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High strength paper from high yield pulps by means of hot-pressingJoelsson, Tove January 2020 (has links)
Abstract High Yield Pulp (HYP), i.e. TMP, SGW or CTMP, is normally used in printing papers (News, SC and LWC) or in a middle layer on cardboard i.e. in products that either have high demands on printability and runnability in fast printing presses or contribute to high bulk in cardboards in order to minimize pulp consumption at a certain sheet stiffness. Tensile strength as a function of density is significantly higher for HYP compared to chemical pulps such as sulphate and sulphite pulps. However, chemical pulp is mainly used in packaging materials that require very high tensile strength, while at the same time allowing the density of the paper to be high. By utilizing the softening properties of high-yielding lignin-rich fibres by hot-pressing technology, it is possible to significantly increase sheet density and thereby strength closer to the level of chemical pulps. Furthermore, due to the presence of high levels of lignin, it was shown that considerably higher wet strength can be achieved compared to chemical pulp without the addition of strengthening agents. The study focuses on the softening of stiff and lignin-rich fibres in papers based on HYP with sufficiently high moisture contents, when hot-pressing at temperature levels significantly above the softening temperature (Tg) of lignin Hot-pressing increases the density of the sheet which increases the contact surface between the fibres in the paper structure. The high pressing temperature can be said to induce a viscous flow of lignin, which also increases the potential for fibre-fibre bonding. It is conceivable that covalent bonds are obtained via condensation reactions and partly that interdiffusion between the lignin in the fibre walls can be obtained as they come close enough to each other during the hot-pressing. The research also shows that hot-pressing greatly improves properties in the form of dry and wet strength as well as hydrophobicity for HYP and for lignin-rich kraft paper. The first part of the study shows the effect of hot-pressing on strength properties of paper sheets based on CTMP, HT-CTMP, TMP, NSSC, SCPal and NBSK. The second part includes a study on how and to what extent different amounts of residual lignin in the pulp contribute to the dry and wet strength of the sheets of paper during hot-pressing as a function of increasing temperature. To demonstrate this, pilot scale cooking of unbleached pulp to various lignin levels was carried out. In all experiments in parts one and two, laboratory sheets with a surface weight of 150 g/m2 and a dry content of 50% were made with a Rapid Köthen (RK) sheet former, after which the sheets were hot-pressed in a cylinder press at temperatures up to 200°C, constant high pressure of about 7 MPa, nip pressure dwell time of 1.5 sec and production speed 1 m/min. The third part includes a study on the optimization of variables in a new design of a dynamic cylinder press for hot-pressing technology. This design is based on previous research at Mid Sweden University combined with key knowledge of steel band technology within IPCO AB. The new pilot machine is based on heating of a steel belt with infrared heat (IR) up to 300°C, a maximum line load of 15 kN/m in two press nips and a dwell time of 23-240 ms in the nip depending on the production speed which is up to 5 m/min. The experiments in part three were based on RK paper sheets with 100 g/m2 and approximately 63% dry content made by HT-CTMP. The results confirm that hot-pressed HYP-based paper sheets enable permanent densification by softening lignin, which provides a very high dry tensile strength and a remarkable improvement in wet tensile strength compared to bleached kraft pulp without the need for wet strength agents. A tensile index of 75 kNm/kg, compression strength index (SCT) of 45 kNm/kg and wet tensile strength index of 16 kNm/kg were obtained, which can be compared with the corresponding values for bleached kraft pulp based paper sheets of 85 kNm/kg, 35 kNm/kg and 5 kNm/kg respectively, all with the same density after hot-pressing at 200°C. The NSSC reached the highest tensile strength index of 92 kNm/kg. The study with the unbleached kraft pulps showed that the lignin content had a significant effect on both the dry and wet tensile strength indices. The pulps showed a linear relationship between wet strength and lignin content. The increase in lignin content from 0% to 12% improved the dry tensile index by 20% and SCT by 35% and gave a very significant increase in the wet strength index from 3 to 23 kNm/kg after hot-pressing. All lignin-rich paper samples exhibit good wet stability for at least 24 hours and an improved surface hydrophobicity by increasing the pressing temperature and lignin content. Optimization of the new steel belt based press machine showed that high nip pressure and two press nips had a great effect on density and strength. Whereas high temperature, well above Tg of lignin, and long pressing time were more important to achieve high wet strength. The highest wet strength index value, 27 kNm/kg, was reached when the pressing temperature was 290°C, the nip pressure about 8 MPa, the pressing time in the press nip 40 ms and the dwell time in contact with the steel belt 23.5 sec. It was also noted that no delamination occurred in these tests. In order to obtain both high dry and wet strength, it is important to have high lignin content, high temperature, high nip pressure and sufficiently long pressing time / Sammanfattning Högutbytesmassa (HYP), d.v.s. SGW, TMP eller CTMP, används normalt i tryckpapper (News, SC och LWC) eller i mittskikt i kartong dvs i produkter som har höga krav på tryckbarhet och körbarhet i snabba tryckpressar eller för att bidra till hög bulk i kartong så att man därmed kan minimera förbrukningen av massa för att nå en viss arkstyvhet. Dragstyrka som funktion av densitet är väsentligt högre för HYP jämfört med kemiska massor som sulfat- och sulfitmassor. Däremot används främst kemiska massor i förpackningsmaterial som kräver mycket hög dragstryka, där man samtidigt tillåter att papperets densitet får vara hög. Genom att utnyttja mjukningsegenskaperna hos högutbytesmassors ligninrika fibrer genom varmpressningsteknik kan man väsentligt öka arkdensitet och därigenom styrka till i nivå med kemiska massors. Vidare visas att man tack vara närvaro av höga halter lignin kan nå väsentligt högre våtstyrka jämfört med kemisk massa utan tillsats av styrkehöjande kemikalier. Studien fokuserar på mjukgörning av styva och ligninrika fibrer vid varmpressning vid temperaturnivåer väsentligt över mjukningstemperaturen (Tg) för lignin av HYP-baserat papper med tillräckligt hög fukthalt. Varmpressning ökar arkens densitet, vilket ökar kontaktytan mellan fibrerna i pappersstrukturen. Den höga pressnings-temperaturen kan sägas inducera ett visköst flöde av lignin, vilket då ökar möjligheten att få starkare för fiber-fiber-bindning. Man kan dels tänka sig att kovalenta bindningar erhålls via kondensationsreaktioner och dels att man kan erhålla interdiffusion mellan ligninet i fiberväggarna då de kommer tillräckligt nära varandra vid varmpressningen. Forskningen visar också att varmpressning högst väsentligt förbättrar egenskaper i form av torr- och våtstyrka samt hydrofobicitet för både HYP-baserat och ligninrikt kraftpapper. Den första delen av studien visar effekten av varmpressning på styrke-egenskaper hos pappersark baserade på CTMP, HT-CTMP, TMP, NSSC, SCPal och NBSK. Den andra delen inkluderar en studie om hur och i vilken utsträckning olika mängder av kvarvarande lignin i massa bidrar till pappersarkens torrstyrka och våtstyrka vid varmpressning som funktion av ökande temperatur. För att demonstrera detta tillverkades oblekt kraftmassa till olika ligninhalter i pilotskala. I alla experiment i del ett och två i avhandlingen tillverkades laboratorieark med ytvikten 150 g/m2 och torrhalten 50% i en Rapid Köthen (RK) arkformare varefter arken varmpressades i en cylinderpress vid temperaturer upp till 200°C och konstant högt tryck på cirka 7 MPa i ett pressnyp med uppehållstiden 1,5 s i pressnypet vid maskinhastigheten 1 m/min. Den tredje delen i avhandlingen inkluderar en studie om optimering av variabler i en ny design av en dynamisk cylinderpress för varmpressteknik. Den nya designen baseras på tidigare forskning vid Mittuniversitetet kombinerat med nyckelkunskap om stålbandstekniker inom IPCO AB. Den nya pilotmaskinen är baserad på att ett stålbälte uppvärms med infraröd värme (IR) upp till 300°C, en linjelast upp till 15 kN/m i två pressnyp vardera, med variabel presstid 23-240 ms i pressnypet beroende av maskinhastigheter upp till 5 m/min. Experimenten i del tre i avhandlingen baserades på RK-pappersark tillverkade av HT-CTMP med ytvikten 100 g/m2 och torrhalten ca 63%. Resultaten bekräftar att varmpressande HYP-baserade pappersark möjliggör permanent densifiering genom mjukning av lignin, vilket ger en mycket hög torr dragstyrka och en anmärkningsvärd förbättring av våt dragstyrka jämfört med blekt kraftmassa utan att våtstyrkemedel behöver användas. Ett dragindex på 75 kNm/kg, kompressionsstyrkeindex (SCT) på 45 kNm/kg och våtstyrkeindex på 16 kNm/kg erhölls vilket kan jämföras med motsvarande värden för pappersarken från blekt kraftmassa på 85 kNm/kg, 35 kNm/kg respektive 5 kNm/kg, alla med samma densitet efter varmpressning vid 200°C. Lövvedsbaserad NSSC nådde det högsta dragstyrkeindexet på hela 92 kNm/kg. Studien med de oblekta kraftmassorna visade att lignininnehållet hade en signifikant effekt på både torr- och våtstyrkeindex. Kraftmassorna uppvisade ett linjärt samband mellan våtstyrka och lignininnehåll. Ökningen i ligninhalten från 0% till 12% förbättrade dragindexet med 20% och SCT med 35% och gav en mycket signifikant ökning i våtstyrkeindex från 3 till 23 kNm/kg efter varmpressningen. Alla ligninrika pappersprover uppvisar god våtstyrkestabilitet under minst 24 timmar och en förbättrad ythydrofobicitet genom ökning av presstrycktemperaturen och lignininnehållet. Optimering av den nya stålbandsbaserade cylinderpressen visade att högt pressnyptryck och två pressnyp hade stor effekt på densitet och styrka. Emedan hög temperatur, långt över Tg för lignin, och lång presstid var viktigare för att nå hög våtstyrka. Det högsta värdet på våtstyrkeindex, 27 kNm/kg, uppnåddes när presstemperaturen var 290°C, pressnyptrycket cirka 8 MPa, presstiden i pressnypet 40 ms och tiden i kontakt med stålbältet 23,5 sek. Det noterades också att ingen delaminering inträffade i dessa tester. För att erhålla både hög torr- och våtstyrka är det viktigt med högt lignininnehåll, hög temperatur, högt nyptryck och tillräckligt lång presstid. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för framläggningen av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 1 (accepterat), delarbete 2 (inskickat), delarbete 3 (manuskript).</p><p>At the time of the defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 1 (accepted), paper 2 (submitted), paper 3 (manuscript).</p>
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A study of isostatic framework with application to manipulator designPadmanabhan, Babu 20 October 2005 (has links)
Isostatic frameworks are statically determinate trusses that are self contained (Le. they exist independent of support or foundation). Isostatic frameworks have been widely used as supporting structures, and recently they have been used as the structure for parallel manipulators. These truss-based manipulators could potentially solve the problems facing conventional manipulators and could make the design of high-degree-of-freedom manipulators feasible. The rigorous scientific study of isostatic frameworks and manipulators based on their structure has been limited. Recent developments in the design of large space structures and truss-based manipulators, however, demand rigorous design and mathematical tools. This dissertation provides a general theory for the design of structures based on frameworks and methods to analyze the kinematics of truss-based manipulators.
The objective of the first part of this dissertation is to solve the problems of identification, generation and classification of isostatic frameworks in greater depth than in any past work in this area. Original methods are discussed for the enumeration and generation of isostatic frameworks. The first part also presents an original method to determine the geometry of general frameworks and an improved method to find the forces in their members. The determination of geometry and forces are critical areas in structural design.
The second part of this dissertation presents a case study on one of the candidates for manipulator applications, the double-octahedral manipulator. The kinematic analyses of the double-octahedral manipulator includes methods to perform forward and inverse kinematic analysis, velocity and acceleration analysis, singularity analysis and workspace analysis. The closed-form solution to the inverse analysis presented herein is a major breakthrough in the development of the double-octahedral manipulator. Other analysis, such as velocity and acceleration, singularity, and workspace, depend on the inverse solution. It is believed that these solutions will help narrow the gap between theory and application of truss-based manipulators. The determination of singularities and works paces are application of recent ideas of other researchers. However, original implementations of these ideas have yielded astonishing results. The Jacobian and Hessian matrix presented in this dissertation should help in developing the control scheme for this device. C-Ianguage program codes for several of the methods are also provided. The methods have been tested based on the results obtained from these programs. The position analysis algorithms have also been tested on real hardware. Some of the methods developed here have been successfully employed for simulated and experimental vibration control studies. / Ph. D.
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Severe Plastic Deformation Of Age Hardenable Aluminum AlloysTan, Evren 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Industrial products of high-strength Al-alloys are currently manufactured by thermo-mechanical processes, which are only applicable in the integrated plants requiring high investment cost. Moreover, reduction of the average grain size not less than 10 &mu / m and re-adjustment of process parameters for each alloy type is evaluated as disadvantage. Therefore, recently there have been many research studies for development of alternative manufacturing techniques for aluminum alloys. Research activities have shown that it is possible to improve the strength of Al-alloys remarkably by severe plastic deformation which results in ultra-fine grain size.
This study aims to design and manufacture the laboratory scale set-ups for severe plastic deformation of aluminum alloys, and to characterize the severely deformed samples. The stages of the study are summarized below:
First, for optimization of die design and investigation of parameters affecting the deformation finite element modeling simulations were performed. The effects of process parameters (die geometry, friction coefficient) and material properties (strain hardening, strain-rate sensitivity) were investigated.
Next, Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) system that can severely deform the rod shaped samples were designed and manufactured. The variations in the microstructure and mechanical properties of 2024 Al-alloy rods deformed by ECAP were investigated.
Finally, based on the experience gained, a Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing (DCAP) system for severe plastic deformation of flat products was designed and manufactured / then, 6061 Al-alloy strips were deformed. By performing hardness and tension tests on the strips that were deformed by various passes, the capability of the DCAP set-up for production of ultra-fine grain sized high-strength aluminum flat samples were investigated.
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Densification Mechanisms for Spark Plasma Sintering in Alumina and Alumina Based SystemsChakravarty, Dibyendu January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The densification mechanisms of polycrystalline α-alumina by spark plasma sintering are highly contradictory, with different research groups suggesting diffusion to dislocation controlled mechanisms to be rate controlling. The specific objective of this work was to investigate densification mechanisms of α-alumina during the intermediate and final stages of sintering by SPS, analyze the microstructural development and establish sintering trajectories. In addition, zirconia and yttria were added in different weight percentages to study the effect of solute concentration on the densification kinetics of spark plasma sintered alumina. The present work adopts a different approach from the classical method adopted previously to analyze the sintering kinetics and densification mechanisms of alumina in SPS, although existing models for hot pressing were adopted for the basic analysis.
The densification behavior was investigated in the temperature range 1223-1573 K under applied stresses of 25, 50 and 100 MPa and grain sizes between 100 and 250 nm. The SEM micrographs reveal equiaxed grains with no abnormal grain growth in the dense samples. The ‘master sintering curve’ shows grain size to be primarily dependent on density, irrespective of the applied stresses or temperature. The stress exponent of 1 along with an inverse grain size exponent of 3 and activation energy of 320-550 kJ mol-1 suggests Al3+ grain boundary diffusion as the rate controlling densification mechanism in alumina.
The densification rates are marginally slower in compositions with 0.1% Y2O3 and ZrO2 content possibly due to the smaller grain sizes used in this study which leads to faster rates compared to earlier reports. However, higher Y2O3 and ZrO2 content led to decrease in densification rate by more than an order of magnitude possibly due to presence of a second phase which increases the effective path length for diffusion, thereby reducing the densification rates. Presence of Y2O3 and ZrO2 in the compositions with 0.1% Y2O3 and ZrO2 were confirmed by TEM studies. The Y3Al5O12 (YAG) phase developed between 1223 and 1273 K and suppressed densification and grain growth in alumina. In spite of higher temperatures required for alumina-YAG and alumina-zirconia composites to attain density ~99%, the alumina grain size in the composites was smaller than that in pure alumina due to the Zener drag effect. The stress exponents obtained for Y2O3 and ZrO2 composites at both the concentrations yield a value of n~ 2, which indicates a change in densification mechanism from pure alumina. The higher stress dependence of these composites could be due to presence of solute and second phase formation, both of which retard densification rates. The inverse grain size exponents obtained are between 1 and 2; both stress exponent and grain size exponent values suggest an interface reaction controlled diffusion mechanism occurring in these composites, independent of the Y2O3 and ZrO2 content. Higher activation energies are obtained with the Y2O3 and ZrO2 composites of higher content, respectively, due to presence of second phase particles at grain boundaries.
The presence of solutes at grain boundaries hinders grain boundary diffusion of alumina, leading to interface reaction controlled process; this is confirmed by superimposing standard aluminum grain boundary and lattice diffusion data on to stress-densification rate data obtained in this work. A comparison of stress exponents using current experimental data adopting the present and the classical approaches show a wide difference in their values indicating a change in the rate controlling diffusion path, necessitating a review of the assumptions made on the basic equations used in previous SPS studies.
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ZnSe ceramics and phosphate glasses for optical applications in the visible and infrared ranges / Céramiques de ZnSe et verres de phosphate pour des applications optiques dans le visible et l'infrarougeZhou, Gang 21 October 2014 (has links)
Une étude en deux parties a été effectuée sur la préparation et la caractérisation de céramiques de ZnSe et de verres de phosphate à des fins optiques. Pour préparer des poudres de ZnSe, deux voies de synthèse ont été utilisées: i) hydrothermales; ii) le broyage à billes. La taille des particules ainsi que leur morphologie a été analysée par différentes techniques (DRX, MEB…). Ensuite, deux technologies de frittage, pressage à chaud (HP) et frittage flash (SPS), ont été mises en œuvre pour obtenir des échantillons massifs de ZnSe optiquement transparents. La meilleure transmission obtenue dans le domaine du moyen infrarouge, pour les échantillons HP et SPS, est supérieure à 50% et 40% respectivement. Pour obtenir des verres de phosphate avec une grande durabilité chimique, des cations avec une intensité de champ élevée tels que Nb5+ et Ti4+ ont été incorporés dans un verre de phosphate. La transparence dans le domaine du visible a été obtenue en utilisant de petites quantités d'agents d'oxydation tels que les sulfates ou les nitrates. L’utilisation de la spectroscopie par réflectance diffuse a permis de déterminer les coordonnées chromatiques afin d’évaluer le bénéfice de ces ajouts. / A two-part study was conducted on the preparation and characterization of ZnSe ceramic and phosphate glasses for optical applications in the visible and infrared range. To prepare ZnSe powders, two synthetic routes were used: i) hydrothermal; ii) ball milling. The size and morphology of synthesized powders were analyzed using different techniques (XRD, SEM…). Then two sintering technologies, hot pressing (HP) sintering and spark plasma sintering (SPS) sintering have been implemented to obtain optically transparent ZnSe bulk samples. The best transmission obtained in the mid-infrared range, using HP and SPS, is greater than 50% and 40% respectively. To synthesize phosphate glasses with a high chemical durability, cations with high field strength such as Nb5+ and Ti4+ were incorporated into a phosphate matrix. The transparency in the visible range was obtained using small amounts of oxidation agents such as sulfates or nitrates. The use of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy led to determination of the chromaticity coordinates to evaluate the benefit of these additions.
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Projeto e manufatura de membranas cerâmicas via prensagem isostática para separação de emulsões óleo vegetal/água por microfiltração tangencial / Project and manufacture of ceramic membranes way isostatic pressing and use of sucrose as porogenic agent for separation of vegetable oil/ water emulsions by tangential microfiltrationDelcolle, Roberta 10 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese descreve o projeto e manufatura de membranas cerâmicas para separação de emulsões óleo/água. A escolha correta do material para a fabricação de membranas é importante para processos cujo desempenho depende da afinidade entre o meio poroso e o fluido. As condições de manufatura são também importantes, pois determinam a morfologia da membrana, que influencia fortemente as propriedades de transporte e conseqüentemente, a eficiência da membrana. Tendo isso em vista, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver membranas cerâmicas tubulares (porosas e densas) por prensagem isostática, aplicáveis em processos de microfiltração para a separação de emulsões óleo-água. Para tanto, foi realizado um controle rigoroso do tamanho e distribuição dos poros através do uso da sacarose como agente porogênico. Suspensões de alumina e zircônia com sacarose de diferentes dimensões foram preparadas. Após esse processo a barbotina foi seca e granulada para obtenção do pó usado na conformação das membranas porosas ou como suporte das membranas densas. Para a manufatura das membranas densas, uma fina camada da suspensão foi depositada no núcleo do molde que foi preenchido com o pó (de alumina ou zircônia) e então submetido à co-prensagem (isostática) para obter simultaneamente o suporte e o filme de zircônia. Posteriormente, as membranas (porosas e densas) sofreram um tratamento térmico (para queima parcial da sacarose) e foram sinterizadas (a 1500°C). As membranas foram caracterizadas por MEV, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, medidas de peso por imersão (para obtenção da porosidade e densidade aparente), ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar e à água. A caracterização morfológica das membranas constatou a formação de membranas porosas de alumina e de zircônia e de membranas densas: uma integral (\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\') e outra composta (\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\'). A análise de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio apresentou tamanho médio de poros de 1,8 \'mü\'m para as membranas porosas e de 0,01-0,03 \'mü\'m e 1,8 \'mü\'m para as membranas densas, respectivamente para camada seletiva e suporte. Todas as membranas obtiveram porosidade total de aproximadamente 50%, que é considerada uma porosidade satisfatória. Os ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar demonstraram que as membranas de zircônia obtiveram maior permeabilidade do que as membranas de alumina. Já os ensaios de permeação de água, na condição de fluxo tangencial, mostraram que as membranas porosas apresentaram maior fluxo transmembrana do que as membranas densas, na mesma velocidade de escoamento. As membranas densas e porosas foram testadas na separação óleo-água e a maioria apresentou bom desempenho no processo de microfiltração e alta rejeição da fase óleo (entre 98 e 99%). Dentre essas membranas, a membrana densa composta (sinterizada a 1400°C) foi a que obteve melhor desempenho, pois apresentou fluxo permeado de aproximadamente 230 L/h.\'M POT.2\' e coeficiente de rejeição médio de 99,77%, os quais são valores desejáveis para a aplicação de membranas em processos industriais. / This thesis describes the project and manufacture of ceramic membranes for separation of oil/water emulsions. The selection of raw material for the manufacture of membranes is fundamental in processes whose performance depends on the affinity between the porous medium and the fluid. The manufacturing conditions are also important as they determine the membrane\'s morphology. Such morphology strongly influences the transport properties hence the membrane\'s performance. In this context, this work aims to develop tubular ceramic membranes (porous and asymmetric) by isostatic pressing which will be applicable to microfiltration processes for the oil-water emulsions separation. For such a purpose, a rigorous control was realized on the distribution and size of pores by use of the sucrose as porogenic agent. Suspensions of zirconia and alumina with sucrose of different dimensions were prepared. After that process, the slurry was dried and granulated to obtain the dust used in the manufacture of the membranes. For the manufacture of the supported zirconia membranes, a thin layer of suspension was deposited onto the nucleus of the mould, which was filled with the dust (of alumina or zirconia) and then, it was subjected to co-pressing (isostatic) to obtain the support and the zirconia top-layer, simultaneously. Next, the porous and supported membranes underwent a thermal treatment (for a partial burning of sucrose) and were sintered (until 1500°C). They were characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion, measurements of weight by immersion (for the determination of the apparent porosity and density) and water and air permeability tests. The morphologic characterization of membranes identified the formation of zirconia and alumina porous membranes, an asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' membrane (zirconia top-layer on the porous zirconia support) and a supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membrane. The results of porosimetry analysis by mercury intrusion presented a mean pore size of 1,8 \'mü\'m for the porous membranes and for the other membranes, 0,01-0,03 \'mü\'m and 1,8 \'mü\'m, respectively, for the top-layer and support. All membranes achieved a total porosity of about 50%, which is considered a satisfactory porosity. The air permeability tests showed that the zirconia membranes achieved higher permeability than the alumina membranes. Otherwise, the water permeation tests in cross-flow condition showed that the porous membranes (of alumina and zirconia) presented higher transmembrane flow than the asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' and supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membranes in the same flow average velocity. Such membranes were applied to oil-water emulsions separation and the most they presented good performance in the microfiltration process and high rejection of oil phase (between 98 and 99%). Among those membranes, the zirconia supported membrane (sintered until 1400°C) obtained the most performance because it showed transmembrana flow of about 230 L/h.\'M POT.2\' e rejection coefficient of 99,77%, which are appreciable values for the application of membranes in industrial processes.
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Interactions between fingers during rapid force pulse productionMarissa Munoz-Ruiz (6622568), Satyajit S. Ambike (6622581) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<div>Manual function is a key determinant of functional independence. It is well known that manual dexterity declines with aging and negatively impacts quality of life. Therefore, much work has focused on understanding the biomechanics and motor control of manual function in general, and the action of the fingers in particular. Previous research has revealed consistent patterns of interdependence in the action of the fingers that (1) alter with age, and (2) have consequences for manual control, and thereby manual function. Most of this previous work on finger behavior quantifies finger capacities and interactions in terms of maximal forces. However, activities of daily living likely require individuals to rapidly change forces more frequently than produce maximal forces. Therefore, the present work quantifies, for the first time, finger capacities and interactions during rapid increase and decrease in finger forces, and how these quantities change with age. </div><div><br></div><div>Young and older adults performed maximal force production tasks and also tasks that required them to rapidly increase or decrease finger forces from three initial force levels using multiple combinations of the fingers of their dominant hand. The maximal finger forces and force rates, and the interdependence of the fingers (enslaving, individuation, sharing, and deficit) during both behaviors are reported in detail. Overall, similarities in finger behavior patterns obtained from maximal force and maximal force rates were observed. However, some differences are also noted, and novel findings (especially, comparison between force increase and decrease) are reported. Finally, future work that may lead to clinical applications is discussed. </div>
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Etude de la synthèse de sphères d'oxydes d'actinides et/ou de lanthanides et de leur aptitude à la céramisation / Study of the synthesis of mixed actinide an/or lanthanide oxide microspheres and their ability to ceramisationRemy, Elodie 18 October 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre des recherches sur l'aval du cycle du combustible et des projets de transmutation de l'américium, un procédé innovant de fabrication de Couvertures Chargées en Américium (CCAm) a été développé. Ce procédé, intitulé CRMP (Calcined Resin Microsphere Pelletization), vise la fabrication de pastilles d'oxyde mixte uranium-américium par une voie non conventionnelle de métallurgie des sphérules. Il consiste à produire des pastilles par pressage et frittage de précurseurs d'oxyde sous la forme de microsphères millimétriques obtenues par minéralisation de perles de résines échangeuses d'ions chargées en cations uranium et américium. L'avantage d'un tel procédé par rapport à la métallurgie conventionnelle des poudres est de s'affranchir de la problématique des fines particules disséminantes et contaminantes et de faciliter les opérations de transfert de matière lors de la phase de mise en forme. Le procédé a d'abord été optimisé et validé pour la production de pastilles d'oxyde de cérium. Des pastilles d'oxyde d'uranium de microstructure contrôlée, dense ou poreuse, ont ensuite été produites dans le but de répondre aux spécifications envisagées pour les CCAm. Dans une troisième phase, le procédé a été appliqué avec succès à la synthèse de microsphères d'oxydes mixtes monophasés de type U1-xCexO2±δ (0,1≤x≤0,3) qui ont servi à l'élaboration de pastilles de céramiques d'oxydes mixtes. La faisabilité technique du procédé CRMP a été finalement validée à l'échelle d'une pastille U0,9Am0,1O2±δ de microstructure homogène et de densité égale à 95 % de la densité théorique. / In the framework of research on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle, and notably projects on transmutation of americium (Am), an innovative manufacturing process of Minor Actinides Bearing Blanket (MABB) has been developed.This process, called CRMP (Calcined Resin Microsphere Pelletization), consists in the production of mixed uranium-americium oxide pellets by a non-conventional route involving microspheres. Pellets are produced by pressing and sintering oxide precursors in the form of millimetric beads obtained by mineralization of ion exchange resin loaded with uranium and americium cations. The advantage of such a process compared to conventional powder metallurgy is to overcome the problem of the handling of very fine powders.The method was first validated and optimized for the production of ceria pellets. Then uranium dioxide pellets with tailored microstructure (dense or porous) were produced in order to reach the required specifications for MABB. In a third phase, the process has been applied to the synthesis of single-phase mixed oxide microspheres composed of U1-xCexO2±δ (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) and U0;9Am0.1O2±δ. The technical feasibility of CRMP process has been validated for the production of dense mixed oxide pellets by pressing and sintering these microspheres. A U0, 9Am0,1O2±δ pellet with homogeneous microstructure with a density equals to 95 % of theoretical density was successfully produced using CRMP process.
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Development of solar water heating systemMagnusson, Erik, Schedwin, Johan January 2010 (has links)
This report includes development of an already designed solar water heater. The product shall be constructed in a way that it will suit a manufacturing line in Kampala, Uganda. To find the most suitable design for each area a research was carried out which included study visits, interviews and background reading. It provided the following results: Regarding the attachment of in- and outgoing pipes from the water tank many methods were taken into consideration and it was found that the best and most suitable way for this case is to weld the fittings using a weld robot. Regarding the fitting of the acrylic, a suitable solution is to make a flange when vacuum forming the plastic casing to further support the design. This could also be used to waterproof the case by using a sealing material. A suggestion of using pre-molded PU-foam is also presented. Regarding the ability to open the case for maintenance, two solutions were recommended. Either the use of spire clips or having the clips integrated into the casing. Regarding the calculation of material usage when deep drawing the tank and collector, it is possible to do a reasonably accurate assumption. The complicated design in this product makes the estimation less accurate. It is recommended that test draws are done and often the machine producer has more precise numbers. Regarding the coloring of the collector; chemical coloration is not possible on a galvanized surface. The method used is painting, either with powder coating or with wet paint.
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Design And Production Of A Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing System To Obtain High Strength Aluminum Alloy SheetsUzuncakmak, Gokturk Emre 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis work is to design and manufacture a Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing (DCAP) system for severe plastic deformation of aluminum alloy sheets in order to obtain ultra-fine grained structure. First, a DCAP system was designed by Finite Element Analysis and constructed after various optimization trials. Next, 6061-T0 aluminum alloy plates were severely deformed by various DCAP passes through the system. The samples were characterized by metallography, X-ray diffraction, tension and hardness tests. It has been observed that the yield strength was improved about 100 % after 2 DCAP passes, and 45 nm sub-grain size was obtained.
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