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The role of Muslim women in Britain in relation to the British Government's Prevent strategyAhmed, Zareen Roohi January 2015 (has links)
As part of the British government's Prevent strategy following the July 2005 attacks in London, Muslim women were engaged and empowered as allies to tackle violent extremism. This empowerment greatly improved the social and economic status of Muslim women in Britain. However the primary objective, to prevent the escalation of violent extremism, was not achieved. Furthermore, the way in which Prevent was implemented significantly damaged relations between those who were involved in the strategy and those who were excluded. The overarching research question was: 'How has the role of Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim women in British society changed from the period 1995 to 2010 as a result of the 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks and the government's Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) strategy or Prevent agenda?' This, and a number of sub-questions, were examined using a mixed methodology approach, which included information drawn from academic literature, open source reporting and journalism, as well as surveys, interviews and focus group discussions with British Muslim women. The study concludes that Muslim women took advantage of the opportunities offered to them by the British government as part of the Prevent strategy, not particularly with the intentions of preventing violent extremism, but more because their progression was an assertion of their own human rights. However, during this time, many Muslim institutions were being ostracised by the government because of their Islamic school of thought, older Muslims and Muslim men were excluded, and Muslims experienced resentment from non-Muslim communities that had lost their government funding due to the exclusive focus on the Muslim community. The findings of this study imply the need for further research into some of the issues highlighted above, also advocating the commissioning of an urgent review of the British government's Prevent agenda, to include the policies that conflate Islam and violence.
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Le programme PREVENT et les musulmans en Grande-Bretagne, enjeux et contradictions de la "prévention du terrorisme" / PREVENT and Muslims : the contradictions of “prevention of terrorism” programmes in BritainArènes, Claire 01 December 2014 (has links)
Les attentats du 7 juillet 2005, commis par quatre musulmans britanniques, placent la « radicalisation endogène », processus menant des Britanniques à apporter leur soutien au terrorisme, au centre des préoccupations du gouvernement. Cette recherche s’intéresse au paradoxe que constitue le programme de prévention de l’extrémisme violent (Prevent) formulé après ces attentats : supposé remédier au « manque d’intégration » des communautés musulmanes britanniques dans l’ethos national, il encourage de fait le financement d’initiatives portées par ou pour les musulmans. D’autre part, il prétend œuvrer à la construction de relations de confiance entre musulmans et institutions britanniques, mais place ces relations sous le prisme du contre-terrorisme. Le programme Prevent se place donc sous le signe d’une double ambivalence : renforcement d’une identité exclusive musulmane au lieu de faire primer une identité civique britannique, et « sécuritarisation » des rapports entre musulmans et institutions plutôt que construction d’une relation de confiance. Ce travail postule que ce décalage s’explique par la résurgence d’un cadre différentialiste propre à la Grande-Bretagne, où la société est vue comme composée de groupes ethno-culturels distincts. Ce cadre de pensée, qui a constitué la base des politiques de gestion de la diversité, a été réinvesti par les politiques de contre-terrorisme après 2005 pour « gagner les cœurs et les esprits » des populations dont se réclament les terroristes, et remobilisé par les acteurs de la mise en œuvre de Prevent à l’échelon local. Ce sont les apories de Prevent que sonde ce travail de thèse, en inscrivant cette stratégie dans la filiation des politiques de sécurité et de gestion de la diversité britanniques, et en la confrontant à sa mise en œuvre sur le terrain. / In the wake of the July 7, 2005 London bombings, perpetrated by four British Muslims, the British government devised a policy, Prevent, aimed at preventing “home-grown radicalisation”, that is to say the process by which young Britons come to support and possibly engage in acts of terrorism. This work focusses on two contradictions embedded in Prevent. First, this policy is meant to facilitate the cultural integration of Muslims into the national community, but works in practice as a new mono-ethnic funding stream for which only associations headed by or working with Muslims can apply. Second, it aims at enhancing institutional engagement with Muslims but narrows down such engagement to counter-terrorism purposes. Therefore, Prevent reinforces exclusive forms of identification to a Muslim communal identity instead of favouring inclusion in a wider civic community, and it securitises institutional relations with Muslims rather than fostering trust. It is argued here that such contradictions arise from the legacy of previous approaches of ethnic diversity management in Britain, which are based on the assumption that society is made of distinct groups (communities) defined by their ethnicity. This culturalist pattern, which has been key in the building of anti-discrimination legislation and measures to support cultural diversity, has been reinvested lately by counter-terrorism policies aimed at “winning the hearts and minds” of the populations whose support is sought by the terrorists. It has then been reinforced by the practice of fieldworkers involved in the implementation of Prevent at the local level. This work discusses the implications of the paradoxical nature of the Prevent strategy, tracing it back to the legacy of previous policies and contrasting it with its implementation on the ground.
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Understanding counter-terrorism policy and practice in the UK since 9/11Sabir, Rizwaan Sabir January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is an examination of the UK’s counter-terrorism policies and practices that have been adopted since the attacks of 9/11 in the United States. Using a theoretical framework of ‘power’ and ‘hegemony’ to guide the research, and an investigative research approach, the dissertation examines how the UK has, in the name of confronting an ideologically and religiously motivated global opponent, enacted a two pronged approach that integrates key aspects of counterinsurgency doctrine and practice. The first ties into the use of ‘coercion’ that is undertaken under the policy heading of ‘Pursue’ and covers activities that revolve around the use of policing, military, juridical and executive powers to investigate, prosecute and take preventative and pre-emptive action against suspected terrorists and the second ties into the use of ‘propaganda’ and ‘communication’ that is undertaken through the ‘Prevent’ policy, which attempts to challenge and counter those individuals who do not promulgate unlawful or violent views but support al-Qaida’s grievances and ideology and are thus claimed to be more likely to become involved in terrorism. In order to inform Prevent activity, information and intelligence – a cardinal principle of counterinsurgency – is a prerequisite. This dissertation therefore shows how intelligence and information is collected and used by examining Prevent activity at UK universities. It then proceeds to contextualise counter-terrorism policy and practice through an examination of counterinsurgency doctrine, and in particular, ‘strategic communication’. The dissertation argues that the integration of key elements of counterinsurgency doctrine into counter-terrorism policy and practice suggests that the policy, rather than being a mere response to terrorism, is an organised and strategic effort to use coercion and propaganda to control the behaviour and activity of Muslim communities and thereby constitutes a form of state-terrorism.
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Förskolebarn och stress : Fem förskollärares uppfattningar om barns stress i förskolanHanning, Veronica, Eriksson, Cristina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stress har alltid förekommit hos våra förfäder då var det en instinkt på kamp eller flykt. Men i dag utsätts vi för stress i olika former. Positiv stress är bra för oss, det ger oss energi då vi ställs inför utmaningar som vi klarar av. Negativ stress uppstår när vi ställs inför höga påfrestningar och kontrollen går förlorad. Stressen kan ha en negativ inverkan både fysiskt och psykiskt. Det gäller att hitta en balans mellan den negativa och positiva stressen för att hälsan ska vara god. Men tyvärr tycks den negativa stressen öka i samhället. Detta kan drabba både vuxna och barn på olika sätt. Arbetet kommer att belysa den negativa stressen samt det förebyggande arbetet mot negativ stress på förskolan.</p><p>Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka fem förskollärares uppfattningar om barn och stress på förskolan. Dessa frågeområden har varit centrala i vår studie. Vad orsakar stress hos förskolebarn? Hur arbetar förskollärare för att undvika att barn blir stressade?</p><p>Vi valde kvalitativa intervjuer som metod därför det kunde bidra till en nyanserad bild av förskollärarnas uppfattningar angående barn och stress på förskolan. Intervjuerna utfördes på två olika förskolor med både kvinnliga och manliga förskollärare. Resultaten i studien visade att flertalet av förskollärarna upplevde stress på sitt arbete. Studien visade att stress kunde förekomma i olika former hos barnen och hos personalen i verksamheten. Det framkom också att det fanns många olika omständigheter som kan skapa stress i förskolans verksamhet. Resultaten i studien visade på informanternas uppfattningar kring det betydelsefulla arbetet att förebygga stress på förskolan. </p>
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Förskolebarn och stress : Fem förskollärares uppfattningar om barns stress i förskolanHanning, Veronica, Eriksson, Cristina January 2010 (has links)
Stress har alltid förekommit hos våra förfäder då var det en instinkt på kamp eller flykt. Men i dag utsätts vi för stress i olika former. Positiv stress är bra för oss, det ger oss energi då vi ställs inför utmaningar som vi klarar av. Negativ stress uppstår när vi ställs inför höga påfrestningar och kontrollen går förlorad. Stressen kan ha en negativ inverkan både fysiskt och psykiskt. Det gäller att hitta en balans mellan den negativa och positiva stressen för att hälsan ska vara god. Men tyvärr tycks den negativa stressen öka i samhället. Detta kan drabba både vuxna och barn på olika sätt. Arbetet kommer att belysa den negativa stressen samt det förebyggande arbetet mot negativ stress på förskolan. Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka fem förskollärares uppfattningar om barn och stress på förskolan. Dessa frågeområden har varit centrala i vår studie. Vad orsakar stress hos förskolebarn? Hur arbetar förskollärare för att undvika att barn blir stressade? Vi valde kvalitativa intervjuer som metod därför det kunde bidra till en nyanserad bild av förskollärarnas uppfattningar angående barn och stress på förskolan. Intervjuerna utfördes på två olika förskolor med både kvinnliga och manliga förskollärare. Resultaten i studien visade att flertalet av förskollärarna upplevde stress på sitt arbete. Studien visade att stress kunde förekomma i olika former hos barnen och hos personalen i verksamheten. Det framkom också att det fanns många olika omständigheter som kan skapa stress i förskolans verksamhet. Resultaten i studien visade på informanternas uppfattningar kring det betydelsefulla arbetet att förebygga stress på förskolan.
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Att förebygga hot och våld mot socialsekreterare / To prevent threat and violence towards social welfare secretariesSvensson, Veronica January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine if and how the social service and the social welfare secretary provides against threat and violence in the encounter with clients. The study is qualitative and carried out with six semi-structured interviews with social welfare secretaries and participation observations at the social welfare offices in three municipalities. The theoretical starting points used were symbolic interactionism and strange loops. The result shows that social service and social welfare secretaries both use measures to prevent threat and violence to occur. The precautionary measures mainly used by social services are ; looked doors, alarm device, loose objects removes and interview rooms are furnish in purpose for the social welfare secretary to flee the room at urgent need. Measures used by the social welfare secretary where focusing on their manner of behaving in their encounter with clients. Some of the important factors where to act respectful, professional, calmly, honestly and to posses`knowledge. The result also shows that measures such as looked doors, removing loose objects and the use of alarm device might be perceived by clients as insulting, provocative, a feeling of being inferior and losing control of their situation. The study implies that an increased knowledge of if and how the surroundings and the precautionary measures used by social service affect clients. The aim should be to create a more open then closed social service office.
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Antibiotic treatment decreased intestinal non-defensin protein expression and host defense against Klebsiella pneumoniaeWu, Ying-Ying, 17 February 2011 (has links)
The mammalian intestine contains a dense and diverse community of microorganisms. The resident microbiota makes contributions to host to promote proper immune system development and limit pathogen colonization. In this study, the effects of microbiota disruption with or without TLRs stimulation on intestinal permeability and immunity were examined in C57BL/6 mice receiving antibiotic treatment for 6 days and in antibiotics-treated mice received dead E. coli or S. aureus at day 4. The results showed that antibiotic treatment significantly decreased the total number of bacteria including specific aerobic group Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcus, and specific anaerobic group Lactococcus/Bifidobacterium in intestinal mucosa and lumen. Although only a slight increase in the intestinal permeability and no change in caspase-3 activity of intestinal mucosa were observed after antibiotic treatment, the bacterial translocation (BT) to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) increased significantly. Subsequent experiments showed that antibiotic treatment decreased the mucosal killing activity and the expression of non-defensin family including RegIII£], RegIII£^, CRP-ductin and RELM£] but not the defensin family, and increased the translocation of pathogen K. pneumoniae significantly, suggesting that the increase of BT to MLN after antibiotic treatment is likely due to a reduction in gut immunity rather than an increase of intestinal permeability. Moreover, stimulation of TLR4 reversed the effect of antibiotic treatment, suggesting that the functioning of TLR4 in intestinal epithelium is required to prevent pathogenic invasion and maintain intestinal homeostasis.
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Technologinis ugdymas kaip IX-X klasių moksleivių delinkventinio elgesio prevencijos galimybė / Technology education as grades 9-10 students opportunities to prevent delinquentNorkuvienė, Eliza 08 July 2010 (has links)
Technologinis ugdymas yra vieną iš galimybių mažinti moksleivių delinkventinio elgesio riziką. Šiuolaikinis technologinis ugdymas turi būti suvokiamas kaip procesas, kuriame integruojama kūryba, kūrybinės idėjos bei jų praktinis įgyvendinimas, formuojami įgūdžiai, gebėjimai, vertybės, supratimas, užkertamas kelias žalingiems įpročiams. Toks požiūris padeda ugdyti nevykdytoją, o smalsią, mąstančią, kūrybingą, iniciatyvią ir atsakingą asmenybę. Modernus, naujas ugdymo turinys tiesiogiai siejasi su naujausiomis technologijomis, o šios vis labiau lemia ugdymo metodus ir priemones. Nuo mokinio suinteresuotumo mokomuoju dalyku, mokymo metodu priklauso jo elgesys, vertybinių nuostatų susiformavimas bei jo kaip asmenybės raiška visuomenėje. Technologijų dalyko mokytojui tenka svarbus vaidmuo moksleivį paruošti gyvenimui, padėti suvokti savo galimybes ir pasirinkt profesiją. Šią mokomąją discipliną apima ne tik įvairių technologijų pažinimą jo taikymą, bet ir asmens psichinių pažinimo ir vertybinių savybių ugdymo, kaip gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymą, stengiamasi tobulint socialinio bendravimo įgūdžius ugdant atsakomybę ,atjautą,pasitikėjimą savimi ir atsparumą rizikos veiksnių poveikiui. / Technological education is one of the ways to reduce the risk of delinquent students. Modern technology education must be seen as a process, which integrates art, creative ideas and their practical implementation, the skills, abilities, values, understanding, preventing harmful behavior. Such an approach helps to develop nevykdytoją and curious-looking, creative, proactive and responsible individual. Modern, a new curriculum directly related to the latest technology, but this is increasingly based on educational methods and tools. From the educational dimension of student interest in the subject, teaching method depends on the behavior of the formation of values and personality of its expression in society. Technology specialist teachers play an important role to prepare the student for life, to help realize their potential and chosen profession. This training includes not only the discipline of the various technologies applied his knowledge, but knowledge of mental and personal qualities and values education as a life-skills education, efforts to develop social interaction skills, developing responsibility, compassion, confidence and resilience to risk factors.
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Prevention och behandling av ljumskrelaterade besvär hos idrottare - en systematisk litteraturöversiktNilseng, Marie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mellan fem och tio procent av alla sportrelaterade skador kan kopplas till ljumskbesvär. Besvären är vanligast hos fotbollsspelare men ses även frekvent hos ishockeyspelare. I dagsläget saknas en uppdaterad litteraturöversikt rörande prevention och behandling av dessa besvär hos idrottare. Syfte: Syftet med den här översikten var att sammanställa både de preventionsprotokoll som används för att förhindra uppkomsten av ljumskrelaterade besvär hos idrottare samt de konservativa behandlingsmetoder som används vid dess rehabilitering. Metod: Sökningar i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och Sport Discus utfördes under februari månad 2022. Tio studier inkluderades i litteraturöversikten. För kvalitetsgranskning har PEDro-skalan använts och GRADE har använts för evidensgranskning. Resultat: Evidensen för prevention av ljumskrelaterade besvär hos idrottare bedöms måttligt stark. Gällande behandling bedöms evidensgraden begränsad. Samtliga utom en av de inkluderade studierna är av metodologisk måttlig till hög kvalitet. Konklusion: Preventionsprogram riktade mot enbart ljumskrelaterade besvär är få. Ingen enskild behandlingsmetod av ljumskrelaterade besvär kan stärkas. Fler studier utförda på andra sporter än fotboll skulle kunna öka överförbarheten av både prevention och behandling av ljumskrelaterade besvär hos idrottare. Nyckelord: rehabilitering, förebygga, ljumske, skada / Background: Groin pain is common in different sports. It is seen especially among football players, but also hockey players commonly suffer from groin pain. There is currently no updated review regarding prevention and treatment of groin pain among athletes. Purpose: The purpose of this review was to compile the preventive protocols for groin pain in athletes as well as the conservative treatments used in rehabilitation. Method: Searches were made in PubMed, Cinahl and Sport Discus during February 2022. Ten studies were included in the study. GRADE was used to determine the level of evidence. The methodological quality was assessed by using the PEDro-scale. Results: The methodological quality was considered “moderate to high” in all but one of the included studies. The evidence for prevention of groin pain was “moderate”, while the evidence for treatment of groin pain was “limited”. Conclusion: Preventive programs for groin pain alone are few. No single treatment for groin pain can be presented. A higher number of studies including other sports than football could lead to a larger transferability. Keywords: rehabilitation, prevent, groin, injury
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Determining the Proportion of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer That is Potentially PreventablePelstring, Keith R. 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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