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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Judesio objektiškai orientuoto projektavimo modeliai / Object-Oriented Movement Projecting Models

Račkauskas, Zigmantas 27 May 2005 (has links)
Topic: Object-Oriented Movement Projecting Models. The basic aim of the work is to define creation of object-oriented animation on Internet. In order to reach the given target, the following tasks are set: to analyse projecting systems; to review object-oriented programming languages with the possibility to create movement (animation) for Internet; to create a number of movement models. New in the work is that in Lithuania object-oriented movement modelling using UML and object-oriented programming is practically not applied, using slip animation instead. In the work I describe the following designing systems: Rational Rose, MagicDraw UML, Poseidon for UML and ArgoUML; movement creation tools: Macromedia Flash MX 2004, Corel R.A.V.E, 3D Flash Animator; Adobe LiveMotion2; object-oriented programming languages: ActionScript, Java. In the work I also give a number of object-oriented movement model examples: advertisement banner, clock, falling snow, moving man, dynamic goods catalogue. Master’s work consists of seven parts: Introduction, Computer movement models and problem analysis, Object-oriented projecting technology analysis, Object-oriented movement programming, Conclusions, Literature and information source references, Summary. The work has 46 pages. While writing the work the following steps were covered: Topic formulation, setting of targets and tasks, hypotheses formulation, source analysis, project creation and implementation, work description and conclusion... [to full text]

Web draudimo sistemų projektavimas ir kūrimas / Web insurance systems design and development

Ptak, Jelena 01 July 2014 (has links)
Tiriamasis darbas skirtas web draudimo informacinės sistemos modelio analizei ir kūrimui. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas sukonstruoti analitinį draudimo informacinės sistemos modelį, kuris atitiktų kiek įmanoma daugiau verslo sistemos logiką, bei turėtu internetinį interfeisą, kuris leistų vartotojui dirbti nepriklausomai nuo jo buvimo vietos ir laiko. Darbe nagrinėjama ne tik techninė dalis, t.y. kaip sukurti sistemą, bet ir projektinė modelio dalis, t.y. kokia sistema turi būti, tam kad draudimo bendrovė galėtų tvarkingai funkcionuoti. Tiriamajam darbui buvo pasirinktas indukcinis tyrimo metodas, t.y. autoriai analizavo egzistuojančias draudimo informacinių sistemų modelius, bei pritaikė savo patyrimą ir žinias, kad sukurti naują web draudimo informacinę sistemą. Šio tiriamojo darbo rezultatas yra labai naudingas draudimo bendrovėms, kurios jau naudoja sukurtą web sistemą. Ši sistema palaiko beveik visas verslo logikos ypatybes, bei leidžia automatizuoti dalį rankinių procesų. Pagrindinis sukurto modelio privalumas yra sistemos pernešamumo savybė, t.y. draudimo sistemos modelis su nedidelėm išlygom gali būti pritaikytas bet kokiai draudimo bendrovei. Taip pat sukurti greito sistemos vystymo metodai supaprastina produktų kūrimo procesą, bei sumažina sistemos apkrovimą, kas leidžia minimizuoti kompanijos išteklius. / The key concept of the research proposed by the paper is to analyze the processes of Web insurance information system design and development. To put it in some more simplified words the main objective of the research is to develop analytical insurance information system model, which would confront at the highest possible level, to the business logics, moreover would have Internet interface, which would provide users with favorable working conditions independently on the time and place. The purpose of the study is multipartite: • To analyze existing insurance information systems; • To provide Web insurance information system design mechanism; • To develop open interface algorithms; • To improve business processes over their execution time and reliability; • To construct product manager; • To evaluate and compare created system with competitor’ products. The research paper analyzes not only technical, but theoretical issues as well. It describes the main aspect of the “ideal” insurance information system that any developer should implicate in the design process. Due to inductive nature of the research existing insurance systems were analyzed and personal experience was included in the new web-based insurance system creation process. The results provided by this research paper are very useful and important for insurance companies. Moreover some of them already use the newly created product. The main odds of developed model is its portability, meaning that due to the open... [to full text]

Web draudimo sistemų projektavimas ir kūrimas / Web insurance systems design and development

Kulačenkovas, Aleksandras 01 July 2014 (has links)
Tiriamasis darbas skirtas web draudimo informacinės sistemos modelio analizei ir kūrimui. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas sukonstruoti analitinį draudimo informacinės sistemos modelį, kuris atitiktų kiek įmanoma daugiau verslo sistemos logiką, bei turėtu internetinį interfeisą, kuris leistų vartotojui dirbti nepriklausomai nuo jo buvimo vietos ir laiko. Darbe nagrinėjama ne tik techninė dalis, t.y. kaip sukurti sistemą, bet ir projektinė modelio dalis, t.y. kokia sistema turi būti, tam kad draudimo bendrovė galėtų tvarkingai funkcionuoti. Tiriamajam darbui buvo pasirinktas indukcinis tyrimo metodas, t.y. autoriai analizavo egzistuojančias draudimo informacinių sistemų modelius, bei pritaikė savo patyrimą ir žinias, kad sukurti naują web draudimo informacinę sistemą. Šio tiriamojo darbo rezultatas yra labai naudingas draudimo bendrovėms, kurios jau naudoja sukurtą web sistemą. Ši sistema palaiko beveik visas verslo logikos ypatybes, bei leidžia automatizuoti dalį rankinių procesų. Pagrindinis sukurto modelio privalumas yra sistemos pernešamumo savybė, t.y. draudimo sistemos modelis su nedidelėm išlygom gali būti pritaikytas bet kokiai draudimo bendrovei. Taip pat sukurti greito sistemos vystymo metodai supaprastina produktų kūrimo procesą, bei sumažina sistemos apkrovimą, kas leidžia minimizuoti kompanijos išteklius. / The key concept of the research proposed by the paper is to analyze the processes of Web insurance information system design and development. To put it in some more simplified words the main objective of the research is to develop analytical insurance information system model, which would confront at the highest possible level, to the business logics, moreover would have Internet interface, which would provide users with favorable working conditions independently on the time and place. The purpose of the study is multipartite: • To analyze existing insurance information systems; • To provide Web insurance information system design mechanism; • To develop open interface algorithms; • To improve business processes over their execution time and reliability; • To construct product manager; • To evaluate and compare created system with competitor’ products. The research paper analyzes not only technical, but theoretical issues as well. It describes the main aspect of the “ideal” insurance information system that any developer should implicate in the design process. Due to inductive nature of the research existing insurance systems were analyzed and personal experience was included in the new web-based insurance system creation process. The results provided by this research paper are very useful and important for insurance companies. Moreover some of them already use the newly created product. The main odds of developed model is its portability, meaning that due to the open... [to full text]

Meno pedagogų profesinės karjeros projektavimas (Alytaus regiono atvejis) / Professional career planning of art teachers (the case of Alytus region)

Bartusevičius, Mindaugas 27 February 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Visuomenėje įsivyrauja šiuolaikinė karjeros samprata ir naujos karjeros projektavimo tendencijos. Šiuolaikinei visuomenei ir darbo rinkai reikalingos novatoriškos, iniciatyvios, kūrybiškos, turinčios specifinių ir universalių gebėjimų asmenybės. Keičiantis visuomenės poreikiams, gebėjimas projektuoti karjerą tampa iššūkiu ne tik pedagogams. Tyrimo objektas. Meno pedagogų nuomonė apie profesinės karjeros projektavimą. Tyrimo hipotezė. Meno pedagogų profesinės karjeros projektavimas yra aktualus tolimesnei jų karjeros plėtotei. Tyrimo tikslas. Išanalizuoti meno pedagogų profesinės karjeros ypatumus bei galimybes projektuoti ir realizuoti profesines kompetencijas Alytaus regione. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis moksline literatūra išanalizuoti meno pedagogų profesinės karjeros ypatumus. 2. Atlikti kiekybinį ir kokybinį tyrimus ir atskleisti meno pedagogų karjeros projektavimo veiksnius ir kaitos tendencijas. 3. Apibendrinti teorinius ir tyrimo rezultatus bei pateikti meno pedagogų nuomonę apie profesinės karjeros būklę ir galimybes, realizuojant profesines kompetencijas. Tyrimo metodai. Teoriniai: mokslinės literatūros analizė. Empiriniai: kiekybinis ir kokybinis duomenų rinkimo metodai. Statistiniai: tyrimo metu gautų rezultatų apdorojimas ir analizė, naudojant statistinių duomenų apdorojimo programas. Tyrimo imtis. Kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas vykdytas Alytaus regiono bendrojo ugdymo įstaigose. Kiekybiniame tyrime dalyvavo įvairių meno krypčių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modern concept of the career and the design of new career trends are dominating the society. Contemporary society and the labor market need innovative, proactive, creative and versatile personalities. The ability to build teachers career becomes a challenge in the society with the changing needs. Research Object. Art teachers’ opinion about professional career development conditions. Research Hypothesis. Art teachers’ professional career development is relevant to their further career development. Research Aim. To analyze art teachers’ professional career features and capabilities and to design and implement professional competencies in Alytus district. Research Objectives: 1. To analyze art teachers’ professional career peculiarities using scientific literature. 2. To perform quantitative and qualitative research in order to reveal the art teachers career planning factors and trends that change them. 3. To summarize theoretical and research results and to provide art teachers’ professional career opportunities for the realization of professional competencies. Research Methodology. Theoretical: scientific literature analysis. Empirical: quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Statistical: processing of the research results and analysis using statistical data processing applications. Research sample. Quantitative and qualitative research conducted in Alytus district schools. In the quantitative research respondents were from different backgrounds of art:... [to full text]

Dviejų įmonių sujungimo organizacinis projektavimas AB „Kaišiadorių paukštynas“ ir AB „Vilniaus paukštynas“ sujungimo pavyzdžiu / The organizational design of merger of two companies by example of Joint stock Companies: “Kaišiadorių paukštynas” and “Vilniaus Paukštynas”

Laurinaitis, Tadas 19 June 2010 (has links)
Teorinėje darbo dalyje aprašomi įvairus kompanijų susijungimų tipai ir būdai., daugiausia orientuojamasi į gamybinėms įmonėms tinkamas, kurios turi ne vieną departamentą ir jose dirba santykinai nemaţai ţmonių Lietuvos rinkos mastu. Analizės dalyje paţymima kad bendrovėse kyla nemaţai problemų dėl komunikacijos, bendro planavimo nebuvimo. Dviejų bendrovių veiklos efektyvumo nebuvimas dėl skirtingų strategijų, bei uţdavinių, atskiro ţaliavų valdymo, logistikos dubliavimo ir t.t.. Projektinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami veiksmai kuriant organizacinį projektą atsiţvelgiant dviejų nagrinėjamų kompanijų atvejui. kuriame aprašomi palaipsniui etapai, bei pagrindiniai rinkos veiksniai tai bendra kainodaros politika bei situacija rinkoje sujungus dvejas įmones, taip pat pateikiamos prielaidos tikėtinų rezultatų sujungus bendroves pagal vieną organizacinį projektą, pritaikant linijinę funkcinę struktūrą. / In the theoretical part is describes the various types of companies mergers, types and methods, mainly oriented to the appropriate manufacturing companies, which have more than one department and have big employment relatively to Lithuanian market level. In the analytical part is noted that the companies have many problems with communication, lack of overall planning. The two companies lack the operational efficiency of different strategies and objectives of the individual commodity management and duplication of logistics and etc. In the project part of the final summary are the steps of creating an organizational design by given of the two companies' case, which describes the progressive stages, and the basic market factors is a common pricing policy and market situation of two merging companies, it is also the assumption of expected results combined company under one organizational design, using a linear functional structure.

Daugiamačių Gauso skirstinių mišinio statistinė analizė, taikant duomenų projektavimą / The Projection-based Statistical Analysis of the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Mixture

Kavaliauskas, Mindaugas 21 January 2005 (has links)
Problem of the dissertation. The Gaussian random values are very common in practice, because if a random value depends on many additive factors, according to the Central Limit Theorem (if particular conditions are satisfied), the sum is approximately from Gaussian distribution. If the observed random value belongs to one of the several classes, it is from the Gaussian distribution mixture model. The mixtures of the Gaussian distributions are common in various fields: biology, medicine, astronomy, military science and many others. The most important statistical problems are problems of mixture identification and data clustering. In case of high data dimension, these tasks are not completely solved. The new parameter estimation of the multivariate Gaussian distribution mixture model and data clustering methods are proposed and analysed in the dissertation. Since it is much easier to solve these problems in univariate case, the projection-based approach is used. The aim of the dissertation. The aim of this work is the development of constructive algorithms for distribution analysis and clustering of data from the mixture model of the Gaussian distributions.

Daugiamačiu Gauso skirstinių mišinio statistinė analizė, taikant duomenų projektavimą / The Projection-based Statistical Analysis of the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Mixture

Kavaliauskas, Mindaugas 21 January 2005 (has links)
Problem of the dissertation. The Gaussian random values are very common in practice, because if a random value depends on many additive factors, according to the Central Limit Theorem (if particular conditions are satisfied), the sum is approximately from Gaussian distribution. If the observed random value belongs to one of the several classes, it is from the Gaussian distribution mixture model. The mixtures of the Gaussian distributions are common in various fields: biology, medicine, astronomy, military science and many others. The most important statistical problems are problems of mixture identification and data clustering. In case of high data dimension, these tasks are not completely solved. The new parameter estimation of the multivariate Gaussian distribution mixture model and data clustering methods are proposed and analysed in the dissertation. Since it is much easier to solve these problems in univariate case, the projection-based approach is used. The aim of the dissertation. The aim of this work is the development of constructive algorithms for distribution analysis and clustering of data from the mixture model of the Gaussian distributions.

Mini parkai ir jų projektavimas / Pocket parks and their design

Korsakaitė, Inga 14 April 2014 (has links)
Darbe pateikiama informacija apie mini parkus ir jų projektavimą. Pateikiamas mini parko apibrėžimas, jų charakteringi bruožai. Pateikiama mini parko kūrimo, Telšių mieste, koncepcija ir projektiniai pasiūlymai. / This work object is to create a pocket park in Telsiai city project. Work objectives: Gather information about pocket parks, to analyze and summarize. Present pocket park definition. Present the pocket park's concept and design concepts.

Rūbų automatizuotojo projektavimo sistema / Clothing computer-aided design system

Vaznelytė, Raminta 29 May 2006 (has links)
Clothing computer-aided design system In this work I analysed and explored the usage and necessity of Information Technologies in the latter-day garment industry companies. I also reviewed the main sectors of this area that need to be automated with the help of computers. It was found it is necessary to simplify the wear draughtsmen’s job by introducing the Automated designing system. I found that most of the designers are still using pencil and paper to translate their ideas into action. This obviously protracts the whole process of creation of clothing. Time consuming drawing of the sketch, transfer of the sketch to the constructor, correction of the errors and many more other aspects could be improved. Also, after analysis of wear designing systems was carried out, it was noticed that the choice of software designed specially for modelling of clothes is very poor. Majority of the systems are integrated into the whole clothes designing software package and works there only as one of the accessories. Naturally the price of such software packages is very high. That means if you want to get a clothes modelling tool you have to purchase the entire software package and it leads to a change of a current system that is in use. This results in a very high cost of installation of the new system and staff training. For all the reasons above, I decided to create a separate and stand alone clothes modelling tool. To program it I used Java virtual machine therefore this software works... [to full text]

Interneto paslaugų sistemų projektavimo metodika / Method for development of systems comprised of services

Rimavičiūtė, Laura 25 May 2005 (has links)
Web services are widely used in banking, finance, insurance, tourism, e-business sectors and so on. Web services have emerged only recently, so the issues are typical for new technologies: ideas had arisen on technological level, and methods for modeling and development are coming only later. Existing development processes and notations such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks, and Business Process Modeling (BPM) provide us with capabilities to identify and describe appropriate architectural abstractions, but it’s not enough for realization of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). In this work the methodology is proposed for design of stand-alone services and combining them into larger system. Proposed methodology joins main principles of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Enterprise Architecture frameworks, and Business Process Modeling. This methodology allows to describe service-oriented models using UML diagrams and to combine them with each other. Stages of designing stand-alone services are: business modeling, requirements analysis, identification of interfaces, analysis of interface interaction, specification of components, service model (WSDL diagram) design. Designing services systems consists of following steps: use case modeling, services identification, choreography modeling, business modeling and composite service modeling. The examples of proposed methodology for designing stand-alone services and combining... [to full text]

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