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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environnement de développement d’applications multipériodiques sur plateforme multicoeur. : La boîte à outils SchedMCore / Multiperiodic application development environment on multicore architecture. : The SchedMCore framework

Cordovilla Mesonero, Mikel 02 April 2012 (has links)
Les logiciels embarqués critiques de contrôle-commande sont soumis à des contraintes fortes englobant le déterminisme, la correction logique et la correction temporelle. Nous supposons que les spécifications sont exprimées à l'aide du langage formel de description d'architectures logicielles temps réel multipériodiques Prelude. L'objectif de cette thèse est, à partir d'un programme Prelude ou d'un ensemble de tâches temps réel dépendantes, de générer un code multithreadé exécutable sur une architecture multicœur tout en respectant la sémantique initiale. Pour cela, nous avons développé une boîte à outil, SchedMCore,permettant : - d'une part, la vérification formelle de l'ordonnançabilité. La vérification proposée est basée sur le parcours exhaustif du comportement avec pas de temps discret. Il est alors possible d'analyser des politiques en-ligne (FP, gEDF, gLLF et LLREF) mais également de calculer une affectation de priorité fixe valide et une séquence valide hors-ligne.- d'autre part, l'exécution multithreadée sur une cible multicœur. L'exécutif encode les politiques proposées étudiées dans la partie d'analyse d'ordonnançabilité, à savoir les quatre politiques en-ligne ainsi que les séquences valides générées. L'exécutif permet 3 modes d'utilisation, allant de la simulation temporelle à l'exécution temps précis des comportements des tâches. Il est compatible Posix et facilement portable sur divers OS. / A real-time control-command embedded system is subject to strong constraints such as determinism, logical and temporal correctness. We assume that the specifications are expressed using the formal software architecture description language Prelude, dedicated to real-time multiperiodic applications. The goal of this thesis is, given a Prelude program or dependent real-time taskset, to generate amultithreaded executable code over a multicore architecture while respecting the original semantic. To do so we have developed a toolbox, SchedMcore, that allows: - the formal verification of schedulability. The verification is based on the exhaustive exploration of the behaviour with a discret time frame. It is possible to analyse on-line policies (FP, gEDF, gLLF et LLREF), as well as to compute a fixed valid priority assignment and a valid off-line sequence.- the multithreaded execution over a multicore target. The framework encodes the same policies as those studied in the first part (the four on-line policies and the generated sequences). The framework provides three usage modes, from temporal simulation to time accurate execution. The executive is compatible with Posix and easily portable on several OS.


Lotti, Antonio 29 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Aufführung der »Teofane« am 13. 9. 1719 war nicht einfach ein siebenstündiges festliches Opernereignis anlässlich einer Fürstenhochzeit, sondern Teil einer umfangreichen Inszenierung Augusts des Starken, der Macht, Reichtum und Bedeutung der sächsischen Krone in gebührender Weise zur Geltung bringen wollte. Dieses Dramma per musica mit Intrigen und dem lieto fine wird nun durch mehrere Kunstgriffe in Zusammenhang mit dem sächsischen Hofzeremoniell gebracht. Die Aufführung wurde einbezogen in die vom 2. September bis 30. September währenden Hoffestlichkeiten sowie in die Planetenfeste, die vom 10. September (Apoll gewidmet), 12. September (Mars), 15. September (Jupiter), 18. September (Luna), 20. September (Merkur), 23. September (Venus) bis zum 26. September (Saturn) stattfanden. Die Premiere der »Teofane« am 13. September war beziehungsreich nach dem Marsfest am 12. September plaziert. Dort preist der Kriegsgott das Paar, aus dessen Verbindung weitere Helden entstehen werden. Mars wird ein Turnier ausrufen, zu dem längst vergangene glorreiche Helden, die Manen Heinrichs von Sachsen, erscheinen werden. Und er erinnert daran, dass Kurfürst Johann Georg III. bei der Befreiung Wiens vom Türkischen Belagerungsheer 1683 den Österreichern wichtige militärische Hilfe gewährt hat. Auch der deutliche Verweis auf eine Liebeshochzeit, gleichermaßen im Stück wie im Leben, geht über die vom Affekt bestimmte Handlung des Dramma per musica hinaus. Liebe als Grundlage der Ehe zwischen dem Kurprinzen und der Kurprinzessin war eine weitere Botschaft des höfischen Festes, die es zu betonen galt. Deshalb wurde die Reprise der »Teofane« zwei Tage vor dem »Venusfest« angesetzt.

Influência do Projeto Prelúdio na constituição da trajetória social dos seus alunos

Paz, Marisa Dutra January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho foi elaborado a partir do estudo desenvolvido no mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O estudo busca, através de narrativas de estudantes egressos do Projeto Prelúdio, analisar a constituição das trajetórias sociais e profissionais desses sujeitos. O Projeto Prelúdio foi criado em 1982, com vínculo institucional à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e, desde então, visa musicalizar crianças e jovens dos 5 aos 17 anos. Com a criação dos Institutos Federais, em dezembro de 2008, o Projeto Prelúdio foi integrado ao Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) - Campus Porto Alegre, como um Programa de Extensão Institucional. A análise aqui desenvolvida foi fundamentada por uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e uma metodologia que abordou o estudo de caso e histórias de vida para alcançar os resultados aqui discorridos. Foram selecionados cinco egressos do Projeto Prelúdio e adotou-se a entrevista semiestruturada como forma de coletar as informações, considerando a livre expressão dos sujeitos para narrarem suas histórias de vida, bem como as concepções e os sentidos construídos e concebidos como determinantes às suas escolhas profissionais. / This dissertation was elaborated from studies developed during the Postgraduate Master’s degree course “Education in Sciences: Chemistry of Life and Health” from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The present study analyzes, through personal narratives from former students of “Projeto Prelúdio” (Prelude Project), the social and professional trajectories of these people and the possible influence of the project in their lives. Prelude Project was created in 1982 inside the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul aiming to introduce and educate children and teenagers from 5 to 17 years old musically. After the creation of the Federal Institutes, in 2008, the project has been absorbed by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre Campus, as an Institutional Extension Program. The analysis was based on a qualitative research and a methodology that approached the object of study to reach the results to be discussed here. Five former students of the Prelude Project were selected and a semi-structured interview was adopted as a way of collecting information, considering the free expression of the subjects to narrate their life trajectories, conceptions and senses constructed and conceived as determinants of their professional choices.

A study of two organ chorale preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) transcribed by Wilhelm Kempff (1895-1991)

Lee, Jung-Ok 01 May 2013 (has links)
Wilhelm Kempff was one of the greatest pianists of the twentieth century, and his interpretation of Germanic piano literature has been honored in Europe, Africa, Asia, and America by many distinguished musicians and music-lovers. But perhaps because he was already sixty-nine years old at the time of his American debut in New York in 1964, his reputation as a pianist tends to be disregarded in English speaking nations. Even Alfred Brendel acknowledges in his book Me of All People: "I return again and again to Kempff, because he is a pianist who seems frequently underestimated today." Furthermore, Kempff's activities as a transcriber, organist, and composer are even less well known. Thus this paper will introduce Wilhelm Kempff's life and music, and present a study of his solo piano transcriptions of J. S. Bach's chorale preludes for organ. In Kempff's autobiographical novel, Unter Dem Zimbelstern: Das Werden eines Musikers ("Under the Cymbal Star: The Development of a Musician"), a Bildungsroman ("education novel") published in 1951 when he was fifty-six years old, he describes the environment in which he grew up: an environment steeped in music and Protestantism. Within a strong family tradition of church music organists, he heard Bach's organ repertoire, as well as conversations about Lutheran faith. His father and paternal grandfather were both Lutheran church organists, and Kempff too was an excellent organist. J. S. Bach's organ repertoire, especially his chorale for organ, were deeply ingrained in Kempff's childhood. It is generally very difficult to find sacred music repertoire for the piano; however, Kempff's transcriptions of the chorale preludes represent a small--though important--contribution of sacred literature to the piano repertoire. In The Pianist's Guide to Transcriptions, Arrangements, and Paraphrases, Maurice Hinson characterizes Kempff's transcriptions as follows: "Kempff makes clear distinctions between the various parts and uses ingenious fingering to create beautiful legato (without relying totally on the pedal). He also seems to enjoy the interplay of tone colors, finding the right register, and establishing the particular timbre of each part in polyphonic writing." This paper will examine: 1) basic transcription techniques; 2) coloration/timbre; 3) fingering to create beautiful legato; 4) pedaling; and 5) pedagogical suggestions. Kempff transcribed eight of Bach Chorales for solo piano, two of which will be discussed in this paper: 1) Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ ("I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ" BWV639,); 2) Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland ("The Saviour of the Heathen now comes," BWV659a). This paper also will present a brief history of piano transcriptions, followed by a detailed analysis of the two chorales, examining Kempff's methods through comparison with the original works for organ, and demonstrating how Kempff's musicianship as a pianist and organist is reflected in his Bach transcriptions.

A semiotic approach to musical metaphor : theory and methodology

Gerg, Ian Wyatt 21 February 2011 (has links)
The idea that music acts in part as a vehicle for meaning is a truism in both popular reception and music scholarship. The language used to speak and to write about music is replete with words that describe it metaphorically. Melodies descend; rhythms speed up; timbre is smooth. Certainly, we use these terms for communicative facility, yet by applying this language to music, we create metaphors that, according to Ludwig Wittgenstein, act as frames that direct interpretation. In the paper, I put forth a theory that views metaphor as the process of semantic transfer or substitution in which a non-musical concept stands in for a musical feature, effectively enabling us to hear music as more than simply sound. The use of certain metaphors receives inspiration from previously heard music, programs, a perceived similarity with non-musical phenomena, or a combination of these. The methodology that I propose coordinates these metaphors—places them within a single frame—and enables them to interact with one another and to create a more palpable musical experience for the listener. I use Chopin's E minor and A major preludes from Op. 28 as the primary models for expounding this hermeneutic. / text


Lotti, Antonio 23 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Aufführung der »Teofane« am 13. 9. 1719 war nicht einfach ein siebenstündiges festliches Opernereignis anlässlich einer Fürstenhochzeit, sondern Teil einer umfangreichen Inszenierung Augusts des Starken, der Macht, Reichtum und Bedeutung der sächsischen Krone in gebührender Weise zur Geltung bringen wollte. Dieses Dramma per musica mit Intrigen und dem lieto fine wird nun durch mehrere Kunstgriffe in Zusammenhang mit dem sächsischen Hofzeremoniell gebracht. Die Aufführung wurde einbezogen in die vom 2. September bis 30. September währenden Hoffestlichkeiten sowie in die Planetenfeste, die vom 10. September (Apoll gewidmet), 12. September (Mars), 15. September (Jupiter), 18. September (Luna), 20. September (Merkur), 23. September (Venus) bis zum 26. September (Saturn) stattfanden. Die Premiere der »Teofane« am 13. September war beziehungsreich nach dem Marsfest am 12. September plaziert. Dort preist der Kriegsgott das Paar, aus dessen Verbindung weitere Helden entstehen werden. Mars wird ein Turnier ausrufen, zu dem längst vergangene glorreiche Helden, die Manen Heinrichs von Sachsen, erscheinen werden. Und er erinnert daran, dass Kurfürst Johann Georg III. bei der Befreiung Wiens vom Türkischen Belagerungsheer 1683 den Österreichern wichtige militärische Hilfe gewährt hat. Auch der deutliche Verweis auf eine Liebeshochzeit, gleichermaßen im Stück wie im Leben, geht über die vom Affekt bestimmte Handlung des Dramma per musica hinaus. Liebe als Grundlage der Ehe zwischen dem Kurprinzen und der Kurprinzessin war eine weitere Botschaft des höfischen Festes, die es zu betonen galt. Deshalb wurde die Reprise der »Teofane« zwei Tage vor dem »Venusfest« angesetzt.

Influência do Projeto Prelúdio na constituição da trajetória social dos seus alunos

Paz, Marisa Dutra January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho foi elaborado a partir do estudo desenvolvido no mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O estudo busca, através de narrativas de estudantes egressos do Projeto Prelúdio, analisar a constituição das trajetórias sociais e profissionais desses sujeitos. O Projeto Prelúdio foi criado em 1982, com vínculo institucional à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e, desde então, visa musicalizar crianças e jovens dos 5 aos 17 anos. Com a criação dos Institutos Federais, em dezembro de 2008, o Projeto Prelúdio foi integrado ao Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) - Campus Porto Alegre, como um Programa de Extensão Institucional. A análise aqui desenvolvida foi fundamentada por uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e uma metodologia que abordou o estudo de caso e histórias de vida para alcançar os resultados aqui discorridos. Foram selecionados cinco egressos do Projeto Prelúdio e adotou-se a entrevista semiestruturada como forma de coletar as informações, considerando a livre expressão dos sujeitos para narrarem suas histórias de vida, bem como as concepções e os sentidos construídos e concebidos como determinantes às suas escolhas profissionais. / This dissertation was elaborated from studies developed during the Postgraduate Master’s degree course “Education in Sciences: Chemistry of Life and Health” from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The present study analyzes, through personal narratives from former students of “Projeto Prelúdio” (Prelude Project), the social and professional trajectories of these people and the possible influence of the project in their lives. Prelude Project was created in 1982 inside the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul aiming to introduce and educate children and teenagers from 5 to 17 years old musically. After the creation of the Federal Institutes, in 2008, the project has been absorbed by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre Campus, as an Institutional Extension Program. The analysis was based on a qualitative research and a methodology that approached the object of study to reach the results to be discussed here. Five former students of the Prelude Project were selected and a semi-structured interview was adopted as a way of collecting information, considering the free expression of the subjects to narrate their life trajectories, conceptions and senses constructed and conceived as determinants of their professional choices.

Influência do Projeto Prelúdio na constituição da trajetória social dos seus alunos

Paz, Marisa Dutra January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho foi elaborado a partir do estudo desenvolvido no mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O estudo busca, através de narrativas de estudantes egressos do Projeto Prelúdio, analisar a constituição das trajetórias sociais e profissionais desses sujeitos. O Projeto Prelúdio foi criado em 1982, com vínculo institucional à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e, desde então, visa musicalizar crianças e jovens dos 5 aos 17 anos. Com a criação dos Institutos Federais, em dezembro de 2008, o Projeto Prelúdio foi integrado ao Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) - Campus Porto Alegre, como um Programa de Extensão Institucional. A análise aqui desenvolvida foi fundamentada por uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e uma metodologia que abordou o estudo de caso e histórias de vida para alcançar os resultados aqui discorridos. Foram selecionados cinco egressos do Projeto Prelúdio e adotou-se a entrevista semiestruturada como forma de coletar as informações, considerando a livre expressão dos sujeitos para narrarem suas histórias de vida, bem como as concepções e os sentidos construídos e concebidos como determinantes às suas escolhas profissionais. / This dissertation was elaborated from studies developed during the Postgraduate Master’s degree course “Education in Sciences: Chemistry of Life and Health” from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The present study analyzes, through personal narratives from former students of “Projeto Prelúdio” (Prelude Project), the social and professional trajectories of these people and the possible influence of the project in their lives. Prelude Project was created in 1982 inside the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul aiming to introduce and educate children and teenagers from 5 to 17 years old musically. After the creation of the Federal Institutes, in 2008, the project has been absorbed by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre Campus, as an Institutional Extension Program. The analysis was based on a qualitative research and a methodology that approached the object of study to reach the results to be discussed here. Five former students of the Prelude Project were selected and a semi-structured interview was adopted as a way of collecting information, considering the free expression of the subjects to narrate their life trajectories, conceptions and senses constructed and conceived as determinants of their professional choices.

Från ett piano till en orgel : En studie om Franz Liszt som orgeltonsättare med särskilt fokus på hans ”Preludium och fuga BACH”

Gamar, Tetyana January 2018 (has links)
Examensarbetet handlar om min instudering av hur F. Liszts hanterade orgel och fugaformen. Som exempel tog jag hans BACH Preludium och fuga, eftersom fugaformen och harmoniken var viktiga för honom. Det finns både orgel och piano version av detta verk och det kommer att vara intressant för mig som både pianist och organist att jämföra båda versioner.

The Harmonische Seelenlust (1733) by G.F. Kauffmann (1679-1735): A critical study of his organ registration indications

Van Wyk, Theodore Justin 15 September 2005 (has links)
G.F. Kauffmann exerted great, albeit disparaged influence on his contemporaries and the subsequent generation of organists and composers. Many of his works were copied and regularly performed by these musicians, including prominent composers such as J.S. Bach and J.G. Walther. Kauffmann is mostly associated with one of the most important collection of chorale preludes in the Baroque, viz. the Harmonische Seelenlust (Leipzig 1733), of which he is the composer. Among the numerous peculiar characteristics of this work are the registration indications supplied by Kauffmann himself. It is the most detailed source of registration in the entire Baroque era, consequently giving us a unique insight into the trends of combining stops during this period. Using Kauffmann’s particular style of registration, it becomes possible and even desirable to implement these suggestions found in the Harmonische Seelenlust in the works of his contemporaries. Kauffmann devised a specific system of registration for specific genres of works that are adaptable to his own works that were not supplied with registration, and to the works of his contemporaries. / Thesis (PMus (Performing Art))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Music / unrestricted

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