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Data Analysis and Graph Presentation of Team Training DataMuhammad Azhar, Ranjha, Ahmad Adnan, Ghalib January 2011 (has links)
This Report illustrates the team training system presentation as a web based graphs.The research is done based on the presentation of web information stored in database into the graphicalform. Ice-Faces with SQL database at back end data source is the way to demonstrate the implementationof graph system. By having research and comparisons it is found suitably best the Graph generating systemfor analysis of C3fire records.Several models for graphs are been selected for the illustration of best visualization of the demography andat last one with best demonstration of result is selected.The information which was displayed in tables stored in database is now viewable in the graphical format.The implementation was done by modifying and embedding codes in the previous version and successfullyimplementation is done. The graphs are displayed by the values stored in database and dynamicallyupdated as the values in the database are changed. There are four graphs finally selected and implementedthat shows the data, which are pie, bar, line and cluster bar graphs representing data in best viewableform. / C3Fire
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Defining the 'authentic' : identity, self-presentation and gender in Web 2.0 networked social mediaMcGregor, Kirsti Margaret January 2015 (has links)
As the Internet has become increasingly integrated into people’s everyday lives, it has become increasingly important to consider the opportunities it provides for social interaction, self-presentation and self expression. Online spaces have often been considered to be quintessentially postmodern in potentials, allowing for play and experimentation detached from local geographic contexts and disconnected from visual markers of difference such as gender and ethnicity. Debates about affordances and potentials of online interaction have been reframed by several emergent trends in Internet usage encapsulated in the term ‘Web 2.0 networked social media’- including social networking and media sharing sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. These sites represent a renewed focus on the production of an ‘authentic’, often visually represented self online, strongly grounded in both offline and online networks of experiences, locations, relationships and contacts. These occupy a differing, interesting set of positions with respect to theories of contemporary identity and sociality, emphasising authenticity and permanence and embedding the individual in local contexts rather than emphasising anonymity and fluidity. This PhD investigates the impact of these trends, broadly examining gender, self-presentation, identity and interaction in the context of contemporary online spaces. Examining self-presentational and interactional practices and the display of taste online, this thesis will argue that the concept of ‘authenticity’ is a crucial structuring factor across all aspects of contemporary online interaction. The thesis will explore and examine the implications of this discourse of authenticity which delineates the boundaries of acceptable online self-presentation and interaction, and yet lies in tension with the complexities of impression management across the complex merged audiences brought together on social networking sites. The uncertainties and ambiguities of the merged audience here provoke a reflexivity which leads to a reaffirmation of an essentially unreflexive, pre-social self as ‘authentic’. Taking into account the need to account for agency and reflexivity the thesis will work towards an understanding of online self-presentation, gender and identity which incorporates the multiple narrative, performative and aesthetic aspects of identity.
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Face presentation attack detection using texture analysisBoulkenafet, Z. (Zinelabidine) 15 May 2018 (has links)
In the last decades, face recognition systems have evolved a lot in terms of performance. As a result, this technology is now considered as mature and is applied in many real world applications from border control to financial transactions and computer security. Yet, many studies show that these systems suffer from vulnerabilities to spoofing attacks, a weakness that may limit their usage in many cases. A face spoofing attack or presentation attack occurs when someone tries to masquerade as someone else by presenting a fake face in front of the face recognition camera. To protect the recognition systems against attacks of this kind, many face anti-spoofing methods have been proposed. These methods have shown good performances on the existing face anti-spoofing databases. However, their performances degrade drastically under real world variations (e.g., illumination and camera device variations). In this thesis, we concentrate on improving the generalization capabilities of the face anti-spoofing methods with a particular focus on the texture based techniques.
In contrast to most existing texture based methods aiming at extracting texture features from gray-scale images, we propose a joint color-texture analysis. First, the face images are converted into different color spaces. Then, the feature histograms computed over each image band are concatenated and used for discriminating between real and fake face images. Our experiments conducted on three color spaces: RGB, HSV and YCbCr show that extracting the texture information from separated luminance chrominance color spaces (HSV and YCbCr) yields to better performances compared to gray-scale and RGB image representations. Moreover, to deal with the problem of illumination and image-resolution variations, we propose to extract this texture information from different scale images. In addition to representing the face images in different scales, the multi-scale filtering methods also act as pre-processing against factors such as noise and illumination.
Although our obtained results are better than the state of the art, they are still far from the requirements of real world applications. Thus, to help in the development of robust face anti-spoofing methods, we collected a new challenging face anti-spoofing database using six camera devices in three different illumination and environmental conditions. Furthermore, we have organized a competition on the collected database where fourteen face anti-spoofing methods have been assessed and compared. / Tiivistelmä
Kasvontunnistusjärjestelmien suorituskyky on parantunut huomattavasti viime vuosina. Tästä syystä tätä teknologiaa pidetään nykyisin riittävän kypsänä ja käytetään jo useissa käytännön sovelluksissa kuten rajatarkastuksissa, rahansiirroissa ja tietoturvasovelluksissa. Monissa tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin havaittu, että nämä järjestelmät ovat myös haavoittuvia huijausyrityksille, joissa joku yrittää esiintyä jonakin toisena henkilönä esittämällä kameralle jäljennöksen kohdehenkilön kasvoista. Tämä haavoittuvuus rajoittaa kasvontunnistuksen laajempaa käyttöä monissa sovelluksissa. Tunnistusjärjestelmien turvaamiseksi on kehitetty lukuisia menetelmiä tällaisten hyökkäysten torjumiseksi. Nämä menetelmät ovat toimineet hyvin tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitetyillä kasvotietokannoilla, mutta niiden suorituskyky huononee dramaattisesti todellisissa käytännön olosuhteissa, esim. valaistuksen ja käytetyn kuvantamistekniikan variaatioista johtuen. Tässä työssä yritämme parantaa kasvontunnistuksen huijauksen estomenetelmien yleistämiskykyä keskittyen erityisesti tekstuuripohjaisiin menetelmiin.
Toisin kuin useimmat olemassa olevat tekstuuripohjaiset menetelmät, joissa tekstuuripiirteitä irrotetaan harmaasävykuvista, ehdotamme väritekstuurianalyysiin pohjautuvaa ratkaisua. Ensin kasvokuvat muutetaan erilaisiin väriavaruuksiin. Sen jälkeen kuvan jokaiselta kanavalta erikseen lasketut piirrehistogrammit yhdistetään ja käytetään erottamaan aidot ja väärät kasvokuvat toisistaan. Kolmeen eri väriavaruuteen, RGB, HSV ja YCbCr, perustuvat testimme osoittavat, että tekstuuri-informaation irrottaminen HSV- ja YCbCr-väriavaruuksien erillisistä luminanssi- ja krominanssikuvista parantaa suorituskykyä kuvien harmaasävy- ja RGB-esitystapoihin verrattuna. Valaistuksen ja kuvaresoluution variaation takia ehdotamme myös tämän tekstuuri-informaation irrottamista eri tavoin skaalatuista kuvista. Sen lisäksi, että itse kasvot esitetään eri skaaloissa, useaan skaalaan perustuvat suodatusmenetelmät toimivat myös esikäsittelynä sellaisia suorituskykyä heikentäviä tekijöitä vastaan kuten kohina ja valaistus.
Vaikka tässä tutkimuksessa saavutetut tulokset ovat parempia kuin uusinta tekniikkaa edustavat tulokset, ne ovat kuitenkin vielä riittämättömiä reaalimaailman sovelluksissa tarvittavaan suorituskykyyn. Sen takia edistääksemme uusien robustien kasvontunnistuksen huijaamisen ilmaisumenetelmien kehittämistä kokosimme uuden, haasteellisen huijauksenestotietokannan käyttäen kuutta kameraa kolmessa erilaisessa valaistus- ja ympäristöolosuhteessa. Järjestimme keräämällämme tietokannalla myös kansainvälisen kilpailun, jossa arvioitiin ja verrattiin neljäätoista kasvontunnistuksen huijaamisen ilmaisumenetelmää.
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Využití kolaborativních prezentačních nástrojů ve výuce informačních technologií / Aplication of collaborative presentation tools in ICT educationZscherp, Rudolf January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses use of cloud computing and collaborative presentation tools in ICT education in schools. It also devotes to representative applications and their evaluation and indetifies key questions which help to chose suitable application to education. Questionnaire survey evaluates application among students and proposes activities that are effective with use of these tools. This work tracks activity of students with collaborative tools and evaluates their engagement in education. Action research watches students and their work in order to evaluate engagement in education process.
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”[…]har gjort en plansch så måste man ju berätta och visa” : - En diskursanalytisk studie av mellanstadieelevers föreställningar och attityder till muntlig framställning i svenskämnet / If you’ve made a poster, you got to show and tell. : A discourse-analytic study of Swedish secondary school pupils’ conceptions and attitudes towards oracy in Swedish language studies.Lilliehöök, David January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to take a closer look at attitudes concerning education using oral presentations as the main activity in Swedish language studies in a Swedish secondary school. To accomplish this, the study aimed to answer the following questions: • In what way do four groups of secondary school students talk about oral presentations in Swedish language studies? • Which preconceptions and attitudes to oral presentations do the student express? • Which discourses are actualized in the discussions and how are these constructed? Secondary school pupils were used as a primary source of knowledge here through the use of four semi-structured focus group discussions. Students were asked questions about their understanding of what the essence of oral presentations is, as well as their experiences, feelings and what expectations they felt were placed on them by their teachers. The material shows a discourse composed of a mixture of excitement and fear. The pupils attribute to the creative side to planning presentations and using esthetic or even electronic media to excitement but also express anxiousness regarding the permanence of spoken word and the stress of potentially making a fool of oneself in front of their peers.
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The life of the fashion blogger : an exploratory study of self-identity and self-presentation on personal style bloggersSimunic, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Background: The phenomenon of the 21st century, fashion bloggers, are having something that the glossy fashion magazines and fashion advertisements never had – a personal touch through their identity. Through sharing experiences, opinions and feelings about garments, shopping and other fashion related subjects, fashion bloggers share their self. Hence, blog can be the space where bloggers present, create or edit their self, shifting between who they really are and who they desire to be.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to get a deeper insight into the phenomenon of the fashion blogger by investigating bloggers self-presentation through the blog and the relation of their online identity to their real- and ideal-self.Design/method: This study was designed as an exploratory two case study. The data was collected by using three different methods: the content analysis, the go-along method and the semi-structured interviews. The sources included blog content, human behavior and verbalnarratives. The thematic analysis technique was used to analyze the data.Results: Case I, a professional Croatian blogger, showed the usage of indirect elements to present the self on the blog and through blogging activities as well as the usage of ingratiation to maintain personal and business relationships, and competence to present the self as professionally competent. It also showed the usage of photo shooting as a cue for impression management as well as the struggle between different selves on the blog. Finally, the results highlighted the role of the blog in actualizing the self. Case II, a hobby Croatian blogger, showed the usage of direct and indirect elements to present the self on the blog and through blogging activities, as well as the intention to create a ‘fashionable personae’. It showed the usage of ingratiation to appear likeable and to get recognition, and competence to present the self as social. Analysis indicated the practice of fashion through dressing with an intention to create the ‘blogger’ identity and reach the ideal-self. The blog was found to be the place for practicing the self-confidence and the self-identity construction.Conclusion: Case I showed the extensive conscious usage of the blog features and engagement into the blogging activities to present the self and usage of two self-presentation strategies; ingratiation and competence. Overall, it showed that the identity presented on the blog is majorly a reflection of already constructed identity and descriptive self while the significance of the blog is seen in the desire to reach self-actualization. Case II showed more unconscious usage of the blog features and engagement into the blogging activities to present the self and usage of two self-presentation strategies: ingratiation and competence. It also showed that the online identity on the blog mainly serves as a ‘trial identity’ through which the real-self is yetto be found and defined and through which the ideal-self is constantly reached. This study presents the first step into understanding how can blogger’s self-identity and self-presentation can be beneficial for the brand’s marketing strategy.
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Jag såg det på Facebook : Unga människors självpresentationer på FacebookDreher, Nicole, Skoglund, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Title: I saw it on Facebook – Youth presentation of self on Facebook Authors: Nicole Dreher & Anders Skoglund Presented: 01.06.2010 Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine how the, in the study, participating youths make their presentation of self on their Facebook profiles. Methodology: The method used in the thesis was a social semiotic analysis focusing on the social semiotic concepts: semiotic resource, semiotic potential, affordance, denotation and connotation. A social semiotic analysis of composition was also used with the purpose to gain a deeper knowledge of the social semiotic affordances of Facebook’s composition. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical base of this thesis consists mainly of Erving Goffman’s theory on presentation of self in everyday life as well as relevant theories to youth culture in sociology and identity in social psychology. Conclusions: The results show that the youth’s presentations of selves mostly takes place in their profile picture, status updates, groups, fan pages and through their communication with other users on their wall. The borders between front and back stage on Facebook entirely depends on the norms that the reader expects the profile owner to uphold. The most frequent reason for impression management among the participating youths seemed to be to uphold a façade on front stage, i.e. Facebook, amongst their friends. Most of the participants’ use of Facebook confirms theories from previous research on the Internet generation – that they use it to communicate, network and to express opinions. The results also showed that the profile owner, through their status updates, can revise and reform their presentation of self at any time. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur de deltagande ungdomarna gör självpresentationer på sina Facebook- profiler. Detta kommer att undersökas genom en socialsemiotisk metod med fokus på begreppen semiotisk potential, affordance, konnotation, denotation. Det teoretiska ramverk som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv som liknar livet vid en teater. Alla sociala interaktioner sker på en scen och individen har olika roller beroende på kontexten. Varje framträdande har, likt teatern, en bakre och främre region, där den främre är den roll du har vid uppträdandet och den bakre är den privata regionen. Goffmans perspektiv tar även upp intrycksstyrning vilket används för att styra det som släpps ut på scenen, den främre regionen. Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller även socialpsykologins identitetsbegrepp samt ett avsnitt om ungdomar, deras kultur och hur de förhåller sig till Internet. Uppsatsen undersöker även, med en socialsemiotiskmetod hur scenen Facebook är komponerat för att se vilka möjligheter av självpresentation det finns. Scenen Facebook är komponerat med tre olika spalter, där den mittersta är störst och har den primära funktionen. Den västra spalten innehåller profilbilden med kompletterande information, i syfte att påvisa vem profilägaren är. Mittenspalten har två olika innehåll, den ena är informationssidan som återger biografiska uppgifter om profilägaren samt vilka grupper och pages denne tillhör. Den andra är wall:en, Facebooks centrala del, här kartläggs de aktiviteter profilägaren gör, till exempel: skriva på någons wall, kommentera på bilder, lägga upp egna bilder eller bli taggad i bilder. Det undersökningen kom fram till var självpresentationen sker främst genom grupper och pages, statusuppdateringar, profilbild och kommunikation på wall:en samt att den varierar beroende på aktivitet. Vid hög aktivitet är det klarare vad som är menat att publicera och vad som regleras med intryckskontroll. Vid låg aktivitet var det ett problem att se vad som var intrycksstyrning och vad som var ett slentrianmässigt användande av Facebook. Det kom även fram att den profilbild som visas ofta är representativ utifrån materialet. Den som hade en humoristisk profilbild hade även en profil med ett humoristiskt tema. Humor var även det mest genomgående temat bland profilerna och ofta med subkultur kopplat till detta.
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Pneumocystis species are opportunistic fungal pathogens that cause severe pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts, including AIDS patients. Pneumocystis species have a biphasic life cycle consisting of single-nucleated trophic forms and ascus-like cysts. Both stages live within the host, and, thus, must contend with threats from the host immune system. The cyst cell wall β-glucans have been shown to stimulate immune responses in lung epithelial cells, dendritic cells and alveolar macrophages. Little is known about how the trophic life forms, which do not have a fungal cell wall, interact with immune cells. In this study, the immune response to the life cycle stages of Pneumocystis murina was evaluated.
Here, we report differences in the immune response of immunocompetent mice to the trophic and cystic life cycle stages of P. murina. Upon infection with purified trophic forms, wild-type adult mice developed a delayed innate and adaptive immune response compared to inoculation with the normal mixture of trophic forms and cysts. Cysts, but not trophic forms, stimulated Th1-type responses in the lungs of infected mice.
Surprisingly, trophic forms are sufficient to generate protective adaptive responses, leading to clearance in immunocompetent mice. We report that CD4+ T cells primed in the presence of trophic forms are sufficient to mediate clearance of trophic forms and cysts. In addition, primary infection with trophic forms is sufficient to prime B cell memory responses capable of clearing a secondary infection with Pneumocystis following CD4+ T cell depletion. While trophic forms are sufficient for initiation of adaptive immune responses in immunocompetent mice, infection of immunocompromised RAG2-/- mice with trophic forms in the absence of cysts does not lead to the severe weight loss and infiltration of innate immune cells associated with the development of Pneumocystis pneumonia.
Dendritic cells screen the alveolar spaces for pathogens, and are in a prime position to initiate the immune response against lung pathogens, including Pneumocystis. Our data demonstrate that trophic forms broadly dampen the ability of dendritic cells to respond to pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were stimulated with trophic forms, a mixture of trophic forms and cysts, and various other inflammatory materials, including β-glucan. Trophic forms inhibited multiple components involved in antigen presentation by dendritic cells, including secretion of inflammatory cytokines and expression of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules on the cell surface. Furthermore, trophic forms suppressed or failed to induce the expression of multiple genes related to activation and maturation in dendritic cells. Dendritic cells silenced by trophic forms are unable to induce CD4+ T cell responses. These data suggest that immune evasion by trophic forms is dependent on the suppression of innate responses, and the development of adaptive immunity represents a “point of no return” at which the trophic forms are no longer able to escape clearance.
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A mixed methods study investigating re-presentation, symptom attribution and psychological health in primary percutaneous coronary intervention patientsIles-Smith, Heather January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Following ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and treatment with Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI), some patients re-present with potential ischaemic heart disease (IHD) symptoms. Symptoms may be related to cardiac ischaemia, reduced psychological health or a comorbid condition, which share similar symptoms and may lead patients to seek help via acute services. The purpose of the study was to investigate the proportion of PPCI patients who re-presented to acute services due to potential IHD symptoms within 6 months of STEMI, and to explore associated factors. Methods: An explanatory mixed methods study was conducted. Quantitative data were collected at baseline and 6 months from consecutive patients attending two centres in Manchester. Variables were carefully considered based on a conceptual model for re-presentation. These included potential IHD symptom and psychological health assessments using self-report measures: the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Hospital and Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Physiological health was measured using the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) and the Charleson Comorbidity Index (CCI) at baseline. At 6 months re-presentation data were collected using patient records, a telephone interview and a self-report diary card. The experiences of some who re-presented (purposeful sampling) were explored through semi-structured interviews conducted at least 6 months following PPCI. Framework analysis was adopted to analyse data. Results: 202 PPCI patients returned baseline questionnaires [mean age 59.7 years (SD 13.9), 75.7% male]; 38 (18.8%; 95% CI 14.0% to 24.8%) participants re-presented due to potential IHD symptoms at 6 months; 16 (42.1%) re-presented due to a cardiac event and 22 (57.9%) did not receive a diagnosis. At both baseline and 6 months, mean HADS anxiety scores were higher for the re-presentation group compared to the non-representation group (baseline 9.5 vs 7.1, p=0.006; 6 months 9.4 vs 6.0, p<0.001). Angina symptoms were stable and infrequent at both time points for the groups. Multivariate regression modelling with the inclusion of predictors HADS anxiety, SAQ angina stability, SAQ angina frequency, GRACE and CCI, determined HADS anxiety as a predictor of re-presentation with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.12 (95% CI 1.03 to 1.22, p=0.008). The qualitative interviews with re-presenters included 25 participants (14 men, 27-79 years). Four themes were identified: fear of experiencing a further heart attack, uncertainty and inability to determine cause of symptoms, insufficient opportunity to validate self-construction of illness and difficulty adapting to life after a heart attack. Conclusion: Elevated levels of anxiety at baseline were predictive of re-presentation with potential IHD symptoms at 6 months. Factors such as shock at experiencing a heart attack, hypervigilance of symptoms and difficulty with symptom attribution appeared to play a role in raised anxiety levels for the re-presentation group. Findings suggested that changes are needed to cardiac rehabilitation and post-STEMI follow-up to address educational needs and psychological issues and changes in STEMI treatment.
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Motion Estimation From Moments Of Projection Data For Dynamic CTGokul Deepak, M 31 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In X-ray computed tomography, motion of the object (breathing, for example)
while X-ray projections are acquired for tomographic reconstruction leads to mo-
tion artifacts in the reconstructed image. Object motion (such as that of breathing
lungs) during acquisition of a computed tomography scan causes artifacts in the
reconstructed image due to the reason that the source and detectors require a finite
amount of time to rotate around the object while acquiring measurements even as
the object is changing with time. With traditional reconstruction algorithms, the
object is assumed to be stationary while data is acquired. However, in the case of
dynamic tomography, the projection data that is acquired is not consistent, as it is
data measured from an object that is deformed at each view angle of measurement.
In this work, we propose a method for estimation of general (non-rigid) small
motion for dynamic tomography from motion-corrupted projection data. For a
static object, the Helgason-Ludwig consistency conditions impose some structure
on the moments of the projections. However in the case of dynamic object (result-
ing in motion-corrupted projections) this is violated. In the proposed method, we
estimate motion parameters of the general motion model from the moments of the
dynamic projections. The dynamic object can be modeled as f (g(x, t)) where g is
a time-dependent warping function. The non-linear problem of solving a system
involving composition of functions is dealt with in the Fourier transform space
where it simplifies into a problem involving multiplicatively separable functions.
The system is then linearized to solve for object motion. We assume a general
basis function in our model. For numerical simulations, we use polynomial and
B-spline basis functions as special cases of the basis functions.
Simulation is performed by applying known deformations to the Shepp-Logan
phantom, to a head slice of the Visible Human phantom and a thorax slice of the
Zubal phantom. Simulations are performed for projections generated by parallel-
beam and fan-beam geometry. Simulation for fan-beam geometry are performed by
rebinning the motion corrupted fan beam projections to parallel beam projections,
followed by the proposed motion estimation method. Simulation for the Visible
Human phantom and the thorax slice of the Zubal phantom are performed for fan-
beam geometry. Poisson noise is also added to the generated dynamic projections
before motion estimation is performed. To solve the ill-posed problem of motion
estimation by the proposed method, we use a Tikhonov type regularization that
involves minimizing an objective function that is the sum of a data discrepancy
term, a term that penalizes temporal variation of motion, and another term to
penalize large magnitudes of motion.
Using the estimated motion, the original image has been reconstructed from the
motion corrupted projection data, with the knowledge of the underlying motion
which is estimated by the proposed algorithm, by an algebraic technique similar to
the dynamic SART algorithm from the literature. Here, a SART-type coefficient
matrix is computed using ray tracing with rays whose paths are warped according
to the estimated motion. The dynamic image at t = 0 is then reconstructed with
using the computed dynamic SART matrix.
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