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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy-Efficient Distributed Estimation by Utilizing a Nonlinear Amplifier

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Distributed estimation uses many inexpensive sensors to compose an accurate estimate of a given parameter. It is frequently implemented using wireless sensor networks. There have been several studies on optimizing power allocation in wireless sensor networks used for distributed estimation, the vast majority of which assume linear radio-frequency amplifiers. Linear amplifiers are inherently inefficient, so in this dissertation nonlinear amplifiers are examined to gain efficiency while operating distributed sensor networks. This research presents a method to boost efficiency by operating the amplifiers in the nonlinear region of operation. Operating amplifiers nonlinearly presents new challenges. First, nonlinear amplifier characteristics change across manufacturing process variation, temperature, operating voltage, and aging. Secondly, the equations conventionally used for estimators and performance expectations in linear amplify-and-forward systems fail. To compensate for the first challenge, predistortion is utilized not to linearize amplifiers but rather to force them to fit a common nonlinear limiting amplifier model close to the inherent amplifier performance. This minimizes the power impact and the training requirements for predistortion. Second, new estimators are required that account for transmitter nonlinearity. This research derives analytically and confirms via simulation new estimators and performance expectation equations for use in nonlinear distributed estimation. An additional complication when operating nonlinear amplifiers in a wireless environment is the influence of varied and potentially unknown channel gains. The impact of these varied gains and both measurement and channel noise sources on estimation performance are analyzed in this paper. Techniques for minimizing the estimate variance are developed. It is shown that optimizing transmitter power allocation to minimize estimate variance for the most-compressed parameter measurement is equivalent to the problem for linear sensors. Finally, a method for operating distributed estimation in a multipath environment is presented that is capable of developing robust estimates for a wide range of Rician K-factors. This dissertation demonstrates that implementing distributed estimation using nonlinear sensors can boost system efficiency and is compatible with existing techniques from the literature for boosting efficiency at the system level via sensor power allocation. Nonlinear transmitters work best when channel gains are known and channel noise and receiver noise levels are low. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2013

Digital predistortion of semi-linear power amplifier / Digital predistorsion av semilineär effektförstärkare

Karlsson, Robert January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, a new way of using predisortion for linearization of power amplifiers is evaluated. In order to achieve an adequate power level for the jamming signal, power amplifiers are used in military jamming systems. Due to the nonlinear characteristic of the power amplifier, distortion will be present at the output. As a consequence, unwanted frequencies are subject to jamming. To decrease the distortion, linearization of the power amplifier is necessary. In the system of interest, a portion of the distorted power amplifier output signal is fed back. Using this measurement, a predistortion signal is synthesized to allow suppression of the unwanted frequency components. The predistortion signal is updated a number of times in order to achieve a good outcome. Simulations are carried out in Matlab for testing of the algorithm. The evaluation of the new linearization technique shows promising results and that good suppression of distortion components is achieved. Furthermore, new predistortion features are possible to implement, such as predistorsion in selected frequency bands. However, real hardware testing needs to be carried out to confirm the results.

Analysis, measurement and cancellation of the bandwidth and amplitude dependence of intermodulation distortion in RF power amplifiers

Vuolevi, J. (Joel) 05 October 2001 (has links)
Abstract The main emphasis in modern RF power amplifier (PA) research is on improving linearity while at the same time maintaining reasonably good efficiency, for which purpose external linearization in the form of feedforward or predistortion is often used. Linearity and linearization can be considered from both a fundamental signal (amplitude and phase conversions, AM-AM & AM-PM) and an intermodulation distortion (IMD) regeneration point of view, and since a study of intermodulation gives more information on the behaviour of an amplifier, linearity is studied in this thesis by analysing the amplitude and phase of IM components under varying signal conditions, i.e. as functions of temperature, modulation bandwidth and amplitude. To study the behaviour of IM components analytically, a Volterra model including electro-thermal distortion mechanisms is developed and a simulation technique is introduced to determine how easily the amplifier can be linearized. An S-parameter characterization method for extracting the Volterra model and the simulation model is developed, and the amplitude and phase dependences of the IM components are shown by means of measurements performed by a novel technique developed here. The results show that the behaviour of IM components is more complicated than had commonly been expected. Three techniques are developed for eliminating the frequency dependence of IM components, impedance optimization, envelope filtering and envelope injection. In the envelope injection technique, a low frequency envelope signal is added to the input of the amplifier in order to improve both the bandwidth and amplitude range of the memoryless predistortion. The functionality of envelope injection is demonstrated by Volterra calculations, simulations and measurements, and the technique is applied to 1W, 1.8 GHz common-emitter BJT and common-source MESFET amplifiers. IM cancellation better than 20 dB is achieved over a wide range of bandwidths and amplitudes. It is concluded that an inherently linear amplifier is not necessarily easy to linearize any further using external techniques, but that the part of the distortion that varies with bandwidth and amplitude can be cancelled out using envelope injection and the remaining memoryless distortion by means of a simple polynomial RF predistorter. This results in good cancellation of distortion, and since both envelope injection and RF predistortion consume little power, both good efficiency and linearity can be achieved.

Adaptace digitálního předzkreslovače pro linearizaci zesilovačů s použitím komparátoru / Adaptation of digital predistorter to linearize amplifiers using comparator

Jagla, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o návrhu nového hardwaru využívající komparátor ve zpětné vazbě systému pro digitální předzkreslování signálu. Vybrané vlastnosti navrhované architektury jsou ověřeny pomocí simulací a následně jsou zvoleny komponenty vhodné pro vysokofrekvenční použití za účelem implementace. Na bázi předložené architektury je navržen akviziční modul včetně obvodové realizace a vytvoření plošného spoje. Zhotovený plošný spoj je osazen a připraven pro další testování. Dále je navržen příslušný firmware pro příjem a vysílání signálu a získávání naměřených dat. Obdržené výsledky jsou určeny pro zhodnocení vlastností hardwaru a budoucího využití architektury v systémech digitálních předzkreslovačů.

Číslicové předzkreslovače pro linearizaci zesilovačů / Digital predistorters for amplifier linearization

Kroužil, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
In this work I describe digital predistortion in baseband used for amplifier linearization. Non-linearity is one of the worst disadvantages of Power amplifiers and decreasing of its is useful from many reasons. Work examines system which contains: Data source, which is represented by QPSK or OFDM modulator, predistorter, Power amplifier (model of non-linearity) and unit used to update coeficients for predistorter adaptation. System is simulated in MATLAB and Xilinx (simulation by ModelSim). Results are compared, described and commented.

Radar Waveform Design for Classification and Linearization of Digital-to-Analog Converters

Capar, Cagatay 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis work consists of two research projects. The first project presented is on waveform design for car radars. These radars are used to detect other vehicles to avoid collision. In this project, we attempt to find the best waveform that distinguishes large objects from small ones. This helps the radar system reach more reliable decisions. We consider several models of the problem with varying complexity. For each model, we present optimization results calculated under various constraints regarding how the waveform is generated and how the reflected signal is processed. The results show that changing the radar waveform can result in better target classification. The second project is about digital-to-analog converter (DAC) linearization. Ideally, DACs have a linear input-output relation. In practice, however, this relation is nonlinear which may be harmful for many applications. A more linear input-output relation can be achieved by modifying the input to a DAC. This method, called predistortion, requires a good understanding of how DAC errors contribute to the nonlinearity. Assuming a simple DAC model, we investigate how different error functions lead to different types of nonlinearities through theoretical analyses and supporting computer simulations. We present our results in terms of frequency spectrum calculations. We show that the nonlinearity observed at the output strongly depends on how the error is modeled. These results are helpful in designing a predistorter for linearization.

Filter-less Architecture for Multi-Carrier Software Defined Radio Transmitters

Yang, Xi 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Kim, Ji Woo 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Low-Power Low-Noise IQ Modulator Designs in 90nm CMOS for GSM/EDGE/WCDMA/LTE / Effekt- och Brus-Effektiva IQ Modulatorer i 90nm CMOS för GSM/EDGE/WCDMA/LTE

Johansson, Mattias, Ehrs, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The current consumption of the IQ modulator is a significant part of the totalcurrent consumption of a mobile transmitter platform and reducing it is of greatinterest. Also, as the WCDMA/LTE standards specifies full duplex transmissionsand Tx and Rx are most often using the same antenna, it is crucial to have asolution with low noise generation. Two new proposals have been studied with theaim to reduce the current consumption and noise contribution of the IQ modulator.</p><p>A current mode envelope tracking IQM is the first of the studied designs. Thisimplementation lowers the bias currents in the circuit in relation to the amplitudeof the baseband input signals, meaning that a low input amplitude results in alowering of the current consumption. It proves to be very efficient for basebandsignals with a high peak-to-average ratio. Simulations and calculations have shownthat an average current reduction of 56 % can be achieved for an arbitrary LTEbaseband signal.</p><p>The second is an entirely new passive mixer design where the baseband voltagesare sequentially copied to the RF node, removing the need for V-to-I conversion inthe mixer which reduces current consumption and noise. Results from simulationshas proven that this design is fully capable of improving both current consumptionas well as the noise levels. With an output power of 4.0 dBm, the power consumptionwas 43.3 mW, including clock generating circuits. This, combined with thefact that the design is small and simple, means that there is definitely a possibilityto replace the present IQM design with a passive mixer.</p>

Adaptive pre-distortion for nonlinear high power amplifiers in OFDM systems

Durney Wasaff, Hugo Ivan 22 July 2004 (has links)
El acelerado crecimiento de las comunicaciones a través de plataformas de transmisión en banda ancha por vía alámbrica e inalámbrica, sumado al uso cada vez más extenso de modulaciones de amplitud no constante que, debido a su alta eficiencia espectral y bajo coste de implementación, han sido adoptadas en el marco de desarrollo de diversos estándares de transmisión, son aspectos que han servido de soporte y motivación fundamental para el presente trabajo de investigación en el campo de la compensación de distorsiones no lineales en sistemas de comunicación. El estudio de los efectos de la distorsión no lineal y su compensación ha sido desde hace ya muchos años objeto de atención para investigadores de diversas áreas. Hoy, en particular, este estudio sigue siendo fundamental ya que se encuentra directamente implicado en el desarrollo de tecnologías de última generación en el área de las comunicaciones. Los nuevos sistemas de transmisión digital, en especial aquellos basados en OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), son capaces de ofrecer altos niveles de eficiencia espectral utilizando modulaciones lineales multinivel sobre un numeroso conjunto de subportadoras que, al ser (idealmente) ortogonales en frecuencia, pueden ser ubicadas en un ancho de banda muy reducido permitiendo así transmitir elevadas tasas de información por segundo y por ancho de banda. Sin embargo, y a consecuencia de esto, problemas como las interferencias por canal adyacente o la presencia de una distorsión no lineal en la cadena de transmisión afectan de manera crítica las prestaciones de estos sistemas imponiendo severos límites a su viabilidad. De hecho, en el campo de las comunicaciones móviles y satelitales, existen actualmente diversas aplicaciones donde estos esquemas de modulación y multicanalización están ya operativos. En estos casos, la eficiencia de potencia en transmisión resulta primordial para, entre otras razones, lograr una máxima autonomía del equipamiento. En este contexto, el comportamiento no lineal de los amplificadores de alta potencia utilizados en transmisión de radiofrecuencia, constituye el principal obstáculo (desde el punto de vista de la distorsión no lineal) para el buen funcionamiento de los sistemas de comunicación digital basados en OFDM. Afortunadamente, este nocivo efecto puede ser compensado mediante diversas técnicas clásicas de linealización cuyas variantes -ad-hoc' han sido propuestas y ampliamente investigadas, existiendo al día de hoy una nutrida literatura parte de la cual referimos a lo largo de este trabajo. Entre dichas técnicas, la pre-distorsión digital ofrece óptimas condiciones para el diseño de linealizadores adaptativos ya que puede ser implementada a muy bajo coste sobre la información discreta de las señales de banda base. El objetivo que se persigue, en general, es el de proveer las condiciones de linealidad necesarias para explotar las capacidades propias de las modulaciones de alta eficiencia espectral, y al mismo tiempo alcanzar un máximo aprovechamiento de la potencia disponible. En este trabajo de investigación, efectuamos inicialmente una revisión sintetizada de algunas importantes técnicas de linealización para luego dar paso a una revisión más detallada de dos modelos relevantes utilizados para caracterizar el comportamiento no lineal de los amplificadores de alta potencia (modelo se Series de Volterra y modelo de Saleh para amplificadores nolineales sin memoria). Junto con ello se examinan algunas interesantes propiedades estadísticas asociadas al fenómeno de la distorsión no lineal que han dado pie a considerar durante la investigación posibles nuevas aplicaciones en estrategias de pre-distorsión. Se ha querido también incluir la descripción, a nivel de sistema y modelo de señal, de un esquema de transmisión OFDM genérico incluyendo caracterizaciones analíticas detalladas del efecto no lineal a objeto de formalizar en propiedad un modelo discreto exacto que otorgue una visión más profunda para la comprensión del fenómeno estudiado. Finalmente se presenta el diseño y evaluación de un esquema de pre-distorsión basado en un algoritmo iterativo que considera, como principal aporte, la optimización bidimensional de un reducido número de coeficientes de interpolación que identifican de manera adaptativa la característica inversa de ganancia compleja de un amplificador, tanto en función de la particular morfología no lineal de dicha curva, como también de la distribución de probabilidad de las señales de entrada en banda base. / The rapid growth of wired and wireless broad-band communications and the pervasive use of spectrally efficient non-constant amplitude modulations, adopted in the framework of several standardized transmission formats, motivates and supports the present research work in the field of non-linear distortion in communication systems. The compensation of nonlinearities has received a lot of attention in past and recent years, presenting direct implications on industrial development of last generation communication technologies. New digital transmission systems, particularly those based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), feature high spectral efficiency as they exploit multilevel linear modulations to transmit at high information rates in combination with a dense allocation of a large number of (ideally) orthogonal sub-carriers in a relatively reduced bandwidth. As a result, problems such as adjacent channel interference and non-linear distortion become critical for system performance and, therefore, must be reduced to a minimum. Moreover, numerous applications of such transmission schemes are already operative in the field of satellite and mobile communications, where power efficiency is of primary concern due to, among other reasons, operation autonomy of the equipment and effective transmitted power. In this context, the non-linear behaviour of high power amplifiers (HPAs) constitutes a major impairment for OFDM-based digital communications systems. The compensation of these harmful effects can be achieved using a variety of techniques that have been proposed and widely dealt with in the literature. Among these techniques, digital pre-distortion, which can be carried out at a very low cost over the discrete base-band information, provides optimal features for the efficient implementation of adaptive linearization. Thence, in order to provide good conditions for the reliable use of high spectral efficiency modulations while taking the maximum advantage from the transmitting power budget, it is necessary to incorporate a suitable linearization technique.In the present work, we begin by reviewing some background on linearization techniques. This leads us to continue analyzing two relevant theoretical models typically used in characterizing memory and memoryless nonlinear HPAs (Volterra Series model and Saleh model for memoryless nonlinear HPAs). In addition to this a generic OFDM system and signal structure is described in detail by including the non-linear effect in the analytical model of the transmission chain. This is done in order to formalize an exact discrete OFDM model that help us in achieving a deeper understanding of the phenomenon under consideration. Then, some useful statistical properties and parameters associated to the nonlinear distortion are examined as well as the application of a CDF-based estimation of nonlinearities which is proposed as a new pre-distortion strategy. Finally, a new discrete adaptive pre-distortion scheme is formulated and then tested via simulation. The analysis and design of the main algorithm proposed considers the adaptive identification of the inverse complex gain characteristic of a nonlinear HPA. For this purpose, an iterative 2-D optimization of a reduced number of interpolation functions is formulated under a special two-fold criterion which accounts for the particular morphology of the HPA's nonlinear gain characteristic, as well as the probability distribution of the input base-band information.

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