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Elektroninių paslaugų realizavimo kardiologijoje tyrimas / The analysis of electronic services realization in cardiologyTamašauskas, Tomas 27 May 2005 (has links)
This work analyzes the possible ways for implementing electronical services in cardiology. There are many technologies that can be used to implement electronical services. In this case the WEB page generation and WEB services technology was chosen. There was no appropriate design pattern that matches the requirements. Front Controller is one of the possible problem solutions, but it does not describe any way of distributing the system. Front Controller design pattern is not an appropriate solution when there are huge calculations to be done and expected user count will be growing constantly. Broker design pattern solves this problem, but it has its disadvantage, that every server needs to have a real IP address. One of the constraints in this work is that server does not need to have an external IP address. The proposed broker design pattern implements task distribution through many servers solves the problem that every server does not need external IP address. The system also solves the aviliability problem, so it can handle huge number of users. Theoretical experiments proved that, when the number of users using the system is low, the Front Controller approach is more effective, but when the number of users grows at some point this approach can not handle all the user requests. In this case the proposed Broker design pattern approach solves the problem. The proposed broker design patter was successfully implemented in real life and has been tested to be functional.
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Klausimynų projektavimo šablonų kalba / A pattern language for questionnaire designŽilinskas, Tomas 16 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes a methodology presented in a pattern language for design of questionnaire / survey information systems. It is intended to be used by professional programmers with negligible experience in the domain of questionnaire / survey software. A system of individual and discrete design patterns of various types is interconnected by varying relations enabling the user to navigate effortlessly and to implement a customizable level of expertise contained within the language. The design patterns contain expert knowledge about construction and contents of a universal high-end questionnaire / survey information system. Data structures, graphical user interface and psychological ramifications of questions’ formulations are discussed in detail. The descriptions of two different prototypes of information systems are supplied. They were created using the expertise of the pattern language and serve as a proof of eligibility for it. The innovation in the thesis is driven by the absence of pattern language for questionnaire design, usage of various types of design patterns / relations in the created language and the very design of universal metadata-based questionnaire information system described in the created language.
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Automatizuotasis plieno jungčių ir mazgų brėžinių generavimas / Automatic Generation of Drawings for Steel Joint ConnectionsMatijošaitis, Darius 01 July 2010 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – sukurti programinį modulį, skirtą automatizuotam plieno jungčių ir mazgų brėžinių generavimui. Iškeltam tikslui pasiekti darbe tiriamos objektinio projektavimo technologijos ir jų taikymo galimybės kuriant automatizuotas brėžinių generavimo sistemas. Analitinėje darbo dalyje išanalizuoti moduliniai projektavimo principai ir objektinio programavimo projektavimo šablonai. Projektinėje darbo dalyje aprašoma modulinė programos sandara, analizuojamos pradinės duomenų struktūros. Aprašomos atskirai projektuojamos sistemos dalys bei pateikiama bendra suprojektuota automatizuota plieno jungčių ir mazgų brėžinių generavimo sistema. Trumpai aptariamas sudedamųjų plieno jungčių ir mazgų elementų braižymas ir vartotojo sąsajos praplėtimas. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys: problemos analizė ir formulavimas, teorinis pagrindimas, sistemos projektavimas ir realizacija. Atskiru skyriumi pateikiamas publikuotas straipsnis. Darbo apimtis 58 puslapiai teksto be priedų, 24 paveikslai, 39 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / The aim of the final work is to develop a software module for automated generation of steel joint connections drawings. The work involves investigation of object-oriented design techniques and their application to the possibility of developing an automated system for generating drawings. Analytical part of work contains analysis of the principles for modular design and object-oriented design patterns. In part of system design and implementation is described a modular program structure and an initial analysis of the data structures. Also described separately designed system parts and the total designed automated steel joint connections drawing system. Briefly described the components of steel joint connections drawing elements and user interface extension. Work consists of 3 parts: problem analysis and formulation, analytical part, system design and implementation, and published article as a separate section. Thesis consists of 58 pages text without appendixes, 24 pictures, 39 bibliographical entries.
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Rūbų automatizuotojo projektavimo sistema / Clothing computer-aided design systemVaznelytė, Raminta 29 May 2006 (has links)
Clothing computer-aided design system
In this work I analysed and explored the usage and necessity of Information Technologies in the latter-day garment industry companies. I also reviewed the main sectors of this area that need to be automated with the help of computers. It was found it is necessary to simplify the wear draughtsmen’s job by introducing the Automated designing system.
I found that most of the designers are still using pencil and paper to translate their ideas into action. This obviously protracts the whole process of creation of clothing. Time consuming drawing of the sketch, transfer of the sketch to the constructor, correction of the errors and many more other aspects could be improved. Also, after analysis of wear designing systems was carried out, it was noticed that the choice of software designed specially for modelling of clothes is very poor. Majority of the systems are integrated into the whole clothes designing software package and works there only as one of the accessories. Naturally the price of such software packages is very high. That means if you want to get a clothes modelling tool you have to purchase the entire software package and it leads to a change of a current system that is in use. This results in a very high cost of installation of the new system and staff training. For all the reasons above, I decided to create a separate and stand alone clothes modelling tool. To program it I used Java virtual machine therefore this software works... [to full text]
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Informacinė skiriamųjų operacijų štampų projektavimo sistema / The informational system to count differential operations punch pressesČerniukas, Robertas 01 June 2004 (has links)
Currently there are many programs which draw drawings, but they do not count the measurements of the detales. CAD – Computer Aided Development systems widely used in the world. Three dimensional modeling systems, like AutoCAD, 3DS Max and similar are well known. Unfortunately these systems are quite complicated and expensive. It takes a lot of time and money to train company workers to use these systems. Small companies are not capable to do it. So naturally there comes demand on more simple and cheaper systems. The main objective of this project is to create low complicated small-medium size count the measurements of the detales systems, more concrete – the informational system to count differential operations punch presses, which include GOST standart presses, punches and swages. There were made an analysis of existing punch presses planning software and customer needs in this work. In these days computer graphics usage is growing extremely fast, so naturally it increases needs to use such data into databases, transferring, standardization and so on.
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UAB „GNT Lietuva" duomenų integravimo posistemio reinžinerija / Reengineering of data integration subsystem in JSC "GNT Lietuva"Kungytė, Indrė 13 August 2010 (has links)
Atlikta duomenų integravimo procesų, metodų bei DI technologijų ir įrankių analizė siekiant rasti labiausiai tinkamą variantą įmonei. Išnagrinėti MS SQL 2005 Server SSIS paslauga, Oracle ir įmonėje veikusi MS SQL 2000 Server DTS funkcija. Duomenų integravimo įrankiai paremti ETL platforma. Tai procesai, leidžiantys kompanijoms perkelti duomenis iš įvairių šaltinių, pakeisti formatą ir įkelti juos į kitas duomenų bazes, duomenų centrus, nagrinėjimo saugyklas ar į kitas operacines sistemas palaikyti verslo procesus. Įvykdyta GNT įmonės duomenų integravimo sistemos posistemio reinžinerija naujai pasirinkta technologija. Reinžinerija yra egzistuojančios sistemos analizės ir modifikavimo procesas, atliekamas kai norima pertvarkyti sistemą. Pasirinktas informacijos apie produktus duomenų integravimo procesas, sukurtas DTS pagalba. Procesas patobulintas ir perkeltas į naują technologiją. Atlikus įmonėje veikiančių duomenų integravimo procesų analizę, pastebėtas skirtingas duomenų detalumas ir galimybė juos suskirstyti į kategorijas. Gauta informacija apibendrinta šablonu pavidalu, kuris pavadintas „Bendrinių duomenų atskyrimo šablonu“. Eksperimento metu nustatytas proceso pagreitėjimas, panaudojus sukurtą šabloną. Jis sėkmingai taikomas kitiems duomenų integravimo procesams, atliekant reinžinerią. / The research area of thesis covers various data extraction, transfer and integration methods and technologies; the main object of the research is the process of transferring data from remote subsidiaries and integrating it into one central database currently active in JSC “GNT Lietuva”. The goal of this research is to move data integration (DI) processes into a new technological environment and upgrade them without interrupting active daily DI process, ultimately creating a flexible data integration model (pattern), which could be reused in the future. Following tasks were carried out in order to achieve this goal: analysis of reengineering and data integration principles as well as new integration technologies; investigating their adaptability to the current DI processes and their improvement; implementing integration solutions and experimentation to verify the efficiency of new DI processes, and, finally, construction of a flexible integration solution. The final generated solution was formalized as a data integration pattern. Conclusions drawn from the experiment accomplished in JSC “GNT Lietuva” indicate that practical application of the pattern reduced overall duration of the DI process by 45,4%, whilst the additional application of the SSIS technology resulted in duration decrease of 81,99%. The data integration process became more flexible and new data sources can be easily incorporated from now on.
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Moksleivių mokyklos lankomumo apskaitos sistema / The account system for students school‘s attendanceBirgėlienė, Raminta 09 January 2007 (has links)
SUMMARY The account system for students school‘s attendance The purpose of the created students school‘s attendance account system is to assist teachers in registering, observing and making reports on students school‘s attendance. This work presents the of secondary school students���result attendance account transferred to the informatics system. The system includes the analysis, separable processes, adjustable structured analysis and projections‘methods, which allow dealing with a real problem and analysing it. The available material is possible to be inspected again and again according to requirement and there is possible to make reports, and it accepts necessity corrections. The accumulation of material and undivided other functions, such as the introduction of new material, information are made by teachers and school‘s administration. It is a great help for the administration to control students‘attendance. The informatics system can be possibly replaced, improved a by requests of the administration. The installed operation programs are: „Microsoft SQL Server 2000“, „Microsoft Access 2003“.
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Užsiėmimų tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistema / Scheduling and Course Planning SystemGabrienė, Vitalija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Informacinių technologijų srityje tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistemos nėra naujas dalykas, tačiau sistemos turi būti projektuojamos atsižvelgiant tiek į bendrus, tiek į individulius poreikius kiekvienai švietimo įstaigai. Norint pradėti projektuoti sistemą riekia žinoti kokį rezultatą norime gauti ir parinkti priemones reikalingas sistemai kurti. Kokia kalba bus sistema projektuojama, kaip bus kuriama duomenų bazė ir kokie duomenys bus įvedami, kaip jie bus saugomi, keičiami., kokios bus programos galimybės. Gauti norimą rezultatą padėjo formacija apie jau egzistuojančias panašias tvarkaraščių programas, jų privalumus bei trūkumus. Informacija apie projekto užsakovą, jo poreikius ir reikalavimus padės optimaliai spręsti iškeltą uždavin��. / The goal of this work is to create Scheduling and Course Planning System which should help to organize courses and make timetables in more convenient, simple and effective way. This system should satisfy the requirements of lecturers and students. The system should be able to keep initial data necessary for generation of diagrams and reports. The initial data can be modified by the users of this system.
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Informacinės sistemos reikalavimų modelio atvaizdavimas į projektą, remiantis RUP / Mapping information system requirements to design, according to RUP principlesTekoriūtė, Orinta 06 March 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe siekiama padidinti informacijos sistemų kūrimo proceso automatizavimo laipsnį, taip palengvinant IS kūrėjų darbą. Darbe tobulinamas IS reikalavimų analizės ir transformavimo į projektą metodas EMDA (angl. Extended Model Driven Approach), kuris automatizuoja transformaciją iš reikalavimų į projekto modelį. Ši transformacija skirta paslaugų informacinėms sistemoms ir remiasi vienu pasiūlytu architektūriniu būsenų koordinatoriaus šablonu, pagal kurį atlieka transformaciją ir reikalavimų į projektą. Šiame darbe EMDA metodas tobulinamas, sukuriant transformaciją iš reikalavimų į projekto modelį, remiantis kitu informacinių sistemų kūrimo metodu RUP (angl. Rational Unified Process) bei MVC (angl. Model-View-Controller) architektūriniu šablonu. Darbe aprašomas siūlomas transformavimo algoritmas ir jo realizacija, panaudojant CASE įrankį MagicDraw. Sukurtas sistemos vedlys (angl. Wizard) leidžia išvengti klasių diagramos kūrimo rankiniu būdu, taip automatizuojant diagramos (ir jos elementų) kūrimą. / This work aims to increase the degree of automation of information system development process, thus facilitating the work of developers. Extended Model Driven Approach (EMDA) automates the transformation from the requirements to the design model, based on only one architectural pattern (State Coordinator) and performs the transformation using this pattern. The method proposed in this work was developed by creating a transformation of the requirements to the project model, based on other information systems development approach RUP (Rational Unified Process) and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. The proposed transformation algorithm was implemented in as an extension to CASE tool MagicDraw. Developed system wizard automates the creation of class diagram (and its elements).
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Žiniatinklio portalų kūrimo ir projektavimo metodika / Web application development methologyŽilinskas, Tadas 25 May 2004 (has links)
The nature of Web system development is significantly different from conventional software development. Good method for system development is needed. Analysis show, that main known system development methods are good at describing static web application aspects, but does not provide a good description for modeling web application behavioral characteristics.
This work uses model driven approach as one, suitable for dealing with web application development problems. The key aspect of model driven approach is specifying system domain model independent of any particular technology (J2EE, Microsoft .NET, etc.) and then generating platform specific model or its implementation. The UML is user-friendly, easy to use and is useful for describing system effectively. Specification expressed in terms of UML can be rendered into an XML document using the OMG’s XMI DTD for UML, which makes UML suitable for model driven approach implementation.
In this work, method for specifying application behavior design using UML was presented. This method gives rules for specifying web application behavior model, suitable for its implementation code generation. The main components used in today’s web application which implementation could be generated from the model were also described. It was shown, that it is possible to generate much of implementation, just using such a model representation in XMI.
The main idea presented in this work is that web application development should be model driven as... [to full text]
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