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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verifiering och hållbarhetsstudie för analys av plasma-Prokalcitonin på Roche cobas® e602 och e411 med Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT

Leonardsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Som svar på bakteriellt orsakade systemiskainfektioner och sepsis frisätts prohormonet prokalcitonin (PCT) till blodbanan.Analys av plasma-PCT (P-PCT) kan utföras med reagenset Elecsys BRAHMS PCT ianalysmodulerna cobas® e602 och e411från Roche Diagnostics.Analysprincipen är electrochemiluminiscence som bygger på immunanalys avsandwichprincip. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att verifiera metoden föranalys av P-PCT på Roche cobas® e602 och e411 med Elecsys BRAHMS PCT(ThermoFischer) samt att göra en hållbarhetsstudie av analyten ioriginalprovröret. Verifieringen gjordes genom mätning av repeterbarhet ochprecision, samt jämförelse av analysresultat från patientprover mot ett annatlaboratorium som använder samma analysmetod. Hållbarhetsstudien gjordes genomanalys av fem patientprover under olika tidsintervall 0-24 timmar efterprovtagning. Resultaten av repeterbarhetsstudien gavvariationskoefficientvärdet (CV) 3,5 % på Roche cobas® e602 medkontrollmaterial nivå 1 (åsatt värde 0,53 µg/L) och CV 1,3 % för kontrollmaterialnivå 3 (åsatt värde 24,5 µg/L). På Roche cobas e411 blev CV 2,2 % för nivå 1och 1,6 % för nivå 3. Precisionsstudien gav mellanliggande imprecisions CV-värdenmellan 1,2–1,9 % (Kontrollmaterial nivå 1 och 3). Patientjämförelserna visadeett linjärt samband (r>0,99). Bias tenderade att vara högre vidanalysresultat >20 µg/L. Hållbarhetsstudien resulterade i en obetydlig minskningav PCT koncentrationen från omedelbar analys (0,73; 57,7; 2,4; 0,94; 0,27 µg/L)och efter 24 timmar (0,70; 53,69; 2,21; 0,73; 0,24 µg/L). Repeterbarheten ochprecisionen för samtliga instrument bedömdes vara god. Patientjämförelsernavisade på ett tydligt linjärt samband med låg spridning, både vid analys iKalmar och i Linköping. Hållbarhetsstudien visade acceptabel hållbarhet avanalyten i originalprovröret. Metoden anses kunna införas på kliniskt kemiskalaboratorier vid Klinisk kemi och transfusionsmedicin, Landstinget i Kalmar län. / In response to bacterial systemic infections and sepsis, the prohormone procalcitonin (PCT) is released to the bloodstream. PCT levels in plasma can be measured using Elecsys BRAHMS PCT reagent with cobas® immunoanalyzer modules e602 and e411 from Roche Diagnostics. The test principle is electrochemiluminiscence immunoassay. The aim of this study was to verify the method for measuring plasma levels of PCT with Roche cobas® e602 and e411 using Elecsys BRAHMS PCT as well as to do a sustainability study of the analyte in the original sample tube. The verification was done by measurements of repeatability and precision, and a comparison of assay results from patient samples against another laboratory using the same method. The sustainability study was done by analyzing five patient samples during different time intervals 0-24 hours after sampling. The repeatability study gave coefficient of variations (CV %) values 3.5 % and 2.2 % with Roche cobas® e602 and 1.3 % and 1.6 % with Roche cobas® e411 using quality control level 1 (affixed value 0,53 µg/L) and level 3 (affixed value 24,5 µg/L) respectively. The precision study gave CV% values between 1.2-1.9 % (quality control level 1 and 3). The patient comparison study showed linear regression (r>0,99). Bias tended to be higher on assay results >20 µg/L. The sustainability study resulted in a slight decrease of the plasma PCT level from immediate analysis (0.73; 57.78; 2.41; 0.94; 0.27 µg/L) to analysis after 24 hours (0.70; 53.69; 2.21; 0.73; 0.24 µg/L). The repeatability and precision was considered to be good. Patient comparisons showed a clear linear relationship with little distribution between the values, both in Kalmar and in Linköping. The sustainability study showed an acceptable sustainability of the analyte in the original sample tube. This method is considered accurate and will be introduced to the laboratories of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine at county council of Kalmar.

Marcadores de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sepse no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em crianças

Rocha, Tais Sica da January 2012 (has links)
Objetivo geral: estudar a síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica após a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e a sua relação com marcadores inflamatórios. Objetivos específicos: 1) avaliar a prevalência de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS), sepse e disfunção de múltiplos órgãos (DMO); 2) avaliar a relação da SIRS, sepse e DMO com certos biomarcadores; 3) avaliar a relação desses biomarcadores com mortalidade no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças; 4) estudar a cinética do soluble triggering receptor on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), procalcitonina (PCT), proteína C reativa (PCR) neste grupo; 5) comparar os níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre pacientes sépticos e com SIRS. Desenho: estudo de coorte retrospectivo e prospectivo. Setting: unidade de terapia intensiva cardiológica (UTIC). Medidas: saturação venosa central de oxigênio, lactato arterial, glicose sérica, dosagem de troponina I, contagem total de leucócitos no sangue periférico, PCR, presença de SIRS, sepse e DMO foram avaliados nos cinco primeiros dias de pós-operatório na coorte retrospectiva. Na coorte prospectiva as amostras foram colhidas no préoperatório, na chegada à unidade de tratamento intensivo, no primeiro (1PO), segundo (2PO) e terceiro (3PO) dias de pós-operatório para dosagem específica de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR. Resultados: A coorte retrospectiva incluiu 121 pacientes com mediana de idade de 9 meses [IQ 4-75], de peso de 7Kg [IQ 4,3-14,7], de tempo de circulação extracorpórea de 56 minutos [IQ 43-81] e de clampeamento aórtico de 27 minutos [IQ15,2-51,7]. A mediana de tempo de internação em UTIC foi de 4 dias [IQ 2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentemente encontrados em 48% (58), seguidos de Tetralogia de Fallot. As taxas de mortalidade e de sepse neste grupo foram de 7,4% (9) e 27,7% (33) respectivamente. SIRS esteve presente em 50,8% (61) e DMO em 22,3% (27) na chegada da UTI. A presença de SIRS não infecciosa e DMO não relacionada à sepse foram mais frequentes em todos os dias de pósoperatório. O risco de mortalidade foi avaliado e sepse no 1PO teve o maior odds ratio (OR) = 31,71 (IC95: 2,6-393,8), seguido da presença de disfunção renal no 3PO, OR = 14,1 (IC95: 2,9 -66,6). A glicose sérica nas 6 horas de PO com OR = 2,4 (IC95: 1,03-5,7), a saturação venosa central de oxigênio do 1PO com OR = 12,2 ( IC95: 2,6-55,7) bem como o lactato arterial do 1PO com OR = 24,1 ( IC95: 4-112) mostraram-se com melhores poderes discriminativos para sepse, DMO e mortalidade respectivamente. Na coorte prospectiva foram incluídos 31 pacientes com medianas de idade de 11 meses [IQ 6-42], de peso de 8,1Kg [IQ 6-14], de tempo de CEC de 58 minutos [IQ 45-84], de clampeamento de 32 minutos [IQ 32-32] e de temperatura durante a CEC de 31ºC. A mediana de tempo de internação na UTI foi de 7 dias [IQ2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentes em 54,8% (17), seguidos da Tetralogia de Fallot. Ocorreram 6,5% (2) de óbitos e 12,7%(4) de sepse. A SIRS esteve presente em 45,8%(14) na chegada da UTIC. Observou-se elevação significativa dos níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR após a CEC. Os níveis medianos de sTREM-1 e da PCR estão acima dos níveis normais em todos os momentos avaliados, sendo a mediana do sTREM-1 de 143,6 pg/ml no préoperatório; de 96,9 pg/ml após a CEC; de 140,2 pg/ml após 24h da CEC; de 191,5 pg/ml após 48h (p < 0,05); e, de 193,3 pg/ml após 72h. Os níveis medianos de PCT estão acima dos normais somente no 3PO, considerando-se um ponto de corte de 0,5 ng/ml. Comparando-se os níveis medianos de PCR, PCT e sTREM-1 entre sépticos e não infectados não houve diferença significativa. Conclusões: Durante a primeira semana de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças a presença de febre/hipotermia bem como de leucocitose está mais frequentemente relacionada à SIRS não infecciosa do que à sepse. Existe associação de mortalidade com sepse, síndrome de baixo débito e disfunção cardíaca, respiratória e renal tardias neste grupo. Os achados em relação à cinética da PCR e PCT confirmam os dados da literatura: diminuição dos níveis em 48h pós CEC. Os achados são originais em relação à cinética do sTREM-1. Não houve diferença nos niveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre sépticos e não infectados, entretanto novos estudos são necessários devido à amostra pequena. / Main objective: To study the systemic inflammatory response syndrome after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) and its relationship with inflammatory markers. Secondary objectives: 1) To assess the prevalence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS); 2) to evaluate the relationship of systemic response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction with certain biomarkers, 3) to evaluate the relationship of these biomarkers with mortality after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 4) to study the kinetics of sTREM-1, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) in this group 5) compare serum sTREM-11, PCT and CRP in patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Design: prospective and retrospective cohort. Setting: cardiac pediatric intensive care unit. Measurements: venous oxygen saturation (SvcO2), arterial lactate, glucose, troponin, total leukocyte count and C reactive protein, presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) were evaluated in the first 5 post-operative days. The samples of the prospective study were taken in the pre-operative period, on arrival in the intensive care unit, and on the first (POD1), second and third post-operative days for dosing CRP, PCT and sTREM-1. Main results: The retrospective cohort included 121 patients with a median age of 9 months [IQR: 4-75] ,median weight of 7Kg [IQR: 4.3-14.7] , median CPB time of 56 minutes [IQR:43-81], median clamping time of 27 minutes [IQR: 15.28-51.75]. The median ICU stay was 4 days [IQR:2-8]. Septal defects were the most frequent, reaching 48% (58), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality and sepsis rate was 7.4% (9) and 27.7% (33) respectively. SIRS was present in 50.8% (61) and MODS in 22.3% (27) at the ICU arrival. The presences of non-infectious SIRS and of non-sepsis-related MODS were also more frequent throughout the postoperative days. Mmortality risk was assessed, and sepsis in the first postoperative day had the highest odds ratio (OR) = 31.71 [CI95: 6 to 393.8], followed by renal dysfunction on the third day, OR = 14.1 [CI95: 2.9 to 66.6]. The 6hPO glucose with OR = 2.4 [CI95: 1.03 to 5.7], the SvcO2 POD1 with OR = 12.2 [CI95: 2.6 to 55.7] and POD1 lactate with OR = 24.1 [CI95: 4-112] showed better discriminative power for sepsis, MODS and mortality respectively. The prospective cohort included 31 patients with a median age of 11 months [IQR: 6-42], median weight of 8.1Kg [IQR: 6-14], median CPB time of 58 minutes [IQR: 45-84], median clamping time of 31 minute [IQR: 21-50] and median temperature of 32°C during CPB [IQR: 32-32]. The median ICU stay was 7 days [IQR: 2- 9]. Septal defects were the most frequent, at 54.8% (17), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality rate was 6.5% (2) and incidence of sepsis was 12.7% (4). Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was present in 45.8% (14) of cases upon arrival at the ICU. We observed significant elevation of serum sTREM-1, PCT and CRP after CPB. The median levels of sTREM-1 and CRP levels are above normal levels at all time points evaluated with a sTREM-1 median of 143.6 pg/ml preoperatively, of 96.9 pg / ml after CPB, of 140.2 pg/ml after 24 hours of CPB, of 191.5 pg/ml after 48 h (p < 0.05) and 193.3 pg/ml after 72 h. Median PCT levels are above normal only in 3PO, considering a cutoff of 0.5 ng/ml. Comparing the median serum levels of CRP, PCT and sTREM-1 between septic and uninfected no significant difference was found. Conclusions: During the first week post-cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in children the presence of fever / hypothermia and leukocytosis is more often related to non-infectious SIRS than sepsis. There is an association of mortality with sepsis, low output syndrome and cardiac dysfunction, and later renal and respiratory dysfunction in this group. The findings in relation to the kinetics of CRP and PCT confirm preview literature: decreased levels in 48 hours after CPB. The findings are unique compared to the kinetics of sTREM-1. There was no difference in serum levels of sTREM-1, PCT and CRP between septic and uninfected, however further studies are needed due to the small sample.

Marcadores de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sepse no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em crianças

Rocha, Tais Sica da January 2012 (has links)
Objetivo geral: estudar a síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica após a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e a sua relação com marcadores inflamatórios. Objetivos específicos: 1) avaliar a prevalência de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS), sepse e disfunção de múltiplos órgãos (DMO); 2) avaliar a relação da SIRS, sepse e DMO com certos biomarcadores; 3) avaliar a relação desses biomarcadores com mortalidade no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças; 4) estudar a cinética do soluble triggering receptor on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), procalcitonina (PCT), proteína C reativa (PCR) neste grupo; 5) comparar os níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre pacientes sépticos e com SIRS. Desenho: estudo de coorte retrospectivo e prospectivo. Setting: unidade de terapia intensiva cardiológica (UTIC). Medidas: saturação venosa central de oxigênio, lactato arterial, glicose sérica, dosagem de troponina I, contagem total de leucócitos no sangue periférico, PCR, presença de SIRS, sepse e DMO foram avaliados nos cinco primeiros dias de pós-operatório na coorte retrospectiva. Na coorte prospectiva as amostras foram colhidas no préoperatório, na chegada à unidade de tratamento intensivo, no primeiro (1PO), segundo (2PO) e terceiro (3PO) dias de pós-operatório para dosagem específica de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR. Resultados: A coorte retrospectiva incluiu 121 pacientes com mediana de idade de 9 meses [IQ 4-75], de peso de 7Kg [IQ 4,3-14,7], de tempo de circulação extracorpórea de 56 minutos [IQ 43-81] e de clampeamento aórtico de 27 minutos [IQ15,2-51,7]. A mediana de tempo de internação em UTIC foi de 4 dias [IQ 2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentemente encontrados em 48% (58), seguidos de Tetralogia de Fallot. As taxas de mortalidade e de sepse neste grupo foram de 7,4% (9) e 27,7% (33) respectivamente. SIRS esteve presente em 50,8% (61) e DMO em 22,3% (27) na chegada da UTI. A presença de SIRS não infecciosa e DMO não relacionada à sepse foram mais frequentes em todos os dias de pósoperatório. O risco de mortalidade foi avaliado e sepse no 1PO teve o maior odds ratio (OR) = 31,71 (IC95: 2,6-393,8), seguido da presença de disfunção renal no 3PO, OR = 14,1 (IC95: 2,9 -66,6). A glicose sérica nas 6 horas de PO com OR = 2,4 (IC95: 1,03-5,7), a saturação venosa central de oxigênio do 1PO com OR = 12,2 ( IC95: 2,6-55,7) bem como o lactato arterial do 1PO com OR = 24,1 ( IC95: 4-112) mostraram-se com melhores poderes discriminativos para sepse, DMO e mortalidade respectivamente. Na coorte prospectiva foram incluídos 31 pacientes com medianas de idade de 11 meses [IQ 6-42], de peso de 8,1Kg [IQ 6-14], de tempo de CEC de 58 minutos [IQ 45-84], de clampeamento de 32 minutos [IQ 32-32] e de temperatura durante a CEC de 31ºC. A mediana de tempo de internação na UTI foi de 7 dias [IQ2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentes em 54,8% (17), seguidos da Tetralogia de Fallot. Ocorreram 6,5% (2) de óbitos e 12,7%(4) de sepse. A SIRS esteve presente em 45,8%(14) na chegada da UTIC. Observou-se elevação significativa dos níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR após a CEC. Os níveis medianos de sTREM-1 e da PCR estão acima dos níveis normais em todos os momentos avaliados, sendo a mediana do sTREM-1 de 143,6 pg/ml no préoperatório; de 96,9 pg/ml após a CEC; de 140,2 pg/ml após 24h da CEC; de 191,5 pg/ml após 48h (p < 0,05); e, de 193,3 pg/ml após 72h. Os níveis medianos de PCT estão acima dos normais somente no 3PO, considerando-se um ponto de corte de 0,5 ng/ml. Comparando-se os níveis medianos de PCR, PCT e sTREM-1 entre sépticos e não infectados não houve diferença significativa. Conclusões: Durante a primeira semana de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças a presença de febre/hipotermia bem como de leucocitose está mais frequentemente relacionada à SIRS não infecciosa do que à sepse. Existe associação de mortalidade com sepse, síndrome de baixo débito e disfunção cardíaca, respiratória e renal tardias neste grupo. Os achados em relação à cinética da PCR e PCT confirmam os dados da literatura: diminuição dos níveis em 48h pós CEC. Os achados são originais em relação à cinética do sTREM-1. Não houve diferença nos niveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre sépticos e não infectados, entretanto novos estudos são necessários devido à amostra pequena. / Main objective: To study the systemic inflammatory response syndrome after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) and its relationship with inflammatory markers. Secondary objectives: 1) To assess the prevalence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS); 2) to evaluate the relationship of systemic response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction with certain biomarkers, 3) to evaluate the relationship of these biomarkers with mortality after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 4) to study the kinetics of sTREM-1, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) in this group 5) compare serum sTREM-11, PCT and CRP in patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Design: prospective and retrospective cohort. Setting: cardiac pediatric intensive care unit. Measurements: venous oxygen saturation (SvcO2), arterial lactate, glucose, troponin, total leukocyte count and C reactive protein, presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) were evaluated in the first 5 post-operative days. The samples of the prospective study were taken in the pre-operative period, on arrival in the intensive care unit, and on the first (POD1), second and third post-operative days for dosing CRP, PCT and sTREM-1. Main results: The retrospective cohort included 121 patients with a median age of 9 months [IQR: 4-75] ,median weight of 7Kg [IQR: 4.3-14.7] , median CPB time of 56 minutes [IQR:43-81], median clamping time of 27 minutes [IQR: 15.28-51.75]. The median ICU stay was 4 days [IQR:2-8]. Septal defects were the most frequent, reaching 48% (58), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality and sepsis rate was 7.4% (9) and 27.7% (33) respectively. SIRS was present in 50.8% (61) and MODS in 22.3% (27) at the ICU arrival. The presences of non-infectious SIRS and of non-sepsis-related MODS were also more frequent throughout the postoperative days. Mmortality risk was assessed, and sepsis in the first postoperative day had the highest odds ratio (OR) = 31.71 [CI95: 6 to 393.8], followed by renal dysfunction on the third day, OR = 14.1 [CI95: 2.9 to 66.6]. The 6hPO glucose with OR = 2.4 [CI95: 1.03 to 5.7], the SvcO2 POD1 with OR = 12.2 [CI95: 2.6 to 55.7] and POD1 lactate with OR = 24.1 [CI95: 4-112] showed better discriminative power for sepsis, MODS and mortality respectively. The prospective cohort included 31 patients with a median age of 11 months [IQR: 6-42], median weight of 8.1Kg [IQR: 6-14], median CPB time of 58 minutes [IQR: 45-84], median clamping time of 31 minute [IQR: 21-50] and median temperature of 32°C during CPB [IQR: 32-32]. The median ICU stay was 7 days [IQR: 2- 9]. Septal defects were the most frequent, at 54.8% (17), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality rate was 6.5% (2) and incidence of sepsis was 12.7% (4). Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was present in 45.8% (14) of cases upon arrival at the ICU. We observed significant elevation of serum sTREM-1, PCT and CRP after CPB. The median levels of sTREM-1 and CRP levels are above normal levels at all time points evaluated with a sTREM-1 median of 143.6 pg/ml preoperatively, of 96.9 pg / ml after CPB, of 140.2 pg/ml after 24 hours of CPB, of 191.5 pg/ml after 48 h (p < 0.05) and 193.3 pg/ml after 72 h. Median PCT levels are above normal only in 3PO, considering a cutoff of 0.5 ng/ml. Comparing the median serum levels of CRP, PCT and sTREM-1 between septic and uninfected no significant difference was found. Conclusions: During the first week post-cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in children the presence of fever / hypothermia and leukocytosis is more often related to non-infectious SIRS than sepsis. There is an association of mortality with sepsis, low output syndrome and cardiac dysfunction, and later renal and respiratory dysfunction in this group. The findings in relation to the kinetics of CRP and PCT confirm preview literature: decreased levels in 48 hours after CPB. The findings are unique compared to the kinetics of sTREM-1. There was no difference in serum levels of sTREM-1, PCT and CRP between septic and uninfected, however further studies are needed due to the small sample.

Marcadores de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sepse no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em crianças

Rocha, Tais Sica da January 2012 (has links)
Objetivo geral: estudar a síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica após a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e a sua relação com marcadores inflamatórios. Objetivos específicos: 1) avaliar a prevalência de síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica (SIRS), sepse e disfunção de múltiplos órgãos (DMO); 2) avaliar a relação da SIRS, sepse e DMO com certos biomarcadores; 3) avaliar a relação desses biomarcadores com mortalidade no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças; 4) estudar a cinética do soluble triggering receptor on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), procalcitonina (PCT), proteína C reativa (PCR) neste grupo; 5) comparar os níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre pacientes sépticos e com SIRS. Desenho: estudo de coorte retrospectivo e prospectivo. Setting: unidade de terapia intensiva cardiológica (UTIC). Medidas: saturação venosa central de oxigênio, lactato arterial, glicose sérica, dosagem de troponina I, contagem total de leucócitos no sangue periférico, PCR, presença de SIRS, sepse e DMO foram avaliados nos cinco primeiros dias de pós-operatório na coorte retrospectiva. Na coorte prospectiva as amostras foram colhidas no préoperatório, na chegada à unidade de tratamento intensivo, no primeiro (1PO), segundo (2PO) e terceiro (3PO) dias de pós-operatório para dosagem específica de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR. Resultados: A coorte retrospectiva incluiu 121 pacientes com mediana de idade de 9 meses [IQ 4-75], de peso de 7Kg [IQ 4,3-14,7], de tempo de circulação extracorpórea de 56 minutos [IQ 43-81] e de clampeamento aórtico de 27 minutos [IQ15,2-51,7]. A mediana de tempo de internação em UTIC foi de 4 dias [IQ 2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentemente encontrados em 48% (58), seguidos de Tetralogia de Fallot. As taxas de mortalidade e de sepse neste grupo foram de 7,4% (9) e 27,7% (33) respectivamente. SIRS esteve presente em 50,8% (61) e DMO em 22,3% (27) na chegada da UTI. A presença de SIRS não infecciosa e DMO não relacionada à sepse foram mais frequentes em todos os dias de pósoperatório. O risco de mortalidade foi avaliado e sepse no 1PO teve o maior odds ratio (OR) = 31,71 (IC95: 2,6-393,8), seguido da presença de disfunção renal no 3PO, OR = 14,1 (IC95: 2,9 -66,6). A glicose sérica nas 6 horas de PO com OR = 2,4 (IC95: 1,03-5,7), a saturação venosa central de oxigênio do 1PO com OR = 12,2 ( IC95: 2,6-55,7) bem como o lactato arterial do 1PO com OR = 24,1 ( IC95: 4-112) mostraram-se com melhores poderes discriminativos para sepse, DMO e mortalidade respectivamente. Na coorte prospectiva foram incluídos 31 pacientes com medianas de idade de 11 meses [IQ 6-42], de peso de 8,1Kg [IQ 6-14], de tempo de CEC de 58 minutos [IQ 45-84], de clampeamento de 32 minutos [IQ 32-32] e de temperatura durante a CEC de 31ºC. A mediana de tempo de internação na UTI foi de 7 dias [IQ2-8]. Os defeitos septais foram os mais frequentes em 54,8% (17), seguidos da Tetralogia de Fallot. Ocorreram 6,5% (2) de óbitos e 12,7%(4) de sepse. A SIRS esteve presente em 45,8%(14) na chegada da UTIC. Observou-se elevação significativa dos níveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR após a CEC. Os níveis medianos de sTREM-1 e da PCR estão acima dos níveis normais em todos os momentos avaliados, sendo a mediana do sTREM-1 de 143,6 pg/ml no préoperatório; de 96,9 pg/ml após a CEC; de 140,2 pg/ml após 24h da CEC; de 191,5 pg/ml após 48h (p < 0,05); e, de 193,3 pg/ml após 72h. Os níveis medianos de PCT estão acima dos normais somente no 3PO, considerando-se um ponto de corte de 0,5 ng/ml. Comparando-se os níveis medianos de PCR, PCT e sTREM-1 entre sépticos e não infectados não houve diferença significativa. Conclusões: Durante a primeira semana de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca com CEC em crianças a presença de febre/hipotermia bem como de leucocitose está mais frequentemente relacionada à SIRS não infecciosa do que à sepse. Existe associação de mortalidade com sepse, síndrome de baixo débito e disfunção cardíaca, respiratória e renal tardias neste grupo. Os achados em relação à cinética da PCR e PCT confirmam os dados da literatura: diminuição dos níveis em 48h pós CEC. Os achados são originais em relação à cinética do sTREM-1. Não houve diferença nos niveis séricos de sTREM-1, PCT e PCR entre sépticos e não infectados, entretanto novos estudos são necessários devido à amostra pequena. / Main objective: To study the systemic inflammatory response syndrome after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) and its relationship with inflammatory markers. Secondary objectives: 1) To assess the prevalence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS); 2) to evaluate the relationship of systemic response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction with certain biomarkers, 3) to evaluate the relationship of these biomarkers with mortality after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 4) to study the kinetics of sTREM-1, procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) in this group 5) compare serum sTREM-11, PCT and CRP in patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Design: prospective and retrospective cohort. Setting: cardiac pediatric intensive care unit. Measurements: venous oxygen saturation (SvcO2), arterial lactate, glucose, troponin, total leukocyte count and C reactive protein, presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) were evaluated in the first 5 post-operative days. The samples of the prospective study were taken in the pre-operative period, on arrival in the intensive care unit, and on the first (POD1), second and third post-operative days for dosing CRP, PCT and sTREM-1. Main results: The retrospective cohort included 121 patients with a median age of 9 months [IQR: 4-75] ,median weight of 7Kg [IQR: 4.3-14.7] , median CPB time of 56 minutes [IQR:43-81], median clamping time of 27 minutes [IQR: 15.28-51.75]. The median ICU stay was 4 days [IQR:2-8]. Septal defects were the most frequent, reaching 48% (58), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality and sepsis rate was 7.4% (9) and 27.7% (33) respectively. SIRS was present in 50.8% (61) and MODS in 22.3% (27) at the ICU arrival. The presences of non-infectious SIRS and of non-sepsis-related MODS were also more frequent throughout the postoperative days. Mmortality risk was assessed, and sepsis in the first postoperative day had the highest odds ratio (OR) = 31.71 [CI95: 6 to 393.8], followed by renal dysfunction on the third day, OR = 14.1 [CI95: 2.9 to 66.6]. The 6hPO glucose with OR = 2.4 [CI95: 1.03 to 5.7], the SvcO2 POD1 with OR = 12.2 [CI95: 2.6 to 55.7] and POD1 lactate with OR = 24.1 [CI95: 4-112] showed better discriminative power for sepsis, MODS and mortality respectively. The prospective cohort included 31 patients with a median age of 11 months [IQR: 6-42], median weight of 8.1Kg [IQR: 6-14], median CPB time of 58 minutes [IQR: 45-84], median clamping time of 31 minute [IQR: 21-50] and median temperature of 32°C during CPB [IQR: 32-32]. The median ICU stay was 7 days [IQR: 2- 9]. Septal defects were the most frequent, at 54.8% (17), followed by Tetralogy of Fallot. Mortality rate was 6.5% (2) and incidence of sepsis was 12.7% (4). Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was present in 45.8% (14) of cases upon arrival at the ICU. We observed significant elevation of serum sTREM-1, PCT and CRP after CPB. The median levels of sTREM-1 and CRP levels are above normal levels at all time points evaluated with a sTREM-1 median of 143.6 pg/ml preoperatively, of 96.9 pg / ml after CPB, of 140.2 pg/ml after 24 hours of CPB, of 191.5 pg/ml after 48 h (p < 0.05) and 193.3 pg/ml after 72 h. Median PCT levels are above normal only in 3PO, considering a cutoff of 0.5 ng/ml. Comparing the median serum levels of CRP, PCT and sTREM-1 between septic and uninfected no significant difference was found. Conclusions: During the first week post-cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in children the presence of fever / hypothermia and leukocytosis is more often related to non-infectious SIRS than sepsis. There is an association of mortality with sepsis, low output syndrome and cardiac dysfunction, and later renal and respiratory dysfunction in this group. The findings in relation to the kinetics of CRP and PCT confirm preview literature: decreased levels in 48 hours after CPB. The findings are unique compared to the kinetics of sTREM-1. There was no difference in serum levels of sTREM-1, PCT and CRP between septic and uninfected, however further studies are needed due to the small sample.

Flow cytometric analysis of leukocyte surface molecule expression in critical illness:comparison between septic and non-septic patients

Jämsä, J. (Joel) 06 June 2017 (has links)
Abstract Sepsis is a common problem in the intensive care unit (ICU) still having a high mortality and causing high costs to health care system. Currently, there is no marker to distinguish sepsis from other causes of systemic inflammation. Leukocyte surface molecules have been proposed as markers of sepsis. The most promising markers have been neutrophil CD64 and CD11b on monocytes and neutrophils and HLA-DR on monocytes. In this thesis, leukocyte surface molecules were investigated using quantitative flow cytometry in critically ill patients with sepsis, non-septic ICU controls, and healthy volunteers. The surface molecules of interest were neutrophil CD11b and CD64, monocyte CD11b, CD14, CD40, CD64, CD80, HLA-DR, and lymphocyte CD69. First, a special emphasize was indicated in methodological aspects of the quantitative flow cytometry. Then, the surface molecule kinetics was investigated in different types of critically ill patients. Finally, the diagnostic performance of the molecules was determined and compared to that of traditionally used sepsis markers. Furthermore, an example of multiple marker analysis was introduced as a diagnostic tool. The optimal circumstances for leukocyte surface molecule analysis were +4&#176;C temperature throughout the collection and preparation of the samples using tubes containing acid citrate dextrose (ACD) as an anticoagulant, followed by flow cytometry within 6 hours from sampling. Monocyte CD11b and CD40, neutrophil CD11b and CD64, and CD69 on CD4+ T cells and natural killer (NK) cells separated sepsis from non-septic ICU controls and healthy volunteers, neutrophil CD64, having the best area under curve. Procalcitonin (PCT) was second best marker. Monocyte CD40 and NK CD69 may predict positive blood culture detection, whereas CD11b may predict early mortality. In multiple marker analysis, combination of positive neutrophil CD64, C-reactive protein (CRP) and PCT increased post-test probability for sepsis. In conclusion, pre-analytical and analytical factors have effects on results of leukocyte surface molecule analysis. Leukocyte surface molecules may improve sepsis diagnostics in ICU setting. Neutrophil CD64 was the most promising marker. Combination of CD64, CRP and PCT increased the detection of sepsis in ICU. / Tiivistelmä Sepsis on yleinen tehohoidon ongelma, johon liittyy korkea kuolleisuus ja suuret hoidolliset kustannukset. Toistaiseksi ei ole laboratoriomerkkiainetta, joka erottaisi sepsistä sairastavat muista kriittisesti sairaista, joilla on yleistynyt tulehdusvaste. Valkosolujen pintamolekyylien käyttöä sepsiksen laboratoriomerkkiaineena on tutkittu. Lupaavimmat näistä molekyyleistä ovat olleet neutrofiilien CD64, monosyyttien ja neutrofiilien CD11b ja monosyyttien HLA-DR. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin valkosolujen pintamolekyylejä kriittisesti sairailla sepsistä sairastavilla potilailla, niillä tehohoitopotilailla, joilla ei ollut sepsistä, ja terveillä vapaaehtoisilla virtaussytometriaa käyttäen. Mielenkiinnon kohteina olivat neutrofiilien CD11b ja CD64, monosyyttien CD11b, CD14, CD40, CD64, CD80 ja HLA-DR, sekä lymfosyyttien CD69. Ensimmäiseksi tutkittiin kvantitatiivista virtaussytometriaa menetelmänä. Sen jälkeen pintamolekyylien kinetiikkaa tutkittiin eri potilasryhmillä. Lopuksi määritettiin pintamolekyylien diagnostinen tehokkuus ja sitä verrattiin perinteisempiin sepsiksen diagnostiikassa käytettyihin laboratoriomerkkiaineisiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin usean merkkiaineen mallin diagnostista osuvuutta. Parhaat olosuhteet virtaussytometrialle olivat: +4 &#176;C:n lämpötila näytteenoton ja -käsittelyn aikana, näytteiden ottaminen putkiin, joissa on antikoagulanttina hapan sitraatti-dekstroosi (ACD) ja näytteiden analysointi kuuden tunnin kuluessa näytteenotosta. Monosyyttien CD11b ja CD40, neutrofiilien CD11b ja CD64 sekä CD4+ T-solujen ja NK-solujen CD69 erottivat sepsistä sairastavat tehohoitoverrokeista ja terveistä. Neutrofiilien CD64:llä oli paras erottelukyky. Prokalsitoniini (PCT) oli toiseksi paras merkkiaine. Monosyyttien CD40 ja NK-solujen CD69 voivat parantaa positiivisen veriviljelylöydöksen havaitsemista, kun taas CD11b voi ennustaa varhaista potilaan menehtymistä. Usean merkkiaineen mallissa neutrofiilien CD64 paransi C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) ja PCT:n tehoa sepsiksen diagnostiikassa. Loppupäätelmänä on, että valkosolujen pintamolekyylien analysointivaiheen eri muuttujilla on vaikutusta virtaussytometriatuloksiin. Valkosolujen pintamolekyylien käyttö voi parantaa sepsiksen diagnostiikkaa teho-osastolla. Neutrofiilien CD64 oli lupaavin merkkiaine. Neutrofiilien CD64:n, CRP:n ja PCT:n yhdistelmä paransi sepsiksen diagnostiikkaa teho-osastolla.

Metodverifiering av reagens med förhöjt tröskelvärde för biotininterferens för biomarkörerna NT-proBNP, prokalcitonin och prostataspecifikt antigen på Roche Cobas® e801.

Hoberg, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
Biotin är ett vitamin som finns naturligt i livsmedel och det dagliga intaget nås via födan. Höga doser biotintillskott samt höga doser biotin i läkemedel, kan leda till biotininterferens i kliniska immunokemiska analyser. Roche Diagnostics® vill införa nya reagens med högre tröskel för biotininterferens för att minska risken för biotininterferens vid analys av patientplasma. Därför var syftet med studien att metodverifiera fyra nya reagens från Roche Diagnostics® som används vid diagnostisering och behandling av hjärtsvikt, sepsis, och prostatacancer. De fyra reagensen, Elecsys® proBNP II, Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT, Elecsys® total PSA samt Elecsys® free PSA metodverifierades för att användas på Cobas® e801. Studiematerialet bestod av 20 patientprover av litiumheparinplasma per reagens (totalt 80 patientprover). Resultatet av verifieringen av Elecsys® proBNP II visade en korrelation till det befintliga reagenset på r = 0,9998 och Bland-Altman analys visade en spridning av resultaten på &lt; 10 %; inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 1,56 %. Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT hade en korrelation på r = 0,9997 och Bland-Altman analysen visade en spridning på &gt; 10 %; inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 1,70 %. För Elecsys® total PSA och free PSA fanns korrelationen till det befintliga reagenset på r = 1 respektive 0,9997 och Bland- Altman analysen visade en spridning på &lt; 10 % hos båda reagensen. Inomserieprecisionsstudien gav CV 0,44 % respektive CV 2,67 %. Resultaten för samtliga reagens uppvisar god korrelation till det befintliga reagenset och en hög mätnoggrannhet vilket talar för att de fyra nya reagensen kan tas i bruk. / Biotin is naturally found in foods, and we obtain this vitamin through our daily diet. Biotin supplements as well as high doses of biotin in drugs can lead to biotin interference in clinical immunochemical analyzes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to methodically verify four new reagents from Roche Diagnostics® with a higher threshold for biotin interference, used in the diagnosis and treatment of heart faliure, sepsis and prostate cancer. The four reagents, Elecsys® proBNP II, Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT, Elecsys® total PSA and Elecsys® free PSA were method-verified for use on Cobas® e801. The study material consisted of 20 patient samples of lithium heparin plasma per reagent. In total 80 samples were analyzed.The result of the verification of Elecsys® proBNP II showed a correlation to the existing reagent of r = 0.9998 and Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of the results of &lt;10 %. The withinseries precision study yielded CV 1.56 %. Elecsys® BRAHMS PCT had a correlation of r = 0.9997 and the Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of &gt; 10 %. The withinseries precision study gave CV 1.70 %. For Elecsys® total PSA and free PSA, the correlation to the existing reagent was r = 1 and 0.9997, respectively, and the Bland-Altman analysis showed a distribution of &lt;10 % in both reagents. The withinseries precision study yielded CV 0.44 % and CV 2.67 % respectively.The results for all reagents show a good correlation to the existing reagent and a high accuracy of measurement, which indicates that the four new reagents can be used.

Correlation of Different Serum Biomarkers with Prediction of Early Pancreatic Graft Dysfunction Following Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation

Jahn, Nora, Voelker, Maria Theresa, Laudi, Sven, Stehr, Sebastian, Schneeberger, Stefan, Brandacher, Gerald, Sucher, Elisabeth, Rademacher, Sebastian, Seehofer, Daniel, Sucher, Robert, Hau, Hans Michael 05 October 2023 (has links)
Background: Despite recent advances and refinements in perioperative management of simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplantation (SPKT) early pancreatic graft dysfunction (ePGD) remains a critical problem with serious impairment of early and long-term graft function and outcome. Hence, we evaluated a panel of classical blood serum markers for their value in predicting early graft dysfunction in patients undergoing SPKT. Methods: From a prospectively collected database medical data of 105 patients undergoing SPKT between 1998 and 2018 at our center were retrospectively analyzed. The primary study outcome was the detection of occurrence of early pancreatic graft dysfunction (ePGD), the secondary study outcome was early renal graft dysfunction (eRGD) as well as all other outcome parameters associated with the graft function. In this context, ePGD was defined as pancreas graft-related complications including graft pancreatitis, pancreatic abscess/peritonitis, delayed graft function, graft thrombosis, bleeding, rejection and the consecutive need for re-laparotomy due to graft-related complications within 3 months. With regard to analyzing ePGD, serum levels of white blood cell count (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), pancreatic lipase as well as neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet–lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were measured preoperatively and at postoperative days (POD) 1, 2, 3 and 5. Further, peak serum levels of CRP and lipase during the first 72 h were evaluated. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves were performed to assess their predictive value for ePGD and eRGD. Cut-off levels were calculated with the Youden index. Significant diagnostic biochemical cut-offs as well as other prognostic clinical factors were tested in a multivariate logistic regression model. Results: Of the 105 patients included, 43 patients (41%) and 28 patients (27%) developed ePGD and eRGD following SPKT, respectively. The mean WBC, PCT, NLR, PLR, CRP and lipase levels were significantly higher on most PODs in the ePGD group compared to the non-ePGD group. ROC analysis indicated that peak lipase (AUC: 0.82) and peak CRP levels (AUC: 0.89) were highly predictive for ePGD after SPKT. The combination of both achieved the highest AUC (0.92; p < 0.01) in predicting ePGD. Concerning eRGD, predictive accuracy of all analyzed serological markers was moderate (all AUC < 0.8). Additionally, multivariable analysis identified previous dialysis/no preemptive transplantation (OR 2.4 (95% CI: 1.41–4.01), p = 0.021), donor age (OR 1.07 (95% CI: 1.03–1.14), p < 0.010), donor body mass index (OR 1.32 (95% CI: 1.01–1.072), p = 0.04), donors cerebrovascular cause of death (OR 7.8 (95% CI: 2.21–26.9), p < 0.010), donor length of ICU stay (OR 1.27 (95% CI: 1.08–1.49), p < 0.010), as well as CIT pancreas (OR 1.07 (95% CI: 1.03–1.14), p < 0.010) as clinical relevant prognostic predictors for ePGD. Further, a peak of lipase (OR 1.04 (95% CI: 1.02–1.07), p < 0.010), peak of CRP levels (OR 1.12 (95% CI: 1.02–1.23), p < 0.010), pancreatic serum lipase concentration on POD 2 > 150 IU/L (OR 2.9 (95% CI: 1.2–7.13), p = 0.021) and CRP levels of ≥ 180 ng/mL on POD 2 (OR 3.6 (95% CI: 1.54–8.34), p < 0.01) and CRP levels > 150 ng/mL on POD 3 (OR 4.5 (95% CI: 1.7–11.4), p < 0.01) were revealed as independent biochemical predictive variables for ePGD after transplantation. Conclusions: In the current study, the combination of peak lipase and CRP levels were highly effective in predicting early pancreatic graft dysfunction development following SPKT. In contrast, for early renal graft dysfunction the predictive value of this parameter was less sensitive. Intensified monitoring of these parameters may be helpful for identifying patients at a higher risk of pancreatic ischemia reperfusion injury and various IRI- associated postoperative complications leading to ePGD and thus deteriorated outcome.

Comparação entre os biomarcadores inflamatórios procalcitonina (PCT), interleucina-6 (IL-6) e proteína-C reativa (PCR) para diagnóstico infeccioso e evolução de febre em pacientes neutropênicos submetidos a transplante de células tron / Comparison between inflammatory biomarkers procaltinonin (PCT), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) for infection diagnosis and fever evolution in neutropenic patients, submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)

Massaro, Karin Schmidt Rodrigues 25 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: No presente estudo foram avaliados biomarcadores na ocorrência de febre em pacientes neutropênicos após transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH). Objetivo: O objetivo principal foi avaliar os valores séricos de biomarcadores: proteína C reativa (PCR), procalcitonina (PCT) e IL-6 (interleucina-6) que possam identificar precocemente infecção em TCTH. Outro objetivo foi fatores de risco para óbito nessa população. Métodos: Os biomarcadores foram avaliados em um estudo prospectivo que incluiu 296 pacientes neutropênicos, submetidos a TCTH autólogo ou alogênico. Os biomarcadores PCT, PCR e IL-6 foram dosados nos seguintes momentos:dia da neutropenia constatada sem febre, evento febril ou hipotermia (T < 35ºC), 24 h após a febre ou hipotermia, 72 horas após a febre ou hipotermia e febre prolongada ou seja 48 horas após a coleta no momento anterior ou na persistência da febre, cinco dias após a coleta no momento anterior. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais, foram avaliados até a evolução para alta ou o óbito, em uma planilha Excel® 2003 e foram processados pelos programas SPSS e STATA. Os pacientes foram classificados nos seguintes grupos (I- afebril; II- febre de origem indeterminada FOI e III- febre clinica ou microbiologicamente comprovada) em relação a cada marcador estudado (PCT, PCR e IL-6). Foram feitos cálculos para estabelecer área sob a curva ROC, sensibilidade, especificidade, para avaliação da febre e óbito. Para avaliar o desfecho óbito foi realizada análise multivariada com regressão logística stepwise. Resultados: Dos 296 pacientes, 190 apresentaram febre. Duzentos e dezesseis (73%) foram submetidos a transplantes autólogos e 80 (27,0%) alogênicos. Dos 80 casos de TCTH alogênicos 74 (92,6%) eram aparentados e apenas 6 (7,4%) aparentados. Dos 80 casos alogênicos 69 (86,3%) eram fullmatch e 11(13,7%) mismatch. Em relação aos grupos já citados acima, temos a seguinte distribuição: grupo I: 106 pacientes (35,8%); grupo II: 112 pacientes (37,8%) e grupo III: 78 (26,4%). Os valores de média e mediana da IL-6 no momento afebril no grupo I em relação ao grupo II (p = 0,013), apresentando valor significativamente maiores. Os níveis da PCR no grupo I diferiram de forma significativa dos encontrados no grupo III (p < 0,05). Os grupos diferiram em relação aos níveis de IL-6 e de PCR no momento febril. O grupo II apresentou concentrações de IL-6 e de PCR significativamente menores que o grupo III. Os melhores valores de corte de PCT para os momentos de coleta: febre, 24 horas após a febre, 72 horas de febre, e febre prolongada foram respectivamente: 0,32; 0,47; 0,46 e 0,35?g/L. No momento da febre a sensibilidade foi 52,3 e a especificidade 52,6 para o diagnóstico de infecção. Os melhores valores de corte de PCR para os momentos de febre, 24 horas após, 72 horas após e febre prolongada foram, respectivamente: 79, 120, 108 e 72 mg/L. No momento da febre a sensibilidade foi 55,4 e especificidade foi 55,1. Os melhores valores de corte de IL-6 para os momentos de febre, 24 h após, 72 horas após a febre e febre prolongada foram respectivamente: 34, 32, 16 e 9 pg/mL. A sensibilidade e especificidade no momento da febre foram respectivamente: 59,8 e 59,7. Na análise dos três biomarcadores no grupo de pacientes autólogos, verifica-se que só a IL-6 apresenta valores significativos nos momentos iniciais (afebril, febre e 24 horas após a febre). Os seguintes fatores de risco independentes foram identificados na análise multivariada: doador aparentado, doador não aparentado, infecção por Gram-negativo, DHL >= 390 (UI/L), ureia >= 25 (mg/dL) e PCR >= 120 (mg/L). Conclusões: IL-6 e PCR têm associação com diagnóstico precoce de infecção clinica ou microbiologicamente confirmada em neutropenia febril após TCTH. A associação dos três marcadores não apresentou nenhuma vantagem, e não melhorou a acurácia diagnóstica. A IL-6 foi o único biomarcador significativamente associado de forma precoce com infecção quando avaliado apenas pacientes submetidos a TCTH autólogos As variáveis independentes associadas com óbito foram: transplante alogênico, infecção por Gram-negativos, DHL >= 390UI/L no momento da febre e ureia >= 25 mg/dL no momento da febre e PCR >= 120 (mg/L) / Introduction: In the present study, biomarkers were assessed in the occurrence of fever in neutropenic patients upon hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Objective: The main objective was to assess the serum values of biomarkers: C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and IL-6 (interleukin-6) which can early identify infection in HSCT. Another objective was risk factors for death in that population. Methods: The biomarkers were assessed in a prospective study which comprised 296 neutropenic patients submitted to autologous or allogeneic HSCT. The biomarkers PCT, CRP and IL-6 were dosed at the following moments: day of afebrile neutropenia, febrile event or hypothermia (T < 35ºC), 24 h upon fever or hypothermia, 72 hours upon fever or hypothermia and long-standing fever, that is, 48 hours upon the last sampling or at fever persistence, five days upon the last sampling. The clinical and laboratory data were assessed up to the evolution to discharge or death, in an Excel® 2003 spreadsheet and were processed by the SPSS and STATA software. Patients were classified in the following groups (I- afebrile; II- fever of unknown origin FUO and III- clinically or microbiologically proven fever) in regard to each biomarker studied (PCT, CRP and IL-6). Calculations were made to establish the area under the ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, for the assessment of the evolution and death. In order to assess the death outcome, a multivariate analysis with stepwise logistic regression was conducted. Results: Out of the 296 patients, 190 had fever. Two hundred and sixteen (73%) were submitted to autologous transplantations and 80 (27.0%) to allogeneic ones. Out of the 80 cases of allogeneic HSCT, 74 (92.6%) were related and only 6 (7.4%) were unrelated. Out of the 80 allogeneic cases, 69 (86.3%) were fullmatch and 11(13.7%) were mismatch. In regard to the groups mentioned above, we have the following distribution: group I: 106 patients (35.8%); group II: 112 patients (37.8%) and group III: 78 patients (26.4%). The mean and median values of IL-6 at fever onset in group I in regard to group II (p = 0.013), presenting significantly higher values. The levels of CRP in group I differed significantly from those found in group III (p < 0.05). The groups differed in regard to the levels of IL-6 and CRP at fever onset. Group II presented IL-6 and CRP concentrations significantly lower than group III. The best cut-off values of PCT for sampling: fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours of fever, and long-standing fever were, respectively: 0.32; 0.47; 0.46 and 0.35?g/L. At fever onset, sensitivity was 52.3 and specificity 52.6 for infection diagnosis. The best cut-off values of CRP for fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours upon fever and long-standing fever were, respectively: 79, 120, 108 and 72 mg/L. At fever onset, sensitivity was 55.4 and specificity was 55.1. The best cut-off values of IL-6 for fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours upon fever and long-standing fever were, respectively: 34, 32, 16 and 9 pg/mL. At fever onset, sensitivity and specificity were, respectively: 59.8 and 59.7. In the analysis of the three biomarkers in the group of autologous patients, it is observed that only IL-6 presents significant values at initial moments (afebrile, fever and 24 hours upon fever). The following independent risk factors were identified in the multivariate analysis: related donor, unrelated donor, Gram-negative infection, DHL >= 390 (UI/L), urea >= 25 (mg/dL) and CRP>=120 (mg/L). Conclusions: IL-6 and CRP are associated to the early diagnosis of clinically or microbiologically confirmed infection in post-HSCT febrile neutropenia. The association of the three biomarkers did not present any advantage, nor did it improve diagnostic accuracy. IL-6 was the only biomarker significantly associated at an early stage with infection when assessed only in patients submitted to autologous HSCT. The independent variables associated with death were: allogeneic transplantation, Gram-negative infection, DHL >= 390UI/L at fever onset and urea >= 25 mg/dL at fever onset and PCR >= 120 (mg/L)

Comparação entre os biomarcadores inflamatórios procalcitonina (PCT), interleucina-6 (IL-6) e proteína-C reativa (PCR) para diagnóstico infeccioso e evolução de febre em pacientes neutropênicos submetidos a transplante de células tron / Comparison between inflammatory biomarkers procaltinonin (PCT), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) for infection diagnosis and fever evolution in neutropenic patients, submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)

Karin Schmidt Rodrigues Massaro 25 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: No presente estudo foram avaliados biomarcadores na ocorrência de febre em pacientes neutropênicos após transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH). Objetivo: O objetivo principal foi avaliar os valores séricos de biomarcadores: proteína C reativa (PCR), procalcitonina (PCT) e IL-6 (interleucina-6) que possam identificar precocemente infecção em TCTH. Outro objetivo foi fatores de risco para óbito nessa população. Métodos: Os biomarcadores foram avaliados em um estudo prospectivo que incluiu 296 pacientes neutropênicos, submetidos a TCTH autólogo ou alogênico. Os biomarcadores PCT, PCR e IL-6 foram dosados nos seguintes momentos:dia da neutropenia constatada sem febre, evento febril ou hipotermia (T < 35ºC), 24 h após a febre ou hipotermia, 72 horas após a febre ou hipotermia e febre prolongada ou seja 48 horas após a coleta no momento anterior ou na persistência da febre, cinco dias após a coleta no momento anterior. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais, foram avaliados até a evolução para alta ou o óbito, em uma planilha Excel® 2003 e foram processados pelos programas SPSS e STATA. Os pacientes foram classificados nos seguintes grupos (I- afebril; II- febre de origem indeterminada FOI e III- febre clinica ou microbiologicamente comprovada) em relação a cada marcador estudado (PCT, PCR e IL-6). Foram feitos cálculos para estabelecer área sob a curva ROC, sensibilidade, especificidade, para avaliação da febre e óbito. Para avaliar o desfecho óbito foi realizada análise multivariada com regressão logística stepwise. Resultados: Dos 296 pacientes, 190 apresentaram febre. Duzentos e dezesseis (73%) foram submetidos a transplantes autólogos e 80 (27,0%) alogênicos. Dos 80 casos de TCTH alogênicos 74 (92,6%) eram aparentados e apenas 6 (7,4%) aparentados. Dos 80 casos alogênicos 69 (86,3%) eram fullmatch e 11(13,7%) mismatch. Em relação aos grupos já citados acima, temos a seguinte distribuição: grupo I: 106 pacientes (35,8%); grupo II: 112 pacientes (37,8%) e grupo III: 78 (26,4%). Os valores de média e mediana da IL-6 no momento afebril no grupo I em relação ao grupo II (p = 0,013), apresentando valor significativamente maiores. Os níveis da PCR no grupo I diferiram de forma significativa dos encontrados no grupo III (p < 0,05). Os grupos diferiram em relação aos níveis de IL-6 e de PCR no momento febril. O grupo II apresentou concentrações de IL-6 e de PCR significativamente menores que o grupo III. Os melhores valores de corte de PCT para os momentos de coleta: febre, 24 horas após a febre, 72 horas de febre, e febre prolongada foram respectivamente: 0,32; 0,47; 0,46 e 0,35?g/L. No momento da febre a sensibilidade foi 52,3 e a especificidade 52,6 para o diagnóstico de infecção. Os melhores valores de corte de PCR para os momentos de febre, 24 horas após, 72 horas após e febre prolongada foram, respectivamente: 79, 120, 108 e 72 mg/L. No momento da febre a sensibilidade foi 55,4 e especificidade foi 55,1. Os melhores valores de corte de IL-6 para os momentos de febre, 24 h após, 72 horas após a febre e febre prolongada foram respectivamente: 34, 32, 16 e 9 pg/mL. A sensibilidade e especificidade no momento da febre foram respectivamente: 59,8 e 59,7. Na análise dos três biomarcadores no grupo de pacientes autólogos, verifica-se que só a IL-6 apresenta valores significativos nos momentos iniciais (afebril, febre e 24 horas após a febre). Os seguintes fatores de risco independentes foram identificados na análise multivariada: doador aparentado, doador não aparentado, infecção por Gram-negativo, DHL >= 390 (UI/L), ureia >= 25 (mg/dL) e PCR >= 120 (mg/L). Conclusões: IL-6 e PCR têm associação com diagnóstico precoce de infecção clinica ou microbiologicamente confirmada em neutropenia febril após TCTH. A associação dos três marcadores não apresentou nenhuma vantagem, e não melhorou a acurácia diagnóstica. A IL-6 foi o único biomarcador significativamente associado de forma precoce com infecção quando avaliado apenas pacientes submetidos a TCTH autólogos As variáveis independentes associadas com óbito foram: transplante alogênico, infecção por Gram-negativos, DHL >= 390UI/L no momento da febre e ureia >= 25 mg/dL no momento da febre e PCR >= 120 (mg/L) / Introduction: In the present study, biomarkers were assessed in the occurrence of fever in neutropenic patients upon hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Objective: The main objective was to assess the serum values of biomarkers: C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and IL-6 (interleukin-6) which can early identify infection in HSCT. Another objective was risk factors for death in that population. Methods: The biomarkers were assessed in a prospective study which comprised 296 neutropenic patients submitted to autologous or allogeneic HSCT. The biomarkers PCT, CRP and IL-6 were dosed at the following moments: day of afebrile neutropenia, febrile event or hypothermia (T < 35ºC), 24 h upon fever or hypothermia, 72 hours upon fever or hypothermia and long-standing fever, that is, 48 hours upon the last sampling or at fever persistence, five days upon the last sampling. The clinical and laboratory data were assessed up to the evolution to discharge or death, in an Excel® 2003 spreadsheet and were processed by the SPSS and STATA software. Patients were classified in the following groups (I- afebrile; II- fever of unknown origin FUO and III- clinically or microbiologically proven fever) in regard to each biomarker studied (PCT, CRP and IL-6). Calculations were made to establish the area under the ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, for the assessment of the evolution and death. In order to assess the death outcome, a multivariate analysis with stepwise logistic regression was conducted. Results: Out of the 296 patients, 190 had fever. Two hundred and sixteen (73%) were submitted to autologous transplantations and 80 (27.0%) to allogeneic ones. Out of the 80 cases of allogeneic HSCT, 74 (92.6%) were related and only 6 (7.4%) were unrelated. Out of the 80 allogeneic cases, 69 (86.3%) were fullmatch and 11(13.7%) were mismatch. In regard to the groups mentioned above, we have the following distribution: group I: 106 patients (35.8%); group II: 112 patients (37.8%) and group III: 78 patients (26.4%). The mean and median values of IL-6 at fever onset in group I in regard to group II (p = 0.013), presenting significantly higher values. The levels of CRP in group I differed significantly from those found in group III (p < 0.05). The groups differed in regard to the levels of IL-6 and CRP at fever onset. Group II presented IL-6 and CRP concentrations significantly lower than group III. The best cut-off values of PCT for sampling: fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours of fever, and long-standing fever were, respectively: 0.32; 0.47; 0.46 and 0.35?g/L. At fever onset, sensitivity was 52.3 and specificity 52.6 for infection diagnosis. The best cut-off values of CRP for fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours upon fever and long-standing fever were, respectively: 79, 120, 108 and 72 mg/L. At fever onset, sensitivity was 55.4 and specificity was 55.1. The best cut-off values of IL-6 for fever onset, 24 hours upon fever, 72 hours upon fever and long-standing fever were, respectively: 34, 32, 16 and 9 pg/mL. At fever onset, sensitivity and specificity were, respectively: 59.8 and 59.7. In the analysis of the three biomarkers in the group of autologous patients, it is observed that only IL-6 presents significant values at initial moments (afebrile, fever and 24 hours upon fever). The following independent risk factors were identified in the multivariate analysis: related donor, unrelated donor, Gram-negative infection, DHL >= 390 (UI/L), urea >= 25 (mg/dL) and CRP>=120 (mg/L). Conclusions: IL-6 and CRP are associated to the early diagnosis of clinically or microbiologically confirmed infection in post-HSCT febrile neutropenia. The association of the three biomarkers did not present any advantage, nor did it improve diagnostic accuracy. IL-6 was the only biomarker significantly associated at an early stage with infection when assessed only in patients submitted to autologous HSCT. The independent variables associated with death were: allogeneic transplantation, Gram-negative infection, DHL >= 390UI/L at fever onset and urea >= 25 mg/dL at fever onset and PCR >= 120 (mg/L)

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