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Investigation of intermittent electrical stimulation as a potential prophylaxis against the formation of deep pressure ulcers after spinal cord injuryGyawali, Selina 11 1900 (has links)
Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe form of pressure ulcers resulting from ischemia and mechanical damage due to unrelieved pressure. Despite many preventative methods, none so far has significantly reduced the incidence of DTI. The use of a novel method of pressure ulcer prevention, intermittent electrical stimulation (IES), was investigated. The current study investigated the effects of IES on surface pressure and tissue oxygenation in individuals with SCI. The results demonstrated that IES induced contractions caused significant reductions in pressure around the ischial tuberosities, as well as significant and sustained increases in oxygenation. Direct measurements of oxygen in an invasive rodent model indicated that IES induced contractions resulted in a 20-100% increase in tissue oxygenation.
The results indicate that IES directly targets the pathogenic factors contributing to the development of pressure ulcers and thereby may be an effective method for the prevention of DTI.
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Förekomsten av trycksår hos patienter som genomgår brachybehandling vid prostatacancerLundberg, Katarina, Ekberg, Teresia January 2011 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One type of treatment is internal radiation therapy, brachytherapy. This treatment requires the patient to lie completely motionless and in lithotomy position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pressure ulcers associated with brachytherapy in prostate cancer at the UniversityHospitalin Uppsala. Furthermore, the purpose was to identify the most common location of pressure ulcer and to examine whether there were any connection between risk factors and possible pressure ulcers. Thirty patients participated in the study. The data collection was carried out partly by the nurse anesthetist and partly by the nurse in the oncology ward in fall 2009 to spring 2010. The study showed that seven of thirty patients (23.3%) developed pressure ulcers after brachytherapy. All of these were stage 1 according to EPUAP's pressure ulcer scale. Only one of the patients (3.3%) had remaining pressure ulcer the day after treatment. The most common location were lower legs/calves (16.7%). No statistically significant relationship was found between risk factors and the development of pressure ulcers. The results of this study showed a relatively high incidence of pressure ulcers (23.3%). All of stage 1 and only one of the pressure ulcers were remaining the day after brachytherapy. This indicates a good pressure-relieving measures and equipment, and that the patients in this study have a relatively good general condition.Keywords: brachytherapy, pressure ulcers, lithotomy position, risk factors / Prostatacancer är den vanligast förekommande cancersjukdomen hos män. En av behandlingsformerna är intern strålbehandling, brachyterapi. Denna behandling kräver att patienten ligger helt stilla och i gynekologiskt läge. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av trycksår i samband med brachyterapi vid prostatacancer på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala. Vidare var syftet med studien att kartlägga de vanligaste lokalisationerna samt att undersöka om de fanns några samband mellan riskfaktorer och eventuella trycksår. Trettio patienter deltog i studien. Datainsamlingen utfördes dels av anestesisjuksköterskan och dels av patientansvarig sjuksköterska på onkologavdelningen under hösten 2009 till våren 2010. Resultatet av studien visade att sju av trettio patienter (23,3 %) utvecklade trycksår efter behandlingen. Alla dessa var av grad 1 enligt EPUAP:s trycksårsskala. Endast en av patienterna (3,3 %) hade kvar trycksåret dagen efter behandlingen. Den vanligaste lokalisationen för trycksår var underben/vader (16,7 %). Inga statistiskt säkra samband kunde ses mellan riskfaktorerna och utvecklandet av trycksår. Studien visade en relativt hög frekvens av trycksår (23,3 %). Dock var samtliga av grad 1 och endast ett trycksår var kvarstående till dagen efter brachybehandlingen. Detta tyder på bra tryckavlastande åtgärder och utrustning samt att patienterna i den aktuella undersökningsgruppen har relativt gott allmäntillstånd. Nyckelord: brachyterapi, trycksår, gynekologiskt läge, riskfaktorer
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Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdnaden av trycksår - en litteraturstudieKhemi, Edit, Jansson, Ann-Charlotte January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Var att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap om trycksår i omvårdnaden. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design, utfördes utifrån två kvalitativa, sju kvantitativa samt en vetenskaplig artikel med en kombination av ansatser. Vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2002 till 2012 söktes i databasen Cinahl. Resultat: Sjuksköterskans tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdanden av trycksår, påverkades av attityder, kunskapsnivå samt den organisatoriska struktur som råder på arbetsplatsen. Sjuksköterskan som medverkat i special utformad utbildning eller som arbetar aktivt med kvalitetsförbättringsarbete har uppvisat en förbättrad kunskapsnivå. Vilket tillsammans med en positiv attityd medför en god förutsättning till en förbättrad följsamhet, gällande tillämpning av evidensbaserad kunskap i omvårdnaden av trycksår. Dock förekommer bristfällig, inadekvat såväl som föråldrad kunskap hos en mindre population sjuksköterskor. Vilket medför att en del sjuksköterskor använder sig av preventiva interventioner som är kontraindicerade och ineffektiva, vilka gällande riktlinjer avråder från och som saknar vetenskaplig förankring. Slutsats: Graden av kunskap är generellt högre än graden av implementering gällande prevention och behandling av trycksår. En god attityd, kunskapsnivå samt stöd från organisationen i form av kvalitetsförbättring, som till exempel specialutformad utbildning genererar en förbättrad följsamhet av evidensbaserad kunskap. / Purpose: Was to describe the factors that affect nurse's application of evidence-based knowledge of pressure ulcers in nursing care. Method: A literature review with a descriptive design, was conducted, based on two qualitative, seven quantitative and a scientific article with a multi methods approach. Scientific articles published between the years 2002 to 2012 was sought in the database Cinahl. Findings: Nurses' application of evidence-based knowledge in nursing care of pressure ulcers, are influenced by the attitudes, knowledge, and the organizational structure that exists in the workplace. Nurses who participated in specially designed educational programs or who have worked actively with quality improvement work exhibited enhanced level of knowledge. This together with a positive attitude leads to a good prerequisite to improved adherence, of the existing evidence-based knowledge in the care of pressure ulcers. However, there is insufficient, inadequate as well as outdated knowledge in a minor population of nurses. This means that some nurses use preventive interventions that are contraindicated, ineffective, and without scientific foundation, which the current guidelines advise against. Conclusion: The level of knowledge is generally higher than the level of implementation regarding pressure ulcers. A good attitude, knowledge and support from the organization in terms of quality, such as specially designed educational programs, generate an improved adherence of evidence-based knowledge.
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Faktorer som påverkar trycksårsuppkomst i den perioperativa miljön : En systematisk litteraturstudieKaati, Henrik, Annika, Larsson January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom den perioperativa vården har kunskaper och färdigheter om faktorer som orsakar trycksår så att förebyggande åtgärder kan genomföras. Det är väl dokumenterat att det finns stora kostnadsbesparingar för samhället i arbetet genom förebyggandet av trycksår. Trycksår i litteraturöversikter diskuteras främst i samband med långtidsvård, intensivvård och rehabilitering. Det är mindre fokus i litteraturöversikter på den akuta vården samt den operativa miljön relaterat till trycksår. Syfte: Syftet med den systematiska litteraturstudien var att kartlägga faktorer som är viktiga att uppmärksamma för att minska risken att utveckla trycksår perioperativt. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvantitativ metod. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras faktorer i tre olika teman per, intra och postoperativa faktorer som är viktiga att beakta för det perioperativa teamet i det trycksårspreventiva arbetet. Återkommande faktorer som påverkar trycksårsutveckling var operationstid, diabetes, poäng i Bradenskalan, BMI, mobilitet, mätinstrument, blodtryck, läkemedel, anestesiform, temperatur, postoperativa tiden, friktion och skjuvning, utsatta områden där trycksår utvecklas samt fukt och inkontinens. Slutsats: Vår systematiska litteraturstudie påvisar faktorer som påverkar trycksårsutveckling i den operativa miljön. Resultatet av denna systematiska litteraturstudie kan möjligen styrka att det finns många perioperativa faktorer som påverkar trycksårsutveckling samt att den perioperativa miljön är en högriskmiljö för att utveckla trycksår. Viktiga faktorer som det perioperativa teamet behöver uppmärksamma för att minska risken att trycksår uppstår perioperativt framkommer i resultatet. / Background: It is important that clinical nurse specialists working in the perioperative care have the knowledge and skills of key factors that cause pressure sores so that preventive measures can be implemented. It is well documented that there are significant cost savings to society in the prevention of pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers in the literature reviews discussed primarily in the context of long-term care, intensive care and rehabilitation. There is less focus on literature reviews on the acute care and the operating environment related to pressure ulcers. Objective: The purpose of the systematic study was to identify factors that are important to pay attention to reduce the risk of developing pressure ulcers perioperatively. Method: A systematic literature review with quantitative method. Results:In the result analysis showed this result in three different themes: a, intra and post-operative factors that are important to consider for the perioperative team in pressure ulcer prevention. Recurring factors in the outcome affecting pressure ulcers development were operative time, diabetes, points Braden Scale, BMI, mobility, measuring instruments, blood pressure, drugs, anesthesia shape, temperature, postoperative period, friction and shear, vulnerable areas where pressure ulcers develop as well as moisture and incontinence. Conclusion: Our systematic literature review reveals factors affecting pressure ulcer development in the operating environment. The result of this systematic literature could possibly prove that there are many perioperative factors affecting pressure ulcer development, and the perioperative environment is a high-risk environment for developing pressure ulcers. Important factors that the perioperative team needs to pay attention to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers occurring perioperatively evident in the results.
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Biomechanics of Patient Handling Slings Associated with Spinal Cord InjuriesKahn, Julie 01 January 2013 (has links)
Pressure ulcers and related skin integrity threats are a significant problem in current transfer/transport systems used for spinal cord injury patients. To understand this problem twenty-three different slings with varying type, material, and features were analyzed in hopes to identify at-risk areas for skin integrity threats such as pressure ulcers. Population samples included non-disabled (otherwise referred to as "healthy") volunteers as well as SCI patients from the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. High resolution pressure interface mapping was utilized to directly measure the interface pressures between the patient and sling interface. Overall results provide relevant feedback on the systems used and to suggest a particular type of sling that might reduce and possibly minimize skin integrity threats as well as extend safe patient handling guidelines with sling use. It was found that the highest interface pressures convened along the seams of the sling, regardless of manufacturer or type.
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Investigation of intermittent electrical stimulation as a potential prophylaxis against the formation of deep pressure ulcers after spinal cord injuryGyawali, Selina Unknown Date
No description available.
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Pressure ulcer prevention in the perioperative environment.Berry, Judith January 2004 (has links)
There are many terms used to describe pressure ulcers: pressure sores, decubitus ulcers, bedsores, and pressure necrosis or ischaemic ulcers. Essentially they all describe damage to the patient's skin and underlying tissue. The nursing literature abounds with information about the risk, grading, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. These ulcers are a problem in hospital and long term care facilities, and are a major cause of morbidity. In the hospital setting they contribute to an extended length of stay and by doing so 'block' the bed for use by another patient. The ulcers are difficult to treat, are an ongoing cause for pain and discomfort for the patient and can be a strain on hospital finances. Pressure ulcers are not unique to modern times, as they have been discovered on the remains of an Egyptian mummified body (Armstrong & Bortz 2001). This would suggest that the problem dates back to the Pharoahs, and has continued to be a challenging problem throughout the centuries (Bridel 1992). The escalating costs of treating these ulcers today, has brought about an emphasis on the risk factors, prevention and the appropriate interventions, rather than an acceptance of these ulcers as a tolerable ondition (Bridel 1992). In the operating room, nurses are faced with unique challenges when caring for their patients. This is due to difficulty in caring for patients under the influence of the anaesthesia required for surgery, long periods of forced immobility and the inability of the patient to perceive pain and discomfort from the pressure of the hard surface of the operating room table. These problems are increased by nurses' inability to gain access to the patient because of the sterile drapes required to cover the patient for surgery. Armstrong and Bortz (2001) present information from one study in which it is stated that surgical patients have 90% greater chance of developing pressure ulcers than medical patients. One reason for this may be due to the limited information available in regard to the most effective support surface to place on top of the operating room table. This gap in information is problematic for operating room nurses as it limits their ability to select the most effective item of equipment, and determine if the chosen equipment reduces pressure on tissue intra- operatively. The most effective operating room table mattress used and the skills and knowledge of the operating room nurse about the aetiology and prevention of pressure ulcer prevention, are important aspects of nursing care and can influence patient outcomes. The potential for complications to occur may be dependent on single or combined factors such as the patient's age, disease processes, nutritional status and mobility. Preparatory and supportive nursing interventions for surgical procedures based on best available evidence, nursing experience and patient preference, can reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer development in the perioperative environment. This doctoral portfolio contains four separate sections related and linked together by a common theme - pressure ulcer prevention in the perioperative environment. This first section of the portfolio situates the topic and provides a brief overview of the portfolio. The second section is a critical review of the literature pertaining to the most commonly used operating room table mattresses, and the effectiveness of these mattresses in the prevention of pressure ulcer development. This review highlighted a lack of quality research in this area, and while many evaluations have been undertaken to determine the effectiveness of perating room table mattresses, the results are contradictory concerning the patients, exposures and interventions. Because of issues related to the methodological quality of published research in this area a systematic review using meta- analysis was not possible rather a critical review of the research literature is used. The third section of the portfolio reports on a hermeneutic ethnography of the perceived skills and knowledge of nurses in the prevention of pressure ulcer development in the perioperative environment. This study was designed to determine if pressure ulcer prevention forms an aspect of the everyday practice of perioperative nurses. This review has highlighted the need for operating room nurses to review practices when caring for patients in the perioperative environment particularly in respect of pressure ulcer prevention. The fourth and final section of the portfolio summarises the research and provides recommendations for nursing practice and further research in the area of pressure ulcer prevention in the perioperative environment. / Thesis (D.Nurs.)--Department of Clinical Nursing, 2004.
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Estado nutricional e risco de desenvolvimento de úlcera por pressão em idosos institucionalizadosFerreira, Josefa Danielma Lopes 26 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Introduction: The Brazilian population is aging at an increasing rate, especially in recent decades. Adequate food and good nutrition are essential to improve the lives of older people. Inadequate nutritional status affects the entire body system and can lead to weight loss, muscle atrophy and reduced tissue mass, and it is one of the most important factors in the etiology of pressure ulcers (PU), acting in its pathogenesis and its healing. Objective: To determine the association between the nutritional status classification and the risk scores for pressure ulcer development in institutionalized elderly. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, population-based study, of quantitative approach, performed in long term care facilities for seniors in the city of João Pessoa / PB, Brazil. The population consisted of 321 elderly. Data were collected from January to December 2013. The Braden Scale and the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA®) were used as instruments. Concerning the data analysis, absolute distribution and percentage were obtained, and inferential statistical techniques were employed, finally analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. The study was approved by the Committee on Ethics in Research of the Health Sciences Center/UFPB, according to Prot. n. 0468/12, CAEE: 02043712.4.0000.5188. Results: 243 (75.7%) of the 321 surveyed elderly were female, mean age of 81.09 years old. The average time of institutionalization corresponded to 62.21 months, about five years. According to the assessment of nutritional status by MNA®, 127 (39.6%) were at risk of malnutrition and 101 (35.5%) were malnourished. In the screening by MNA, 247 (77%) reported not having decreased their intake, 171 (53.3) showed no weight loss and 88 (27.4%) did not know. Regarding neuropsychological problems, 100 (31.2%) of them had mild dementia, and 78 (24.3%) presented dementia or severe depression; 103 (32.1%) were bedridden or used wheelchair, and 69 (21.5%) could walk. The association between the Braden Scale and the MNA was demonstrated statistically by the chi-square test, p <0.005. According to the logistic regression tests, the elderly with nutritional status at risk of malnutrition or malnourished are more likely to develop PU than those with adequate nutritional status. Conclusion: Senior citizens at risk of developing pressure ulcers can be identified early, through nutritional assessment, since the risk of developing PU can be directly correlated to malnutrition. It is essential, therefore, to establish prevention programs in long term care facilities for the aged to subsidize the interventions of the multidisciplinary health team in order to control risk factors, including nutritional parameters. / Introdução: A população brasileira vem envelhecendo em ritmo crescente, principalmente nas últimas décadas. A alimentação adequada e a boa nutrição são fatores essenciais para melhorar a vida das pessoas idosas. O estado nutricional inadequado afeta todo o sistema corporal e pode levar a perda de peso, atrofia muscular e redução da massa tecidual, além de ser um dos fatores mais relevantes na etiologia das úlceras por pressão (UPP), que atuam em sua patogênese e em sua cicatrização. Objetivo: Determinar a associação entre a classificação do estado nutricional e os escores de risco de desenvolvimento de úlcera por pressão em idosos institucionalizados. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, de base populacional e abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em instituições de longa permanência para idosos do município de João Pessoa/PB, Brasil. A população foi composta de 321 idosos. Os dados foram coletados no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2013. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Braden e a Miniavaliação Nutricional (MAN). Para a análise dos dados, foram obtidas distribuições absolutas, percentuais e empregadas técnicas de estatística inferencial, analisadas pelo SPSS versão 20.0. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro de Ciências da Saúde/UFPB, segundo o Prot. nº 0468/12, CAEE: 02043712.4.0000.5188. Resultados: Dos 321 idosos pesquisados, 243 (75,7%) eram do sexo feminino, com idade média de 81,09 anos. O tempo médio de institucionalização correspondeu a 62,21 meses, aproximadamente cinco anos. Segundo a avaliação do estado nutricional pela MAN®, 127 (39,6%) estavam em risco de desnutrição, e 101(35,5%), desnutridos. Na triagem da MAN, 247(77%) referiram não ter diminuído a ingesta, 171(53,3) não apresentaram perda de peso, e 88 (27,4%) não souberam informar. Em relação aos problemas neuropsicológicos, 100 (31,2%) apresentavam demência leve, e 78 (24,3%), demência ou depressão grave; 103 (32,1%) estavam restritos ao leito ou à cadeira de rodas, e 69 (21,5%) deambulavam. A associação entre a escala de Braden e a MAN foi mostrada estatisticamente através do teste Qui-Quadrado, com p<0,005. De acordo com os testes de regressão logística, o idoso com estado nutricional em risco de desnutrição ou desnutrido tem mais chances de desenvolver UPP do que os que têm estado nutricional adequado. Conclusão: Idosos que apresentam risco de desenvolver úlcera por pressão podem ser identificados precocemente, através da avaliação nutricional, já que o risco de desenvolver UPP pode estar diretamente correlacionado à desnutrição. Assim, é fundamental estabelecer programas de prevenção em instituições de longa permanência para idosos que subsidiem as intervenções da equipe multidisciplinar de saúde, visando controlar os fatores de risco, incluindo-se os parâmetros nutricionais.
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Ensino-aprendizagem de enfermagem em simulação clínica: desenvolvendo competência profissional para prevenção de úlceras por pressão / Teaching-learning in nursing by clinical simulation: developing professional competence to prevent pressure ulcersElaine Cristina Carvalho Moura 23 August 2013 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de competências profissionais em processos de ensino-aprendizagem insere a simulação na perspectiva tecnológica realística de situações clínicas para atingir objetivos educacionais, visando segurança e qualidade. A ação competente operacionaliza saberes pela combinação de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. A competência avaliação de risco para úlcera por pressão é privativa do enfermeiro, o agravo é indicador de qualidade e segurança do paciente. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem ante a estratégia de simulação clínica, visando o desenvolvimento da competência profissional avaliação de risco para úlceras por pressão e seus respectivos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Fundamentou-se, teoricamente, o estudo, nos preceitos da andragogia, no modelo de Simulação da National League for Nursing/Jeffries, nas concepções de competências de Le Boterf e recomendações para prevenção de úlcera por pressão do NPUAP/ EPUAP. Trata-se de estudo descritivo com análise quanti e qualitativa, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Simulação da Universidade Federal do Piauí, em Teresina, com estudantes de enfermagem do último ano do curso. Constou de três etapas: construção e validação de conteúdo do instrumento para conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes da competência, elaboração do plano de aula e sequência didática do cenário de simulação, aplicação de pré/pós-teste sobre o componente \"conhecimento\", aula expositiva, execução do cenário de simulação pelos estudantes, avaliação dos cenários pelo comitê de juízes e debriefing por grupo focal, após o cenário. Verificou-se confiabilidade do construto e do instrumento de medida da competência com concordância predominando de 80 a 100% de pertinência. O instrumento constou de 32 itens: conhecimento (14), habilidades (8) e atitudes (10), com escala de resposta de cinco pontos, de nada (1) a extremamente (5). Inicialmente o estudo contou com 35 estudantes. Desses, 29 (82,8%) participaram da simulação. Predominou o sexo feminino 22 (76%), faixa etária de 21 a 24 anos, 24 (82,7%) e procedentes de Universidades Públicas do Estado do Piauí (83%). Os resultados mostraram melhores níveis de combinação de saberes para o componente conhecimentos, após a aplicação das estratégias de ensino autorreferidos pelos estudantes. Na avaliação dos conhecimentos, habilidade e atitudes, durante o cenário, houve discordância entre os juízes: para o juiz 1 predominaram parâmetros negativos da escala (nada e muito pouco) e para o juiz 2 e 3 os positivos (bastante e extremamente). As comparações pelo teste de variância ANOVA mostraram diferenças significativas entre juiz 1 e 2 (p-valor = < 0,01) e juiz 1 e 3 (p-valor=<0,01) para todos os componentes. A análise dos dados obtidos, durante o debriefing, originou cinco categorias com suas respectivas unidades de registro temáticas pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Os resultados sugerem que a estratégia é capaz de resgatar o raciocínio operativo dos estudantes durante a ação, desenvolver pensamento crítico-reflexivo sobre a competência, identificar lacunas de aprendizagem, promover satisfação aos estudantes e melhorar a autoimagem profissional. Conclui-se que a estratégia possibilita o desenvolvimento da competência avaliação de risco para úlcera por pressão nas dimensões de saberes (conhecimento), fazeres (habilidades) e querer-agir, saber-agir e poder-agir (atitudes), explorados neste estudo. / The development of professional compentece in teaching-learning insert the simulation into a technological viewpoint of realistic clinical situations to achieve educational objective, seeking safety and quality. A competent action guides abilities by combining knowledge, skills and attitudes. A competence assessment of risk for pressure ulcer is private of nursing, the injury is an indicator of quality and patient safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the teaching-learning strategy in the presence of clinical simulation, aiming at the development of professional competence assessment of risk for pressure ulcers and their knowledge, skills and attitudes. The study was theoretically based on precepts of andragogy, the simulation model of the National League for Nursing / Jeffries, conceptions of competence Le Boterf and recommendations for prevention of pressure ulcers of NPUAP / EPUAP. This is a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative analysis, developed in the Simulation Laboratory of Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, with final-year nursing students. Consisted of three steps: construction and content validation instrument for knowledge, skills and attitudes of competence, preparation of lesson plan and instructional sequence of the simulation scenario, application of pre / post-test on a component \"knowledge\", lecture , execution of the simulation scenario by students, evaluation of scenarios by the committee of judges and \"debriefing\" by focus group after the scenario. Reliability of construct and instrument for measuring of competence agreement was verified, with predominating 80-100% of relevance. The instrument consisted of 32 items: knowledge (14) skills (8) and attitudes (10), with response scale of five points, nothing (1) to extremely (5). Initially, this study included 35 students. Of these, 29 (82.8%) participated in simulation. Participants were predominantly female 22 (76%), aged 21-24 years 24 (82.7%) and students of public universities of the State of Piauí (83%). The results showed higher levels of combination of abilities for knowledge component, after application of teaching strategies self-reported by students. In evaluation of knowledge, skill and attitudes during the scene, there was disagreement among judges, to judge 1, negative parameters of the scale were predominant (nothing and very little) and for judges 2 and 3 predominated positives parameters (quite and extremely). Comparisons by ANOVA test showed significant differences between judges 1 and 2 (p-value = <0.01) and judges 1 and 3 (p-value = <0.01) for all components. The data analysis obtained during the debriefing, originated five categories with their respective units registration by thematic content analysis of Bardin. The results suggest that this strategy is able to rescue of students, reasoning operating during the action, develop critical thinking and reflective about the competence, identify learning gaps, promote satisfaction to students and improve professional self-image. We conclude that the strategy enables the development of competency assessment for pressure ulcer risk in dimensions of knowledge (knowledge), activities (skills), act-want, act-learn and act-power (attitudes), explored in this study.
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Aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos de pacientes com úlcera por pressão internados em uma Instituição Hospitalar, ManausGalvão, Nariani Souza 29 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / A Pressure Ulcer (PU) is a skin lesion caused by a prolonged tissue ischemia. The aims of this study were: examine the epidemiological and clinical aspects of patients with PU admitted to a hospital in Manaus city; characterize the profile of patients with PU, classify the PU by staging, size, depth, contours / edges, quality and amount of exudate, color, detachment, presence of pain and anatomical location. It was a descriptive transversal study carried out during September-October 2011 in Hospital Units and 28 de Agosto Emergency Hospital. Patients were given by nurses of the unit. Data were collected according to a specific assessment instrument. They were composed of patients characteristics related to sociodemographic and clinical data, ulcer clinical evaluation and anatomic location. The results showed that of 197 patients who were hospitalized in the period of data collection, 53 patients had PU. The prevalence of age was 67.79 years above. The average of time being at the Hospital was two months. It was observed that 74% of patients developed PU in the hospital. The average time for the ulcers formation was one week. Septicemia was the most frequent cause of hospitalization comprising 39.62%. Regarding the anatomical location, sacral region obtained 86.79% of patients with PU. In the classification of PUs Stage II was observed at 32.94% of patients. Most patients had only a percentage of PU with 62.26%. It is the need to promote preventive measures such as implementation of protocols and treatment of Pressure Ulcers in hospital sectors. / A Úlcera por Pressão (UP) é uma lesão na pele originada por uma isquemia tecidual prolongada. Os objetivos desse estudo foram: Analisar os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos dos pacientes com UP internados em uma instituição hospitalar da cidade de Manaus; caracterizar o perfil dos portadores de UP; classificar a UP por estagiamento, tamanho, profundidade, contornos/bordas; qualidade e quantidade de exsudato; coloração, descolamento, presença da dor e localização anatômica. Estudo descritivo transversal desenvolvido no período de setembro a outubro de 2011 nas unidades de internação do Hospital e Pronto-Socorro 28 de Agosto. Os pacientes foram indicados pelos enfermeiros da unidade. Os dados foram coletados segundo um instrumento de avaliação especifico constando as características dos pacientes relativas a dados sociodemográficos e clínicos, avaliação clinica da úlcera e localização anatômica. Os resultados apontaram que dos 197 pacientes que estavam internados no período da coleta de dados, 53 pacientes eram portadores de UP. A predominância de idade encontrada foi acima de 67,79 anos. A média do tempo de internação foi de dois meses. Observou-se que 74% dos pacientes desenvolveram a UP no hospital. O período médio para a formação da UP foi de uma semana. A septicemia foi a causa mais frequente de hospitalização compreendendo 39,62%. Quanto à localização anatômica a região sacral obteve 86,79% dos pacientes com UP. Na classificação das UPs o estágio II foi observado em 32,94% dos pacientes. A maioria dos pacientes apresentou somente uma UP com percentual de 62,26%. Conclui-se a necessidade de promoção de medidas preventivas como a implantação de protocolos e tratamentos de úlceras por pressão nos setores de internação hospitalar
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