that, in UFTM\'s HC, the power was exercised by many
individual parts, which negotiate and renegotiate their realities as from the identity, roles and
territories definition. The scarcity of resources and the lack of any options to finance UFTM\'s
Hospital were mandatory for its adhesion to EBSERH, which, at the time of the study, wasn\'t
able to provide the growth of employee number, raising doubts about its effectiveness in
solving the problems that vindication its institution. The concordance or discordance to
adhesion to EBSERH separate employees into two different subcultures, characterized by the
delineation of dissimilar temporalities discourses. The main basis to power be put in practice
were the organizational hierarchy, the professional category and the kinds of employee hiring.
The possible combination of each one of the basis put individuals into superior or inferior
power position in organization power structure, similarly to the Indian Caste System. The
basis were combined to legitimacy promotion discourses, characterized as strategies to
exercise power, such as consumption goods scarcity; the \"patient\'s welfare\"; the love to
organization; and the occupation of the future by the organizational discourse. The strategies
are alike beliefs of Hinduism, such as Karma and Dharma. The power relations analyzed and
its implications must be challenged, or healthcare services improve will not be achieved. / A saúde é direito do povo e dever do Estado, mas esbarra em fatores como a escassez de
recursos e problemas generalizados na gestão. Centrais ao sistema de prestação de serviços de
saúde estão os hospitais vinculados às universidades federais, que, de acordo com o Tribunal
de Contas da União, encontram-se em crise. Com o intuito declarado de auxiliar na
recuperação destas organizações, o Governo Federal criou a Empresa Brasileira de Serviços
Hospitalares (EBSERH), que se responsabilizará pela gestão destes hospitais e outras
organizações de saúde. Considerando os impactos que advirão desta nova forma de gestão
hospitalar e a diversidade de interesses dos múltiplos atores que compõem estas organizações,
o objetivo do presente estudo consiste em analisar as relações de poder nas interações dos
sujeitos envolvidos no processo de implantação da EBSERH no Hospital de Clínicas (HC) da
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), à luz da abordagem foucaultiana de
poder. Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos métodos aproximam-se de procedimentos
de interpretação da realidade social (NEVES, 1996; BAUER; GASKELL; ALLUM, 2002).
Utilizamos o método de pesquisa etnográfica que, conforme Gil (2010), tem como propósito
estudar os indivíduos em seu próprio ambiente, de modo a analisar suas múltiplas
manifestações ao longo do tempo e do espaço. Para a reunião do material empírico,
realizamos pesquisa documental, observação participante em ambientes distintos naquela
organização, perfazendo um total de 95 horas no campo, e entrevistas narrativas
(JOVCHELOVITCH; BAUER, 2002) com 25 informantes. Para análise do material empírico,
utilizamos a técnica da análise do discurso (GILL, 2002). Como resultado, ficou patente que o
HC UFTM pode ser caracterizado como uma organização onde o poder era exercido por uma
multiplicidade de atores, que negociavam e renegociavam suas realidades a partir da definição
de identidades, papéis e territórios. A adesão do Hospital à Empresa se deu em função da falta
de recursos e da inexistência de quaisquer alternativas para o custeio das atividades ali
desempenhadas. A EBSERH não tinha garantido a plena recomposição da força de trabalho, o
que levanta dúvidas sobre sua efetividade em resolver os problemas que justificaram sua
criação. A adesão à Empresa delimitou subculturas favoráveis e contrárias à implantação da
EBSERH, cujos discursos eram expressos em diferentes temporalidades. As principais bases
para o exercício do poder identificadas foram a hierarquia organizacional, a categoria
profissional e a modalidade de contratação, que se assemelhavam ao sistema de castas
indiano, de modo que as diferentes combinações entre as bases dispunham os indivíduos em
posições superiores ou inferiores na estrutura de poder da organização. Tais bases para o
exercício do poder combinavam-se a discursos legitimadores, que caracterizavam as
estratégias para seu exercício. Os discursos promotores de sujeição identificados foram a
escassez dos materiais de consumo; o bem do paciente ; o amor pela organização; e a
colonização do futuro pelo discurso organizacional. As estratégias identificadas aproximam se
de preceitos do hinduísmo, como o Karma e o Dharma. O equacionamento das questões
potencializadas pelas relações de poder identificadas se coloca como desafio à melhora dos
serviços de saúde no país. / Mestre em Administração
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