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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'armement médiéval : les armes blanches dans les collections bourguignonnes. Xe - XVe siècles.

Cognot, Fabrice 29 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les armes et armures de la période médiévale ont depuis longtemps suscité un intérêt certain. Aux premiers auteurs ont succédé des érudits enthousiastes. puis des chercheurs qui ont mis en place les bases et proposé les problématiques. les approches et les dynamiques de l'étude. Mais l'arme, l'objet matériel, est à même de constituer une source : elle contient dans ses formes et sa matière les traces des phénomènes liés à sa création et son utilisation, liés aux savoir-faire qui leur correspondaient. Cette thèse étudie le mobilier présent dans un cadre géographique et institutionnel restreint, dans une démarche qui place le chercheur en outil de compréhension de l'objet : l'approche expérimentale a montré à de nombreuses reprises sa pertinence, mais peut être approfondie encore si l'observateur se tait détenteur des savoir-faire liés à la matière ; de plus une riche documentation existe qui permet de s'approprier physiquement ces savoir-faire spécifiques liés à l'arme et au combat, livrés par les écrits des maîtres d'armes de la fin du Moyen âge. Trois groupes d'objet sont considérées : les épées, lances et haches. Après un rappel ou parfois une exploration historique plus appuyée, le matériel .est étudié : les observations réalisées permettent d'entrevoir le détail des étapes et des modes de fabrication des objets, proposés alors de manière théorique. La combinaison des informations issues des sources secondaires. des objets et surtout de l'approche corporelle du chercheur permettent de comprendre l'arme dans ses aspects fonctionnels, vivants, appliqués. Mais également, d'entrevoir dans la matière des phénomènes au-delà de ces aspects de fabrication ou d'utilisation.

La production et la diffusion des céramiques utilitaires de style à bandes à Argilos et dans le Nord de l'Egée aux périodes archaïque et classique.

Perron, Martin 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche propose de dresser le portrait de la production et de la diffusion des céramiques de style à bandes (waveline) produites en Égée du Nord aux périodes archaïque et classique par le biais de l'étude de matériel inédit recueilli sur sept sites de colonies grecques établies entre le Strymon et le golfe de Maronée et six sites de l'arrière-pays thrace. Elle vise à rassembler, au moyen de données archéologiques et archéornétriques, des informations sur les milieux de production, les réseaux d'échanges et les habitudes de consommation de la clientèle à l'égard de ces céramiques. Le volet archéologique vise d'abord à définir le répertoire des formes, des décors et des pâtes, puis à déterminer l'étendue et le cadre chronologique de la production. Le volet archéométrique porte sur des analyses physico-chimiques en laboratoire (spectrométrie de fluorescence par rayons X) visant à caractériser et à déterminer l'origine de 200 des 540 céramiques recensées. Le corpus est constitué d'échantillons mis au jour sur les sites d'Argilos, de Thasos, de Bergè et de Phagrès, quatre sites de Macédoine orientale. L'inédit de la recherche réside dans l'opportunité qu'elle offre aux archéologues de dater et d'identifier l'origine des céramiques à bandes nord-égéennes, entraînant du coup des répercussions directes sur les discussions portant sur les milieux de production, les réseaux de circulation et les relations interrégionales entre les différents sites étudiés. Considérée dans une perspective de circulation et d'échanges, l'étude des céramiques à bandes contribue à faire progresser l'état des connaissances sur l'histoire économique, culturelle et artisanale du nord de l'Égée entre les VIIe et IVe siècles av. J. -C.

La République romaine et ses alliances militaires : pratiques et représentations de la "societas" de l'époque du "foedus Cassianum" à la fin de la seconde guerre punique

Sanz, Anthony-Marc 28 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'expansion de la cité romaine en Italie puis en Méditerranée, du début du Ve à la fin du lue siècle avant J.-C., se traduit par la conclusion d'un nombre toujours croissant d'alliances militaires avec des communautés qui demeurent cependant formellement indépendantes. Ce type de relation, que les Latins qualifient avec le terme de "societas", est classiquement décrit comme un des instruments de l'affirmation de l'hégémonie de l'"Urbs" puisqu'il lui permet de mobiliser les forces de ses partenaires. Pourtant, dans les représentations que lui associent les parties, les principes de parité et de réciprocité occupent toujours une grande place. C'est ce que révèle l'analyse des conditions politiques et diplomatiques de leur négociation, des formes d'accord qui en sanctionnent la conclusion, en particulier le "foedus sociale", mais aussi des manifestations diplomatiques auxquelles elles donnent lieu. L'alliance implique en effet la reconnaissance de chacune des parties en tant qu communauté maîtresse de ses forces militaires, et les engage à se porter mutuellement secours. L'histoire des relations que Rome noue d'abord avec les Latins au ve siècle grâce au"foedusCassianum", puis avec beaucoup d'autres peuples italiens et ultra-marins, montre que le devoir de défense est au fondement de la collaboration militaire. Aussi les Romains en font-ils rapidement un thème de propagande, en particulier grâce à l'affirmation d'une Italia dont ils se présentent comme les meilleurs protecteurs au IIIe siècle. Mais leurs partenaires, péninsulaires comme extra­ péninsulaires, manifestent toujours un vif attachement aux idéaux habituellement associés à l'alliance militaire. La seconde guerre punique révèle clairement ce conflit d'interprétation et met sérieusement en danger le système d'alliances des Romains. Seule la victoire qu'ils remportent difficilement sur Carthage leur donne les moyens de devenir définitivement maîtres de la définition de cette relation.

Originalité culturelle au Sylvicole moyen sur le site de Pointe-du-Gouvernement, Haut-Richelieu, Québec

Sénécal, Amélie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Commensal or comestible? : the role and exploitation of small, non-ungulate mammals in early European prehistory : towards a methodology for improving identification of human utilisation

Howard, Wendy June January 2013 (has links)
Small mammals, namely those species larger than microfauna like rats and murids but smaller than medium, sheep-size fauna, are generally one of the less studied areas of zooarchaeology. While this may be partly influenced by modern cultural biases, it is more often because finding small, rabbit-sized, mammal remains in archaeological deposits presents a problem in accurately differentiating between those arising from natural, biological and anthropogenic agencies. This thesis tackles this subject using a synthesis of different methods, examining the exploitation and role of small, non-ungulate mammals in early Western European prehistory by combining existing ethnographic knowledge and archaeological research with actualistic experiments and bone assemblage analysis. It first presents a detailed summary of the various taphonomic effects on bone from natural, biological and human action, with particular reference to those of small mammals, using empirical evidence to describe the processes and likely resultant effects. Small mammal utilisation is then contextualised using archaeological and ethnographic evidence to examine past and present practices in Europe and other areas of the world. Different acquisition methods, such as hunting and trapping, are described, and using small mammals for dietary and non-dietary purposes is outlined, along with the rationale for such utilisation given their size. Also considered are other, more abstract ideological and symbolic roles they fulfilled within different cultures, whether physically using parts of the animal, or conceptually. To extend the existing methods available to zooarchaeologists, and improve identifying human exploitation of these species, the ‘chaîne opératoire’ of small game use is examined from an osteological perspective, starting with acquisition, through processing, cooking and consumption to discard, using a series of experiments and microscopic analysis to explore potential bone modification signatures and fracture patterns arising from such activities. Finally, it places these results into broader context by comparing the fracture patterns with bones from British and North American archaeological sites, to demonstrate that similar changes can be seen.

Itinéraires et transformations du silex : une pétroarchéologie refondée, application au Paléolithique moyen / Travels and transformations of flints : revisiting petro-archaeology an its application to Middle Paleolithic assemblages

Fernandes, Paul 19 June 2012 (has links)
Les modifications cristallines et les stigmates présents à la surface des artéfacts préhistoriques résultent de phénomènes physico-chimiques et mécaniques interdépendants. Une fois décryptés et leurs évolutions comprises, ils permettent d’assigner à l’objet une position stratigraphique génétique, un emplacement paléogéographique et une histoire post-génétique relative aux lieux de résidence successifs. Cette démarche pétroarchéologique dynamique, fondée sur une optimisation des techniques d’observation de la pétrographie, de la minéralogie, de la micropaléontologie et de la morphoscopie aux différentes échelles, est un outil simple de détermination des matériaux et de leurs origines, dont les limites ne sont que celles de l’expérience et des référentiels. L’altération des matériaux est utilisée pour dépasser la simple gîtologie de la formation géologique d’origine et ainsi aboutir à une gîtologie des formations superficielles relatives, au sein de laquelle l’espace et le temps différencient les silex. Un silex est dès lors inscrit dans un itinéraire qui lui est propre et qui permet de mieux appréhender les lieux et les modalités de prélèvement par les hommes. Le domaine géographique utilisé pour cette recherche est vaste et comprend une bonne partie de la moitié sud de la France ainsi que certaines régions du Maroc. Cette variété régionale renforce la fiabilité des méthodes de diagnose utilisées. Ce mémoire se veut outil de caractérisation, établi sur les propriétés d’enregistrement des changements paléoenvironnementaux lisibles sur et dans les silex. Cet effort participe à la mise en place d’un protocole commun de recherche sur les matières premières, dans le but d’impulser une véritable dynamique collective au sein de la communauté des préhistoriens. Nous participons ce faisant à la résolution de deux problèmes archéologiques essentiels :- en reconstituant l’itinéraire parcouru par le silex avant sa collecte par l’homme préhistorique, nous précisons grandement la provenance du mobilier lithique présent dans une unité archéologique ;- en décryptant l’intensité et la chronologie des mécanismes susceptibles d’avoir pris part à la sédimentogenèse et à la diagenèse des dépôts, nous participons à l’évaluation du degré d’intégrité de la zone fouillée.À l’issue de ce travail, nous disposons donc d’un outil de diagnose robuste, assorti de données cartographiques à une échelle suprarégionale et de fiches détaillées de caractérisation d’un très grand nombre de types de silex, tant pour le sud de la France que pour le centre-ouest du Maroc. / The characteristics of their initial crystallization and the evidence for subsequent alterations present on the surfaces of prehistoric flint artifacts are the result of a range of interdependent physical, chemical and mechanical phenomenas. Once decoded, the information retrieved allows us to assign a genetical/stratigraphical position to the flint as well as a post-genetic paleo-geographical location. Both data sets reveal the story ofan objects successive residential contexts. This petro-archaeological analytical methodology, is based on anoptimization of the optical techniques commonly used in petrography, mineralogy, micro-palaeontology and morphoscopy using a range of magnifications is a simple tool for classifying objects and identifying the source of lithic raw materials. The limitations of the methodology are determined by the experience of the operatorand the geographical spread of available reference collections. A study of the various alterations to which lithic raw materials were subjected and which are recorded within their surface characteristics allows connections to be made between the lithic objects and the surface exposures where these characteristics manifest in the lithics rather than just seeing the objects from a perspective that does not connect them with landscapes and specific resource localities. Thus, the methodology used here allows the comparison of flint objects within the context of time and space, and within which the genesis of each object can be followed, thus resulting in a greater understanding of where, why and how, it was collected during prehistory. The geographical extent in which this research has been undertaken is wide and includes parts of Moroccoand the southern part of France and has taken place within broad investigations into lithic raw materials being conducted by a number of members of a research team. A trial of the methodology over such a broad spectrum of site locations has allowed an improvement to be made in the reliability of the analytical techniques that are required. This work aims to aid in the characterization of the lithic tools as they describe and catalogue the properties of palaeo-environmental changes that can be read on the surface of the flint. The outcome of this work is that it produces a greater understanding of the many physical, geological and environmental processes to which lithic objects have been subjected both before gathering by humans and after discard in the archaeological site. This helps for a more precise location of gathering areas and a better evaluation of the archaeological layers integrity. These results are expressed on large scale maps and stored in an indexing system which catalogues the varied characteristics of a large number of types of flint found in the South of France and the west central region of Morocco.

Pravěk Velvarska / Velvary and its surroundings in prehistory

Kovandová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This work is focused on prehistory in Velvary and its surroundings. The main aim is describe findings of archaeological periods and cultures from palaeolithic to roman period, which were found in localities surrounding Velvary. The attention is on findings in City Museum Velvary. Some of them were archaeological described and published in professional literatures, but most of them were not in the attention of archaeologists. The work is also focused on surface survey in this area. Keywords Central Bohemia, archaeology, prehistory, regional settlement, Velvary

Arqueologia regional da província cárstica do Alto São Francisco : um estudo das tradições ceramistas Una e Sapucaí / Regional archaeology of carstic province of upper São Francisco : a study about the pottery traditions Una and Sapucaí

Henriques Junior, Gilmar Pinheiro 23 March 2006 (has links)
Este projeto consiste em um estudo das ocupações de horticultores ceramistas na Província Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, na porção sudoeste do Estado de Minas Gerais. Através de um levantamento sistemático de aspectos topográficos e paisagísticos foram selecionados dois sítios arqueológicos para sofrerem intervenções. Partindo de um estudo técnico e estilístico dos materiais cerâmicos coletados em cada um deles foi possível levantar uma série de fatores comuns entre as chamadas tradições cerâmicas Una e Sapucaí. Datações radiocarbônicas obtidas a partir de carvões, coletados nestes sítios, também foram importantes no sentido de situar cronologicamente estas manifestações culturais. Foi feito um levantamento etnohistórico para a região a fim de encontrar pistas dos portadores destas tradições que, porventura entraram em contato com os exploradores europeus, visto que vários trabalhos acadêmicos, nacionais e internacionais, apontam o Alto São Francisco como área de domínio da \"temível nação Cataguá\", que teria ocupado este território ao longo dos séculos XVI e XVII. Com base nesta série de dados obtidos com estas diferentes etapas de trabalho, defendo uma unicidade entre as duas tradições ceramistas / This project makes a study about the prehistoric occupations of making pottery groups of the Upper São Francisco Carstic Province, in the southwest portion of the Minas Gerais State. Two archaeological sites had been selected for excavations, this selection was preceded by systematic surveys which attempted to the topographic and landscapes aspects of each place visited. A range of commons characters between the so called pottery traditions Una and Sapucaí, emerges from a technical and stylistic study of the potsherds collected in each one of these sites. Radiocarbon dates gained from collected charcoals in both sites were very important in a way of situate these cultural manifestations in a chronological scale. We made a etnohistory survey for the region, thence a number of national and international studies presents the Upper São Francisco as an area under the domination of the \"dreadful Cataguá nation\", which had been occupied along the XVI and XVII centuries. I claim for a straight connection between these two pottery traditions, based on a rank of data achieved with such different stages of investigation.

Indicadores de gênero na pré-história brasileira: contexto funerário, simbolismo e diferenciação social - O sítio arqueológico Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais / Indicators of gender in Brazilian prehistory: funerary context, symbolism and social difference. The Gentio Cave archaeological site, Unaí, Minas Gerais

Sene, Glaucia Aparecida Malerba 22 February 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo principal estudar as relações sociais e simbólicas de gênero na pré-história brasileira, com base no estudo dos rituais funerários e remanescentes ósseos humanos de populações horticultoras do noroeste de Minas Gerais, que de 1540 anos a.C. a 1540 d.C. ocuparam de forma sazonal e constante a Gruta do Gentio II para a realização de seus rituais funerários. Nosso estudo foi dividido em duas partes, com base na análise de variáveis relacionadas ao ritual funerário (tratamento dado ao corpo, posição, orientação, direção da face, características da cova, distribuição temporal e espacial, acompanhamentos funerários) e aos remanescentes ósseos e dentários propriamente ditos (sexo, idade, fraturas, doenças, linhas de Harris, facetas suplementárias da tíbia, degeneração das superfícies articulares do esqueleto axial e apendicular, além de cáries, abrasão dentária, hipoplasia, doença periodontal, cálculos, abcessos dentários e perda ante-mortem). Dentro de uma perspectiva teórico-interpretativa simbólica, com base na arqueologia de gênero, pós-processualismo e arqueologia cognitiva, e nos métodos analíticos bioarqueológicos, acreditamos que foi possível compreender parte dos papéis sociais, desempenhados principalmente por homens e mulheres, além de adolescentes e crianças, no contexto arqueológico da Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais. / The aim of this work is to investigate the social and symbolic relations of gender in Brazilian prehistory, based on the study of human funerary rituals and bone remains of horticulturist populations in the northeast of Minas Gerais state who in a seasonal and constant form, in the period 1540 BC to 1540 AC, used the caverns at Gruta do Gentio II to perform their funerary rituals. Our study is divided in two parts based on the variables related to the funerary ritual (handling, position and orientation of the corpse, direction of the face, grave characteristics, distribution in space and time, grave goods) and to the bone and teeth remains respectively (sex, age, fractures, illnesses, Harris lines, supplementary tibia facets, joint surfaces degeneration of the axial and appendicular skeleton, and also caries, dental abrasion, hypoplasia, periodontal illness, calculus, dental abscesses and ante-mortem tooth loss). In a symbolic theoretical-interpretative perspective based on the gender archaeology, postprocessualism and cognitive archaeology, as well as the bioarchaeological analytic methods, we believe that it is possible to understand part of the social roles performed mainly by men and women but also by children and teenagers in the archaeological context of Gruta do Gentio II, Unaí, Minas Gerais.

Microartefatos e análise geoarqueológica: um estudo de caso da região de Rio Claro - SP / Microartifacts and geoarchaelogical analysis: a case study of the region of Rio Claro - SP

Ricci, Olivia 20 August 2018 (has links)
A análise de microartefatos não é rotineiramente realizada no Brasil. Porém, devido às particularidades envolvidas em seu transporte e deposição geológica, os microartefatos podem fornecer informações específicas e complementares para a compreensão do contexto pedogeomorfológico dos sítios arqueológicos estudados, permitindo uma melhor compreensão da gênese, cronologia e processos de formação desses sítios, justificando, deste modo, a necessidade de sua análise. A presente pesquisa realizou a análise de microartefatos em três sítios arqueológicos localizados no município de Rio Claro e municípios vizinhos, o sítio Lagoa do Camargo (Rio Claro), o sítio Abrigo do Alvo (Analândia) e o sítio Alice Boer (Rio Claro), de forma a auxiliar nas pesquisas arqueológicas destes, com dados novos e complementares. Cada um dos sítios arqueológicos propostos como estudo de caso apresenta um contexto pedogeomorfológico muito distinto. O primeiro encontra-se próximo ao divisor de águas, o segundo encontra-se dentro de um abrigo e, por fim, o terceiro encontra-se em uma área de baixo terraço fluvial. Os dados coletados na análise de microartefatos auxiliam para uma melhor compreensão dos processos pedogeomorfológicos de formação e de como ocorrem os processos de transporte e deposição de cada sítio. Dunnel e Stein (1989) definem microartefatos como vestígios de atividade humana que apresentam tamanho reduzido, com limite entre 2 mm e 0,25 mm. Segundo os autores, um artefato é qualquer objeto que apresente atributos artificiais. Podem ter suas propriedades alteradas pela ação humana, sua localização alterada pela ação humana ou ainda podem ocorrer as duas situações. Foram testadas diferentes formas de processar os sedimentos, como elutriação com utilização de agitador mecânica, agitador de Wagner (rotativo) e aparelho de ultrassom, e depois comparados os resultados com o intuito de buscar o melhor método de elutriação para processar os sedimentos. Também foi feita uma experiência com microesferas de polietileno como amostra implantada para procurar estabelecer um número de grãos suficiente à contagem para detectar com eficácia o número de microartefatos de um local. Foi possível observar que a elutriação não afetou o resultado final e que a contagem por peso é muito mais eficaz do que por quantidade de grãos. / In Brazil, micro artifacts analysis is not common. Nevertheless, due to the micro artifacts\' transportation and geological deposition particularities, they can provide specific and complementary information to understand the pedomorphological context of the studied archeological sites. These informations allow us to better understand the genesis, chronology and formation processes of these sites, justifying the need for its analysis. This study analyzed micro artifacts from three archeological sites - Lagoa do Camargo site (Rio Claro), Abrigo do Alvo site (Analândia), and Alice Boer site (Rio Claro) - localized in Rio Claro region. Our goal is to provide new subsidiary data to these sites\' archeological research. Each one of these sites presents a distinct pedomorphological context. The first site is found next to the water divisor, the second site is inside a shelter, and de third site is found in a low river terrace area. The data collected in the micro artifact analysis help understanding the pedomorphological formation processes and how the deposition and transport processes occur in each site. Dunnel e Stein (1989) define micro artifacts as human activity traces with reduced size, limited between 2 mm and 0.25 mm. According to the authors, artifacts are any objects that present artificial attributes. They can have their properties or location, or even both of them, altered by human action. Different ways of sediments processing were tested, such as elutriation using mechanical stirrer, Wagner\'s stirrer (rotative), and ultrasonic device. Then, the results were compared so we could select the best elutriation method for processing the sediments. We also tried to establish a sufficient grain number to the counting experimenting polyethylene microspheres as implanted sample so we could detect efficiently a site\'s micro artifacts number. We observed that elutriation did not affect the final result, and that counting by weight is way more effective than counting by grains\' quantity.

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