Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pris"" "subject:"prix""
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Functional Consequences of Physical Interactions Between PriA and PriB in DNA Replication Restart Pathways in Neisseria GonorrhoeaeFeng, Cui January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of the Mechanistic Features of DNA Replication Restart in Neisseria GonorrhoeaeSunchu, Bharath 21 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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An?lise da biointegra??o de disco de polietileno poroso em estroma corneano de porcos adultos : alternativa para por??o h?ptica de pr?tese de c?rneaCarvalho, Luis Ricardo Del Arroyo Tarrag? 29 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-29 / OBJETIVO : O objetivo deste estudo ? verificar o tempo m?nimo de ades?o do polietileno poroso no estroma corneano de porcos como alternativa para por??o h?ptica de pr?tese de c?rnea. M?TODOS : Foi realizado estudo de interven??o animal com implante de cinco discos de polietileno poroso em estroma corneano de cinco olhos de diferentes porcos com an?lise de ades?o em tempos arbitrados em 30/45/60/75 e 90 dias de exposi??o. Foram analisados as ?reas e dimens?es fractais das imagens de Microscocopia Eletr?nica de Varredura de uma das extremidades da sec??o central dos cinco discos e comparados entre si. RESULTADOS : A rela??o da ?rea da sec??o da periferia do conjunto estroma/polietileno foi de 53835/29374 na an?lise de 30 dias (P1OC); 53585/24758 em 45 dias (P2OC); 115119/117455 em 60 dias (P3OC); 94771/91579 em 75 dias (P4OC) e 85860/81742 em 90 dias (P5OC), p= 0,041.A rela??o da Dimens?o Fractal entre o conjunto estroma/polietileno foi de 1,0534/1,1397 em 30 dias (P1OC); 1,0544/1,1127 em 45 dias (P2OC); 1,0370/1,0410 em 60 dias (P3OC); 1,0471/1,1016 em 75 dias (P4OC) e 1,066/1,1154 em 90 dias (P5OC), p= 0,019. Sendo a menor diferen?a de Dimens?o Fractal 0,004 aos 60 dias e menor diferen?a percentual de ?rea de 3,36 aos 75 dias. CONCLUS?O : A an?lise das imagens demonstraram melhor ades?o entre o estroma e o polietileno a partir do 60? dia de exposi??o, apesar do n?mero pequeno da amostra. N?o foi evidenciado extrus?o em nenhum dos per?odos analisados. Pode se afirmar que o polietileno poroso se manteve biocompat?vel no tempo observado, no entanto sendo necess?rio futuro estudo para verificar seu comportamento a longo prazo
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DNA synthesis during double-strand break repair in Escherichia coliAzeroglu, Benura January 2015 (has links)
Efficient and accurate repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is required to maintain genomic stability in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In Escherichia coli, DSBs are repaired by homologous recombination (HR). During this process, DNA synthesis needs to be primed and templated from an intact homologous sequence to restore any information that may have been lost on the broken DNA molecule. Two critical late stages of the pathway are repair DNA synthesis and the processing of Holliday junctions (HJs). However, our knowledge of the detailed mechanisms of these steps is still limited. Our laboratory has developed a system that permits the induction of a site-specific DSB in the bacterial chromosome. This break forms in a replication dependent manner on one of the sister chromosomes, leaving the second sister chromosome intact for repair by HR. Unlike previously available systems, the repairable nature of these breaks has made it possible to physically investigate the different stages of DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) in a chromosomal context. In this thesis, I have addressed some fundamental questions relating to repair DNA synthesis and processing of HJs by using a combination of mutants defective in specific biochemical reactions and an assay that I have developed to detect repair DNA synthesis, using a polar termination sequence (terB). First, by using terB sites located at different locations around the break point, it was shown that the DnaB-dependent repair forks are established in a coordinated manner, meaning that the collision of the repair forks occurs between two repair DNA synthesis initiation sites. Second, DSBR was shown to require the PriB protein known to transduce the DNA synthesis initiation signal from PriA protein to DnaT. Conversely, the PriC protein (known as an alternative to PriB in some reactions) was not required in this process. PriB was also shown to be required to establish DnaB-dependent repair synthesis using the terB assay. Third, the establishment and termination of repair DNA synthesis by collision of converging repair forks were shown to occur independently of HJ resolution. This conclusion results from the comparison of the viability of single and double mutants, deficient in either the establishment of DNA synthesis, HJ resolution or in both reactions, subjected to DSBs and from the study of the DNA intermediates that accumulated in these mutants as detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Fourth, the role of RecG protein during DSB repair was investigated. Solexa sequencing analyses showed that recG null mutant cells undergoing DSBs accumulate more DNA around the break point (Mawer and Leach, unpublished data). This phenomenon was further investigated by two different approaches. Using terB sites in different locations around the break point and ChIP-Seq analyses to investigate the distribution of RecA in a recG null mutant demonstrating that the establishment of repair forks depends on the presence of RecG. Further studies using PriA helicase-dead mutant showed that the interplay between RecG and PriA proteins is essential for the establishment of correctly oriented repair forks during DSBR. As a whole, this work provides evidence on the coordinated nature of the establishment and termination of DNA synthesis during DSBR and how this requires a correct interplay between PriA-PriB and RecG. A new adapted model of homologous recombination is presented.
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Processo de autoavalia??o institucional: produ??o de um manual para apoio ? Comiss?o Pr?pria de Avalia??oAoki, Fabiano Kenji 15 December 2017 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Educa??o e Tecnologias aplicadas em Institui??es Educacionais. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-07-25T17:09:12Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / O tema da avalia??o de institui??es educacionais ? bastante complexo. Nasce do
anseio natural de uma organiza??o em conhecer a si pr?pria e de exig?ncias legais e
normativas de avalia??o atualmente existentes para todos os n?veis da educa??o, da b?sica ?
superior. Passa pelos esfor?os de organiza??o, manuten??o e produ??o de informa??es que, ao
mesmo tempo em que atendem a norma legal, transformam-se em valiosa ferramenta para a
tomada de decis?es, quando sensibilizada a c?pula hier?rquica de uma institui??o sobre a
import?ncia do processo de autoavalia??o institucional. O Sistema Nacional de Avalia??o da
Educa??o Superior (SINAES), em vigor desde 2004, examina as institui??es de ensino
superior (IES), os cursos de gradua??o e o desempenho dos estudantes. O presente trabalho
teve por objetivo a elabora??o do manual de processo de autoavalia??o institucional com
vistas a apoiar os trabalhos conduzidos pela Comiss?o Pr?pria de Avalia??o (CPA) das IES.
A utiliza??o de manuais em ambientes corporativos contribui para a compreens?o e a
consolida??o de conhecimentos inerentes ? ?rea de atua??o do profissional e para o
norteamento das a??es de grupos de trabalho orientados para um mesmo objetivo. A
metodologia utilizada envolveu pesquisas bibliogr?fica e documental, tendo em vista o estudo
explorat?rio de enfoque qualitativo. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The subject of evaluation of educational institutions is quite complex. It is born of
the natural yearning of an organization to know itself and the legal requirements and
evaluation regulations that currently exist for all levels of education, from basic to higher
education. It goes through the efforts of organization, maintenance and production of
information that, while complying with the legal norm, become a valuable tool for decision
making, when sensitized the hierarchical leadership of an institution on the importance of the
process of self-evaluation institution. The National System for the Evaluation of Higher
Education (SINAES), in force since 2004, examines higher education institutions (HEIs),
undergraduate courses and student performance. The objective of the present work was to
elaborate a process manual of the institutional self-evaluation to support the work carried out
by the Self-Evaluation Committee (CPA) of HEI. The use of manuals in corporate
environments contributes to the understanding and consolidation of knowledge inherent in the
professional's area of activity and to the orientation of work group actions oriented toward the
same objective. The methodology used involved bibliographical and documentary research, in
view of the exploratory study of a qualitative approach.
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Testing the Planned Risk Information Avoidance Model in the Context of COVID-19 Vaccination Choices for Parents of Young ChildrenKludt, Mikayla Lco 28 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Mechanistic Studies of Inhibitors of DNA Replication Restart Pathways in Neisseria GonorrhoeaeAduri, Dasharatha Radha Krishna Chaitanya January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Posi??o de garantia em direito penal : a problem?tica da equipara??o na omiss?o impr?priaMartins-Costa, Ant?nio Goya de Almeida 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-18T17:34:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aim to study a set of problems that derived from the equiparation of the
omission to the action in improper omissive crimes (Gleichstellungsproblematik) in
contemporary criminal law, all that from the theory of the position of guarantee (Theorie der
Garantenstellung). In other words, this research intends to investigate the merits and demerits
of some of the most important theories found in contemporary literature commonly used to
explain the aforementioned phenomenon. The methodology select by us to solve the questions
raised was the bibliographical review of several studies presented in order to elucidate the
problem at hand. The dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first one seeks to
demonstrates how this problem was posed by the criminal dogmatics and, consequently, aim to
discusses the reasons why a set of notorious proposals defend that the two forms of conduct
(omission of the impediment of a result and its production by an action) must receive the same
treatment under criminal law. The next three chapters analyze three different theories built
around the problem we seek to investigate (material-formal theories, Jakobs theory and
Sch?nemann's theory). In each chapter, after characterizing the aforementioned theories, we
intend to list the objections commonly made by de doctrine to them and, afterwards, present a
set of critical observations. The fifth chapter summarizes the main points discussed in the course
of this investigation, concluding that the Sch?nemann's approach is the theoretical perspective
that - if nuanced with a formal-material theory - offers us a more plausible and coherent solution
for the problems posed by the theory of the position of guarantee. This positioning surely
reduces the scope of guarantee of supervision and control of sources of danger only to
obligations of insurance in legal traffic (Verkehrssicherungspflichten), denying rescue duties
(Rettungspflichten) in the position of guarantee by interference. One of the main conclusions of
the research is that the starting point for the solution of the ?problem of equalization? must be
an argument based on the idea of similarity. That similarity must be found in the analytical
structure that justifies the imputation of the result to both the commission and the omission
conducts. / A disserta??o tem como objeto de estudo a problem?tica da equipara??o da omiss?o ?
a??o nos crimes omissivos impr?prios (Gleichstellungsproblematik) no direito penal
contempor?neo a partir da teoria da posi??o de garantia (Theorie der Garantenstellung). O
objetivo ? investigar o fundamento da posi??o de garantia analisando os m?ritos e dem?ritos de
algumas das teorias encontradas na literatura contempor?nea para explicar esse fen?meno. A
metodologia empregada foi a revis?o bibliogr?fica, com exposi??o e an?lise de diversas
propostas de solu??o da problem?tica da equipara??o. A disserta??o est? dividida em cinco
cap?tulos. O primeiro deles demonstra a forma como o referido problema se colocou para a
dogm?tica penal e discorre sobre as diversas propostas que a doutrina apresentou para tentar
justificar que duas formas diversas de conduta (omiss?o do impedimento de um resultado e a
sua produ??o por uma a??o) recebessem o mesmo tratamento pelo direito penal. Os tr?s
cap?tulos seguintes analisam tr?s propostas completamente diferentes de fundamenta??o te?rica
da posi??o de garantia que est?o presentes no direito penal contempor?neo (teorias materiaisformais,
teoria de Jakobs e teoria de Sch?nemann). Em cada um desses cap?tulos, ap?s a
exposi??o da teoria, apresentam-se as obje??es feitas a ela que foram encontradas na literatura,
tomando-se posi??o. O quinto cap?tulo faz uma recapitula??o e s?ntese dos principais pontos
tratados ao longo da investiga??o, chegando-se ? conclus?o de que a teoria de Sch?nemann,
matizada com uma teoria material-formal ? aquela que oferece uma solu??o mais plaus?vel e
coerente para a teoria da posi??o de garantia. Esse posicionamento acarreta a redu??o do ?mbito
da garantia de supervis?o e controle de fontes de perigo apenas a deveres de asseguramento no
tr?fego jur?dico (Verkehrssicherungspflichten), negando os deveres de salvamento
(Rettungspflichten) na posi??o de garantia por inger?ncia. Uma das principais conclus?es ? que
o ponto de partida para a resolu??o da problem?tica da equipara??o deve ser um argumento de
similitude, o qual h? de ser encontrado na estrutura que justifica a imputa??o do resultado tanto
? comiss?o quanto ? omiss?o.
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Cidadania e casa pr?pria: como essa rela??o se manifesta? Uma an?lise a partir do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida no Conjunto Residencial Vivendas do Planalto em Natal/RNCosta, Suzana Carolina dos Santos Dutra de Macedo 26 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-09-05T19:49:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-26 / A moradia ? um direito social garantido pela Constitui??o Brasileira de 1988; sua
concretiza??o, de acordo com tratados internacionais ratificados pelo Estado Brasileiro, imp?e
a observ?ncia de v?rios outros direitos, como, por exemplo, o direito a um n?vel de vida
adequado com igualdade de acesso de todos aos bens p?blicos e servi?os de qualidade. Ao
mesmo tempo em que figura como um direito social, a moradia, enquanto bem f?sico, se insere
no contexto de mudan?as econ?micas, pol?ticas e territoriais que ocorreram, mundialmente, sob
a ?gide da hegemonia do pensamento e das pr?ticas neoliberais, tornando-se, cada vez mais,
um elemento de consumo do mercado. A invers?o do sentido da produ??o social da moradia ?
de direito para mercadoria ? condiciona sua concretiza??o a um prop?sito quantitativo, uma
meta, substituindo a luta pela moradia pela luta ao cr?dito. Em face dessa din?mica, a pesquisa
partiu da premissa de que a converg?ncia da Moradia como mais um direito do Consumidor-
Cidad?o, em vez de um Direito Social, ? provocado, tamb?m, pela ?nfase que as pol?ticas
p?blicas assumiriam, mais recentemente, em corresponder aos interesses de mercado, isto ?,
proporcionar uma acumula??o do capital por meio da amplia??o da mercadoria ?moradia
social? como objeto de consumo. Tomando como objeto a rela??o entre Moradia e Cidadania,
a pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os efeitos da pol?tica de moradia na consolida??o
da Cidadania como elemento de integra??o ao Direito ? Cidade. Os questionamentos que est?o
na base da pesquisa s?o: Pode uma pol?tica habitacional ampliar ou prejudicar o sentido de
Cidadania de parte da popula??o? ? a moradia condi??o b?sica para a Cidadania ocorrer de
modo ampliado? Os resultados do estudo revelaram que a aquisi??o da casa pr?pria por um
programa do Governo gera no indiv?duo a sensa??o de pertencimento social, concedendo-lhe,
implicitamente, o status de ?cidad?o?, na medida em que ao sair de condi??es ilegais e/ou
irregulares de moradia e assumir deveres advindos de uma moradia legal e regular o indiv?duo
passa a se sentir portador de direitos, com voz para reivindic?-los perante o Estado, no entanto
essa n?o ? a cidadania plena. A condu??o da investiga??o do objeto de pesquisa foi orientada
por uma compreens?o dial?tica da discuss?o sobre Cidadania e Moradia, que permitiu, com
base na revis?o bibliogr?fica e em pesquisa de campo realizada em empreendimento da faixa
1, do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, captar a ess?ncia dessa rela??o que pretendemos
estabelecer. / Housing is a social right guaranteed by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution; its
implementation imposes the observance of several other rights according to international
treaties ratified by the Brazilian State, such as the right to an adequate standard of living with
equal access to all public goods and quality services. Housing is at the same time a social right
and a physical good. It is inserted in the context of economic, political and territorial changes
that occurred worldwide under the aegis of neoliberal thought and practices, becoming yet
another element of consumption in the market. The inversion of the direction in the social
production of housing - from a right to goods - conditions its realization to a quantitative
purpose, a goal, replacing the struggle for housing with the fight against credit. Given this new
dynamic, the research started from the premise that the convergence of Housing as another
Consumer-Citizen right, rather than a Social Law, is also caused by the emphasis that public
policies have more recently taken in meeting the interests of the market, that is, to provide an
accumulation of capital through the expansion of the commodity "social housing" as an object
of consumption. The research has as its subject the relationship between Housing and
Citizenship and it aims to understand the effects of housing policy on the consolidation of
Citizenship as an element of integration regarding to the Right to the City. The questions which
are the basis of the research are: Can a housing policy increase or impair the sense of citizenship
from a part of the population? Is housing the basic condition for Citizenship to occur in an
expanded way? The results of the study revealed that the acquisition of an own property through
a government program generates a sense of social belonging to the individual, implicitly
granting him/her the status of 'citizen'. When leaving illegal conditions and/or irregular housing
and assuming duties resulting from a legal and regular housing the individual becomes a holder
of rights, with a voice to claim them before the State, however this is not full citizenship. The
leading of the investigation on the research subject was guided by a dialectical understanding
of the discussion on Citizenship and Housing, which allowed capturing the essence of this
relation that we intend to establish, based on the bibliographical review and field research
carried out in a property development in phase 1 of the Housing Program Minha Casa Minha
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